Gymnastics Festival - 25.11.14

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Little Sutton
Ellesmere Port,
Cheshire CH66 3RL

Tel: 0151 338 2220

Fax: 0151 348 1738

Headteacher: Mrs R Flanders

Dear Parents / Carers,
20 th November 2014

Your child has been selected to represent Parklands in a gymnastics festival at Childer Thornton Primary
School on Tuesday 25th November.
Your child will be transported to and from Childer Thornton Primary in staff cars. They will leave
Parklands at 9.15 and return at 2.30 approximately. During the morning, children will receive tuition from a
specialist coach, followed by a competition in the afternoon.
Your child will be provided with a packed lunch from school as all infants now receive free meals. If you
are intending to send a packed lunch from home, rather than have a school lunch, please tick below.
Your child should come to school dressed in their PE kit with their pumps. They should also bring their
school sweatshirt and a pair of tracksuit trousers, if they have them, to wear whilst travelling to Childer
If you consent to your child participating in this event, please sign and return the slip below by Friday 21 st
Please contact school if you have any queries or require any additional information.
Yours sincerely,
R. Flanders

Gymnastic Festival @ Childer Thornton Primary School on Tuesday 25 th November

I give permission for (name of child) take
part in the Gymnastic Festival @ Childer Thornton Primary School
I will provide my child with a packed lunch
I give permission for my child to be photographed
I give permission for my child to receive first aid should it be required

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