Little Flowers EM Blaiklock AC Keys
Little Flowers EM Blaiklock AC Keys
Little Flowers EM Blaiklock AC Keys
The Lit t le Flowers
o f Saint Francis
The Acts of Saint Francis and
His Companions
Translated by
Professor E. M. Blaiklock
and Professor A. C. Keys
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Copyright 1985 by Professor E. M. Blaiklock and
Professor A. C. Keys
All rights reserved.
Cover Illustration by Giotto. Courtesy Scalla/Art
Resource, NY
Published by Servant Books
P.O. Box 8617
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107
Original edition published in 1985 by Hodder &
Stoughton, London
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Actus Bead Francisci et sociorum ejus. English.
The litde flowers of St. Francis.
Translation of: Acuts Bead Francisci et sociorum ejus.
Editor: Paul Sabatier.
1. Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226Legends.
I. Blaiklock, E.M. II. Keys, A.C. III. Sabatier,
Paul, 1858-1928. IV. Title. V. Tide: Litde flowers
of Saint Francis.
BX4700.F62E5 1986 271.3024 85-30396
ISBN 0-89283-300-9
1. A record of notable facts concerning Saint Francis
and his companions / 1
~"2. Humility and obedience / 5
3. An angel accompanies Brother Bernard / 7
4. Brother Bernard goes to Bologna /II
~5. The gende death of Brother Bernard / 14
6. The lenten fast of Saint Francis / 16
7. Only in the Cross is there perfect happiness / 17
8. Brother Leos godlike talk / 20
9. The discovery of Mount Alverna and Brother Leos
vision / 22
10. Brother Masseo examines Saint Franciss
humility / 29
11. Saint Francis realizes what Brother Masseo
concealed / 30
12. Brother Masseo is tested / 33
13. Saint Francis elevates Brother Masseo / 34
14. Christ appears to the Brothers / 37
15. Saint Francis and Saint Clare / 39
16. God reveals that Saint Francis is to go out and
preach / 41
17. Saint Francis dislikes the name master / 45
18. The manner of Saint Franciss death is
revealed / 46
19. Christ and the heavenly host speak with Saint
Francis / 49
20. The general resolution / 51
21. God speaks to Saint Francis / 54
22. Saint Francis appears in glory / 57
23. Saint Francis tames a ravenous wolf / 59
24. Saint Francis frees the turtle doves / 63
25. Saint Francis prophesies the status of his
order/ 64
26. A vision / 68
27. The Sultan of Babylon is converted / 69
28. A leper is cured / 71
29. Three robbers are converted / 74
30. Brother Bernard is absorbed in worship / 80
31. The Devil appears to Brother Ruffino / 82
32. Brother Ruffino obeys / 85
33. Brother Ruffino liberates a possessed man / 88
34. Brother Ruffino witnesses the stigmata / 89
35. Brother Ruffino is specially chosen / 90
36. Saint Francis converts two nobles / 92
37. Brother Ricerio is freed from temptation / 94
38. Saint Francis appears to Brother Leo / 96
39. Brother Leo witnesses Saint Franciss
elevation / 98
40. The miracle of the stigmata / 100
41. Christ appears to Brother Masseo / 102
42. Saint Clare is taken to Saint Franciss
Church / 104
43. Saint Clare imprints the Cross on loaves of
bread / 105
44. Lady Jacoba visits Brother Giles / 107
45. Brother Giles talks about the Virgin / 111
46. Brother Giles and Saint Louis, King of
France / 112
47. Brother Giles advises Brother James / 113
48. Saint Antony is understood in many
languages / 114
49. Saint Antony converts many heretics / 115
50. Brother Conrad converts a young man / 118
51. Brother John is caught up in the infiniteness
of God / 120
52. Brother John sees Christ in his glory / 122
53. The blessed Virgin appears to Brother
Conrad / 125
54. Christ appears to Brother John / 128
55. A heavenly answer is given to Brother John / 134
56. Brother Johnsvision while celebrating mass/135
57. Brother John speaks to Saint Francis / 136
58. Brother John acquires the Spirit of revelation/139
59. Brother Leos vision / 140
60. A mighty tyrant is converted / 141
61. Saint Franciss dislike of study / 145
62. Saint Francis forbids the Brothers to retain
property / 146
63. Three things displeasing to Christ / 147
64. Brother Leos vision of judgment / 148
65. Tribulation in the Order / 149
66. A soldiers constancy / 150
67. A noble friar refuses to go begging / 151
68. The blessed Virgin appears to a sick brother /152
69. An angel of the Lord speaks to Brother John /153
70. A vision of brothers being condemned / 157
71. A rich knight is converted / 159
72. The case of Brother Elias / 159
73. Brother Simon delivers another from
temptation / 161
74. The two apparitions to Brother Peter of
Montecchio / 163
75. Brother Pacifico in prayer / 165
76. Brother James of Massas vision / 166
Th is t r a n s l a t io n of the Acts of Saint Francis and his
Companions comprises all seventy-six chapters of the
Latin text edited and first published in 1902 by Paul
Sabatier, a biographer of Saint Francis. Some fifty-
three chapters, in modified form and translated into
Italian, together with additional material, were in
corporated into the better-known Little Flowers of Saint
Francis, which belong to the later fourteenth century.
The old theory that these Fioretti were a translation of a
hypothetical Floretum (Latin for anthology) is now
discredited. To the original Fioretti of the fifty-three
chapters was later added material from at least five'
different sources. All this enhances the value and
interest of the original Actus SanctiFrancisciet sociorum
eius. The author of most (not all) of the Actus was
Brother Ugolino da Monte Santa Maria, writing some
hundred years after the death of Saint Francis
Saint Francis was born in the little town of Assisi,
the son of a prosperous merchant. History would have
it that he was travelling on business in France when his
son was born and the mother named her new born son
John, in honor of the well-loved disciple, but upon
returning with rich profits, he re-named him Francis
after the country which had been the scene of his
recent success! Thus from the start legends and stories
abound about this remarkable man whose ministry
still has a great impact.
However, the first twenty-four years of his life were
spent in luxury as he indulged his taste for fun and
splendor, winning the sobriquet of the flower of
youth. When he reached twenty-four, a war between
the city states of Assisi and Perugia broke out. Francis
was taken prisoner and languished in captivity for over
a year. Once freed, he returned home, but suffered
from various illnesses for a period of years. He had
ample time to think and began to long for a sense of
purpose and meaning to his life.
It was the great age of chivalry, and at first he
dreamt of riding out to redress wrong and crusade for
the poor and weak. Gradually, he began to devote
himself to the poor and the sick, being particularly
touched by the abject poverty of the lepers, of whom
there were many at that time.
He embarked diligently on his new-found mission
and within a period of two years restored three
churches and gained twelve disciples, the first being
Bernard of Quintavalle. Within eleven years the
Brothers grew to more than five thousand, all having
taken a vow of abject poverty. This total negation of
the material world and its possessions differentiated
the Franciscans from all other ecclesiastical bodies of
the time.
Francis also founded the Order of Poor Ladies,
known as the Poor Clares, in honor of their first
abbess. Later still the Third Order was established,
open to both sexes, and meant for those wishing to live
in the world, rather than in Monastic communities.
All three orders spread rapidly and their influence
endures today.
The chief quality of Saint Francis is the depth and
tenderness of his kind heart. His spiritual fervor,
fasting, visions and utterances may seem somewhat
removed to modern man. The lessons and truths they
convey are, however, eternal. The objects of his
exuberant love were not only God, angels, and men,
but also animals, birds, insects and even inanimate
objects, which he often addressed as brothers and
Surely his compassion for the poor, the sick and the
lowly, his total disinterest in material possessions, and
his striving to worship and please God, are even more
relevant to us today than they were in medieval Italy.
Editors Note
Pr o f es s o r bl a ikl o c k d ie d o n Oc t o ber 26,1983,
having completed roughly half the translation. He had
felt tired through the summer of that year, and finally
cancer was to get the better of him. He died
surrounded by his family, courteous and appreciative
to the end. He insisted on carrying on with the
translation until mid-October when he became too
fatigued. It has been a great privilege to work with him
on this, his final book, the eighty-first in a busy career.
Finally, we would also like to express our appre
ciation to Professor A. C. Keys, who so graciously and
willingly undertook the task of revising and com-'
pleting the translation. Without his hard work, this
book would never have been published.
Chapter 1
To the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
and the holy Father Francis. The record of
certain notable facts concerning Francis and his
companions and certain remarkable deeds of
theirs which have been passed by in the legends
concerning him and which are also profitable
and devout.
Fir s t , it mu s t be bo r n e in min d that our blessed
master Saint Francis in everything he did was like
Christ. Just as Christ, at the beginning of his ministry,
chose twelve aposdes who abandoned all things, so the
blessed Francis had twelve picked companions who
chose the most abject poverty. And just as one of the
apostles hanged himself, so one of the companions
mentioned, Brother John of Capella, hanged himself.
And just as they were a source of wonder to the whole
world and full of the Holy Spirit, so those most holy
companions of the holy Francis were men of such
saintliness that the world has never seen their like since
the time of the apostles. One of their number was
caught up to the third heaven, to wit, Brother Giles,
and one, Brother Philip Longus, was touched on the
lips like Isaiah with a burning coal. One, Brother
Silvester, used to speak to God as friend with friend, so
unsullied was his person. One would wing his way like
an eagle to the light of Gods wisdom, to wit, Brother
Bernard, that most humble man, who explained the
Scriptures most profoundly. Another was sanctified
by God and canonized in heaven while still living in
this world. This was Brother Ruffino, as though made
holy before birth, a man most faithful to Christ, a
nobleman of Assisi. So all shone with a special
privilege, as will appear in what follows. Of them all
the firstborn and foremost in point of time and
outstanding sanctity was Brother Bernard of Assisi
who was converted thus...
While Saint Francis was still in laymans clothing,
although he had already renounced the worldly hopes
of men, he would go about so unkempt and careless of
his person, that by many he was considered mad,
seasoned though he was by Gods salt and grounded in
the peace of the Holy Spirit. As he went about Assisi,
he was persecuted physically and pelted with both
mud and stones by his own townsmen and hosts of
strangers. Yet with the utmost patience and a happy
face he went through it all as if he were deaf and dumb.
But Master Bernard of Assisi, one of the noblest,
richest and wisest men in the city, whose advice all
respected, began wisely to think about such profound
contempt for the world as he saw in Saint Francis, such
constancy under persecution, and such long suffering
in endurance. Though for two years he had been so
hated and despised by men, he seemed ever more
steadfast. Then said Master Bernard in his heart: It
cannot but be that this Francis has great grace from
Inspired by God, he invited Saint Francis to sup
with him one night. Saint Francis humbly accepted the
invitation. Master Bernard had it in mind to look
closely into the holiness of Saint Francis, and so
invited him to sleep that night in his home. When
Saint Francis humbly accepted, he had a bed made up
for him in his own room, in which a lamp was always
burning at night. Saint Francis, as soon as he entered
the room, in order to conceal the divine grace that he
had, immediately threw himself on the bed, as though
he wished to sleep, but Master Bernard had in mind to
watch him secretly at night. That is why he used this
subterfuge. Shortly after settling in bed, he pretended
to fall into a deep sleep and to snore prodigiously.
But Saint Francis, faithful guardian of the secrets of
God, when he judged that Master Bernard was fast
asleep, in the deep stillness of night rose from his bed.
With face turned to heaven, and hands and eyes lifted
to God, in complete surrender and with the warmest
devotion he prayed, saying: My God, my All. These
words he groaned out to God with copious tears,
again and again with solemn devotion until dawn: My
God, my Allno more. So said Saint Francis,
worshipping Gods Majesty, which seemed to stoop to
the imperilled world and provide a remedy for the
salvation of the poor through his own Son. En
lightened by the spirit of prophecy, and foreseeing the
mighty deeds God was about to do through his own
Order, and considering in the same spirits teaching
his own insufficiency and poverty of virtue, he was
calling on God to do himself what he was unable to do.
Without such aid, mans frailty is powerless. Hence his
words: My God, my All.
But Master Bernard, the lamp being still alight, saw
everything. Carefully, and with urgent attention, he
weighed the words quoted. In his heart of hearts he
was deeply moved by the Holy Spirit, and as soon as
morning came, he called Saint Francis and said to him:
Brother Francis, I am fully determined to abandon
this world, and to follow you wherever you com
mand. Saint Francis heard and rejoiced in spirit. He
said: Master Bernard, this is a task so difficult that the
guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ must be sought, so
that he himself may be pleased to make known his
good will to us, and how we must bring this to pass.
Let us therefore go to the bishops house where there
is a good priest. We shall ask for mass to be said and,
when we have heard it we shall pray until the third
hour. In our prayer we shall seek of our Lord Jesus
Christ graciously to show us, in three openings of the
missal, what it is his good pleasure for us to do.
Master Bernard said: Be it as you say.
So they went to the bishops house, and when mass
had been heard, and prayer continued to the third
hour, the priest took up the missal as Saint Francis and
Master Bernard requested. Protecting himself with
the sign of the Cross, he opened the Gospel in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the first opening he
encountered: If you wish to be perfect, go and sell all
that you have and give it to the poor. At the second
opening he encountered: Let him who would come
after me deny himself and take up his cross. . The
third time he encountered: Take nothing for your
journey. When these words had been read, Saint
Francis said to Master Bernard: See the guidance we
have ofthe Lord. Go and do exactly as you have heard.
And blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ who has
deigned to show us the way of the Gospel.
Immediately Master Bernard sold off all his
possessions, which were of very great value, and
distributed all to the poor, carrying a wallet fiill of
money, which he distributed among widows, orphans,
pilgrims and the servants of God, richly and gener
ously, with Saint Francis joining in and faithfully
helping the whole proceeding.
But Master Silvester, when he saw this dispersal of
property, prompted by greed said to Saint Francis:
You have not fully paid my account for some stone
for church repairs. Saint Francis, amazed at his greed,
and not wishing to argue with him, as a true observer
of the Gospel who gives to all who ask, put his hand
into Bernards purse and put a handful of money into
Silvesters purse with the words: If you ask for more, I
will give it. Contented, he departed and returned
home; but in the evening when he recalled what he had
done that day, he reproached himself for his greed,
and pondered on the fervor of Master Bernard and the
holiness of Saint Francis. That night, and again the
night afterward, and the night after that, he had a
vision of a golden cross, proceeding from the mouth
of Francis. Its top touched the sky and its arms seemed
to reach the limits of the world. Thus touched by God,
he realized all his assets and gave everything to the
poor. Later, becoming a friar minor, he showed such
holiness and grace, that he spoke with God as friend
with friend, an experience which Saint Francis had, as
will be demonstrated.
Master Bernard, with all his goods disposed of for
God, and now leading a life of evangelical poverty,
earned such grace from God that he was often caught
up to the Lord. Saint Francis pronounced him worthy
of all reverence, and would declare that it was he who
had founded the order, in that it was he who first
showed true evangelical poverty by distributing all he
had to the poor, keeping absolutely nothing for
himself, offering himself stripped ofall to the arms of
the Crucified, who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen.
Chapter 2
The humility and obedience of Saint Francis and
Brother Bernard.
That most devot ed SERVANT OF CHRIST, Francis,
because of the severity of his penance and continual
weeping became almost blind so that he could scarcely
see. So once, he left his dwelling place and went to visit
Brother Bernard. Bernard was in a wood totally lost in
divine contemplation and united with God Saint
Francis reached the wood and called Brother Bernard,
saying: Come and talk with this blind man. But
Brother Bernard, since he was a man of deep con
templation, and at the moment was joined in spirit
with God, did not reply to Saint Francis, nor go to
him. Brother Bernard, in speaking with God, had
extraordinary grace, as Francis had often experienced.
That, in fact, is why he wanted to talk to him. So, after
a short space of time, he called a second and a third
time, repeating the same words: Come and talk with
this blind man. Neither time did Brother Bernard
hear him, so that he neither came nor spoke to Saint
Francis. So Saint Francis withdrew, somewhat put out
and grieved in spirit that Brother Bernard, though
called three times by him, had been unwilling to come.
Saint Francis, thinking such thoughts as he went
away, said to his companions: Wait for me a little
while. And while he was giving himself to prayer in a
quiet place alone, God made answer to him thus:
Why should you be put out, poor miserable little
man? Should a man leave God for any human being?
Brother Bernard, when you were calling him, was in
full communion with me, and so was not able to come
to you or make reply. So do not wonder that he was not
able to come to you or reply to you. He was in such
ecstasy that he simply did not hear what you said.
Understanding this, Saint Francis immediately
went in haste back to Brother Bernard, humbly to
blame himself for his earlier thoughts. But Brother
Bernard, that true saint, hurried to meet Saint Francis
and fell at his feet. And the humility of Saint Francis,
and the love and reverence of Brother Bernard, met
each with each. Telling of the rebuke he had received
from God, Saint Francis bade Brother Bernard do in
obedience whatever he directed. Fearing Saint Francis
might impose on him too heavy a demand, as he often
did, wishing to leave a way to refuse, he said sincerely:
I am prepared, father, to obey you provided you obey
me also in what I shall direct. I agree, said Saint
Francis. And Brother Bernard: You may say, father,
what you wish me to do. Saint Francis said: In the
name of holy obedience, I bid you punish the
presumptuousness and the boldness of my heart; as I
lie on the ground, place one foot on my throat and one
on my mouth and tread back and forth three times,
saying: Lie there, boorish son of Pietro Bemardone.
And other great maledictions shall you heap on me
saying: Whence this arrogance of yours, vilest
creature? Bernard found it hard to do what he had
heard. However, for obedience sake, he did as he was
bidden with the utmost care. This done, Saint Francis
said: Now, Brother Bernard, your orders, since I
promised you obedience. Brother Bernard replied: I
bid you in the name of your obedience, whenever we
are together, that you correct and rebuke me more
sharply for all my faults. Saint Francis was amazed at
this, because Brother Bernard was of such holiness
that Saint Francis held him in the utmost reverence.
That is why from then on Saint Francis was careful not
to spend too long with him lest, because of his
obedience, he should be required perhaps to utter
rebuke against one he knew to be so godly a soul. And
when he wanted to see Brother Bernard or to speak to
him of God, he would leave him abruptly and hastily.
It was a wonder to see how they vied each with the
other, the one with the father, the other with his
firstborn son, as love and obedience, patience and
humility of each other faced the other. Praise and glory
to God.
Chapter 3
How an angel accompanied Brother Bernard
across a river.
In THE EARLY da ys of the Order, when there were few
brothers and no friaries, Saint Francis went on a
pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint James taking with
him a few companions, one of whom was Brother
Bernard. When they were travelling together they
found in a certain country a man who was ill. Pitying
him, Saint Francis said to Brother Bernard: I want
you, son, to stay and look after this sick man.
Immediately, on bended knees and bowed head, he
gave reverent obedience to the holy father. Saint
Francis, leaving Brother Bernard with the sick man,
went to Saint Jamess shrine with the other com
panions. While they stood in worship there, it was
revealed to Saint Francis that he should found friaries
throughout the world, so that his Order should
expand into a great host. That is why, from then on, by
Gods command, he began to establish friaries
On the way back by the same road, he found Brother
Bernard and the sick man entrusted to his care in
perfect health. So the following year Saint Francis
allowed Brother Bernard to make a pilgrimage alone
to Saint Jamess shrine. Meanwhile, Saint Francis
returned to the valley of Spoleto, where he, Brother
Masseo and Brother Elias, and certain others, dwelt in
a remote place. Once Saint Francis went into a wood to
pray. His companions, who held him in great
reverence, all feared to interrupt his prayers because of
the great revelations God made to him at such times.
It came about that a very handsome young man,
dressed as if for travelling, came to the door, and
knocked impatiently and longan unusual occur
rence. Going to the door, Brother Masseo said to the
young man: Son, I do not think you have ever been to
a friary door before, because you do not know how to
knock gently. The young man asked: How should it
be done? Brother Masseo said: Knock three times at
short intervals, one knock after the other. Then wait
until someone can say a paternoster and come to you.
If he does not come in that time, knock again. The
young man answered: But I am in a great hurry. That
is why I knock as I do, for I have a long way to go. I
have come here to speak with Brother Francis, but he
at the moment is meditating in the wood, and I do not
wish to disturb him. But go and send Brother Elias to
me. I have heard he is very wise, and I have a question
for him.
Brother Masseo told Brother Elias to go to him, but
he was annoyed, and in proud anger would not go.
Brother Masseo did not know what to do, for he
would be lying if he said Brother Elias could not come,
but if he said he was angry and would not come, he was
afraid he might set a bad example. And because
meanwhile he delayed his returning, the young man
knocked in the same fashion as before. Then Brother
Masseo came to the door and said to the young man:
You did not knock as I told you to. But the young
man was an angel of God and, anticipating Brother
Masseos answer, said: Brother Elias does not wish to
come to me, but do you go to Brother Francis and you
will say that I have come to speak to him, but because I
do not wish to disturb him, you are to tell him to send
Brother Elias. So Brother Masseo went to Saint
Francis as he was praying in the wood with his face
lifted heavenward, and reported exacdy what the
young man had bidden, and Brother Eliass reply.
Saint Francis, without moving from where he stood or
lowering his face from heaven, said: Go and tell
Brother Elias to go to him under the terms of his
obedience. Brother Elias came to the door in a bad
temper, opened it violently with a great noise, and
asked: What do you want? But the young man said:
Beware, dear, dear friend, for you seem to be in a bad
temper, and anger hampers the soul and prevents it
from seeing the truth. Then Brother Elias said: Say
what you want. I ask you, he said, whether the
followers of the holy Gospel are permitted, as Christ
said, to eat what is set before them, and whether
anyone is allowed to impose on them things con
trary to evangelical liberty? Brother Elias replied
haughtily: I know those things well enough. I will not
answer you. Go about your business. The young man
said: I could answer that question better than you.
Brother Elias slammed the door and went away. Later
he began to think about the question and to have
doubts about it, for since he was vicar of the Order, he
had presumed, exceeding the Gospel and the Rule, to
command, and to draw up a direction that no brother
in the Order should eat any kind of meat; so that the
question was definitely aimed at him. So when he was
unable to clarify his thoughts, he thought over that
young mans modesty; and because he had said that he
was better able to unravel the question than he was
himself, he returned to the door and opened it, that he
might ask to have the young mans solution from
himself. But when he opened the door there was no
one to be seen, nor could he be found after a general
search. In fact, the young man was an angel of God,
who departed because of him and because he was not
welcomed. For a haughty mind is not worthy of
conversing with an angel.
At this, Saint Francis, to whom everything had been
revealed, returned from the wood, and sharply and
loudly rebuked Brother Elias: Brother Elias, he said,
you do wrong and arrogantly, too, who turn away
holy angels, who come to visit and teach us. I tell you
that I very much fear that this haughtiness of yours will
put you out of the Order. And so later on it fell out, as
Saint Francis in the spirit of prophecy foretold.
But on the same day and hour as the angel left
Brother Elias, he appeared in the same guise to
Brother Bernard as he was returning from Saint
Jamess shrine, and stood on the bank of a great river
which he could not cross. Greeting Brother Bernard in
his own language, he said: God grant you peace,
good brother. Brother Bernard, noticing how
handsome he was, the familiar language, peaceful
salutation and joyous countenance, asked him:
Where do you come from, good young man? I
come from the place where Saint Francis lives, he
replied. I came to talk with him but was not able, for
he was in a wood pondering on the things of God. And
staying with him there were the brethren Masseo,
Giles and Elias. Brother Masseo taught me how to
knock at your door; Brother Elias, because he was too
contemptuous to listen to the question I had for him,
was not able to do so later when he thought better of
it. Saying this, the angel said to Brother Bernard:
Why, dearest man, do you hesitate to cross the river?
He replied: Because I fear danger from the depth of
the waters before my eyes. The angel said: Let us go
over together. Do not hesitate. And taking his hand,
in the twinkling of an eye, he placed Brother Bernard
on the other side. Thus (discerning that he was an angel
of the Lord, Bernard said with great devotion,
reverence and joy: Blessed angel of God, tell me what
is your name. He replied: Why do you enquire my
name, which is marvellous? So saying, he vanished,
and left Brother Bernard deeply comforted so that he
walked the rest of his journey with joy.
Bernard himself noted the day and the hour of the
angels appearance to him, and when he came to the
place where Saint Francis and his companions already
mentioned were staying, he told the whole story in
detail. So they quite confidently concluded that it was
the same angel who had appeared to them and to him
on the same day.
Chapter 4
How Brother Bernard went to Bologna.
Sin c e o u r bl essed f a t h er f r a n c is , along with his
companions, had been called by God to bear the Cross
as much as to preach it, he and the pioneers of his
Order seemed, as indeed they were, men truly
crucified. Bearing the Crucified in dress, food and in
all their doings, desiring rather the reproach of Christ
than the empty things of the world and its treacherous
blandishments, they rejoiced in sufferings and held
honor in contempt. They went through the world like
pilgrims and strangers carrying nothing with them
but Christ, for whose sake, wherever they went,
because they were the living branches of the true vine,
they bore choice fruit for Christthe souls of men.
Thus it happened that, in the early days of the
Order, Saint Francis sent Brother Bernard to
Bologna, that there he might produce fruit for God,
according to the grace given him. Brother Bernard,
strengthening himself with the Cross of Christ, and
with virtue linked to obedience, came to Bologna.
Some children saw him in his unusual and miserable
dress, and began to heap insults on him. Brother
Bernard, true saint that he was, not only bore them
patiently, but even suffered them with deepest joy,
because he was a true disciple of Christ who became
the scorn of the crowd and shame of men. For the
love of Christ he deliberately placed himself in the
marketplace of the city, where he could be the greatest
object of the peoples ridicule. One tugged at his hood
from behind, another from the front, one threw dust,
another stones. They pushed him this way and that.
Bernard endured all this violence joyfully and
patiently, without resistance in word or deed. What is
more, in order to endure such persecution day after
day, he would deliberately return to the same place.
Whatever violence was heaped on him by them, he
remained calm in spirit and with joyous face. Because
patience is a work and demonstration of perfection, a
wise judge, watching and thinking of such virtuous
constancy undisturbed for so many days, said to
himself: It is quite obvious that this is a holy man.
So, coming up to Brother Bernard, he asked: Who
are you and why did you come here? Brother Bernard
put his hand in the fold of his robe and produced the
Gospel Rule of Saint Francis, which he carried in his
heart, and demonstrated by what he did. The judge,
when he had read through the sublime statement of
the Rule, was utterly amazed, for he was an intelligent
man. Turning to his friends, he said in deep amaze
ment: This is the loftiest statement I have ever seen.
This man and his colleagues are the holiest men on
earth. They commit great sin who misuse them, and
this man is to be treated not with violence, but the
highest honors for he is indeed a friend of the All
Highest. To Bernard he said: Dearest man, if I
showed you a suitable place where you could serve
God fitly and are willing to receive it, I would most
gladly give it to you for the salvation of my soul.
Brother Bernard answered: Dearest Master, I believe
that the Lord inspired you to do this. Then the judge
took Brother Bernard home with joy and great love,
and showed him the house he had promised, and set it
up at his own expense perfectly and devoutly.
He became the champion and the chief patron of
Brother Bernard and his associates. Brother Bernard,
on account of his holy way of life, began to be honored
of men to the point that they counted themselves
happy to touch, hear or see him.
Brother Bernard, indeed, truly humble disciple of
Christ that he was, fearing that the honor shown him
would hinder his peace and salvation, departed,
returned to Saint Francis and said: A place is secured in
Bologna where you sent me, father, so send brethren
to live there, because I can do no further good there.
Indeed, because of the great honor which is shown
me, I fear to lose more than I gain. So the blessed
Francis, hearing the full story of what the Lord had
done through Brother Bernard, rejoicing and exulting
in spirit, began to praise the Most High who had thus
begun to spread abroad the poor little disciples of the
Cross for the salvation of the people. So he chose
members of the Order to send to Lombardy, and, as
the devotion of the faithful grew, they established
friaries everywhere. To Gods praise.
Chapter 5
The gentle death of Brother Bernard.
OF SUCH HOLINESS was Brother Bernard that Saint
Francis in his lifetime held him in deepest reverence,
and often spoke in highest praise of him. It happened
one day, when Saint Francis was in deep and earnest
prayer, that God revealed to him that he was about to
allow Brother Bernard to suffer many sharp assaults of
the Devil. And Saint Francis thought with compassion
of a Brother so beloved, and for many days with tears
commended Brother Bernard to the Lord Jesus Christ
asking that he would deign to give him victory over so
many treacherous attacks. While Saint Francis was
praying anxiously and earnestly thus, Gods answer
was made clear to him: Brother, do not be afraid,
because all the temptations to which Brother Bernard
will be exposed are sent as a test of virtue and for the
winning of a crown, and in the end he will joyfully
carry the palm of victory over all those who assail him.
Brother Bernard is one of those who shall be of the
household of God. Saint Francis rejoiced at this
reply, giving heartfelt thanks to Jesus Christ. From
that moment he had neither doubt nor fear any more,
and held Brother Bernard in ever deeper affection and
regard, not only in life but at his death, as he showed.
So, when Saint Francis was on the point of death,
like die patriarch Jacob, his sons standing around
devoutly weeping at the departure of a father so
beloved, Saint Francis said: Where is my firstborn?
Come, my son, that my soul may bless you before I
die. Then Brother Bernard said quiedy to Brother
Elias, who was then vicar of the Order: Father, go to
the old mans right hand, that he may bless you. But
when Brother Elias placed himself at his right hand,
Saint Francis, who was unable to see through much
weeping, and had placed his right hand on his head,
said: This is not the head of my firstborn, Brother
Bernard. Then Brother Bernard came to his left hand.
But Saint Francis crossed his arms, and changing over
hands, placed his left hand on the head of Brother
Elias and his right on Brother Bernard, saying to the
latter: The Father of my Lord Jesus Christ bless you
with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in
Christ. Just as you were the first chosen in this Order
to give an evangelical example and imitate Christ in
evangelical poverty, and, in generosity, gave to the
poor all you had for love of Christ, but even offered up
your person as a sweet smelling sacrifice to God, so
may you be blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ and by
me, his poor little servant, with eternal blessings at
your going out and coming in, waking and sleeping,
living and dying. Let whoever blesses you be filled
with blessings, and whoever speaks ill of you shall not
go unscathed. Be the master of your brethren and let
them be subject to your authority. Whoever you wish
to be received into this Order, let him be received, and
whoever you wish to be expelled, let it so be. And let
no brother hold authority over you and may you be
free to go and stay as you will.
When that blessed Friar drew near to death, whom
the brethren, after Saint Franciss passing, revered
with love like to a father, many came to see him from
different places. Among them was the holy leader, the
holy Brother Giles. Beholding Brother Bernard, he
said to him with great joy: Lift up your heart, Brother
Bernard, lift up your heart. Brother Bernard told one
of the brethren quietly to prepare a place suitable for
contemplation, where Brother Giles could think
about heavenly things.
When Brother Bernard reached the final hour of his
departure, he had them sit him up, and to the brethren
standing round he said: Dearest brethren, I do not
wish to say much to you, but you should bear in mind
that my condition now will be yours some day, just as
you hold the same vocation. I found in my soul that I
would not have renounced the service of Christ for a
thousand worlds like this. For every sin I have
committed, I accuse myself before my Savior Jesus
Christ and you. I beg you, dearest brethren, love one
another. After these words and other profitable
exhortations, he lay back on his bed, and his face shone
with a great joy, astonishing to all about him. And in
that happiness that joyous soul, with the victory before
promised him, passed to the joys of the blessed To the
praise of God.
Chapter 6
The lenten fast of Saint Francis.
Fr a n c is , t r u e s t ser v a n t o f Ch r is t , was in many
ways like a second Christ given to the world. God
therefore made that happy man in many ways like his
son Jesus Christ. That was obvious in the sacred
society of his companions, in the wondrous mystery of
the sacred Stigmata of the Cross, and in his holy lenten
fast. For once when he was near Lake Trasimene on
Carnival Day, he was the guest of a man devoted to
him. He asked him for Gods love to take him secretly
to an island in the lake where no one lived, on the eve
of Ash Wednesday. For the great reverence in which he
held Saint Francis he zealously did so. Getting ready
his little boat on Ash Wednesday, he ferried him over.
Saint Francis had no food with him but two small
Set ashore on the island, he asked his ferryman not
to reveal this to anyone, and to come to him on Holy
Thursday. Since there was no building where to lay his
head, he crawled into a dense thicket where the vines
made a kind of shelter, and stayed there through the
whole forty days, without eating or drinking.
The host, according to their agreement, sought him
on Holy Thursday and found, save for half of one loaf,
the rest was not touched. It is believed that Saint
Francis touched that one half, that the glory of the
forty-day fast should be reserved for the blessed
Christ, that by that small loaf the poison of vainglory
should be driven out, though he had fasted alter
Christs example forty days and forty nights. After
wards, in that same place where Saint Francis had
demonstrated such endurance, many miracles were
done through his merits, so that people began to build
and live there on that island and it came about that,
after a short lapse of time, a considerable village and a
friary of the friars minor emerged. So it came about
that the folk of that village show great reverence for
the place where Saint Francis kept Lent. Glory be to
Chapter 7
The lesson of Saint Frands to Brother Leoonly
in the Cross is there perfect happiness.
ON A WINTER DAY Saint Francis was journeying from
Perugia to Saint Mary of the Angels. Brother Leo was
with him and the bitter cold tormented both of them.
Saint Francis called out to Brother Leo who was a
short distance in front: Brother Leo, though the
friars minor are setting a high example of holiness and
uprightness and good edification, yet write down and
note well that therein is not perfect happiness. A little
further on, he called to him again: Brother Leo,
though a friar minor give sight to the blind and
straighten a twisted body, drive out demons, give
hearing to the deaf, make the lame walk and the dumb
speak, and even raise the four days dead, write down
that this is not perfect happiness. And, again, he
loudly called: Brother Leo, though a friar minor
should know the speech of all peoples, all sciences and
Scriptures, and how to prophesy, and show not only
what is yet to be, but even what lies in the heart of
others, write down that this is not perfect happiness.
A little further on, as they were still walking, he called
out once more: Brother Leo, little lamb of God,
though a friar minor speak with the tongue of angels,
know the courses of the stars, the virtues of herbs, and
the secret of earths treasure, and understand the
qualities and peculiarities of fish, beasts, men, roots,
trees, stones and waters, write down clearly, and
carefiilly note, that this is not perfect happiness. And
after a little while he called again: Brother Leo,
though a friar minor should know how so earnestly to
preach that he should bring all unbelievers to faith,
write that here is not perfect happiness.
So the conversation continued for two miles. But
Brother Leo, very baffled by all this, said: Father, I
beg you in Gods name, tell me where lies perfect
happiness? The saint replied: We shall come to Saint
Mary of the Angels thus drenched in rain, stiff with
cold, defiled with mud and afflicted with hunger, and
knock at the door; and if the porter comes angrily and
asks: Who are you? we reply: We are two of your
Brethren. And if he should contradict and answer:
No, you are a pair of vagrants who go about
everywhere, seizing on the alms of the poor, and
should not open to us, but make us stand in the snow
and rain, cold and hungry until night; and if then we
patiently endure submissively and without complaint
to much wrong and rejection, humbly and charitably
thinking that die porter truly recognizes us, and that
God stirs his tongue against us, then Brother Leo,
write down that there lies perfect happiness. And if we
continue knocking, and the porter comes out angry at
our persistence, and cruelly heaps blows on us saying:
Be off, basest rogues, go to the poorhouse. Who are
you? Certainly you shall not eat here. And if we
endure patiendy and accept his abuse with love
wholehearted, Brother Leo, write that there lies
perfect happiness. And if we in all ways afflicted, with
hunger pressing, cold tormenting us, and night
approaching, go on knocking, calling and pleading
with tears that he should open to us, and he, stirred
thus, should say: These are persistent trouble-makers.
I will deal with them, and coming out with a knotted
cudgel, and seizing us by the hood he will fling us
down in the mud and snow, battering us all over with
his cudgelif we bear such ills and abuse with joy,
bearing in mind the sufferings of the blessed Christ
which we must both bear with the utmost patience,
consider Brother Leo, among all the gifts of the Holy
Spirit which Christ offered and still does to those who
love him, this is to conquer self for Christs sake and by
the love of God gladly to suffer shame, this is
happiness. We cannot glory in any gifts of God than
these, because they are his, not ours. For the Apostle
says: What have you that you did not receive? If you
did receive, what have you to boast about, as if you had
not received?But in the Cross of suffering and
trouble we may indeed glory, because this is our part.
That is why the Apostle said: Far be it from me to
glory except in the Cross of our Lord.
Brother Leos godlike talk to Saint Francis.
Sa in t Fr a n c is , in t h e ea r l y da ys of the Order, was
in a small village with Brother Leo where they had no
books from which to say mass. One night, when they
had risen for matins, Saint Francis said to his col
league: Dearest man, we have no breviary from which
to recite matins: but that we may spend our time in the
praise of God, so speak as I shall bid you, and be
careful not to alter the words in any way. I shall speak
as follows: Brother Francis, you have committed so
many sins in the world that you deserve hell. And you,
Brother Leo, reply: True it is that you have deserved
hell. Brother Leo, that most blameless man, with the
simplicity of a dove, replied: Gladly, Father. Begin in
the name of the Lord. And Saint Francis began to say,
as he had said he would, O Brother Francis, you have
committed so many sins in this world that you deserve
hell. And Brother Leo replied: God will do so much
good through you that you will go to paradise. But
Saint Francis said: Do not speak thus, Brother Leo,
but when I say: O Brother Francis, you have done so
many evil deeds contrary to Gods will thatyou deserve
to be accursed, then do you reply: Tou deserve to be
counted among the accursed. And Brother Leo said:
Gladly, Father.
Then Saint Francis, with many tears, sighs and
beatings of his breast and crying aloud, said: Lord,
God of heaven and of earth, I have committed so many
dire sins against you, that I deserve to be utterly
damned. But Brother Leo answered: God will so
Chapter 8
ordain that amid the blessed you shall be uncommonly
blessed. And Saint Francis, surprised that his reply
was always contradictory, rebuking him, said: Why,
Brother Leo, do you not reply as I instruct you? In
holy obedience, I direct you to reply in accordance
with the words I use to you. I shall say this: Brother
Francis, worthless fellow, do you think that God will
have mercy on you when you have committed so many
sins against the Father of mercies, and the God of all
consolation that you are not worthy of pardon? And
you, brother lamb, must reply: In no way are you
worthy of finding mercy. And Brother Leo replied:
God the Father whose mercy is infinitely greater than
your sins, will show you great mercy and add thereto
manifold grace.
But Saint Francis was somewhat put out and a little
upset. He said, Why, brother, did you presume,
contrary to your obedience, and so often answer
contrary to my directions? Then Brother Leo replied
reverently and most humbly: God knows, dearest
father, that I always set out to do as you order, but God
made me speak as I did. Saint Francis was very
amazed at this, and said to Brother Leo: I beg you, in
deepest love, to answer me this time as I have told
you. Speak, in Gods name, said Brother Leo, and
I will. And Saint Francis in tears said: Brother
Francis, miserable little wretch, do you think that God
will have mercy on you? Brother Leo answered: You
will receive grace from God, great grace indeed from
him who exalts the humble. I cannot speak in any other
way for God is speaking through my mouth. And in
this duel of humility they continued awake together
until dawn. To the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.
Chapter 9
The discovery of Mount Alvema and Brother
Leos vision concerning Saint Francis.
Th a t MOST f a it h f u l ser v a n t and friend of Jesus
Christ, Saint Francis, honored the Creator and his
Savior with all his might, both through his own efforts
and through others. The most gracious and benign
Savior Jesus repaid him the honor for Whosoever
glorifies me, him will I glorify, saith the Lord, and so
wherever Saint Francis went he was held in such
veneration that practically everybody flocked to such a
wonderful man. Wherever he wentcountry, casde or
country houseswhoever managed to touch or see
him considered himself blessed.
It happened on one occasion, before he received the
Saviors stigmata, that returning from the valley of
Spoleto he was proceeding to Romagna. As he
reached the castle of Monte Feltro, there was being
celebrated a great ceremony of knighting. When the
holy father heard of this from the local inhabitants he
said to his companion Brother Leo: Let us go there,
for with Gods help we shall make some progress
among them. Attending the ceremony were many
nobles from various places, among them a certain lord
from Tuscany, by name Orlando, a very rich nobleman
who because of the wonderful things he had heard
about Saint Francis, had conceived a great devotion
for him and desired to see and hear him. Saint Francis
entering the castle mounted up on to a parapet, the
more conveniently to be heard by the multitude, and
there preached to them. For his subject he announced
in the vernacular Tanto e il bene chio aspetto,
chogni pena me diletto, meaning, so great is the
good that I expect, that any pain is a pleasure. And on
this subject the Holy Spirit poured forth out of his
mouth such devout and godly eloquence, sub
stantiating it with the sufferings of the martyrs, the
martyrdom of the apostles, the grievous penance of
those who confessed their sins, the frequent tribu
lations of saintly men and women, that all stood
enthralled as if listening to an angel. Among them was
the lord Orlando aforesaid, rejoicing greatly in the
presence of Saint Francis that he had prayed for,
inwardly moved by his wonderful preaching, and very
eager to discuss the salvation of his soul with the holy
father. And so when the sermon was over he said to
Saint Francis: Father, I should like to discuss with you
certain matters concerning the salvation of my soul.
Saint Francis, full seasoned with the salt of discretion,
said to him: My lord, this morning go and pay your
respects to your friends since you are their guest at this
celebration; after dinner we shall talk as long as you
wish. He agreed, and after dinner discoursed at great
length with Saint Francis on the salvation of his soul.
Finally he said: Brother Francis, in Tuscany I possess
at Alverna a very sacred and very solitary mountain
called Mount Alverna, very suitable for those who
desire to live a solitary life. If this mountain were to the
taste of your companions I would very gladly present it
to you for the salvation of my soul.
Saint Francis desired very sincerely to find solitary
places where he could more conveniently devote
himself to divine contemplation. When he heard this
offer he first gave thanks to God who provides for his
sheep through the medium of his faithful followers,
then thanking lord Orlando he replied thus: My
Lord, when you have returned to your estates I shall
send to you two of my companions, and you shall show
them this mountain, and if it seems suitable I shall
most gladly accept your generous offer. The said lord
lived in his own castle near Mount Alverna.
And so when the celebration was over and the lord
had returned home to his castle, Saint Francis sent two
of his companions to seek him out; but owing to their
unfamiliarity with those parts, they had great difficulty
in finding the castle. When they did find him they were
welcomed with affection and great joy as if they were
angels of God. Escorted by fifty armed men for fear of
danger from wild beasts, they were conducted to the
said Mount Alverna. Here seeking a spot where they
could prepare a place to live they finally discovered a
small level area where in Gods name they proposed to
stay. The laymen who accompanied the friars cut down
branches from the trees with their swords and with
them built a kind of hut. Having taken possession of
the spot they departed, affirming in the name of Saint
Francis that it was extremely remote and suitable for
contemplation. Saint Francis on hearing this gave
praise to God, and taking with him Brother Masseo,
Brother Leo and Brother Angelo, a former soldier,
made his way with them to the mountain. During the
ascent with his blessed companions, as they rested a
little while under an oak tree, a flock of birds ofvarious
kinds descended upon Saint Francis with joyous song
and fluttering wings. Some settled on his head, some
on his shoulders, some on his knees, some on the
hands of the holy father. At such a strange and
wonderful sight Saint Francis said to his companions:
I believe, my very beloved brethren, that it is the will
of our Lord Jesus Christ, that we should occupy a
place on this lonely mountain where our sisters the
birds show such joy at our coming. And rising up
rejoicing greatly in spirit, he continued on to the
afore-said spot where there was still nothing but that
very lowly hut made from branches of trees. Having
sought out a lonely spot where he could pray away
from the others, he built a very modest cell on the
mountain side and gave orders that none of his
companions should come near him; nor should allow
any one else to approach except Brother Leo, for there
he intended to observe the fast in honor of the
archangel Michael. Even Brother Leo he instructed to
come to him only once a day bringing bread and water,
and once during the night at the hour of matins. Then
he was to approach in silence quoting only: Lord,
open thou my lips and if he replied from within: And
my mouth shall show forth thy praise they were to say
matins together. But if he did not respond immedi
ately Brother Leo was to withdraw. He gave this order
because he was sometimes in such a state of ecstasy
that for whole days and nights he was unable to speak,
being thus absorbed in God. This order Brother Leo
observed very punctiliously. Nevertheless, as un
obtrusively as possible he tried to find out what the
saint was doing. Sometimes he would find him outside
the cell elevated in the air so that he could touch his
feet. Then he would clasp his feet and cover them with
tearful kisses saying: God be merciful to me a sinner,
and grant that through the merits of this holy man I
may obtain mercy. On one occasion he found him
elevated to half the height of a beech tree that grew to
such a lofty height. On another occasion he found him
elevated from the ground to such a height that he
could scarcely see him. Brother Leo would then
genuflect and stretch at full length on the ground
from which the holy father, still praying, was raised
aloft. And Brother Leo himself would pray, and
commending himself to God as before through the
merits of the holy father, would experience the full
impact of divine grace. And thanks to all the saints
experiences that he had so often observed, Brother
Leo was now possessed of such devotion to him that
very frequently, by day or by night, he scrutinized with
divine perception the mysterious preoccupations of
Saint Francis. And so it fell out that during the
aforementioned fast, he once went to seek out Saint
Francis as was his custom, to say matins. As soon as he
entered he said: Lord, open thou my lips as he had
been instructed to do. There was no answer, and by the
light of the moon he perceived that the saint was not in
his cell. While he pondered what prayer to say, peering
through the wood this way and that, he heard him
speaking. Drawing near in order to hear what he was
saying, by the light of the moon he saw the saint on
bended knees, his face raised to heaven, hands
outstretched to God saying: What art thou, sweetest
God, and what am I, a mere worm and thy insig
nificant slave? These words, and nothing else, he kept
repeating. And as he gazed Brother Leo beheld
descending from the heights of the heavens onto the
head of Saint Francis a most beauteous fiery flame,
exceedingly bright and a delight to the eyes. And from
this flame came forth a voice speaking to Saint Francis,
to which he kept replying.
But in order not to intrude upon the saint in such
holy privacy Brother Leo drew back and concealed
himself so as not to hear what was being said. But he
did see that three times Saint Francis held out his hand
towards the flame. As the flame receded Brother Leo
began to withdraw completely in order not to be
perceived by the saint. But Saint Francis hearing the
sound of his feet stumbling over some branch or other
said: I command thee, whosoever thou art, by the
authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to stand still. Do
not move from the spot. Immediately in response to
the saints adjuration he stood still and said: It is I,
father. Brother Leo subsequently related that he was
so petrified with fear, that if the earth had opened he
would cheerfully have hid himself therein. For he
feared that if he offended the saint he would forfeit the
favor of his company. For such was the trust and
affection he had for the saint that he had no confidence
whatever in life without him. This was why whenever
people talked about saints Brother Leo would say:
Dear friends, all saints are great, yes; but in fact Saint
Francis belongs to the great because of the miracles
that God works through him. Acknowledging his
word the saint said: Brother sheep of the flock, is this
why you came here? How many times have I not told
you not to go about watching what I do? Tell me, by
your vow of obedience, what did you see? He
answered: Father, I heard you talking, speaking and
frequently praying in great awe, What art thou
sweetest God, and what am I but a mere worm and thy
humble slave. And then I beheld a flame descending
from heaven and speaking with you; and I saw you
answer several times and hold out your hand, but what
you said I know not. Genuflecting with great respect
Brother Leo asked the saint: I beg you, Father,
explain to me the words I heard, and tell me the ones I
did not hear. And Saint Francis full of affection for
Brother Leo because of his sincerity and gentleness
said: O brother sheep of the flock of Jesus Christ, in
what you saw and heard were revealed to me two
lights, one concerning the knowledge of the Creator,
and the other concerning myself. When I said: What
art thou, Lord my God, and who am I? then I was
bathed in rays of contemplation in which I saw the
extent of the inflniteness of God, and the deplorable
depths of my vileness. That is why I kept saying: Why
is it Lord, all highest, wise, supremely good and
supremely merciful, that thou visitest me, who am
supremely vile, a miserable, abominable and con
temptible worm? Indeed that was God speaking to me
in that guise just as he spoke to Moses in the burning
bush. Among other things God asked me to make him
three gifts. I replied: All I have is a habit, a girdle and
breeches; and even those too are really thine. What
then shall I be able to offer thy mighty majesty? For
heaven and earth, fire and water, and all that is in them
are thine, O Lord. For who possesses anything that is
not thine? Therefore when we offer thee anything we
render to thee what is thine. What then can I offer
thee, Lord God of heaven and earth and all creation?
And God said to me: Put your hand in your bosom
and offer me whatever you find there. When I did so I
found a golden coin so great, brilliant and beautiful,
such as I had never seen in this world, and this I
offered to God. Again God said: Make me another
offering as before. But I said: Lord, I have nothing,
love nothing, desire nothing except thee; for thy sake I
have rejected gold and all things else. And so if
anything else is found in my bosom, thou didst place it
there, and to thee I make restitution, O Lord of all.
And this I did three times. After the third offering I
genuflected and blessed God who gave me the
wherewithal to make an offering. And forthwith it was
granted to me to understand what that threefold
offering represented: golden obedience, most abject
poverty, and admirable chastity, that God by his favor
gave to me to be so perfectly observed that in nothing
did my conscience reproach me. Then just as each time
I thrust my hand into my bosom I brought forth and
gave back those coins to the same God who had placed
them there, so did God grant me the power in my soul
ever to praise God and magnify him with heart and
voice for all the blessings which in his holy goodness
he has bestowed on me. This then was the meaning of
the words you heard and the outstretching of my
hands that you saw. Therefore, brother sheep, beware,
do not go about watching me; return to your cell with
Gods blessing, and be assiduous in taking care of me.
For within a few days God will work such amazing
miracles on this mountain that the whole world will be
filled with wonder. For he will do strange things that
he has never done in this world to any creature. So
Brother Leo withdrew greatly comforted. Indeed
during that same lenten fast there appeared on that
very mountain, at about the season of the Exaltation of
the Holy Cross, Christ in the shape of a winged
seraph, and as if crucified, imprinting both the nails
and the stigmata on the hands, feet and side of Saint
Francis as his legend relates. And he appeared at night
with such brilliance that he lit up the various
mountains and valleys round about more brighdy than
if it had been the light of the sun. Witnesses of this
were shepherds in those parts watching with their
Why the sacred stigmata were imprinted on Saint
Francis has not been revealed to everybody. But just as
he himself used to tell the story to his companions, so
this great mystery is carried on into the future.
This story Brother James of Massa had from the
mouth of Brother Leo, and Brother Ugolino of
Monte Santa Maria from the mouth of the said
Brother James; and I, the present writer who have
recorded it, had it from the mouth of Brother
Ugolino, a man in every respect trustworthy. To the
praise of God.
Chapter 10
How Brother Masseo examined the humility
of Saint Francis.
Sa in t f r a n c is wa s st a ying on one occasion at the
friary of the Porziuncula along with Brother Masseo,
who spoke of God with singular grace and under
standing. That is why he was loved by the saint. Once
when Saint Francis came in from the wood where he
had been to pray, and was about to leave the shelter of
the trees, Brother Masseo meeting him, and wishing
to try out how humble he was, said :Why you? Why
you? Why you? Saint Francis replied: What do you
mean, Brother Masseo? He replied: The whole
world seems to go after you, all seek to see you, to hear
you, to obey you, but you are not a handsome man.
You are not a man of great knowledge or wisdom. You
are not noble. Why, therefore, does the whole world
come to you? When the blessed Francis heard this, he
rejoiced in spirit, and lifting his face to heaven stood
for a long time, his mind turned to God. He came to
himself, fell on his knees, and with praise and thanks to
God with great warmth of spirit, turned to Brother
Masseo and said: You wish to know why me, why me,
why me. You wish to know, and know truly, why the
whole world comes after me. This comes to me from
those most holy eyes of God which everywhere
observe both good and evil. Those blessed and most
holy eyes saw among evil men no greater sinner, more
useless and vile than me. Therefore to do the
wondrous work he had in mind to do, since he could
find on earth no one more vile, he chose me, for God
has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound
the wise, the mean, contemptible, feeble things of the
world to confound the noble and the great, so that the
grandeur of goodness should proceed from God, and
not from that which God has created, so that no
creature and no flesh should boast in his sight, and
that to God alone should be honor and glory for ever.
Then Brother Masseo was amazed at a reply so
humble and so warmly made, and truly knew that the
holy father was grounded in true humility, a true and
humble follower of Christ
Chapter 11
How Saint Francis realized what Brother Masseo
concealed in his heart.
Once IN TUSCANY, Saint Francis was on the road with
Brother Masseo whom, for his grace of speech and
singular discretion, he most gladly took dong with
him. He was a help, too, when the saint was in a state of
rapture, by dealing with visitors and hiding him from
them. When one day they were thus journeying,
Brother Masseo was going ahead of Saint Francis over
a section of the journey. When they came to a place
where three roads met (one to Sienna, one to Florence,
one to Arezzo), Brother Masseo said: Father, which
road must we take? The saint replied: We must take
the road God wills. Brother Masseo said: And how
shall we discover the will of God? The saint replied:
By the sign I shall show in you. In the name of your
holy obedience I bid you, in the crossways where now
you stand, that you turn round and round as children
do, and do not stop turning until I tell you.
Like a true and obedient man, he twirled round
there so long that from the giddiness of head which
such turning brings on, he kept falling down. But
since the saint did not tell him to stop he obediently
got up and resumed his turning. Then said Saint
Francis: In which direction is your face turned? He
replied: To Sienna. The saint said: That is the way
God wishes us to go. Brother Masseo was very
amazed at the childish things he had made him do,
twirling thus before many who passed by, but for
reverence sake he did not dare to say anything to the
holy father. But when they drew near Sienna and the
city people knew about the holy fathers arrival they
came out to meet him and carried both of them to the
bishops house so that they hardly put foot to ground
the whole way.
At that time some citizens of Sienna were in conflict
with one another and already two had been killed. But
Saint Francis arose and pleaded with them so
graciously, and in such holy fashion, that he brought
them all to peace and great concord. Hearing of so
wonderful a deed, the bishop of Sienna took Saint
Francis in and entertained him with great honor. Early
the next morning, however, Saint Francis, in true
humility, seeking in all he did nothing but Gods
glory, rose betimes with his companions and they
went away without a word to the bishop.
So Brother Masseo said to himself as they jour
neyed: What has this good man done? Yesterday he
made me twirl round like a child, and today he says not
a good word nor returns thanks to a bishop who has so
honored him. It all seemed to him unwise. Later, at
the urging of God, he thought over it again and
reproached himself in his heart, saying: Brother
Masseo, you are overproud, you who so judge the
works of God are worthy of hell for rebelling against
God in your unwise arrogance, for on this journey
such holy works have been done by Saint Francis, that,
if an angel of God had done them, it would not have
been more wonderful. So, if he ordered you to throw
stones you ought to obey him. All the things he did on
this journey proceeded from the ordinance of God, as
appears from the successful outcome. Unless those
combatants had been brought to peace, not only
would the sword have eaten up the bodies of more
men, as it had begun to do, but, worse, the gulf of hell
would have devoured, with the Devils aid, the souls of
many more. And that is why you are a very arrogant
fool for grumbling about what is manifestly the will of
So Brother Masseo was saying in his heart, as he
walked a little ahead of Saint Francis.
But Saint Francis, by Gods Spirit, was made aware
of this, for to him all things are naked and open. He
called out behind Brother Masseos back, and said,
revealing the hidden things of his heart: Hold fast; to
those things you are now thinking, for they are good,
profitable and inspired by God. Your first mur-
murings were blind, bad, and proud, sown in your
soul by the Devil. Hearing this Brother Masseo was
amazed. Saint Francis obviously knew the secrets of
his heart, and above all else he understood that the
Spirit of divine grace guided Saint Francis in all he did.
To the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 12
How Brother Masseo was tested by Saint Francis.
Ou r mo s t bl es sed f a t h er Fr a n c is , wishing to
teach Brother Masseo humility so that the manifold
gifts the Most High had given him should increase the
more, when the holy father was in retreat with his first
truly holy companions, including Brother Masseo,
said before the whole group: Brother Masseo, all of
these your companions have the grace of prayer and
contemplation, but you have the grace of the Word of
God to meet the needs of visitors. That is why, in order
that they may be more free for prayer and contem
plation, I wish you to be doorkeeper, almoner and
have charge of the kitchen. When the brothers are at
table you will eat outside the door so that, before
visitors knock, you may satisfy them with a few words,
so that no one need go outside but you. Do this in the
name of sanctified obedience.
At this Brother Masseo immediately bowed his head
and drew back his cowl and humbly obeyed. For
several days he kept watch over door, alms and kitchen..
But his companions, like men enlightened by God,
became conscious of much inner strife of heart,
because Brother Masseo was a man of great perfection
and prayer as they were and more so, and yet the whole
burden of the friary had been laid on him. So they
asked the holy father to share out the duties among
them for in no way could their consciences endure that
the said brother should bear so many burdens.
Further, they felt ineffectual in their prayers, and
troubled in conscience unless Brother Masseo should
be eased of his burdens.
Saint Francis, hearing this, agreed to the loving
suggestions. He called Brother Masseo and said:
Brother Masseo, these your companions wish to
take a share of the duties I have laid on you. I
therefore wish the duties to be shared out. He
humbly and patiently replied: Father, whatever
wholly or in part you lay upon me, I wholly consider
it to be an act of God.
Then Saint Francis, observing their love and
Brother Masseos humility, gave a most wondrous
sermon on holy humility, apart from which no virtue is
acceptable in the eyes of God. He then shared out the
duties and blessed all of them with the grace of the
Holy Spirit. To the praise of God.
Chapter 13
How Saint Francis elevated Brother Masseo in
the air with his breath.
Th a t WONDROUS SERVANT o f GOD and true disciple
of Christ, Saint Francis, in order to be like Christ in
everything, just as Christ sent his disciples out two by
two to every community and friary where he was to
come himself, so, after gathering a company of twelve,
he dispersed them in pairs to preach everywhere. To
show an example of true obedience in himself, he
himself first, like Christ, began rather to do than
teach. So, having sent his companions in various
directions, choosing Brother Masseo for companion,
he took the road to France.
When they reached one hamlet, where out of
necessity as the Rule directs, they had to beg, Brother
Francis went along one street and Brother Masseo
along another. Saint Francis because, as a small-built
man, and therefore, after human fashion almost
universally despised among strangers, received a few
bits of old bread and small crusts; but more and better
bread was given to Brother Masseo because he was a
fine looking man and tall in stature. When they met
they found a spring on the edge of which was a wide
beautiful stone. They rejoiced greatly and on the stone
placed the bits of bread they had acquired. And when
Saint Francis saw that the pieces of bread which
Brother Masseo had acquired were more and better
than his, rejoicing in spirit because of his longing for
poverty, he said: Brother Masseo, we are undeserving
of such great treasure. He said this again and again, in
a louder and louder voice. Brother Masseo answered:
Dearest father, how can this be called treasure where
there is such poverty, no tablecloth, no knife, bowl,
trencher, house, table, man servant nor maid? Saint
Francis replied: That is what I call great treasure,
where nothing has been provided by mans labor. All
else has been provided by Gods providence, as
appears manifest in the bread we have, in so beauteous
a stone, and so limpid a spring. So I want us to pray
to God begging that he will make us wholeheartedly
love the noble treasure of holy poverty supplied by
From those crusts of bread, the spring, the food and
drink consumed with godly song, they rose to
continue on their road to France. They arrived at a
church, went in, and Saint Francis hid behind the altar
to pray. There he experienced such exceeding fire of
divine revelation, his soul was so utterly set on fire
with a desire for poverty that he seemed to emit from
face and breath as it were flames of love. Coming out
to his companion with such fiery breath he exclaimed:
A, a, a, a, Brother Masseo, surrender to me. This he
said three times. Amazed at such fervor, at the third
invocation Masseo flung himself into the holy fathers
arms. Saint Francis, with a deep breath, and the heat of
the Holy Spirit, shouted loudly A, a, a, a, and lifted
Brother Masseo into the air with his very breathing,
and impelled him along before him for the length of a
long spear. Before such a wondrous manifestation of
the Holy Spirits warmth, Brother Masseo was
amazed, and later confessed tofiis companions that as
he was lifted and driven along by Saint Francis he
experienced such sweetness and comfort of the Holy
Spirit that never in his life had he sensed anything so
Then said Saint Francis to Brother Masseo: Let us
now go to Rome to Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and ask
them to teach us and enable us to lay hold of the
unutterable treasure of holy poverty. He continued:
Dearest and most beloved brother, the treasure of
blessed poverty is so surpassingly worthy and so divine
that we are not worthy to contain it in these utterly vile
vessels, for poverty is that heavenly virtue by which the
things of earth and time are all trodden underfoot, by
which all obstacles are removed, and the human mind
is freely joined with God Eternal. This, too, is what
makes it possible for a soul on earth to converse with
the angels of heaven. This is what went with Christ to
the Cross, was hidden with Christ in the tomb, rose
with him and ascended to heaven, for this virtue grants
the gift, even in this life, to those souls who love her, of
flying to heaven. She alone guards the armor of
humility and love. So let us pray the most holy
apostles of Christ who loved this pearl of the Gospel,
to obtain this grace for us from the Lord Jesus
Christ, that he, the practicer and teacher of holy
poverty, may deign, in his most holy mercy, to grant
to us that we may deserve to be true practicers and
humble disciples of the most precious, lovable and
evangelical poverty.
Reaching Rome, they went into the Church of Saint
Peter. Saint Francis went to one corner of that church
and Brother Masseo to another to pray to God and his
holy apostles that they would instruct them and help
them to lay hold of the treasure of holy poverty. For
this they asked with deep devotion and many tears. But
as they continued in such humble prayer, behold the
blessed Peter and the blessed Paul appeared in great
splendor to Saint Francis. They kissed him, embraced
him and said: Father Francis, since you seek and long
for what Christ himself and his holy aposdes served,
we bring you word from the Lord Jesus Christ that
your desire is granted. The Lord Jesus Christ himself
has sent us to tell you that your prayer is heard, and
the treasure of divinest poverty is granted you and
your followers. And to you we say, at Christs behest,
that whoever pursues this desire after your perfect
example shall be assured of the kingdom of blessed
ness, and you and all who follow you shall be blessed
of God.
This said, they disappeared leaving him deeply
comforted. Saint Francis, rising from prayer, went
to his companion and asked him whether he had
had anything from God. He replied that he had
had nothing. But Saint Francis told how the holy
aposdes had appeared to him and revealed what has
just been told. At this both were filled with such
joy and happiness that, forgetting their intended visit
to France, they hastily returned to the valley of
Spoleto, where this heavenly and angelic journey was
to begin.
Chapter 14
How Christ appeared in the midst of
his companions as Saint Francis spoke to
them about God.
Ou r VERY HOLY FATHER FRANCIS, who directed all
his thoughts towards the blessed Christ, and directed
all his zeal and longing for prayer and speech to his
good will for himself and his companions, was once
sitting with them, his blessed children, soon after his
conversion. In fervor of spirit he bade one of them
open his mouth in the name of the Lord, and speak to
God in such way as the Holy Spirit suggested. When
he obediently began, and as the spirit prompted was
uttering amazing words, the blessed father imposed
silence on him, and bade a second brother likewise to
speak of God according to the grace given him by the
Holy Spirit. He obeyed and by the grace of God was
pouring out wondrous words about God when Saint
Francis imposed silence upon him as he had upon the
first. And he imposed upon a third the task of uttering
something to the praise of the Lord Jesus Christ
without premeditation. The third, like the other two,
fulfilling humbly his obedience, brought to light such
marvellous and secret things about the hidden things
of God, that there was no doubt that through him, as
through the rest, the Holy Spirit was speaking.
So when, one by one, those vessels of holy simple
men were pouring out the balm of Gods grace, like
the honey of God flowing by the holy fathers
command, behold, in the guise of a most handsome
youth, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared among them,
blessing them all with such sweetness of grace, that the
holy father, and all the rest, were enraptured, and lay
on the ground as though dead to this world, feeling
nothing. When they recovered consciousness, the holy
father said: Dearest brethren, give thanks to the Lord
Jesus Christ, because he was pleased to spread the
treasures of heaven through the lips of simple men. He
who opened the mouth of infants and of the dumb,
makes the tongues of the simple, when he so wishes,
most wise and eloquent. To the glory of God.
Chapter 15
How Saint Francis and his companions were rapt
together with Saint Clare.
Fr a n c is , s er v a n t o f g o d mo s t h ig h , often in his
lifetime gave consolation to the most blessed Clare.
She asked the blessed Father Francis to grant her this
consolation, to wit, to have one meal together. The
blessed Father Francis always refused to do so. So it
came about that the companions of the holy father,
considering the wish of the holy Clare, said to the
blessed Francis: Father, it seems to us that this
determination is not according to the love of God, not
to listen to Sister Clare, a virgin so holy and beloved of
God, especially since it was under your preaching that
she abandoned the pomp of the world. And so you do
not agree to take even one meal with her; if with such
insistence she had asked for a greater favor, you would
have had to grant it as to a spiritual plant of your own.
Saint Francis replied: You think I should hearken to
this request? They said: Yes, Father, for she is worthy
of this comfort from you. Saint Francis replied:
Since this is what you think good, so too it seems
good to me; but that the comfort may be yet greater,
let it be at Saint Mary of the Angels. She has long been
cloistered in the church of Saint Damian and she will
take some small joy in seeing again the shrine of Saint
Mary where her hair was cut and she became the bride
of Jesus Christ the Lord. There we shall eat together in
the name of the Lord.
So he fixed a day on which the most blessed Clare
should come with one other nun, he being accom
panied by his companions. She came and after reverent
and humble adoration of Mary, the Mother of the
Lord, and a devout inspection of the place, came the
time appointed for the meal. The humble and godly
Francis had the table prepared, as was his custom, on
the bare ground. He and the blessed Clare took their
places, as did one of the holy Fathers companions
with the companion of the holy Clare. All of the other
of Franciss companions also took their places at the
humble table. As the first dish was set before them,
Saint Francis began to speak of God in so sweet, holy,
lofty and divine a way, that Saint Francis himself, Saint
Clare and her companion, and all who were at that
modest little table, were caught up in mighty and
abundant grace from the Most High that came upon
As they were thus sitting in ecstasy and lifting eyes
and hands to heaven, the people of Assisi and Bettona
and all along the road thought that the whole of Saint
Mary of the Angels, the building, and the wood which
then surrounded it, were on fire, and an enormous
conflagration enveloped the whole. So the men of
Assisi ran hastily to save the building, firmly con
vinced it would burn down completely. When they
arrived they found it all unharmed and intact. Going in
they found Saint Francis, Saint Clare, and all their
company in a divine ecstasy, all sitting at that most
humble table, and clothed with virtue from on high.
And of a certainty they knew that it was the fire of God
which blazed about those saintly folk, and went away
uplifted and comforted.
So refreshed were Saint Francis, Saint Clare and
their company by so rich a comfort from God in their
soul, that they touched little or nothing of the
corporeal food before them. Saint Clare went back to
Saint Damians church and the sisters rejoiced to see
her, for they feared Saint Francis might wish to send
her to be head of another nunnery, as he had sent her
sister Agnes to Florence as abbess, and had once said
to Saint Clare: Be prepared if need be to go wherever
I shall send you. And like a truly obedient daughter,
she had replied: I am ready, father, to go wherever
you wish. So Saint Clare stayed on, deeply comforted
in the Lord.
Chapter 16
How God revealed to Saint Clare and
Brother Silvester that Saint Francis was destined
to go out and preach.
In THE EARLY DAYS after his conversion, when he had
already gathered several companions round him, Saint
Francis found himself in a position of agonizing
doubt as to whether he should keep himself free for
uninterrupted prayer, or should give his energies at
times to preaching. He had a great desire to know the
will and good pleasure of our Lord Jesus Christ on
this matter. Holy humility would not permit him to
trust himself, so he humbly turned to the refuge others
could offer, by whose prayers he was able to recognize
the divine good pleasure in this matter. So he called
Brother Masseo, and said to him: Dearest man, go to
Sister Clare and say to her on my behalf that she must,
along with one of the purest and most spiritual of her
sisters, ask God in prayer, and tell me what she thinks
best, whether I should occasionally preach, or give
myself to uninterrupted prayer. Go also to Brother
Silvester, who lives on Mount Subasio and similarly
ask him. That Brother Silvester was of such holiness
and grace that whatever he sought in prayer was
immediately answered. The Holy Spirit had made him
especially worthy of converse with God. That is why
Saint Francis had great trust and faith in him. Brother
Silvester lived as a hermit on Mount Subasio already
Brother Masseo following his orders from Saint
Francis, went first to the blessed Clare and then to
Brother Silvester and gave the message. Brother
Silvester immediately proceeded to prayer and
forthwith had Gods answer. He went out to Brother
Masseo and said: The Lord thus directs that you
should reply to Brother Francis, that God called him
not for himself alone, but for a harvest of souls, and
that he should bless many through him. After this
Brother Masseo went back to the holy Clare to find
whether she had anything from God. She replied that
both she and her companion had from God a reply
altogether like that of Brother Silvester.
Brother Masseo came back to Saint Francis who
received him with love, washing his feet and pre
paring a meal. After the meal he called him into the
wood. He bared his head, crossed his arms, fell on his
knees and asked: What does my Lord Jesus Christ
bid me do? Brother Masseo reported the reply of the
blessed Jesus Christ as it came through Brother
Silvester, Sister Clare and her companion, to wit, that
it was his will that you continue with preaching,
because God called you not for your sake alone but
for the salvation of others. Then it was clear that the
hand of God was upon Saint Francis. Rising in fervor
of spirit, all afire with the virtue of the Most High, he
said to Brother Masseo: Let us then go, in the
Lords name.
Taking as his companions Brother Masseo himself
and Brother Angelo, both holy men, he set out like a
lightning flash in the drive of the Spirit. With no
thought for road or path they came to the fortress of
Cannara where he preached with great fervor. Because
of this and the miracle of the twittering swallows who
fell silent at his command, every man and woman in
that place wished to leave home and follow him. But
Saint Francis said to them: Make no haste. I shall lay
down what you must do for your salvation. From that
he conceived the idea of founding the Third Order, of
the continents, so called, for the salvation of all men
Dismissing them much comforted and disposed to
penitence, he withdrew thence to the area between
Cannara and Bevagna. He saw some trees beside the
road in which was a multitude of different birds as had
never before been seen in those parts. Another huge
flock was in the open fields beside the trees. Looking
at the mass of them wonderingly, with the Spirit of
God upon him, Saint Francis said to his companions:
Wait for me here on the road. I shall go and preach to
our sisters the birds, and he went into the field where
the birds were on the ground. As soon as he began to
preach all the birds who were in the trees came down
to him, and, like those on the level ground, remained
quiet, though he moved among them brushing some
with his gown. Not one of them moved at all, relates
Brother James of Massa, a holy man who had the story
, from Brother Masseo who was among the holy
fathers companions. To these birds Saint Francis said:
My sisters the birds, you have much from God and
should always praise him for the free flight you have,
for your double and triple plumage, colored and
decorated vesture, for your nourishment set out
for you without care, for your song accorded you by
your Creator, for your number increased for you by
the blessing of God, for your race was preserved in
the Ark, for the element of the air set apart for you.
You neither sow nor reap and God feeds you, gave
you rivers and streams at which to drink, mountains,
hills, rocks and crags to hide in, tall trees in which to
build your nests; and since you cannot spin or weave
he gave the garments you need to you and your
chicks. It follows that the Creator who so blessed you
loves you much. So take care, sisters mine, the birds,
not to be ungrateful but be zealous always to praise
At these words of the most holy father, all the birds
began to open their beaks, stretch their wings and
necks and reverently bend their heads to the ground,
and with songs and actions to make clear, in manifold
ways, that the words pleased them. Saint Francis, when
he observed this, was wondrously uplifted in spirit and
was amazed at such a host of birds, their most
beautiful variety, their mutual love and friendliness.
For this he praised the marvellous Creator and gently
called them to the Creators praise.
When he had finished preaching and his ex
hortation to praise God, he made the sign of the Cross
to all the birds, urging them to praise God. Then all
the birds took off together, and in the air sang a
wonderful great song. This done, following the
directions of the sign of the Cross made by the holy
father, they parted in order in the four directions, to
the east, west, north and south, rising with wondrous
song, showing that, as Saint Francis had preached to
them, he, the future bearer of the sacred Cross, so,
after the shape of the Cross, they divided and with
song winged their way to the four quarters of the
earth. They showed that the preaching of the Cross,
brought to renewal by the most holy father, was to be
carried by his brothers through the whole world, for,
after the fashion of birds, they called nothing their
own on earth, committing themselves wholly to the
providence of God.
Chapter 17
The dislike of Saint Francis for the
name master.
Fr a n c is , h u mbl e imit a t o r o f c h r is t , aware that
the title of master befitted Christ alone, through
whom all things were made, used to say that, though
he wanted to know and do everything, he did not wish
to be called Master, nor to be known by that name.
His reason, of course, was lest he should seem to
contravene the Word of God in the Gospel which says
that none should be called master. It was better, he
said, in ones poor little state of understanding to be
humble, than to do great things and act presump
tuously against such majestic written authority, for the
name fits only the blessed Christ, all of whose words
are perfect. That is why it was laid down by him that no
one should presumptuously be called master on
earth. There is only one true master, the blessed Christ
who is God and man, light and life, founder of the
world, worthy of praise and glorious for ever and ever.
Chapter 18
How the death of Saint Francis was revealed to
Lady Jacoba of SettesolL
Wh e n THE bl es sed FRANCIS, a few days before his
death, was lying ill in the palace of the bishop of Assisi,
he would sing some songs of praise along with a few of
his companions. And if he for weakness could not join
in he would often bid his companions do so. The
people of Assisi, fearing lest it should happen that a
treasure so peculiarly their own should be held outside
Assisi, carefully, with a large armed garrison, guarded
the palace day and night. While the holy man was lying
ill there, one of his companions said to him: Father,
you know that the men of this earth have great
confidence in you and call you a holy man. And so it
could be in their minds that, if holiness be in you, as is
generally said, you should think of death while you are
so gravely ill and rather mourn than sing. The song of
praise we sing here is heard by many. This palace on
your account is guarded by a host of armed men, so
that perhaps they have before them a bad example.
That is why I think we should be doing well if we
withdrew from here and all went back to Saint Mary of
the Angels because it is not good for us to be here
among people of the world. The blessed Francis
replied to Brother Elias when he said this: Dearest
man, you know that full two years ago, when we were
at Foligno, the Lord revealed to me the end of my life
and that it will come after a few days of this illness. Jn
the same revelation God gave me assurance of the
forgiveness of all my sins and the blessedness of
paradise. Up to the day of that revelation I wept about
death and my sins, but afterwards I was filled with
such joy that I was not able to weep any more but I
always remain in joy and gladness. Therefore, I sing,
and shall sing, to the Lord who gave me the blessings
of grace and made me certain of the blessings of
paradise. But I agree about this withdrawal, and do
you make ready to carry me there, because I am unable
to walk.
So the brothers bore him down in their arms and
with a great crowd following set out for Saint Mary of
the Angels. When they reached a hospital which is on
the way, Saint Francis enquired as to their where
abouts because his vision was dim on account of the
blurring of his eyes from his excessive penitence and
weeping of past years.
When he learned that they were at the hospital he
had himself put on the ground and said: Turn me
towards Assisi. And standing on the road with his
face towards the city, he blessed it with many
blessings: Blessed are you in the Lord, because
through you many souls will be saved and many
servants of the Most High will dwell in you, and
through you many will be chosen for the eternal
kingdom. These words said, he bade them carry him
When they reached Saint Marys, he called one of
his companions and said to him: Dearest man, God
has shown me that on a certain day I shall die, and you
know how the Lady Jacoba of Settesoli, a beloved
devotee of my heart, will be unconsolably saddened if
she is not present at my death. This being so we bid
you that she should come now if she would find me
living. The brother replied: You say well, father, for
on account of the great devotion she has for you, it
would be most improper if she were not at your
deathbed. So Saint Francis said: Bring paper and pen
and write as I say to you: To the Lady Jacoba, servant
of the Most High, Brother Francis, little poor man of
Christ, greetings in the Lord and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit. Know, dearest lady, that the blessed
Christ has made known to me by his grace that the end
of my life draws near. So if you wish to see me living,
when you have read this letter, hasten to come to Saint
Mary of the Angels, for if you should not come before
such and such a day, you will not find me alive. Bring
with you a linen cloth in which you will shroud my
body and wax for burial. I ask you also to bring some
of that food you used to give me when I was sick at
Rome. While this was actually being written, it was
revealed in the Spirit to Saint Francis that the Lady
Jacoba was coming to him bringing what he asked. So
he said immediately to the scribe: Write no more.
There is no need. Just put the letter aside. The
brethren wondered why he did not allow the letter to
be finished. And behold, after a few minutes, the Lady
Jacoba rang at the door. When the porter answered, he
found her with two senior nuns and a large armed
escort who had come to Saint Francis. And she had
with her everything that he had listed in the letter, for
God had revealed to the Lady Jacoba herself while she
was praying at Rome that Saint Franciss death was
near, and also the needs he had listed in the letter. She
carried, too, such a supply of wax that it provided
candles not only for the burial but also for masses and
sepulchral vigils for many days.
When the abbess came in to Saint Francis, who was
still alive, they drew great comfort from seeing each
other. Falling at his feet, those which bore the marks of
the stigmata, such grace, comfort and flooding tears
came on her there that, as Mary Magdalen washed
Christs feet with her tears, so the Lady Jacoba, as
though they were the feet of another Christ, devoutly
kissing and embracing the feet of Saint Francis, so
pressed her faithful lips upon them, that the brethren
were not able to pull her away. At length, taken away
and questioned how she had come, as if at command,
she replied that, when she was praying at night she
heard a voice saying: If you wish to find Brother
Francis alive, go without delay to Assisi, and take with
you those things which you gave him at Rome when he
was ill, and also what is necessary for burial.
The Lady Jacoba remained until the saint departed,
and showed great honor to his body. After a space of
time, in devotion to Saint Francis, she came to Assisi
again. And there, ending her days in holy penitence
and virtuous fellowship, she had herself buried in the
Church of Saint Francis with great devotion.
Chapter 19
How Christ, the blessed Virgin, Saint John the
Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, together with
a host of angels spoke with Saint Francis.
Th e r e wa s A boy graced with dovelike purity and
angelic innocence, who was received into the Order in
the lifetime of the blessed Francis. He was in a small
friary where the brothers had no cells, and would sleep
on their beds in the open. Saint Francis came to that
small friary and in the evening after saying compline
he went away to sleep somewhat before the rest, so
that he could rise in the night while the rest were
asleep. The boy entertained in his heart the wish to
seek out carefixlly where the saint went and what he did
when he rose in the night. And so that sleep should not
frustrate him, he lay down to rest beside Saint Francis,
and tied his cord to that of the saint, so that he would
notice when he got up. Saint Francis did not notice
this, but he did get up, when all the rest were asleep.
Feeling that his cord was caught, he loosened it from
the boys so carefully that the boy did not perceive it.
He went off to a hill near the friary where there was a
beautiful wood, to pray alone. But the boy awoke and
finding his cord loosed from the saints, rose
immediately, to look for the holy father as he had
determined. When he found the gate open which led
to the wood, observing that the saint had gone there,
the boy went into the wood and proceeded to the top
of the hill which has been mentioned. There Saint
Francis had paused to pray. When the boy had stopped
a short distance away he heard many voices speaking.
Approaching closer the more clearly to hear what was
being said, he saw a wondrous light all round Saint
Francis, and in that light he saw Christ, the Virgin
Mary, the blessed John the Baptist and John the
Evangelist, and a great host of angels speaking with
the blessed Francis. Seeing all this the boy fell into an
ecstasy, and trembling at what he had heard, fell as if
dead on to the path by which the saint would return to
the friary.
When the wondrous conversation was over Saint
Francis was returning, and since it was still deep night
he stumbled over the body of the boy lying as if dead
on the path. Pitying him and lifting him in his holy
arms as a good shepherd does his own little lamb, the
saint carried him back to bed. Learning later the vision
he had seen, he bade the boy to tell no one in his
lifetime. He kept the secret, grew up in great 4avor
with God and devotion to Saint Francis, and finished
his life a great man in the Order. After Saint Francis
died he revealed the whole of this story. To the praise
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 20
Concerning the resolution adopted at the general
chapter at Saint Mary of the Angels and Saint
Dominic who was also present.
At A CHAPTER-GENERAL which Gods most faithful
servant Saint Francis held at Saint Mary of the Angels,
were gathered 5,000 brethren, and Saint Dominic,
together with seven of his brethren, was present. Also
present was Lord Cardinal Ugolino, a devotee of Saint
Francis and his Order. And since the papal court was at
the time at Perugia, the cardinal was careful to come to
Assisi and used to come to see Saint Francis every day,
and whenever he sang mass he would preach a sermon
to the brethren.
When he came to visit that holy gathering and saw
the participants in companies of sixties, hundreds, and
three hundreds sitting in the plain in godly conver
sation, prayer and tears, or in manifestations of
affection, and amid such silence that there was no din
or noise there, in wonder he would say of such a
multitude: The ordered battleline of God, and it
moved him to tears of devotion. No one among them
dared to tell stories or jests but wherever they were
gathered together they prayed, lamented, or spoke of
the souls salvation. They lived on the plain in groups
with separate buildings made of latticed sticks for
walls and roof. That is why this assembly was called the
chapter of wicker and mats. They slept on the bare
ground or a little straw, with pillows of stone or wood.
Such was the universal devotion that from the nearby
papal court came counts and barons, in large
numbers, knights and squires, cardinals in person
with bishops and priests, and there gathered round
them nobles and common folk to see such a holy
gathering of saintly humble men the like of which the
world had never yet witnessed, and also to see their
worshipful head Saint Francis, who had snatched such
a holy and beautiful treasure from the hands of the
world and turned a flock so devoted into the fold of
When they were all gathered together, the holy
pastor and venerable leader Francis rose, in the power
of the Holy Spirit, and expounded the word of life to
the blessed flock with a voice as loud as a trumpet
which Gods anointing conferred on him. This is the
theme he set before them: We have promised great
things but greater things are promised us. Let us keep
the former and aspire to the latter. Pleasure is brief,
punishment everlasting. Suffering is brief. Glory has
no end. In addition to these words, devoutly
preaching, he called them all to obedience to Holy
Mother Church and to the sweetness of brotherly
love, to prayer for all the holy people of God, to
patience in adversity, to clean living and angelic purity,
to peace and concord with God and men, to humility
and gentleness before all, to contempt for the world,
and burning zeal for evangelical poverty, to care and'1
watchfulness in heavenly prayer and Gods praise, to
casting aside all care and anxiety of soul and body on
to the good pastor of our souls and bodies, our Lord,
the blessed Jesus Christ. And that is why I bid you,
brothers here assembled, in the name of your saving
obedience, that no one of you have any concern or
anxiety about food or any other bodily necessity, but
that you should give your whole attention to prayer
and praise to God, casting all your care on Christ,
because he has a special care for us. And so they all
did, hastening to prayer with cheerful mind.
But Saint Dominic, who was present on this
occasion, marvelling at Saint Franciss command, and
judging him to have acted unwisely in such an
enormous gathering, in commanding that no one
should take thought for the necessary concerns of the
body, was of the opinion that a lamentable situation
would arise. But die Lord Jesus Christ, wishing to
show that he had a special care for his beloved sheep
and his own poor ones, made obvious the hand of the
Lord on the folk of Assisi, Spoleto and all adjacent
communities. They came with donkeys, mules and
horses all loaded with bread and wine, beans and
cheese and all the things they thought those blessed
poor had need of, and could use. And they brought
besides tablecloths, vessels large and small, and
whatever utensils were necessary. And he who could
serve them most devotedly and attentively, considered
himself the more blessed in zealous provision for their
needs. And you might have seen there knights and
nobles gladly and devoutly serving the gathering of
the saints. You might have seen devoted members of
the clergy running round everywhere like common
servants, and fine young men serving with so much
reverence that they seemed to be serving not poor little
friars, but the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When Saint Dominic saw all this, and truly
observed there the providence of God, humbly
rebuking himself for his judgment on his earlier
indiscretion, he knelt before Saint Francis and humbly
confessed his fault thus: Truly God has care for these
little poor folk and I know it not. So from now I
promise to observe holy evangelical poverty, and I
curse in Gods name all brethren of my Order who
have presumed as members to have personal posses
Saint Dominic was truly edified by the faith of Saint
Francis, by the obedience and poverty of so great and
holy a colleague, divine providence and most abun
dant provision of all things. Like the holy and wise
man that he was, he recognized the utter faithfulness
of God in all his words, for just as he makes the vines
and the lilies grow and feeds the birds of the air, so he
provides all that is needful for his holy poor.
At that chapter it was made known to Saint Francis
that many were wearing iron breastplates and iron
rings against their flesh, which made some ill,
hindered the prayers of many and caused the death of
some. So, like a most gentle and true father, he told
them to put off such things before him in the name of
their obedience. And there were found a good five
hundred breastplates, and iron rings for the arms and
trunk in such abundance, that made one huge heap
which he ordered to be left there.
Afterwards the holy father taught and comforted
them all and told them how to escape this present
world with Gods blessing and his, and with spiritual
joy sent them all back comforted to their own
provinces. To the praise and glory of God.
Chapter 21
How God spoke to Saint Francis and how
Saint Francis caused wine to grow on a vine
without grapes.
WHEN s a in t FRANCIS had a grave eye affliction the
Lord Cardinal Ugolino, the protector of Saint Francis
who loved him deeply, bade him to go to Rieti where
there were the best ophthalmologists. The blessed
Francis, when he received the Lord Cardinals letter,
went first to Saint Damians where Saint Clare lived.
His purpose was to visit and console her before His
retreat, going to Rieti later.
When he reached Saint Damians he was so severely
hampered by his eye-trouble that he could not dis
tinguish any light at all. So Saint Clare had a little cell
of reeds and rushes built so that he might rest in
greater confidence further away. He stayed there fifty
days, but was so plagued by his eye-trouble, and by a
swarm of mice stirred up by the Devil that he was
unable to rest night or day. The most blessed Francis,
recognizing that this was a scourge from God, began
to give God thanks and to praise him with his whole
heart and voice, and to cry out from his deepest being
that he was worthy of such tricks and troubles and
much greater ones than these. And he prayed to the
Lord saying: Lord Jesus Christ, good shepherd,
grant me, your little sheep, grace and virtue that in no
trouble, tribulation or grief I may depart from you.
Thereupon, a voice came from heaven saying:
Francis, reply to me: if the whole world were gold and
the sea, rivers and springs were balm, and all the
mountains and stones and springs were gems, and you
could find a treasure as much nobler than them all by
as much as gold is more precious than them all, and
balm more precious than water, and gems than
mountains and rocks, and if all that precious treasure
were granted you for your present infirmity, should
you not rejoice? Saint Francis answered: Lord, I am
not worthy of such treasure. And the Lord said to
him: Rejoice now, Brother Francis, for such is the
treasure of eternal life which I have set aside for you,
and from now I clothe you with that infirmity, and
your affliction is the earnest of that blessed treasure.
Then Saint Francis, thrilled with gladness, called his
companion and said: Let us go to Rieti to the Lord
Cardinal. And consoling the blessed Clare with
godly words which flowed with honey, and wishing
her humbly goodbye as he usually did, he took the
road to Rieti.
When he drew near that place, such a host of people
poured out to meet him that he would not go into the
city but turned aside to a church some two miles away.
But the people, knowing that he was staying there,
flocked to meet him in such crowds, that the vineyard
of the priest of that church (it was time to harvest the
grapes) was completely despoiled and the fruit eaten.
The priest was so upset at the sight of such damage
that he was sorry he had allowed Saint Francis into his
church. Saint Francis, learning this from the Holy
Spirit, had the priest summoned, and said: Dearest
Father, how many measures of wine does this vineyard
produce for you in a good season? Twelve, was the
reply. Said Saint Francis: Therefore, I beg you,
Father, to bear with my remaining in this your church
because of the peace I find here. And allow everyone to
receive of your grapes for the love of God and of me,
his little poor one, and I promise you in the name of
my Lord Jesus Christ that this year you shall gather
twenty measures. This Saint Francis did because of
the great harvest of souls that God was gathering
there. He saw many of the visitors drunk with the Jove
of God, and, forgetting the world, converted to
longings for heaven. So he saw the despoiling of the
material vineyard a more useful outcome than making
the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts barren of heavenly
Trusting therefore the promises of the saint, the
priest generously abandoned his vineyard to feed the
visitors. Wondrously then was the vineyard stripped
bare and eaten up by them, so that scarcely a few little
bunches remained. Vintage time came, and the priest,
trusting in the saints promise, gathered together
those few poor bunches of grapes and, placing them in
their accustomed press, as the saint had promised, he
obtained twenty measures of the best wine that year.
Thus it was demonstrated that, just as through the
merits of Saint Francis the ruined vineyard had
produced wine more abundantly, so Christian people,
sterile in sin, through his teachings may move
abundantly into the fruits of penitence. To the glory of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 22
How Saint Francis appeared in glory with many
holy friars to a certain friar in a state of ecstasy.
A CERTAIN NOBLE and gently nurtured young man
came to the Order of Saint Francis. He was clothed in
the friars habit, but, after a few days, at the Devils
prompting, he developed such a dislike for the habit
he wore that it seemed to him he wore the most
loathsome sackcloth. He abhorred the sleeves, he
hated the hood; the length and the coarseness of the
robe seemed to him a burden too hard to bear. So it
came about that with growing disgust of the Order he
took it in mind to cast off the habit and return to
secular life. Now his master had taught him that
whenever he passed in front of the altar of the friary in
which was kept, the most holy body of Christ, with
great reverence, bended knees, uncovered head and
crossed arms, he should devoutly bow. This he was
always careful to do.
It happened that on the night he had thought to
abandon the habit and return to secular life, he had to
pass the altar, and as his custom was he bent his knees.
He immediately fell into a rapture and a wondrous
vision was shown to him. A limitless host seemed to
pass in procession before him. They were the re
deemed and moved two by two, clad in the most
gorgeous and precious robes. Their faces, hands, and
any part of their person which could be seen, shone
more brightly than the sun. They processed with song
and canticle of angels most solemnly and chanting
sweetly. Among them went two more nobly clothed
than the rest with such brightness that they struck
speechless amazement into those who beheld them.
Almost at the end of the procession, he saw someone
endowed with such glory as befitted a new knight
outstandingly honored.
The youth wondered much when he saw this but did
not know what it meant. He did not dare to ask those
who passed by, nor was he able to do so, overwhelmed
as he was with such sweetness. But when the
procession had passed and the last of them was still in
sight, he took courage and rushed up to them and
asked: Dearest friends, I beg you, please, who are the
wondrous beings who make up this procession?
Turning their most shining faces to him they made
reply: We are all friars minor who have but now come
from paradise. Further questioning he said:#Who are
those two who shine so brightly among the rest?
They replied: Those two who are brighter than the
rest are Saint Francis and Saint Antony. That last one,
so excellently honored is a holy brother lately dead
whom we are escorting to the joys of the everlasting
kingdom, with glory and triumph along with both
saints and holy angels, because be battled strongly
against temptations and persisted in his holy calling.
These robes of silk, which we so gloriously wear, were
given us in place of the coarse habits which we
endured patiently in the Order, and the brightness of
glory which you see was given us by God because of
the humble penitence we made, and for the holy
poverty, obedience and purest chastity which we
preserved with joyous heart right to the end. So, son,
let it not seem hard to you to wear the fruitful
sackcloth of the Order; for if you keep yourself in the
sackcloth of the blessed Francis, for the love of our
Lord Jesus Christ, scorning the world, mortifying the
flesh, and battling like a true man against the Devil,
you will shine in like garments along with us.
At these words, the young man came to himself and
consoled by that vision cast all his temptation aside.
He confessed his fault before the warden and the rest
of the brethren. Henceforth he took pleasure as if they
were riches, in the harshness of penitence and
coarseness of garment. So, changed for the better he
ended in a life of sanctity. To the praise of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Chapter 23
How a ravening wolf was tamed by Saint Francis.
remembrance, in the community of Gubbio. While
Saint Francis was still alive, in the region thereabouts
was a fearful wolf, enormous in size and most
ferocious in the savagery of his hunger. It had
devoured not only animals but men and women too, so
much that it held all the people in such terror that they
all went armed whenever they went into the country
side as if they were off to grim war. Even armed, they
were not able to escape the tearing teeth and ravening
rage of the wolf, if by mischance they met him. Such
terror gripped them all that scarcely anyone dared to
go outside the city gate.
It was Gods will to emphasize for those townsfolk
the holiness of Saint Francis, since the blessed father
was at that very time among them. In pity for them he
made arrangements to go out and meet the wolf.
Have care, Brother Francis, not to go outside the
gate, they said, because the wolf who has devoured
many will surely kill you. But Saint Francis, hoping in
the Lord Jesus Christ who rules the spirits of all flesh,
without the protection of shield or helmet, but
guarding himself with the Sign of the Holy Cross,
went out of the gate with a companion, putting all his
trust in the Lord who makes all who believe in him
walk without harm over viper and asp, but tread not
only on the wolf, but on the lion too and the serpent.
So the most faithful Francis went fearlessly out to meet
the wolf. Many were watching from places they had
climbed to see. That fearsome wolf rushed out against
Saint Francis and his friend with open mouth. The
blessed father met him with the Sign of the Cross, and
by divine strength restrained the wolf from himself
and his companion, checked its charge and closed his
cruelly open mouth. Calling him then, he said: Come
to me, brother wolf, and in Christs name I command
you not to harm me or anybody. It is wondrous that
one Sign of the Cross closed that awful maw. As soon
as the order was given, like a lamb and not a wolf, with
lowered head he laid himself at the feet of the saint.
Saint Francis said to him: Brother wolf, you wreak
much harm in these parts and have done some
dreadful deeds, destroying creatures of God without
mercy. Not only brute beasts do you kill but, a deed of
more hateful boldness, you kill and devour men and
women made in the image of God. So you deserve an
awful death, to he hacked like any footpad or loathly
murderer. That is why all justly cry out and murmur
against you and the whole city is your foe. But, brother
wolf, I want you and them to make peace so that they
may be no more harmed by you, nor the hounds
further pursue you.
The wolf showed by movements of his body, tail and
ears and the bowing of its head, that he accepted
without reservation what the saint said. Saint Francis
continued: Brother wolf, in view of your undertaking
to make this peace, I promise you that as long as you
live you will be given what you need by the people of
this community, so that you will no more suffer
hunger, for I know that whatever evil you do you do
because of the ravening of hunger. But, my brother
wolf, since I secure such favor for you, I want you to
promise me that you will never harm any animal or
man. Do you so promise? And the wolf by proper
bowing of his head showed that he promised to keep
the undertakings put to him by the saint. Saint Francis
said: Brother wolf, I want you to give me a pledge that
I can confidently accept that you will keep your
promise, and when Saint Francis held out his hand to
receive the pledge, the wolf lifted his right front paw
and softly and gently placed it in Saint Francis hand,
giving such pledge as he could. Then said Saint
Francis: Brother wolf, I bid you in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ to come along with me, without
fear, into the city to make this peace in the name of
Jesus Christ. The wolf immediately set off to go with
the saint like the gendest lamb.
Seeing this, the citizens were dumbfounded. The
miracle echoed through the community so that men
and women, great and small, congregated in the
square where Saint Francis was with the wolf. The
populace was there in a horde when Saint Francis rose
and preached a wondrous sermon. It was, he said,
because of their sins that such scourges were allowed;
and how much more perilous was the flame of
Gehennas fire which can devour the damned for ever,
than the ravening of a wolf which can kill only the
body; and how terrible it was to be plunged into the
jaws of hell when one poor animal could hold so huge
a crowd in panic and peril. Return, therefore, dear
friends, to the Lord and do proper penance, and God
will free you from the wolf now, and in the future from
the pit of consuming fire. Listen, dear folk, for brother
wolf who is present here has promised me and pledged
his word to make peace with you, to do no one harm if
you promise to give him his daily necessities. And on
his behalf I promise and pledge to you that he will
faithfully observe the pact of peace. Then all there
gathered with a mighty shout promised to feed the
wolf for ever. And Saint Francis said to the wolf before
them all: And do you, brother wolf, promise to keep
faith with them, and do harm to neither man nor
beast. The wolf knelt and bowed his head, and with
conciliatory movements of body, tail and ears,
indicated that he would keep his promise.
Saint Francis said: Brother wolf, just as you gave
me your word outside the gate, here now before these
people give me your word that you will not betray me.
Then the wolf lifted his right paw and pledged himself
with everyone standing round. All were lost in j oy and
wonder as much for the devotion of the saint as for the
strangeness of the miracle, and they made the welkin
ring acclaiming the peace of wolf and people, praising
and blessing the Lord Jesus Christ who sent Saint
Francis to them. By his merits he freed them from the
fear of the loathly beast, and out of so awful a
visitation, restored to them peace and quiet.
Both kept the pact Saint Francis had arranged, and
for two years the wolf went from door to door
begging. Harming no one, and harmed by no one, he
lived like a state ward. It was wonderful that no dog
barked at him. At length he grew old and died, and the
citizens mourned him? for by his peaceful and kind
forbearance, he recalled to mind the worth and
holiness of Saint Francis whenever he went through
the town. To the praise and glory of the Lord Jesus
Christ Amen.
Chapter 24
How Saint Francis liberated turtle doves and
made nests for them.
A LAD FROM SIENNA snared in a birdtrap a big flock of
doves and was carrying them all off alive to sell. But
Saint Francis, who was always full of love and espe
cially towards domestic animals and wondrous
compassionate towards birds, seeing these doves, and
moved with love and pity, said to the boy who was
carrying them: Good lad, I beg you, do hand over
those doves to me, so that such innocent birds, which
in the Bible are the symbols of pure, humble and
faithful souls, may not fall into the hands of cruel
people who will kill them. Inspired by God, the boy
immediately handed them all over to Saint Francis.
The holy father took them into his arms and began
speaking to them. Sweetly he began to speak to them:
My sister doves, pure and innocent, why did you let
yourselves be trapped? I want to rescue you from
death, and make you nests, so that you may be fruitful
and fulfil your Creators commandment to multiply.
Off went Francis and made a dovecote for them all.
The doves, taking up their nests built by Saint
Francis, laid eggs and grew in number among the
friars, and showed such friendship to the saint and the
brothers, that they seemed like the hens which the
brothers kept. They never went out without Saint
Franciss blessing and permission. He said to the lad
who gave him the doves: Son, someday you will be. a
friar minor in this Order, and gracefully serve the
Lord Jesus Christ. And so it fell out. He entered the
Order and lived a commendable and exemplary life to
the end, thanks to the merits of the holy father. To the
praise of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Chapter 25
The miraculous statue that appeared to Saint
Francis on which he prophesied the fifteen-fold
status of the Order.
On c e wh e n s a in t Fr a n c is was devoutly praying to
the Most High in a chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels,
there came before his mortal eyes a right marvellous
vision, a mighty statue just as Nebuchadnezzar saw in
his dream. It had a head of gold and a most beautiful
face, arms and breast of silver, loins and legs of brass,
shins of iron, feet part iron and part earthenware, and
it was dressed in sackcloth of which it seemed
ashamed. The blessed Francis, gazing on the statue,
was truly astonished at its almost indescribable beauty,
its wondrous size, and its apparent shame of the
sackcloth in which it was clad. As he thus mused and
gazed, the statue itself seemed to say: Why such
amazement? God sent you in me this example to teach
you the future of your Order. The head and handsome
face is the beginning of your Order, founded in wide
evangelical perfection. Just as the substance of gold
itself is more precious than other metals, and the
position of the head is up above the other members, so
the beginning of your Order will be of such great
worth in brotherly love; of such great beauty because
of angelic honor, and such height because of the
evangelical poverty at which all the world shall
wonder. The Queen of Sheba, that is the Holy
Church, will wonder in her heart, when she sees in the
first chosen brethren of your Order, such beauty of
holiness and glow of spiritual wisdom as if it shone
back in angelic mirrors. Blessed will they be who have
been zealous to reflect, in total conformity to Christ,
the virtues and the ways of those precious stones
around the heads of gold, clinging more to their
heavenly beauty than to the deceits of the flowering
The chest and arms of silver will be the second
condition of your Order, which will stand below the
first, just as silver is less valuable than gold. And just as
silver has worth, clarity and fine sound, so in that
second state there will be many precious brethren
renowned in holy writ, in the clear light of holiness
and the echo of the Word of God, uplifted to the place
where many of them will become popes, cardinals and
bishops. And because a mans strength is manifested in
chest and arms, so, at that period, God will raise up in
your Order men like silver in their knowledge, and
famed for goodness who, as much by their learning as
by their goodness, will defend religion and even the
Church Universal from the various assaults of devils,
and the manifold attacks of wicked men. But though
that generation will be wonderful, it will still not attain
the utter perfection of the first, but so will stand in its
reputation as silver stands beside gold.
After this will be a third condition in your Order
which will be represented by bronze loins, and thighs,
but, just as bronze is valued less than silver, so those of
the third estate will be valued less than those of the
second; and just as like bronze in numbers and in
geographical spread they will excel, yet in matters of
religion they will be confined to those whose
knowledge is of earthly things. And though, because
of their knowledge, they will have speech, sonorous
and wondrous like the speech of bronze, and because
they will be things of the loins and legs, das! they will
be counted by God, as the apostle puts it, sounding
brass and jangling cymbals, because they echo back
the words of others, and as if from the thighs, get
themselves spiritual sons, and though showing to
others the spring of life, are themselves dead in
drought, and themselves thanks to their arid loins will
cling to the earth. May Gods mercy dd you. Amen.
After them will come the terrible and terrifying fourth
estate reveded to you in the iron shins, for as iron
tames and scatters bronze, silver and gold, so that
estate will be of such iron depravity, that from its icy
chill, awful rust and the iron ways of that perilous
period, it will bring to oblivion the good and golden
love of the pioneers, the silvern trunk of those who
followed them, and the bronze, if noisy, talkativeness
of the third group which it had built into the Church
of Christ. However, just as the shins hold up the body,
so those with a certain sturdiness of iron hypocrisy wUl
keep upright the body of the Order; and just as the
loins, so the shins will lie. hidden beneath the vest
ments and the habits of religion, so they, serving the
loins, and lying hidden from the world, rusty as iron,
but obvious to God, have brought much to nought
under the hammer of their evil living. Therefore will
they be afflicted like the hardest iron with the first of
tribulation and the hammers of shocking trials. It is
thus that they will be burned with the demonic
disasters of the rulers of the world, and the fires and
coals of the age, that they may learn to suffer
tribulation. And because they have sinned by irrev
erence and hardness, they will be most grievously
tormented by the irreverent. Because of those trials,
they will be stirred to such a high degree of
impatience, for, just as iron resists all metals, so they
will set themselves against everybody, obstinately
resisting not only secular but even spiritual author
ities, thinking that, like iron, they can trample
everyone down, whereby they will greatly displease
The fifth condition will be part iron in as much as
hypocrisy is involved, and part earthy, in as much as
they will be totally bound up with the cares of this
world. And just as you saw from the feet that pottery
based on baked clay and iron appeared mingled, but
which could in no way be unified, so it will be in that
last state of the Order, because there will arise such a
loathly division between grasping hypocrites and
earthly creatures, baked together from the mire of
worldly things and the lust of the flesh; because thanks
to their deep discord, like earthenware and iron, they
will be unable to have fellowship together. And they
will hold in scorn not only the Gospel and the Rule,
but equally will trample with their iron and earthy feet,
that is, by their unclean and base affections, every rule
of discipline of their holy Order. And just as
earthenware and iron are divided from each other, so
shall their external and internal divisions be. Living
contentiously within themselves, their external rela
tions shall be to party and worldly dictatorships. So
they will come into such universal disapproval that not
only will they find it hard to live and to dwell in
countries, they will hardly be able to wear the habit
openly. Many of them will be punished and destroyed
by men of this world with shocking torments, because
every house and place of habitation will shun such
polluted feet. All of this will fall upon them because
they have withdrawn from the golden head. Blessed
will be they who, in those days of danger will return to
the injunctions of the precious head, because the Lord
has tried them like gold in a furnace, and shall crown
them like a rich sacrifice, and receive them for ever.
This habit, of which I seem ashamed, is holy
poverty. Of the whole Order it is the grace, and glory,
the only custodian, the crown and foundation of every
kind of sanctity. Yet, when virtuous zeal fails,
degenerate apostates will become ashamed of holy
poverty, and casting off their cheap garments, will
choose expensive ones, and will wear in their hypo
critical boldness empty headgear. Happy, indeed, and
blessed they who shall continue to the end in those
things they have promised to the Lord.
These words said, the statue disappeared. Saint
Francis, in deep wonder, like a good shepherd,
commended to God Omnipotent the sheep he had,
and those which were yet to be, with many tears. Praise
and glory for ever to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 26
The virion of Saint Francis in which demons were
unable to enter the friary of Saint Mary of
the Angels.
On ONE OCCASION when Saint Francis was at the
friary of the Porziuncula, giving himself devoutly to
prayer as his custom was, he saw the whole place beset
and besieged, as with an army, by demons. But none of
them was able to get into the place because, since the
brothers were of such great sanctity, they had no one
to get in by. But one of the brothers, stirred to anger
and impatience against a colleague, made up vindictive
accusations against him. The gate of virtue thrown
down, and the door of wickedness opened, a way of
entry was available to a demon. Immediately before
Saint Franciss eyes, one of those demons entered the
friary and attacked that brother, as an aggressor
attacks a bound foe. But the holy father and pastor,
who was watching most Faithfully over the care of his
flock, seeing that the wolf had gone in to devour one
of his little ewes, and aware in his heart that the lamb
had been placed in great danger, quickly had the
brother in question called to him. When he had
obediently hurried to so anxious a shepherd, Saint
Francis told him to reveal the poison he had mixed
against his brother and kept in his heart, and which
had betrayed him into the enemys hands. Terrified, he
bared his wound, confessed his sin, and humbly
sought pardon with penance. This done, absolved
from his fault, and with penance accepted, he was
immediately abandoned by the demon, in Saint
Franciss full view. A sheep snatched from the maw of a
savage beast, he returned thanks to God and Saint
Francis and by his shepherds merits continued to the
end in holy living. To the praise of the Lord Jesus
Christ and of the Holy Father. Amen.
Chapter 27
How Saint Francis converted the Sultan of
Babylon to the faith.
God and longing for martyrdom, with twelve most
holy brethren, crossed the sea, proposing to go
straight to the Sultan. When they reached a country of
infidels in which such cruel people guarded the roads
that no Christian could traverse them alive, they none
the less, by Gods grace, evaded death. However,
captured and tortured in many ways and tightly
bound, they were taken to the Sultan. Before him,
Saint Francis, by the prompting of the Holy Spirit,
preached so divinely about the Catholic faith, that he
offered to prove it by fire. That is why the Sultan
gained so high an opinion of him, as much for his
firmness of faith as for his contempt of the world.
Though he was utterly poor he would accept nothing
and he longed for martyrdom. He gladly listened to
him and frequently sought his company. Further, he
generously made it possible for Francis and his
associates to go wherever they desired and preach
anywhere in his whole Empire, and he gave them a
certain talisman the sight of which saved them from
harm by anyone.
So this generous concession granted, Saint Francis
sent out his associates two by two into all parts of the
pagan world. But Saint Francis, seeing that he was not
able to gather there the harvest he longed for, decided
to reassemble his brethren and, at Gods direction, to
return to Christendom. He reported this to the
Sultan, who replied: Brother Francis, I would gladly
be converted to the faith of Christ but I am afraid to do
so because these Saracens would forthwith assassinate
me and you and your companions if they knew. But
since you still have much to do, and I have much
important business also to do for the salvation of my
soul, I would not gladly wish to bring untimely death
to either of us. But show me how I may be saved, and I
am prepared to obey you in all particulars. Saint
Francis said to him: Sire, I shall indeed return home,
but after I go to heaven, at Gods call, after my death,
as God wills, I will send you two of my brethren, from
whom you will receive baptism and be saved, as my
Lord Jesus Christ has revealed to me. Do you
meanwhile emancipate yourself from all which binds
you, that when the grace of Christ shall come, it may
find you prepared in faith and devotion. The Sultan
gladly agreed and faithfully obeyed. Saint Francis bade
him farewell and returned to Christendom.
After a few years, the Sultan fell ill. And in
expectation of the saints promise (he had already
passed to the better life), he set watchers at all the gates
with orders that, if two friars in the garb of Saint
Francis should appear, they were to be brought to him
in all haste. It was at that very time that Saint Francis
appeared to two of his brethren, and told them to
proceed without delay to the Sultan, and bring him the
promised salvation. Religiously they carried out the
order. They crossed the sea to the Sultan and were
brought to him by the watchers mentioned. When he
saw them he rejoiced with exceeding joy saying: Now
I know truly that God has sent me his servants at Gods
direction to pass on to me my salvation. Receiving
from those brethren the tokens of faith and holy
baptism he was born again in his sickness, and in the
Lord passed to eternal bliss, his soul saved by the
merits of Saint Francis. To the glory of Christ. Amen.
Chapter 28
How Saint Francis cured a certain leper of leprosy
of the soul while he was still alive.
WHILE STILL LIVING in this wretched and lamentable
world, the blessed Francis, enlightened by the Holy
Spirit, with all his strength, always did his utmost to
tread in the footprints of our Lord Jesus Christ. So it
was that, just as Christ condescended to become a
pilgrim, so the blessed Francis manifested himself and
his Order as pilgrims, and even had it written into his
Rule, that all his brethren should serve the Lord as
pilgrims and strangers in this world. Further, just as
Christ came to heal lepers, healing and cleansing them
in body, but was also prepared to die for them, making
them whole and clean in soul, so too, the blessed
Francis, desiring to be utterly conformed to Christ,
served lepers with the utmost love, providing them
with food, washing their rotting limbs, cleansing their
garments, and hastening warmly to kiss them. He
directed, too, that the brethren of his Order, for the
love of Christ who was willing to be reputed a leper for
our sakes, should everywhere attentively serve them.
Like true children of obedience this the brethren most
readily did.
At a certain friary where the brothers had a lazar-
house, one leper was such an evil fellow, impatient and
violent, that no one had a doubt that he was tormented
by an evil spirit. He belabored the brothers who served
him with horrible curses and physical injuries, and
wounded them with lashings and pummellings.
Further, and this is truly the worst of all, he kept on
blaspheming the blessed Christ and his most holy
Mother and other saints. So although in the midst of
the injuries and blows inflicted on them the brothers
did their best to store up the merit of long-suffering,
their conscience was unable to endure the blasphemies
against Christ and his most holy Mother. Nor did they
want to appear accessories to the crime. So they
decided to abandon the man, lest they should be tools
of the Devil and a blasphemer of God. But they did not
want to do this until they had told the whole story in
order to Saint Francis who at the time was staying at
another friary. When he heard the story, Saint Francis
came to the leper and said: God give you peace,
dearest brother. What sort of peace is there for me?
he replied. No, God has taken my peace and I am
rotten from head to foot. Saint Francis said: Dearest
man, be patient, because the infirmities which here are
carried into your body will emerge to the salvation of
your soul, if they be borne placidly. He replied: How
can I bear it placidly when my torture goes on day and
night? Not only am I burned up and tortured by my
illness, but I am afflicted harshly by your brothers who
are appointed to look after me. No one does what he'
should for me.
But Saint Francis, recognizing by the Holy Spirit
that the man was troubled by an evil spirit, went and
made devout prayer to God. Then he came back and
said: Dearest man, I myself am willing to serve you,
since the rest do not satisfy you. The man replied: I
am glad, but what can you do more than the others?
Saint Francis said: I will do whatever you wish. And
he: I want you to give me a bath. I stink in such a
fashion I cannot endure myself.
Saint Francis had water heated with many fragrant
herbs in it. He undressed the leper with his own holy
hands and began to wash him, and another brother
poured water over him. And as the water washed him
on the outside, so he was totally cleansed of the
leprosy, and inside his spirit was cleansed and healed.
And just as his body was washed and cleansed of
leprosy, so his soul was baptized in tears and cleansed
from sin. So, when he saw he was being healed bodily,
with the same completeness he was anointed and
healed in spirit. He burst into such penitence and
tears, that he cried out aloud: I am worthy of hell for
the harm I have done your brothers, for the blows and
lashes I have put on them, and for my impatience and
blasphemy against God. For fifteen days he kept
bitterly lamenting his sins with extraordinary wailing
which burst from his inner being. He sought nothing
but the mercy of God and with that conviction and
with weeping he confessed all his sins to a pnest
The blessed Francis seeing so notable a miracle and
thanking God went away to a far country, before the
news spread and everyone came running to him, a
situation which in his humility he utterly rejected. Like
a wise and faithful servant of God he took the utmost
care to render glory and honor to God and take only
shame and ignominy for himself.
The leper, a little while after his wondrous cleansing
and repentance fell ill and well armed with the
sacraments of the Church, departed this life. Saint
Francis was praying in a wood near a distant friary
when the dead leper appeared to him, more re
splendent than the sun, and said: Do you recognize
me? I am the leper whom on your promise the blessed
Christ cleansed. Today I go to paradise and the realm
of the blessed, for which I thank almighty God and
you. Blessed be your soul and body, and blessed be
your words and works, because through you many
souls are being saved and shall be saved hereafter. And
know that there is not a day on which the holy angels
and all the saints do not render great thanks to God for
the holy fruits now reaped by you and your Order
through the world. Be comforted, thank God and be
blessed of God. At this he disappeared and Saint
Francis remained deeply comforted.
Chapter 29
The three robbers converted by Saint Francis, to
one of whom were revealed the tortures of hell
and the glory of paradise.
THE MOST bl es sed f a t h er FRANCIS, eager to lead all
men to Christ, went through many parts of the world.
Wherever he went, since he was led by the Holy Spirit,
he won a new family for God. Like a vessel chosen of
God for the dispensing of the balm of grace, he went
to Slavonia, the march of Trivigina, the march of
Anconia, Apulia, to the land of the Saracens, and to
many other provinces, everywhere increasing the
servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So it came about that, when he was journeying
through the fortress of Monte Casale, he met a young
nobleman of San Sepolcro, who said: Father, I would
gladly become one of your brothers. Saint Francis
replied: Son, you are a young nobleman, gently
nurtured. Perhaps you would not be able to endure
our poverty? But he replied: Father, are you not men
as I am? Just as you, who are men like me, can endure
it, so too shall I, God helping me. This reply pleased
Saint Francis greatly. He received him forthwith and
blessed him, giving him the name of Brother Angelo.
He conducted himself with such grace that a little later
he made him warden of Monte Casale.
At that time, there were three notable bandits in that
part of the country who were guilty of many evil deeds.
One day they came to the friary and asked Brother
Angelo to give them food. Refusing them with stern
reproaches, he said: You thieves and savage
murderers are not only unashamed to prey on the toils
of others, but, furthermore, impudent as you are,
presume to feed on the alms given to Gods servants.
You are unworthy of a place on earth. You have no
respect for men, and hold God who made you in
contempt. So get about your business and never come
back here again. Upset at this, they went off in great
wrath. But, behold, Saint Francis came back that same
day, bringing from his and his companions begging, a
wallet of bread and a bottle of wine.
When the warden told how he had rebuffed the
bandits, Saint Francis severely rebuked him, saying he
had acted wickedly, because sinners are best won back
by the sweetness of piety than by harsh anger. Our
Lord Christ whose Gospel we have promised to serve
said: The healthy do not need a physician, but those
who are sick and I came not to call the righteous but
sinners to repentance. He often ate with sinners. Thus
you have acted uncharitably and against the example
of Jesus Christ. I bid you therefore in holy obedience
to take this wallet of bread, and flask of wine, which I
have begged. Seek out those robbers diligently over
hill and valley till you find them. You will give to them
all this bread and wine in my name, and then you wHl
kneel before them and humbly confess your sin of
inconsiderateness and cruelty. And beg them in my
name not to go on with their evil deeds but fear God
and not harm their neighbors. If they do this I promise
to go on providing for their bodily needs. When you
have done this humble service return. Meanwhile
Saint Francis prayed to the Lord that he might soften
their hearts to repentance.
So it came about that when the robbers had eaten
the alms sent by Saint Francis they began in their turn
to confer. Alas, wretched and miserable men whom
the hard punishment of hell awaits. We go about pot
only robbing and wounding but even killing men. And
yet we are affected by no fear of God or prick of
conscience for such awful crimes and murders. Yet
behold, this holy friar has just come to us, and on
account of some very true words he justly said to us
about our wickedness, here before us has humbly
accused himself. And moreover he has brought the
generous promise of the holy father and the love-gift
of bread and wine. Truly these are the saints of God
who deserve the heavenly fatherland. We are the sons
of eternal perdition, who daily shall the more justify
the avenging flames for our unutterable crimes. I do
not know whether we can find mercy from God for the
crimes we have committed or the evil deeds we have
done. At these words the other two said: What then
must we do? The first said: Let us go to Saint
Francis, and if he can offer us confidence that we can
find mercy from God for our sins, let us do whatever
he commands to free our souls from the pit of hell.
They all heartily agreed and hurried to Saint Francis
saying: Father, because of our many heinous sins we
are sure that we cannot find mercy from God. But if
you believe that God can receive us into his mercy, see,
we are ready to do penance and obey you in all that you
bid. Saint Francis received them with kindness and
love, and encouraging them by many examples, made
them confident of receiving the mercy of God. And he
further promised he would obtain for them from the
Lord that mercy and grace, teaching them that the
boundless mercy of Gods grace surpasses all our sins
though they be beyond measure, and how, as the
Gospel and the Apostle Paul had it, Jesus Christ came
into this world to save sinners.
Through such wholesome instructions those three
robbers renounced the world, and received by the holy
father, they followed him in garb and spirit. Two of
them lived only a short time after so praiseworthy a
transformation. They passed at Gods call from this
world. The third lived on, his great sins always in
mind, and subjected himself to such penance that for
fifteen continuous years, except for the lenten fasts
which he kept like the rest, three days a week he lived
on bread and water only. Content with only one
garment, he always went round barefoot and never
slept after matins. After those fifteen years, Saint
Francis went from this world to the Heavenly Father.
The one-time robber kept up this strict regime of
penitence for many years. One night after matins, so
strong a desire for sleep fell on him that by no means
could he resist it, and keep awake as he commonly did.
When he could not longer resist nor had the strength
to pray, falling to the temptation, he lay upon his bed
and slept. As soon as his head was on the pillow he was
taken in spirit to an exceedingly high mountain on
which was a mighty precipice with jagged rocks on
both sides and rough cliffs jutting out in varied ways.
The one who was guiding him pushed him from the
top of the ridge. He fell headlong over the rocks. He
fell from ledge to ledge, hitting boulder after boulder
until he reached the foot of the crag. All his limbs
seemed shattered and his bones fractured.
While he was lying so shattered, he was bidden by
his guide to get up, because there was still a long way
to go. The friar replied: You are a cruel and un
reasonable man. You see me shattered to death and
still bid me get up. The guide came up, touched him
and immediately healed his broken limbs. And then he
showed him a great plain with sharp rocks, thorns and
briars, with muddy and water bogs. He told the friar
that he must walk barefoot across it till he came to the
end of the plain where there was a fiery furnace seen
from afar into which he must enter. When he had
crossed that plain with much agony and had reached
the furnace the angel said to him: Go into that
furnace. You must. Alas, replied the friar, what a
heartless guide you are who, after seeing me racked
with the torments of that agonizing plain, when I need
nothing so much as rest, bid me enter that furnace. As
he looked round it he saw devils standing everywhere
with red-hot pitchforks with which as he hung back,
they suddenly thrust him in. He had stepped into the
fire and stood there for a while when the angel pushed
him out of the furnace saying: Prepare to go on, you
still have a big danger to face. Most cruel guide,
said the friar, who are moved by no compassion. You
see that I am almost all burnt up and you bid me go on
to a horrible danger. The angel touched and com
pletely healed him. He led him to a bridge which he
could not cross without the greatest peril. It was
narrow and terribly slippery with a wild river flowing
underneath full of serpents, reptiles, scorpions and
toads, and horrific stench. Cross that bridge, said
the angel, because you must. How can I cross it,
he asked, without falling in so perilous a river? The
angel said: Follow after me and put your foot where
you see me put mine and you will cross in safety. That
is what he did until they came to the middle of the
bridge safely, when the angel left him, flying up to a
wondrous building set on a very high hill. He saw
clearly the angel fly there. He was left without a guide
in the middle of the bridge and all those dreadful
creatures lifted up their heads to devour him if he fell.
He stood in Such fear that he did not know what to do
because he could neither turn back nor go forward. In
such torture and peril he bent down and embraced the
bridge, and seeing there was no refuge save in God, he
began from his inmost heart to call on the Lord Jesus
Christ, that by his most holy and righteous mercy he
would deign to help him. After this prayer he seemed
to be sprouting wings. Rejoicing much at this he
waited for them to grow, hoping to fly over to the
place where the angel had flown.
He was in too great a hurry to fly because the wings
had not grown enough; failing in flight he fell upon
the bridge and all the feathers dropped from him.
Thoroughly afraid, and again clasping the bridge, he
tearfully begged Christs mercy. Again he felt he was
sprouting wings, and as before, in haste to fly before
the wings had properly grown, he fell a second time on
to the bridge, and all the feathers fell out. Observing
that it was through haste that he was not able to fly
properly, he said to himself: If I sprout wings a third
time, I shall wait long enough to be ready for flight.
And it seemed a century and half or more went by
between the three sproutings of wings. When he was
convinced he had properly grown his wings, on this
third occasion he flew boldly up to the building on the
hill to which the angel had flown. When he reached the
door of that lovely dwelling, the doorkeeper said to
him: Who are you who come here? I am a friar
minor, he replied. Wait till I bring Saint Francis,
said the doorkeeper, and see if he recognizes you.
While he was waiting, he looked closely at the walls
of that marvellous city. They were of such trans
parency that everything which was done inside, and
the wondrous choirs of the saints, were clear to see.
And out came Saint Francis and Brother Bernard and
Brother Giles, and behind Saint Francis such a
multitude of saintly men and women of God who had
followed in his steps that they seemed beyond
numbering. Saint Francis said to the doorkeeper: Let
him in, because he is one of my brethren. He took
him in and showed him many wondrous things. He
immediately felt such sweetness and consolation that
he forgot all the tribulations which had gone before as
if he had never been in the world. Then Saint Francis
said: Son, you must return to the world and stay there
seven days, during which prepare yourself as you may.
Then I will come for you, and you will come with me to
this wondrous place of the blessed.
Saint Francis wore a long stole adorned with many
stars and his five stigmata were like very bright stars
that gleamed with such light that they seemed to
illumine the whole city with their beams. Brother
Bernard had on his head a most beautiful crown of
stars. Brother Giles was completely clad in wondrous
light, and he recognized there many other friars minor
with the blessed Francis, and there were many whom
he had not seen. Taking leave unwillingly, the brother
returned to the world as the brothers were ringing for
prime. No more time had elapsed save that which lies
between matins and dawn, though to him it seemed
many years.
The brother related his vision to the warden, and
within seven days he fell into a fever. On the seventh
day Saint Francis came with a glorious company of
saints and led to the place of the blessed the soul of
that brother, purged in the vision related by the angel
guide. To the praise and glory of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Chapter 30
How Brother Bernard remained from matins to
nones rapt over the body of Christ.
Wh a t MEASURE o f GRACE was shown by the All-
Highest to the evangelical poor who of their own free
will forsook all for the love of Christ, appeared in
Brother Bernard of whom we have already told. After
he had taken the habit of the holy father his mind was
frequently enraptured up to God. Thus it happened on
one occasion when he was in church hearing mass,
with his mind fixed on God, that he became so
absorbed and rapt, that at the elevation of the body of
Christ, he perceived nothing, nor did he kneel or pull
back his cowl as did the others. His eyes fixed and
staring he stood there till nones. After nones he
recovered crying out in a voice of wonder: O
brothers, O brothers, O brothers. There is nobody in
this land so great or so noble, who if he were offered a
palace full of gold would not willingly carry a sack of
dung in order to acquire such a noble treasure.
Towards this heavenly treasure, promised to those
who love God, Brother Bernard was so uplifted in
mind, that for fifteen years he continually went about
with mind and face uplifted heavenwards. Because of
this elevation of mind toward heavenly enlightenment
and his complete absorption in divine favors, never in
those fifteen years did he ever satisfy his hunger at
table but would always eat a little of what was set
before him, saying that abstinence is not concerned !
with what a man does or relishes; true abstinence lies I
in refraining from things that taste good. He thus^
attained such clarity of thought and intellectual per
ception that even high-ranking clerics had recourse to
him. He was in great demand to explain obscure
problems in any passage of the Scriptures.
For his mind was so completely abstracted from the
things of this world, that like a swallow soaring to
great heights, sometimes for twenty days, at other
times for thirty, he would range alone over mountain
tops completely absorbed in heavenly things. This is
why Brother Giles used to say of him that to no other
man had been vouchsafed the gift bestowed on
Brother Bernard of Quintavalle, namely that of
nourishing himself in flight like a swallow. Thanks to
this outstanding favor he had from God, Saint Francis
eagerly and frequently would talk with Brother
Bernard both day and night. Thus the two were
frequently found rapt up to God together for a whole
night in the woods where they met to talk of the Lord
Jesus Christ
Chapter 31
How the Devil appeared to Brother RnfEno in
the form of Christ and told him he was damned.
Br ot her r uffino, one of t he nobl est gentlemen
of Assisi and a companion of Saint Francis, was at one
time during the saints lifetime strong assailed and
tempted in his soul by the Devil concerning pre
destination. For the old Enemy kept putting into his
heart that he was not among those predestined to
eternal life and that what he was doing in the service of
the Order was a waste of time. The result of this
torment which went on for many days was that he
became melancholy and depressed, and was ashamed
to reveal his conflict to Saint Francis. Nevertheless he
did not cease in any way from his accustomed prayers.
So the old Enemy, intent on heaping trial upon trial,
which so grievously afflicts the servants of God, added
to his inward conflict by assailing him from without.
And so appearing to him in the form of the
Crucified he said: O Brother Ruffino, why do you
torment yourself with prayer and penance, since you
are not one of those predestined to eternal life? Take
my word for it, for I know whom I have chosen. And
do not believe the son of Peter Bemardone if he tells
you the contrary; and do not question him on this
matter, for neither he nor anyone else knows anything
about it; but I, who am the son of God, do know.
Believe me therefore for certain, that you are num
bered among the damned. Brother Francis himself is
damned, as are you and his father; whosoever follows
him is deceived.
Brother Ruffinos mind was so overclouded by the
prince of Darkness that he lost faith in Francis and his
love for him, and was unwilling to admit it to him. But
what Brother Ruffino did not tell the holy father was
revealed to him by the Spirit of the Lord. The holy
father himself seeing in spirit the peril of Brother
RnfRno sent Brother Masseo in his stead to persuade
Ruffino to come to him. Now Brother Ruffino and
Saint Francis were staying at the friary of Mount
Subasio near Assisi. Brother Ruffino answered
Brother Masseo thus: What have I to do with Brother
Francis? Then Brother Masseo, a man full of the
Holy Spirit, clearly recognizing the wiles of the
malignant Enemy, said: O Brother Ruffino, do you
not know that Saint Francis is like an angel of God,
who has enlightened so many souls in this world and
from whom we too have received so many gifts of
divine favor? And so my strong desire is that you
should come to him, for I see clearly that you have
been beguiled by the Devil. Immediately Brother
Ruffino came to Saint Francis. And when Francis saw
him from afar off he began to call out: O Brother
Ruffino, you poor fellow, whom have you believed?
And Brother Ruffino told him in detail of the
temptations he had experienced both within and
without. Francis then showed him that the one who
had made those earlier suggestions was the Devil and
not Christ, and that therefore he should in no way
listen to his suggestions. So when the Devil tells you
you are damned, you should confidently reply: Apri la
bocca et mote cecato, that is, open yonr mryith anrl I
shall excrete in it. And let this be a sign to you that he is
the Devil; for when you have said those words he will
immediately flee. By this you must realize that he was
the Devil, because he had hardened your heart against
every good thingwhich is precisely his purpose. The
blessed Christ never hardens the heart of man, he says
rather: I shall take from you your heart of stone and
give you a heart of flesh.
Brother Ruffino perceiving that Saint Francis was
speaking of the whole succession of temptations that
had tormented him within and without, began to weep
most bitterly. He knelt before the saint and humbly
confessed his fault in having concealed anything from
him. He was totally comforted in God, thanks to the
admonition of the holy father, and completely
changed for the better. Then said Saint Francis: Go,
my son, to confession. Do not cease from your
accustomed devotion to prayer, and be convinced that
this temptation will prove a great help and consolation
to you, as you will soon discover. Brother Ruffino
returned to his cell in the woods to pray. And as he was
praying bathed in tears, behold, the old Enemy
appeared in the person of Christ saying: Brother
Ruffino, did I not tell you not to believe the son of
Peter Bernardone, and since you are damned, not to
persist in tearful prayers? What does it profit you if
you torment yourself while you are still alive and are
damned when you die? Brother Ruffino immediately
replied: Apri la bocca et mote cecato.
The Devil departed discomfited amid a mighty
commotion and a landslide of rocks on Mount
Subasio. For a long time a stream of rocks hurtled
down, where to this day an awesome pile of stones is
still visible. Far down the valley of this mountain
clashing rocks gave off mighty flashes of fire. Such was
the terrible clatter of rocks that Saint Francis and his
awestruck companions came out of the friary to gaze
upon the strange sight. Brother Ruffino openly told
them that it was the evil Enemy who had deceived him,
then went back to Saint Francis and prostrating
himself on the ground again confessed his fault.
Comforted by Saint Francis he was completely
Later on when he was praying amid copious tears,
behold, the blessed Christ appeared to him, and
soothed his soul totally with divine love saying: You
did well my son, to believe Brother Francis, for he who
tormented you was the Devil. I am Christ your master,
and that I may fully reassure you, let this be a sign
to you: as long as you are in this wood you will never
again be downcast. And Christ blessed Brother
Ruffino and dismissed him in such joy, tranquillity of
spirit and elevation of mind that night and day he
remained absorbed in God. Thereafter he was so
strengthened in grace, blessing and the certainty of
eternal life, that he was changed into a totally different
man. His mental uplift was so strengthened, as was his
perseverance in continual prayer, that he would have
remained within his limited circle of friends con
templating things of heaven day and night, if
somebody had not prevented him.
And so Saint Francis used to say of him that Brother
Ruffino was canonized in heaven by the Lord Jesus
Christ while he was still alive, and that he himself
would not hesitate to say (but not in his presence) that
Saint Ruffino had been canonized in heaven though
he was still on earth. To the praise of our Lord Jesus
Chapter 32
Of the strange obedience of Brother Ruffino,
friend of the blessed Francis.
Br ot her RUFFINO as t he r esul t of constant con
templation was so absorbed in God that he became
almost insensible. He spoke very rarely, and was not
endowed with any gift for spreading the Word, for
he had not the courage to speak out. But one day
Francis ordered Brother Ruffino to go to Assisi and to
preach to the people whatever the All-Highest in
spired him to say. But Brother Ruffino replied:
Reverend Father, forgive me, do not send me on this
task, for as you know, I have no gift of speech; in fact I
am a simple man and an uneducated ignoramus. But
Saint Francis said: Because you have not obeyed me
instantly I order you, for obedience sake, to go to
Assisi naked, retaining only your breeches. Going into
some church or other you shall preach to the people
half clad.
Forthwith showing true obedience he made his way
to Assisi and entered a church, having made his bow to
the altar he stood up to preach. But the men and boys
began to laugh and say: Look, these fellows do so
much penance that they become half-witted. But
meanwhile Saint Francis, pondering on the prompt
obedience of Brother Ruffino and on his own harsh
order, began to reproach himself very grievously
saying: Whence comes the right to you, son of Peter
Bernardone, miserable creature, to order Brother
Ruffino who comes of the noblest citizens ofAssisi, to
go and preach to the people half clad? In Gods name I
shall see to it that you yourself shall experience what
you command another man to do. So saying, in the
fervor of the Holy Spirit he divested himself of his
tunic and half clad made his way to Assisi, taking with
him Brother Leo, who in very puzzled cogitation
carried Brother Ruffinos tunic and that of his
When the men of Assisi beheld him thus half clad
they began to mock him as a crank, thinking that both
he and Brother Ruffino were driven demented by their
penance. But the blessed Francis found Brother
Ruffino who had already begun to preach. Reproach
fully he was saying: O greatly beloved, shim this
world and renounce sin; restore what is not yours if
you wish to escape hell. Keep the commandments by
loving God and your neighbor if you wish to reach
heaven, and do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is
at hand.
Thereupon Saint Francis went up into the pulpit
and preached so impressively about contempt for the
world, the holiness of penance, voluntary poverty,
longing for the heavenly kingdom, nakedness and
indignities suffered, and the most holy passion of our
crucified Lord Jesus Christ, that all who had
assembled there in great numbers, men and women,
began to weep aloud. With unbelievable devotion and
compunction they cried aloud to heaven for the mercy
of the All-Highest, so much so that all fell into a state
of mental daze.
And on that day in Assisi there was such weeping
among the assembled multitude for the Passion of our
Lord Jesus Christ as had never been heard in that city.
And when the people had been thus uplifted, Christs
flock consoled, and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
loudly blessed, Saint Francis caused his brother to be
reclothed, while he at the same time resumed his habit.
And so reclad in their tunics and praising the Lord for
having vanquished themselves and uplifted Christs
flock and shown how the world should be spumed,
they returned to the friary of Porziuncula. Those who
managed to touch the hem of his garment deemed
themselves blessed. To the praise of our Lord Jesus
Chapter 33
How Brother Ruffino liberated a man possessed
of the Devil.
The afor esaid br ot her r uffino, because of the
powerful concentration of his heart on God, and his
angelic serenity of mind, whenever anybody spoke to
him, would reply with such seriousness, gentleness,
and waywardness of voice, that he seemed to be
returning from a different world. On one occasion,
called upon by his companions to go begging for
bread, he replied in truly godlike manner: Frater a te
imo molto volontire: Brother, very willingly. On one
occasion in fact, when he was begging for bread in the
streets of Assisi, there appeared a man possessed by a
devil, led along firmly bound, and guarded by several
men, being taken to Saint Francis to be rid of the devil.
Having caught sight of Brother Ruffino from a
distance, he forthwith began to shout and rave so
violently that he burst all his bonds and leapt clear of
the hands of his captors. They for their part, amazed at
such strange behavior, conjured him to tell them why
his torment was worse than usual. The reply came:
Because yonder beggarly brother, that submissive,
humble, and holy Brother Ruffino, consumes and
tortures me with his saintly virtues and humble
prayers. For that reason I cannot bear to remain in this
man any longer. And with these words the devil
immediately left him.
When Brother Ruffino heard this, and because
these men and the restored sufferer showed him such
respect, he gave praise and glory to God and the Lord
Jesus Christ, and exhorted them that in all such
matters they should glorify God and the Savior Lord
Jesus Christ who is for ever blessed. Amen.
Chapter 34
How Brother Ruffino saw and touched the
wound in the side of Saint Francis.
Those sacr ed wounds that Christ the Son of God
had miraculously imprinted on the hands, feet and
side of our blessed father Francis he so carefully
concealed from all eyes, that during the saints life
time, scarcely anybody ever managed to see them
properly. For thereafter he never went about bare
footed, and only the tips of his fingers were visible to
his companions, for he concealed his hands in his
sleeves, mindful of the words spoken by the angel to
Saint Tobias: "A goodly thing it is to conceal a kings
secret. The wound in his side especially he kept
hidden during his lifetime, so that except for Ruffino,
who by some dutiful effort earned the right to see it,
nobody else managed to catch sight of it. But Brother
Ruffino by a threefold experience convinced himself
and others concerning the existence of a sacred wound
in his side.
The first time was on one occasion when having to
wash the holy fathers hose, he discovered various
blood-stains on the right-hand side. He thus ascer
tained for a certainty that this was blood flowing from
a wound on the right-hand side. Whenever Saint
Francis noticed that Brother Ruffino folded down the
said garments in order to see the sign, he would
reprimand him.
On another occasion, in order to be even more
certain, Brother Ruffino while scraping down the holy
father, thrust his finger into the wound itselfwhich
caused Saint Francis in anguish to cry out loudly:
God forgive you, Brother Ruffino, why did you want
to do that?
On the third occasion the same brother desirous of
seeing that venerable wound with human eyes said to
Saint Francis with affectionate deference: I beg you,
father, to do me a very great favor: give me your habit,
and in fatherly affection accept mine. This Brother
Ruffino used to do in order that whenever Francis
divested himself, he might actually behold with his
own eyes the wound in his side that he had at one time
touched with his hand and so it was. Thus Saint
Francis, yielding to the affection of Brother Ruffino,
divested himself of his own habit and accepted the
others habit; and since he possessed that one only, he
could not cover himself while undressing and so
prevent Brother Ruffino from closely observing the
wound in question. Thus he was fully convinced
concerning the sacred wound by these three proofs.
To the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 35
How Brother Ruffino was one of three .
chosen souls.
Just as our bl essed l or d jesus Chr ist says in the
Gospel: I know my sheep and my sheep know me, so
our blessed father Francis by divine revelation knew all
the merits and virtues of his followers. And he knew
equally well their shortcomings and their failings, and
consequently had learnt how to provide the appro
priate remedy for all, by humbling the proud and
exalting the humble, by condemning vices and
exalting virtues, as anybody can observe in the
wonderful revelations he had concerning that original
household of his.
To mention one example among many: Saint
Francis was once sitting in a certain small friary with
his companions exercising himself in talking with
them about God. But Brother RufEno, a man notably
distinguished for his piety, was not on this occasion
present with them for this holy discourse, because he
had not yet returned from the woods where he had
gone to pray. And as Saint Francis continued with his
holy exhortations and divine conversations with the
aforesaid followers, behold, there came forth from the
woods where he had been contemplating heavenly
things, and passed by not far from Saint Francis,
Brother RufFino, a noble citizen of Assisi, but an even
nobler servant of God, the purest of unmarried men,
uplifted by the noble privilege of divine contem
plation, and moreover graced in the sight of God and
man with the sweet-smelling flowers of fellowship.
When the saint beheld him from afar off he turned
to his followers and said: Tell me, beloved friends,
who is the saintliest soul that God has in this world.
They humbly replied that they considered that Saint
Francis himself was distinguished by that privilege.
But he replied: I, beloved brethren, am the un-
worthiest and vilest man that God has in the world.
But do you see Brother RufFino yonder coming out of
the wood? God has revealed to me that his soul is one
of the three saintliest souls in this world. And this I tell
you with conviction that I would not hesitate to call
Ruffino himself a saint while he still lives in the body,
since his soul is already confirmed in grace, sanctified
and canonized in heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Such in fact were the words used by the blessed
Francis, but never in the presence of the said brother.
In words he demonstrated that like a good shepherd
he knew the shortcomings of his own sheep, as he
showed in the case of Brother Elias when he upbraided
him for pride; in the case of Brother John of Capella,
when he prophesied to him that because of malice he
would hang himself; in the case of a brother whose
throat was clutched by the Devil when he was
corrected for disobedience; and in the case of brothers
coming from the Terra di Lavoro, when he reproved
one of them for an offence committed against a
travelling companion.
But he knew too of the good graces that abounded
in his flock, as appears in the case of Brother Bernard,
of the aforesaid Brother Ruffino and many others,
concerning whom God revealed great things to the
blessed Francis the good shepherd. To the praise of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 36
How Saint Francis converted two nobles from the
March of Ancona while preaching at Bologna,
namely Brother Peregrine and Brother Ricerio.
On ONE OCCASION Saint Francis travelling abroad
had reached Bologna. When the people heard of his
arrival, there was such a universal concourse to meet
him that he could scarcely make his way through the
country. For all were desirous of seeing him as the
flower of this world and the angel of God, so much so
that only with the greatest difficulty was he able to
reach the city square. To a mighty congregation of
people therefore, of men, women, and many scholars,
Saint Francis standing up in their midst, and at the
prompting of the Holy Spirit, preached so mirac
ulously and amazingly that he seemed not a man but
an angel. For his heavenly words seemed to shoot like
sharp arrows from the bow of divine wisdom; they
penetrated the hearts of all so effectively that he
converted a mighty crowd of men and women from a
state of sin to tears of repentance.
Among them were scholars from among the nobler
families of the Marches of Ancona, namely Peregrine
of the house of Fallaro, and Ricerio of Muccia. These
among others, deeply touched by the words of the
holy father, came to the blessed Francis saying that
they wished to forsake the world entirely and to adopt
the habit of his friars. Saint Francis pondering on their
fervor, perceived through the Holy Spirit that they
had been sent by God. Moreover he realized to what
kind of communal life each of them should commit
himself. So welcoming them joyfully he said: Do you,
Peregrine, take the path of humility; and you, Ricerio,
act as the servant of the brethren. And so it was; for
Brother Peregrine never had any desire to be a priest
but remained a lay brother, although he was well-
educated and learned in canon law. Thanks to such
humility he attained the greatest perfection of virtue
and especially the grace of remorse and the love of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Fired with the love of Christ and
burning with a desire for martyrdom, he made his way
to Jerusalem to visit the holy places of the Savior,
taking with him a volume of the Gospels. And
whenever he read about the places whence God and
man had proceeded, touched them with his feet and
beheld them with his eyes, he would bow down on the
spot and embrace with his arms these most holy places
of the faith and kiss them with loving lips. With tears
of piety he so drenched everything that he stimulated
to the utmost devotion all who beheld him.
In the obedience to Gods ordinance, he returned to
Italy, and as the real Peregrine of this world, and as a
citizen of the heavenly kingdom, very rarely visited his
blood relations. He would encourage them to despise
the world and with serious words urge them to the
love of God; then hurriedly and hastily he would
withdraw from them saying that Jesus Christ who
ennobles the soul, is not to be found among relatives
and acquaintances.
About Brother Peregrine, Brother Bernard, the
firstborn son of our holy Father Francis, had this very
remarkable thing to say, namely, that Brother
Peregrine was one of the most perfect men of this
world. He was indeed a restless pilgrim (peregrinator);
for the lovejof Christ that he ever retained in his heart
did not permit him to find repose in any living
creature, nor to fix his affection on anything temporal,
but always prompted him to hasten back to the land of
his birth, to rise from virtue to virtue until he
transformed a loving person into a person beloved.
Finally full of virtues and having worked many
miracles before his death, he fell asleep in Christ,
whom he loved with all his heart. To the praise of God
and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 37
How Saint Francis freed Brother Ricerio from
great temptation.
Br ot her r icer io, one of t he companions of
Brother Peregrine on earth, and now his felldw
sojourner in heaven, made his way through an active
life while he lived, and most faithfully serving both his
God and his neighbor, became a very close and
beloved companion of Saint Francis. He thus learned a
great deal from Saint Francis, and from his teaching
clearly perceived the truth in many doubtful matters.
He learned to know the will of God and following the
prophecy of the holy father, was the servant of his
brethren. He became minister of the Marches of
Ancona, and as a result of his zeal for God that ever
burned in his heart, governed the province with the
greatest calm and discretion, following the example
of Christ who preferred doing to preaching. But
after some time divine ordinance exposed him to
temptationto the ultimate advantage of his soul
whereat over-anxious and distressed, he punished
himself with fasting, scourgings, tears and prayers;
but he could not free himself from temptation. He was
frequently reduced to extreme despair, for the
immensity of his temptation led him to think he was
forsaken of God. Reduced indeed to the depths of
desolation and despair, he pondered in his heart
saying: I will arise and go to my father Francis, and if
he shows me affection, I believe that God will be
merciful to me. And taking to the road he went to
Saint Francis, but Saint Francis was lying grievously ill
in the palace of the bishop of Assisi. As he pondered
on God there was revealed to him by God the
seriousness of the temptation, the arrival and the
purpose of the said brother. At once he summoned his
companions, namely Brother Masseo and Brother
Leo, saying: Go forth quickly to meet my son Ricerio;
embrace him and greet him on my behalf, and tell him
that among all the brethren in the world I love him
especially. So they as true sons of obedience went
forth immediately to meet Brother Ricerio. And when
they found him, they embraced him, and as Saint
Francis had instructed them quoted the loving words
of the father, which so filled his soul with consolation,
that he was completely melted with joy as it were.
What gladness he then showed, what transports of
joy, what praise and thanks he rendered to God for
having blessed his journey could scarcely be expressed
in words. O kindly Jesus, who never forsakes those
who trust in you, but always provides us in the face of
temptation the means to enable us to bear it. What
more remains to be said? He reached the place where
lay that angelic and most holy man Francis, and
although he was grievously ill, he arose and went to
meet him. Embracing him he said: Gentlest son,
Brother Ricerio, among all the brethren in the world I
love you. And imprinting the sign of the Cross on his
brow, and very affectionately kissing him there he said:
My very dear son, this temptation was given you for
your great profit, but you no longer need that
advantage. Marvellous to relate, immediately all the
diabolical temptation disappeared as if he had never
felt it in his whole life, and he remained totally
reconciled in God. To the praise of our Lord Jesus
Chapter 38
How Saint Francis appeared to Brother Leo.
Fr ancis, l over oft hat gl or ious innocence that
adds comeliness to the body and leads the soul on to
grace and glory, for the sake of the great purity and
dove-like innocence he perceived in Brother Leo,
frequently treated him as a companion, and often
admitted him to his own secrets both by day and by
night. For this reason among all the companions of the
holy father, the one who came to know the most abdut
his secrets and wonders was the aforesaid Brother Leo.
He frequently saw him elevated into the air, as will be
told later. He frequently heard him speaking with
Christ, the blessed Virgin and with angels. Moreover
he saw a fiery light descending from heaven upon
Saint Francis and heard a voice coming from the light
itself speaking with him. One day too when they
were walking along together he saw a most beautiful
Cross going on ahead of the face of the holy father,
with Christ hanging on it. And he observed that
this miraculous Cross stopped whenever the saint
stopped, and when he walked on, so did the Cross.
Wherever Saint Francis made his way it went on before
him. And the Cross was of such brightness that not
only did it light up the face of Saint Francis, but it gave
beauty to the air around about, and Brother Leo could
distinguish everything by its clear light.
To Brother Leo, Saint Francis brought wondrous
consolations in his lifetime, and even after his death
appeared to him frequently. And so on one occasion
when Brother Leo was watching and praying he
appeared to him saying: O Brother Leo, you recall
that when I was in the world, I predicted that a mighty
famine would come over the whole earth, and I said
that I knew a certain miserably poor man whom God
had spared because of his love for him; and that as long
as that poor creature lived no scourge or famine would
be sent. Brother Leo replied: I well remember, most
holy father. And Saint Francis said: I was that
creature, that miserably poor man for the love of
whom God did not send famine upon mankind; but
out of humility I was unwilling to reveal myself. Now
know for certain, Brother Leo, that when I have
departed from this world, there will come a terrible
and all-embracing famine upon the earth so that many
men will die of hunger. And so it proved, for about
six months after he had uttered these words, such a
mighty famine spread everywhere, that not only did
men devour the roots of plants, but the bark of trees,
and a vast number of men perished of hunger. From
what has been said therefore, there emerges clearly the
innocence of Brother Leo, the divine friendship of
Brother Leo, Saint Francis and his awesome gift of
prophecy. To the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 39
Of Brother Leo, who saw Saint Francis elevated
from the ground and felt his stigmata.
When t he bl essed fat her fr ancis began to
experience God-given favors in that soul of his, he was
frequently uplifted into the air, not only mentally but
also physically. For in these elevations there worked a
divine ordinance from God, in that the more
pressingly he felt the gifts of divine grace, the higher
he was uplifted from the ground, as his companions
many times saw on the evidence of their own eyes, and
strangely enough, as did Brother Leo, whom because
of his dove-like, nay angelic innocence Saint Francis
quite frequently permitted to share in his private
preoccupation with prayer. Hence Brother Leo often
had the privilege of seeing the holy father elevated into
the airto a greater or lesser height according to the
degree of intensity of those celestial feelings thanks to
which he was lifted up towards God as he progressed
from virtue to virtue.
On one occasion Brother Leo saw Saint Francis
elevated from the ground to the extent that he was able
to touch his feet. On another occasion he had the
privilege of seeing the saintly father raised up to the
tree-tops; on another, carried upwards to such' a
height that human sight could scarcely discern him.
Whenever he managed to reach the feet of the blessed
Francis he would embrace them, and kissing them
with tears of the utmost devotion prayed saying: God
be merciful to me a sinner, and through the merits of
this most holy man, grant that I may find thy most holy
mercy. Whenever he saw him so lifted up that he was
unable to touch him, he would prostrate himself
beneath Saint Francis and utter a prayer similar to the
previous one. These elevations of the holy father
occurred at the friary of Alverna and at numberless
other places.
To Brother Leo alone would Saint Francis submit
his stigmata to be touched and to be revived with new
fragments of twig, which he used to renew every day of
the week, between those miraculous nails and the rest
of his flesh, in order to restrain the blood and ease the
pain. With the exception of Thursday and throughout
Friday he would refuse the application of any relief, in
order that for the love of Christ, on that day of
crucifixion he might hang crucified along with Christ
amidst the agonies of the Cross. Sometimes Saint
Francis would place carefully those hands marked by
their venerable stigmata against Brother Leos heart.
From this contact Brother Leo would feel such
devotion in his heart that he almost expired, being
reduced by constant sobbing to edifying uncon
sciousness. To the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 40
The miracle of the holy stigmata of the
blessed Francis.
STIGMATA of the holy father becomes evident from a
certain notable miracle clearly demonstrated at a
certain friary of preaching brothers. For there present
was a certain preaching brother who detested the
blessed Francis so cordially that he could not bear to
see him in a painting, nor hear about him, nor believe
in his heart that he had been marked with the holy
stigmata. And so when the said brother, from a
community beyond the mountains, was stopping at
the aforesaid friary in whose refectory there was a
picture of Saint Francis, he secretly made his way
thither, moved by distrust and dislike, and with a knife
scraped off the stigmata from the painting of the holy
father so that there remained no trace whatever.
But the following day when the same brother was
sitting at table and again looked at the picture of Saint
Francis, there he saw the stigmata in the places whence
he had scraped them away, fresher than before.
Ruefully he realized that he had not completely
scraped them away in the first place, and watching for
a moment when nobody would be aboutfor an evil
doer hates the lighthe drew near and for a second
time scraped away the saints stigmata, in such a way,
however, that he did not damage the underlying stone
on which the picture was painted.
On the third day when the same brother was sitting
at table, he turned round towards the picture of Saint
Francis and behold! he beheld the stigmata looking
beautiful and new, never had they looked so fresh.
Then the same brother, shrouded in the darkness of
iniquity and incited by perfidy, added a third sin to the
second. In his heart he said: In Gods name, I will so
destroy those stigmata that they will never appear
As his custom was, he waited for a moment when
human eyes would not see him; but forgetting that all
things are bare and open to the eyes of God, in a raging
fury he took his knife and gouged out the signs of the
stigmata from the painting, including the underlying
stone. But he had no sooner finished his gouging than
blood began to flow out; spurting forth strongly it
proceeded to bloody the face, hands and habit of the
said friar. In terror he fell down as if dead. The blood
continued to flow and stream from the holy stigmata
gouged out by that wretched man.
Meanwhile the brothers of the friary came upon him
lying as if dead; realizing his wickedness they grieved
greatly. Seeing that the blood continued to flow they
stopped up the holes with pieces of rags, but were
unable to staunch the flow. And so fearing that this
would set laymen thinking, and that they themselves
would suffer scandal and scorn, they devoutly con
sidered having recourse to the blessed Francis. The
prior, along with all the inmates of the priory,
disrobed themselves before the picture of Saint
Francis. Scourging one another, praying and weeping,
they implored the blessed Francis to have pity and to
forgive the offence of the said brother, and deign to
staunch the flow of blood. And forthwith, thanks to
their humility, the blood ceased to flow, and the
stigmata remained in all their former beauty, to be
venerated by all. From then on the aforesaid brother
became an exceedingly devoted follower of Saint
Francis; and as the brethren of the friary of Alverna
have testified, that brother went up to Mount Alverna
to say his devotions, took some blood-stained cotton
with him and gave it to the brethren. After completing
his devotions he also came to Saint Mary of the Angels
and visited all the friaries of Saint Francis with great
reverence and weeping. For wherever he could find
anything concerning the doings of Saint Francis or his
relics, he would break into such devout tears that he
caused others to weep too. He also related the story of
all the aforementioned miracles in the presence of
many friars minor at Alverna and Assisi, but not in the
presence of his own companions, lest by chance they
should reckon the said miracles to the discredit of
their order. By the merits of Saint Francis this brother
became so attached to his companions, that some
times not in their presence, yet strengthened by the
love of God, he revered them with feelings of
brotherly love. To the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 41
How Christ appeared to Brother Masseo of
Marignano, companion of the blessed Francis.
Those hol y companions of our blessed father
Francis, poor in material things but enriched in God,
did not seek to become wealthy in gold or silver, but
strove most earnestly to be enriched with holy virtues
by which we attain the virtues of everlasting life. So it
happened one day that Brother Masseo, one of the
chosen companions of the holy father, was present
when they were discussing God. One of them said:
There was a certain friend of God who enjoyed the
favor of an active contemplative life. And with these
favors he attained such a depth of profound humility,
that it made him think himself a very great sinner. This
humility sanctified him, strengthened him and caused
him constantly to grow in these graces, and better still,
never allowed him to fall away from God.
When Brother Masseo heard these wonderful
things and realized that here lay a treasure of life and
eternal salvation, he became so fired with a desire to
possess the virtue of such humility, so worthy of Gods
embrace, that with mighty fervor raising his face
heavenwards, he bound himself with a mighty vow
never to allow himself to exult in this world until he
felt the presence of that perfect humility in his own
soul. Having made this vow with holy intent he
remained constantly in the seclusion of his cell,
tormenting himself continually the while with
unspeakable groanings to God; for it seemed to him
that he was a man who richly deserved hell unless he
attained that most holy humility that caused that
friend of God of whom he had heard, although
endowed with all virtues, to deem himself inferior to
all others and richly deserving of hell. And while the
unhappy Brother Masseo remained for many days
hungry, thirsty, afflicting himself with weeping, it
happened one day that he went into the woods. As he
passed through, in his mighty fervor he kept uttering
mournful cries and tearful sighs, begging the Lord to
grant him that favor. And because the Lord heals those
who are contrite and hearkens to the voice of the
humble, there came to him a voice from heaven calling
him twice: Brother Masseo! Brother Masseo! He
recognizing the voice, thanks to the Holy Spirit,
replied: My Lord! And the Lord replied: What are
you willing to give, what are you willing to give to
possess this favor? And Brother Masseo replied: The
eyes of my head. And the Lord said: It is my wish that
you have your eyes as well as the favor.
Brother Masseo remained so filled with the grace of
his longed-for humility in the light of God, that he was
constantly elated and frequently when he was praying
he would indulge in discreet jubilation and in a
subdued voice would imitate a dove with Oo-oo-oo
and with cheerful and joyful countenance would give
himself up to contemplation. He also became
extremely humble, reckoning himself the least among
all men.
Brother James of Falterone of sacred memory
asked him why he did not change the manner of his
rejoicing. He replied joyfully that when all that is
good is found in one thing, it is not necessary to
change ones manner. To the praise of our Lord Jesus
Chapter 42
How Saint Clare was taken on Christmas Eve to
the Church of Saint Francis.
When t he most devout cl ar e, spouse of Christ in
fact and in name, was gravely ill in body and nearing
the end of her stay at San Damiano, she was unable to
go with others to church to observe the canonical
hours. At the approach of the celebration of the
Nativity of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, when the
sisters were accustomed to go to matins and to take
solemn communion at the mass of the Nativity, the
blessed Clare, being seriously ill, remained behind
alone, while all others went to the celebration, in no
little distress at not being able to participate in such
solemn celebrations.
But the Lord Jesus, wishing to console his most
faithful spouse, let her attend the Church of Saint
Francis in spirit for matins, for mass and for all
the festive celebrations. Thus she heard perfectly
the singing of the brothers and the playing of the
organ right to the end of the mass, and what is
more, she received holy communion and was fully
When the sisters came back to Saint Clare after the
completion of the office in San Damiano, they said:
Dearest Lady Clare, what great comfort we have had
at the Nativity of the Savior Lord; if only you could
have been with us! But she replied: My dearest
sisters and daughters: I thank God and my blessed
Jesus Christ that I was consoled and did attend all the
ceremonies of this holy night, but greater ones and
more solemn ones than you attended. For by the grace
of my Lord Jesus Christ and thanks to the care of my
most blessed Saint Francis, I was present at the
Church of Saint Francis, and with my own ears, bodily
and spiritual, I heard all the chanting and the organ
playing. Moreover I received holy communion.
Rejoice therefore at so great a favor shown to me, and
praise Jesus Christ with all your hearts, because as I lay
here sick I was present, as I have saidI know not
how, whether bodily or translatedat the whole
ceremony at the Church of Saint Francis. To the
praise of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 43
How Saint Clare at the bidding of the Pope
miraculously imprinted the Cross on loaves of
Saint cl ar e, a most devout discipl e of the Cross
and a valued offshoot of Saint Francis, was of such
sanctity that not only bishops and cardinals but even
the Pope had an appreciative desire to see and hear her,
and frequently visited her personally. In fact the Pope
on one occasion came to Saint Clares monastery in
order to listen to heavenly and divine conversation
with one who was a shrine of the Holy Spirit. Thus
together they discussed at length the salvation of the
soul and the praise of God. Saint Clare meanwhile
ordered loaves of bread to be set out on all the tables
for the sisters, desiring to keep loaves that had been
blessed by the Vicar of Christ.
When the holy conversation was ended, kneeling
with great reverence, she desired the Pontiff to be
good enough to bless the loaves set before him. The
Pope replied: Most faithful Sister Clare, it is my wish
that you should bless these loaves and make over them
the sign of the blessing of Christ, to whom you have
offered yourself as a rich sacrifice. But she replied:
Most holy father, excuse me, for in so doing I would
be excessively blameworthy if in the presence of the
Vicar of Christ, I a worthless female presumed to
perform such a blessing. The Pope replied: That it
may not be imputed to presumption, but that in fact
you may have the credit of so doing, I bid you in sacred
obedience, make the sign of the Cross over these
loaves and bless them in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Thereupon as an obedient daughter she very
devoutly made the sign of the Cross over the loaves
and blessed them. Marvellous indeed! for immediately
on all the loaves there appeared a very beautiful sign of
the Cross.
Some of the loaves were consumed with great
devotion, some kept for the future as signs of a
miracle. The Pope likewise filled with wonder at the
miraculous Cross made by the spouse of Christ first
gave thanks to God and then bestowed his comforting
blessing on the blessed Clare.
There was staying at the monastery Ortolana,
mother of Saint Clare and Sister Agnes, her sister, all
filled with the Holy Spirit, along with many other holy
nuns and spouses of Christ, to whom Saint Francis
sent many sufferers. By virtue of the Cross which they
worshipped with their whole heart, as many as were
touched by it went away cured. To the praise and glory
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 44
How the Lady Jacoba of Settesoli visited
Brother Giles.
DURING THE STAY of the saintly Brother Giles in
Perugia the Lady Jacoba of Settesoli, a noble lady very
devoted to the friars minor, came to see him. A later
arrival was Brother Gerardino of the Order of Minors,
a very spiritually minded man who came in order to
hear some edifying word from him. In the presence of
several other friars Brother Giles said in his vernacular:
As a consequence of what a man has the ability to do,
he does something he does not want to do.
In order to encourage Brother Giles to speak
further Brother Gerardino said: I am amazed,
Brother Giles, that a man as a consequence of what he
is able to do, should do something that he does not
want to do, since a man by himself can do nothing.
And this I can prove in several ways: firstly, ability
presupposes something. Therefore what that some
thing can do corresponds to its naturejust as fire
warms because it is hot. But man of himself is nothing.
That is why the apostle said: Whosoever thinks
himself something when he is nothing, deceives
himself. So he who is nothing can accomplish
nothing. Secondly, in this way I can prove that man
can accomplish nothing; because if he can accomplish
anything it is by reason of his soul alone, by reason of
his body alone, or by reason of both together. If it is by
reason of the soul only, it is certain that he can
accomplish nothing, because the soul without the
body cannot win merit nor lose it. If it is by reason of
the body only he can accomplish nothing, because the
body without the soul is void of life or form and
therefore cannot act, because all action is form. If it is
by reason of both jointly, then man is powerless,
because if he could accomplish anything it would be
by reason of the soul which is its form; but as has
already been said, if the soul bereft of body can
accomplish nothing, it can achieve much less if it is
joined to the body, for A perishable body weighs
down the soul (Wisdom 9:15). And of this I give you
an example, Brother Giles: if a donkey cannot walk
without a burden, much less can it do so with a
burden. From this example therefore it is clear that the
soul can accomplish less when burdened with the body
than when free of it; but without the body it can
accomplish nothing; therefore conjoined with it, it
cannot accomplish anything either.
And many such arguments, some twelve in
numbermore than those mentioneddid he ad
vance against Brother Giles in order to encourage him
to speak; at which arguments all those who heard them
were filled with admiration. Brother Giles retorted
thus: What you have been saying is unsound; admit
you are wrong in all of it. Brother Gerardino smiling
admitted his fault, but Brother Giles, perceiving that
his admission was not sincere, said: This confession,
Brother Gerardino, is worthless; and when a con
fession is worthless, there remains nothing to be
gained from it. And so saying he went on: Can you
sing, Brother Gerardino? Then sing with me! And
Brother Giles drew out from his sleeve a lyre with
millet-stems for strings such as boys are used to
making, and proceeding over the strings of the
instrument, he went on in rhythmic words to annul
and refute all twelve arguments. Beginning with the
first proposition he said: I am not speaking of mans
being before creation, Brother Gerardino, for then it
is true that he was nothing and could do nothing; but I
am speaking of man after creation, to whom God gave
free will to acquire merit by consenting to good
works, and to earn discredit by refraining from them.
For that reason your words were fallacious and misled
me, Brother Gerardino, because the apostle Paul does
not speak about the lack of substance, nor about the
lack of ability, but about the lack of merit; as he says
elsewhere, If I have not love, I am nothing. Further,
I was not speaking about a soul released or of a dead
body, but about a living man, who by conforming to
grace can do good if he so chooses; and by resisting
grace does evil, which is nothing else but forsaking
good. When you assert that a perishable body weighs
down the soul, Scripture does not mean thereby that
it does away with the free will of the soul by which a
man is able to do good or evil; it means that feelings
and intelligence are prevented from operating and that
the souls memory is taken up with temporal matters.
That is why in the same place Scripture continues:
this earthly tent burdens the thoughtful (Wisdom
9:15) because that does not allow the soul to think
freely and seek for the things that are above, where
Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. So that the
keenness of the powers of the soul, because of its
multifarious occupations and because of the poten
tialities of the earthly body, is obstructed in many
ways; that is why your words were misleading, Brother
In like manner he refuted all the other arguments,
so that Brother Gerardino apologized sincerely and
admitted that a creature could accomplish something.
Brother Giles went on: Repentance is no good. Then
he said: Do you want me to demonstrate to you more
clearly that a creature can accomplish something? So
getting up on to a chest he shouted out in a terrifying
voice; O damned soul, lying in hell. Then in a
mournful voice he himself replied, as from the person
damned in a manner that terrified everybody: Woe,
alas! woe! woe! he shouted and wailed. Then Brother
Giles spoke: Tell us, wretched creature, why you went
to hell, and the reply came: Because the evil I could
have avoided I did not shun, and the good I could have
done I neglected to do. Then Brother Giles put the
question: What would you be willing to do if time for
repentance were granted you, O damned captive?
And he replied, speaking for himself: I would
gradually put the whole world behind me in order to
escape eternal punishment; for the world will come to
an end but my damnation endures for eternity. Then
turning to Brother Gerardino Brother Giles said: Do
you hear, Brother Gerardino, that a creature can
accomplish anything? Then he added: Gerardino,
tell me, when a drop of water falls into the sea, whether
it gives its name to the sea or whether the sea gives its
name to the drop? Gerardino replied that both the
substance and the name of the drop are absorbed and
take on the name of the sea.
So saying Brother Giles, before the gaze of all there
present, fell into a rapture. For he realized that human
nature, in submission to divine nature, like the drop of
water, was absorbed into the mighty ocean of Divinity
by the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is
blessed for ever and for ever. Amen.
Chapter 45
How, when Brother Giles said Virgin before
childbirth, Virgin in childbearing, and
Virgin after childbirth three lilies arose.
DURING THE LIFETIME of the saintly Brother Giles
there was a certain master of the Order of Preachers
who for many years suffered serious doubt concerning
the virginity of the Mother of Jesus Christ; for it
seemed to him impossible that a mother could also be
a virgin. But as a man of true faith he was greatly
distressed over such doubts and desired to be freed
from them by some enlightened men. Hearing that
Brother Giles was a very enlightened man he went to
Holy Brother Giles with spiritual foreknowledge of
his arrival, his purpose, and his mental conflict, went
out to meet him. Before he reached him he smote the
ground with a staff he carried in his hand and said: O
brother preacher, Virgin before childbirth. And
immediately there came up on the spot he had struck
with his staff a lily of surpassing beauty. Striking a
second time he said: O brother preacher, Virgin in
childbirth! And there rose up another lily. Striking
for the third time he said: O brother preacher, Virgin
after childbirth! And forthwith arose a third lily,
whereupon Brother Giles fled. The brother preacher
was immediately freed from his temptations and from
then onwards always showed devotion towards holy
Brother Giles.
Chapter 46
Of the marvellous revelation that occurred
in the hearts of Brother Giles and Saint Louis,
King of France.
When saint l ouis, king of Fr ance, had decided on
a seven-year pilgrimage to the holy places, he had
heard of the reputed sanctity of holy Brother Giles,
and set his heart on paying him a personal visit. So on
his pilgrimage he made a detour to Perugia where he
had heard that Brother Giles was living. Arriving at the
friars gate as a miserably poor and unknown pilgrim
accompanied by a few companions, he urgently
enquired for Brother Giles. The gatekeeper went and
told Brother Giles that some pilgrim or other was
enquiring for him at the gate. He immediately
recognized in his heart who it was; and issuing forth
from his cell as if intoxicated he ran swiftly to the gate.
In wonder they rushed to embrace each other,
exchanging kisses of affection and kneeling together
as if they had known each other through long years of
friendship. Showing such signs of affectionate
friendship, uttering not a word to each other but
preserving absolute silence, they went their separate
But when Saint Louis was leaving, one of his
companions questioned by the brothers who it was
who had rushed to embrace Brother Giles so affec
tionately, replied that it was Louis, King of France,
who in the course of his pilgrimage had desired to see
the saintly Brother Giles. Querulously the friars said:
Brother Giles, why were you so unwilling to say
anything to such a great king who came from France
to see you and to hear some word of comfort?
Brother Giles replied: Beloved brethren, do not be
surprised if neither of us managed to say anything to
each other, for the moment we embraced, the light of
divine wisdom revealed his heart to me and mine to
him. As we stood in the mirror of eternity, whatever he
had intended to say to me, or I to him, we heard
without sound from lips or tongue to our complete
consolation, better than if we had spoken with our
lips; for if we had tried to explain with the help of our
voices what we felt within ourselves our words would
have led to distress rather than to comfort. So be
assured that he departed wondrously consoled.
Chapter 47
A certain wonderful piece of advice on die state of
rapture that Brother Giles gave to Brother Janies.
BROTHER JAMES OF MASSA, a holy man and a layman,
kept company with Saint Clare and many of the
companions of Saint Francis. As a very devout man
who enjoyed the grace of rapture, he wished to take
counsel of Brother Giles and asked for permission to
consult him how he should conduct himself when he
experienced such grace. Neither add to it nor take
away from it; and shun crowds as much as you can,
said Brother Giles. What does that mean? Explain to
me, Reverend Father. He replied: When the mind is
ready to be introduced into that most glorious light of
Gods goodness, it should neither have the pre
sumption to add, nor be so careless as to diminish; it
should love solitude as much as possible in order that
the grace may be safeguarded. To the praise of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 48
How Saint Antony in preaching was clearly
understood by men of different tongues.
That wonder ful vessel of t he hol y spir it Saint
Antony of Padua, one of the chosen disciples of
blessed Francis, whom Saint Francis used to call his
bishop, was preaching in the presence of the Pope and
cardinals, in a gathering where there were Greeks and
Latins, Frenchmen and Teutons, Slavs and English
men and many others of divers tongues. Inspired by
the Holy Spirit and fired with the eloquence of the
apostles, he poured forth mellifluous words, and all
those presentmen of different languages who heard
him clearly and distinctly and with perceptive
understandinghe filled with such sustained wonder
and devotion that it seemed like a repetition of that
ancient miracle of the apostles. In amazement they
asked: Is this man not a Spaniard? And how is it we all
hear him speak in our own language in which we were
born, Greeks and Latins, Slavs and Englishmen,
Lombards and barbarians?
The Pope too, amazed at the profound knowledge
of the Holy Scriptures shown by Saint Antony, said:
Truly this man is the Ark of the Covenant and the
treasure of the Holy Scriptures. Such were the
companions our leader Francis won over, who along
with his venerable associates could so nurture not only
Christs flock but also the Vicar of Christ, with the
riches of the Holy Spirit, and supply them with
heavenly weapons against the wiles of the enemy. To
the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ who is blessed for
ever and for ever. Amen.
Chapter 49
How Saint Antony by preaching to fishes
converted many heretics to the faith.
demonstrate how great was the sanctity of his most
loyal servant Saint Antony, how devoutly his
preaching and sound doctrine should be listened to,
rebuked the folly of infidels and of ignorant heretics
by means of irrational animals, fishes in fact, just as the
she-ass rebuked the ignorance of Balaam.
For once when the blessed Antony was in Rimini
where there was a large number of heretics, desirous
of bringing them back to the light of the true faith and
to the way of truth, he preached to them for many days
about the Holy Scriptures. But they showed stony
obstinacy and not only scorned his holy discourses but
also refused to give him a hearing. So Saint Antony,
under the Lords inspiration, one day betook himself
to the mouth of a river alongside the sea, and standing
on a bank between the sea and the river began in the
Lords name to summon the fishes as to a sermon
saying: Hearken, O fishes of the sea and river, to the
word of God that faithless heretics scorn to hear.
And behold! there immediately gathered before
Saint Antony so great a multitude of fish, great and
small, the like of which had never been seen in those
parts, all holding their heads just a little bit above
water. There you would have seen big fish clinging
closely to smaller fish, smaller ones quietly swimming
under the fins of larger ones and staying there. You
would even have seen the different species of fish
hastening to join their fellows, and ranging them
selves in the saints presence like a field painted and
wonderfully adorned with a variety of colors. You
would have seen shoals of great fish like the serried
ranks of an army, vying for places to hear the sermon.
There you would have seen medium-sized fish taking
up positions in the middle, as if instructed by the
Lord, and remaining quietly in their places. There you
would have seen a dense and numerous crowd of small
fishes everywhere hastening like pilgrims to receive
forgiveness, and approaching closer to the holy father
as if under his protection. Thus in this divinely
ordained sermon there were ranged, in order to hear
Saint Antony, first the smaller fishes, next the middle-
sized and thirdly, where the water was deeper, the
largest fishes. And so to them in their ordered places
Saint Antony solemnly began to preach saying: O
fish, my brothers, within your modest limits you
should indeed give thanks to your Creator who for
your inhabitation has provided such a noble element,
so that you have fresh or salt water according to your
need. Besides he has provided for you plenty of places
for shelter that you may avoid the inclemencies of the
weather. He has provided you with a clear transparent
element, ways to get about and food to live on.
Necessary foods a benign Creator prepares for you,
even in the depths of the ocean.
At the creation of the world you received from God
with his blessing his command to multiply. During the
Flood while other animals perished, you were pre
served unharmed. Adorned and strengthened with
fins you can roam wherever you please. It was granted
to you by Gods command to preserve Jonah the
prophet of the Lord, and after three days to restore
him to dry land unhurt. You offered tax-money to the
Lord Jesus Christ when in his poverty he had not the
wherewithal to pay a stater. You had the distinction of
providing food for the everlasting king, the blessed
Lord Jesus Christ, before his resurrection. For all
these reasons you are greatly bound to praise and bless
the Lord, you who have already so many outstanding
blessings ahead of other animals.
At these words and at similar exhortations some fish
gave voice, some opened their mouths and all bowed
their heads, by which signs they were able to praise the
All-Highest. Uplifted in spirit at this reverence shown
by the fishes Saint Antony, crying out in a very loud
voice, said: Blessed be the Everlasting God, that
fishes of the sea honor God more than heretics do and
that creatures lacking the power of reason hearken
better than faithless men!
The longer Saint Antony preached the more the
throng of fishes increased; none of them moved away
from the places they had occupied. At this miracle the
people of the city flocked together as did the heretics
aforementioned. When they beheld such an unusual
miracle, so rightly to be wondered at since it was brute
creatures who were listening to Saint Antony, they
were filled with compunction; all sat down at the feet
of Saint Antony that he might preach to them.
Thereupon Saint Antony opening his mouth preached
so wonderfully about the Catholic faith that he
converted all the heretics present, and the faithful
he sent away with his blessing, rejoicing and
strengthened in their faith. The fishes too he dismissed
all joyous and exultant; amid wonderful gambols and
nods of satisfaction they departed to their various
parts of the ocean.
For many days thereafter by his preaching and with
the devotion of clerics Saint Antony reaped a mighty
harvest in the conversion of heretics. To the praise
of our Lord Jesus Christ who is for ever blessed.
How Brother Conrad of Offida converted a
certain young man and after death freed him
from Purgatory.
BROTHER CONRAD OF OFFIDA, a wonderful zealot of
the Gospel rule of our father Saint Francis, led such an
intensely religious life and of such merit in the sight of
God, that both in life and in death the Lord Jesus
Christ repeatedly honored him. For when he was still
alive and had come to the friary of Offida as a visitor,
the brothers asked him for the love of God to
admonish a certain youthful friar who acted in so
childish and undisciplined a manner that he greatly
upset both the young and old members of the
community, and cared little or nothing about
canonical hours and other regular practices. So
Brother Conrad, out of compassion for this youth and
other friars who were greatly disturbed on his
account, humbly acceding to their prayers summoned
him. Out of the bowels of charity he spoke inspired
words of such effect that immediately the hand of God
was laid upon the youth, and from a boy he became a
mature man, so obedient, thoughtful and devout, so
peace-loving, submissive, and so intent upon all good
works, that just as before the whole community was
upset by him, so afterwards they all rejoiced in his
complete conversion to virtue, and bore him affection
as to an angel. A few days after this conversion he fell
ill and departed this world, at which the friars grieved
greatly. After his death when Brother Conrad, who
had converted him, was standing one night in prayer
Chapter 50
before the altar of the friary, behold, his soul appeared
before Brother Conrad, devoutly greeting him as
father. He asked: Who are you? The reply was: I am
the soul of the youth lately deceased. Said Conrad:
My son, what is the matter? The reply: Dearly
beloved father, by the grace of God and your
instruction I am well because I am not damned;
nevertheless because some of my sins were not fully
expiated because of the short time I had, I am
enduring mighty pains in Purgatory. So I beg you,
father, that just as you came to my aid in my lifetime
with your compassion, that you will deign to help me
now in my sufferings, and say some Our Fathers for
me, because your prayers are greatly acceptable to
Brother Conrad readily agreed and said one Pater
noster together with Requiem aetemam. This done, the
soul said: O holy father, how this has helped me! I
beg you to say it for me again. And when he had said it
a second time the soul said: Holy father, as you pray, I
am completely relieved, I beg you not to cease
praying. Brother Conrad realizing the soul was being
helped by his prayers, recited one hundred Our
Fathers for him. Whereupon the soul said: On behalf
of our Lord Jesus Christ I give thanks to you. May he
grant you an everlasting reward for this kindness,
because thanks to your prayers I am freed from all
torture, and now I go to the glory of paradise. And
with these words he went on his way to the Lord.
Brother Conrad, in order to rejoice the brethren,
related in order all that had happened that night. Both
he and the others were gready consoled. To the praise
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 51
How Brother John of Alvema was caught up in
the infiniteness of God.
When br ot her john had compl et el y renounced
the consolations of this world, he was concerned to be
consoled in God alone. And so whenever special
solemn celebrations of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ
came round, he would contrive for himself with divine
favor, fresh consolations and marvellous revelations.
So it fell out that as the Nativity of our Savior Lord
approached, he awaited in all confidence consolation
from the compassion of the blessed Christ. But the
Holy Spirit that knows how to bestow gifts as it sees
fit, at its own time and place, so it depends not upon
mans will or exertion, but upon Gods mercy
(Romans 9:16), revealed to Brother John not the
consolation he expected from the compassion of
Christ but such a burning love from the love of Christ,
that it seemed to him that his soul was snatched from
his body. For a hundred times more fiercely than if he
were in a furnace his heart and soul were aflame. As a
consequence of this heat he panted in distress and in
violent torment cried out aloud; because of the
excessive fervor of his love and the force of the spirit he
could not help calling out.
At the moment when he felt such intensity of love,
the hope of salvation so fortified him that he did not
believe that if he had died then, he would pass through
Purgatory. And this great love persisted, although
intermittently, for half a year, so that it seemed to
breathe forth the spirit continuously.
Thereafter he had visitations and consolations
innumerable, as I myself many times personally
witnessed and as several others frequently inves
tigated. For thanks to the excessiveness of his fervor
and love, he was unable to conceal the visitations: in
my presence he was several times enraptured. One
night he was uplifted in such wondrous light that in
the Creator he saw all created things, both heavenly
and earthly, and all things set out and separated by
differences of degree. He saw in fact how the choirs of
blessed spirits rank below God, as does the earthly
paradise and the blessed compassion of Christ. And
the habitations of the lower orders he similarly
perceived; he saw and felt that all things were evidence
of a Creator. Later on God uplifted him above every
creature so that his soul was absorbed and taken up
into the infinite space of godliness and light, plunged
into the sea of eternity and the infiniteness of God; so
much so that he was conscious of nothing created or
formed, nothing completed, nothing imaginable that
human heart could conceive or tongue recount. And
his soul was absorbed in that infinity of godliness, that
ocean or that appearance of light, so that his very soul
itself expanded as does a drop of wine in the depths of
the sea; so that just as he found nothing in himself
except ocean, so his soul saw nothing but God in all
things, above all things, within all things, and beyond
all things, and so three persons in one God and one
God in three persons.
And he was conscious of eternal love that was
responsible for the incarnation of the Son of God
through that obedience to the Father by which he was
incarnate. So along that way of incarnation and
passion of the Son of God, meditating on it, bearing
his burden and weeping, he reached that brilliance
indescribable; for by no other way can the soul enter
the presence of God than through Christ who is the
way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).
There was also revealed to him in the same vision
through Christ, whatever had happened, from the Fall
of the first man, to the entry into eternal life of Christ
who is the head and chief of all the chosen from the
beginning of the world, and shall be unto the end, as
was foretold by the holy prophets. To the praise of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Chapter 52
How Brother John saw Christ in glory in the
Host, and how Christ stood on the altar when he
said: This is my body.
To THE SAME BROTHER JOHN there happened a
miracle worthy of being solemnly recorded as re
counted by those who were present. When the
aforesaid Brother John was staying at the friary of
Mogliano in the custody of Fermo in the province of
the Marches, on the first day after the octave of Saint
Lawrence, that is, within the octave of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he rose before the time for
matins and with the mighty unction of grace where
with he had been prepared by the Lord, he said matins
along with the brothers. After saying matins he
proceeded into the garden; for he was conscious of
such tremendous sweetness and gentleness that he
appreciated in proportion to the mighty grace derived
from those words of the Lord Hoc est corpus meutn
(This is my body), that he shouted out aloud, and in
his heart kept on saying: This is my body.
Enlightened as to these words by the Holy Spirit, he
beheld the blessed Christ along with the blessed
Virgin and a throng of angels and saints. And he
understood those words of the apostle that We are all
one body in Christ, each one is a member one of
another, that you may be able to comprehend with all
the saints what is the breadth, the length, the height
and the depth and to know the love of Christ that
passes all knowledgeall of which is included in the
lofty sacrament that is celebrated when the words
This is my body are uttered.
And when dawn broke, prompted by divine grace he
entered the church, inspired by the fervor of the Holy
Spirit, and thinking he was not heard by anybody
although a certain monk was in the choir and did hear
him. Upset by the very magnitude of the grace granted
him, he could not help giving three mighty shouts.
When therefore he went up to the altar to celebrate
mass, which he was supposed to sing, his fervor grew
more intense, and his love of Christ increased. There
was granted to him a certain ineffable and incalculable
sense of Gods presence, which could not be explained
in words. Fearing lest this feeling and miraculous
fervor should increase so much that he would have to
break off his mass, he knew not what to decide
whether to proceed or to wait.
However, as he had once had a similar experience
and God had so restrained him that he had not
interrupted his mass, somehow he felt confident to be
able to proceed. Nevertheless he feared the con
sequences, for such infusions of divine power do not
lie under mans control. When therefore he had
proceeded as far as the Preface to the blessed Virgin,
the illumination and sweetness of grace so intensified
that when he came to Qui pridte (Who the night
before he suffered), he could scarcely endure such
sweetness and satisfaction. Having reached This is
my body, he kept repeating Hoc est... Hoc est... This
is... This is... over and over again, and was unable to
get further, for he was so conscious of the divine
presence and of a throng of angels and saints, that he
almost came to a halt because of the exaltation he felt
in his soul.
So the warden of the friary, rushing to the aid of the
distressed man, took his stand beside him, as did a friar
behind him holding a lighted candle. Meanwhile the
other friars stood there in fear along with many other
men and women, with whom were other prominent
women of the province, all of them in fearful
expectation and weeping as women do. But Brother
John, as if transported by this most blessed and
blissful joy, stood still without completing the holy
Consecration, because he felt that the Lord Jesus
Christ was not entering into the Host, or rather that
the Host was not being transubstantiated into the
body of Christ until he added the words Corpus
meum (My body). Unable to bear the majestical
greatness of the Sacred Head, that is, of Christ as the
paradise of the mystical body of Christ was revealed to
him, he exclaimed Corpus meum. And immediately
the form of the bread vanished and there appeared the
Lord Jesus Christ incarnate and glorified, who
revealed to him the humbleness that led to his
incarnation and caused him daily to come into the
hands of the priest. And that humility held Brother
John in such bliss and ineffable and unutterable
wonder, that he was unable to complete the words of
the Consecration. For so wonderful is the humility
and favor of our Savior toward us, as Brother John
himself said, that the body cannot endure it or words
explain it. This was why he was unable to go on. And
so having said Hoc estcorpus meumThis is my body,
he was transported into ecstasy and fell backwards, but
was held up by the warden standing beside him lest he
fall to the ground. There was a rush from the friars and
other men and women in the church, and he was
carried into the sacristy as if dead. His body had turned
cold like the body of a dead man, and the fingers of his
hands were so stiffly contracted that they could
scarcely be separated or moved. So he lay there as if
lifeless from morning till the- third hour, for it was
summer time. I who witnessed all this desired very
much to know what mercy of the Savior had worked
upon him. As soon as he had recovered I went up to
him and asked him for the love of God to be good
enough to tell me what had happened. He having
complete confidence in me, by the grace of God told
me all, adding that while he was fulfilling his function
and even before, his body was melted like strongly
heated wax; his body felt boneless so that he could
hardly raise his hands or make the sign of the Cross
over the Host. He added that before he became a priest
it was revealed to him that he was destined so to faint at
mass, but because he had read many masses and the
prophecy had not come to pass he thought he was
mistaken. But about fifty days before the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary during which all this
happened to him, it was revealed to him that this was
due to occur round about the time of the Assumption,
but that prophecy he had forgotten. To the praise and
glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Chapter 53
How the blessed Virgin appeared to Brother
Conrad in the woods of Forano.
The pr ovince of t he mar ches of ancona was
distinguished by certain notable star-characters,
namely holy friars minor, who above and here below in
the near presence of God, shone with radiant virtues.
Their memory is truly holy and blessed. Among them
were some as it were major stars who outshone the
others, namely Brother Lucidio the elder, shining
with sanctity and burning with divine love, whose
glorious tongue prompted by the Holy Spirit
produced wonderful results. Likewise Brother
Bentivoglia from San Severino who was seen uplifted a
great distance into the air while he was praying in a
wood, by Brother Masseo of the same locality who
because of this miracle gave up his parish. He became a
friar minor of such holy life that he accomplished
many miracles and fell asleep at Morro. While the said
Brother Bentivoglia was alone at Ponte della Trave
caring for a leper, he was compelled in obedience to
depart. Unwilling to abandon the leper he placed him
on his shoulder and thus burdened made his way from
Ponte della Trave to Mount San Vicino where there
was another friary, covering a distance of fifteen miles.
Carrying such a burden he could scarcely have flown
the distance in such a short time even if he had been an
eagle. All who heard of this divine miracle were filled
with wonder and amazement.
Brother Peter of Monticello was seen by Brother
Servadeo of Urbino, who was then warden of the
ancient priory of Ancona, elevated to a lofty position
up to the feet of Christ, some five or six cubits from
the ground, that is, from the floor of the church. This
brother having fasted most devoudy through the Lent
of Saint Michael the archangel and shut himself in the
church on the last day of his fast, was heard by a
youthful friar who lay carefully hidden for the purpose
beneath the altar, speaking with Saint Michael the
archangel, and the archangel with him. And these were
their words: said the archangel: Brother Peter, you
have labored faithfully on my behalf and done much
penance, and humiliated yourself gready; behold I
have come to you that you may ask for any favor you
wish and I will beg it from God for you. Brother Peter
replied: Most holy head of the heavenly court, most
faithful upholder of the honor of God, most holy
protector of souls, this is the favor I beg of you, that
you obtain for me the remission of all my sins. The
archangel replied: Ask a different favor, for this one I
can obtain for you very easily. But Brother Peter
wanted nothing else. The archangel concluded by
saying: For your devotion and for the faith you have
in me, the favor you request and many others I shall
obtain for you. At the end of this colloquy which
lasted a large part of the night, he left him inwardly
comforted. At the same time the truly holy Brother
Peter and the aforesaid Brother Conrad of Offida
were also there. While they were in residence at the
friary of Forano in the custody of Ancona, Brother
Conrad went into the woods to meditate on divine
things. Brother Peter stealthily followed him to see
what would happen to him. Most devoutly and in tears
Brother Conrad began to pray to the most blessed
Virgin to obtain a favor for himself from her blessed
Son, in order that he might be able to feel ever so
slightly something of that beatitude felt by Saint
Simon on that day of purification when he bore Christ
the blessed Savior in his arms. His prayer was heard by
that most blessed Lady, and behold there appeared the
Queen of Glory along with her. blessed Son in an
intensity* of light that not only dispersed the darkness
but also outshone all other lights. As she drew near to
Brother Conrad she placed in his arms that child who
is more comely than all the sons of men. Brother
Conrad taking him most devoutly, pressing his lip to
lip and breast to breast, was wholly melted ih embraces
and kisses of love. Brother Peter beheld all these things
in that bright light and derived wondrous comfort
from them. When the blessed Virgin and her Son
withdrew Brother Peter secretly remained behind in
that blessed wood and then hurriedly returned to the
friary. When Brother Conrad returned all elated and
joyful, Brother Peter greeted him: O celebate
brother, a great consolation you have had this day.
Said Brother Conrad: What do you mean Brother
Peter? How do you know what I have experienced?
Brother Peter answered: I am well aware, brother,
that the most blessed Virgin and her Son visited you.
When he heard this Brother Conrad as a truly humble
man desiring secrecy, begged him to tell nobody. For
there was such affection between these two men that
they seemed to be as one heart and one soul.
At the friary of Sirolo Brother Conrad also freed a
maiden possessed by a demon; he immediately fled
from the friary lest the mother of the liberated maiden
find him and there should be a concourse of people.
For Brother Conrad had prayed all through that night
and had appeared to the mother of the maiden; by thus
appearing he had freed her daughter. To the praise and
glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Chapter 54
How Christ appeared to Brother John of Alvema
who in embracing Christ became rapt.
of God appears in the chosen sons whom the Holy
Spirit gathered in his Order; for the glory of so great a
father lies in his understanding sons. Among them
there shone especially the aforesaid Brother John, who
in the skies of his Order sparkled like a wonderful star
thanks to the splendor of his grace. For in his youth he
had a heart matured by wisdom, and longed with all
his might for the way of penance that ensures purity of
body and mind. And so while he was still a little boy he
would wear an iron belt next to his skin, and every day
carried the cross of abstinence. Thus when he was with
the canons at Saint Peters at Fermo before he had
taken the habit of the holy father, while they lived
lavishly, he disciplined himself with wonderfully strict
But he had to suffer so many impediments to his
angelic zeal from his companions: they deprived him
of his breastplate and put obstacles in the way of his
abstinence. Under Gods inspiration he considered
forsaking the world and those who loved it, and
offering up the flower of his angelic youth to the arms
of the Crucified within the order of the blessed
Francis, in whom, as he had heard, the stigmata of
Christs crucifixion had been renewed. When there
fore the youth had in the name of the Lord assumed
the habit of the friars minor and was entrusted to a
master for training in spiritual matters, he sometimes
heard divine words from his master; then his heart
would melt like wax; he was filled within with such
grace of gentleness, that his outer self was sometimes
constrained to run about the garden, sometimes
through the church, sometimes right through the
woods, running about in whatever way the fire within
impelled him.
In the course of time Gods grace raised up this
angelic man by stages, sometimes to the splendor of
the cherubim, sometimes to the ardor of the seraphim,
sometimes to the joys of the angels. What is more, it
sometimes drew him to the divine kisses and the
overpowering embraces of the love of Christ, as of
an intimate friend, not only because of his inner
inclination, but also because of outward signs he
showed. Thus it once happened to him that fired with
the love of Christ, for the space of three years at least,
he received wonderful consolations and so trans
formed was frequently rapt up to God. But because
God takes special care of his sons, now consoling them
with favors, now testing them with trials, while
Brother John was in a certain friary, there was
withdrawn from him that brightness and that fire; so
he remained unloved, without light and in the greatest
dejection. For this reason whenever his soul did not
feel the presence of his beloved Master, he was
distressed and tormented, anxiously bewailing a
beloved one who with quiet restraint had concealed
himself; but in no way and nowhere was he able to
experience those sweet embraces and blessed kisses as
he had been accustomed to do. This distress he
endured for several days, mourning, sighing and
weeping. But one day when he was walking through
the aforementioned wood in which he had devised a
path to walk on, and was walking along depressed and
desolate, he leaned against a beech tree and raised a
tear-stained face to heaven. And behold! He who heals
the contrite in heart and lightens their afflictions, the
blessed Lord Jesus Christ, appeared on the same path
but said nothing. When Brother John recognized him,
he immediately threw himself at his feet, and with
uncontrollable groans begged him and most humbly
besought him to come to his aid: Without you,
sweetest Savior, I remain in darkness and grief;
without you, gentle lamb, I remain in perplexity and
fear; without you, exalted Son of God, I remain in
confusion and shame! Without you I am despoiled of
all that is good; without you I am blinded with
darkness, because you, Jesus, are the true light of the
world. Without you I am lost and damned, for you are
the life of souls and the life of lives. Without you I am
sterile and arid, for you are the God of Gods who
bestows favors. In you I find every consolation because
you are God, our redemption, our love and our
longing, the bread that restores us, the wine that gives
joy to the choirs of angels and the hearts of all the
saints. Enlighten me therefore, most gracious master
and most kindly shepherd, for I am your lamb,
however unworthy.
But because a desire deferred is kindled into a
greater love, the blessed Christ withdrew along the
path saying absolutely nothing to him. Then Brother
John, seeing that the blessed Christ was withdrawing
without hearkening to his prayer, rose up again with a
compelling and holy importunity like a needy pauper.
Again he rushed forward towards Christ and pros
trating himself humbly at his feet implored him more
devoutly with tears: O sweetest Jesus, have pity on my
distress. Grant my prayer in the fulness of your mercy
and in the truth of your salvation, and restore to me
the joy of your salvation, for the earth is full of your
mercy. You know how grievously I am distressed, I
humbly beseech you to come to the aid of my darkened
And again the Savior passed on without saying
anything to Brother John, or giving him any
consolation of any kind. He seemed intent on with
drawing along the aforesaid path the more to increase
his clamoring, like a mother with a baby who has
denied her child the breast when he has asked for it,
and after it has cried, she hugs it and kisses it and takes
it back all the more gently. And so Brother John
following the blessed Christ for the third time, went
his way weeping copiously like a baby seeking its
mother, or a boy his father or a submissive pupil
behind his compassionate teacher. When he had
caught up with him, the blessed Christ turned his
gracious face toward Brother John and spread out his
venerable hands, like a priest when he turns toward the
people. Then Brother John saw marvellous rays of
light issuing forth from the most holy breast of Christ,
not only lighting up the whole forest outwardly, but
also inwardly filling body and soul with divine
splendor. At once Brother John knew what humble
and reverent act he should perform before the blessed
Christ. He immediately threw himself at the feet of
Christ. The blessed Christ in his compassion revealed
to him those most holy feet over which Brother John
shed so many tears that he seemed like another Mary
Magdalen, begging him not to take account of his
sins, but by his most sacred passion and the sliding
of his precious blood, graciously to restore his scj>ul to
the favor of divine love.
Since it is your commandment that I have the
strength to love you with all my heart and with
all my strengtha commandment that no man can
fulfil without your aidso help me, most loving
Jesus Christ, that I may love you with all my
While Brother John lay at Christs feet praying
fervently, he received so much grace from him that
there and then he was fully restored, and like Mary
Magdalen calmed and consoled. Then conscious of
the gift of so much grace, Brother John began to
render thanks to God and humbly to kiss Christs feet,
rising up in order to look upon the Savior while he
thanked him. And the blessed Christ held forth and
opened out his most holy hands to be kissed. And as he
opened them Brother John arose and drawing near
those hands embraced the Lord Jesus and the blessed
Christ embraced him. Then as Brother John kissed the
most holy breast of Christ, he became conscious of
such a divine fragrance that if all the scents of the
world were concentrated into one, it would be con
sidered a putrid stench compared with that heavenly
fragrance. And besides this there issued from the
breast of the Savior the aforementioned rays of light
illuminating his mind both within and without and
everything round about. In the midst of this embrace,
this fragrance, this illumination, on the very breast of
Christ Brother John was rapt, completely comforted
and wondrously enlightened. For henceforth having
drunk from the sacred fountain of the Lords breast,
he was filled with the gift of wisdom and the grace of
the Word of God, and frequently poured forth words
that were wondrous beyond telling. And because there
flowed forth from his belly rivers of living water that
he had drunk from the depths of the bosom of the
Lord Jesus Christ, so did he transform the minds of
those who heard him and produce wondrous fruits.
Further, the aforesaid fragrance and splendor that he
had sensed lasted in his soul for many days; and what
is more, along the same path where the feet of the
Lord had passed and for a wide distance around, he
was for a long time conscious of the same light and
As Brother John returned to himself after the
aforesaid rapture the blessed Christ disappeared, but
he thereafter remained consoled and illuminated. And
thus he discovered the mercifulness of Christ, as the
story was told to me by the one who had it from the
mouth of Brother John. He discovered his soul buried
in the depths of divine godliness, and this is confirmed
by many obvious manifestations. For in the presence
of the Roman curia, of kings and barons, and in the
presence of teachers and learned doctors, he poured
forth such sublime and profound enlightenment, that
he moved them to wonder and amazement. Although
Brother John was a virtually uneducated man yet he
made amazing statements on most complicated and
profound problems of the Trinity and many other
mysteries of Scripture. For as is already clear, he was
raised up first to the feet of Christ amid tears, then to
Christs hands with his arms, and thirdly to his blessed
bosom, with rapture and rays of light. These are
mighty mysteries that could not be explained in a few
words. But he who wishes to know, let him read
Bernard on the Song of Songs, who there sets forth
these steps in order: the beginners to the feet, those
already on the way to the hands, and the successful to
the kissing and embracing. For the blessed Christ
while saying nothing to Brother John, conferred such
grace upon him, and demonstrated that like a good
shepherd he was more concerned to nurture a human
soul with heavenly feelings, than to make a big fuss for
fleshly ears with exterior noises. For the kingdom of
God is not in outward but in inward things: For all his
glory cometh from within, says the prophet. To the
praise of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 55
How a heavenly answer was given to
Brother John of Alvema praying on behalf of a
certain brother.
Br ot her john was r equest ed by Brother James of
Fallerone to intercede with God for some scruple of
conscience that was greatly worrying him, namely
concerning certain matters pertaining to his priestly
office. He received an answer before the feast of Saint
Lawrence, as the Lord told-it to him. He relates that
the Lord said to him: He is a priest according to
Gods ordinance. But when Johns conscience still
pricked him he again begged James to ask Gods will in
the matter.
As he faithfully kept the vigil of Saint Lawrence by
night, watching and praying to the Lord to reassure
him by the merits of Saint Lawrence concerning his
scruples of conscience, there appeared to him as he
watched and prayed the blessed Lawrence clad in a
white raiment like a Levite, and said to him: I am the
Levite Lawrence. He for whom you are praying is a
priest according to Gods ordinance. And so he was
reassured and greatly consoled for the doubt he had
On another occasion there appeared to the same
Brother John while the friars were singing Salve regina
one evening, Saint Lawrence in the form of a youth,
clad in a red dalmatic and bearing a gridiron. This
little gridiron, he said, brought me heavenly glory,
and the pain of the burning coals revealed to me the
fulness of the mercy of God. And he added: If you
wish to earn the glory and mercy of God, endure
uncomplainingly the bitterness of this world. Saint
Lawrence remained with him thus visible until the
singing of the antiphon came to an end. The friars then
went off for a spell but he remained in the choir with
Saint Lawrence. Having reassured Brother John he
then disappeared leaving him filled with such love and
affection that for the whole night of the said feast he
did not sleep but spent it all in wonderful relief.
The same Brother John was once celebrating mass
very devoutly. While the Host was being consecrated,
the form of the bread was transformed before his very
eyes, and in an instant Christ appeared to him clad in a
red robe and gave him such gentle comfort that if it
had not been for his lingering consciousness he would
have been caught up in ecstasy. And in the same vision
he was assured that thanks to that mass the Lord was
placated for the whole world and especially for those
souls entrusted to his care. To the praise and glory of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 56
How Brother John while celebrating mass saw
souls being released from Purgatory.
Whil e t he said br ot her john was celebrating
mass for the souls of the dead, he offered up that
loftiest of all sacraments with such outpouring of love
and compassionthe efficacy of which is desired by
the souls of the dead above all elsethat he seemed
completely melted in the earnestness of his devotion
and honey-sweet love coming from above. When
therefore during that holy mass he reverently raised up
the most sacred body of the Lord, offering it to God
the Father in order that through the love of him who
hung upon the Cross he might liberate souls created
by him and mercifully free them from Purgatory, he
beheld almost countless souls issue forth from
Purgatory, like a multitude of sparks issuing from a
blazing furnace. And he saw them flying up to their
heavenly home through the merits of Christ who hung
on the Cross for the salvation of mankind, and who is
offered up daily in the most sacred Host for the living
and the dead; he, that blessed God, who is man, life
and Redeemer, justice and everlasting sanctification,
for ever and ever.
Chapter 57
How Brother John saw the blessed Francis with
many brothers and how Brother John spoke to
him after his death.
At t h e t ime WHEN BROTHER JAMES o f f a l l er o n e,
a holy man, lay ill at the friary of Mogliano in the
custody of Fermo and the provinces of the Marches,
Brother John of Alverna prayed to God for Brother
James in fervent mental prayer and with heartfelt
sincerity, for he loved him dearly as if he were his own
father. And while he prayed thus fervently he fell into
an ecstasy and saw a host of many angels and saints
hovering in the air in brilliant light over his cell, which
was in the woods. So intense was the light that all the
countryside glowed. Among the angels he saw the
stricken Brother James for whom he was praying
standing there resplendent in white clothes. There too
he saw our blessed Father Francis marked with the
sacred stigmata and resplendent in wondrous glory.
He saw and recognized the saintly Brother Lucidio
and the aged Brother Matthew of Monte Rubbiano;
and several other friars he recognized whom he had
never seen in this life, who together with a host of
saints shone in glory.
And while Brother John gazed on these things there
came to him an assuring revelation concerning the
salvation of the sufferer, that as a result of his illness he
was destined to pass over to God; but he was not to go
to heaven immediately because he must be purified for
a short space. Brother John who witnessed all this
rejoiced so much over the salvation and glory of the
aforementioned friar, that he frequendy addressed
Brother James with spiritual compassion, saying in the
secret places of his heart: Brother James, my brother,
most faithful servant of Christ; Brother James,
sweetest father; Brother James, companion of the
angels and of the blessed saints. Being sure of the
death of Brother James and rejoicing at the salvation
of his soul, he departed from the friary of Massa where
he had had this vision and went to visit Brother James
at Mogliano, where he found the sick man so laid low
with suffering that he could scarcely speak. To him
Brother John announced that he was going to die and
like a carefree joyous lion was passing over to eternal
Brother James, himself now completely confident
of his salvation, welcomed him with a beautiful smile
and joyful face because he had brought him such
joyful news. And because Brother James loved him like
a son, he commended himself to Brother John and let
him know that his soul was now being released from
his body. Brother John asked him to do him the favor
of speaking to him after his death, which Brother
James promised provided the kindness of the Savior
permitted it. And after these words as the hour of
death was approaching Brother James began to repeat
devoutly: In peace, may I both sleep and rest. And
with these words, with joyful and serene countenance
he passed on to the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother John,
having returned to the friary of Massa, awaited the
fulfilment of Brother Jamess promise to speak to him
on the day he said he would. As he waited, there
appeared to him Christ in a great light with a
wondrous company of angels and saints. Brother John
remembered Brother James and commended him to
Christ. Next day while Brother John was in the woods
of Massa Brother James appeared to him, all glorious
and rejoicing accompanied by angels. Said Brother
John: O father, why did you not speak to me on the
day you promised? he replied: Because I was in
some slight need of purification. But at that same
hour that Christ appeared to you, I appeared to holy
lay-brother James of Massa, while he was still alive
and serving mass. And there he beheld the sacred
Host at the moment of the elevation transformed
into a very handsome youth. And I spoke to the
brother thus: This day with that youth I go forward
to the kingdom, because without him nobody can go
there. And when you commended me to Christ, your
prayer was answered. In the same hour when I spoke
to Brother James I was liberated. And with these
words he went on his way to the Lord. Brother John
remained greatly consoled; but Brother James of
Fallerone went on his way on the Vigil of Saint Paul
in the month of July and now rests in the friary of
Mogliano where he performs many miracles. To the
praise of God.
Chapter 58
How Brother John acquired the spirit of
Cer t a in per s o n s WERE POSSESSED of certain ter
rible sins that no man could know about except by
divine revelation. Some of them died, others were still
alive. To those still living Brother John disclosed their
secret sins by divine revelation. These were thereby
converted to a life of penance. One of them said that
the sin Brother John had revealed he had committed
before Brother John was born into this world. I was
told this by the man to whom he spoke. And they
confessed that what Brother John said about them was
the truth. It was revealed to the same man that some
who were dead died a temporal and eternal death,
others only a temporal death; and this was demon
strated to him beyond all doubt. And I saw the
trustworthy friar who knew these persons.
Chapter 59
Hie vision of Brother Leo and how the same
vision was revealed to Saint Francis.
At one t ime when saint fr ancis was grievously ill
Brother Leo tended him with great devotion and care.
On one occasion when Brother Leo was at the side of
the blessed Francis and was engaged irt prayer, he fell
into a trance and was taken to a certain very big fast
flowing river, fast-flowing and wide. Here as he
watched those crossing he saw some friars walking
into the river bearing burdens. They were immediately
toppled over by the violence of the river and swallowed
up in the devouring depths. Some got as far as a third
of the way across and drowned, others half-way, yet
others nearly all the way. All of them thanks to the
baggage or loads they carried were drowned and died
a cruel and relentless death in various ways differing
according to their loads. Brother Leo, seeing such
danger, felt pity for them. And behold! there suddenly
appeared a few brothers without any burden or pack of
any kind. Their only guiding light was their poverty.
They stepped into the river and crossed over un
Saint Francis divined in the spirit that Brother Leo
had seen some vision and when he had returned to
himself called him and said: Tell me, what did you
see? And he duly recounted everything he had seen.
Then said Francis: What you saw was real, for the
river is this world. The brothers who are swallowed up
by the river are those who do not follow out their
evangelical profession and vows of voluntary poverty.
Those who crossed unharmed are the brothers who
possessed the spirit of God, who neither seek or
possess anything earthly or anything carnal, but
having food and raiment are content5(I Timothy 6:8).
They follow the example of the naked crucified Christ,
embrace every day the burden of his Cross, his light
and acceptable yoke of obedience. Thus without
difficulty or danger they pass over from the things of
this world to eternity.55To the praise of our Lord Jesus
Chapter 60
How a certain mighty tyrant seeing one of the
companions of Saint Francis elevated three times
to the top of his palace was converted to the Lord
and became a friar minor.
Th is WAS A VERY OBVIOUS SIGN that the Order of the
blessed Francis was founded by God: that as soon as it
began to increase it began to spread almost to the ends
of the earth. Saint Francis therefore, eager to conform
to Christ in all things, used to send his friars two by
two to preach throughout all countries. And such
wondrous things the Lord accomplished through
them that their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world (Psalm 19
[18]:4). Once it so fell out that two of those in
experienced disciples of the true father, travelling into
unknown parts, reached a certain stronghold fall of
extremely wicked men. In it there was also a certain
great tyrant, very cruel and impious, the head and
leader of those robbers and evil men. He was of noble
stock but ofevil and despicable character. When these
two friars meekly reached this castle in the evening,
worn out with hunger, cold and fatiguelike lambs
among wolvesthey begged this lordly tyrant
through a messenger to grant them hospitality
overnight for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Inspired by the Lord he gladly welcomed them and
showed them much compassion and courtesy. He had
a big fire lit for them and a meal prepared for them in
lordly style. While the brothers and all the other
occupants were relaxing, one of the brothers who was
a priest possessing a unique gift of speaking about
God, noticed that none of those resting discussed or
talked about God or the salvation of the soul, but only
about robberies, murders and many other misdeeds
that they had committed at various times, and that they
gloried in the evil deeds and wickednesses they had
committed everywhere. This friar therefore, refreshed
in body and desiring to refresh his host and the others
with heavenly food, said to the master: My lord, you
have shown us great courtesy and kindness; we would
therefore be very ungrateful if we did not take pains to
repay you with good things according to the will of
God. We therefore beg you to assemble your whole
household that we may make spiritual repayment for
the physical favors we received from you. The lord of
the house agreed to their request and caused every
body to assemble in the presence of the friars.
So the friar began to speak about the glory of
paradise: For there is eternal bliss, there the company
of angels, the security of the blessed, there infinite
glory; there abundance of heavenly treasures; there life
everlasting, light unspeakable, untroubled peace,
health incorruptible; there the presence of Godall
that is good and nothing evil. And man because of his
sins and abjectness, squanders so many good things
and goes to hell, where there is pain and everlasting
gloom, the company of devils, serpents and dragons,
where there is untold misery, and life without life,
tangible darkness and the presence of Lucifer; where
there is confusion and wrath, everlasting fire and ice,
worms and fury, hunger and thirst, death without
death, groanings, tears, gnashing of teeth and an
eternity of torment; where there is everything evil and
an absence of anything good! And all of you, as I have
perceived, are running headlong into such evils, for in
you there appears nothing in the way of good deeds or
words. Wherefore I counsel and admonish you, dear
friends, do not cast away those lofty heavenly blessings
that will endure for eternity for the worthless things of
this world and the possessions of the flesh that all pass
away like a shadow; do not hasten on your way to such
fearful and horrible torments .
At these words uttered by the friar at the prompting
of the Holy Spirit, the lord of the castle was touched
within; his heart stung with remorse, he fell down at
the friars feet. Together with all present he began to
weep most bitterly, begging and praying him to guide
them to the way of salvation. When he had made his
confession with many tears and sincere remorse, the
friar'told him that for the expiation of his sins he must
make pilgrimages to shrines, suffer the pangs of
fasting, watch and pray, and persevere with generous
alms-giving and other good works.
The lord replied: Dear father, I have never been out
of this province. I do not know howto say Our Father,
Hail Mary or any other prayers. So please impose on
me some other penance. Then the holy frair said:
Beloved, I am willing to go surety on your behalf, and
thanks to Gods goodness to make intercession to the
Lord Jesus Christ for your sins that your soul may not
perish. Now for the present, I want you to do no other
penance than to bring me tonight with your own
hands some straw for my companion and myself to
sleep on.
Joyfully he brought the straw and carefully prepared
a bed in a room where a light was shining. The lord of
the castle on the evidence of the holy and virtuous
words the friar had uttered, realized that he was a
saintly man, and set his heart on observing what he
would do that night. And he observed that at a late
hour the holy brother lay down in bed to sleep. When
he thought everybody was sound asleep, he arose in
the silence of the night, stretched out his hands to the
Lord and prayed for him for whom he stood surety
and for the forgiveness of his sins. And behold! even as
he prayed he was elevated into the air up to the roof
top of the castle, and up there in the air wept and
grieved so much for the soul of the lord, begging for
his forgiveness, that there has scarcely ever been seen a
man who wept so sorely for beloved kinsmen or
departed friends as did this friar for that mans sins.
That night he was thrice lifted up in the air amid pious
lamentations and tears of compassion, and the lord of
the castle witnessing all these events unobserved,
could hear his affectionate grieving and sighs and
behold his tears of compassion. Rising early in the
morning he fell at the friars feet and with tears of
remorse begged him to set him on the path of
salvation, resolutely prepared for any command he
might give. At the suggestion of the holy friar
therefore he sold all his possessions, made restitution
of what had to be restored, and all the rest he
distributed to the poor as the Gospel bids us; offering
himself to God he entered the order of the friars minor
and with praiseworthy steadfastness ended his days in
His followers and other companions, their hearts
smitten with remorse, changed their lives for the
better. Thus did the holy simplicity of those friars bear
fruit: they preached not about Aristotle and the
philosophers, but about the pains of hell and the glory
of paradise with the economy of words prescribed in
the Holy Rule. To the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ
who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Blessed Franciss dislike of study.
A CERTAIN FRIAR MINOR, namely John of Sciaca, in
the days of blessed Francis was a priest at Bolognaa
very cultured man. Without permission from the
blessed Francis he instituted a course of study at
Bologna. It was reported to blessed Francis while he
was absent, that such a course had been instituted at
Bologna. He immediately went to Bologna and
severely reprimanded the priest saying: You want to
destroy my Order: I desired and wished, following the
example of my Lord Jesus Christ, that my brethren
should pray rather than read. Leaving Bologna Saint
Francis pronounced a grievous curse upon him. After
the pronouncement of the curse the friar began to fail
in health. Grievously ill he sent a request through the
brothers asking Saint Francis to lift the curse. Blessed
Francis replied: The curse with which I cursed him
was confirmed in heaven by the blessed Lord Jesus
Christ; he remains accursed. So the afflicted minister
lay on his bed dejected and without consolation.
And behold there descended from the heights of
heaven a drop of sulphurous fire upon his body,
passing through him and the bed on which he lay, and
amid the foulest stench the unhappy man expired and
the Devil took his soul.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
How blessed Francis forbade the brethren to
retain property for holy purposes.
Pe t e r o f c a t a n ia , a vicar of Saint Francis, once
observed a throng of friars from other institutions
crowding into Saint Marys of Porziuncula, which was
not well equipped for providing for the necessities of
life. He said to Saint Francis: Father, with so many
friars flocking in from everywhere I do not know what
to do. I have not the means to cope adequately. I beg
you that it be your pleasure to set aside some of the
goods of the recent novices. Let the question of how
they are spent be reviewed at a later time. Saint
Francis replied: Away with that sort of piety, beloved
brother, that would permit of unworthy action within
the Rule for the sake of any man! He: What then am
I to do? Saint Francis: Strip the altar of the Virgin
and remove the various ornaments, since otherwise
you will be unable to come to the aid of the needy.
Believe me, the Mother of God would rather have the
Gospel of her Son observed and her altar stripped,
than have an altar adorned and her Son outraged. The
Lord will send someone to restore to his Mother what
she has lent to us.
At times too the saint used to reiterate these words:
As far as the brethren turn aside from poverty, so far
will the world turn aside from them. And he said,
They will seek and not find. But if they embrace my
Lady Poverty the world will nourish them because
they are given to the world for its salvation.
The blessed Francis would often say to the friars:
These three things I commend to you, namely:
restraint in the face of an unbridled appetite for
knowledge; prayer, which the Devil with many futile
efforts is ever intent on nullifying; and the love of
poverty, and holy poverty itself.
Chapter 63
Three tilings that displeased Christ in the friars
of the blessed Francis.
On o n e o c c a s io n Ch r is t said to Brother Leo, a
companion of the blessed Francis: I am grieved
concerning the brethren. Brother Leo replied: How
so? He said: For three reasons, namely, because they
do not appreciate the benefit I have bestowed on them,
as you well know; every day I give abundantly while
they neither sow nor reap; and also because all day they
grumble and are idle, and because they often provoke
one another to anger and do not return to their
affection or forgive the offences they receive. Once at
Saint Marys of Porziuncula the blessed Francis,
pondering how much benefit of prayer was lost
through idle words, uttered after prayer, ordained this
remedy against the uttering of idle words saying:
Whosoever utters an idle word, let him be obliged to
confess his guilt and for each idle word to say a Pater
noster. This is my wish; if he has already condemned
himself for a sin committed, let him say a Pater noster
for his own soul; if he has already been reproved by
another let him direct the prayer to the soul of him
who reproved him.
Chapter 64
The vision of a judgment seen by Brother Leo.
Th is wa s br o t h e r l e o S v is io n : he saw in his
dreams the preparation for the Last Judgment.
Angels were blowing their trumpets and a multitude
was gathering in a vast field. And behold! two ladders
had been placed in position one on each side. One
was red the other white; both reached from earth to
At the top of the red ladder appeared Christ as if
angry and aggrieved, and blessed Francis near him
but lower down. Descending a little way he kept
calling out: Come brothers, come! Climb up to the
Lord who is calling you! Have courage! Be not
afraid, come! Many brothers were gathering for the
Judgment. Trusting in the call of Saint Francis they
ran and began to ascend the red ladder energetically.
As they climbed up one would fall from the third
step, another from the fourth, another from the
tenth, others from half-way, and others from near the
Blessed Francis beholding this and moved with
compassion at such a fall, appealed to Christ as Judge
on behalf of his sons. Christ showed blessed Francis
his hands and side where the reopened wounds were
visible from which the blood dropped freely. And he
kept repeating: Behold what your friars have done to
me, while blessed Francis continued to beg mercy for
the brethren. After a brief respite he came down a few
more steps and said: Do not despair but have
confidence! Hasten to the white ladder! Hasten and
climb up! There you will be welcomed! By it you will
enter heaven! The friars rushed towards the white
ladder at the fathers prompting, and behold! the
Virgin Mary Mother of Christ appeared at the top of
the ladder and received them and they entered the
kingdom of heaven without difficulty.
Chapter 65
Tribulation in the Order.
HOLY BROTHER CONRAD has relatedas he had the
story from Brother Leothat Saint Francis was once
praying at Saint Mary of the Angels behind the pulpit
of the church. He held his hands outstretched to
heaven saying: O Lord, have pity on your people,
spare them! Christ appeared to him saying: Your
prayer is a good one and I grant it willingly, because
the cost to me is great and I have paid a great price.
Nevertheless do one thing for me and I shall have
mercy on all the people, that your Order may continue
to exist and be mine exclusively. But the time will come
when it will turn away from me; but I shall continue to
uphold the Order for the worlds sake, because it has
confidence in the Order as its light and guide. But
hereafter I shall confer power on demons who will stir
up many scandals and troubles for them everywhere so
that they will be expelled and shunned by everybody.
And if a son goes to his fathers house, instead of bread
he will give him a blow on the head with a staff. And if
the brothers knew of the troubles of those days they
would begin to scatter, and many will flee to desert
places. And blessed Francis asked the Lord: Lord,
how will they exist there ? Christ answered: I who fed
the sons of Israel in the desert shall feed them there
with herbs and shall give those herbs various tastes,
such as that of manna; and thereafter these men will go
and reconstruct the Order in its original and perfect
state. For woe unto those who are self-satisfied with
the mere appearances of conversation, who grow slack
and slothful and constantly yield to temptations
permitted for the testing of the elect; for only those
who have been tested and meanwhile suffer from the
malice of the wicked shall receive the crown of life. To
the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise to God the
Chapter 66
The constancy of a soldier who entered the Order
of Minors.
Th e r e wa s a c er t a in v a l ia n t s o l d ie r who won
many victories and later became a friar minor. When
soldiers laughed at him for entering such an Order
when he could have joined the Templars or some such
Order where he could do much good and remain in
military service, he replied: I tell you, when I am
thirsty, hungry, cold and so on, I am at the same time
assailed by suggestions of pride, concupiscence and so
on. How much worse would it be if I saw my feet shod
with iron and rode a handsome horse and so on. And
he added: Up to now I have been brave in attacking
others; henceforth I wish to be brave in attacking
myself. Thanks be to God.
Here ends the book of certain wonderful acts of the
blessed Saint Francis and of his earliest companions.
Chapter 67
Concerning a noble friar who refused to go
begging and thanks to his merit in sacred
obedience, humility and obedience lost his sense
of shyness.
IN NEWBURGUNDY there was a certain young friar
named Michael of noble family, who out of a sense of
shame refused absolutely to go out begging. It so fell
out that blessed Francis came that way and was
informed of the accusation against the friar. He
reprimanded him very severely and ordered him in
holy obedience to go alone and naked except for a
loincloth to a certain castle about a mile away to beg
for alms.
In humble obedience he went off scantily clad, and
setting aside all sense of shyness. Bread he received in
plenty, also grain and other things, returning home
laden. And from then on he experienced such joy and
grace that he never wanted to do anything else but go
Chapter 68
How the blessed Virgin appeared to a certain
brother sick unto death.
In THE MARCHES there was a certain friar of such
admirable sanctity and grace that he seemed wholly
godlike. Sometimes when he was rapt and raised up to
God there came birds of divers kinds and settled very
tamely on his head, hands and arms and there sang
wonderfully. He always remained alone, spoke very
rarely and neither by day nor by night ceased from
prayer and divine contemplation. Having lived his life
out commendably and virtuously he came to his end.
And when he was sick unto death and would eat
nothing, he was miraculously visited and consoled by
the most blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Mercy.
One day there appeared to him the most blessed and
glorious Mother of Christ with a great throng of
angels and holy virgins. When he beheld her, greatly
uplifted and consoled, he begged urgently to be led
forth from the dark prison of the flesh. The blessed
Virgin replied: Fear not, my son, your request will be
Together with the most blessed Mother of Christ
there were three virgins, each of them bearing a box
with an electuary of wondrous fragrance and inde
scribable sweetness. And the most blessed Mother
taking one of the boxes gave to the sick brother a little
of the heavenly electuary. When he had tasted it he
experienced such beatitude, that it seemed as if his
soul would leave his body. To the blessed Virgin he
said: No more, O most blessed and sweet Lady, for I
cannot bear such sweetness. But the most holy and
merciful Mother encouraged him in the hope of life
eternal, and continually offering the electuary to him
emptied the whole of the first box. When the blessed
Virgin took up the second box the patient said: O
most blessed Mother, if my soul is almost melted at
the fragrance and sweetness of the first electuary, how
shall I be able to bear the second? I beg you, O blessed
above all others, not to offer me more. But the very
blessed Virgin said: Son, taste a little of this second
electuary. And when she had given him a little she
said: Take henceforth what can suffice for you, but be
strengthened, my son, because I shall soon return to
you and to the kingdom of my Son for which you have
so ardently longed, and into which you have ever
prayed that I should introduce you. Bidding him
farewell she vanished from his sight. But he remained
in such spiritual bliss that for several days he lived on
without bodily nourishment, miraculously sustained
and satisfied. And on the last day of his life in the
company of the brethren and speaking to them with
great serenity of mind and body, he passed over to the
Lord in exaltation.
Chapter 69
How an angel of the Lord spoke to Brother John
of Penna while he was still a boy in secular dress.
BROTHER JOHN OF penna was still a boy in secular
dress when one night there appeared to him a very
handsome youth who said: John, go to San Stefano,
for there one of my friars will be preaching; have
confidence in his teaching and attend to his words,
for I have sent him. You have a long journey to make
and afterwards you will come to me.
He immediately arose and was conscious of a
wonderful change in his soul. Going to the place
mentioned he found Brother Philip proclaiming the
kingdom of God, not in learned words of human
wisdom, but by virtue of the Holy Spirit. When the
sermon was over Brother John went to the preacher
and said: Father, if it were your pleasure to receive me
into the Order I would willingly do penance and serve
the Lord Jesus Christ
The holy and enlightened friar perceiving in the
youth wondrous innocence and willingness said to
him: See to it that you come to me on a certain day in
the city of Recanati and I shall have you admitted. The
youth pondered in his heart saying: This will be the
long journey I am to make, and afterwards go to
heaven as was revealed to me. He went therefore, was
immediately received into the Order and expected to
go on to his God. But in the chapter the minister said:
If anyone wishes to go to the province of Provence by
merit of holy obedience, I shall send him. When
Brother John heard this he made ready to go thither,
thinking in his heart that this probably was the long
journey he was to make. Confiding in Brother Philip
who had had him admitted, he asked him to obtain for
him this favor that he might go to the province of
Provence to dwell there; for in those days friars hoped
to go to foreign provinces in order to be pilgrims and
strangers in this world, and citizens and servants of
God in heaven. Brother Philip, seeing the sincerity and
holiness of his intention, obtained for him permission
to go to the said province. Brother John believed that
this journey accomplished would lead him on to
He remained in the province for thirty years, living
an exemplary life of the greatest sanctity and hoping
every day for the fulfilment of the promise. Although
he grew in purity of life and extreme sanctity, was
uniquely beloved throughout the entire province,
both by friars and laity, yet he could see no sign that his
desire was being in any way fulfilled. One day when he
was praying and lamenting before God that his living
on earth was being excessively prolonged, behold!
Jesus Christ appeared to him. At the sight of Christ his
soul was melted. The Lord Jesus Christ said to him:
Son, ask from me whatever you wish. He replied:
Lord, I desire nothing but yourself; but this one
thing I beg, that you pardon my sins and grant me the
grace to see you again when my need is greater. And
the Lord said: Your prayer is granted and dis
appeared from his sight. He remained wholly
comforted by the Lord.
At last the friars in the Marches arranged with the
general that the brother should return to the Marches.
When Brother Philip saw it as a matter of obedience he
pondered in his heart saying: This is the long journey
by which you shall come to God. Having returned to
the Marches he waited from day to day for the
fulfilment of the promise made to him. But the
journey was further prolonged, for he lived for a good
thirty years after his return to the Marches. He became
a warden many times over. Through him the Lord
worked many miracles and he acquired the spirit of
prophecy. On one occasion when he was absent from
his friary, one of his novices was tempted by the Devil
to abandon the Order. He made a pact with temp
tation and tempter that when Brother John returned,
he himself would immediately leave. As soon as
Brother John returned he at once summoned the
young man and said: Come, my son, I want you to
confess. But first listen to me, my son. And then he
told the novice the full story of his temptation, then
added: Because you waited and did not wish to
withdraw without my blessing, God will grant the
favor that you will never leave this Order, but with
Gods blessing will die in it. Whereupon the novice
was confirmed in his good intention and was made a
holy friar. This whole story was told to me, Brother
Ugolino, by Brother John himself.
Brother John was always a man of a quiet dis
position, subdued, who rarely spoke; a man of great
devoutness, constant in prayer. It was his special habit
after matins not to return to his cell. Once after
matins, as he was praying fervently, an angel of the
Lord appeared to him and said: Brother John,
completed is the journey, as you have so long
expected. So I announce to you on Gods behalf, that
you choose whatever favor you desire, and that in
addition you choose for yourself either one whole day
in Purgatory or seven days of suffering in this world.
When Brother John had chosen seven days of suf
fering in this world, he was suddenly stricken with a
succession of infirmities. He was plagued now with
noisomeness, now with pains, now with gout, now
with convulsions, now with pains in the intestines and
many other frailties. But what was worse than all the
other afflictions was that a certain evil spirit would
stand before him holding a mighty scroll recording all
his sins, misdeeds and shortcomings. And the Devil
would say to him: Because of all these things that you
have thought, said and done, you are damned. The
suffering friar forgot all the good he had ever done,
could not remember that he was in orders, or ever had
been. He now considered himself completely damned
as the evil spirit kept telling him. And so whenever he
was asked by anybody how he was feeling he would
reply: Badly, because I am damned.
The friars sent for Brother Matthew of Monte
Rubiano, a holy man who dearly loved Brother John.
He came to him on the seventh day of his affliction and
greeted him saying: How is it, beloved brother? The
reply was: Badly, because I am damned. Brother
Matthew: How can you say that? Do you not
remember that you have often confessed to me, and
that I gave you complete absolution? that you have
served God for many years in this holy Order, that
heavenly mercy transcends all the sins of the world and
Christ the Savior paid an infinite price on our behalf?
So be steadfast and confident that you will be saved
and not damned. Then because the term of seven days
was completed, his temptation departed, and blessing
came upon him with great joy. He told Brother
Matthew he was going to his rest. After this the Lord
Jesus Christ again appeared to him in great splendor
and sweet fragrance, as he had promised him that he
would appear at the right time. And he, full of joy,
assured, consoled, with hands clasped and rendering
thanks departed from the body and passed over to
Christ the Lord, to whom be the praise, the honor and
the glory. Amen.
Chapter 70
The vision of a certain brother in which he saw
friars minor being damned.
THIS IS t h e STORY of a certain friar who had visited
the province of England. He had heard from a
minister of that province, a man of great piety and
sanctity, that a certain friar accustomed to experiences
of ecstasy, had remained for a whole day in one
continuous rapture drenched in tears. When the
minister witnessed this he said: This friar is dying,
and he said to him: O brother, I command you under
your obedience to come out of your rapture. The friar
at once came to himself and asked for food. When he
had eaten the minister said: I command you under
obedience, to tell me the cause of your weeping, as we
have never seen this happen to you before. It seems to
be rather contrary to the nature of a rapture. As the
friar could not remain silent but in fact had to confess,
he said that he saw the Lord Jesus Christ on his lofty
throne surrounded by the heavenly host ready to
pronounce judgment; and when he had seen not only
laymen but also clerics and adherents of different
religions being condemned, he finally saw being
brought in a certain man in the habit of a friar minor,
very elegandy clad in a very cosdy habit. When
questioned about his status or condition this man
testified that he was a friar minor. Then said the judge:
Brother Francis, you hear what this man says. What
do you say? Away with him, Lord, replied Francis,
for my friars are clad in humble clothes not cosdy
ones. And immediately the unhappy man was cast
into hell by demons.
And behold! another impressive man was brought
in accompanied by several laymen. When questioned
he said he was a friar minor. Again the Lord addressed
the blessed Francis as before. In reply he said: Lord,
my friars follow a course of prayer and spiritual
progress, and shun the affairs of worldly men. He
suffered the same fate. And behold! there came
another, laden with mighty packs of sumptuous and
useless books. He was dealt with in the same way as the
first and second. And behold! yet another, pre
occupied and absorbed with planning extensive and
excessively luxurious buildings. Him too Francis
refused to acknowledge as belonging to his Order.
Finally there came one man, very lowly both in habit
and appearance. When questioned who he was, he
confessed he was a great sinner unworthy of any good
thing, and begged for mercy. Embracing him Francis
led him into glory with him, saying, Lord, this man is
a true friar minor.And that, said the friar to his
minister, was the reason for my weeping.
How the blessed Jesus Christ, on the supplication
of Saint Francis, caused a rich and courteous
knight who had shown him great respect, to be
converted and become a friar.
NOTE: THE EDITOR OR THE ACTUS confesses that he
has been unable to discover the original text of this
chapter, referred to in the numbering but absent in the
Latin texts. It appears that all that has survived is the
chapter heading.
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
How the case of Brother Elias was revealed to
blessed Francis, and of the efficacy of the prayer
of blessed Father Francis on behalf of Ellas in
obtaining pardon from God.
Th e mo s t bl es sed f a t h er f r a n c is by his fervent
prayers reversed the sweeping sentence of God against
a sinner, as is clear from the case of Brother Elias, who
was second General Minister after blessed Francis.
The apostasy of Brother Elias from the Order and
from the Church, and his damnation, were revealed to
the blessed Francis by the Lord. For this reason
blessed Francis shunned Brother Elias to the extent
that he would not walk along the same path as Brother
Elias, look at him, speak with him, consort with him or
eat with him. Noticing this, Brother Elias asked
blessed Francis why he thus avoided him. In reply
blessed Francis told him it was because he was damned
and destined to apostasy. On hearing this Brother
Elias burst into tears, and prostrating himself at his
feet said: I beseech you to entreat God on my behalf, a
lamb of your flock, for I have such faith in your prayers
that if I were in the depths of hell and you entreated
God on my behalf, I should feel some relief, all the
more so as God knows how to modify his judgment if a
man forsakes evildoing. Intercede therefore with God
on my behalf.
Blessed father Francis, moved by the tears of
Brother Elias, betook himself to pray for him, and his
prayer was answered by the Lord himself. He told
Brother Elias that he would not be damned but that he
would apostatize. And so it fell out, for Brother Elias
was removed from his office as general by Pope
Gregory IX. In his stead there was chosen his brother
Albert of Pisa, then minister of England. Elias be
came a supporter of the Emperor Frederick. For this
reason he was excommunicated by the Pope and
deprived of the habit of the Order. While Brother
Elias was in Sicily and in failing health, his blood
brother, who was a friar minor and a lay brother,
obtained permission and went to Sicily to visit him.
Finding him ill he succeeded in getting Brother Elias
to repent by admitting his guilt and to write a letter to
the Pope.
This letter his brother conveyed to the Pope and
from him obtained a dispensation to be absolved and
invested with the habit of the Order. He returned to
his brother who was still alive. And so Brother Elias
was absolved from excommunication and reinvested
with the habit of the Order. Administering the
sacraments of the Church he ended his life in peace,
saved by the prayers and merits of blessed Francis.
Chapter 73
How the venerable Brother Simon delivered from
great temptation a certain brother who because of
it proposed to give up the habit.
In t h e ea r l ies t da ys of the Order when Saint
Francis was still alive, there came to the Order a certain
young man called Brother Simon of Assisi, whom the
All-Highest had endowed with such grace of bless
edness and gentleness, and had raised to such holiness
of mind and contemplation, that his whole life was a
mirror of holiness and in his soul could be seen the
reflection of divine kindliness. As I have heard from
those who had association with him, he was very rarely
seen outside his cell; when in the company of friars he
busied himself with communicating with God. He
never even learned Latin and almost always stayed in
the woods. Yet he uttered such eminently lofty
thoughts about God and the love of Christ, that his
words seemed more than human. One evening when
he had gone into the woods with Brother James of
Massa and others to talk about God, he spoke so
gently and devoutly about the love of Christ, as I was
told by one who was present, that though they spent
the whole night thus talking, it seemed to them that
they had been there a very short time.
Brother Simon enjoyed such tranquillity of spirit
that when he sensed the coming of divine visitations
and outbursts of love, he would go to bed as if to sleep,
because the quiet gendeness of the Holy Spirit called
not only for peace of mind, but also of the body.
Hence he was often enraptured during such visitations
and became insensitive to outward things.
that he would not walk along the same path as Brother
Elias, look at him, speak with him, consort with him or
eat with him. Noticing this, Brother Elias asked
blessed Francis why he thus avoided him. In reply
blessed Francis told him it was because he was damned
and destined to apostasy. On hearing this Brother
Elias burst into tears, and prostrating himself at his
feet said: I beseech you to entreat God on my behalf, a
lamb of your flock, for I have such faith in your prayers
that if I were in the depths of hell and you entreated
God on my behalf, I should feel some relief, all the
more so as God knows how to modify his judgment if a
man forsakes evildoing. Intercede therefore with God
on my behalf.
Blessed father Francis, moved by the tears of
Brother Elias, betook himself to pray for him, and his
prayer was answered by the Lord himself. He told
Brother Elias that he would not be damned but that he
would apostatize. And so it fell out, for Brother Elias
was removed from his office as general by Pope
Gregory IX. In his stead there was chosen his brother
Albert of Pisa, then minister of England. Elias be
came a supporter of the Emperor Frederick. For this
reason he was excommunicated by the Pope and
deprived of the habit of the Order. While Brother
Elias was in Sicily and in failing health, his blood
brother, who was a friar minor and a lay brother,
obtained permission and went to Sicily to visit him.
Finding him ill he succeeded in getting Brother Elias
to repent by admitting his guilt and to write a letter to
the Pope.
This letter his brother conveyed to the Pope and
from him obtained a dispensation to be absolved and
invested with the habit of the Order. He returned to
his brother who was still alive. And so Brother Elias
was absolved from excommunication and reinvested
with the habit of the Order. Administering the
sacraments of the Church he ended his life in peace,
saved by the prayers and merits of blessed Francis.
How the venerable Brother Simon delivered from
great temptation a certain brother who because of
it proposed to give up the habit.
In t h e ea r l ies t da ys of the Order when Saint
Francis was still alive, there came to the Order a certain
young man called Brother Simon of Assisi, whom the
All-Highest had endowed with such grace of bless
edness and gentleness, and had raised to such holiness
of mind and contemplation, that his whole life was a
mirror of holiness and in his soul could be seen the
reflection of divine kindliness. As I have heard from
those who had association with him, he was very rarely
seen outside his cell; when in the company of friars he
busied himself with communicating with God. He
never even learned Latin and almost always stayed in
the woods. Yet he uttered such eminently lofty
thoughts about God and the love of Christ, that his
words seemed more than human. One evening when
he had gone into the woods with Brother James of
Massa and others to talk about God, he spoke so
gently and devoutly about the love of Christ, as I was
told by one who was present, that though they spent
the whole night thus talking, it seemed to them that
they had been there a very short time.
Brother Simon enjoyed such tranquillity of spirit
that when he sensed the coming of divine visitations
and outbursts of love, he would go to bed as if to sleep,
because the quiet gendeness of the Holy Spirit called
not only for peace of mind, but also of the body.
Hence he was often enraptured during such visitations
and became insensitive to outward things.
Chapter 73
It happened on one occasion when he was drawn to
heavenly things and inwardly on fire with divine favors
and outwardly seemed quite insensitive, that a certain
friar wishing to ascertain by experiment whether he
was as insensitive as he seemed, placed a burning coal
on his foot; it remained there until it went out. But
Brother Simon felt nothing, and what was more
miraculous, he suffered no bodily hurt from the fire.
Once when he was fervently talking to the friars
about God a certain very ostentatious young man was
converted to the Lord. In worldly life he had been
licentious, of noble rank and addicted to pleasure.
Brother Simon gave him a religious habit, and kept his
civilian clothes. But the Devil who can breathe flame
into live coals, so inflamed carnal desires in the young
man, that despairing of being able to resist such
temptation, he went frequently to Brother Simon
saying: Give me back the worldly clothes that I had,
for I cannot endure so many temptations. Brother
Simon taking pity on him began to talk to him about
God, and very impressively and immediately ex
tinguished the flames of desire. Tortured by a final and
more serious temptation and repeating the words
about his clothes, he decided firmly to return to
worldly life, saying he was unable to endure such
burning desires. Then Brother Simon, taking pity on
him said: Come my son, and sit beside me. In deep
distress, sitting next to the father, he devoutly reclined
his head on his bosom. Brother Simon, raising his eyes
to heaven prayed for him so fervently that he was
enraptured and his prayer was finally heard. Thus the
young man was completely released from temptation,
so that the ardour of desire was converted into the
ardour of great love.
One day when a certain evil-doer had been con
demned to lose his eyes, this young man, prompted by
great fervor and gentle holiness, went to the rector and
in the presence of his council begged him for the love
of God to revoke such a serious sentence. When the
rector contemptuously rejected his plea, the young
man even more seriously impassioned, more humbly
and in tears begged that his own eyes be gouged out to
expiate the crime of the evil-doer, whose eyes should
be spared, since he probably lacked the necessary
fortitude. The rector in admiration for the young
mans charity pardoned the evil-doer completely.
At one time when Brother Simon was in the forest
of Brufort giving his time to prayer, he was disturbed
by a multitude of chattering birds of some kind. He
bade them in the name of the Lord to depart thence
and not on any account to return. At his bidding in fact
the birds withdrew and thereafter did not return
Chapter 74
How the blessed Virgin Mother of our Lord and
Saint John the Evangelist appeared to Brother
Peter of Montecchio.
Br o t h e r pet e r o f mo n t e c c h io wa s l iv in g in the
custody of Ancona at the friary of Forano with Brother
Conrad of Offida, his close friend and a most virtuous
man. One night as he meditated on the Passion of our
Lord, he was sorely smitten with compassion. In spirit
he pondered on Christ on the Cross, his grieving
Mother and blessed John the Evangelist alongside the
Cross; and on the other side Saint Francis marked with
the holy stigmata. In a spirit of devout curiosity he
began to wonder which of these three had felt the most
grief at Christs Passion.
As he lingered in doubt weeping copiously, there
appeared to him as he watched the most radiant Virgin
Mother of God, along with Saint John the Evangelist
and holy Father Francis bearing the same stigmata as
the Crucified one, both clad in magnificent garments;
but the raiment of blessed Francis exceeded the
garment of blessed John in beauty. At the sight of
them Brother Peter, not without reason, was amazed,
but blessed John reassured him saying: Be comforted
in the Lord, and fear nothing; for we have been sent by
the Lord to console and to clear up your uncertainty.
Know therefore, that however much more the blessed
Virgin and I were grieved at the Passion of Christ
which we beheld with mortal eyes, nevertheless after
us blessed Francis grieved more than anybody. For
that reason you realize that his sacred wounds raised
him to greater glory above all others.
Then Brother Peter summoning up his courage
asked why blessed Francis was wearing a more comely
garment. The reply was: Because while he lived he
wore meaner clothing for Christs sake. And with
these words blessed John gave Brother Peter a very
beautiful garment saying: Accept this garment that
your beloved Lord Jesus sends you. And when he
clothed Brother Peter with the garment, he was filled
with exceeding wonder, and not knowing what he was
saying, shouted out: Brother Conrad, Brother
Conrad, come quickly and behold the miracles of
God! And at these words the vision faded. As Brother
Conrad of Offida, his close and virtuous friend,
hastened to his cell Brother Peter recounted to him all
the details of the vision.
Chapter 75
How Brother Padfico in prayer saw the soul of
Brother Humilis flying up to heaven.
Af t e r t h e d e a t h o f bl e s s e d f r a n c is there
emerged Brothers Pacifico and Humilis, two blood-
brothers of great perfection, and of outstanding and
wonderful sanctity. When one of them departed this
life at the friary of Soffiano, his brother praying in
places afar off saw his soul rising straight up to heaven.
A few years passed by. The surviving brother was
living at the said friary of Soffiano where his brother
had passed away. Then at the request of the lords of
Brunfort the friary was moved to another place.
Translated also were the bones of the friars buried
there. Then this brother with the utmost devotion
taking up the bones of his brother, shedding copious
tears, handling and kissing them with great reverence,
washed them in wine and wrapped them carefully in a
beautiful shroud.
The other friars observing this were scandalized at
it, for although he was well-known for his great
sanctity, he was merely honoring the bones of his
brother with worldly affection. Mollifying them he
said: Do not think, beloved brethren, that I was
prompted by mere worldly affection to show such
great reverence to the bones of my brother, for on the
day he died, as I was praying in a remote spot, I saw his
soul ascending to paradise. These bones, destined
some day to rest in paradise, I honor more than
How Brother James of Massa saw all the friars
minor of the whole world in a vision of a
wonderful tree, and how he came to know the
virtues, merits and sins of each brother.
It wa s t o br o t h e r ja mes o f ma ssa that God
opened the door of his secrets. Brother Giles of Assisi
and Brother Marcus of Montino knew no worthier
man. This too was the feeling of Brother Juniper.
I was under the direction of Brother John, and
companion of the said Brother Giles. When I
questioned him about certain matters for my own
edification he said to me: If you wish to be instructed
in spiritual matters, hasten and have talks with Brother
James of Massa. He also said that Brother Giles
wished to be instructed by him; nothing could be
added to his words or be withdrawn from them, for his
mind had penetrated mysteries, and his words were
the words of the Holy Spirit There is no man on
earth whom I would so much like to see.
This Brother James, at some time in the ministry of
Brother John of Parma, was once rapt and remained
unconscious for three days, so that the friars began to
wonder if he was dead. To him came the divine gift of
knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, the
knowledge of things to come. To him I put the
question: If what I have heard about you is true, I beg
you not to conceal anything from me. For I have heard
that at the time when you lay for three days almost
dead, God revealed to you among other things what
was going to happen in the Order For Brother
Chapter 76
Matthew who was then minister of the province of the
Marches, summoned him after that rapture and under
obedience bade him tell what he had seen. Brother
Matthew was a man of wondrous gentleness, holiness
and simplicity. Frequently in conversation with the
friars he told them: I know a friar to whom God has
revealed everything that will happen in our Order, and
secrets, which if they were uttered could not be, I do
not say understood, but scarcely believed.
The said Brother James revealed to me and told me
among other things one very amazing thing; namely
that after many things had been shown to him
concerning the state of the church militant, he saw a
very beautiful and extremely lofty tree. Its roots were
of gold, its fruits were men, all of them friars minor.
The number of principal branches corresponded to
the number of provinces, and each branch had as many
fruits as there were friars in that province. So he came
to know the number of friars in the whole Orderand
the separate provincestheir names, faces, age,
duties, personality, rank, distinctions, their merits and
faults. And he saw Brother John of Parma standing on
the topmost branch in the middle of the tree. On the
branches that grew around the central trunk stood the
ministers of the various provinces. He then saw Christ
seated on a mighty white throne, sending forth Saint
Francis with two angels. And he gave Francis a chalice
full of the spirit of life with these words: Go, visit
your friars and give them to drink of the spirit of life,
for the spirit of Satan will arise and attack them; many
of them will fall and be unable to rise again. Then
Saint Francis came to administer the spirit of life as he
had been bidden. Beginning with Brother John, the
minister general, he gave him the full cup of the spirit
of life. He accepted the full cup from the hand of Saint
Francis and quickly and devoutly drank all of it And
when he had drunk he became as radiant as the sun.
After him Francis offered to all, one by one, the cup of
the spirit of life. Very few there were who received it
with becoming reverence and drank all of it. Those few
who reverently drank all of it assumed a sun-like
radiance; those who poured some out all became black
and dark, deformed, ghastly and horrible to look
upon, resembling devils. Some drank part and poured
out the rest; and according as each one received or
poured away the spirit of life offered to them in the
cup, so in corresponding measure they took on
darkness or radiance.
But brightly outshining all who were on the tree was
Brother John who, totally absorbed in contemplating
the infinity of Gods grace, perceived with the instinct
of true enlightenment that a whirlwind and mighty
tempest were making towards the tree. Descending
from the top of the branch where he had been
standing, he concealed himself in a more solid part of
the tree trunk.
While there he watched and devoted himself to
contemplation, Brother Bonaventure had climbed up
to the place from which he had descended. He had
drunk part of the chalice offered to him and poured
away part of it. His finger-nails were turned to iron,
sharp and cutting as razors. Leaving the place he
occupied he wanted to rush and attack Brother John.
When Brother John saw him he called on the Lord
Jesus Christ. On hearing Brother Johns call the Lord
called Saint Francis and gave him a sharp stone and
said: Go and cut off the finger-nails of Brother
Bonaventure with which he wants to rend Brother
John, so that he cannot hurt him. So Saint Francis
came and cut off the iron finger-nails of Brother
Bonaventure. Brother John remained in his position
radiant as the sun.
Then the violent whirlwind arose and struck the tree
and the friars began to fall off. The first to fall were
those who had poured out the whole content of the
chalice of the spirit of life. Brother John and those who
had drunk all the contents of the chalice were by divine
power translated to a region of life, light and splendor.
Those who fell, already cast into gloom by the
ministers of darkness, were taken away to abodes of
wretchedness and obscurity.
He who had seen the vision understood the details
of everything he saw. He saw clearly and reliably
remembered the places, persons, ages and functions of
each group, those blessed with light and those
plunged into darkness. The whirlwind lasted, as did
the fierce storm, permitted by Gods justice, until the
tree was torn up by the roots and crashed to the
As the whirlwind and raging storm subsided there
sprouted from the golden root of the tree shoots, all of
gold, that produced golden flowers and fruit. As for
the growth of this tree, its height, fragrance, beauty
and virtue, it is better to preserve silence than to speak
Here is one thing that sounded very remarkable to
my ears as recounted by him who witnessed this vision.
Do not fail to notice it; for he said that the manner of
improving the Order would be entirely different. For
the working of the Holy Spirit will choose uneducated
young men, and unsophisticated ordinary persons
who are looked down upon. Without precedent,
without a teacher, in fact contrary to the training and
personal character of those who teach, the Spirit of
Christ will choose them and will fill them with a holy
reverence and a very pure love of Christ. And when the
Spirit has increased the number of such persons in
various places, then it will send forth a wholly pine and
saintly shepherd and leader, conforming to Christ To
the praise and glory, etc.
A Masterly New Translation
The Little Flowers of St. Francis introduces the modern reader to
the sayings and deeds of one of Christianitys most remarkable
saints. In them we meet the little poor man of Assisi and his
faithful band of followers, Brother Leo, Brother Bernard,
Brother Giles, and Saint Clare. The many stories, teachings, and
miracles will astound and enchant todays Christians just as they
have done for centuries.
Francis compassion for the poor, the sick, and.the lowly, his
total disregard for material possessions, and his passionate love
of God shine through every story. Most of all, his example
conveys an exuberant vision of what it means to follow Jesus in
our own day.
This new translation of the unabridged text by Professors
E.M. Blaiklock and A.C. Keys rruKes tne Little Flowers even
more accessible to iue modern reader.
E.M. Blaiklocks works include Blaiklocks Handbook of the Bible,
Jesus Christ, Man or Myth?, and new translations of The
Confessions of Saint Augustine and The Imitatim of Christ
A.C. Keys is Professor of Modern Languages at Auckland
University in New Zealand and a leading authority on medieval
Italian literature.
It is salutary to be confronted by a saint. In age of power-hunger
and affluence we need, with Francis, to stand once more besiae the sick
and the poor; in our sterile mechanism we need him to open us again to
visions and to recognition of our God in his natural creation__By its
beauty and simplicity, The Little Flowers of St. Francis profoundly
redirects and refreshes mr twentieth-century minds and spirts.
Luci Shaw, poet
Author of The Sighting and Postcard
from the Shore
ISBN 0-ficJ2A3-3D0-ri