FROM: GLEN BOLGER/J IM HOBART RE: NEW YORK CD SURVEY KEY FINDINGS DATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Methodology Public Opinion Strategies conducted a telephone survey of 400 likely voters in New Yorks 1 st
Congressional district on behalf of American Action Network. Voters were reached on both landlines and cell phones. The survey was conducted September 23-25, 2014 and has a margin of error of +4.9% in 95 out of 100 cases. Key Findings 1. Voters are pessimistic about the direction of the country and strongly disapprove of the President. J ust 24% of voters say things in the country are headed in the right direction, while 69% say they are off on the wrong track. President Obamas approval rating in the district is also dismal, with 37% of voters saying they approve of the job he is doing, compared to 62% who disapprove. 2. Lee Zeldin has the image advantage over Tim Bishop. Currently, Lee Zeldins image sits at a solid 81% name ID/36% favorable/21% unfavorable. Tim Bishops image is more mixed at 96% name ID/44% favorable/41% unfavorable. Importantly, Zeldin also has the edge with Independents, with an image of 39% favorable/23% unfavorable. Bishops image with this key group is polarized (43% favorable/47% unfavorable). NY CD 1 Memo Page two of two 3. The Congressional ballot is a dead heat. J ust more than five weeks from Election Day, Zeldin and Bishop are knotted at 46%. Seven percent (7%) of voters are undecided. Zeldin does have a slight intensity advantage (36% definitely Zeldin/32% definitely Bishop) and also leads by six points with Independents (49% Zeldin/43% Bishop). 4. Undecided voters strongly disapprove of the President. Among undecided voters, President Obamas approval rating is 35% approve/65% disapprove. Given Bishops consistent support of the President, it is going to be difficult for him to move a significant chunk of these voters in his direction. 4. The negative ads being run against Tim Bishop are having an impact. When asked if what they have seen, read, or heard recently about Tim Bishop had given them a more favorable or less favorable impression of him, 25% of voters said more favorable, while 44% said less favorable. Voters clearly do not like that Bishop is corrupt, and proud of it. The Bottom Line This is one of the tightest Congressional races in the country, but the political winds are blowing in Lee Zeldins direction. Zeldin leads with Independents, has the advantage on intensity, and undecided voters strongly disapprove of the President. As a result, Tim Bishops time in Congress should soon be over.