Early Childhood Education and Care
Early Childhood Education and Care
Early Childhood Education and Care
CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................................................5
INTELLIGENCE AND LEARNING IN YOUNG CHILDREN ...................................................................5
Some recent currents in early childhood research .......................................................................................5
Behavioural genetics................................................................................................................................5
Genes and environment: reconsidering the issue .....................................................................................5
The interactionist model ..........................................................................................................................6
Arguments from neuroscience .................................................................................................................7
The implications of the new research ..........................................................................................................7
Language, cognition, emotion-regulation ................................................................................................7
Development and learning as dynamic, situated, and (co-)constructed...................................................9
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................12
Delineating the child population in question .............................................................................................12
Risk accumulation and dysfunctional development ..................................................................................13
Informal education and school preparation ...............................................................................................15
Traditional vs. modern child rearing beliefs..............................................................................................16
Bilingual development...............................................................................................................................17
Summary and implications ........................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................20
THE EFFECTS OF ORGANISED ECEC ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT..................................................20
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................20
Predominant models in ECEC...................................................................................................................21
The evaluation of the developmental effects of early childhood programmeming ...................................22
The efficacy of different centre-based education and care programmes ...................................................23
The efficacy of home-based educational programmes and family support ...............................................25
The developmental effects of regular child care........................................................................................26
Summary of programme characteristics and their effects .........................................................................28
CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................................31
PARENTAL CHOICE - SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ETHNIC ATTRIBUTES..........................................31
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................31
Balancing price and quality .......................................................................................................................32
Parents consider also their childs educational future and the perceived quality of the service................33
Explaining ethnic differences ....................................................................................................................35
The influence of macro socio-cultural factors ...........................................................................................37
Some conclusions on the issue of parental choice.....................................................................................38
CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................................................40
Quality and efficacy: implications for the design of ECEC-systems and ECEC policy ...........................40
Some new initiatives..................................................................................................................................43
Broad-based (community) schools/ parent-child centres.......................................................................43
Head Start / Sure Start / Dutch VVE policy...........................................................................................44
Comprehensive family support systems / Integrated family welfare and child and youth care policy..45
In many countries, systems of early childhood care and education (ECEC) are currently under
review. A major force behind the reappraisal is the growing labour force participation of women, putting
heavy demands on the existing systems that are forced to expand their capacity and to extend their
services. A second major force is the alleged role of ECEC in preparing children from socio-economically,
disadvantaged families for formal schooling in primary school and in preventing psychosocial problems. A
third issue - arising from increased immigration to industrial countries in past decades - is the challenge to
provide for the children of cultural and linguistic minorities, although in most countries, traditional lowSES communities and indigenous minorities had never fully disappeared from national political agendas.
At the same time, new issues are being raised. Societies are becoming aware that early childhood
is a particularly sensitive period, marked by a high degree both of adaptability and vulnerability in the
developing child to the stimulation and stresses of his or her environment. With this new knowledge,
uncertainty has also arisen concerning the impact of changes in traditional child-rearing patterns on the
cognitive and social-emotional development of the young. Does early, intensive, long-day care - as a recent
study suggests - lead to an increase of negative, aggressive behaviour in young children? One may dispute
such far-reaching conclusions based on a single study, conducted in a particular social and cultural context.
Less disputed, however, is the fact, based on studies across many countries, that low quality in early
childhood services may increase child- or family-related developmental risks. Further, it is well researched
that economic and cultural mechanisms operating within ECEC systems predetermine low-income and
ethnic and socio-linguistic minority families to choose disproportionately the lower quality options.
The reverse side of the medal is also present, above all, the knowledge that the tremendous
capacity and adaptability of young children provide an effective starting point for preventive interventions
as part of a broader social inclusion policy. Education-oriented care- and pre-school programmes are found
to contribute importantly to the development of cognitive and language skills, providing disadvantaged
children with a head start in primary school when formal instruction starts.
The recent OECD report Starting Strong (OECD, 2001) describes these developments in 12
OECD countries, detailing the recent changes in ECEC systems and national policies, revealing both
common challenges and diverse solutions. The present paper focuses on a specific issue within this broad
framework, complementing the overview of Starting Strong: What is, or can be, the function of ECEC for
children from low-income and minority families? What is, or can be, the role of ECEC in improving social
integration? The approach is research based. It provides in Chapter 1 a short overview of recent currents in
early childhood research, and draws out the implications for early child development and learning from the
most recent research. The succeeding chapters summarise the research available in four areas important for
policy making in support of children and families from low-income and/or minority backgrounds:
directly regulates psychological and behavioural development. Put differently, the behaviour genetic
research programme heavily leans on the assumption of the innateness of psychological functions.
Within this paradigm, the results accumulating from several studies in several countries
converge. For instance, the h2 of IQ is found to range between .6 and .8 (1.0 is the maximum), whereas the
remaining variance is largely attributable to unique environmental causes that include random errors of
measurement, unique individual experiences outside the family and possibly different treatment of
individual children within the family. Similarly, the h2 of personality traits like extraversion-introversion,
neuroticism and sociability is estimated to range between .3 and .5, but again the remaining environmental
variance is mostly of the unique type. Essentially, this is the basis for conclusions that shared
environments, such as the family (not counting differential treatment and unique experiences within the
family), but also the pre-school programme, or the cultural system do not matter much for individual
The interactionist model
In the late nineties, the influential discourse of behavioural genetics met with growing criticisms,
both methodological and theoretical (Bronfenbrenner & Ceci, 1994; Collins, Maccoby, Steinberg,
Hetherington, & Bornstein, 2000; Maccoby, 2000; Rutter, 2000; Turkheimer & Waldron, 2000; Wahlsten
& Gottlieb, 1997). Bronfenbrenner and Ceci (1994) launched a severe attack on the statistical model
assumptions and lack of content (developmental) theory of behavioural genetics and proposed a reconceptualisation of the nature-nurture problem. Referring to basic notions in biological and neurobiological sciences, Bronfenbrenner and Ceci questioned the assumption of direct genetic regulation of
psychological structures (without environmental influences) and outlined an interactionist model in which
the core process is the actualisation of genetic potential into a phenotype through continuous interactions of
the organism-person with the physical, social and cultural-symbolic environment. These, what they called,
proximal processes are supposed to have a quantitative aspect duration, regularity, continuity, increasing
complexity and a qualitative aspect reciprocity and culturally specific contents both aspects
determining the efficacy in actualising genetic potential in a given cultural context (see also Leseman &
van den Boom, 1999).
From their bio-ecological model, Bronfenbrenner and Ceci derived an important hypothesis,
namely that in unfavourable circumstances (e.g. poverty, economic crises, being a member of a nonmainstream culture) the actualisation of genetic potential is sub-optimal, increasing the risk of
dysfunctional development (e.g. psychosocial problems) and leading to underdevelopment of cognitive,
language and social-cognitive competencies. The hypothesis also predicted a lower h2 in unfavorable
circumstances because geno-typical differences between individuals will not be fully expressed when each
individuals genetic potential is not optimally actualised. As a matter of fact, a recent study with twins
focusing on vocabulary development by Rowe, Jacobson and van den Oord (1999) provided direct
evidence. Using a traditional behavioural genetics research design, but applying this to two separate
samples of high and low socio-economic status (SES) families, the researchers found different values for h2
and c2. In favourable circumstances (the high-SES sample) the genetically caused variance, h2, of
vocabulary was .74 and the variance due to shared environment (e.g. home communication) c2, was .00,
but in unfavourable circumstances (the low-SES sample) h2 was only .26 and c2 now was .23, meaning that
even small differences between families in vocabulary exposure had a relatively big effect on all children
within the family regardless their genetic differences. In addition, the mean vocabulary score in the highSES sample was substantially higher than in the low-SES sample, indicating underdevelopment of
vocabulary in the latter group. Although this debate on nature-nurture interaction is somewhat abstract and
academic, the implications for family and ECEC policy are far reaching.
the development of complex skills such as language, is the co-ordination and integration of sub-skills and
simple functions, and the gradual stabilisation of this hierarchical co-ordination in the course of
development (Bidell & Fischer, 1997). This complex skill development is essentially experience
dependent and requires structured experience through culturally regulated guidance and co-ordination
from the outside by parents and other caregivers.
Another area that has profited much from recent brain research is emotional-motivational
development, relating to temperament and personality development (Derryberry & Rothbart, 1997; Posner
& Rothbart, 2000). Researchers have identified and located a number of emotion-motivation systems in the
lower sub-cortical brain parts that are presumably innate and expressing genetically determined early
differences in reactivity, a construct that refers to the ease, speed and intensity of becoming activated
when perceiving a relevant stimulus, and that is related to the construct of temperament. When activated,
the systems determine an emotional reaction, that is, bodily arousal, emotional expression (e.g., crying)
and a tendency to approach or avoid the stimulus. The actual emotional and behavioural response is
determined by a complex interplay of activation and inhibition of all systems.
In addition, researchers have found perceptual-attentional mechanisms that regulate the emotionmotivation of an individual by being alert to relevant stimuli, by selectively attending to stimuli and by
shifting attention from one to another stimulus. Although again part of the attentional systems involved are
wired-in and located in specific regions of the brain, recent research concentrates on the development of
complex attentional skills or, as it is called, effortful control that involves a kind of deliberately
regulating activation and inhibition of the lower-order emotion-motivation and perceptual-attentional
systems. On the neuro-biological side, studies have revealed that complex attentional skills integrate neurostructures associated with emotional-motivational, perceptual-motor, and cognitive-memory functions.
On the psychological and educational side, the development of effortful control was found to be
promoted by specific characteristics of caregiver-child interactions and in later stages also child-child
interactions, that change in form and content over time as new skills (e.g., language) come available that
can be integrated in emotion regulation skill, and as new situations with new demands are encountered. In
the early years sensitive responsive caregiving (i.e., reacting promptly to signals of emotional distress or to
signals of bio-psychological needs) is associated with the establishment of secure attachment between child
and caregiver and the establisment on part of the child of a working model of social relationships that
promote affiliation, trust and cooperation. Sensitive responsive caregiving appears also to strengthen
effortful control, thereby serving a number of important skills and behaviours in view of optimal
adjustment to (later) social and educational contexts, such as the compentence or skill to persevere in
the face of difficult tasks, to be enthusiastic and involved, to explore, to be sociable and to feel and show
empathy (Kochanska, Murray, & Harlan, 2000). This effect of care-giving is particularly notable in
children with genetically determined high reactivity (i.e., who are extremely impulsive and externalizing or
extremely fearful and neurotic; Belsky, Friedman, & Hsieh, 2001). In later years, explicit verbal emotion
related communication and sharing verbally emotional coping and social problem-solving strategies seem
to promote effortful control, serving again functional social and school-related behaviour (Chambers,
1999; Oppenheim, Nir, Warren, & Emden, 1997).
In summary, the picture that arises is that of a developing multipurpose, highly adaptive,
malleable brain that in the first five or six years of life is gradually fine-tuned to the environment and
further stabilizes in the years after. The neuroscientific eveidence has increased the awareness of the
crucial role of the social and cultural environment both by protecting children against stressful experiences
that may literally harm healthy brain development in the emotional domain and by providing adequate
stimulation to children to develop complex, culturally functional skills in the cognitive and social-cognitive
domains (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). Although brain development learning, skill development continues throughout life, the first five or six years of life are considered to be a particulary sensitive
period for development of basic skills, including skills that are required for optimal functioning in formal
education. Besides the neuro-biological aspects, the sensitivity of early childhood is also a contextual
ecological systems characteristic. The intensive care young children require anyhow and the different
forms of care and early education that are available offer more opportunities to adapt flexibly to childrens
specific needs and potentials than in later stages when children are in the primary and secondary school
system because the school system has much lees degrees of freedom to be adaptive (due to a fixed
curriculum, a fixed grade-by-year system, fixed output goals, standard examinations, et cetera).
As an illustration of the the theoretical notions discussed here, Figure 1 depicts the hypothetical
developmental web of reading comprehension skill by the end of elementary grade 1, showing how
different basic cognitive, oral language and emotional skills become increasingly stable (represented by the
boldness of the arrows) and differentiated (represented by the branchings) in the course of development,
and how complex higher level skills are constructed by integrating several basic skills (see for an
empirically tested developmental web model of technical reading skill: Knight & Fischer, 1992). Note that
the model is a simplification and does not show that the social environment e.g. experiences with certain
forms of language use, experience with literacy - is crucial for constructing the complex skills that finally
build up reading comprehension. Note also that, according to this hypothetical model, reading
comprehension in grade 1 is still an unstable structure (represented by the dotted arrows), that needs
contextual support and enough practice time to become consolidated.
forms of social support and collaboration with others, co-determine how the skill is constructed. There is
also a strong and intrinsic relation with emotion-motivation theories. A skill, seen as an in real time
unfolding co-ordinated pattern of mental and behavioural actions serves an end (the desire to solve the
problem) and skill construction is regulated by monitoring whether this end is approached; new
construction steps require concentration and effort that somehow must be mobilised and regulated.
The educational counterpart of this basic theory is found in recent work by Rogoff (1998) and
others, who focus on situated social-constructive or co-constructive skill development. The starting point is
Vygotskys notion of the zone of proximal development, as the crucible of biological and cultural systems.
The ZPD, often interpreted as a property of the individual, as a kind of potential that hides somewhere in
the individuals mind, is radically placed in the concrete social-interactive situations a child encounters, in
which he or she collaborates with others, peers as well as more experienced others parents, nurses,
teachers - on culturally relevant tasks (see also Nicolopoulou, 1993; Verba, 1993). Collaboration may
involve different types or levels of activity: mere observation, working in the margin under guidance or full
cooperative participation. Crucial for development to occur is that the individual somehow owns a share
in the collaborative process, or, in more psychological terms, is psychologically involved in the skill under
construction. The key factor here is called inter-subjectivity. There must first be established some shared
perspective, joint attentional focus, common frame of reference or, in short, shared thinking and
cooperation in order for collaborative construction of skills to take place.
A fundamental issue, that deserves much attention of researchers as well as early childhood
programme designers in the next years to come, is how situated micro development in a single episode of
constructive or co-constructive activity, relates to actually observed macro development of children over
longer time periods, showing a gradual development of general cognitive skills (that, by the way, when
assessed by the end of early childhood do relatively successfully predict later schoolachievement in several
subject matter domains). The issue at stake is how new, situated and, in particular, jointly constructed skills
become internalised, stable over time and cross-situational transferable, and how they further develop
into even more complex and comprehensive skills. There is a neuro-biological aspect. The situational
integration of new complex skills is neurologically fragile, that is, not yet supported by already wellestablished and through repeated activition consolidated neuronal circuitry. As a first answer to the
question how micro development leads to macro development, the consolidation, stabilisation and transfer
of new skills requires repeated similarly situated constructive activities, that is, it requires a crosssituational coherence of experiences (Fischer & Bidell, 1998). Similarly, generalization and increasing
complexity of skills require experiences supporting through selective and repeated activation neurobiological development, that is, it requires gradual variation of tasks and situations, and increasing
complexity and comprehensiveness of tasks and situations.
There is complementary cultural-ecological aspect, referring to the systems or codes that
structure and regulate the situations developing children will participate in over time. Culture is
presupposed to regulate the settings, tasks, problems and conflicts that are presented to the developing
child and the social (educational) support that is given eventually, thereby co-determining the content of
skill construction. For instance, whether a child develops preliteracy skills in early childhood depends fully
on repeated and increasingly complex experiences with literacy situations that in turn depend on his or her
parents literacy, cultural lifestyle and jobs, and also on the curriculum of non-parental care and education
arrangements of the child. Culture regulates the timing, coherence, continuity and increasing complexity of
situations that in turn determine the efficacy of developmental processes. For instance, socialization of
emotional control in the family may differ from the counterpart processes in a day care centre. Parents may
put much value on inhibition of impulses and strict control of emotional expression even in very young
children, due to their cultural (religious) beliefs, whereas the centre may encourage emotional expressivity
and impulsivity in pre-school children, because it is believed that this promotes healthy emotional
development, independence, exploration and creativity. The issue is not who is right, but the incoherence
in socialization contexts that, as such, may render socialization processes less effective whatever the
culturally defined socialization goals.
There are some preliminary consequences that are relevant for the design of ECEC systems and
the implementation of programmes of whatever kind. First, according to recent theory and research, child
development is not mainly internally driven, but equally externally regulated and constructed. There is no
such thing as the childs own, spontaneous development in this sense, that can, and as some say, should
be contrasted with cultural learning and instruction in early childhood. Neither is the child a tabula rasa:
he or she has a rudimentary personality (viz., patterns of emotional reactivity), genuine bio-psychological
motives, and basic perceptual, motor, language and cognitive functions right from the start. Second, neurobiological growth, co-ordination and consolidation processes, require time. These processes both facilitate
the development of ever more complex skills in task-activities and social interaction, but also constrain
what at a given age and in a given period of time can be appropriated by the child through activity and
social interaction. Third, development should be seen as a gradually unfolding web of increasingly
differentiated and integrated basic skills into complex (specialised) skills and functions (cf. Fischer &
Bidell, 1998). This complex pattern of interrelated developmental trajectories cuts cross the artificial
borders of the traditionally distinguished domains of cognition, language, emotion and social competence.
Cognitive, communicative, sensorimotor and emotional skills can and should not be separated in this
process. Finally, to recall Bronfenbrenner and Cecis contentions, regularity, repetition and gradual
variation, duration and continuity, and adaptation qua content to the cultural context, are essential efficacy
parameters. An important question is to what extent present ECEC-systems do support the kind of
coherent, continuous and increasingly complex, culturally adaptive proximal processes of children.
more of these categories are eligible for special services and subsidies. Indeed, the very subject of this
paper, accessibility of ECEC for low-income and ethnic minority groups reflects the same starting point.
Needless to say, that these factors as such do not directly determine developmental delays and lower school
achievements, but should be seen as indicating certain personal and contextual risks that ultimately
influence the proximal processes in the micro-systems of the home environment and related contexts.
Reviewing the research on socio-economic and ethnic-cultural differences in cognitive, language, socialemotional and school skills development four strands of research emerge, covering the following topics: 1)
socio-economic and psychological risks accumulation as related to family processes, 2) informal
stimulation of cognitive and language development in family interactions as related to socio-economic and
cultural background, 3) differences in cultural beliefs determining parenting style, socialization processes
and personality development, and 4) linguistic, psychological and educational aspects of bilingual
development. These topics will be briefly reviewed hereafter.
Risk accumulation and dysfunctional development
The first strand of research is represented by the works of Rutter (1979) and Sameroff and
colleagues (for an overview, see Sameroff & Fiese, 2000) on the accumulation of psychological, socioeconomic and ethnic-cultural risks. A number of studies, conducted in several countries (USA, UK, the
Netherlands), have shown that developmental outcomes in the areas of intellectual skill, school
achievement, social-emotional competence, and social adjustment are strongly inversely correlated with
the mere number of a broad array of risks that may be present in the family or wider context of the family,
with correlation coefficients amounting to -.75 between a risk accumulation index and diverse
developmental outcome scores (Conger, Ge, Elder, Lorenz, & Simons, 1994; Sameroff & Fiese, 2000;
Sameroff, Seifer, Baldwin & Baldwin, 1993). The inverse relationship between the number of risks and
developmental outcomes is nearly linear. Among the risk factors studied were childrens prematurity, low
birthweight, low IQ and difficult temperament, parents psychiatric problems (depression, drugs abuse),
marital conflict, large number of children in the family, single parenthood, low income, job stress,
unemployment of the bread winner, bad housing conditions, unsafe and polluted neighbourhoods, frequent
changes of residence, and ethnic minority status. Also traditional child rearing beliefs and authoritarian
parenting style have been listed as risk factors, but they will be discussed in a later section. In a recent
review, Repetti, Taylor and Seeman (2002) provide abundant evidence for a strong causal relationship
between stressed family environments in early childhood and poor mental and physical health of the
offspring later in life.
One of the advantages of the risk-accumulation approach to (impending) maladaptive family
functioning and dysfunctional development, is that it broadens the view on what constitutes the category
disadvantaged children. Although some of the listed risk factors are strongly related to low income, social
class or ethnic minority status, others are not and may equally be present in higher income families (e.g.
marital conflict, job stress, financial problems, health problems). Furthermore, being a low income, lower
social class, single parent or ethnic minority family as such may not be decisive. Only in combination with
multiple other risks low income, low social class or ethnic minority status will have serious consequences
for child development. Another virtue of the model is that it increases the awareness of the fundamental
unpredictability of accumulating risks. Although risk cumulation indexes correlate negatively with income
and SES and positively with ethnic minority status, it is hard to predict which specific risks will hit the
individual family in due course and which specific needs for support may arise, as a consequence.
An intriguing, often replicated finding in these studies is that the mere number of risks, but not
the specific constellation of risks, determines negative developmental outcomes. Several studies point to
the emotional regulation of parenting behaviour as a possible/probable mediating link. Parenting (and also
non-parental care-giving in centres or host families) requires a strong child centred motivation, often at the
expense of parents egocentric concerns (Crnic & Greenberg, 1990; Dix, 1991; Hastings & Grusec, 1998).
(Consider, for instance, the child crying in the middle of the night and the decision the parent has to make
to either ignore the crying or to get up and sooth the child.) Accumulating risks undermine this motivation
to care, to stimulate the child and to monitor the childs safety and well-being due to the emotional
processes that are triggered to deal with these risks. Accumulating risks that cannot be dealt with
effectively (for which there is no ready solution or feasible coping strategy) cause chronic stress and
feelings of exhaustion. In due course, this leads to a shift in the balance between child-centred and selfcentred goals, influencing subsequent child rearing negatively. In his famous article on maladaptive
patterns in the affective regulation of parenting, Dix (1991) reviewed many studies that reported a relation
between parents stress and depression and their lack of emotional involvement in child rearing, lack of
monitoring, emotional unavailability and harsh disciplining. Ackerman, Izard, Schoff, Younstrom and
Kogos (1999) examined how the emotions of parents modulate the effects of contextual risks (basically the
same risks as mentioned above) on childrens development. Accumulating risks had the strongest negative
effects on development when they led to chronic negative emotions with the parents. If parents, in the face of
adversity, were able to maintain positive emotions, the negative effects of accumulating risks on child
development were relatively small. Also in Repetti et al.s (2002) model of the relationships between
contextual risks, family processes and childrens and youth physical and mental health, parents negative
emotions and parenting stress are seen as major intermediating links.
As an illustration Figure 2 presents the relationship between the mere number of worrying and
burdening questions and problems regarding child development and child rearing (maximum was 12),
expressed by parents with children under 6 years of age, and parents self-reported psychological stress
(composite measure of enduring negative emotions, low feeling of competence, and exhaustion), based on
personal interviews with a representative sample of 1545 Dutch parents (source: Leseman & Hermanns, in
press). The purpose of the research was to establish whether experienced and readily expressed concrete
problems and needs for support in child rearing were indeed related to stress. As the Figure shows, the relation
is strong and almost linear. The difference in self-reported parenting stress between parents who reported to
have no or only one, and those who reported to have seven or more burdening questions, worries or problems,
amounted to more than 1.5 standard deviation.
1 , 60
1 , 40
1 , 20
1 , 00
0 , 80
0 , 60
0 , 40
0 , 20
0 , 00
-0 , 2 0
-0 , 4 0
-0 , 6 0
The idea of parents chronic negative emotions (stress) as the mediating link, is consistent with
another important research finding concerning the protective effect of social support (cf. Crnic & Acevedo,
1996; Crnic & Greenberg, 1990; Haines & Hurlbert, 1992; Hashima & Amato, 1994; Melson, Ladd, &
Hsu, 1993; Taylor, Repetti, & Seeman, 1997; Repetti et al., 2002). The negative effects of risk
accumulation can be buffered neutralised - to a certain extent if parents report to be supported (or to
expect to be supported) by other persons who are close to them. Social support from partner, relatives,
neighbours, friends or colleagues may take different forms. Instrumental support may help parents to deal
with specific risks, for instance, financial support when there are financial problems, or help in the
household when one of parents is ill. Advisory of informational support may be helpful for parents in
finding new solutions that they couldnt think up themselves. Emotional support, lending a strong
shoulder to the troubled parent, may be helpful in emotion-focused coping with adversity when there are
no real short term solutions. The net result of all these forms of social support is reduced psychological
stress. Social support comes from persons who together constitute the social network of the family. The
lack of a social network, a reduced, small social network, or low quality of the social network (i.e. low
emotional involvement, low cohesion) is a risk factor in itself (Sameroff & Fiese, 2000).
Informal education and school preparation
The second strand of research to be presented here is concerned with so called informal
instruction in the family of cognitive, language, pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills. A number of studies,
conducted in Canada, Israel, the USA, the UK, Spain and the Netherlands and a few other countries
focused on maternal (or, more broadly, parental) teaching strategies in everyday play and problem-solving
situations with the children, looking for social class and ethnic differences in the use of cognitive
distancing strategies a construct referring to ways of stimulating the child to think deeper, to think more
abstractly, to symbolize a problem, to use abstract concepts and meta-cognitive strategies. Relationships
have been reported between these informal cognitive socialization practices and cognitive development,
language development, IQ and school achievement (Busch-Rossnagel et al., 1995; Gottfried, Fleming, &
Gottfried, 1998; Laosa, 1982; Leseman & van den Boom, 1999; Palacios, Moreno & Gonzalez, 1992; Sigel
& McGillicuddy-DeLisi, 1984). Other studies focused on informal communicative interactions in the
family, such as mealtime conversations and play sessions, or on talk during daily household activities, to
determine the density and richness of vocabulary, the use of difficult (i.e., rare, sophisticated) words and
formal definitions, and the use of strategies of refering verbally to non-immediate contexts (called
decontextualised language use; see also Figure 1), relating these practices to childrens language
development (Blake, 1993; Bornstein, Haynes, & Painter, 1998; Hart & Risley, 1995; Hoff-Ginsberg,
1991; Wells, 1985; Weizman & Snow, 2001). Finally, several studies addressed home literacy, or more
specifically, joint book reading in the family, relating home literacy practices to measures of language
development, emergent literacy and reading in school. Again socio-economic and ethnic-cultural
differences were studied (Baker, Sonnenschein, & Serpell, 2001; Bus, Leseman, & Keultjes, 2000; Bus,
Pellegrini & van IJzendoorn, 1995; de Jong & Leseman, 2001; Heath, 1983; Leseman & de Jong, 1998;
Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998).
Most of these studies also looked for socio-economic and ethnic differences in interaction and
communication patterns at home. The results of all these studies are quite consistent in showing 1) that
informal education or instruction practices at home predict childrens cognitive and language development
and later school achievement substantially (even if individual differences in intelligence are controled), and
2) that poverty, low social class, low educational level, traditional cultural child rearing beliefs, nonmainstream cultural background, particular religious traditions, and low-literate life styles have a pervasive
influence on informal education at home, leading in the end to less optimal preparation of the children for
formal schooling.
high-tech societies, still is a largely unanswered question. One pressupposition is that beliefs direct
parenting behavior, and influence in particular the social-emotional and verbal-cognitive quality of parents
interactions with young children (see previous section). Beliefs may also operate more indirectly by
influencing important decisions regarding the choice of early childhood care and education faciltities, as
will be discussed in more detail in chapter 4. Finally, it may not be about the content of parents beliefs,
goals and values as such nor about the personality traits that are fostered, as well as about the many
mismatches that possibly arise if the private belief systems of families differ strongly from the official
(cultural majoritys) belief systems. In an interesting study into a Latino American community, Greenfield,
Quiroz and Raeff (2000) described how parent-teacher conferences in an elementary school often turned
into a non-cooperative and ultimately failing social interaction because of a conflict between the
underlying collectivistic versus individualistic models of child development and child rearing.
A number of studies related parents child rearing beliefs to cognitive development and school
achievement, using the traditional-modern dimension or similar one as frame of reference. Although the
results generally indicate that traditional beliefs correlate with cognitive delays, lower IQ, psychosocial
problems, lower school achievement and less successful social integration (cf. Palacios et al., 1992;
Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992; Sternberg & Okagaki, 1993; Stoolmiller, Patterson, & Snyder, 2000),
the pattern actually is more complex. Okagaki and French (1998; see also Espin & Warner, 1982; Lin &
Fu, 1991) studied the relationship of parents traditional vs. modern beliefs with childrens school
achievement in African-American, Latino-American, Asian-American and European-American
communities in the USA. They found that in Asian-American (and to a lesser extent also in LatinoAmerican) communities traditional beliefs and authoritarian parenting were associated with better school
achievement, whereas in African-American and European-American families traditional beliefs correlated
negatively with school achievement. A possible explanation is that in both the Asian and Latino
communities traditional beliefs functioned in the context of mostly intact, cohesive extended families, with
a strong sense of cultural identity, and as social units economically rather successful (at least, in the case of
Asian-American immigrant families). Put differently, the traditional collectivistic orientation in child
rearing fitted well with the predominant social context in which the children grew up. Noteworthy is that
these families tended to keep their children away from contacts with the majority society except for the
school hours.
Bilingual development
The final strand of research to be addressed here concerns bilingual development. Bilingualism is
a complex phenomenon involving linguistic, psychological and sociological facets. In a recent overview
Bialystok (2001; see also McLaughlin, 1992) summarizes (experimental) evidence showing that in
favorable social circumstances bilingualism is not a detrimental condition at all. On the contrary, being a
balanced bilingual means cognitive and linguistic advantages in areas as attentional control and response
inhibition (bilinguals being better able to concentrate and to reflect before responding), and meta-linguistic
awareness (bilinguals being more able to reflect on language as a system). Similarly, Cummins (1991)
presented evidence that high proficiency in the first language, L1, facilitates the acquisition of the second
(school) language, L2, and related school skills such as reading in the L2 context, leading to a balanced
The notion of balanced biligualism needs further clarification. It means that the childs
proficiency in L1 (mother tongue) and L2 (second language, often the school language) has reached the
same mature, age-appropriate level. This, in turn, implies that L1 and L2 inputs somehow were balanced
in the course of development, both quantitatively (exposure, instruction time) and qualitatively (social
prestige, communicative uses, level of complexity). In bilingual development two basic models are
distinguished: simultaneous and successive bilingual development. Simultaneous bilingual development
means that the child starts acquiring L1 and L2 at the same time, in his or her first year of life. This
situation is characteristic for families with parents who speak different mother tongues (often using the
one-parent-one-language strategy in communication with the child) and for so called ex-pat families (e.g.
international business people, diplomats). Far more common, however, is the situation of successive
bilingualism, meaning that a child first acquires L1 up to a certain level of proficiency, before starting to
learn L2. L1 is the predominant language at home, the language that the parents speak best; L2 is the
predominant (and mostly sole) language of other care and education contexts, such as the day care centre,
pre-school, kindergarten and primary school, and often a language that the parents dont speak well. This
situation is typical for most bilingual (immigrant) families in western countries today.
A further complicating factor concerns the type of first languages and the predominant socialcommunicative functions they serve in their contexts-of-use. L1 may structurally be closely akin to L2 (as
in the case of English and French bilingualism, the most studied bilingual situation worldwide), sharing
many of the lexical, morphological, syntactic and discourse-organisational structures, or, in contrast,
structurally deviating strongly (as in case of German and Turkish, Swedish and Tarifit-Berber, or Dutch
and Somalian, to mention just a few L1-L2 combinations presently found). Although this issue has not
received much attention of researchers until now, linguists assume that structural (dis)similarity of L1 and
L2 is one of the factors determining the successful acquisition of L2 (Slobin, 1997). As to the predominant
functions and uses of first languages, a distinction is made between informal use for social and
instrumental purposes and more formal use for informative, educational and cognitively complex purposes.
Closely paralleling this distinction is another: the use of L1 in both informal oral communication and more
formal written language. In bilingual situations where L1 and L2 are both officially recognised and
institutionalised in school language programmes, in government communication, in printed media, and on
television as is the case in, for example, Canada and to some extent in the Scandinavian countries
concerning indigenous sociolinguistic minorities, L1 will probably be used for both informal and formal,
and for oral and written communication. However, the situation of most bilingual immigrants in western
countries is marked by a lower status of their L1, lack of official recognition, and a lack of formalised and
literate use. Some mother tongues nowadays present in Europe, such as Tarifit-Berber and non-standard
Arab-dialects, even lack an official written form.
Despite the experimental evidence of advantages of bilingualism for a number of cognitive and
linguistic skills, several studies document that, in particular, successive bilingualism has a negative effect
on L2 development and on school achievement in L2 contexts in general, often in addition to other effects
of the home environment (discussed above). The positive transfer between L1 and L2, reported by
Cummins, does not occur in most cases of bilingualism. On the contrary, there appears to be a competitive
relation between L1 and L2 concerning available (informal) instruction time and childrens cognitive
resources in the acquisition process (Pearson & Fernandz, 1994; Tomasello, 2000; Verhallen &
Schoonen, 1998; Wong Fillmore, 1991). Research in the Netherlands and the USA, for instance, revealed
that the effort bilingual children have to invest to acquire basic communicative skill in L2 is at the expense
of the effort they, as all children, need to invest in order to master academic skill. This effect is probably
reinforced by structural dissimilarities of L1 and L2, and different uses of L1 at home (not for cognitively
complex functions, not for written communication), compared to the uses of L2 in school.
Summary and implications
Returning to the main theme of this review, the position of low-income and ethnic minority
groups in modern societies and the consequences of this position for early childhood development, at least
four aspects of the home environment as developmental context seem relevant: 1) there may be a strong
risk-accumulation combined with a lack of social support jeopardizing the family as an affective system; 2)
there may be low levels of cognitive stimulation, decontextualised language use and literacy, that renders
the informal preparation of children for elementary school less optimal; 3) parents may hold traditional
child rearing beliefs and socialisation goals that do not match to the socialisation practices and personality
requiremnents in other social contexts; and 4) the mother tongue may be different from the school
language, structurally and qua use. The extant research in these areas supports the basic notion of the
OECDs C-category, the starting point of this review, that particular socio-economic and cultural factors
lead to sub-optimal actualisation of potential and increase the risk of dysfunctional development in young
The importance of the pre-school home environment for intellectual development is illustrated by
recent longitudinal Dutch data on Dutch language development (vocabulary, sentence and text
comprehension) in elementary school, presented in Figure 3 (source: Tesser & Iedema, 2001). The first
point of measurement was in grade 2, when the students were between 5 and 6 years of age (the second
kindergarten year); the final in grade 8 when the students were between 11 and 12 years. All testscores
were transformed to one standard scale (standard deviation = 1), with the lowest mean score (for Turkish
and Moroccan students at age 5-6) fixed to zero. The Figure shows growth curves for Dutch students of
high, middle and low social class, Turkish and Moroccan students, and students from immigrant groups
(mainly Surinamese and Antillean). Early differences between children in kindergarten, strongly
correlating with the home environment, did not decrease in elementary school.
6 ,0
5 ,0
4 ,0
3 ,0
2 ,0
1 ,0
0 ,0
5 -6 y e a r s
7 - 8 ye a rs
9 -1 0 y e a r s
1 1 -1 2 y e a rs
C h ild s A g e
T u rk s a n d M o ro c c a n s
D u t c h m i d d l e -S E S
O th e r im m ig r a n ts
D u tc h h i g h - S E S
D u t c h lo w - S E S
When considering the details, its becomes clear that socio-economic, educational, cultural or
socio-linguistic disadvantages constitute a rather heterogeneous class, requiring a flexible, adaptive
approach in order to support young children optimally. For instance, not all families of the same low
income level experience the same needs for support, care and pre-school education at the same time.
Immigrant families may function very well as developmental contexts for social-emotional skills, although
the home language and home literacy situation might justify an educational intervention. With respect to
ECEC systems, a diverse pattern of needs for support and starting points for preventive intervention
emerges, requiring adaptive solutions. Although the present review set out to identify problems in family
upbringing in low income and minority groups, it should be emphasised that, in contrast, the positive
affective bonds that normally exist in families, the strong ties and sense of collective identity, the deeply
felt value of raising children, and the bonds of the family with the social networks of the wider community,
represent powerful positive resources that should be built on in ECEC programmes, or, at least, that should
not be undermined. These issues will be taken up again in the final chapter of this review.
Early childhood care and education covers a broad field of activities, characterised by diverse
goals, systems, strategies, curricula and target groups. Taking the definition of Starting Strong, ECEC
includes all arrangements providing education and care for children under compulsory schooling (or better,
before the start of formal primary schooling; see chapter 1) and policy measures intended to support
optimal care and education in this period such as parental leave regulations. In this chapter we will review
available research evidence concerning the effects of different education and care arrangements or
strategies on disadvantaged childrens cognitive and social-emotional development. As will be apparent,
not all aspects of ECEC in its broad conception have been subjected to research equally. The evidence to
be considered here concerns mainly effect studies of educational pre-school programmes, regular day care
and, in a limited number, of special early prevention and family support programmes, also intended to
improve child development or to prevent dysfunctional development of children at risk. Despite this
limitation, there still is a broad range to cover. The variation is briefly depicted here.
A first basic distinction concerns the main purpose or societal function: education or care, or a
deliberate combination of the two, as in the Scandinavian educare. If it is primarily about education,
explicit (national) goals for learning and development are set and the child is put central; education is seen
as complementing home education. If it is primarily about care, economically efficient and convenient, and
qualitatively sufficient care is provided that takes over care functions of working parents. In comparing
representative pre-school care and education provisions in different European and North-American states,
Tietze and Cryer (1999) found consistent differences in centre-quality using the internationally recognised
standard measures ITERS and ECERS, revealing that on average centres in an education-oriented national
system were marked by lower structural and pedagogical process quality than centres in a care-oriented
national system (Tietze & Cryer, 1999). Yet, the situation is more complicated than these data suggest.
This is not only revealed by the big intra-national differences Tietze and Cryer found, particularly in careoriented national systems (where very good quality easily goes together with very low quality), but relates
also to the effects on childrens development, where in addition to a systems quality also child and family
effects come into play.
Further distinctions concern the basic intervention strategy chosen to realise the primary
objectives. When using a child focused strategy, activities are mainly provided to or directed towards the
child; his or her parents or other stakeholders not being targeted or only secondarily for instrumental
purposes. A family centred or family focused strategy takes the family as the basic unit. Supporting
families, i.e. parents in their everyday tasks of child rearing, is seen as the best way to foster optimal child
development and to prevent developmental dysfunction. Finally, a community focus means that an entire
community a particular neighbourhood or village or local ethnic group is targeted. Improving the
communitys abilities tot organise community life, informal social support, care and education is believed
to benefit individual childrens development best ultimately. Related to this, but not identical is a
distinction based on the choice for the primary site of care and education. In a centre-based approach, a
centre which is not the home of the children or the home of host parent or relative, but may be a day care
centre, a playgroup, pre-school, community centre or school, is chosen to provide the care and education
activities. Usually, services are delivered by professionals (trained nurses or teachers). A home-based
approach uses the childrens (or a host familys) home as intervention site to deliver care and education
services. Usually the parents or host parents are the main agents to deliver the service dealing directly with
the target child, although they may be supported by professionals. A community-based approach takes
community structures and institutions such as parent groups, local grass-root organisations and
neighbourhood facilities as the primary target of the intervention. Finally, combined strategies may be
employed, using more than one site, involving professionals as well as parents and grass roots volunteers,
targeting more than one system (e.g. child, parent, family, school, community).
From the point of view of optimal child development (see chapter 1), it may not matter much
which basic ECEC model is chosen in the first place, that is, whether the child is in early childhood care or
education, in a centre or at home, cared for and educated by a professional caregiver, a volunteering but
hardly trained paraprofessional, or his or her parent, provided that the proximal processes of the child are
optimal in Bronfenbrenners sense, both quantitatively and qualitatively. What does matter in this regard is
at what age the child started in ECEC, how many hours each week the child is in care or education, how
many years are spent in care or education before primary school begins, what activities and social
interactions the child participates in, how these activities and interactions may foster cognitive and
personal development over time, how big the groups of children are, how many staff is available, how
secure, trustworthy and stable the childs social relationships are with other children and with caregivers,
and, finally, how good and available possible alternatives are (for instance, parental care). As will become
clear, from the point of view of child development these are the essential characteristics determining
developmental outcomes in long term. Yet, there are few simple straightforward relations of characteristics
like these and outcomes.
Predominant models in ECEC
Given these (and some additional, not explicitly addressed) distinctions, three major models stand
out. The vast majority of formal ECEC provisions, known through official research publications, has
adopted a mono-systemic child focused, centre based, professional delivery strategy. This doesnt just
concern centre based child care (within the care tradition), but also pre-school educational intervention
programmes and early general schooling (kindergarten) in the education tradition. Within this large cluster,
the actual use of the provisions or the actual programmes offered differ vastly on such characteristics as
age of onset (or timing, for an easy terminology), intensity, duration, dose (as the product of intensity
and duration), staff-child ratio, and pedagogical-didactic concept.
A second major model, though quantitatively much less important, consists of various monosystemic child centred, home based care services and education programmes, using relatively untrained
non-professionals parents, host parents as delivery agents. In addition to officially licensed home care
(non parental family day care), this cluster also comprises home based educational intervention
programmes. A third model consists of a wide array of parent or family focused help and support
programmes. Usually, systems and programmes of family support offer a diversity of services and
activities tailored to the multiple needs of families. However, parent-focused programmes may also have
narrower defined goals of enhancing parent management skill or parents knowledge about appropriate
health behaviour. Furthermore, programmes may be of the grass roots type, using volunteers from the
same community to regularly visit socially isolated (single parent) families to bring them emotional and
practical social support. A typical example is the Home Start programme that presently runs in the country
of origin, England, and also in Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Northern-Ireland, Norway, Scotland and
a few other countries (Gibbons & Thorpe, 1989; Hermanns & Leseman, submitted; Van der Eijken, 1982).
In contrast, the programme may involve professionals and clinicians who try to train parents of children at
risk of conduct disorder to foster the development of social skills (cf. Cunningham, Bremner & Boyle,
1995). A common characteristic of parenting or family support programmes is that children are not
targeted directly, at least to the present definition. It is expected that their development will be optimal, if
the family context is relatively free of stress resulting from contextual risks, lack of social support and
daily parenting (see chapter 2) or if parents have mastered appropriate parenting skills.
A final ECEC model combines child centred (usually the primary interest) and parent/family
centred goals (seen as instrumental to the primary goals), provides care and education in a centre and at
home, and works with professional nurses and teachers as well as parents. Programmes within this cluster
occasionally stretch out to primary school and sometimes involve the neighbourhood and community level
as well. A typical example at the borderline of a mere family support approach and a real combined childand family focused model is the Yale Child Welfare Program (Seitz, Rosenbaum & Apfel, 1985). This
programme worked with socioeconomically extremely disadvantaged families who were visited monthly
by a social worker in a 2 year period. The families were helped with finding suitable housing and better
jobs, received advice on child-rearing and child health matters, and were emotionally supported. In
addition, the preschool children of the families attended a high quality educational day care centre during
many hours per week, that stimulated cognitive, language, and social-emotional development. When the
programme children were in adolescence (age 14), they still differed reliably from controls in general
school achievement. The early effects on the parents were also maintained by and large. Other examples of
combination models with a more pronunciated child centred educational mission will be discussed later.
The evaluation of the developmental effects of early childhood programmeming
World-wide, several hundreds educational early childhood programmes have been carried out
since the late fifties and early sixties. Part of these programmes have been evaluated in a methodologically
appropriate way, most of them in the USA, reporting immediate short term and sometimes long term
results. The majority of these evaluated programmes were carried out as part of the USA Head Start policy.
In addition, there are results available of so called model programmes that were carried out by university
departments or charity organisations. A few model programmes were followed on very long term (up to 15
to 30 years after the programme ended).
The efficacy of the earliest programmes, that started in the beginning of the sixties, were usually
related to IQ gains of an experimental group compared with a randomly assigned control group or an
equivalent (matched) but non-random comparison group. In the evaluation of later programmes other
outcome measures were added, such as class retention, referral to special education, school achievements,
social-emotional competences, and social adjustment. Long term efficacy is usually related to social
outcomes such as attained education level, economic independence, and social adjustment (negatively
indicated by crime rates, teenage pregnancies). The many evaluation reports are summarised in a number
of recent reviews, such as Barnett (1995), Boocock (1995), Bowman, Burns and Donovan (2001), Bryant
and Maxwell (1997), Farran (2000), Gilliam and Zigler (2000), Leseman, Otter, Blok and Deckers (1998),
Ramey and Ramey (1998), Sylva and Wiltshire (1993), van Tuijl, Aleman and Siebes (submitted). Of these
reviews only Gilliam and Zigler, Leseman et al. and van Tuijl et al. are quantitative statistical metaanalyses, all other reviews provide narrative integration of the mixed findings. The study by White, Taylor
and Moss (1992) is a statistical meta-analysis also, but limited to the role of parents in pre-school
intervention programmes. A number of narrative and quantitative reviews address related topics.
Yoshikawa (1994) compared the long term effects of early childhood education and family support
programmes on later crime rates. Olds and Kitzman (1993; see also Olds, Henderson, Cole et al., 1998)
provide a quantitative review of the long term results of home visitation programmes to prevent child
abuse and neglect. McLeod and Nelson (2000) conducted a statistical meta-analysis of evaluation studies
of programmes to promote family functioning and to prevent abuse and neglect.
The effects of regular child care on child development have been studied in several countries the
past decades, but not always explicitly addressing effects on low income and ethnic and socio-linguistic
minority children. Summaries of the research (occasionally also including educational programmes) are,
for instance, Clarke-Stewart and Fein (1983) and Lamb (1998). Recently, the results of carefully designed
studies conducted under auspices of the Early Child Care Research Network of the National Institute of
Child Health and Development (NICHD) in the USA have become available that specifically address
effects of child care on children who are somehow at risk, including socio-economic and cultural
disadvantages (Vandell & Wolfe, 2000: NICHD, in press).
The efficacy of different centre-based education and care programmes
Centre-based and combined centre-based and home-based educational pre-school programmes,
focusing on the disadvantaged child, have mixed results. As programmes within these clusters or models
differ considerably in basic strategic design, structural quality, programme content and process quality, this
may explain the mixed findings and point out the ways to improve efficacy. This is the purpose of the next
A major quantitative review of Head Start centre-based programmes by McKey et al. concluded
that, on average, Head Start centres produced short term cognitive gains of about one half of a standard
deviation (effectsize d = .50), but found also that these short term effects faded out within two years after
the programme ended. This still seems to be pretty much the present state of affairs regarding Head Start
and comparable large-scale pre-school programmes (Barnett, 1995; Farran, 2000). Gilliam and Zigler
(2000) reviewed the results of state funded half-day pre-schools for poor disadvantaged children in the
USA. These pre-schools were not part of the national Head Start programme (and, thus, not subjected to its
quality regulations), nor carrying out a high quality model programme (see below). Gilliam and Zigler
report mixed results. Overall, the average effectiveness is weak (and not significantly differing from zero),
but in some states with higher basic quality requirements with respect to staff training, group sizes, staffchild ratios, the average effectiveness approaches what is found for Head Start. Middle long term or long
term results were not available.
In contrast to these large scale programmes, so called model programmes (university based or
independently provided by a charity foundation) yielded (far) better results, both on short and long term
(Barnett, 1995; Bryant & Maxwell, 1997; Royce, Darlington & Murray, 1983). Comparing Head Start with
model programmes is not without difficulties, as they served different (disadvantaged) populations. In one
older study a local Head Start programme was compared with a local model programme, randomly
assigning children to one of the two programmes. The model programme had stronger results on cognitive
outcome measures in short and middle long term (Sprigle & Schaefer, 1985). An explanation is that model
programmes are carried out on small scale compared with Head Start programmes, with larger budgets,
better trained and paid staff, and more favourable staff-child ratios (Barnett, 1995).
Among the model programmes are a number of so called combination model programmes that
were followed into long term, such as the High/Scope Perry Pre-school Project, the Syracuse Family
Development Research Project, the Milwaukee Project, the Florida Parent Education Project, the Houston
Parent Child Development Centres Programme, the Yale Child Welfare Project, the Abecedarian Project
and the Chicago Child-Parent Centres Programme. Characteristic of these programmes is that an intensive,
early starting, child-focussed, centre-based programme is combined with strong parent involvement, parent
education, programmed educational home activities and measures of family support (for instance, helping
parents to find jobs or suitable housing, educating parents about child health care). Barnett (1995), Farran
(2000) and Yoshikawa (1994) compared the short and long term results of these combination programmes
with the effects of specific mono-systemic child- or family centred education programmes. The
conclusions converge. The effects of combination programmes on IQ and school achievement are stronger
and longer maintained. In addition, there are effects on social-emotional measures (self-esteem, work
attitude, sociability). Although, in most studies ultimately effects on IQ fade out before adolescence (as in
mono-systemic approaches, but later), long term efficacy appears from on average better school
achievement scores in the later grades (concerning reading and math), better completed school careers,
lower dependency on welfare, higher economic independence, less psychosocial problems, less juvenile
delinquency, and less teenage pregnancies as compared with a control group. According to Barnett (2000),
due to these broad benefits, investments in early childhood educational combination programmes clearly
pay off on macroeconomic scale already after a few years. The recent follow-up of the Abecedarian Project
at age 21 shows that even intervention effects on IQ may persist in addition to rather strong long term
effects on reading and math skill (Campbell, Pungello, Miller-Johnson, Burchinal, & Ramey, 2001).
Thus, the way a programme is designed and how it is carried out probably matters for the effects
found on short and long term in both cognitive and social-emotional domains of development. To explore
further how programme design characteristics are related to effect sizes, Leseman et al. (1998) conducted a
statistical meta-analysis of evaluation studies of centre-based pre-school programmes (including Head
Start and model programmes) that were published between 1985 and 1996. 18 methodologically sound
studies yielded 64 different experimental-control group comparisons in three areas of outcome measures:
IQ and non-verbal cognitive, language and pre-literacy, and social-emotional. The effects of programme
design characteristics were systematically examined by grouping studies to presence or absence of these
characteristics. By evaluating whether grouping resulted in statistically significant greater within-group
homogeneity of effects, and greater between-group heterogeneity, the moderating role of programme
design characteristics could be determined. The mean effects in the cognitive and verbal domain were
medium-sized: d = .41 and d = .49, when comparing an experimental pre-school programme with a regular
pre-school or kindergarten programme, but medium to strong (for intelligence d = .67) when compared to
no pre-school. The results in the social-emotional domain (based on less than 18 studies because not all
studies reported outcomes in this domain) were weak: d = .20. Leseman et al. found a moderating role for
outcome domain (stronger results in the cognitive and language domain than in the social-emotional
domain), age of onset (stronger effect sizes for a start at or before age three compared to a later start),
professionality of intervention agents (stronger effects for professionals than for paraprofessionals and
parents), and pedagogical concept (stronger effects for a child following, developmental approach than
for a didactic, programme following approach).
The programme characteristic dose (the product of intensity and duration) appeared to be
curvilinearly related to effect size in the cognitive and language domain (and not related to effect size in
the social-emotional domain) if effects on both short and long term were pooled. If only middle long term
and long term effects were considered dose appeared to be strongly related to effect size (a bigger dose
yielding stronger middle to long term effects than a smaller dose). In their review of long term followed
educational intervention programmes, Bryant and Maxwell (1997) reached a similar conclusion:
programme intensity (or programme dose) probably distinghuishes programmes where benefits persisted
from those where they were less enduring. In a recent meta-analysis of several of the same studies that
were analysed by Leseman et al., but including studies of strictly home based programmes also, van Tuijl
et al. found rather similar results. By using a different criterion to distinguish between low and high
intensity, they found a clear effect of this characteristic: with a weekly programme-intensity lower than
119 minutes the effect size was d = .19, not statistically significantly differing from zero, whereas
programmes with an intensity of more than 119 minutes per week had a mean effect size of d = .76 (strong
effect). There is no doubt that more characteristics need to be explored and systematically varied in
experimental trials, yet these analyses do make clear that pre-school programme design and programme
(pedagogical) content matter.
(provided in a day care centre or pre-school) is a standard service offered to all families, as in the Yale
Child Welfare Project and other combination programmes. In their review of the long term efficacy of
early intervention and support programmes, Bryant and Maxwell (1997) concluded that child-centred and
combined approaches have more enduring cognitive effects than family or community centred approaches.
Leseman et al. (1998) and van Tuijl et al. (submitted) compared child centred educational programmes that
offered family support services with programmes that didnt, but found no advantage of the first on
cognitive and language outcomes. This makes sense, considering that family support programmes
primarily help parents to cope with the daily stresses arising from contextual risks and from the burdens
and uncertainties of everyday child rearing in order to restore affective family functioning (cf. Dix, 1991).
Family support programmes, unless they are part of a broader educational intervention, do not directly
attempt to change young childrens exposure to language, literacy, and cognitive stimulation.
However, family support programmes probably do work to protect children against adversive
child rearing conditions in high stress families, preventing dysfunctional social-emotional development,
and do help families effectively to deal with the daily burdens of having a handicapped child (Harbin,
McWilliams & Gallagher, 2000) or a child with difficult temperament that is prone to develop emotional
problems and conduct disorders (Cunningham, Bremmer & Boyle, 1995; van den Boom, 1994; WebsterStratton, 1998). In this way, parent and family centred components of otherwise child centred early
education programmes may be important to deal with possible comorbidity and risk-accumulation in the
home environments of some of the targeted children, and for preventing selective drop-out and insufficient
or inadequate programme implementation (Farran, 2000). A statistical meta-analysis of programmes by
McLeod and Nelson (2000) aiming at improving family functioning and preventing child abuse and
neglect in high stress families showed that multi-systemic family support programmes, providing multiple
services to children and families whenever needed and using empowerment methods such as self-help
groups, were far more effective with a near to strong mean effectsize, than either indicated monosystemic
therapeutic programmes and universal low intensive education programmes. Similarly, several studies and
statistical meta-analyses by Olds and colleagues into the long term effects of home visitation programs,
involving frequent visits to young first time parents in the pre- and postnatal period reported favourable
medium-sized long term effects on child abuse and neglect in the family, and on childrens physical and
mental health and antisocial behaviour (cf. Olds & Kitzman, 1993; Olds et al., 1998). Also studies into the
effectiveness of the exemplary Home Start programme indicate that the social support delivered by Home
Start volunteers who visited isolated, high stressed families, reduced parenting stress and negative
emotionality, enhanced feelings of competence and decreased the number of referrals to (mental) health
care institutions (McAuley, 1999; Hermanns & Leseman, submitted).
assessing the pedagogical quality of the home and including this measure as a co-variate in statistical
analyses is needed in order to be able to draw more definitive conclusions about child care effects.
Reviewing the results of many studies, the overall conclusion of Lamb (1998) is that quality
matters crucially. Although, overall, child care has (weak to medium sized) positive effects on cognitive
and language development, and according to most studies no broad negative effects on social adjustment
and social-emotional skills, this doesnt hold for all children nor for all centres and types of day care.
Swedish studies have reported overall long term benefits of early starting intensive centre-based day care
on school achievement and social adjustment (Andersson, 1989, 1992; Broberg, Wessels, Lamb & Hwang,
1997; see also Field, 1991). Note that these findings are based on early beginning, relatively intensive and
overall high quality day care involving socio-economically average or even above average children.
Therefore, they do not automatically generalize to non-average children, such as socio-economically
disadvantaged children and ethnic minority children.
Recent research under auspices of the Early Childcare Research Network of the National Institute
of Child Health and Development in the USA confirms by and large the earlier findings. Two of these
studies reported weak to medium sized positive effects on cognitive and language outcome measures of
three-years-olds controlling for self-selection mechanisms, but revealed a clear relationship with centre
quality. Comparing the 25% centres lowest in quality with the 25% centres highest in quality effect sizes
ranged from d = .18 to d = .48 (Burchinal, Roberts, Riggins, Zeisel & Neebe, 2000; NICHD, 2000; Ramey,
Campbell, Burchinal, Skinner, Gardner & Ramey, in press). Thus, if centre-based day care is of aboveaverage quality medium sized cognitive and language benefits can be obtained for children of low-income
and ethnic minority families. Similarly, (small) positive effects of high quality care were found on
behavioural adjustment (fewer behaviour problems; NICHD, 1998). Note, however, that in the real
population, low-income families and ethnic minority families tend to select lower quality care types, which
is an issue that will be taken up in the next chapter of this report. The NICHD studies (cf. NICHD, 1997)
also reveal interaction effects with the home pedagogical climate. The positive effects of average quality
day care on cognitive, language and social-emotional outcome measures are stronger when the pedagogical
climate at home (a composite measure based on questionnaire and observation data) is lower, as generally
holds for disadvantaged children; there are no positive effects (there may even be negative effects) of child
day care in case of children from privileged homes.
A recent, not yet published study causes more worries (NICHD, in press). The study focused in
particular on the effects of a very early start (within a few months after birth), high intensity of use (30
hours per week or more) and long duration - up to 4 years in the present study - of non-parental, centre
based and home-based day care (including a non-parental and non-relative caregiver in the childs own
home, controlling for the pedagogical quality of the home. Previous studies of the Early Child Care
Research Network assessed outcomes at younger ages. The study confirms the overall cognitive and
language benefits of centre based day care (but to a much lesser extent of non-parental home based day
care), the role of centre quality, and the inverse relationship of day care benefits with child rearing quality
of the home. Quantity of child day care, implying an early start, intensive use and long duration, is again
found to be positively related to cognitive gains. However, the study now also shows medium sized
negative main effects of the mere quantity of day care on social-emotional outcome measures at age 4
years (externalising problem behaviour) regardless of day care quality or quality of the home environment.
These results mirror previous findings (also in studies not related to the NICHD project) that substantial
amounts of centre based day care can lead to poorer parent-child relationships, elevated rates of insecure
infant-parent attachments, heightened behaviour problems and problematic peer-relationships, yet in these
previous studies the negative effects were attributable to low centre quality. Finally, a further finding of
this study is that, even in the case of high quality centre care, a high quality home environment has
considerably stronger positive effects on cognitive, language and social-emotional development.
These briefly summarised results already reached the headlines in many countries and are now
heavily disputed among scholars in this field. Rightly it has been stipulated that follow-up studies are
needed in order to know whether the present results point to irrevocable changes in the childs psychology,
or to mere transient fluctuations. Others have argued that the measures of problem behaviour yielded mean
values that are still far outside the clinical range and may have reflected assertiveness, independence, or a
socially acceptable degree of competitiveness. Explanations for the negative main effect of an early start of
day care combined with a high intensity of use point to brain development studies and suggest that
particularly the babies and infants greater need for sensitive-responsive one-to-one caregiving and finetuned perceptual and verbal stimulation, and their neurologically based greater vulnerability for emotional
stress renders centre day care (and non-parental family day care) arrangements with under good quality
conditions about three other babies or infants present less adequate (Riksen-Walraven, 2002; Shonkoff &
Phillips, 2000).
Summary of programme characteristics and their effects
Is there some kind of trade-off between cognitive and social-emotional effects of ECEC
programmes? The dual outcomes reported in the recent NICHD study positive effects on cognitive and
language development, negative effects on social-emotional development when day care started very early
are sometimes also found in studies of educational pre-school programmes. Well-known is the study by
Haskins (1985) who evaluated an intensive educational programme with a so-called didactic programmecentred direct-instruction approach that started at age three. Medium sized to strong positive effects were
found on cognitive outcome measures, but medium sized negative effects on social-emotional development
(programme children showing more aggression/externalizing problem behaviours). Burts, Hart,
Charlesworth, Fleege, Mosley and Thomasson (1992) found in an observation study that children in
didactic pre-schools and kindergarten classrooms displayed more emotional stress than children in childcentred developmental classrooms. Other studies (e.g. Hegland & Rix, 1990) support the suggestion that an
early strong emphasis on cognitive goals (exemplified by didactic programmes for very young children)
may be at the expense of a healthy social-emotional development.
Although didactic programmes may have better short term results in cognitive and language
skills, child-development oriented approaches may have better short and long term results in the areas of
self-esteem, social skills, meta-cognition, work attitude (Marcon, 1999; Schweinhart & Weikart, 1997;
Stipek et al., 1995). Follow-up analyses of the Perry Pre-school Project (cf. Berrueta-Clement et al., 1984)
and the High/Scope Curriculum Demonstration Project (cf. Schweinhart & Weikart, 1997) suggest that
long term benefits of pre-school educational interventions, as manifest in social oucomes such as greater
economic independence and lower crime rates of former programme children, depend on a socialemotional transport mechanism. Detailed path-analysis of the Perry Pre-school Project, however,
suggests that the immediate cognitive gain (IQ) was important too, because it enhanced programme
childrens self-esteem, self-confidence, work attitude and social skills when starting in primary school and
lowered referrals to special education (Barnett, Young & Schweinhart, 1998). In a recent follow-up study
of the Abecedarian project, Ramey et al. (2001) explicitly addressed the issue by determining whether long
term academic outcomes (reading and math skill at age 21 years) were mediated by short term IQ-gains.
About half of the variance in long term outcomes could be explained by early IQ effects at age 4, providing
support for the so-called direct effects model, meaning that early cognitive gains are very important as the
start of a chain of subsequent cognitive, academic and social-emotional development.
Do all children react similarly to an early education programme or to early day care? Are all
children benefited equally? This question has received little attention. A few studies found interaction
effects of programme type or pedagogical approach and gender. Girls are reported to be benefited more
than boys by a centre based pre-school education programme (Barnett, 1995), but this may depend on the
type of programme. Miller and Bizell (1983) and Larsen and Robinson (1989) found that boys showed
greater cognitive gains in a child-centred developmental programme, whereas girls profited more from a
didactic approach. However, Stipek et al. (1995), who also looked for interaction effects of programme
type (didactic vs. developmental) and gender, did not find moderating effects of gender on programme
results. A difficulty is that gender may not be a very accurate indicator of possibly important underlying
personality differences, such as negative emotionality (anxiety, shyness, aggression, attention deficit) or
low emotional self-regulation.
Another variable that has attracted research is mother-child attachment as related to teacher-child
attachment and its effect on cognitive child outcomes in pre-school education programmes and child day
care. Pianta, Nimetz and Benett (1997) followed 55 mainly African-American four-years-olds entering an
educational pre-school programme. They assessed mother-child attachment at the start of the programme,
teacher-child attachment during the programme and cognitive and social-emotional outcomes after two
years. Mother-child attachment predicted teacher-child attachment, and both mother-child and teacherchild attachment were found to moderate developmental gains: children with insecure social relations with
the mother and the teachers were least benefited by the programme. A recent replication study underscores
the importance of secure, stable, trustful social relationships in educational early childhood programmes
for cognitive and social-emotional effects (Hamre & Pianta, 2001).
Related to this, recent research into the effects of centre day care reveals an interaction-effect of
child care quality and early social-emotional risks (negative emotionality, ADDH, insecure attachment; cf.
Lamb, 1998; van IJzendoorn, Sagi & Lambermon, 1992). High quality centre based day care is a protective
factor, whereas average to low quality reinforces early child-related risks. However, too high doses of
centre day care, more specifically, a too early and too intensive start may be a risk factor for all children
regardless home environment, and again, even more for children at risk, as was discussed above.
Can we posit that the greater the socio-economic and ethnic disadvantage, the greater the
benefits? Although the presupposition entailed in this question makes sense, the evidence is mixed (Farran,
2000; Burchinal et al., 2000). Affirmative evidence comes from a study by Lee, Schnur and Brooks-Gun
(1988), who re-analysed Head Start data and found larger mean effect sizes for children from AfroAmerican families than for children from European-American working class families. Similarly, as already
reported, several child day care studies showed greater benefits for children from homes with lower
pedagogical quality (more stress, more authoritarian parenting, lower cognitive stimulation, less literacy)
than for children from homes with higher pedagogical quality. Yet, Farran (2000) discusses several
examples of programmes that cast doubt on this assumption. The reason often is that programmes demand
at least some involvement of parents that parents in extremely disadvantaged circumstances may not be
able to meet. In addition, if the programme is exclusively child centred, accumulating risk factors in the
family and maladaptive parenting may interfere with programme effects, for instance, through the
development of insecure attachment between the child and his or her parents that is transfered to the day
care centre and preschool (Pianta et al., 1997).
A final issue concerns the fading out of programme effects. Although often documented, the
phenomenon is not as universal and inevitable as it may seem. For instance, the results of a few long term
followed programmes, referred to in the previous sections, indicate that long term efficacy (and a very
favourable costs-benefits ratio) is possible. Probably manipulable programme design characteristics and
programme quality moderate the long term preservation of effects. Yoshikawas (1994) best-evidencesynthesis is convincing in this respect, as he argues that a rather intensive, early starting (at or before age 3,
but perhaps not much earlier either), multi-systemic, high quality approach that combines a child-centred
developmental pre-school with parent involvement, parent education and family support is associated with
a whole range of long term gains, both individual and social. And also Lesemans et al. (1998) and Bryant
and Maxwells (1997) finding that there is a relationship between dose and long term effect size should be
recalled here. Critics of early childhood education as a compensatory measure for disadvantaged children
often point to the biological nature of cognitive and language skills and quote behavioural genetics
research to prove their point that the margins of change by education are very small. In view of neurodevelopmental research, briefly discussed in chapter 1, this argument shouldnt bother anymore. However,
this still leaves the question unanswered why pre-school effects do often fade out.
One study that sheds some light on this problem is the follow-up study of former Head Start
participants by Lee and Loeb (1995; see also Entwisle, 1995). These researchers found that several years
after completing the Head Start pre-school programme former Head Start participants, compared with
former control children, attended elementary schools of statistically significantly lower educational quality,
a less favourable socio-economic composition of the student population, and more unsafety. According to
Lee and Loeb, it is a distinct possibility that a substantial part of the fading out of programme effects is
attributable to these worse post-intervention conditions. To understand this, it should be noted that in most
Head Start evaluations children are not randomly assigned to either programme or control group. Head
Start programmes are initiated in those communities, neighbourhoods or schools that are worst off in terms
of socio-economic disadvantages. Although controls are recruited in a nearby community, and occasionally
carefully matched with programme participants, there probably was a good reason to begin with Head Start
in the first and not in the second community. This may explain the differences in the post-intervention
social and educational context found by Lee and Loeb. The idea that programme effects can be nullified by
subsequent (extremely) adverse conditions fits in well with recent theorising in developmental psychology
and developmental neuroscience, attesting to the dynamic transactional and situated nature of skills. Farran
(2000) and Reynolds (1994, 1999) take research findings like these to argue for a longitudinal-contextual
approach to ECEC for disadvantaged young children, emphasising the necessity for a multi-systemic and
continuous approach that broadens the scope of the intervention to include the family context and extends
pedagogical quality far into the elementary school.
Lee and Loebs argument can be applied to the family context as well. If the post-intervention
home environment is characterized by multiple risk-accumulation, lack of emotional support and
monitoring, harsh disciplining, low verbal and literacy stimulation, and traditional child-rearing beliefs (see
chapter 2), early gains may be nullified also. To prevent this, the operation of a family support system
seems required that is able to repond to the specific needs of families whenever they arise, offering family
centred multiple services (Harbin et al., 2000). However, there is no direct evidence known to the present
author that confirms these presuppositions.
In this section available literature on the determinants of parents choice processes will be
reviewed, with special attention to the issue of income and ethnic differences in the use of early childhood
care and education. The utilisation of a particular ECEC provision for one or more of the familys preschool children, the choice for one type of ECEC, or for a combination of ECEC forms, but not for other
types or forms, are ultimately decisions that parents make. These decisions on the demand side are not
fully independent of factors on the supply side or of national or local subsidy strategies, but they
nevertheless constitute a relatively autonomous space in itself. As a matter of fact, parental decisions can
be seen as the final link in a chain of factors leading to utilisation of an ECEC provision or, alternatively,
to care for the child at home. Therefore, to explain why, overall, low-income groups and certain minorities
are underrepresented in ECEC provisions, it is worthwhile to consider the arguments parents use to reach a
decision. In this section, a number of studies are reviewed that shed light on decision and choice processes.
Again, most of the studies are conducted in the USA, but studies from Belgium, Germany and the
Netherlands add valuable information.
ECEC provision constitutes in most countries a complex mixed and segmented market, with
several different types of ECEC (care, education, centre-based, home-based, half-day, full-day), different
prices, different financing systems, and different quality regulations. The supply is provided by private,
partly subsidised or fully subsidised organisations. Subsidies may be centralised (passed directly to
centres) or decentralised (through vouchers and tax deduction for parents). ECEC provisions may be near
home or work, or further away, opening hours may be more or less fitting to parents working hours, they
may offer care for sick children or require parents to keep the child at home when he or she is sick. There
may be different licensing and accreditation regulations operative, and - correlated with this - there may be
perceived or real differences in quality. Probably most parents are not fully aware of the whole spectre of
ECEC provisions, yet they have to decide. When deciding, parents consider alternatives. There may be
other adults present in the home or nearby in the neighbourhood who can care for the children. One of the
parents may stop working as long as the children are young, or both parents may opt for part-time
employment and choose to share care responsibilities. Finally, choices may be influenced by the age of the
In a system that redistributes income directly by transfering tax money of the higher income families
through subsidies to lower income families, there are two consequences. First, an increase in working
hours for middle and higher income groups is economically not rational, because it simultaneously leads to
a need for more child care hours at higher costs and to higher tax payment due to a higher income.
Conversely, a decrease in working hours might be economically rational: lower costs for child care and
lower tax payment. Second, low-income groups are not stimulated to invest in measures that will enhance
their, or their childrens, (future) income, since they justifiably expect income subsidies to continue in the
future. Moreover, increasing working hours or investing in education so as to get work on a higher skill
level will lead to more income but simultaneously to lower income subsidy. If child day care is provided
publicly and almost free of fees instead, increasing working hours or investing in education is profitable
thus economically rational in all income groups, but mostly so in the lower income groups (where the
profit is relatively biggest). Although the report leans heavily on economic models instead of empirical
data as Edwards et al.s study, the described mechanisms are not unconvincing. Yet, two problems seem
immanent. The first is that the model only seems to be valid when all (or the least the vast majority) of
potential child care users prefer the same publicly provided service(s). The second problem is that a public
child care system does not guarantee sensivity to the (possibly diverse) needs of parents and children, nor
suficient pedagogical quality (see also Spiess and Tietzes argument).
Another comment arises from experiences in Australia and the UK with demand subsidies
(vouchers) that show that, without further quality regulations beyond the statutory minimum quality level
and without further economic redistribution, demand-subsidies may lead to a very uneven growth of the
supply (overcapacity in some areas, underacapacity in other areas) and to extreme quality differences as
well that strongly correlate with income differences (note that in Australia fee subsidies were also given to
higher income parents who used private for-profit care; OECD, 2001).
Parents consider also their childs educational future and the perceived quality of the service
In addition to economic considerations, the choice for a particular type of care is probably also
determined by parental beliefs and values concerning the importance of this particular type of care for
child development. This presupposition was confirmed in a study by Johansen, Leibowitz and Waite
(1996) in the USA. According to these researchers parents who value developmental characteristics of
care chose centre care, parents for whom hours, location, and costs of care are most important chose care at
home. They further examined the determinants of parents concern with either developmental and
education aspects, called internal quality, or with costs, opening hours and location, called external
quality. Concern with internal quality was positively predicted by degree of urbanisation, age of the child,
income level, educational level of both parents, inclination to invest in the childs education (as indicated
by education insurance), and negatively by the absence of a grandparent nearby, the number of siblings,
rural region, and the interaction of a high education level and the child being under three years of age.
The choice for non-parental family care as opposed to centre day care was positively predicted by
the combination of presence of a grandparent and the child being being under three years of age, low
concern with internal quality and a high concern with external quality. Furthermore, if parents worked as
high level professionals (doctors, lawyers) they tended to choose for family care vs. centre care. The choice
for home care (mother or other adult in the household staying at home) vs. day care was positively
predicted by the presence of other adults in the household, the presence of other siblings, traditional
marriage with male breadwinner, low concern with internal quality and high concern with external quality,
and negatively by the price of day care, the familys income level and the parents education level. Again
the combination of high education and the child being under three positively predicted the choice for home
care vs. centre care.
Van Horn, Ramey, Mulvihill and Newell (2001) asked a large sample of mothers using centre
daycare (65%), family daycare (19%) and informal relatives daycare (17%) about their choice motives.
More specifically, they asked about the personal checklist parents used upon choosing one of the
alternatives. This was done first by an open-ended questionnaire, prompting parents to give a spontaneous
account of what they had considered important. Parents overwhelmingly mentioned safety and health
issues, how children are treated and how they liked the staff as most important. Structural quality
characteristics as staff-child ratio and how the centre looks, its atmosphere and cleanliness were mentioned
next, but usually in a rather global way, not matching the researchers and professionals view on structural
quality. Educational quality of the centre, the centres orientation on educational (pre-school) goals or the
availability of developmental and educational play materials, were mentioned the least often, by only 25%.
In addition, the researchers also presented the informants with a structured questionnaire listing 12 items of
quality, including in a concise way several of the aspects that were also mentioned spontaneously in the
open-ended part of the interview. The results appeared to be quite different. Over 90% of the same
informants now reported that they had considered whether the type of care provided sufficient learning
and school-like activities. In addition, type of care (89%), location (85%), opening hours (77%) and
availability of play materials (65%) were reported as important elements of the parents checklists, whereas
safety and health were mentioned only by less than half of the informants. The authors conclude that
quality matters to mothers, but (that) many lack a working knowledge of what truly indicates quality
care, explaining why spontaneous ideas differ so strongly from prompted specific ideas in the structured
part of the interview.
This finding corresponds with the results of a study by Burchinal and Cryer (1995) who
compared parents evaluations of the quality of day care centres using the ITERS/ECERS with evaluations
by researchers using the same instruments. Parents tended to evaluate the quality of the centre as much
higher than researchers did. Pungello and Kurtz-Costes (1999) studied the choice process. Parents mostly
used informal sources of information, preferably relatives and friends. Only one or a few centres (or host
families) were visited. In a short talk with representatives of the centre a list of considerations was
checked, but not very systematically. It is as if parents looked for confirmation for their a priori choice.
The final decision was taken on the basis of global indicators, such as the centres appearance or
atmosphere, and whether parents liked the staff. Objective quality indicators, such as the staff-child ratio,
played a minor role.
A study in Flanders, Belgium, (Vanpe, Sannen & Hedebouw, 2001), into choice motives of
parents revealed that in addition to the free half-day kindergarten (which runs from age 2 to age 6 years
in Flanders and is used by a vast majority of Flemish families with young children) a choice between the
three major forms of after-kindergarten - child care, viz. grandparents (=relatives) care, non parental
family day care and day care, was influenced by regional variations in supply (regional lower supply of
day care was associated with higher choice for relatives and family care), family income (lower income,
higher preference for relatives care), mothers educational level and working hours (the higher educational
level and working hours, the higher the preference for day care centres). Interestingly, the study also found
that mothers who worked part time tended to choose for relatives care much more often than expected. The
researchers presuppose that the current system of fees works out unfavourably for families with part time
working mothers.
In the same study the perceived advantages and disadvantages of different types of ECEC were
examined. Among the advantages mentioned by parents of centre based care (mostly used in addition to
kindergarten) were the perceptions that care is specialised and provided by trained professionals and that
the children are well supervised. Centre care that is offered at school had the additional advantages that
children dont have to move to another location and that they know most children well. The main
perceived advantages of nonparental family care were the more personal bond of the children with the
caregiver (the host parent), the fact that the caregiver was always the same person, and the home-like
atmosphere in the host family. The most important advantages of grandparents care mentioned were that
children know their grandparents very well, that the grandparents like it very much, and that this type of
care is much more flexible. In addition to regional supply variation, job hours and financial considerations,
child-centred pedagogical goals seem important as choice motives in Flanders, convenience considerations
coming in the second place. Furthermore, many Flemish parents seem to adhere to a family-oriented
cultural model of child rearing.
Explaining ethnic differences
Early and Burchinal (2001) addressed ethnic differences in ECEC use in the USA, where
American families from African descent use centre-based care far more extensively than families from
Latin-American descent, with European-American families occupying a position in-between. A large
number of preferred care characteristics was examined to explain ethnic differences in the type of care
used. In the sample studied, parents on average used 2.1 different types of care simultaneously. The
investigation revealed amongst other things that higher income families and African-American families
more often used centre care, whereas lower income families, European-American and Latino-American
families more often used non-parental family care or relatives care. Higher income families and African
American families used more hours of care than the other groups, parents who used relatives care used this
type of care for more hours per week than parents using the other types of care.
Logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine which preferred care characteristics
predicted parents choice for a particular type of care. Although many characteristics were examined, only
a few proved significant predictors. The choice for centre care was predicted by a high preference for a
professional caregiver and a low preference for care of sick children. Ethnicity predicted the choice for
centre care only for infants and toddlers, not for older children, showing that African-American parents
more often chose centre care than Latino-American parents. The choice for non-parental family care was
predicted by a low preference for professional caregivers, a high preference for small groups, a high
preference for care for sick children, family income above the poverty level and ethnicity, showing that
European American families preferred non-parental family care more than African-American and LatinoAmerican parents. Finally, the choice for relative care was predicted by a high preference for care of sick
children (particularly for older children), low preference for professional caregivers, family income below
poverty level and ethnicity (African-American and Latino-American parents choosing this type of care
more often than European-American families). Although the effects of ethnicity and family income could
not be fully explained by differences in preferred care characteristics, the remaining ethnicity effects were
relatively small, according to the authors.
A similar conclusion was drawn by Singer, Fuller, Keiley and Wolf (1998). If regional supply
variation and demographic characteristics, mother characteristics and family structure were controlled,
ethnicity no longer predicted choice patterns, although the overall effect without control for co-variates
was quite big. In this study survival and hazard statistical analysis techniques were used to predict the
probability of placement in centre based care. Among the strongest predictors of early placement were
mothers education and mothers employment status during pregnancy, and negatively mothers age and
the combination of the child being older and mothers education and age. Employment status during
pregnancy was a less strong predictor of the probability of placement in centre care when the child was
already three years of age. Also the number of siblings predicted placement: regardless mothers
employment status and education, if there were three or more children in the family, the probability of
placement decreased considerably.
Liang, Fuller and Singer (2000) examined in a large sample the role of child rearing beliefs as a
factor explaining ethnic differences in child care utilisation. The choice for centre care and pre-school
programmes vs. other forms of care and early education (mainly relatives care or simply home care by one
of the parents) was stepwise related to a range of predictors. There was no simple dimension explaining all
interethnic differences. The degree of mother employment (at the start of pregnancy) and mothers
education were positively related to the use of centre day care or pre-school use and partly explained ethnic
differences. The number of children in the family (in particular when exceeding the number of two) and
the presence of other adults in the household (spouse, grandparents) was negatively related to centre care
or pre-school use and additionally explained ethnic differences. Finally, also cultural child rearing beliefs
and, most importantly, the importance attached to pre-literacy development and early school adjustment,
were related to the choice for centre daycare or a pre-school programme, and explained additional choice
variance. The authors conclude their paper as follows: Most important for the selection debate is that we
find that parents from all ethnic groups who hold explicit beliefs and practices related to early literacy
development, engage in educational activities with the child, and control television viewing are more likely
to select centre care. This finding is robust after taking into account a variety of other family economic and
social structural factors. (p. 379)
In a Dutch study by Van den Berg and Vlug (1993) 150 Moroccan and Turkish immigrant
parents with children under elementary school-age (age 4 years in the Netherlands) were interviewed about
their need for ECEC. Despite the actual low rates of use of day care centres and play groups, the
interviewed parents in majority indicated interest in utilising a low-intensive (two or three mornings)
educationally oriented centre or pre-school. As in the USA studies, the demand for ECEC appeared to be
related to family structure, income level and cultural beliefs. Interest in ECEC was negatively related to the
presence of other adults in the household (grandparents) and the availability of informal relatives care, the
number of children, mothers age, perceived costs, and traditional child-rearing beliefs, and positively to
parents education level, years of residence in the Netherlands, employment of the mother and the
importance attached to developmental considerations (learning Dutch as a second language, socialemotional development, preparing for elementary school). Parents also mentioned concern with a possible
mismatch of important socialisation goals between home and centre. Furthermore, parents clearly
differentiated between younger and older children. For the younger children (under 2 to 3 years of age),
Turkish and Moroccan immigrant parents thought care and love by the childs mother much more
important for healthy development than education and second language learning by non-parental
caregivers in a centre.
The Belgian study by Vanpe et al. (2001) also involved a small sample of ethnic minority
parents (N=60; equally of Turkish and Moroccan descent). Although the small sample size does not allow
for strong generalisations, some findings will be presented here briefly. As reported for the Netherlands,
ethnic minority parents used official child care provisions much less frequently (13% vs. 62%) and much
less intensively than mainstream Belgian parents. About 42% of the ethnic minority parents reported no
need for nonparental care as the main reason, because at least one of the parents was fulltime at home,
either as a housewive or because of long term unemployment. About 47%, however, mentioned culturalideological reasons: the mother was seen as the prefered caregiver (25%); caring for the youngest children
was seen as a task for the parents (22%). Among the reasons to use child care, having more free time for
leisure activities or for extra housekeeping were most frequently mentioned (note that the number of
immigrant parents using a care provision was very small). In additional series of questions, a relatively
large share of ethnic minority parents (41%) expressed a lack of trust (not further qualified) in official
nonparental child care. About one-third thought child care too expensive. Another 18% thought the fact
that caregivers dont speak the childrens languages a problem. Financial arguments were most frequently
mentioned as a disadvantage when centre based child care was concerned. Typically, educational motives
apparently did not play any role in ethnic minority parentsdecisions. This may be explained by the
availability of free kindergarten starting at age 2 years.
The family economic gender model is typical in traditional, mainly agrarian societies in which the family
functions as the basic economic unit. Man and wife co-operate closely in their own farming and crafts business,
and children are assumed to take their share in the family business as soon as they are physically able.
The male breadwinner, female child-care provider model is characteristic for an industrialised society that
differentiates the public-economy and the private-family spheres, while not fully recognising the individual
rights of women. The male works fulltime and the level of economic development allows him to earn enough
income to maintain the family. Children are seen as needing special care and extensive support, preferably to be
provided by the mother.
The male breadwinner, female part-time childcare provider model is a modernised version of the traditional
male breadwinner model. Womens right to personal development through education and social participation is
acknowledged. As long as there are no dependent children at home, or for the hours that children are in school,
male and female are both employed and earning income. However, when there are young children who are seen
as needing special care and extensive attention, it is the woman who provides this care.
The dual breadwinner, state child-care provider model is characteristic of the welfare state society with a high
degree of statutory individualisation, a completed labour market and a blooming economy that needs full-time
employment of men and women. Although childhood is constructed as a special phase of life and children are
seen as needing care and support, this is not regarded as a primary task of the family. The welfare state is
regarded as competent to provide adequate care and education.
The dual breadwinner, dual child-care provider model most consistently reflects the equal positions of men and
women. Both income earning and child care are roughly equally divided between the genders. The model suits a
welfare state society that still regards the family as the most suitable context for child care and early education,
and that has a flexibly structured labour market with ample part-time jobs for both men and women. Although
there is a high degree of individualisation, the family is still a basic unit.
Applying these models, Pfau-Effinger shows that post-war modernisation in Finland, the
Netherlands and West-Germany followed different paths, leading among other things to different ECEC
systems. In the Netherlands and Germany the post-war starting point was the traditional male breadwinner,
female child-care provider model, marked by a strong gender inequality. In both countries, this model
lasted until the cultural revolt and rise of the feminist movement of the sixties, when womens rights
received more official recognition. In Finland the family economic gender model dominated, with a
gender equality cultural model at the start, that smoothly integrated the feminist movement.
The multi-confessional Dutch society opposed the notion of a strong role of the state in child
care. The different religious and ideological communities were united by the central idea of the family as
the societys cornerstone. The growing economic affluence, the recognition of womens rights and the
building of the modern welfare state, was in the Netherlands combined with a strong tendency towards
equality. According to Pfau-Effinger, it led to a family-oriented redistribution policy that is still operative.
Few women really need to work to complement the family income. In the eighties, in the so called
collective agreements between employers and unions, the right to part-time work and a further reduction of
the work week to 38 and in some sectors even 36 hours was guaranteed. Among the arguments of the
unions was the desired participation of fathers in child care. In this context, Pfau-Effinger concludes, the
former dominant male breadwinner model developed into the dual breadwinner, dual child care provider
model, supported marginally by forms of non-parental care and education. It also explains the slow
response of the state to the growing labour force participation of women in the Netherlands, which was
demanded by economic and demographic developments. It was only in the early nineties that national
measures were taken to increase the supply of centre based child day care to meet the growing need.
In West-Germany, although starting with the traditional male breadwinner model as well, the
rebuilding of the post-war society and economy required many women in the lower income groups to
apply for part-time jobs to complement the family income. As the state did not or could not respond to the
resulting need of child care, churches and charity foundations founded day care centres, pre-schools and
kindergartens, not meant as substitute for the family but as support. In addition, parents sought informal
solutions leading to the relatively big share of so the called grandparent model (relatives care) in WestGermany. In the building of the German welfare state, the government followed these initiatives, which
explains why the German states response to the need for child care came earlier and was more sizeable
than in the Netherlands. According to Pfau-Effinger, because in West-Germany a strong family and
equality oriented redistribution policy was lacking, the traditional male bread winner model developed into
the male breadwinner, female part-time child care provider model. At the same time, in Germany, as in the
Netherlands, the view still prevails that the family is the most suited environment for raising children.
In Finland post-war modernisation started from a traditional family economic gender model, that
was marked by a strong sense of gender equality. The rapid post-war industrialisation meant in Finland that
both men and women found fulltime employment in the public sphere. In the early sixties, concern about
child-care grew. Reports were published revealing that children were sometimes left at home without
supervision. According to Pfau-Effinger, economic affluence and the rise of the welfare state in Finland in
the sixties and seventies were used to set up a state provided full-day child-care system for pre-schoolers
and a state provide school-based system for after-school care. The traditional family economic model
changed into the currently predominant dual breadwinner, state child-care provider model. The vast
majority of Finlands young children are nowadays cared for and educated in centres by professional
caregivers, apparently without problem.
Some conclusions on the issue of parental choice
The decision parents take to use one type of child care or another is based on many
considerations. The present review, based on limited evidence, suggests that post-war socio-historical
conditions, macro-economic factors and predominant cultural models jointly shaped the present ECEC
systems in different countries and states, determining the supply qua capacity (provided hours), type,
quality and price, and explaining differences in ECEC systems between countries and states. On the other
hand, the family income level, the number of young children in the family, parents education, mothers
employment status, the availability of relatives care, and child-centred cultural beliefs about child rearing
and child development determine a potential demand concerning capacity (desired hours), type, function
(care vs. education), and quality. Note that, although quality appears to be an important consideration,
parents often lack a precise knowledge of what constitutes quality. Whether the potential demand indeed
leads to enhanced utilisation depends on the supply. Ideally the supply matches the demand, but in reality,
in some countries, the supply may not be adequate, both quantitatively and qualitatively (i.e., not matching
parents preferences and socialisation goals, and concerns about quality).
The reviewed studies suggest that social class and ethnic differences in ECEC use can probably
be fully explained by 1) family income, number of children and mothers employment and hourly wages,
in relation to the parental fee required by the ECEC provisions; 2) cultural child rearing beliefs, in
particular the importance attached to early stimulation of (second) language and literacy development, in
relation to the perceived quality and function of the ECEC provision and also in relation to the childs age;
3) degree of acculturation/integration and the number of years of residence in the new country, in relation
to the perceived socialisation goals of the ECEC provisions; and 4) convenience considerations and
availability of informal care by relatives, in relation to location, opening hours, and rules regarding care for
sick children of the ECEC provisions.
Policy measures that seek to increase the participation in ECEC systems by presently
underrepresented low-income and ethnic and socio-linguistic minority groups, in particular when children
in these groups are at risk of developmental and school problems, should deal with all these aspects. The
income-fee relationship is obviously a first starting point, that can be tackled by further economic
redistribution. On the best policy of redistribution opinions differ strongly. Some of the reviewed studies
suggest that an indirect way of subsidising, through vouchers and tax measures (demand-side subsidy),
may be the best strategy in this regard. However, experiences with voucher systems in Autralia and the UK
on the one hand (OECD, 2001) and experiences with largely publicly funded and organised educare
systems (supply-side subsidy), for instance, in Sweden and Finland on the other hand, suggest that other
solutions are feasible and perhaps preferable. However, the national consensus may not be in favour of big
public expenditure to nonparental day care. In any case, decentralised subsidy strategies should always be
accompanied by strong measures to monitor and insure minimum quality standards.
However, the economic answer is probably not sufficient. If it is true that many low-income and
ethnic and socio-linguistic minority parents do not share modern child-centred beliefs and values, they may
still fail to see the utility of using an ECEC provision for their children, even when the costs are low.
Although most of these parents probably do value a successful school career for their children, they may
fail to see the connection between this goal and using a day care centre or pre-school. Admittedly, this
connection indeed is not unproblematic, as was reviewed in the previous chapter. Guaranteeing quality,
and in particular efficacy with respect to cognitive, language and social-emotional development, of ECEC
provisions, seems to be a crucial next step in policy development.
Parents probably rightly observe discrepancies between socialisation in centres and pre-schools,
and their own socialisation goals. This problem should be tackled by organising ECEC provisions that
more closely match to the families goals and values. Finally, convenience considerations probably do not
point to lack of interest or laziness. If it is true that low income and minority families have to deal with lots
of stressors and daily hassles, that accumulate in the family and the wider social context of the family,
observing the rules and time schedules of a day care centre or pre-school, and trying to meet the
requirements of personal involvement in the programme may be an extra burden. This problem should be
tackled by making ECEC provisions more supportive to the other needs of families.
Quality and efficacy: implications for the design of ECEC-systems and ECEC policy
Quality and efficacy of ECEC systems are somehow related. But what constitutes quality? Wellknown from the extant child day care research, are the following characteristics: sensitive responsive caregiving, secure social relationships, stimulating verbal interaction, a favourable staff-child ratio, a small
group size, a richly equipped play room, high professionalism of the staff, and a reasonable staff salary
level. Based on recent research in developmental psychology new characteristics should be added. On the
level of programme content or curriculum pedagogical-didactic concepts should be based on the notions of
inter-subjective co-operation with peers and teachers in challenging, authentic activities with culturally
relevant contents (e.g. language, academic language, pre-literacy, pre-numeracy, meta-cognitive and social
skills), programmes should create time and strengthen the coherence between different activities and
experiences. Programmes should be built up so as to provide continuity and a gradual increase of richness
and complexity of activities and experiences over several years, in order to support complex skill
construction and its neurological consolidation.
At the level of ECEC-systems design coherence and continuity between simultaneous and
successive contexts of development should also be strengthened. This concerns in particular the transitions
between home and ECEC-provisions, the transitions between different successive ECEC-provisions, and
the transition of ECEC provisions to primary school. Discrepancies between the most important contexts of
development and learning, and early frequent interruptions may render the developmental and learning
processes less effective. The importance of coherence and continuity is not only related to cognitive and
language skill development, but equally to the construction of secure social relationships and emotional
self-regulation skills. Worrying in this regard is that the ECEC systems of many countries show a patchy
design, as the Starting Strong review revealed (OECD, 2001). These systems are marked by many
discontinuities and major transitions, disrupting childrens social relationships with other children and the
caregivers and making educational processes less effective (see Figure 5). Different government bodies are
responsible for different subsystems and impose different quality regulations and staff training
requirements, and use different subsidy strategies. Different subsystems serve different functions, stand in
different traditions (e.g. care vs. education) and, therefore, adopt different pedagogies. The ECEC systems
in, for instance, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA, consist of several subsystems,
with different macro-economic functions, sharp boundaries, problematic transitions between
simultaneously and successively used subsystems, strong differences in quality and price, and strong
tendencies of socially selective use that correlate with quality (Chan & Mellor, 2002).
Awareness of the possibly disturbing influences of transitions has urged several countries to
develop strategies to ensure pedagogical continuity. Among these are curriculum strategies that define
common age-specific and age-appropriate goals and basic competencies to be developed in all ECEC
subsystems. Examples are to be found in Australia, Belgium (Wallony) and Sweden (see OECD, 2001).
Although a national curriculum in the form of common quality standards and development goals may not
be a very powerful means to create more coherence, continuity and increasing richness and complexity of
experiences across different ECEC subsystems, unless regulations, financing and monitoring systems are
organised so as to support the implementation strongly, they do at least provide a common frame, a shared
language for communication amongst the professionals working in different ECEC subsystems. Interesting
is also the Portugese concept of Escolas Bsicas Integradas (Integrated Elementary Schools) that provide
within one school a continuous trajectory of pre-school education and compulsory elementary education.
Pre-school and elementary school staff are increasingly cooperating. Whenever possible, children are
followed by the same group of teachers within the compulsory school system. The objectives are to
facilitate coherent learning conditions and strong family-staff relationships (OECD, 2001).
LQ SD WFK \ ( & ( & V\ VWH P V \UV
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The quality aspects added from theory converge by and large with the characteristics that were
found to determine the (long term) efficacy of educational pre-school programmes, such as a relatively
early onset (but probably not too early), relatively intensive participation and a rather long duration of a
comprehensive curriculum with broadly defined whole child - developmental goals, whereas the
importance of a high degree of professionalism of the intervention agents (nurses, teachers) can be
interpreted as referring to the need for high quality interactions, sensitive responsiveness and secure stable
social relations. Furthermore, targeting multiple systems, involving the parents and addressing the familys
other support needs, and continuing the intervention into elementary school, matches the principles of
coherence and continuity between simultaneous and successive contexts of development.
Is there one type or form of ECEC that is universally ideal and that should be the standard to be
followed everywhere? Probably not. First of all, childrens needs differ with age and neuro-biological
maturation. The results of the recent NICHD study may be seen as a warning that very early intensive
utilisation of centre based care can be hazardous for the social-emotional development of all children even
if, to present standards, high quality care is provided. Put differently, this type of ECEC that is, centrebased care - may simply not be very suited to serve the needs of very young children, at least not until they
are two or three years of age. Although there is the possibility to further decrease group sizes in the 0-2
years period, and to require additional staff qualifications, a costs-benefits analysis may lead to the
conclusion that other alternatives should be pursued. In this perspective, parental leave measures, the right
to part-time work, eventually combined with low intensive centre care or with non-parental family care,
present a clear option. Examples of extended parental leave measures (6 to 12 months after child birth) are
to be found in the Nordic countries. Systems to support young parents in the pre- and postnatal period and
to provide education on health and care issues (vaccination schemes, baby-infant clinics, home visitation
programmes) exist everywhere on large scale. Programmes to organise social support and to provide
concrete help to parents and families with young (under three) children, such as the Home Start
programme, are presently implemented on small-scale only in a few countries.
Second, children differ at all ages and in all stages of development, for instance, in personality or
temperament, making some children more vulnerable to child rearing quality than others, or making some
children less gaining from peer interaction than others and, therefore, perhaps better off in small group
family day care or in small-group high quality specialised professional day care than in standard centrebased care throughout the pre-school period. More research is needed to further detail this issue. The point
raised here also concerns the position of pre-school children with development problems and special
educational needs, OECDs A- and B-categories, a topic that was not further addressed in this study.
Third, the needs and preferences of families differ. Although there may be a majority consensus
in a given country or state in favour of centre-based child care, as in the Scandinavian countries, or a
consensus, as in Belgium, that the state should provide kindergarten starting at age 2, differences in
labour market participation, family structure and parents cultural beliefs may lead to other preferences and
needs that are not served well by the predominant types of ECEC. The scarce information on
sociolinguistic and ethnic minority families in European countries, Australia and the USA, suggest that
lack of trust in the official ECEC system and the socialisation goals and culture it represents, is a major
cause of lower participation in ECEC provisions amongst these communities. For instance, Australia has
initiated several special projects for the indigenous minority of Aboriginals (about 2% of the population) to
decrease the apparent gap. Aboriginal children are underrepresented in most forms of ECEC. However, in
the special multifunctional aboriginal child services that were set up participation rates are reported to be
high. Further, in ECEC much is done to ensure that care and education are culturally and linguistically
appropriate. Other programmes focus on raising cultural awareness and sensitivity amongst the other
Australians, pre-school nurses and teachers in particular. Other countries initiated special intercultural and
cultural sensitivity projects as well to descrease barriers to ECEC. To mention just a few examples, the
foundation Kind en Gezin in Flanders, Belgium, employs intercultural intermediaries to enhance
participation of ethnic minorities in day care centres and a special project, Milestones towards Quality
through Equality was started to make day care more sensitive to different cultural beliefs. Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden incorporate culture-sensitive bilingual assistance within their educare
systems. Portugal ran an Intercultural Education Project from 1993-1997 in areas with a high
representation of immigrant families in order to improve (pre)school-family relationships and to provide
information on the ECEC system.
Again, balanced bilingual development in early childhood as a goal requires balanced bilingual
education. Although in particular in the Nordic countries and some states of the USA bilingual
programmes are carried out in the pre-schools, other countries face difficulties in providing institutional
support to balanced bilingual development. Practical constraints may limit the role of day care centres, preschools and kindergartens in this respect. The presence of many different first languages in one classroom
and the impossibility to find and hire staff to serve all these mother tongues equally well, requires
alternative strategies such as involving the parents and the socio-linguistic communities. This may be
facilitated through the provision of home-based programs and L1 pre-schools run by the cultural
community (Leseman & van Tuijl, 2001). These considerations are especially relevant in the context of
low participation in ECEC by particular sociolinguistic minority groups. Even when there is only one
major foreign language community in a state or country, and (pre)school bilingual programmes are
feasible, such as Spanish-English programmes in kindergartens and elementary schools in California, USA,
political objections may call a halt to providing bilingual education in publicly subsidised (pre)school
In summary, the ideal ECEC system is differentiated, adaptive, and both child- and family
centered, but coherent and of high quality within the different types of care, education and support that are
provided, and marked by equal quality regulations for all subsystems. An example of an ECEC system that
is at once integrated and differentiated, continuous but age-appropriate, is to be found in Denmark in the
form of the so called age-integrated services (see Figure 2), which are provided to up to 33% of the 1-6years-olds, besides more fragmented ECEC subsystems in the 0-6 period. Age-integrated services combine
several education and care functions in one local pre-school centre, such as full day care, occasional dropin care, playgroups, pre-school education programmes, after (pre-)school care, leisure time activities for
young children, and parent-support programmes and basic education for adults. These services can be
provided in parallel, in order to fill the day or the week (combining educational pre-school with leisure
time activities in after-school-care), and also successively, for instance, starting with using the drop in
facility, continuing into the play group and finally ending in fullday pre-school and after-school-care. Also
the Finish and Swedish systems offer age-appropriate integrated services in systems for children from 1-6
years, used by 24% to 64% of the 1-3 and by 54% to 90% of the 3-6-years-olds respectively (OECD,
2001), but the centre-based care type serving children from families with - as a requirement for admission both parents working predominates. Furthermore, in Sweden, cuts in the largely publicly financed ECEC
sector in the nineteen-nineties of the last century caused services other than full daycare to disappear from
the centres. Reports from Sweden indicate that children of unemployed parents and ethnic minority
families are gradually being pushed out the ECEC system for these reasons (OECD, 2001). It should be
noted, however, that in Sweden still a large part of the children of low income families attends preschooling of some type, 72% compared to 80% of the children of higher income families (Country Paper
Sweden, 2002).
Some new initiatives
To conclude this paper, a number of recent inititiatives in the countries participating in the Starting Strong
review in order to enhance accessibility of ECEC services for low income and ethnic minority families will
be briefly discussed.
Broad-based (community) schools/ parent-child centres
An interesting innovation that was initiated, or at least supported, the past decade by the
education sectors in several countries, concerns the transformation of elementary schools to so called
broad-baed schools or community schools or full-service schools, as they are called (cf. Childrens
Aid Society, 1997). Broad-based schools combine in one building, under one management team and
administration, several services for (young) children, their parents and wider community, whilst preserving
the function of instruction in reading, writing and math as a core activity. Services that are combined with
elementary school include compensatory pre-school education and language programmes (for 3-6-yearsolds), fullday educationally oriented day care (educare, for 0-6 years olds), extended school day
programmes and after school care (for 6-12-years-old elementary school students). In addition, leisure time
activities for adults (e.g. sewing or cooking courses for mothers, card game clubs for the retired), child
rearing and health education for young families, and basic education for low-educated parents may be
provided. Coherence and intersectoral cooperation is ensured by periodical inter-service staff meetings,
joint case-management, and occasional staff exchange. Broad-based community schools are presently
found in the USA (New York City) and the Netherlands. There are no formal evaluations known to the
present author, but if broad-based schools succeed in keeping to the educational goals, linking early
starting intensive pre-school programmes - or educational daycare -, family support and adultempowerment activities to the schools educational mission, broad schools have much in common with the
previously discussed combination programmes that showed long term effects.
Related to the concept of broad full-service schools, is the concept of parent-child centres (or
child centres, or time for family centres). Parent-child centres usually combine different functions for
babies, infants, toddlers and pre-school children in one building in the centre of the community, ranging
from prenatal consultation and home visitation, vaccination, postnatal infant health care education and
general family practice, to playgroups, drop in care, parent discussion groups, and meeting places for
parents. An advisory and referral function to specialised help and care, or to pre-schools and bilingual
programmes, is part of the service. Examples are the Early Excellence Centres in the UK (a pilot was
initiated in 1997), the Area Bambini and Tempo per la Famiglia in Pistoia and Milano, Italy, and the
concept of Ouder-Kind Centra (Parent-Child Centres) in the Netherlands.
Head Start / Sure Start / Dutch VVE policy
Most of the participating countries provide pre-school education programmes targeted
specifically to low income and ethnic or sociolinguistic minority groups (OECD, 2001). Examples are The
aims are to promote the cognitive, (second) language, pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills, and the socialemotional competence of children from these disadvantaged communities in order to provide them with a
fair start in elementary school. The long standing tradition of this type of ECEC provisions was reviewed
in Chapter 3. The pooled results revealed that not any model will do. Low intensive, low dose, late starting,
mono-systemic approaches were found to be overall less effective. Early starting, intensive, long term,
multisystemic approaches that include centre-based education and involvement of professionals,
exemplified by the so called combination programmes, were found to be superior. However, many of the
targeted pre-school education programmes currently provided do not meet these criteria of efficacy and
quality. Moreover, pre-school education programmes for disadvantaged children are often temporary
projects. Furthermore, the scale that is reached seldom matches the potential demand as can be deduced
from demographics. Head Start in the USA is the largest implementation of centre-based education
programmes worldwide, yet caters for only 36% of the eligible low-income and ethnic-sociolinguistic
minority children in the USA (OECD, 2001). In other countries the scale is much smaller and the coverage
of the potential demand much less.
In order for special pre-school programmes for disadvantaged groups to have significant impact
on educational opportunities and social inclusion the quality should be improved and the scale should be
enhanced. Recent inititiatives in the UK, with the Sure Start project, and in the Netherlands, with the so
called Voor- en Vroegschoolse Educatie (Pre- and Early Primary School Education; VVE) policy, are
intended to break with the tradition of small scale, low impact monosystemic projects that are only
provided temporarily. Sure Start is modeled after Head Start, but includes in addition to pre-school
education for 3-5-years-olds targeted family support and health services for families with younger children,
and aims at broadly defined developmental goals (whole child approach), including emergent school skills.
Sure Start is community-based and implemented in areas of greatest needs throughout the country.
Currently 269 areas are involved, the target is 500 by 2004. All families and children living in these areas
are eligible for support and pre-school services upon demand, thus avoiding stigmatisation. Several support
strategies are combined, such as prenatal home visitation, postnatal health education, quick referral to
specialised services (e.g. speech therapy in case of language delays), social meeting groups for parents,
child-focused playgroups and pre-schools. Sure Start is highly decentralised, not prescribing one model or
approach, but stimulating bottom up initiatives. With regard to the objective of stimulating childrens
learning abilities in the pre-school period the question may arise whether this open approach will be
sufficient to yield lasting effects.
The Dutch VVE-policy, launched in the year 2000, is also intended to create permanent
provisions of compensatory education programmes for 2-6-years-olds from disadvantaged background
by promoting cooperation between day-care centres, playgroups, pre-schools, home-based programmes
express their questions, worries and problems freely. These places of contact with families should be
connected with a broad array of specialised services (back office), so that efficient quick referrals and,
whenever needed, combined support efforts can be guaranteed. ECEC services, such as day care centres
and pre-schools, could fulfil part of this role, making these services at the same time more sensitive to the
other needs of children and families as was recommended in Chapter 4 as a strategy to enhance ECEC use
by low income and minority families.
It was concluded in Chapter 3 that positive long term developmental outcomes of ECEC require a
broad contextual approach of supporting and improving post-intervention education, family and
neighbourhood contexts. Therefore, in addition to school improvement, embedding ECEC services in a
comprehensive family and community support policy is highly recommendable. This is the starting point
of the British Sure Start policy, discussed above. Other examples of more or less successful cooperation
and integration of multiple services for families with young children are found in the USA (Harbin et al.,
2000; Knitzer et al., 2000), Germany (Hermanns & Leu, 1998) and the Netherlands (Leseman & Klaver,
1998). Different models of cooperation and integration are found, but the available research indicates that
not all models equally well succeed in the double goal of reaching out to parents and families with multiple
needs and providing appropriate multidisciplinary and multisystemic support that is tailored to the
particular constellation of needs of these parents and families. According to Harbin et al. (2000), models
with a high degree of integration and strong interrelationships of a broad array of multisectoral services
under one co-ordinating administration, with a shared family-focused and client-centred attitude amongst
all professionals, are most effective in terms of reaching out to families and clients satisfaction.
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