Left 4 Dead Cheats

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Result Cheat Code

Toggle God mode for entire team god [0 or 1]
Toggle no clipping mode noclip
Toggle Incendiary Ammo upgrade upgrade_add incendiary_ammo
Toggle Explosive Ammo upgrade upgrade_add explosive_ammo
Toggle Laser Sight upgrade upgrade_add laser_sight
Toggle infinite ammunition sv_infinite_ammo [0 or 1]
Refill health give health
Refill ammunition give ammo
Get ammo for primary weapon impulse 101
Spawn double pistol give pistol
Spawn Magnum give pistol_magnum
Spawn auto shotgun give autoshotgun
Spawn chrome shotgun give shotgun_chrome
Spawn pump shotgun give pumpshotgun
Spawn SPAS shotgun give shotgun_spas
Spawn SMG give smg
Spawn silenced SMG give smg_silenced
Spawn AK-47 give rifle_ak47
Spawn M16 give rifle
Spawn combat rifle give rifle_desert
Spawn hunting rifle give hunting_rifle
Spawn sniper rifle give sniper_military
Spawn grenade launcher give weapon_grenade_launcher
Spawn Hunter claws give melee
Spawn Boomer Bile give vomitjar
Spawn chainsaw give chainsaw
Spawn frying pan give frying_pan
Spawn guitar give electric_guitar
Spawn katana give katana
Spawn machete give machete
Spawn nightstick give tonfa
Spawn Molotov cocktail give molotov
Spawn pipe bomb give pipe_bomb
Spawn active pipe bomb under you boom
Spawn propane tank give propanetank
Spawn gas can give gascan
Spawn oxygen tank give oxygentank
Spawn first aid kit give first_aid_kit
Spawn defibrillator give defibrilator
Spawn adrenaline give adrenaline
Spawn pain pills give pain_pills
Spawn a zombie z_spawn zombie
Spawn Spitter z_spawn spitter
Spawn Jockey z_spawn jockey
Spawn Charger z_spawn charger
Spawn common zombie z_spawn zombie
Spawn zombie horde z_spawn mob
Spawn Boomer z_spawn boomer
Spawn Hunter z_spawn hunter
Spawn Witch z_spawn witch
Spawn Smoker z_spawn smoker
Spawn Tank z_spawn tank
Spawn special Infected z_spawn [Infected name]
Level select map [map name]
Level select changelevel [map name]
Toggle received damage, but cannot die buddha [0 or 1]
Toggle if bots do friendly fire damage sb_friendlyfire [0 or 1]
Set amount of damage done to survivors z_pounce_damage [number]
Set no clipping mode speed; default is "5" sv_noclipspeed [number]
Bot teammates shoot nonstop sb_openfire or open_fire
Change zombie health z_health [number]
Change zombie speed z_speed [number]
Set maximum range of Smoker's tongue
attack; default is "750"
tongue_range [number]
Set amount of time before a burning Witch
dies from fire
z_witch_burn_time [number]
Toggle witch to change targets or focus on
the survivor that first alerted her
z_witch_allow_change_victim [0 or 1]
Toggle controllable Boss Infected on any
director_no_human_zombies [0 or 1]
Toggle never ending panics director_panic_forever [0 or 1]
Force panic event director_force_panic
No mob rushes director_no_mobs [0 or 1]
Remove all bots Ent_Remove
Set damage for a Witch's attack does z_witch_damage [number]
Set maximum number of regular zombies z_common_limit [number]
Set maximum health of tank z_tank_health [number]
Set number of seconds until player loses
control of the tank from not attacking
z_frustration_lifetime [number]
Set probability of infected CEDA agents
carrying bile jars
Disable all wanderers, mobs, specials, and
Third person view thirdperson
Over the shoulder third person view thirdpersonshoulder
Toggle crosshairs crosshair [0 or 1]
Toggle set fixed camera in third person or
third person shoulder mode
Disable third person view firstperson
Disable all cheats sv_cheats 0
Commit suicide kill or explode
Quit game

Cheat Codes (demo version)
Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode for entire team god [0 or 1]
Gain health give health
Defibrillator give defibrilator
Adrenaline give adrenaline
First aid kit give first_aid_kit
Pain Pills give pain_pills
Toggle no clipping mode noclip
Toggle Incendiary Ammo upgrade upgrade_add incendiary_ammo
Toggle Explosive Ammo upgrade upgrade_add explosive_ammo
Toggle Laser Sight upgrade upgrade_add laser_sight
Toggle infinite ammunition sv_infinite_ammo [0 or 1]
Refill ammunition give ammo
Double pistol give pistol
Magnum give pistol_magnum
Auto shotgun give autoshotgun
Chrome shotgun give shotgun_chrome
Pump shotgun give pumpshotgun
SPAS shotgun give shotgun_spas
SMG give smg
Silenced SMG give smg_silenced
AK-47 give rifle_ak47
M16 give rifle
Combat rifle give rifle_desert
Hunting rifle give hunting_rifle
Sniper rifle give sniper_military
Grenade launcher give weapon_grenade_launcher
Hunter claws give melee
Boomer Bile give vomitjar
Frying pan give frying_pan
Guitar give electric_guitar
Machete give machete
Nightstick give tonfa
Molotov cocktail give molotov
Pipe bomb give pipe_bomb
Propane tank give propanetank
Gas can give gascan
Oxygen tank give oxygentank
Spawn Spitter z_spawn spitter
Spawn Jockey z_spawn jockey
Spawn Charger z_spawn charger
Spawn common zombie z_spawn zombie
Spawn zombie mob z_spawn mob
Spawn Boomer z_spawn boomer
Spawn Hunter z_spawn hunter
Spawn Witch z_spawn witch
Spawn Smoker z_spawn smoker
Spawn Tank z_spawn tank
Commit suicide kill
Quit game quit

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