CP-24G Potassium Silicate Gunite PDF

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Potassium Silicate Gunite

Blome CP-24G is a two-component, potassium silicate concrete that
is designed for installation by the gunite method. CP-24G is installed
as an acid resistant, monolithic lining for chimneys, stacks and
molten sulfur pits. CP-24G is also used as a gunited, monolithic
lining in various tank, vessel and hot gas ductwork applications.
CP-24G is well suited for high temperature, refractory applications
that also require resistance to acidic condensate and vapors.
CP-24G resists 98% sulfuric acid, 70% nitric acid 37% hydrochloric,
oleum, as well as many aggressive solvents. CP-24G resists all
acids (except HF) over a pH range of 0.07.0 and withstands
process temperatures up to 1,800F.
Blome CP-24G Potassium Silicate Concrete is suitable for use in a
variety of industrial process applications including:
Chimneys, Stacks and Ductwork
Incinerator quench chambers
Molten sulfur pit linings
Sulfur recovery units
Blome CP-24G is installed using the dry gunite method. CP-24G
Powder is pneumatically conveyed through the dry powder hose,
while CP-24G Liquid is pumped through the water line and the
material is mixed at the gunite nozzle as it is applied to substrate.
CP-24G is specially formulated to have excellent gunning properties
and minimal rebound. Rebound loss on vertical surfaces typically
less than 15%. Blome CP-24G cures rapidly, offering quick
turnaround with minimal downtime for maintenance and new
construction applications.
Vertical installations should be anchored to substrate with studs or
mesh to mechanically secure CP-24G Gunite to substrates. Blome
CP-24G is typically installed at a two inch (2) minimum thickness.
Components: Two (2) Powder and Liquid
Wet density: 125 lbs./ft
Mixed consistency: appropriate for gunite
Initial set: 50F 12 - 18 hours
77F 8 - 10 hours
Final cure 50F 7 days minimum
77F 5 days minimum
Please refer to Curing/Dry Out Schedule below Please refer to Curing/Dry Out Schedule below
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Absorption 7.4%
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (ASTM C-531) 7 x 10
Color off white
Compressive Strength (ASTM C-579) 3,000 psi
Flexural Strength (ASTM C-580) 750 psi
Tensile Strength (ASTM C-307) 300 psi
Temperature Limit 1800F
Thermal Conductivity 5.5 6.5 BTU in/ft
Blome CP-24G is supplied as a two (2) component product, with an
Aggregate and Liquid. CP-24G Components are packaged as
Unit Size 3,600 lbs.
Aggregate (Part A) 3,000 lbs. (60 x 50 lb. bags)
Liquid (Part B) 600 lbs. (1 x 600 lb. pail)
Shelf life for CP-24G components is one (1) year. Keep CP-24G
components tightly sealed in original containers until ready for use.
Store components in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight, and on
pallets at temperatures between 50F 80F.
Protect Blome CP-24G Aggregate from water and weather while in
storage and on jobsite. Protect Blome CP-24G Liquid from freezing.
If Liquid does freeze, thaw frozen material back to a liquid solution
and then thoroughly remix prior to use, as settling will occur during
the thawing procedure. It is important to completely remix thawed
liquid to achieve a uniform solution for use.
Blome Gunite Materials are estimated and sold by the cubic foot.
One cubic foot covers the following areas at stated thicknesses:
! thickness 24 ft
/cubic foot
1 thickness 12 ft
/cubic foot
2 thickness 6 ft
/cubic foot
Use Blome CP-24G Potassium Silicate Gunite as manufactured by
Blome International, OFallon, MO.
Blome CP-24G must be applied while ambient temperatures are
between 50F and 90F. Blome CP-24G components and substrate
temperatures must also be maintained in this range. For best
results, store CP-24G components at 75F minimum, for 24 36
hours prior to installation. Installations of CP-24G should be
protected from water and weather during installation and for a
minimum of 48 hours after placement to allow proper curing.
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While Blome CP-24G provides excellent physical properties and
chemical resistance, the material provides only a minimal bond to
concrete and steel substrates. Therefore, gunited vertical
installations should be anchored to the substrate with studs or mesh
to mechanically secure CP-24G Gunite. Some interface areas with
concrete and steel substrates are best treated using an appropriate
primer or membrane system prior to installation of CP-24G. Blome
CP-24G is typically installed by guniting at a two inch (2) minimum
If CP-24G is being gunited over a membrane system, install
appropriate membrane system to prepared substrate and to
anchoring system, as specified. All liquid or sheet applied
membrane surfaces should be fully cured, clean and dry prior to
installation of Blome CP-24G. These surfaces should be swept
clean and be free of dirt, dust, water or other jobsite contaminants
immediately prior to placing CP-24G.
Blome CP-24G Aggregate, Liquid, and mixes of them present
various health hazards if handled improperly. CP-24G Aggregate
contains silica dust, CP-24G Liquid and mixed silicate concrete are
alkaline solutions that cause severe eye injury and irritate skin.
Wear respirator suitable for silica dust, safety glasses with side
shields, gloves and long sleeve shirts to prevent all contact with skin
and eyes. After working with Blome CP-24G, wash thoroughly
before eating, drinking, smoking or other activities.
Blome CP-24G is applied using a gunite machine that is designed for
the dry gunite method. This machine should be equipped to
predampen powder, prior to conveying it through the powder hose.
Typically, a minimum 650 cfm air compressor is used to feed dry or
predampened gunite powder to the nozzle. CP-24G Liquid is
pumped through the water line using an air operated booster pump,
such as diaphragm pump or other pressurized liquid pumping
system. The Powder and Liquid are mixed at the gunite nozzle just
prior to application onto substrate. For maximum mixing efficiency, a
Spirolet nozzle should be used. It is recommended that the water
holes in the water ring at the gunite nozzle should be enlarged to a
size approximately twice that of standard water rings. This will better
accommodate mixing at the nozzle, when using the CP-24G Liquid in
lieu of water. All mixing, predampening, application equipment and
hoses must be clean, dry and free of contaminants including
Portland cement, refractories or other shotcrete materials.
The two components of CP-24G are mixed at the gunite nozzle
during application. The mix ratio is adjusted by varying powder and
liquid flow rates from the air compressor and by a water valve at the
nozzle. CP-24G should only be applied by an experienced
nozzleman and gunite crew, who are familiar with applying specialty,
gunite linings. If the material is shot too wet, gunite will sag and run
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on walls. If the material is shot too dry, excessive rebound will occur
and overall physical properties will be adversely affected. Carefully
adjust gunite consistency during application and monitor the
prescribed 5:1 mix ratio throughout application period.
While applying CP-24G gunite nozzle should be held 18-24 from
substrate and should remain perpendicular to substrate. Apply
gunite over reinforcement, moving nozzle in a circular motion,
building thickness of the lining slowly to the specified thickness.
Minimum thickness for CP-24G is two inches (2).
Proper curing and dry out of CP-24G is critical. After an initial, 24
hour cure period at a minimum temperature of 70F, installations that
will operate above 200F should be raised to a temperature of 212F
and held at 212F for a period of six (6) hours per inch of lining
thickness. This holding period will force-dry the gunite installation
and remove any remaining excess water in the gunited lining. The
temperature should then be elevated at a rate of 50-100F per hour
up to proposed operating temperature and held for a six (6) hour
All tools, mixing equipment, gloves and application equipment should
be cleaned up immediately using hot, soapy water. Any material that
is allowed to cure prior to clean up should be chiseled or chipped off,
then dirty items should be soaked in hot, soapy water overnight and
then cleaned and dried.
We warrant that our goods will conform to the description contained
in the order and that we have good title to all goods sold. Our
material data sheets and other literature are to be considered
accurate and reliable, but are used as guides only. WE GIVE NO
happy to give suggestions for applications; however, the user
assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith regardless of
any suggestion, we may give. We assume no liability for
consequential or incidental damages. Our liability, in law and equity,
shall be expressly limited to the replacement of non-conforming
goods at our factory, or at our sole option, to repayment of the
purchase price of the non-conforming goods.
Printed: July 15, 2012
Supersedes all previous literature
Part of the HEMPEL Group
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