Privatization and Globalization of Education

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Globalization & Privatization of

Submitted to

M/s. Radhika Submitted by
Gurjinder Singh
Roll no. 729
Semester VIIIth
"Education is the most vital input for the growth and prosperity of nation. I t has the power
to transform human beings into human resources.
At the time of independence India declared itself as a socialist democratic state. Public sector
undertakings were initiated and developed to provide for all and usher India towards
development. But the nineteen eighties witnessed disillusion with socialist economies which
led to dissatisfaction with the public sectors. Education too was considered as a public good
and the government set up institutions just as other public enterprises, which provided
education to the masses. With passage of time these institutions became inefficient. As a
reaction to the inefficient working of the state owned enterprises, the wave of privatization
has spread all over the world, including India. What was needed were economic reforms and
the idea of privatization was seen as panacea to all the problems. India too could not remain
unaffected and the wave of privatization has influenced education sector
Understanding Privatization
Privatization connotes a wide range of ideas. Privatization implies induction of private
ownership, management and control of organizations. Privatization can imply deregulation
meaning thereby lesser control of the government. It refers to expansion of private sector and
reduction of public sector. It also means that areas reserved for the public sector will be
opened to the private sector. The shift towards privatization reduces the role of the
government and increases the role of the private, cooperative and local government. The
areas of shift are mainly decision making and responsibility of money and administration
Education and privatization
Applied to the education sector, privatization can be seen as part of the wider reform of the
public sector. Education is both a private and social investment. It is therefore the
responsibility of both the individual including the student, his family and even his employers
and the society which includes the community and the state. The areas of shift in the
education sector are mainly decision and responsibility of money, administration and a
relevant curriculum of high quality.
Privatization is management by private sector with total absence of government intervention.
Such institutions generate their own funds through higher fees, user charges and full use of
resources. They survive on the philosophy that they do not have to pay for those who can
Why there is need for privatization
Need for competitive efficiency
Growth in population
Financial burden on government
Education is an Economic good
Quest for Quality
Rapid growth of school education
Fulfilling the need for skilled manpower
Curtailment of corruption
Desire for more autonomy
Synergy for information based economy
Technological developments
Greater responsibility with the recipients of education
Advantages of Privatization
Decentralization and de-bureaucratization of educational institutions.
Initiatives in educational reforms.
Innovativeness in teaching and evaluation.
Tailor made services and provision of wide choice of courses and subjects to students.
Quality education and training.
Shaping of the curriculum according to global, national and local needs.
Availability and better maintenance of resources transparency in all procedures.
Fulfill the need of the country in liberalization, privatization, and globalization.
Utility of human and physical resources in proper way.
Negative Aspects of Privatization
Will badly affect the poor
Undermine equity, diversity and openness
Does not address issues of equality, fairness and responsibility
Exorbitant fees will deprive many of availing education
Accountability problem will arise
Courses in humanities and social sciences will be sidelined due to no economic gain
Civic and democratic values may not get passed down
Apprehensions about job security and retrenchment of staff
Cost saving will lead cost cutting
Collected funds may be misused by the owners
Favoritism towards family members and friends
Benefits remain un proven

Privatization is essentially deregulation meaning thereby lesser control of the
government. Private institutions generate their own funds through higher fees, user
charges and full use of resources. Need for privatization arose due to governments
inability to financially support higher education and provide efficient and effective
education to its young population. While there are many advantages of privatization,
at the same time there are many obvious fears which put privatization at a
disadvantaged position.

Concept of Globalization
Globalization is a much talked about term today and has become a phenomena,
which is greatly affecting the society in general and different nations in particular.
Globalization is the integration of economic, political and cultural systems and trends
across the world for economic growth, prosperity and democratic freedom. It pursues
liberal or free market policies in world economy for economic liberalization. It aims
at realizing one single unified world community where no social conflicts exist calling
for social and cultural integration.

Globalization entails privatization and marketization of economic and political
structures in which ability of the state to control all the activities within its borders is
becoming limited. Simply put, globalization in fact is a combination of free exchange
of goods services and capital. Globalization seeks to deal with relations that go
beyond the confines of the nation state or country boundaries.

Features of Globalization

Growth of transnational corporations and multinational corporations/organizations.
International division of labor.
Encouragement of markets rather than government central planning.
Growth of offshore finance and telecommunication that can link banks, stock markets,
companies and organizations together in a global network.
Increasing migration of peoples within and across national boundaries in search of
The growth of media by satellite that ensures programs to be beamed across the globe
regardless of national boundaries.
Growth of national and international Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs).
Globalization of Education: Gender development

Global Education
The purpose of globalization and global education is to develop a global perspective
and sensitize the youth for understanding the multicultural world and maintaining
peace and harmony in the world. People in general and the youth in particular has to
be aware of the global happenings and issues and the interdependence of people.

Global perspective means sharing and cooperation with others allowing them to use
whatever resources are available to attain individual as well as common goals.
Further, empathy towards others, i.e. understanding and sharing feelings,
communication ability in order to express and exchange thoughts, feelings and
information and resolving conflicts by finding satisfactory ways of dealing with
disagreement or argument between people, groups, societies or nations.

Globalization is the integration of economic, political and cultural systems and trends
across the world for economic growth, prosperity and democratic freedom. It pursues
liberal or free market policies in world economy for economic liberalization.
Acceleration in this trend can be characterized by three essential factors, economic
activity spreading worldwide, increase in technological innovations especially in the
areas of communication and transportation and interdependence between people and
nations. Globalization can be associated with three aspects, deterritorization,
interconnectedness and speed and velocity. Globalization has also resulted in the
emergence of two contradictory phenomena, standardization and diversification

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