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Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Tetrachloride

Background Reading: Normal mode analysis is covered in Chapter 8 section 11.

Purpose: Determine the Raman spectrum of carbon tetrachloride and determine if a simple
valence force field model for the normal modes fits the spectrum. Individual bond force
constants are determined.

Introduction: Raman Spectroscopy (Excerpt from Shattuck, Physical Chemistry, Chap. 27.7)
The intensity and frequency of light scattered by molecules is an important probe of molecular
structure and motion. In a scattering experiment, monochromatic radiation, usually from a laser,
is incident on a sample at frequency o, Figure 1. The scattered light is focused through a lens
into a monochromator or interferometer producing a spectrum of the scattered intensity.

~ Sample Cell Rayleigh

Laser Stokes anti-Stokes


Intensity 

Laser Notch-filter
 (cm-1) 
Spectrograph, ~
or Interferometer o  (cm-1)

Figure 1: Raman Spectroscopy. A monochromatic laser is incident on the sample. The light is
scattered over a wide range of angles. A spectrum of the scattered light is determined. The
sample cell for gases is a Wood’s horn (shown). Liquid sample cells include glass cuvettes
and capillary tubes. The Rayleigh line is truncated.

The vast majority of the scattered light is at the incident frequency, which is called elastic or
Rayleigh scattering, Figure 2a. The line width of the Rayleigh scattering is a measure of
molecular motion. A small fraction of the scattered intensity is shifted from the incident
frequency by interaction with rotations or vibrations of the molecule. Such interactions give rise
to inelastic or Raman scattering, Figure 2bc. To conserve energy, the wave number difference
between the scattered and incident light gives the energy of the molecular transition:
~ ~ ~ ~
 = o – scattered E = hc|| 1
If the final rotational or vibrational state is higher in energy than the initial state, the scattered
light is lower in energy than the incident light. This light is “redder” than the incident light and is
called a Stokes transition, Figures 1 and 2b. Alternately, if the final rotational or vibrational state
is lower in energy than the initial state, the scattered light is higher in energy than the incident
light. This light is “bluer” than the incident light and is called an anti-Stokes transition, Figure
2c. The anti-Stokes peak positions mirror the Stokes lines. The energy differences are small
compared to the energy of the incident irradiation. For example a helium-neon laser operating in
the red at 632.8 nm corresponds to 15,800 cm -1, while rotational transitions are typically less

than 10 cm-1 and vibrational transitions are typically in the ~30-4000 cm -1 range. The difference
between fluorescence and Raman scattering is that fluorescence requires that the molecule have
an excited state with an absorbance band at the incident frequency. For Raman scattering the
light is not absorbed. Rather, the molecule interacts with the incident photon for a very short
period of time, ~10-15 s. Scattering can be thought of as a transient increase of the energy of the
molecule into a virtual state with the prompt reemission of the photon at or very near the same
frequency, in one concerted step. The energy of the virtual state is determined by the energy of
the incident photon and does not necessarily correspond to a molecular excited state. Subject to
selection rules, all molecules give Raman spectra using a wide range of incident laser
frequencies. Typical lasers for Raman spectroscopy range from near-infrared solid-state diode
lasers operating at 1064 nm, green diode-pumped solid-state lasers at 514.5 nm, blue optically-
pumped solid-state lasers at 488 nm, or ultraviolet helium-cadmium lasers at 325 nm.

virtual state
E virtual state E virtual state E

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
o scatter = o o scatter < o o scatter > o

3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
o o o
(a). Rayleigh or elastic (b). Raman Stokes (c). Raman anti-Stokes
Figure 2: (a). Rayleigh scattering is at the irradiation frequency, o. (b). Raman scattering
conserves energy with changes in the rotational or vibrational state of the molecule by
inelastic scattering of the radiation. Stokes scattering is redder than the incident frequency.
(c). Anti-Stokes scattering is bluer than the incident frequency. Vibrational levels are shown
for illustration purposes.

The resulting Raman spectra have similar appearance to the corresponding rotational or
vibrational absorption spectra, especially if only the Stokes bands are displayed, Figures 3 and
27.3.4. A major difference is the appearance of the intense, unshifted Rayleigh band at the
incident laser wavelength, Figure 3. A notch-filter is usually placed in front of the
monochromator to decrease the intensity of the Rayleigh band, allowing the Raman bands to be
more easily displayed. The notch filter absorbs in a narrow band of frequencies centered on the
incident laser frequency, while allowing redder or bluer light to pass unattenuated. Given that
Raman spectra appear to be so similar to microwave or infrared absorption spectra, what is the
need for Raman spectroscopy?
Selection Rules are Different for Light Scattering: In rotational absorption spectroscopy, the
intensity of a transition is proportional to the permanent dipole moment. In rotational Raman
scattering, the intensity of the transition is proportional to the induced dipole moment. The
interaction of the electric field of light with a molecule produces an induced dipole moment.

The induced dipole moment is proportional to the polarizability of the molecule and the strength

of the electric field of the incident light, E.

Stokes anti-Stokes
J = +2 J = –2

100 50 0 -50 -100

Raman Shift (cm-1)
Figure 3: Rotational Raman spectrum of CO gas.


Stokes Raman

2800 2300 1800 1300 800 300

Raman Shift - wave number (cm-1)
Figure 4: Vibrational infrared absorption and Raman spectra of liquid cyclohexane. Some
transitions occur only in the infrared and some occur only in the Raman. The Rayleigh line is
off-scale to the right.

For a spherical molecule, such as CH4, the induced dipole moment  is given as:
 
ind = E (spherical top) 2
where  is the polarizability. Molecules with no permanent dipole moment still have an induced
dipole upon interaction with light. The polarizability of a molecule is the ease of distortion of the
electronic distribution.
Polarizable molecules are “squishier” than non-polarizable molecules. In general, polarizability
increases with increasing number of electrons. For example, polarizability increases in the order
HF < HCl < HBr or C2H2 < C3H6 < C6H6. Polarizability decreases as electrons are more tightly
held. For example, polarizability decreases across the isoelectronic series Cl – > Ar > K+. As the
nuclear charge increases across the isoelectronic series, the electrons are more tightly held, and

the atomic or ionic volume decreases. The result is that for a given number of electrons, the
larger the volume of an ion or molecule the more easily the electron distribution is distorted.
The polarizability of non-spherical molecules depends on the orientation of the molecule with
respect to the direction of the electric vector of the incident light. For example, the polarizability
of CO2 is larger along the internuclear axis than perpendicular to the internuclear axis. The
induced dipole moment is:
x  xx xy xz  Ex
  =      Ey or
 
ind =  E 3
 y  yx yy yz   
zind  zx zy zz   Ez
where  is the symmetric square matrix of polarizability components. Completing the matrix
multiplication gives:
 x,ind = xx Ex + xy Ey + xz Ez
y,ind = yx Ex + yy Ey + yz Ez 4
 z,ind = zx Ex + zy Ey + zz Ez
A matrix that expresses the directionality of an atomic or molecular property is called a tensor.
Polarizability, moments of inertia, and NMR chemical shifts are tensor properties. The
directionality of the polarizability is expressed in an analogous fashion to the moment of inertia,
Section 27.4, and like the moment of inertia a principal coordinates frame can be found by
reorienting the molecule about the axes to give zeros for the off-diagonal components. In the
principle coordinates frame, the molecule is visualized as an ellipse, with polarizability
components xx, yy, and zz, Figure 5.
Spherical tops are said to have an isotropic polarizability, with xx = yy = zz. Non-spherical
molecules have an anisotropic polarizability, with either zz  xx = yy for symmetric tops or
zz  xx  yy for asymmetric tops. In light scattering experiments the electric field of light
interacts with the induced dipole moment. For a rotating molecule to present an oscillating
induced dipole moment, the molecule must have an anisotropic polarizability. As a result,
symmetrical tetrahedral and octahedral molecules do not give either rotational absorption or
rotational Raman spectra; CH4 and SF6 do not give rotational Raman spectra. However,
homonuclear diatomics and symmetric linear molecules, while lacking a permanent dipole, do
give Raman spectra. For example, pure rotational Raman spectra are observable for O 2, N2, Cl2,
CO2, and HCCH.

z z

y xx yy y
x x

Figure 5: Molecular polarizability is visualized as an ellipse with dimensions xx, yy, and
zz in the principle coordinates frame. The selection rule for rotational Raman is that the
molecule must have an anisotropic polarizability.


t IR

 d
dR Re

 d
dR Re
t IR

 d
dR Re
Figure 6: Symmetric and asymmetric stretch of CO2. The equilibrium positions are at the
dotted vertical line. The symmetric stretch gives no dipole moment; the symmetric stretch is
infrared inactive and Raman active. The derivative of the polarizability for the asymmetric
stretch of CO2 vanishes; the asymmetric stretch is infrared active and Raman inactive. 8

Vibrational Raman and Absorption Spectroscopy are Complimentary: The selection rule for
vibrational Raman spectroscopy is that an element of the polarizability must change during the
vibration. For a diatomic molecule, the selection rule is that at least one derivative of the
polarizability with respect to the bond length cannot vanish:
  0 with ij = xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz 7
 dR Ro
where R is the bond length. For a polyatomic, the derivative is with respect to the normal
coordinate of the vibration. The derivative is evaluated at the equilibrium bond length.
Homonuclear diatomics are inactive in infrared absorption but are active in Raman scattering.
For example, O2, N2, Cl2 are infrared inactive and Raman active. Heteronuclear diatomics are
both infrared and Raman active.
For polyatomic molecules, the change in dipole moment and polarizability during each normal
mode must be determined. We can use the volume of the molecule as an indicator of the
polarizability. For example, the symmetric stretch of CO 2 gives no dipole moment. However, the
symmetric stretch changes the polarizability, because the normal mode changes the volume of
the molecule, Figure 6. The symmetric stretch of CO 2 is infrared inactive and Raman active. For
the asymmetric stretch, the dipole moment changes. However, the volume of the molecule is the

same at the positive and negative extremes of the vibration. As a consequence the polarizability
has a zero derivative at the equilibrium geometry. The asymmetric stretch and bends of CO 2 are
infrared active and Raman inactive.
Transitions that are weak or missing in the infrared are often present in the Raman spectra or
vice versa. In this sense, vibrational infrared absorption and Raman scattering are
complimentary. However, a normal mode can be neither infrared nor Raman active. For a
molecule with a center of symmetry, vibrational modes are either infrared active or Raman
active, but not both. This restriction is called the Exclusion rule. Molecules with a center of
symmetry have an inversion center. For example, O2, N2, CO2, HCCH, C6H6, PtCl42 –, and SF6
have an inversion center, are therefore centrosymmetric, and the exclusion rule applies.
However, N2O, H2O, SO2, SO3, CO32 –, NH3, CH4, and H2C=CH2 do not have a center of
symmetry, are not centrosymmetric, and are both infrared and Raman active. The selection rules
for the normal modes for several types of small molecules are shown in Table 1. The point group
and symmetry species (e.g. +g, a1', a2") come from group theory and can be thought of as
convenient descriptive names of the normal modes. Tetrahedral molecules are in point group T d.
Raman Transitions of Totally Symmetric Normal Modes are Polarized: Assigning normal modes
is aided by collecting Raman spectra with specific polarization, Figure 7. The Raman spectrum is
determined with the direction of polarization of the detected light either parallel, I ||, or
perpendicular, I, to the incident laser radiation. Totally symmetric normal modes maintain the
full symmetry of the molecule. For example, the symmetric stretch of CO 2 maintains the equal
bond lengths and linear shape of the equilibrium geometry. The symmetric stretch of CO 2 is a
totally symmetric vibration. The asymmetric stretch removes the mirror plane and the bending
vibrations remove the linear geometry and are therefore not totally symmetric. The
depolarization ratio, , is defined as:
 8
The depolarization ratio is determined by the change in components of the polarizability with the
normal mode coordinates, Eq. 3. The depolarization ratio is  = ¾ for vibrations that are not
totally symmetric and   ¾ for totally symmetric vibrations.
Transitions with depolarization ratios < ¾ are said to be polarized. The symmetric stretch of
CO2 is polarized, and the asymmetric stretch and bend are depolarized. The depolarization ratio
can be near zero for totally symmetric vibrations of molecules with high symmetry, such as CO 2,
SF6, and CCl4. The normal mode polarization is included in Table 1.

Forbidden Transitions Can Borrow Intensity from Allowed Combinations and Overtones:
Complications sometimes arise in infrared and Raman spectra. A formally forbidden transition
may appear, or the intensity of a weak transition may be larger than expected, or a transition that
is expected to be a single line may appear as a doublet. These deviations from expected behavior
occur through a Fermi resonance of degenerate transitions. For example, in the Raman
spectrum of CO2, the fundamental symmetric stretch is strong and the fundamental bending
vibration is absent, as expected. However, a peak for the first overtone of the bending vibration
appears as strongly as the symmetric stretch. In general, overtones are expected to be much less
intense than the corresponding fundamentals.

Table 1: Selection Rules for Representative XY2, XY3, and XY4 Molecules or Ions.
Species Point group Normal Modes*

Y–X–Y Dh         

linear 1 symm stretch 2 bend 3 stretch

+g (Rp) u (IR) +u (IR)

X C2v
Y Y   
     

1 symm stretch 2 bend 3 stretch

a1 (IR, Rp) a1 (IR, Rp) b2 (IR, Rd)

Y +
D3h   

X Y     +    
trigonal planar    
Y +
1 symm stretch 2 symm bend 3 stretch 4 bend
a1' (Rp) a2" (IR) e' (IR, Rd) e' (IR, Rd)

X C3v    
       
Y Y    
Y trigonal pyramidal

1 symm stretch 2 symm bend 3 stretch 4 bend

a1 (IR, Rp) a1 (IR, Rp) e (IR, Rp) e (IR, Rd)

Td    

X   
  
Y Y tetrahedral      
   
1 symm stretch 2 bend 3 stretch 4 bend
a1 (Rp) e (Rd) t2 (IR, Rd) t2 (IR, Rd)
* IR is infrared active, R is Raman active, p is polarized, and d is depolarized,
e modes are doubly degenerate, t modes are triply degenerate.

Incident laser

Polarizer:  or  I||
Eo I||


Depolarized Polarized
Raman shift (cm-1)
Figure 7: Depolarization ratios help identify Raman transitions. The spectrum is determined
with the plane of polarization parallel and perpendicular to the incident polarization
(depolarized I determination illustrated). Strongly polarized bands have   0.

The symmetric stretch of CO2 is at 1388 cm-1 in the Raman and the bend is at 667 cm-1 in the
infrared. The first overtone of the bend at 2(667 cm -1) = 1334 cm-1 is nearly degenerate with the
symmetric stretch. The first overtone of the bend borrows, or steals, intensity from the Raman
allowed symmetric stretch. The interaction results in a small shift of the Raman allowed
symmetric stretch to 1389 cm-1 and the appearance of the bend first overtone at 1285 cm -1,
Figure 8. The interaction of two nearly degenerate transitions of the same symmetry commonly
produces a closely spaced doublet. The first transition takes on some of the character of the
second, and the second takes on some of the character of the first; the two states mix. The mixing
of degenerate or nearly degenerate states is a general result that occurs in a wide variety of
circumstances. For example, if the two wave functions are 1 and 2, perturbation theory
predicts that two new orthogonal states result: + = a 1 + b 2 and – = b 1 – a 2.
Anharmonicity is the perturbation that causes a Fermi resonance.
1389 cm-1

1388 cm-1 1 +

1334 cm-1 22 1389 cm-1 1285 cm-1
1285 cm-1

667 cm-1 2


unperturbed Fermi resonance 1450 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200
Raman Shift (cm-1)
(a). (b).
Figure 8: (a). Fermi Resonance in CO2. Nearly degenerate transitions of the same symmetry
can borrow intensity to give peaks that are not expected. (b). Raman spectrum of super-
critical CO2. The smaller side peaks are hot bands. 9

In Raman spectra of CCl4 and benzene, closely spaced doublets appear that are Fermi
resonances between a fundamental stretch and a combination band. In some ketones, the stretch
near 1800 cm-1 is a doublet that is caused by a Fermi resonance with an HCH-bend overtone.
Raman Spectroscopy Works Well in Water: One advantage of Raman spectroscopy is that water
is an ideal solvent. In infrared absorption, water is problematic because water has high infrared
absorption over broad regions of the spectrum. However, water is a weak Raman scatterer.
Studies of inorganic species, water soluble polymers, and surfactants are facilitated by the ideal
qualities of water as a solvent for Raman spectroscopy. Glass, quartz, and plastics have high
absorption in the mid-infrared. As a result, cell windows for infrared studies are often formed
from water soluble salts, such as NaCl and KBr. However, glass sample cells work well for
Raman, since the spectra are taken in the visible or near infrared. Glass cuvettes, NMR tubes,
and melting point capillaries are commonly used sample cells. Raman is employed for explosives
screening in airports using hand-held spectrophotometers. Raman spectra can be acquired
directly through plastic containers of personal care products, such as shampoo and mouth-wash
bottles. The biggest disadvantage of Raman spectroscopy is the poor sensitivity. Approximately

only one in 109 photons is scattered in Raman processes. Solid state detectors cooled to
cryogenic temperatures are required for adequate signal to noise.
Valence Force Field Models
The interpretation of IR and Raman spectra are greatly aided using valence force field models.
Valence force field solutions have been worked out for many small molecule geometries. These
solutions take a different approach to the problem of normal mode analysis than we used in
Chapter 8. The force constants that are used are the force constants for individual bonds, rather
than the force constants for moving individual atoms (see text Eq. 8.11.8-8.11.9). Focussing on
individual bond force constants more closely corresponds to our “chemical intuition” concerning
molecular vibrations. Another advantage of valence force field calculations is that algebraic
solutions can be written. Consider carbon tetrachloride, a symmetric tetrahedral molecule. The
internal coordinates are defined as:
qi = ri – ro ij = ij – o 9
The qi are bond stretching terms where ri is the distance between Cl-atom i and the C-atom and r o
is the equilibrium bond length. The ij are bond bending terms for atoms Cli–C–Clj, where ij is
the corresponding bond angle and o is the equilibrium bond angle. The simplest vibrational
potential energy function is:
V = ½ k (q12 + q22 + q32 + q42) + ½ k (122 + 132 + 142 + 232 + 242+ 342) 10
The bond stretching force constant is k and the bond bending force constant is k. The Hessian
second derivatives can be obtained by taking explicit derivatives of Eq. 10. For this potential
energy form the normal mode frequencies are given by:1,3
~ k
42c212 = 11
~  3  k
42c222 =   2 12
mCl ro
~ ~  4mCl k  8mCl 2  k
42c2(32 + 42) = 1 +
3mC  mCl  3mC mCl ro2
+ 1+ 13

~ ~  4mCl 2  k k
164c4(32 42) = 1 +
mC mCl ro2 mCl

where mCl is the mass of the Cl-atom and mC is the mass of the C-atom in kg per atom. Eqs. 11-
14 are more conveniently cast into terms of the atomic molar masses, MCl and MC, in g mol-1.
The conversion constant of Avogadro’s number, N A, and the unit conversion (1 kg/1000 g) can
be incorporated into the leading constant in Eqs. 11-14 with the vibration wavenumbers in cm -1:
~ k
C  12 = 15
~  3  k
C  22 =   2 16
MCl ro
~ ~  4MCl k  8MCl 2  k
C (32 + 42) = 1 +  M + 1 + 3M M  r 2 17
 3M C Cl  C  Cl o

~ ~  4MCl 2  k k
C2 (32 42) = 1 +
MC MCl ro2 MCl

with C = 42c2(1 kg/1000 g)/NA = 5.89183x10-5 cm2 N m-1 mol g-1 ( in cm-1) 19
Eqs. 15 and 16 are solved to find the force constants, k and k/ro2. Separately, Eqs. 17 and 18
can also be solved to find the same force constants. This redundancy provides an opportunity to
test the validity of the proposed vibrational potential energy function. If the two sets of force
constants, the pair using Eqs. 15 and 16 and the pair using Eqs. 17 and 18, agree then the model
fits the experimental data well. If the two sets of force constants don’t agree, to within expected
experimental error, then the proposed vibrational potential is not valid.
The disadvantage of valence force field calculations is that they depend critically on the details
of the potential energy function, Eq. 10. If a stretch-bend interaction or Van der Waals terms are
included, as in many molecular mechanics force fields, then Eqs 11-14 are no longer valid. In the
early decades of vibrational spectroscopy, it was hoped that solutions to the normal mode
problem could be used to determine the force constants for individual bonds. However, the
derived force constants based on such over-simplified potential energy functions causes large
errors. The attempt to determine bond force constants directly from spectra has therefore been
abandoned. Equations such as 11-14 are still useful in assigning experimental frequencies to the
corresponding normal modes and building our intuition about bond strengths. However, the
derived force constants must be treated as very approximate and can sometimes be misleading.

Procedure: Your instructor will provide instructions for using the Raman spectrophotometer
using toluene as an example. Determine the Raman spectra of carbon tetrachloride using both
polarization directions, I|| and I.

Calculations: Use the frequencies and polarization of each band to assign the four vibrational
~ ~
modes, in comparison to Table 1. Note that 1 and 3 are stretching modes, which are expected to
occur at higher wavenumber than the bending modes. Use the depolarization ratios to determine
~ ~ ~
which of the two high frequency bands is assigned to 1. To distinguish 2, and 4, note that a
weak band in the IR is reported to be near 310 cm-1.2,4
~ ~
The 3 asymmetric stretch is expected to be weak in the Raman. In carbon tetrachloride the 3
band appears as a doublet, which is the result of a Fermi resonance. The Fermi resonance is
between the 3 fundamental and a combination band. This peak may not appear as a doublet,
because of resolution restrictions of the spectrograph. Instead this doublet may simply appear
~ ~ ~
broader than the other bands in the spectrum. Using your values of 1, 2, and 4, determine the
combination band that is nearly resonant with 3.
Use Eqs. 15 and 16 to calculate the force constants k and k/ro2. Use Eqs. 17 and 18 to calculate
the force constants k and k/ro2. Comment on the ability of the force field model to fit the data.
Above you used the literature report of a single peak in the far-IR at ~310 cm -1. However, a
peak near 310 cm-1 leads to an assignment that is not consistent with the valence force field
model. Data gathered in the author’s laboratory is not consistent with the literature reports,
showing several transitions in the far-IR with a peak at 220 cm -1 instead of 310 cm-1. Adjust your
assignments to assume that the peak in the IR spectrum is near 220 cm -1. Once again, use Eqs. 15
and 16 to calculate the force constants k and k/ro2. Then as before use Eqs. 17 and 18 to
recalculate the force constants k and k/ro2. Comment on the ability of the force field model to fit
the data using the new assignments.

~ ~ ~ ~
Report: First, report the frequencies of the four normal modes, 1, 2, 3, and 4 assuming the IR
is near 310 cm-1. Report the polarization of each normal mode as polarized or depolarized.
Report the force constants k and k/ro2 determined using Eqs. 15 and 16. Report the force
constants determined using Eqs. 17 and 18. Give the method that you used to solve Eqs. 17 and
18 (e.g. successive approximations, quadratic formula, Mathematica). Give the equations that
you derived to solve Eqs. 17 and 18, if any. If Mathematica was used, provide a printout of the
program that was used (remember this is an individual lab report).
Secondly, assume that the reddest IR peak is near 220 cm -1. Report the force constants k and
k/ro2 determined using Eqs. 15 and 16. Report the force constants determined using Eqs. 17 and
18. Answer the following questions in your lab report:
1. Is the vibrational potential energy function proposed in Eq. 10 a valid model of the vibrations
in carbon tetrachloride, assuming the reddest IR peak is near 310 cm -1?
2. If Eq. 10 is not sufficient, give an example of an additional term that might be necessary.
3. Compare the numerical values of k and k/ro2. In other words which is bigger and why? Are
the values similar or strikingly different?
~ ~ ~
4. Using your values of 1, 2, and 4, determine the combination band that forms the Fermi
resonance with 3.
5. Did assuming the reddest IR peak is near 220 cm-1 improve the agreement with the valence
force field model?
5. Did you measure the Stokes or anti-Stokes Raman transitions?
6. Provide a diagram of the instrument. Include the laser, diffraction grating (used to separate
out laser side bands), half-wave plate, spot mirror, the two focusing lenses, cuvette, linear
polarizer, notch filter, spectrograph, CCD detector.
7. Determine the normal mode frequencies at the B3LYP/6-31G* level and compare to the
experimental values. Do the normal modes (based on the atom movements or symmetry
designations) agree with Figure 1? Are the normal modes in the same order, comparing
experimental and theoretical frequencies? Do the quantum mechanical calculations predict that
the reddest IR transition is near 220 cm-1 or 310 cm-1?

Literature Cited:
1. Wilson, Jr., E. B.; Decius, J. C.; Cross, P. C., Molecular vibrations; the theory of infrared and
Raman vibrational spectra, McGraw-Hill, New York,1955
2. Herzberg, G., Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure II. Infrared and Raman Spectra of
Polyatomic Molecules, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J., 1945.
3. Shoemaker, D. P.; Garland, C. W.; Steinfeld, J. I.; Nibler, J. W., Experiments in Physical
Chemistry, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1981, Exp. 41.
4. Shimanouchi, T., Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated Volume I,
National Bureau of Standards, 1972, 1-160.

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