M.Sc. (N) (1) : Advance Nursing Practice
M.Sc. (N) (1) : Advance Nursing Practice
M.Sc. (N) (1) : Advance Nursing Practice
(N) [1
Advance Nursing Practice
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Explain the role of nurse clinician and nurse practitioner in health care delivery
system. [12
b. Discuss the scope of nursing in extended care facilities with relevant example
from your experience. [12
2. a. Why do we need to set up standards for health care services? Explain. [10]
b. Discuss the standards which should be worked out for providing services in any
One of the following clinical areas: [15]
i) Intensive care unit.
ii) Neonatal nursery.
iii) Primary health centre.
3. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following: [5x5=25]
a. Coping with loss, death and grieving.
b. Betty Neumens model of nursing.
c. Standard safety measures.
d. Prenatal diagnosis and screening.
e. Futuristic nursing.
f. Epidemiological approach and methods.
g. Geriatric considerations in nursing.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Nursing Education
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt any TWO of the First Three questions and
1. Prepare six objectives using all domains for Teaching nursing theories to undergraduate
nursing students. [20]
2. Write philosophy of nursing education for a school of nursing. [20]
3. How equivalency of nursing education is determined? [20]
4. Write short notes on: [7x5=35]
1. Computer based education.
2. Computer assisted instructions.
3. Problem based training.
4. Formative evaluation.
5. Item analysis.
6. Self evaluation.
7. Curriculum determinants.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Nursing Research & Statistics
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions. Support your answers with research findings wherever
1. Define nursing research. List any Six characteristics of nursing research. Discuss
research process by taking an example of any research study. [2+3+10=15]
2. Explain about Survey approach and its types. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of Survey method. [2+8+5=15]
3. Explain the steps of Tool construction. Describe Questionnaire as a tool for data
collection. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. [5+5+5=15]
4. Analysis of data is one of the important step of any research. Write about the
i) Non parameteric tests and their utilization. [9]
ii) Organization and levels of data (support your answers with examples). [6]
5. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: [3x5=15]
i) Conceptual framework.
ii) Problem identification and statement.
iii) Report writing and communication of research.
iv) Ethics in nursing research.
v) Sampling techniques.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Medical Surgical Nursing-I
[Medical Surgical Nursing Speciality]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Mr. Remesh is admitted in medical ward with complain of Oedema in foot,
continuous Cough & breathing difficulty. He is diagnosed as CHF:
a. What is CHF. [2]
b. Discuss the sign & symptoms along with pathophysiology. [6]
c. Write nursing care plan using nursing process approach for Mr. Ramesh. [7]
2. a. What is end stage renal disease. [2]
b. What are the signs and symptoms, you will observe in this stage. [6]
c. List down the special nursing management needed in this stage. [7]
3. a. Define Geriatric nursing. [2]
b. Briefly describe the concept & theories of ageing. [6]
c. Write the nursing management of five common health problems faced by
Geriatric patient. [5+7]
4. Write short notes [any FIVE]: [5x5=25]
a. DIC[Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation].
b. Common disorders of Immune system.
c. Health instructions to a diabetic patient.
d. Pathophysiology of Pneumonia.
e. Discharge health teaching to a Tracheostomy patient.
f. Nursing management of CVA patient.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Community Health Nursing-I
[Community Health Nursing Speciality]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Answer FIVE questions in all . Q.No. 6 is Compulsory.
1. Explain the concept of family health nursing. Describe the objective of family health
care. Briefly discuss the family centered nursing approach. [5+5+5=15]
2. Explain the causes of Population explosion. Briefly describe the objectives of National
population policy in India. Enumerate the role of nurse in population control.
3. Briefly discuss the health care delivery system at PHC level. [15]
4. Enumerate the major eight Millennium Developmental Goal[MDG] strategies. Explain
the role of nurse in achieving goal FOUR AND FIVE. [10+5=15]
5. Describe the use of indicators of health. Explain the mortality indicators to measure the
health of a country. [5+10=15]
6. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: [3x5=15]
a. Eco system.
b. Bhore committee recommendation.
c. Importance of communication skills in nursing.
d. Skilled birth attendant manual.
e. Nursing care of elderly.
f. Training needs of health workers.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Pediatric Nursing-I
[Child Health(Pediatric) Nursing Speciality]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Describe the management of a Low birth weight baby weighing 1500 gm. [10]
b. Explain the issues in transport of a newborn. [5]
c. Describe the characteristics of a normal newborn at birth. [5]
2. a. Describe the factors influencing growth and development of a child. [5]
b. Explain the developmental tasks during infancy. [5]
c. What is role of parents in disciplining a child. [5]
3. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following: [5x8=40]
a. Immunization programme.
b. Play therapy.
c. Rights of a child.
d. Tempertantrums.
e. Breast feeding guidelines.
f. Infant mortality rate.
g. Qualities of a pediatric nurse.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Obstetrical Nursing-I
[Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing Speciality]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. What do you understand by Preventive obstetrics? Discuss. [3]
b. Discuss in brief the National Rural Health Mission. [7]
2. a. What is meant by Maternal adaptation in pregnancy. Describe briefly. [6]
b. List the physiological changes that occur in pregnancy. [6]
3. a. Define 3
stage of Labour. [1]
b. Discuss physiology and management of 3
stage of labour. [9]
c. List common complications of 3
stage of labour. [2]
4. a. What is Apgar Score? [3]
b. Discuss the role of a nurse in Essential New born care. [8]
5. Define the following: [10x1=10]
1. Menopause. 2. Caput Succidenum.
3. Standing orders. 4. Fetal circulation.
5. Prolonged labour. 6. Post partum blues.
7. Partograph. 8. Maternal Mortality Rate.
9. Bandles ring. 10. Primary PPH.
10. Write short notes on any FOUR: [4x5=20]
1. Retained Placenta.
2. Missed abortion.
3. Primary infertility.
4. Physiology of Puerperium
5. Information, Education and communication in obstetrics.
6. Water birthing.
7. Ergometrine & its use in obstetrics.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-I
[Psychiatric Nursing Speciality]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Deepak, 38 years old man, developed following symptoms for the past 15 days;
talking excessively, spending too much money, oversocializing, inhumourous mood
all the time, gets irritable easily, not sleeping well:
a. What will be diagnostic formulations of Deepak? and why? [5]
b. Write specific pharmacotherapy for Deepak. [6]
c. Formulate management plan for Deepak. [6]
2. Explain therapeutic IPR and the conditions essential to develop it. [10]
3. Write short notes on any SIX of the following: [6x8=48]
a. Behaviour therapy.
b. Detoxification of Opiate withdrawal syndrome.
c. Obsessive compulsive disorder.
d. Group therapy.
e. Care of Violent patient in ward.
g. Mood stabilizers.
h. Diagnosis of Schizophrenia.
i. Freuds theory of Personality development.