Nuru 191
Nuru 191
Nuru 191
1. In 1951 king George Hospital was approved by the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) to
train which cadre of nurses?
(a) Enrolled nurses
(b) Registered nurses
(c) Kenya registered midwives
(d) Kenya Registered Community Health Nurses
2. What historic event in the 20th century led to an increased emphasis on nursing and
broadened the role of nurses?
(a) Religious reform
(b) Crimean War
(c) World War II
(d) Vietnam War
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NURU 191
4. Nurse working in the surgical ward learns that a patient is having terminal illness but the
spouse warns that he should not be told. In this case the nurse is facing;
(a) A breach of duty
(b) Corruption issues
(c) An ethical dilemma
(d) An ethical principle
5. A client with myocardial ischemia develops a sudden episode of respiratory distress and
the nurse starts oxygen administration immediately. In this situation
(a) Oxygen had not been prescribed and should not be given
(b) The nurse’s observations were sufficient to begin oxygen administration
(c) The symptoms were too vague for the nurse to diagnose a need for oxygen administration
(d) The nurse should have called the Doctor first to assess the patient and prescribe oxygen
6. A home health nurse has been visiting a patient with AIDS who says, - I’m no longer
afraid of dying. I think I’ve made my peace with everyone, and I’m actually ready to
move on. This reflects his progress to which stage of death and dying?
(a) Acceptance
(b) Anger
(c) Bargaining
(d) Denial
8. Which of the following is the most appropriate pulse point in case of emergency?
(a) Brachial
(b) Radial
(c) Femoral
(d) Carotid sites
9. After taking history from a mother of a child who was admitted for surgery, she gives
you some medication for throat infection for the son and tells you to administer them
before bed time. What would be your appropriate response?
(a) I will surely give the medication
(b) Did you ask the Doctor if your son could have the medication tonight?
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NURU 191
6. Explain the four (4) classification of environmental stimuli according to calister Roy’s
adaptation model of nursing. [8 marks]
7. Describe the three types of nursing systems identified Dorothea Orem. [6 marks]
(c) State six (6) functions of the nursing council of Kenya (NCK). [6 marks]
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