Bleach D20 Classless - Darkness and Starlight

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Bleach D20 Classless Suppliment: Darkness and Starlight

Our pet project for the last year, Darkness and Starlight introduces three completely original races, The Gaian,
The Lunar and The Solar and revisits Bleach for a race we forgot to add in the Core book, the Awakened
Zanpakutou Spirit. It also adds over 100 new feats for the taking and a bunch of new Prestige Paths for you to
grab. Also, we have epic content for you, including a bunch of epic feats including a new release type for
Zanpakutou, and new forms for Arrancar.
While we originally had three more races in store for this release, time was not on our side. We felt that a year of
work was enough, and that the playtesting was over. When we have those races done, we will be releasing
another book that we're affectionately calling The Expanded Darkness and Starlight.
We hope this adds to your Bleach experience and that you enjoy the content within.
- Dionon, Jusditz and Jeroitz
New Races
Below is the stories of the new races that have come to be beginning with the Awakened Zanpakutou Spirit,
moving onto the Gaian and finally we get to the Solar and Lunar. In the descriptions, we see the history of the
race, their reincarnation cycle and their views on the death of others.
List of Releases
The following list reflects which feats are Releases and at what tier they are. They also list all the bonuses you
have while you have that release active.
Tier 1 Releases: Shikai, Hybrid, Evolution, Quincy Bow, Solar, Lunar and Gaian Racial Feats. These all have the
following restrictions: They can take Shikai Abilities 1/3 levels and all have access to the Generic Type for free
without having to spend one of their 2 types on it.
Tier 2 Releases: Bankai, Kanzen, Hyperevolution, Quincy Bankai, Pressure Release, First Phase of Moon Dust,
Release of 1,000,000 Degrees. These all have the following restrictions: They can take Shikai Abilities 1/2 levels
and all have access to the Generic Type for free without having to spend one of their 3 types on it. And gain an
additional type for free. Also, Double your Base Maximum Hit Points.
Tier 3 Releases: Reikai, Sugirukanzen, Kaiser Evolution, Superior Pressure Release, Second Phase of Moon
Dust, 4,000,000 Degrees. These all have the following restrictions: They can take Shikai Abilities 2/3 levels and
all have access to the Generic Type for free without having to spend one of their 4 types on it. And gain an
additional type for free. Also, Double your Base Maximum Hit Points
Tier 4 Releases: Murikai, 10,000,000 Degree Release, Fourth Phase of Moon Dust, Epic Pressure Release.
These all have the following restrictions: They can take Shikai Abilities 1/2 levels and all have access to the
Generic Type for free without having to spend one of their 5 types on it. And gain an additional type for free. Also,
Double your Base Maximum Hit Points
Awakened Zanpakutou
The Zanpakutou Rebellion is an event in which Muramasa, a Zanpakutou spirit, frees many other Zanpakutou
spirits from their masters and starts a rebellion under the guise of wanting to free all Zanpakutou spirits from the
control of Shinigami. In truth, he sought nothing more than to free his master, Kga Kuchiki, who was sealed
away long ago.
The rebellion began when Muramasa appeared and began freeing the many Zanpakutou spirits. The Shinigami
begin to lose the ability to contact their Zanpakutou spirits. Muramasa leads the spirits to a confrontation with the
Shinigami atop Skyoku Hill. The Shinigami, now unable to use their Zanpakutou, are unable to deal with their
former Zanpakutou, throwing the Seireitei into a state of emergency.
The event ended after Ichigo Kurosaki enters the dome like structure that an out of control Muramasa created.
Ichigo fights Muramasa and after a fierce battle, manages to defeat the Zanpakutou spirit, ending the rebellion
and Muramasa's control over all Zanpakutou spirits that had not already been freed.*
The ability for Zanpakutou Spirits to become awakened came from this one event. Awakened Zanpakutou are
literally the spirits of a Shinigami, Vizard or Arrancar's Zanpakutou. Releasing a Zanpakutou Spirit is a rare
ability, thus the race itself is rare in itself.
Each Zanpakutou Spirit belongs to a Shinigami, Vizard or Hollow. Each tries to be the best their master could
need, unless rejected or their master is killed. If rejected or their master is killed an Awakened Zanpakutou loses
all control and rampages sometimes turning into a Toju (Sword Beast).
Awakened Zanpakutou Reincarnation Cycle
If an Awakened Zanpakutou is separated from it's master either because of rejection or the death of the master,
the Awakened Zanpakutou can be killed. If killed their Spirits return to sword form. After returning to sword form,
it returns to the Zanpakutou Spirit Cave to become the Zanpakutou Spirit of another Shinigami. It must then be
re-awakened to become an Awakened Zanpakutou once again.
If not rejected, or if confronted by their Shinigami, they can be defeated in combat. If defeated they become a
broken Zanpakutou and cannot be used for 2d6+1 days as per normal regeneration time for a Zanpakutou. If
defeated by their owner, they go back to being that Shingami's Zanpakutou and must be re-awakened. If
defeated by another being, they become a broken Zanpakutou for 2d6+1 Days after which time they reform fully
healed and whole.
Awakened Zanpakutou and Killing Things
An Awakened Zanpakutou kills things as a Shinigami does. It sends the victim on the cycle of reincarnation to it's
just reward. They cleanse Hollows of the sins they committed as a Hollow.
An Awakened Zanpakutou can use their own Zanpakutou, or their own hand to Konso pluses.
*From the Bleach Wiki
Gaian History
Gaians are those descendants of the ancient Kamis that chose to remain on Earth instead of move to the stars
like the Lunars and Solars. When the disagreement came to where to go, the Gaians rebelled against their
brethren, and moved to the far reaches of the Earth. They went into hiding, avoiding the search parties that were
sent out to look for them from the other Kamis.
When the Solar and Lunar eventually left Earth, the Gaians drilled into the Earth and used the remainder of their
godlike power to create kingdoms inside the Magma of the very Earth itself. Many used their powers to cool the
lava that surrounded their kingdoms, keeping them safe for those that weren't tunnelers.
Search parties were sent to the surface and saw what the Humans were doing. They brought back tidings of
Monarchy and a new era dawned within the formerly meritocratic society of the Gaians. Powerful Gaians began
seizing power and their most powerful member seized ultimate power, proclaiming himself Emperor of the
Gaians. The weaker Gaians had no choice but to obey this new Emperor and his noble houses. Since then, the
Emperor of the Gaians has ruled generously, allowing his people freedoms that the surface world hadn't known.
Whether you be a lower caste or a higher caste, you were allowed entrance into the Igneous Order, those that
eventually were made into Terra Knights. You just had to have the sanction of the Noble houses or the Emperor
himself. It didn't matter if you were male or female however, as the Gaians don't have gender bias. All are equal
under the law.
After many centuries under the Earth, search parties came back with news that the Monarchies of old had fallen
and given rise to new types of civilizations. Democracy and Communism had taken it's roots in the society
above. The Gaians however, still a monarchy, didn't like where this was headed, and sent troops to the surface
to see if they could reverse the trend towards freedom. They managed to turn Germany into a Monarchistic
state, but unwittingly unleashed a madman upon the world. When the Terra knights realized what they had done,
their sense of honor forced them to fight back against the evil they had unleashed.
Terra Knights began living on the surface after World War II ended, settling around the world, free from the
Monarchy back home. More Gaians have escaped to the surface world from the Monarchies below, but it is only
a matter of time before the Gaian Emperor comes looking for his wayward people. He won't be happy with what
he finds, as those that have escaped to the surface are some of the most ardent defenders of Democracy the
world has ever seen. Most are staunch libertarians, believing that the government should be as small as possible
without hampering it's ability to defend the people.
Some say that the Terra Knights that escaped to the surface are gathering an army to take back home and
dethrone the king. No one knows if they are right.
Surface Gaians on Lunar
Our brothers among the Lunar are lost. They see things in black and white and not with eyes that see gray. May
the way be shown to them, that the people are the way, and that they hold the power, not the government. -
Percy Unger, Terra Knight.
Surface Gaians on Solar
Solar are the epitome of what we're trying to accomplish within our own kingdoms. They are egalitarian and
each rules only themselves. Some administrate, others choose to follow, but no one owns them. Harold Protes
Initiate of the Order of the Igneous.
Gaians on killing things
When a Gaian kills something, they move along the cycle of reincarnation as normal for their race. In the case of
Hollows, Gaians purify them upon destruction sending them to Soul Society as Rukon District residents or
sending then to Jigoku as per their sins in life.
A Gaian can send a soul to their just reward by touching them on the head and judging them. They they receive
their reward, either moving on the cycle of reincarnation or going to Jigoku.
Factions within the Gaians
Surface Gaians: Surface Gaians have seen the truth of democracy. They defend it from those that seek to
oppress people, and see their own society as flawed and outdated. They feel it needs to rise up against the
Emperor like the Americans and French did their kings. They have formed their own enclave of democratically
elected representatives that hold their own council on behalf of the ever growing population of Gaians on the
surface world.
Under Gaians: Those that remain under the surface seem happy with the current regime. They are defenders of
the crown, and see nothing wrong with the government having the power that it does. As long as it doesn't turn
against it's own people, which the Emperor hasn't, they don't see any problem with the Noble Houses and the
Emperor's throne. Many however have grown worried about the search parties they sent to the surface, as they
don't report back anymore. Soon there may come a time when they send more firm knights to the surface to see
what's going on.
Gaian Reincarnation
Gaian reincarnate strangely as they are the gods of old. Their new form instantly gains the Oldblood (Gaian) feat
and gains a +2 bonus on Strength and Intelligence. Gaian reincarnate into any of the non-living races.
(Shinigami or Hollow) Should they die as a Shinigami or Hollow, they reincarnate as a living race, and retain their
Oldblood (Gaian) feat and the +2 to Strength and Intelligence.
Being divine beings, Gaian retain a great deal of their memories. When you remake your Gaian into another
race, roll 1d100. That is the percentage of memories that you retain. This memory retention is made into game
mechanics as a +1 bonus on all Knowledge checks per 10 you rolled on the percentage.
Solars and Lunars
When the world was young, and humans looked to the sky for guidance, the ancient Kamis ruled over the
heavens and the Earth. They made themselves known to the people, and told them to write down their words,
because of course, being gods, they knew more than the fledgling race of monkeys that was just barely out of
the cave. Several lost texts can be attributed to these gods. They gave wisdom to mankind, and spurred
mankind's need to improve itself and strive for the impossible.
Then the humans found new gods, Olympians, Asgardians, The Celestial Bureaucracy, Yahweh and other gods
began stealing worshipers away from the Kamis, and they weren't pleased. Though they were angered by their
follower's desertions, they knew that humanity had to grow up some time, and the newer gods seemed to suit
the needs of the people they served. It was then that the Kamis decided to leave Earth behind and travel to the
However, an argument began amongst the Kamis. Where would they go? What would they do? Some suggested
that they leave towards the morning sun, others towards mother luna. Neither side would wane on their position,
and in the end, there were two groups formed. The Solar Kamis, and the Lunar Kamis. Each built great ships
and left the Earth never to return.
The Solar Kamis arrived on the sun many years later, and by that time, Earth had been forsaken by the young
who were born on the ship and the old wistfully wished to return. Unfortunately they were unprepared for the
torrential nature of the sun, and their ship was destroyed when they entered the corona. Their godly power was
all that saved them as they descended to their new home. Many centuries later, they became a society of beings
that were powered by solar energies, living in a society of equals. Many however became despondent, and
sought to leave the paradise that was created in the Sun's core. Some used what godly powers were left to the
race to catch solar winds and leave. They knew however, from their elders, that most had never heard of them,
and that they should hide their godly natures. So they shortened their name to just the Solars.
The Lunar Kamis also built a great ship, but landed much sooner than the Solars, with the moon so close to
Earth. They never forsook Earth and it's inhabitants and set up a theocracy based on their old method of ruling.
They watched as the other gods that humanity had loved so much died off and were forgotten to the annuls of
history and watched as new gods rose to take their place. It was chance that made the Lunar Kamis return to
Earth. One of the watchers noticed Solars descending to Earth, and thought it was an attack. Soon forces were
martialed as Humanity wouldn't be able to fend off an attack from without. They rode the magnetic ley-lines down
to the planet below and took the form of man to combat the perceived threat.
Soon Solar and Lunar met for the first time in 4,000 years, each having forgotten about the other, and conflict
erupted. The Solars, not recognizing their cousins defended themselves from the Lunars who made the same
mistake. Soon the two groups found themselves at a stalemate, neither side being able to kill the other. It was
then that two elders appeared, using the last of their divine essences to tell the Solars and the Lunars of their
kinship. The fighting stopped as the Elder Solar and the Elder Lunar died having expended their powers and the
Solars and Lunars that fought that day entered into a fragile truce simply called The Exchange of Words.
Today Solars and Lunars observe the truce as something to be respected above most other things. Hostilities
sometime do break out however with the differing philosophies to life. They don't interfere with humanity for the
most part either, realizing that the time isn't right for their return. They do however take issue with spirits eating
other spirits and fight hard to put a stop to it whenever they encounter it.
The next generation of Solars and Lunars have been born on Earth, and they spread themselves across the
globe. Their children have become good at hiding on Earth, many of them able to adopt human form, something
their parents have lost the ability to do, but... they're learning.
It is known that at least one union has happened between a Human and a Solar. Also between a Human and a
Lunar. The children seem fine and seem to have different powers than their parents before them. Unions
between Solars and Lunars are possible, but haven't been recorded if there have been any.
Solars are beings that live in the heart of the sun. Some, those that want to leave their solar home and seek out
the world around them, ride the solar winds and find themselves on Earth. The normal form of a Solar is a
golden humanoid figure that seems to be on fire, just like the sun itself. Solars do not need to eat, breath or
sleep, but can if they so choose. Solars do not age past maturity.
Solar Society
Solars live in an egalitarian society. Everyone is equal and the leaders of this equal society are just the first
among equals, only taking command for a short time before being replaced by a qualified replacement. There is
no such thing as money among the solar as all things are made and traded.
Solar leaders are known as Meisters. The proper title for them is a Meister of the Four Corners of the Sun. They
generally rule in concert with each other, voting on all things. They are assisted by beings known as Stellar
Masters, powerful representatives of Solar Society that have earned a place by their side. The only thing that a
Stellar Master and a Meister have to have to qualify for their title are the basics of Solar society, and a great
inner power that burns with the passion to oversee their fellow Solars.
Aiding the Stellar Masters are various different pseudo-ranks. There are titles for just about anything in solar
society from the one that cleans the gutters to the one that directs the flow of the stellar rivers. Everything has a
title, because if everyone has a title, everyone is equal. Leaders are only leaders as long as people are willing to
be lead.
Solar Reincarnation
Solar reincarnate strangely as they are the gods of old. Their new form instantly gains the Oldblood (Solar) feat
and gains a +2 bonus on Charisma and Wisdom. Solars reincarnate into any of the non-living races. (Shinigami
or Hollow) Should they die as a Shinigami or Hollow, they reincarnate as a living race, and retain their Oldblood
(Solar) feat and the +2 to Charisma and Wisdom. They do not gain the bonus to statistics more than once.
Being divine beings, Solar retain a great deal of their memories. When you remake your Solar into another race,
roll 1d100. That is the percentage of memories that you retain. This memory retention is made into game
mechanics as a +1 bonus on all Knowledge checks per 10 you rolled on the percentage.
Solar Killing Things
When a Solar kills something, they move along the cycle of reincarnation as normal for their race. In the case of
Hollows, Solars purify them upon destruction sending them to Soul Society as Rukon District residents or
sending then to Jigoku as per their sins in life.
A Solar can send a soul to their just reward by touching them on the head and judging them. They they receive
their reward, either moving on the cycle of reincarnation or going to Jigoku.
Solar Thoughts on Lunar
To quote Misako a Solar Learner Lunars are religious fanatics, it's no wonder why they haven't left the dark.
Solars feel pity for their Theocratic cousins. They realize that they have no choice in their worship of the Grand
Elder, and they feel sorry for them for it. The Grand Elder is a point of much contention in Solar Society. Rumors
that the Grand Elder created all the old Kamis are still hotly debated among those that are too young to
remember and even the old cannot truly answer the question.
The Lunar are the polar opposites of the Solar. Beings of darkness and shadow, these creatures hail from
Earth's moon. They look like silver versions of Solars, without the flames, unless they've taken human form.
Most leave their lunar homes in search of adventure, and sometimes for religious reasons. Lunars do not need
to eat, breath or sleep, but can if they so choose. Lunars do not age past maturity.
Lunar Society
Lunar society is set up in a theocracy worshiping the Grand Elder, the oldest of the Lunar who still retains most
of his power from the old earth. He keeps a tight reign on what goes on in Lunar Society monitoring what goes
on on a daily basis.
Punishments are harsh for crimes up to and including death for crimes such as blasphemy, murder and rape and
lesser punishments for lesser crimes. Crimes like stealing and assault are met with stockades and floggings.
The direct servants of the Grand Elder are known as Masters of the Eight Phases, referring to the eight phases
of the moon. There are usually eight at any given time, and each one has a quadrant of the moon to which they
are responsible.
Serving the Eight Phase masters are the Moon Saints. Holy men that lead Lunar soldiers into combat. There are
many Moon Saints, generally they are advanced to Moon Saint for their innate power and prowess in combat.
Below Moon Saints are various clergy positions including bishops, pastors and deacons. Below a Deacon are
the rank and file Lunars living their lives out, and eeking out an existance off what they are given. Granted,
Lunars, like their Solar cousins don't need to eat, sleep or breathe, but that doesn't mean they don't have wants
and needs. The desire technology, and have developed just behind Earth in technological prowess.
Lunar Reincarnation
Lunar reincarnate strangely as they are the gods of old. Their new form instantly gains the Oldblood (Lunar) feat
and gains a +2 bonus on Dexterity and Wisdom. Lunars reincarnate into any of the non-living races. (Shinigami
or Hollow) Should they die as a Shinigami or Hollow, they reincarnate as a living race, and retain their Oldblood
(Lunar) feat and the +2 to Dexterity and Wisdom.
Being divine beings, Lunar retain a great deal of their memories. When you remake your Lunar into another
race, roll 1d100. That is the percentage of memories that you retain. This memory retention is made into game
mechanics as a +1 bonus on all Knowledge checks per 10 you rolled on the percentage.
Lunar Killing Things
When a Lunar kills something, they move along the cycle of reincarnation as normal for their race. In the case of
Hollows, Lunars purify them upon destruction sending them to Soul Society as Rukon District residents or
sending then to Jigoku as per their sins in life.
A Lunar can send a soul to their just reward by touching them on the head and judging them. They they receive
their reward, either moving on the cycle of reincarnation or going to Jigoku.
Lunar Thoughts on Solar
They don't worship the Grand Elder. They actively work against him. Were it not for The Exchange of Words, I
would kill every Solar I could find. -Tyberius, Holy Templar of the Lunar Surface.
Lunars feel that all should worship the Grand Elder as he, to them, is the father of all Kami and the originator of
man's wisdom. Extremists feel no pity when a Solar dies, as it is one less heretic in the world. Most are more
lenient on Solars.. Most of them are the ones that have been on Earth for 20-30 years. Even then, the ones that
are lenient hide their feelings most of the time, lest they become discovered by the more zealous.
Monsters in this Book
Dire Bat
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+10
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Blindsense 40 ft.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +12*, Move Silently +11, Spot +8*
Feats: Alertness, Stealthy
Environment: Temperate deserts
Organization: Solitary or colony (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:
A dire bat has a wingspan of 15 feet and weighs about 200 pounds.
Dire bats swoop down upon unsuspecting prey from above.
Blindsense (Ex)
A dire bat uses echolocation to pinpoint creatures within 40 feet. Opponents still have total concealment against
the bat unless it can actually see them.
Dire bats have a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.
Dire Wolf
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+10)
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+10)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Feats: Alertness, Run, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary or pack (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-18 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:
Dire wolves are efficient pack hunters that will kill anything they can catch.
Dire wolves are mottled gray or black, about 9 feet long and weighing some 800 pounds.
Dire wolves prefer to attack in packs, surrounding and flanking a foe when they can.
Trip (Ex)
A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip its opponent (+11 check modifier) as a free
action without making a touch attack or provoking anattack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent
cannot react to trip the dire wolf.
A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
*It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
Base Feats
Prerequisite: Blooded, Cha 15+
Benefit: You use your Charisma modifier instead of your Constitution Modifier when determining hit points.
Special: You may not have Soul over Body, Mind over Body and/or Ego over Body at the same time.
Prerequisite: Blooded, Int 15+
Benefit: You use your Intelligence Modifier instead of your Constitution modifier when determining hit points.
Special: You may not have Soul over Body, Mind over Body and/or Ego over Body at the same time.
Prerequisite: Blooded, Wis 15+
Benefit: You use your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Constitution Modifier when determining hit points.
Special: You may not have Soul over Body, Mind over Body and/or Ego over Body at the same time.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you can incite a creature to attack you by making an Intimidate check to
demoralize. If the check succeeds, the target is also shaken as long as the you are visible and raging or
frenzying or until it makes a melee attack against you. You receives a +2 circumstance bonus on this check for
every alcoholic drink she has consumed during this rage or frenzy. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting
effect, and it relies on audible components.
Prerequisites: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Power Attack
Benefits: When you use your Power Attack feat, you also deal bleed damage equal to the extra damage to the
target. This damage is dealt every round at the start of the creature's turn, and is healed by a DC 15 Heal check
or any sort of supernatural healing. This bleed damage bypasses Damage Reduction.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Greater Rage or Greater Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: You may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the first save is
attempted, but before the results are revealed by the GM. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Special: This power can only be used once per rage.
Prerequisite: Mighty Rage or Mighty Frenzy
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, as a free action you may leave yourself open to attack while preparing
devastating counterattacks. Enemies gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against you until the beginning
of your next turn, but every attack against you provokes an attack of opportunity from you, which is resolved prior
to resolving each enemy attack.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: As a swift action while in a rage or frenzy, you can cause your melee attacks to deal an additional 1d6
points of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) for 1 round.
Special: This power can only be used once per rage. This feat may be taken a second time increasing the extra
elemental damage to 2d6. If you have an Elemental Release, you must choose the same energy each time, and
that energy must be of the element of your elemental release.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Elemental Rage, Lesser
Benefit: While raging, all of the barbarians melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage (acid,
cold, electricity, or fire). The type is chosen when the barbarian begins her rage.
Special: Note that the barbarian can still use her lesser elemental rage power while using this rage power, but
she must select a different energy type.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Elemental Rage; Lesser, Elemental Rage
Benefit: While raging, all of your critical hits made with melee weapons deal an additional 1d10 points of energy
damage (2d10 if the weapon deals 3 damage on a critical hit, 3d10 if the weapon deals 4 on a critical hit). The
type of this damage is the same as the type chosen for the elemental rage.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Greater Rage or Greater Frenzy, Energy Resistance; Greater
Benefit: While raging, you can absorb energy from a single attack of your chosen energy type once per rage.
You do not make a saving throw against the effect but takes no damage from it, instead gaining 1 temporary hit
point per 3 points of damage the attack would have inflicted. These temporary hit points last until the end of your
Prerequisite: Mighty Rage or Mighty Frenzy, Energy Absorption
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you can absorb energy from a single attack and unleash it upon your
enemies once per rage. You do not make a saving throw against the effect but takes no damage from it. At any
point during the remainder of the rage or frenzy you can unleash the stored energy as a breath weapon in either
a 60-foot line or 30-foot cone. The breath weapon inflicts damage equal to the damage from the attack absorbed
by you, but creatures within the area may make a Reflex save (DC 15 + level + Constitution modifier) for half
damage even if the original effect did not allow a save.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you gain resistance to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force,
water or sonic) equal to 1/2 your level (minimum 1). The energy type is chosen when this feat is selected and it
cannot be changed.
Special: This feat can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time is applies to a different
energy type.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Energy Resistance
Benefit: Once per rage, you can reduce damage by half from a single attack against which you have energy
resistance (halve the damage, then apply resistance).
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Greater Rage or Greater Frenzy, Mighty Rage or Mighty Frenzy
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you are immune to the shaken and frightened conditions.
Prerequisites: Rage or Frenzy, Greater Rage or Greater Frenzy
Benefits: While raging you gain the benefits of one natural attack of your choice (Chosen when this feat is
taken) that you may use as a primary natural attack or part of a full attack action at a -5 penalty to attack. The
damage of this natural attack depends on the attack (Bite, Claw and Wing Buffet are 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage
per 5 ranks of Unarmed Strike you have above 1. Gore and Tail Slap deal 1d8 damage + 1d8 damage per 5
ranks of Unarmed Strike you have above 1.)
Special: You may take this feat up to 3 times, each time gaining a new natural attack. If you chose Claws you
gain 2 Claw attacks if you use them as your Primary natural attack.
Prerequisite: Rage of Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: Once per rage or frenzy, you can try to avoid serious harm from an attack. You must make a Fortitude
save with a DC equal to the damage that would be dealt by the attack. Your armor check penalty applies on this
saving throw. If the save succeeds, you take half damage from the attack and the damage is nonlethal. You must
elect to use this ability after the attack roll is made, but before the damage is rolled.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: Once per rage or frenzy, you can attack the floor around her as a standard action. This attack
automatically hits and deals damage normally. If you manage to deal more damage than the floors hardness,
the space you occupy and all of the squares adjacent to her become difficult terrain. Creatures in these squares,
except you, must make a DC (15 + level + Strength Modifier) Reflex save or be knocked prone.
Special: This feat can be selected up to three times, extend the radius of the effect by 5 feet each time.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to defense against melee attacks for a number of rounds equal to your
current Constitution modifier (minimum 1). This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels you have attained.
Activating this ability is a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be in a rage or
frenzy to use this feat.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: While raging, you are immune to the sickened and nauseated conditions.
Prerequisites: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: Once per round, you can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack. If
successful, the target takes damage equal to your Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. You do not
need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be in a rage
or frenzy to use this feat.
Prerequisites: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: Once per rage or frenzy, you can make a trip attack against one target in place of a melee attack. If
successful, the target takes damage equal to your Strength modifier and is knocked prone. This does not
provoke an attack of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you can take a 1 penalty to Defense to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The
Defense penalty increases by 1 and the attack roll bonus increases by +1 every four character levels.
Prerequisite: Rage of Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: Once per rage of frenzy, whenever you make an attack against an unattended object or a sunder
combat maneuver, you can ignore the objects hardness. This ability must be used before the attack roll or
sunder check is made.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: You gain a 5-foot enhancement bonus to your speed. This increase is always active while you are
raging or frenzying.
Special: You can select this feat up to three times. Its effects stack. This also stacks with other abilities that
increase your movement speed.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: You can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by you,
regardless of whether or not that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: This power can only be used once per rage.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy
Benefit: While Raging or frenzying you gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist kido,
supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels. While raging, you
cannot be a willing target of any kido and must make saving throws to resist all kido, even those cast by allies.
Prerequisite: Rage or Whirling Frenzy, Superstition
Benefit: While raging or frenzying, you gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures possessing kido or
spell-like abilities. This damage bonus increases by +1 for every four levels.
Prerequisite: Oldblood (Hollow), 1
Level only
Benefit: You gain 1 hollow growth power. You gain another Hollow Growth Power every 9 levels you gain.
Prerequisite: Oldblood (Shinigami), 1
Level only
Benefit: You gain a Zanpakutou as a racial weapon with one sealed shikai ability as the feat Sealed Zanpakutou
Ability. This Zanpakutou does 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 ranks in Weapon Attack you have above 1. You
gain a second Sealed Zanpakutou Ability at level 5 and a third at level 10 as the Feat Sealed Zanpakutou Ability.
Prerequisite: Oldblood (Bounto), 1
Level only
Benefit: You gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 ranks in unarmed strike you have
above 1 as a racial attack. For every 3 points of damage you deal your lifespan increases by 1 day.
Prerequisite: Oldblood (Soulcaster), 1
Level only
Benefit: You gain a shield capable of deflecting damage equal to one half your spellscore. This shield is raised
as a standard action and remains raised till you take a standard action to dismiss it. While raised you may make
attacks around it at a -4 penalty.
Prerequisite: Oldblood (Superhuman), 1
Level only
Benefit: Choose one statistic. You gain a benefit based on that statistic.
Strength: Your unarmed strikes deal damage one size category larger than normal.
Dexterity: You gain a +10 bonus to your land speed
Constitution: You gain Fast Healing equal to your charisma modifier
Intelligence: You gain 2 extra trained skills
Wisdom: Add your wisdom modifier to Action Dice rolls
Charisma: You can inspire all allies within 10 feet of you. Inspiring allies is a standard action and lasts
for your spellscore modifier in rounds. An inspired ally has a bonus on attack, defense, reflex, fortitude,
will and damage equal to your charisma modifier.
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Quincy), 1
Level only
Benefit: You gain the ability to form a spiritual bow that deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 points of
Ranged Shot you possess above 1 as a racial weapon. This bow has 1 Shikai Pick on it +1 per 9 levels you gain.
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Fullbringer), 1
Level only
Benefit: If you are of a living race, you can use skills as a non-living race can. If you are not of a living race, you
may increase the critical multiplier of your chosen attack form by 1.
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Solar), 1
Level only.
Benefit: You gain the ability to fly at your land speed with Perfect manuverability. In addition you gain one Solar
ability at 1
level, a second at 5
and a third at 10
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Lunar), 1
Level Only.
Benefit: When you die, your body explodes in a blizzard of cold energy. You deal one half your level in d6's to all
within 20 feet of you. This ability disintegrates your body.
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Awakened Zanpakutou), 1
Level Only.
Benefit: Choose one element. You gain a Spell-Like ability associated with that element usable once per day.
Once chosen the choice cannot be changed.
Fire: flaming sphere
Cold: freezing sphere
Electricity: call lightning
Acid: acid arrow
Sonic: shout
Water: water walk
Force: magic missile
Negative Energy: inflict moderate wounds
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Any Shinkoukenjin race), 1
Level Only
Benefit: Your unarmed strikes are considered the element of your oldblood race. If your race does not have an
element associated with them, you may choose an element from the following list (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid,
Sonic, Water, Force, Negative Energy)
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Oni), 1
Level Only
Benefit: You gain a Zenshaba as a racial weapon that has one ability on it from the Lesser Zenshaba ability list.
You gain a second ability at level 5 and a third ability at level 10. This Zenshaba deals 1d6 damage + 1d6
damage per 5 ranks of Weapon Attack you have above one. Your Zenshaba doesn't need any souls to power as
it's not as powerful as a fully fledged Zenshaba.
General Feats
Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks
Benefit: Opponents you've pinned suffer a -4 penalty on grappling checks or escape artist checks to slip out of
the pin
Normal: See Combat Maneuver, Grapple
Prerequisite: Damage Reduction at least twice
Benefit: If an attack fails to overcome your damage reduction, you gain the difference as a temporary boost to
your one stat of your choice (Chosen at the time of taking this feat) for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds. Multiple
instances of this stack and reset the duration. If you use this power for more than 10 rounds in one combat, you
are fatigued after the combat is over until you can get 8 hours of rest. You cannot multiply your base statistic by
more than 1.5 using this feat.
Prerequisites: Str 19+, Huge Size (Normal or virtual)+, Power Attack
Benefit: You can use your great size and strength to pick up a heavy object and attack an area as a standard
action. Such an attack may consist of swinging a large log or smashing a door down on opponent's heads. The
area effected is a half circle with a radius equal to your reach. You deal damage to all creatures two or more size
categories smaller than you within the area. The base damage dealt depends on your size category (Huge: 1d8,
Gargantuan: 2d6, Colossal: 2d8). Add 1 and 1/2 times your strength modifier to this base damage to determine
the total damage for the attack.
Prerequisites: Con 20+, Huge Size (Normal or virtual)+, Power Attack
Benefit: As an attack action, you can use your breath to affect all creatures in a cone 5 feet in length per point of
your constitution modifier. Each creature in the area is affected as though struck by a wind effect (See table 3-17:
Wind Effects in the Dungeon Master's Guide) The strength of the wind effect depends on your size category
(Huge: Strong, Gargantuan: Severe, Colossal: Windstorm)
Prerequisite: Con 19+, regeneration
Benefit: As an attack action, you can detach a portion of your body that can make a melee attack other than a
bite (such as a paw, tail or tentacle) and use it as a thrown weapon (Range increment 20 feet). The thrown
member deals it's base damage plus your strength bonus. Speacial attacks that deal damage, such as poison
and acid, take effect normally from the thrown member. Ability damage, ability drain and energy drain attacks
cannot be made with the detatched body part.
Special: Tearing off a piece of yourself is traumatic. You take subdual damage equal to one-quarter of ytour full
normal hit point total. Damage reduction cannot reduce this amount of damage taken in this way.
Prerequisite: Spell-like ability caster level 4th
Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions below. You can use that ability as an
empowered spell-like ability three times per day (Or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per
When you use an empowered spell-like ability, all variable, numeric effects of the spell-like ability are increased
by one-half. An empowered spell-like ability deals one-half again as much damage, cures half again as many hit
points, affects half again as many targets, and so on as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not
affected. Spell-like abilities without random variables are not afffected.
You can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to one-half your character
level (rounded down), -2.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, you can apply it to another of your spell-like
Prerequisites: Str 23+, Huge Size (Normal or virtual)+
Benefit: You can make a grapple check at a -20 penalty against an opponent at least two size categories
smaller than you. If you succeed, on your next action you can use an attack action to fling the held opponent.
The range increment for the thrown creature is 120 feet.
A creature may be thrown horizontally or vertically. If thrown vertically, it takes normal falling damage. If thrown
horizontally, it takes damage as if it had fallen half the distance thrown (rounded down). For excample, if a hurled
shinigami is thrown horizontally 170 feet, it takes 8d6 points of damage.
You may also fling the creature at another creature. To do so, make an attack roll at a -4 penalty, with
appropriate range penalties, against the target creature. If you hit, both creatures take the amount of damage
that the thrown creature would have taken otherwise, as given above.
Prerequisites: Fly Speed (or 4+ ranks in swim), Flyby Attack
Benefit: Using this feat is a full-round action. When flying, you can move up to your fly speed in a straight line
and attack a number of opponents equal to your dexterity modifier. All targets must be within your reach along
the line of your movement. Make one attack roll, add the appropriate modifiers and compare the result to the
Defense rolls of each opponent you are attacking. If any hits are successful, make one damage roll and add the
appropriate modifiers. Each successful hit does the full damage to that creature. Do not divide the result of the
damage roll among the targets. Targets of your attack do not get attacks of opportunity against you, but other
opponents that would be entitled to attacks of opportunity may take them.
Normal: Without this feat, a creature can make a single flyby attack in a round.
Prerequisites: Fly Speed (or 4+ Ranks in Swim), Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility
Benefit: When flying, you can take a move action (including a dive) and another partial action at any point during
the move. If this partial action is an attack, you incur no attacks of opportunity for moving through areas
threatened by your target. You cannot take a second move action during a round when you make a flyby attack.
Normal: Without this feat, you can take a partial action either before or after your move. Even with the flyby
attack feat, you incur attacks of oppourtunity for moving through areas threatened by the target of your flyby
Prerequisites: Three or more natural weapons, Multiattack
Benefit: The usual -5 penalty on attack rolls for secondary attacks does not apply to your secondary attacks with
natural weapons. The damage bonus for such attacks is still only 1/2 your strength bonus, if any.
Normal: Without this feat, your secondary natural attacks take a -5 penalty (or a -2 penalty if you have the
multiattack feat.)
Prerequisite: Resistance to the energy type you specify when taking this feat.
Benefit: Your existing resistance to one type of energy increases by 10. You can use this feat only to enhance
existing resistances, not to gain resistance to a new type of energy.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. It's effects stack. Each time you take the feat, you can either apply
it to another type of energy to which you already have resistance, or increase an existing resistance.
Prerequisite: Con 20+, Blooded
Benefit: If you survive 50 points of damage from a single attack and make your fortitude save, on your next
action, you gain +4 Strength, +4 Constitution and -2 to Defense. These adjustments last until the end of combat,
at which time you become fatigued.
Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Int 15+, Four or more arms, Improved Multiattack, Multiattack
Benefit: If you have four or more arms, you can use each pair of arms to perform a distinct partial action. All
such partial actions occur simultaneously. Thus you could attack with one or two arms while casting a kido with
two other arms.
Prerequisite: Con 20+, Blooded
Benefit: You take damage normally, but every 50 points of damage you take (If you survive the attack)
automatically increases your strength by +2. This bonus lasts until the end of the encounter, after which you are
Prerequisite: Strength 30+, Unarmed Strike 1+ Ranks, Power Attack.
Benefit: You may, as a full round action, clap two of your limbs together and create a cone of sound that starts at
your position and continues out for a number of feat equal to 5 x character level. Creatures in the cone get a
fortitude save (Constitution based) to resist the effect. Those that fail their save are deafened for the duration of
the encounter. Those that fail their save by 5 or more are also knocked down.
Special: This effect automatically extinguishes unprotected flames.
Prerequisites: Scent Quality, Improved Scent
Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent within 20 feet.
Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent within 5 feet.
Prerequisite: Fly speed.
Benefit: When flying, the creature can halt its forward motion and hover in place as a move action. It can then fly
in any direction, including straight down or straight up, at half speed, regardless of its maneuverability.
If a creature begins its turn hovering, it can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action. A hovering
creature cannot make wing attacks, but it can attack with all other limbs and appendages it could use in a full
attack. The creature can instead use a breath weapon or cast a kido instead of making physical attacks, if it
could normally do so.
If a creature of Large size or larger hovers within 20 feet of the ground in an area with lots of loose debris, the
draft from its wings creates a hemispherical cloud with a radius of 60 feet. The winds so generated can snuff
torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. Clear vision
within the cloud is limited to 10 feet. Creatures have concealment at 15 to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet
or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents cannot use sight to locate the
Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + creatures HD) to cast a spell.
Normal: Without this feat, a creature must keep moving while flying unless it has perfect maneuverability.
Prerequisite: Fly speed.
Benefit: A flying creature with this feat can change direction quickly once each round as a free action. This feat
allows it to turn up to 180 degrees regardless of its maneuverability, in addition to any other turns it is normally
allowed. A creature cannot gain altitude during a round when it executes a wingover, but it can dive.
The change of direction consumes 10 feet of flying movement.
Prerequisite: Con 13.
Benefit: You heal ability damage and ability burn damage more quickly than normal. You heal a number of ability
points per day equal to 1 + your Constitution bonus.
Normal: You heal ability damage and ability burn damage at a rate of 1 point per day.
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Score 200+, Burst of Speed.
Benefit: You deal 1 extra damage per 20 feet you move on a charge attack.
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Score 400+, Burst of Speed, Mach Punch
Benefit: Your deal 2 extra damage per 30 feet you move on a charge attack. This overlaps Mach Punch
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Score 600+, Burst of Speed, Mach Punch, Super Mach Punch
Benefit: You deal 3 extra damage per 40 feet you move on a charge attack. This overlaps Super Mach Punch.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 200+, Burst of Speed.
Benefit: You may move along vertical surfaces as long as you start and end your movement on a horizontal
surface. By spending 10 Reiatsu, you may continue to move on a vertical surface for an additional round without
ending on a horizontal surface. This expenditure may be done multiple rounds in a row.
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Score 300+, Burst of Speed, On the Rails
Benefit: You may now run across water and other liquids without making the balance check to make it so as
long as you begin and end your movement on a solid surface. By spending 10 Reiatsu, you may continue to
move along a liquid surface for an additional round without ending on a solid surface. This expenditure may be
done multiple rounds in a row. Should you run across a surface that is naturally harmful to you, you still take any
damage associated with the substance.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+
Benefit: When using Jump, Climb, Tumble and Balance in combat, you do not provoke attack of opportunity.
Special: You gain a +1 to Jump, Climb, Tumble and Balance checks +1 per 4 levels.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 300+, Spring Attack, Burst of Speed, Improved Burst of Speed
Benefit: Pay 100 Reiatsu. As a full-Round action, you may move up to your speed and can make an attack once
against each enemy that you move adjacent to during the movement at your highest base attack bonus. You do
not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving through threatened squares. You may use Burst of Speed,
Improved Burst of Speed or Greater Burst of Speed before this attack begins by paying double the reiatsu cost.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Benefit: If the character has a solid, relatively smooth surface on which to skip a shot (such as a street or a
concrete wall), and a target within ten feet of that surface, the character may ignore cover between the character
and the target. However, the character receives a 2 penalty on his attack roll and his attack deals 1 die of
Special: The surface does not have to be perfectly smooth and level; a brick wall or an asphalt road can be
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skip Shot
Benefit: Your skipped shot no longer takes the -2 to attack rolls and deals it's full damage to it's target.
Prerequisites: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Benefit: You may make a five foot step in between cleave attacks as long as you do not move further than your
maximum land speed for that round (IE: Usually 30 feet).
Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike or Melee Attack 11+ Ranks, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Mobility
Benefit: You may make any number of attacks of opportunity, up to your maximum allowed, against one target.
Prerequisite: Dex 15+
Benefit: You ignore all penalties for using an off hand. You are neither left handed nor right handed.
Normal: Without this feat a character who uses his or her off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls, ability
checks and skill checks. For example, a right handed character wielding a weapon in her left hand suffers a -4
penalty to attack rolls with that weapon.
Special: The feat helps offset the penalty for fighting with two weapons.
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Whirlwind Attack
Benefit: You may use this feat as a full-round action when using a slashing or bludgeoning weapon of medium
or large size. Make an attack roll at a -2 penalty to hit using your highest base attack bonus. This attack affects
all opponents in your threatened range. You may perform a deadly arc once per day per level.
Prerequisite: Dex 17+, Quick Draw
Benefit: If you draw a light weapon and make a melee attack with it in the same round, you catch your opponent
flat-footed (For the purose of this attack only). This feat works only once per combat.
Prerequisite: Any Attack Skill 4+ Ranks
Benefit: Declare you are making a focused attack. Your next single attack will cause maximum damage on a
successful hit. If you score a critical, the maximum critical damage is applied. If the attack misses the opportunity
is lost. You may perform a focused attack once per day per 3 levels.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
Benefit: When wielding a ranged weapon, your threaten range is 5 feet. You may take an attack of opportunity
against foes that enter or attempt to move through your threatened area. You may use combat reflexes, sneak
attacks and opportunist with this feat.
Normal: You do not threaten an area with a ranged weapon.
Prerequisite: Weapon Attack 6+ Ranks, Weapon Skill Focus (Weapon Attack) Str 13+
Benefit: You can use weapons that are one size category larger than you in one hand. You suffer a -2 Penalty
on your attack rolls while using this feat.
Prerequisite: Weapon Attack 9+ Ranks, Monkey Grip
Benefit: Any weapon that is a two handed weapon normally for you can be wielded one handed without penalty.
Prerequisites: Ambidexterity, Str 13+
Benefit: You gain your full strength modifier to damage with your off-hand attacks
Normal: You inflict half your strength modifier to damage with your off-hand attacks.
Benefit: When dying, your chance to stabilise is 10% for each point of your constitution modifier. Likewise, all
recovery efforts, whether aided or unaided are also 10% for each point of your constitution modifier
Normal: The chance to stabilise is 10%
Prerequisites: Con 13+, Iron Will
Benefit: You don't die till you hit negative hit points equal to three-quarters of your maximum hit points.
Normal: You die when you hit negative hit points equal to one-half of your maximum hit points.
Prerequisites: Dex 15+, Con 15+, Int 15+, Hold the Line, Combat Reflexes, One attack skill 5+ Ranks
Benefit: You may choose to use this feat anytime you are the only creature between your opponent and
someone you are trying to protect, designated at the start of your turn. When you use this feat, you may add
your Intelligence Modifier to your Defense and Attack rolls for as long as you are protecting your designated
charge. You add your Constitution Modifier to your Reflex Saves while using this feat. Also, if your opponent
attempts to move around you to get at your designated charge, you may take a five foot step in the direction they
moved to get in front of them. You may move further than your land speed in this way.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise
Benefit: If you take a standard action to study an opponent you can ignore half of his or her armor bonus
(Rounded down) during your next single attack. Only bonuses from actual armor (Including Natural Armor) are
halved, not those from shields, enhancement bonuses to armor, or magic items that provides an armor bonus.
Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Combat Martial Arts, Dexterity 15+
Benefit: A successful unarmed attack roll allows you to make a second attack roll against a different opponent
that is within the area that you threaten. This feat requires a full action.
Prerequisites: One Attack Skill 5+ Ranks, Improved Initiative
Benefit: You can perform a coup de grace attack against a helpless defender as a standard action. It still
provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Normal: Performing a coup de grace is normally a full-round action.
Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike 5+ Ranks, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Sunder, Dexterity 15+
Benefit: You can attempt to sunder an opponent's weapon or shield with an unarmed strike.
Normal: A character can normally only attack an opponent's weapon with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon.
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Power Attack, Combat Martial Arts, Jump 4+ Ranks
Benefit: When fighting unarmed and using the charge action you deal double damage with your unarmed attack.
Prerequisite: Improved Disarm
Benefit: If you succeed in disarming an opponent and you have a free hand, you can grab the weapon yourself
instead of letting it fall. If you can wield that weapon in one hand, you can immediately make a single attack with
it, though you suffer the usual penalties for a second attack with an off-hand weapon.
Normal: After a successful disarm attempt, the weapon winds up at the defender's feet, unless you attempted
the disarm attack while unarmed.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when using improvised weapons.
Normal: You take a -4 Penalty on attack rolls when using improvised weapons.
Prerequisites: Ranged Shot 9 Ranks, Weapon Skill Focus (Ranged Shot), Weapon Skill Specialization (Ranged
Benefit: You may now deliver a coup de grace as a full-round action against a helpless foe from within 30 feet of
the target. This still provokes an attack of opportunity as normal.
Prerequisites: Ranged Shot 12 Ranks, Weapon Skill Focus (Ranged Shot, Weapon Skill Specialization
(Ranged Shot), Ranged Deathblow
Benefit: Your Ranged deathblow is now a standard action. It still provokes an attack of opportunity as normal.
Prerequisites: Weapon Attack 6+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks
Benefit: You use your Strength Modifier for Unarmed Strikes instead of Dexterity.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
Benefit: As a swift action, you can opt for your unarmed strikes to deal your choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage. Once you make this choice, your unarmed strikes continue to deal the chosen damage type
until you use another swift action to change it.
Prerequisites: 19 Dexterity, 19 Intelligence, Incredible Defense, Flash Step 18+ Ranks
Benefits: Once per day per point of Dexterity Modifier (Minimum once) as an immediate action, you may negate
the damage and secondary effects of one attack and move up to your maximum roll of Flash Step (Check x 5 /
Prerequisites: Ability to Censure Hollows
Benefit: You may censure 2 more times a day.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken you may censure 2 more times per day.
Prerequisites: Ability to Smite
Benefit: You may smite 2 more times a day.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken you may smite 2 more times per day.
Prerequisites: Either 5 Kido Masteries or 2 Kido Masteries and an Item of Power
Benefit: You gain an additional Kido Mastery.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken gain an extra kido mastery.
Prerequisites: 5 Soulcaster Enhancements
Benefit: You gain an additional Soulcaster enhancements
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken gain an extra enhancement.
Prerequisites: 21 Dex or Int, Heroic Attribute: Dexterity or Intelligence, Flash Step 15+ Ranks
Benefit: You do not lose half your ranks of Defense when you are being targeted by a touch attack.
Prerequisites: Improved Luck of the Draw
Benefit: You gain one more Luck of the Draw point without accruing a Darkness Point.
Prerequisites: Gran Rey Cero, Constitution 15+
Benefit: You may use Gran Rey 2 more times per day
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the number of Gran Rey's by 2, and
increase the constitution requirement by 5.
Prerequisites: Magical Avenger
Benefit: Your bonuses from Warrior Mage increase to +6 versus Attacks of Opportunity and Double your
Spellscore modifier to damage. Your Spellscore is now considered 6 higher when calculating Reiatsu and you
gain an additional Kido per grade you have access to and gain access to in the future.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+
Benefit: You may use Intimidate to aggravate a target instead of demoralizing them. A successfully aggravated
target attempts to attack you to the best of it's ability, but takes a -4 penalty on attack, defense and reflex saves.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+
Benefit: You may use Intimidate on a number of targets equal to 1 + Charisma Modifier.
Prerequisites: Censure Hollow, Charisma 19+
Benefits: You may censure more powerful hollows than normal. The Censure Chart now reads as follows:
Censure Check Result Maximum Hollow Hit Dice
0 or lower Character Level - 4
1 - 3 Character Level - 3
4 - 6 Character Level - 2
7 - 9 Character Level - 1
10 - 12 Character Level
13 - 15 Character Level + 1
16 - 18 Character Level + 2
19 - 21 Character Level + 3
22 - 24 Character Level + 4
25 - 27 Character Level + 5
28 - 30 Character Level + 6
31+ Character Level + 7
Prerequisites: Impaling Maneuver
Benefit: Your attack does +3d6 damage per attack you gave up instead of +2d6.
Prerequisites: Slippery Mind
Benefit: You gain a +4 Bonus to the second saving throw you make.
Prerequisites: Mettle
Benefit: You gain the benefits of Mettle even if you are asleep or unconscious.
Prerequisites: Improved Scent
Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 90ft. For strong scents, such as
smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges. Overpowering scents such as skunk musk, can be detected at
triple the normal range.
Prerequisite: Hide in Plain Sight
Benefit: When you hide in plain sight, you gain a bonus to your hide checks equal to your Intelligence Modifier.
Prerequisites: 2 or more Hollow Companions
Benefit: You gain an additional Hollow Companion. The Hollow Companion is built at 1 level lower than your
lowest ranked Hollow Companion.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, you gain a new Hollow Companion built at one
level lower than the lowest level Hollow Companion you have.
Prerequisite: Tumble 4+ Ranks
Benefit: If you are struck by a melee weapon you can try to convert some or all of that damage into movement
that sends you off in an uncontrolled bouncing roll. To do so, you must make a Tumble check (DC = 5 + the
damage dealt from the attack) as an immediate action. If you succeed in this check, you take no damage from
the actual attack but instead convert that damage into movement with each point equating to 1 foot of
movement. For example, if you would have taken 6 points of damage, you would convert that into 6 feet of
movement. You immediately move in a straight line in a direction of your choice this number of feet (rounded up
to the nearest 5-foot-square), halting if you reach a distance equal to your actual speed. If this movement would
make you strike an object or creature of your size or larger, the movement immediately ends, you take 1d4
points of damage, and fall prone in that square. This involuntary movement provokes attacks of opportunity
normally if you move through threatened squares, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the
creature that struck you in the first place.
Special: You are staggered for 1 round after you attempt to use this feat, whether or not you succeed.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack
Benefit: You treat unattended objects as if they were vulnerable to your sneak attack, but you only deal half as
much damage as you would against an actual creature. For instance, if you rolled 12 extra damage from the
sneak attack you would deal an extra 6 damage to the object. This only applies when attacking unattended
Prerequisites: Flash Step Evasion, Improved Flash Step Evasion, Tumble 12+ Ranks
Benefit: When you successfully use improved evasion to avoid taking damage, you can move up to half your
speed as an immediate action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Prerequisites: Hide 4+ Ranks, Move Silently 4+ Ranks, Survival 4+ ranks
Benefit: Creatures cannot use the scent ability to track you (though they can still track you through standard
means such as footprints). Creatures with scent can detect your presence by smell at half the normal distance,
but cannot pinpoint your location with scent.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, Endurance.
Benefit: When you regain hit points by resting or through reiatsu healing, you recover additional hit points equal
to your Constitution modifier (minimum +1).
Special: If you are getting Reiatsu Healing, you gain the bonus of your Constitution Modifier per turn of healing.
Prerequisites: Diehard, Endurance, base Fortitude save +4.
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action you may attempt a new saving throw against a harmful condition or
affliction requiring a Fortitude save that is affecting you. If this save against the affliction fails, there is no
additional effect, but a successful save counts toward curing an affliction such as poison or disease. You cannot
use this feat to recover from instantaneous effects, effects that do not allow a saving throw, or effects that do not
require a Fortitude save.
Prerequisites: Craft (Mechanical) 4+ Ranks
Benefit: As a full-round action, a character with this talent can set a simple trap with a CR no greater than 1/2
her level. To do this, she must purchase the components, spend the required time constructing the trap in
advance, and have its components at hand.
Special: The type of trap that can be constructed in this way is subject to GM discretion.
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack +3d6
Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal
a weapon. Furthermore, if she makes a sneak attack during the surprise round using a concealed weapon that
her opponent didnt know about, she does not have to roll sneak attack damage, and the sneak attack deals
maximum damage. A character can only use the underhanded feat a number of times per day equal to her
Charisma modifier (minimum 0).
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack
Benefit: Whenever a character with this feat takes a full attack action, she can elect to take a 2 penalty on all
attack rolls until the start of her next turn. If an attack during this time is a sneak attack, she treats all 1s on the
sneak attack damage dice as 2s.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack +5d6, Powerful Sneak
Benefit: Whenever a character with this feat uses the powerful sneak feat, she treats all 1s and 2s on the sneak
attack damage dice as 3s.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack +5d6
Benefit: Once per day, the character can forgo her sneak attack damage to attempt to knock out an opponent.
She must declare the use of knock-out blow before she makes the attack. If the attack hits, it does normal
damage, but instead of dealing sneak attack damage (and instead of any effect that triggers when the rogue
deals sneak attack damage), the target falls unconscious for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces
this effect to staggered for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to 15 + the characters level + the characters
Intelligence modifier.
Prerequisites: One Attack Skill 4+ Ranks
Benefit: You may remove up to 5 dice from your damage pool to add that number to your attack roll (IE If you
had 6d6 damage you could deal, you could remove 5 dice of damage for a +5 to attack). If you hit with an
Accurate attack, you ignore Damage Reduction.
Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike 8+ Ranks, Improved Grapple
Benefit: If you successfully grab and restrain an opponent (see Grab), you can apply a chokehold, causing your
opponent to begin suffocating for as long as you continue to restrain your target (see Suffocation).
Prerequisites: Bluff or Intimidate 12+ Ranks
Benefit: You can make a Bluff or Intimidation check as a standard action (choose which skill when you acquire
the feat) to cause an opponent to hesitate in combat. Make a skill check as a standard action against your
targets resistance check (the same skill, Sense Motive, or Will defense, whichever has the highest bonus). If
you win, your target is dazed (able to take only a standard action) until the end of your next round.
Special: The ability to Daze with Deception and with Intimidation are separate advantages. Take this advantage
twice in order to be able to do both.
Prerequisites: Dexterity higher than Strength
Benefit: You can use your Dexterity bonus, rather than your Strength bonus, to make grapple checks. You are
not denied your dexterity bonus to defense while grappling. See Grappling, for details. This is a good advantage
for skilled unarmed combatants focused more on speed than strength.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 18+, Constitution 18+, Wisdom 18+
Benefit: Choose a particular hazard, such as falling, being tripped, triggering traps, mind control (or another
fairly specific power effect, such as Damage with the fire descriptor that requires a reflex save) or a particular
skill with consequences for failure. If you fail a check against that hazard, you can make another immediately
and use the better of the two results. You only get one second chance for any given check, and the GM decides
if a particular hazard or skill is an appropriate focus for this feat. You can take this feat multiple times, each for a
different hazard.
Prerequisite: Chosen Skill 8+ Ranks
Benefit: You can spend an Action Dice on a particular check and treat the roll as a 20 (meaning you dont need
to roll the die at all, just apply a result of 20 to your modifier). This is not a natural 20, but is treated as a roll of 20
in all other respects. You choose the particular check the feat applies to when you acquire it and the GM must
approve it.
Special: You can take Ultimate Effort multiple times, each time, it applies to a different check. This feat may not
be used after youve rolled the die to determine if you succeed.
Prerequisite: Talented
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all skills that are not favored for you. You gain an additional +1 to
those skills per 10 levels you possess.
Special: If you take the epic feat Omnicompetent, the competence bonus applies to all skill checks.
Prerequisite: Leadership
Benefit: Your presence reassures and lends courage to your allies. As a standard action, you can spend an
Action Dice to remove one of the following conditions from an ally with whom you can interact: dazed, fatigued,
or stunned.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 18+
Benefit: You suffer no circumstance penalty to attacks for being prone, and adjacent opponents do not gain the
usual circumstance bonus for attacks against you.
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative
Benefit: You can spend an Action Dice to automatically go first in the initiative order. You may only do so at the
start of combat, when you would normally make your initiative check. If more than one character uses this feat,
they all make initiative checks normally and act in order of their initiative result, followed by all the other
characters who do not have this feat.
Prerequisites: Bluff 8+ Ranks
Benfit: You can demoralize an opponent with Bluff rather than Intimidate (see Demoralize use of Intimidate
Skill), disparaging and undermining confidence rather than threatening. Targets resist using Bluff, Sense Motive,
or Will defense whichever is highest
Prerequisites: Uncanny Dodge
Benefit: When you flank an opponent, you and your flanking ally have a +4 bonus to attacks instead of the
normal +2. If you are flanking the opponent with more than one character, the bonus increases by +1 per extra
person flanking the opponent.
Prerequisite: 3[BW] Damage
Benefit: You gain an additional attack each round at your highest base attack bonus that can only be used to
parry attacks.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+
Benefit: This is the ability to attack with ease while moving quickly (running or sprinting, flying at high speeds,
etc.) or otherwise engaged in complex stunts. This reduces the penalties suffered for attacking while in motion.
Each penalty is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0). A character with this Feat may also use weapons in
conjunction with the Tumble Skill, and may aim while they are moving. This Feat may be assigned more than
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Skill Focus (Melee Attack), Intelligence 13
Benefit: When using a melee weapon in one hand and wearing no more than light armor, you gain a bonus on
your attack rolls and a Dodge bonus to your defense rolls equal to (1 + 1/5 your level [rounded down]).
Prerequisites: A Dodge Bonus to Defense, Tumble 9+ ranks
Benefit: As a full-round action, you move into your opponents square and behind her back, rotating as she
spins and moving as she moves. Whenever the opponent targets you with an attack, you make a Tumble
opposed by her attack roll. You may add any Dodge bonuses to you have to your AC to this opposed check. If
your check exceeds his/her attack roll, you are able to remain behind her and the attack is negated. If you fail,
the attacker doesnt need to make an additional attack roll, but must still hit your defense. You do not threaten
any squares while using this maneuver.
If the opponent moves, you may either elect to move with her, or may remain where you are (though neither of
you provokes an attack of opportunity for moving out of each others spaces). An opponent can attempt to trick
you using a Bluff check. If he/she wins this Bluff check, you cannot move with her. You can remain behind your
opponents back as long as you succeed in opposed checks. If you are successfully hit by the opponent, you
automatically move into an adjacent square of your choice and your attempt ends (though you can initiate
another as a full-round action).
Prerequisites: Tumble 8 ranks
Benefit: When making a full round attack, you take a 5-foot step between each attack to a maximum of your
land speed per round. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC while circle walking. Using this maneuver requires a
successful DC 25 Tumble check. For every 5 by which your Tumble check exceeds the DC, your dodge bonus
increases by 1.
Normal: You cannot move while making a full round attack.
Prerequisites: Talented
Benefit: By spending an Action Dice, you can gain a +10 bonus on any one unfavored skill. This bonus lasts for
an amount of time to complete a single action (This can be an extended action such as a craft check, subject to
GM discretion)
Prerequisites: Strength 15+, Power Attack, Relevant Attack Skill 8+
Benefit: When using the Power Attack feat, your damage bonus is multiplied by 1.5. For example, if you take a
-4 penalty to attack, you gain +6 damage
Prerequisites: Strength 17+, Power Attack, Improved Power Attack, Relevant Attack Skill 13+
Benefit: When using the Power Attack feat, your damage bonus is multiplied by 2. For example, if you take a -4
penalty to attack, you gain +8 damage
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Relevant Attack Skill 6+ Ranks
Benefit: You can alter your direction when making a charge to avoid obstacles.
Prerequisites: Proficency with attack form. Relevant attack skill 17+ Ranks, Improved Critical with attack form.
Benefit: When you score a critical hit with the chosen attack form, any bonus damage expressed as damage
dice (IE, Sneak Attack) is maximized.
Normal: Bonus damage is normally not multiplied.
Special: You can gain this multiple times. Each time choose a new weapon for your focus.
Prerequisites: Con 20+, Fortitude 13+ Ranks
Benefit: You are unusually resistant to pain. When you take damage, after damage reduction and resistances,
multiply the resulting damage by 75% and take that instead.
Benefit: You may make a heal check to stabilize a character as a move action.
Normal: Making a heal check to stabilize a character is normally a standard action.
Prerequisites: Balance 5+ Ranks, Listen 10+ Ranks, Survival 5+ Ranks
Benefits: When striking an object you may attempt to make a Concentration check with a DC of (10 + Object's
Hardness) to strike the weak spot and ignore the target's hardness for that attack. This may be done a number of
times per day equal to your Strength modifier.
Special: You may spend 100 Reiatsu to gain another use of this ability per day after you've exhausted all other
uses of this ability.
Prerequisites: Fortitude, Reflex or Will 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Once per day you can form a 10 foot bubble around your self that causes all sound that emanates from,
enters, or passes through the area to become unintelligible, garbled babble. Meaningful communication is not
possible by word of mouth, casting an kido with an incantation becomes impossible. The bubble lasts till the end
of the encounter, or until you are knocked unconscious or die. This bubble moves with you.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do increase the area of the bubble by 10 feet.
Prerequisites: Swim 10+ Ranks, Race with the ability to fly with the Swim Skill
Benefits: When using the swim skill to fly at your land speed, your maneuverability is increased 1 step
(Maximum Perfect).
Special: You may take this multiple times to increase your maneuverability by one step each time.
Prerequisites: Swim 18+ Ranks, Race with the ability to fly with the Swim Skill
Benefit: When you fly past opponents you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity for doing so.
Prerequisites: Supernatural ability
Benefit: Choose one supernatural ability you possess. Three times per day you may empower that supernatural
ability. Empowering a supernatural ability multiplies all numeric values by one and a half times. Saving throws
and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are supernatural abilities without random variables.
Prerequisite: Strength 13+
Benefit: You can run when the armor you are wearing or the amount of gear you are carrying normally would
prevent you from running.
Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts, Deflect Arrows, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm,
Combat Reflexes
Benefit: You must have both hands free or be holding weapons designed to catch other weapons to use this
feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a melee weapon, you may make a special disarm
attempt against your opponent. This attempt counts against your allowed attacks of opportunity this round. You
make an oppose attack roll against the attack roll that hit you. The opponent's attack roll is not modified by the
size of the weapon. If you succeed, you grab the weapon away from your opponent (If you are unarmed) or
knock the weapon to the ground (If you are armed). You may only use this feat against weapons up to 2 sizes
larger than you.
Prerequisites: Censure Hollow
Benefit: Choose another creature type. You may censure that type of creature as well as hollows.
Special: This may be taken multiple times; once per creature type.
Prerequisites: Censure Hollow, Alternate Censuring
Benefit: If you censure a creature with more than one creature type, that creature takes 3d6 damage per
creature type it has when you successfully censure it. This damage overcomes damage reduction.
Prerequisites: Heroic Surge, 500+ Reiatsu
Benefit: You may use Heroic Surge twice in a round instead of just once.
Prerequisites: Rampart Aura
Benefits: Your Guardian Weapon gains another ability.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is, your Guardian Weapon gains another ability.
Prerequisites: Boost, Reiatsu Pool 500+
Benefit: You may boost 2 more times per day
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken you may boost an additional 2 times per day.
Prerequisites: Reputation +3 or Higher
Benefit: You may designate someone as your Guardian. That character is built as a character of your level and
is loyal to you barring gross mistreatment on your part.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do choose another guardian. You cannot have
more guardians than your Spellscore Modifier + one quarter your reputation (minimum 0, Including bonuses for
Benefit: Choose one physical statistic. This becomes your Spellscore instead of Charisma. It cannot be
changed with the Spellcaster feat.
Prerequisites: Sentinel
Benefit: Your Guardian Weapon gains an additional type. You gain 1 Shikai Pick to put towards this type.
Prerequisites: Sentinel
Benefit: Your Guardian Weapon only has one type. You gain 2 extra shikai picks.
Kido Feats
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Kido Lore) 4+ Ranks, Spellcraft 4+ Ranks
Special Prerequisites
Shinigami, Quincy, or Oni first level or
Superhuman, Bounto, Fullbringer, Any Shinkoukenjun Race or Awakened Zanpakutou third level or
Hollow, Soulcaster, Solar, Gaian and Lunar fifth level
Benefit: When you take this feat, you begin casting kido of the Hado and Bakudo list from grade 1. The number
of kido you gain per grade is equal to your spellscore modifier, which is chosen upon selecting this feat from
amongst your Mental Statistics, but is normally charisma. You gain an access to an additional kido grade bracket
every second level after taking this feat.
Special: If you possess the spiritually aware feat and no racial feat, your effective character level for taking this
feat is considered 2 higher for when you gain access to kido grades. If you have the spiritually aware feat and no
racial feat, you may take this feat at first level. If you posses the Enlightened feat, your Spellscore is treated as 4
higher for garnering Kido. If you have Oldblood for a race, and a Racial feat. Use the more beneficial of the two
for your Spellcaster feat.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Enlightened, Spellscore 21+
Benefits: All Reiatsu Costs of kido cast by the user are reduced by 10% (Round up)
Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Enlightened, Spellscore 23+, Efficient Demon Magic
Benefit: All Reiatsu Costs of kido cast by the user are reduced by 25% (Round up). This bonus overlaps, and
does not stack with, Efficient Demon Magic.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Spellscore 21+
Benefit: When casting a Kido incantationless, use one-third your character level instead of one-quarter (As
always, round down).
Racial Feats
Awakened Zanpakutou
You are the spirit of a Zanpakutou given a physical form.
Prerequisite: Exclusive of any other racial feat
Benefit: You possess a katana or wakisashi shaped Zanpakutou that deals 1d6 damage. Your Zanpakutou
sharpens as your Reiatsu grows stronger. Every 5 Weapon attack skill ranks above 1, your Zanpakutou damage
increases by +1d6. You are automatically considered proficient with your Zanpakutou. You may as a move action
summon your sword to you. You may take Zanpakutou Feats other than Shikai, Bankai, Constant Release,
Greater Constant Release, Premature Bankai, Doll Training Bankai, Sealed and Twin Zanpakutou Mastery.
Player character should work with their GM to determine who's Zanpakutou they are beforehand.
If your Zanpakutou is destroyed you must make a Fort save DC 15 + level or become a broken Zanpakutou until
the sword repairs itself at which point you re-manifest fully rested and healed.
If your Master is destroyed or rejects you then the Awakened Zanpakutou must make a Will save DC 15+ level or
the Awakened Zanpakutou goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object
smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction a successful save
will stave off the effects of this for one day. If the Awakened Zanpakutou can be reminded of someone or
something they care about they may get to re-roll the save but only once per day.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 2[BW] damage
Benefit: You gain a Shikai Progression. Build your Awakened Shikai with one Shikai pick for each type your
Zanpakutou has (normally 2). You then gain one ability for every two levels after you take this feat. This form
cannot be sealed and is always active. Even Sekki Seki Stone does not shut off an Awakened Shikai. The shikai
you have must match your owner's Shikai including Expanded Release feats. If your master has the Alternate
Zanpakutou Form Feat, you gain it for free when taking Awakened Shikai.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 3[BW] Damage, Awakened Shikai, Exclusive Awakened Bankai,
Awakened Premature Bankai and Awakened Doll Training Bankai
Benefit: Your power is greater than normal. Double your current Shikai choices and gain one Shikai choice per
level thereafter.
Special: If you take this feat you cannot take the Awakened Bankai feat.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, 3[BW] Damage, Exclusive Greater Awakened Shikai,
Exclusive Awakened Premature Bankai, Exclusive Awakened Doll Training Bankai.
Benefit: You may build yourself a Bankai. Build your Bankai by first choosing another type for your Zanpakutou's
released state. Then, double your shikai picks from Awakened Shikai, and add in any from feats other than that.
Lastly, while your Awakened Bankai is active, your current hit points are doubled. You gain one Bankai Ability
plus one Bankai ability per 2 levels hereafter. Releasing your Awakened Bankai is a standard action, and you
may have it released for Character Level in minutes per day.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, 3[BW] Damage, Exclusive Greater Awakened Shikai,
Exclusive Awakened Bankai, Exclusive Awakened Doll Training Bankai.
Benefit: Build your Bankai as per the Awakened Bankai feat then add in one shikai pick for every 3 levels you
possess. Your Bankai timer is your character level in rounds per day.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, 3[BW] Damage, Exclusive Greater Awakened Shikai,
Exclusive Awakened Premature Bankai, Exclusive Awakened Bankai.
Benefit: Build your Bankai as per the Awakened Bankai feat, but do not double the number of Shikai picks you
gain. Your Bankai lasts till you shut it off, are knocked unconscious for more than three rounds, turn it off, or are
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18+ Charisma
Benefit: You can awaken the spirits within Zanpakutou. As a Standard Action that provokes an attack of
opportunity, you must make a will save versus the target Zanpakutou's Ego score. Should you succeed the will
save, the Zanpakutou Spirit awakens.
If a Zanpakutou Spirit is awakened, they stay awake for a number of months equal to twice the shinigami that
awakened it's Charisma Modifier. After that they must absorb hollows of menos class or greater to remain
awake. A hollow is worth an number of years equal to their hit dice.
To absorb a hollow, the Zanpakutou Spirit must make a coup de grace against their intended victim. Should they
hit, the target is entitled to a Fortitude Save (Constitution Based) or be absorbed into the Zanpakutou Spirit.
Should the Awakened Zanpakutou run out of time, they return to being a normal Zanpakutou.
A character who's Zanpakutou Spirit is awakened, loses access to any releases and gains the Bonuses of the
Sealed for the duration of the Spirit's summoning. While fighting your Zanpakutou Spirit you must make an Ego
check vs the zanpakutou's DC with a -6 penalty. The penalty is reduced by 2 for each encounter after the first to
a maximum of +0. Your Zanpakutou Spirit has the same mental scores as their base Zanpakutou Form did.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18+ Charisma, Awaken Zanpakutou Spirit
Benefit: You may awaken all Zanpakutou Spirits within 30 feet of you instead of just one target. You make 1 Will
Save versus each ego in the area.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou
Benefit: You gain a flight speed of 30 feet at average maneuverability.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, increase your speed by 10 feet, or your
maneuverability by 1 rank (Maximum Perfect).
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 1
Level Only
Benefit: You're not just one zanpakutou spirit. You're two. When you create your character create two characters
instead. The first is built normally. The second is built as a cohort two levels lower (Minimum 1
). You may
choose to be joined. If you are, you share your Zanpakutou Abilities between the two of you. If not, see Twin
Zanpakutou Spirits.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Joined Twin, 1
Level Only
Benefit: You and your Joined Twin are independent spirits, each with your own Zanpakutou Abilities. You do not
build your twin, the GM does, but the twin is of the same level you are. You do not share Zanpakutou Abilities,
you gain them separately each with your own pool.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18 Charisma, Awakened Zanpakutou Spirit, Will Save 13+ Ranks
Benefit: Any Zanpakutou you awaken must make a Will Save (Charisma Based) or be under the effects of
charm monster. They take everything you say in the best possible light and are friendly towards you. They will
listen to your commands as long as they do not truly conflict with their original purposes. If you give a
Zanpakutou Spirit an order that is contrary to their nature, they may make another will save with a +4 bonus to
resist the effect.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai
Benefit: You gain the Zanpakutou Ability; Armor of the Gods. It applies immediately to your humanoid form.
Once chosen the armor's form doesn't change.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: You are Large in size without having to be an anthropomorphic animal. You gain a +8 to Strength, a -2
to Dexterity (Minimum 10) and a +4 bonus to Constitution.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do you gain an additional size category.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18+ Dexterity
Benefit: You are small in size without having to be a child. You gain -4 Strength (Minimum 10), +2 Dexterity, -2
(Minimum 10) Constitution and a +1 on Attack and Defense Rolls. Your base weapon's damage remains at least
1d6 if your shrinking would make it smaller than that.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, reduce your size category another step.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai
Benefit: Choose an Element. You take one quarter of the damage from that element. You take double damage
from it's opposed element (Fire and Cold, Acid and Electricity, Sonic and Water, Force and Negative)
Special: You may take this four times. Each time you do choose another of the elemental relations.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, Elemental Sync
Benefit: Your unarmed strikes now deal damage of the element you take one quarter damage from. If you have
multiple energy types, you deal the most opportune one.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Once per time you have Elemental Sync.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync
Benefit: You may fire a blast of your element as an attack action, gaining extra attacks if you have them from
Ranged Shot. This blast is of the element you take one quarter damage from and deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 per
five ranks in Ranged Shot you have above 1.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Electricity)
Benefit: Three times per day, you may call lightning as the spell. Once per day you may call lightning storm as
the spell. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Fire)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell flaming sphere. Once per day you may use the spell
delayed blast fireball. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisite: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Cold)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell ice storm as a spell-like ability. Once per day you may use
the spell freezing sphere as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Acid)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell acid arrow as a spell-like ability. Once per day you may use
the spell acid fog as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Water)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell water walk as a spell-like ability. Once per day you may use
the spell control water as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Sonic)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell shout as a spell-like ability. Once per day you may use the
spell sympathetic vibration as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Force)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell magic missiles as a spell-like ability. Once per day you may
use the spell clenched fist as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Elemental Sync (Negative)
Benefit: Three times per day you may use the spell inflict moderate wounds as a spell-like ability. Once per day
you may use the spell inflict critical wounds as a spell-like ability. Caster Level equals Character Level.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain one more use of your three times per day
ability. Every third taking of this feat grants you another use of your once per day spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: You have a form that isn't solid. You may use the spell gaseous form as a spell-like ability at will. You
cannot use this in response to an attack, but may use it when you manifest. If you have the Improved Elemental
Sync feat, you deal damage to anyone within your gaseous form equal to your Zanpakutou or Unarmed damage,
whichever is higher adding in bonus damage from Zanpakutou Abilities. They must attempt a reflex save for half
damage (Constitution Based). Your caster level is equal to your character level.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, Elemental Sync, Improved Elemental Sync
Benefit: You may use the spell telekinesis as a supernatural ability at will, but only with your chosen element.
Your caster level is equal to your character level.
Prerequisites: Awakened Zanpakutou, Shinigami that released you with Improved Soul Companion
Benefit: When you absorb a hollow, they are worth more time to you than normal. Double the time that you
receive when you absorb a hollow.
Prerequisite: Perfect Sword Fusion or Full Release
By unlocking the powers of a Shinigami you can become more like them.
Benefit: You may now take Shinigami feats as if you had the Oldblood feat: Shinigami
If you take Shikai or Constant Release (or any better version) feat it has all the types your Zanpakutou already
has (all of them including extra or specialized for that type of release). In addition your zanpakutou abilities from
Shinigami sources now work near Sekki Seki Stone.
Bounto Feats
Prerequisites: Improved Blood Drain
Benefits: Once per day per point of spellscore modifier, you may attempt to dominate a target for 1d4+1 rounds.
This is done by making opposed Will saving throws, the higher of the two winning. Should you win, you dominate
your target. Should your opponent win, nothing happens and the attempt is wasted. A Dominated target will do
as you say for the duration of the domination. Regardless of the outcome, you may only dominate a target once
per 24 hours.
Prerequisites: Form of the Night
Benefits: You may assume the form of a Winter Wolf in addition to your other forms. You gain all the
extraordinary, supernatural and spell-like abilities of the Winter Wolf when you assume it's form. You gain the
form's physical statistics, and retain your own mental statistics.
Prerequisites: Exclusive any other Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a Gaian, a kami from long ago that abandoned the surface world and went underground. You
gain a spear that is made from rock and wood. This spear deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 ranks in
Weapon Attack you have above 1. You are a spirit of life, as such you become more powerful as you gain levels.
As such, at third level you gain 2 Shikai abilities. Each third level later you gain an additional shikai ability. Your
shikai abilities must be drawn from two of the following types. (Earth, Fire, Light, Space, Water, Barrier, Sand,
Primal, Metal, Plant, Summoning, Bone, Dragon, Spider, Healing, Darkness, Weapon and Gravity). At eighth
level and every three levels thereafter, you gain a Terra Ability chosen from the Terra abilities list. Gaians do not
eat, breath, sleep or age past maturity. Gaians have Darkvision out to 60 feet. You may shut off any Shikai Ability
you do not wish to use. This is a living race.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 3
Benefit: You gain an additional Shikai Pick
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you gain an additional Shikai Pick.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Exclusive Gaian Storm
Benefit: Your only gain one of the listed types of Shikai Picks. In response, you gain an additional 2 Shikai Picks
from that type when you gain access to shikai picks at 3
Prerequisites: Gaian, Exclusive Gaian Techtonics
Benefit: You gain an additional type from the listed shikai types.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, gain an additional shikai type.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 8
Benefit: You gain 1 Bankai ability.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain an additional Bankai ability. You cannot have
more Bankai Abilities than one half the number of Shikai Abilities you have.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 2 Terra Abilities
Benefit: You gain an additional Terra Ability.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do gain an additional Terra Ability.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Weapon Attack 9+ Ranks
Benefit: You may swing your weapon down and by the sheer power of your swing affect all targets within a 60
foot line. You do not roll an attack roll, all those within a 30 foot line simply roll a Reflex Save (Strength Based)
For half damage.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Earth Wrecker
Benefit: You gain proficiency with Heavy armor, and may manifest a suit of heavy armor that resembles full
plate. This armor provides a +10 bonus to your Defense Rolls, has a maximum dexterity bonus of +0 and weighs
nothing to you. You may manifest this armor as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
While in this armor, your damage reduction increases by 5/-. This counts as Armor of the Gods for Zanpakutou
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Strength
Benefit: You gain a burrow speed equal to your land speed. You may only burrow through loose dirt and soil.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 15+ Strength, Gaia's Wings
Benefit: You may now burrow through solid rock.
Special: You may take this a second time. Should you do so, you may burrow through metals.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Intelligence, Weapon Attack 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your Gaian Spear deals d8s instead of d6s
Prerequisites: Gaian, 15+ Intelligence, Volcanic Weapon, Ranged Attack 15+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your Gaian Spear deals d10s instead of d8s.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Intelligence
Benefit: Your Gaian Spear's critical range is improved to 19-20.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 15+ Intelligence, Improved Gaian Spear
Benefit: Your Gaian Spear now deals x3 damage on a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 18+ Intelligence, 15+ Strength, Weapon Attack 13+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Gaian Spear may now deal acid damage instead of it's normal, non-elemental type. This effect
costs 90 Reiatsu to use.
Special: Should you choose to have your Gaian Spear deal acid damage, Earth Burst cannot be used for 1d4+1
rounds, but deals an additional 1[BW] damage.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Charisma
Benefit: You may assume the form of any normal human hiding your nature from the world as a standard action.
You gain a +10 to Disguise Checks. This grants you a +2 bonus to Charisma while you are so transformed and
you lose access to your Shikai Picks, Bankai Picks and Terra Abilities, but not your Gaian Spear. It is a standard
action to transform back to your Gaian state.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Charisma, Earth Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Terra Abilities while in Human Form.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Charisma, Earth Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Shikai Picks while in Human form.
Prerequisite: Gaian, 18+ Strength
Benefit: Should you die, you can explode in a 30 foot area dealing your level in d6's to all within the area. The
Reflex save for half damage is Strength Based. Your body is disintegrated for using this ability
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, increase the area of the explosion by 10 feet.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 20+ Strength, Eruption
Benefit: Your eruption now deals d8's instead of d6's.
Prerequisites: Gaian
Benefit: You do not gain Shikai or Bankai Picks at level 3 or beyond. You can only gain the damage bonus of
Pressure Release and it's better, Superior Pressure Release. Instead you gain a 10% experience bonus on
violent encounters and every 2 levels you gain 2 attribute points to distribute instead of every 4.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Superior Gaian Body, Level 5+
Benefit: You gain 1 Shikai Ability and an additional Shikai Ability every 3 levels from now on. You are still
restricted to 2 types (Unless feats change that) of the types restricted to Gaians. You may now gain Pressure
Release or it's better at it's full power. You lose the experience bonus granted by Superior Gaian Body.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 18+ Strength
Benefit: You take one quarter damage from Acid attacks, but double damage from electricity attacks.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 18+ Strength, Earth Subtype
Benefit: You now heal from acid damage dealt to you on a 3 to 1 basis (So if you were going to take 33 points of
acid damage, you now heal 11 points.) You may take this a second time to make this healing 2 for 1.
Prerequisites: Ranged Shot 9+ Ranks
Benefit: You gain a blast of Lava that you extrude from your hands that deals 1d6 damage. To improve this
damage you must take the Ranged Mastery feat.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 3
Level, Must be loyal to the crown
Benefit: You are of a noble house. You are a minor member of that house, but your Wealth and Reputation go
up by 2 each.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, your importance in your house goes up, the
bonuses of this feat stack.
Prerequisite: Gaian, 3
Level, Must have denounced the crown
Benefit: You have given up the crown and now move among the surface world as a freedom fighter. Your
Reputation goes up by +2.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, increase the Reputation gain by 2.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 13+ Strength
Benefit: You gain a fly speed equal to one half your land speed with average maneuverability.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Winds of Change, 15+ Strength
Benefit: Either move your flight maneuverability up one stage (Max perfect) or add 10 feet to your Flight speed.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken move your maneuverability up one stage (Max
perfect) or add 10 feet to your fly speed.)
Prerequisites: Exclusive any other Racial feat
Benefit: You are a Lunar, a being made of darkness. You gain an unarmed attack that deals 1d6 damage + 1d6
per 5 ranks of Unarmed Strike you have over 1. As a being of darkness, you gain the ability to become more
powerful as you become higher in level. As such at 3rd level you gain 2 shikai picks and you gain another one
every 3 levels thereafter. These picks are placed using the same formula as the Shikai feat. You gain 2 types on
yourself that must be chosen from the following types: Earth, Ice, Water, Sand, Assassination, Oppression,
Poison, Games, Dragon, Distortion, Kidou, Darkness, Mind, War, Famine, Pestilence, Death. At 8th level, and
every 3 levels thereafter, you gain a Lunar Ability chosen from the Lunar Abilities list. Lunars do not eat, breath,
sleep or age past maturity. You may shut off any Shikai Ability you do not wish to use. This is a living race.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 3
Benefit: You gain an additional Shikai Pick
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you gain an additional Shikai Pick.
Prerequisites: Lunar, Exclusive Lunar Impact
Benefit: Your only gain one of the listed types of Shikai Picks. In response, you gain an additional 2 Shikai Picks
from that type when you gain access to shikai picks at 3
Prerequisites: Lunar, Exclusive Lunar Dulldrum
Benefit: You gain an additional type from the listed shikai types.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, gain an additional shikai type.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 8
Benefit: You gain 1 Bankai ability.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain an additional Bankai ability. You cannot have
more Bankai Abilities than one half the number of Shikai Abilities you have.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 2 Lunar Abilities
Benefit: You gain an additional Lunar Ability.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you gain an additional Lunar Ability.
Prerequisites: Lunar, Unarmed Strike 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Your unarmed strike deals damage to an additional target within 30 feet of the original target per 4
levels you possess. The secondary targets take half the damage that the original target would have taken before
damage reduction. Not dealing damage in this way does not damage yourself.
Prerequisites: Lunar, Moon Freeze, Unarmed Strike 12+ Ranks
Benefit: You may attempt to blind a target with your Unarmed Strike. First you must hit with your racial attack,
but choose to not do damage. The target makes a fortitude save (Constitution Based) or be blinded by darkness
for 1d6+1 turns.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 13+ Constitution
Benefit: You gain a fly speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 15+ Constitution, Wings of Luna
Benefit: Your flight speed either increases by 10 feet, or your maneuverability increases by one step (Maximum
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it's taken you may either increase your speed by 10
feet, or your maneuverability one step (Maximum Perfect).
Prerequisites: Lunar, 13+ Wisdom, Unarmed Strike 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your unarmed strike deals d8's instead of d6's.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 15+ Wisdom, Tides of The Moon, Unarmed Strike 15+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your Unarmed Strike deals d10's instead of d8's.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Wisdom, 15+ Constitution, Unarmed Strike 13+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Unarmed Strike may now deal cold damage instead of it's normal, non-elemental type for the
remainder of the encounter. This effect costs 90 Reiatsu to use.
Special: Should you choose to have your Unarmed Strike deal cold damage, your unarmed strike deals an
additional 1[BW] damage for the rest of the encounter but you are fatigued after it's use.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 13+ Charisma
Benefit: You may assume the form of a normal human hiding your nature from the world as a standard action.
This form is not of any specific human, and is unique to the Lunar that takes it. This grants you a +2 bonus to
Charisma while you are so transformed and you lose access to your Shikai Picks, Bankai Picks and Lunar
Abilities. It is a standard action to transform back to your Lunar form.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 13+ Charisma, Moon Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Lunar Abilities while in Human Form.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 13+ Charisma, Moon Son, Improved Moon Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Shikai Picks while in Human form.
Prerequisite: Lunar, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: Should you die, you can explode in a 30 foot area dealing your level in d6's to all within the area. The
Reflex save for half damage is Strength Based. Your body is disintegrated for using this ability
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, increase the area of the explosion by 10 feet.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 20+ Constitution, Dark Gravity
Benefit: Your Dark Gravity now deals d8's instead of d6's.
Prerequisites: Lunar
Benefit: You do not gain Shikai or Bankai Picks at level 3 or beyond Also you can only gain the First Phase of
Moon Dust feat or it's better, Second Phase of Moon Dust for their damage increases. Your Unarmed Strikes
also don't progress in power as a normal Lunar's do. Instead you gain a 10% experience bonus on violent
encounters and every 2 levels you gain 2 attribute points to distribute instead of every 4.
Prerequisites: Lunar, Superior Lunar Body, Level 5+
Benefit: You gain 1 Shikai Ability and an additional Shikai Ability every 3 levels from now on. You are still
restricted to 2 types (Unless feats change that) of the types restricted to Lunars. Your Unarmed Strikes now
progress as they should. You may now gain First Phase of Moon Dust feat and Second Phase of Moon Dust.
You lose the experience bonus granted by Superior Lunar Body.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: You take one quarter damage from Cold attacks, but double damage from fire attacks.
Prerequisites: Solar, 18+ Constitution, Cold Subtype
Benefit: You now heal from cold damage dealt to you on a 3 to 1 basis (So if you were going to take 33 points of
cold damage, you now heal 11 points.) You may take this a second time to make this healing 2 for 1.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Dexterity
Benefit: You gain a blast that works off your Ranged Shot skill. Your blast has a range of 90 feet and crits on a
natural 20. It deals 1d6 damage. You must take Ranged Mastery if you wish to gain any additional damage to
this attack. You add your Wisdom Modifier to damage.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Dexterity, Moon Blast
Benefit: Your Moon Blast critically hits on a 19-20
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Dexterity, Moon Blast, Improved Moon Blast
Benefit: Your Moon Blast now deals x3 critical damage.
Prerequisites: Lunar, Moon Blast, Superior Moon Blast
Benefit: Once per day you may maximize and empower your Superior Moon Blast. This costs 110 Reiatsu.
Firing the Superior Lunar Blast takes the same action as normal.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 3
Benefit: You are a Deacon of the church of the Grand Elder. Gain +2 Reputation and Wealth.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the prerequisite level by 6. The second time you
take this you are a Pastor of the church, the third time you take this you are a Bishop of the church. It's effects
Quincy Feats
Prerequisites: Rain of Arrows
Benefit: You can use Rain of Arrows two more times per day.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the number of times you can use Rain
of Arrows per day by 2.
Prerequisites: Trick Shot
Benefit: You can use a Trick Shot twice more per day.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the number of times per day you can
use trick shot by 2.
Prerequisites: Welle von Nichts
Benefit: Once per day you may maximize and empower your Welle von Nichts. This costs an additional 90
Reiatsu to power.
Prerequisites: Welle der Alles
Benefit: You may use Welle der Alles two more times per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, add 2 to the number of times you can use
Welle der Alles.
Shinigami Feats
Prerequisites: Shunko
Benefit: Your bonus to Strength and Dexterity increases to +8 and you add +4d6 electricity damage to your
unarmed attacks.
Prerequisites: Shunko
Benefit: You are no longer fatigued after using Shunko.
Prerequisites: Improved Shunko
Benefit: Your bonus to Strength and Dexterity increases to +12 and you add +6d6 electricity damage to your
unarmed attacks.
Prerequisites: An End to War
Benefit: You may use An End to War two additional times per day.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you may use An End to War two additional times per day.
Prerequisites: Recombination
Benefit: You may recombine someone a number of rounds equal to their level after their death instead of 1d4
Prerequisites: Recombination, Improved Recombination
Benefit: When Recombining someone, you pay Divinity points equal to one half their hit dice.
Prerequisites: Sixth Sense
Benefit: Sixth sense now reads Whenever the Investigator spends an action dice to improve the result of a skill
check made using certain skills (see below), the Investigator gets to add an additional 1d6 to the result per
action dice spent
Prerequisites: Intrepid Barrier
Benefit: Your bonuses for Intrepid Barrier now read as follows DR +20/- and Resistance to all elements +25
Prerequisites: Legendary Warrior
Benefits: You are no longer fatigued after using Legendary Warrior.
Prerequisites: Forbidden Experiments
Benefit: You gain one additional Hollow Growth Power
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken you may gain an additional Hollow Growth
Prerequisites: Eternal Mask
Benefit: Once per day you may maximize and empower your Cero at the normal cost +10 Hit points.
Special: You qualify for anything that requires Gran Rey for a prerequisite.
Prerequisites: A Summoning type Zanpakutou, 18 Constitution
Benefits: As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, you and your summoned creature merge
to form a more powerful creature. You gain aspects of your summoned creature as written below. You gain any
of your Summoned creature's attacks as your own and use them with your Weapon Attack skill. If you had the
Retain Blade ability or it's improved version, you still retain your blade as per the ability, but you don't split your
Zanpakutou abilities between yourself and your summoned creature. This ability lasts for 3 + Constitution
Modifier in rounds. You are fatigued at the end of your merger until you can take a 5 minute rest. You can use
this ability 1/day.
Gaining a Summon's Aspects is as follows:
Gain the Summon's modifiers as a bonus on each statistic. (So if your Summons had a 55 Strength, you
would gain a +22 to your Strength when you merge.)
Count as the Summon for feats and abilities (As well as yourself)
When you merge, your summon is no longer targetable, as you are both one being now.
You gain any traits the Summon possessed (Such as Construct traits, or Swarm traits.)
Instead of gaining a size category, you become the same size category as your Summons unless that
size category is below tiny or larger than gargantuan, in which case your size is Tiny (if smaller) or
Gargantuan (If larger).
Prerequisites: Skin of the Construct
Benefit: You can use your Skin of the Construct 2 more times a day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you gain 2 additional uses of Skin of the
Construct per day.
Prerequisites: Shunko, An elemental Zanpakutou
Benefit: Instead of Electricity, you may choose to have the aura of your Shunko deal damage as the element of
your Zanpakutou.
Prerequisites: Shinigami, Soul Companion, Will Save 12+
Benefit: You can have your Zanpakutou Spirit awaken. It is built as an Awakened Zanpakutou of your level -2.
They stay loyal to you even if you treat them with disrespect. Though too much disrespect could mean a
severing of the tie that allows you to talk to your Zanpakutou. If a Zanpakutou Spirit is awakened in this manner,
they stay awake for a number of months equal to twice your Charisma Modifier. After that they must absorb
hollows of menos class or greater to remain awake. A hollow is worth an number of years equal to their hit dice.
To absorb a hollow, the Zanpakutou Spirit must make a coup de grace against their intended victim. Should they
hit, the target is entitled to a Fortitude Save (Constitution Based) or be absorbed into the Zanpakutou Spirit.
Should the Awakened Zanpakutou run out of time, they return to being a normal Zanpakutou.
You may reawaken your Zanpakutou Spirit as a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Should
your Zanpakutou Spirit die while awakened, you lose access to your Zanpakutou as if it were sundered. You may
awaken your Zanpakutou Spirit after the regeneration timer is up.
A character who's Zanpakutou Spirit is awakened, loses access to any releases and gains the Bonuses of the
Sealed for the duration of the Spirit's summoning. While fighting your Zanpakutou Spirit you must make an Ego
check vs the zanpakutou's DC with a -6 penalty. The penalty is reduced by 2 for each encounter after the first to
a maximum of +0. Your Zanpakutou Spirit has the same mental scores as their base Zanpakutou Form did.
Prerequisite: Perfect Sword Fusion or Full Actualization
By unlocking the true powers of a zanpakutou you may begin manifesting some traits unique to them.
Benefit: You may now take Awakened Zanpakutou feats as if you had the Oldblood feat: Awakened Zanpakutou
If you take Awakened Shikai (or any better version) feat it has all the types your Zanpakutou already has (all of
them including extra or specialized for that type of release). In addition your zanpakutou abilities now work near
Sekki Seki Stone.
Prerequisite: Bakkotou Final Release, Spellcraft 12+ ranks
Benefit: Your Bakkotou evolves to its next stage which grants the following benefits while in your Bakkotou
Final Release state your Bakkotou gains 2 Bankai Abilities and 2 Vastro Lorde abilities. You may take this feat
multiple times each time gaining 1 Bankai ability and 1 Vastro Lorde ability each time your take this feat increase
the ranks required in spellcraft by 5.
Prerequisites: Exclusive any Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a Solar, a being made of light. You gain a blast attack that deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 per 5 ranks
of Ranged Attack you have over 1 to a single target within 90 feet of you with a ranged attack. You add your
Wisdom Modifier as bonus damage to this attack. As a being of light, you gain the ability to become more
powerful as you become higher in level. As such at 3rd level you gain 2 shikai picks and you gain another one
every 3 levels thereafter. These picks are placed using the same formula as the Shikai feat. You gain 2 types on
yourself that must be chosen from the following types: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Barrier, Sand, Metal, Plant, Blood,
Bone, Spider, Healing, Light, Sonic, Space, Time, Courage, Justice, Temperance and Prudence. At 8th level,
and every 3 levels thereafter, you gain a Solar Ability chosen from the Solar Abilities list. Solars do not eat,
breath, sleep or age past maturity. You may shut off any Shikai Ability you do not wish to use. This is a living
Prerequisites: Solar, 3
Benefit: You gain an additional Shikai Pick
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you gain an additional Shikai Pick.
Prerequisites: Solar, Exclusive Solar Storm
Benefit: Your only gain one of the listed types of Shikai Picks. In response, you gain an additional 2 Shikai Picks
from that type when you gain access to shikai picks at 3
Prerequisites: Solar, Exclusive Solar Conflagration
Benefit: You gain an additional type from the listed shikai types.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, gain an additional shikai type.
Prerequisites: Solar, 8
Benefit: You gain 1 Bankai ability.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain an additional Bankai ability. You cannot have
more Bankai Abilities than one half the number of Shikai Abilities you have.
Prerequisites: Solar, 2 Solar Abilities
Benefit: You gain an additional Solar Ability.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do gain an additional Solar Ability.
Prerequisites: Solar, Ranged Attack 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Solar Blast deals damage to all creatures within 10 feet of your original target. Instead of using an
attack roll, you simply state a distance, and the attack goes off prompting reflex saves (Constitution Based) for
half damage. You may choose not to use this feat. You may take this feat multiple times to increase the area of
the conflagration by 5 feet.
Prerequisites: Solar, Sun Burn, Ranged Attack 12+ Ranks
Benefit: You may attempt to blind a target with your Ranged Attack. First you must hit with your racial attack, but
choose to not do damage. The target makes a fortitude save (Constitution Based) or be blinded by the light for
1d6+1 turns.
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Constitution
Benefit: You gain a fly speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability.
Prerequisites: Solar, 15+ Constitution, Solar Winds
Benefit: Your flight speed either increases by 10 feet, or your maneuverability increases by one step (Maximum
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it's taken you may either increase your speed by 10
feet, or your maneuverability one step (Maximum Perfect).
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Wisdom, Ranged Attack 9+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your Solar Blast deals d8s instead of d6s
Prerequisites: Solar, 15+ Wisdom, Magnetic Storm, Ranged Attack 15+ Ranks
Benefit: Your damage with your Solar Blast deals d10s instead of d8s.
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Wisdom
Benefit: Your Solar Blast's critical range is improved to 19-20.
Prerequisites: Solar, 15+ Wisdom, Improved Solar Blast
Benefit: Your Solar Blast now deals x3 damage on a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Solar, 18+ Wisdom, 15+ Constitution, Ranged Attack 13+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Solar Blast may now deal fire damage instead of it's normal, non-elemental type for the remainder
of the encounter. This effect costs 90 Reiatsu to use.
Special: Should you choose to have your Solar Blast deal fire damage, your Solar Blast cannot be used for
1d4+1 rounds, but deals an additional 1[BW] damage for the remainder of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Charisma
Benefit: You may assume the form of a normal human hiding your nature from the world as a standard action.
This form is not of any specific human, and is unique to the Solar that takes it. This grants you a +2 bonus to
Charisma while you are so transformed and you lose access to your Shikai Picks, Bankai Picks and Solar
Abilities, but not your Solar Blast. It is a standard action to transform back to your Solar state.
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Charisma, Sun Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Solar Abilities while in Human Form.
Prerequisites: Solar, 13+ Charisma, Sun Son
Benefit: You retain the use of your Shikai Picks while in Human form.
Prerequisite: Solar, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: Should you die, you can explode in a 30 foot area dealing your level in d6's to all within the area. The
Reflex save for half damage is Strength Based. Your body is disintegrated for using this ability
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, increase the area of the explosion by 10 feet.
Prerequisites: Solar, 20+ Constitution, Conflagration
Benefit: Your conflagration now deals d8's instead of d6's.
Prerequisites: Solar
Benefit: You do not gain Shikai or Bankai Picks at level 3 or beyond Also you can only gain the Release of
1,000,000 Degrees and 4,000,000 Degrees for their damage increases. Instead you gain a 10% experience
bonus on violent encounters and every 2 levels you gain 2 attribute points to distribute instead of every 4.
Prerequisites: Solar, Superior Solar Body, Level 5+
Benefit: You gain 1 Shikai Ability and an additional Shikai Ability every 3 levels from now on. You are still
restricted to 2 types (Unless feats change that) of the types restricted to Solars. You may now gain The Release
of 1,000,000 Degrees' full power and it's better's full power. You lose the experience bonus granted by Superior
Solar Body.
Prerequisites: Solar, 18+ Constitution
Benefit: You take one quarter damage from Fire attacks, but double damage from cold attacks.
Prerequisites: Solar, 18+ Constitution, Fire Subtype
Benefit: You now heal from fire damage dealt to you on a 3 to 1 basis (So if you were going to take 33 points of
fire damage, you now heal 11 points.) You may take this a second time to make this healing 2 for 1.
Prerequisites: Solar, Superior Solar Blast
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, at the cost of 110 Reiatsu, you may both empower and maximize your
Superior Solar Blast. Firing the Superior Solar Blast takes the same action as normal.
Prerequisites: Solar, 3
Benefit: You are among the more prevalent of your species. Gain +2 Reputation.
Special: You may take this multiple times, each time you do increase the level prerequisite by 3 and move the
number up by one to a maximum of Third Among Equals. It's effects stack.
Soulcaster Feats
Prerequisites: Ranged Shot 12+ Ranks
Benefits: You create a shield that returns damage to your attacker using four of your Shun Shun Rikka. When
you perform this technique, which is a standard action, your shield is hit by an attack. If it does not break from
the attack's damage, the damage is returned to your attacker using your Ranged Shot ranks for the attack.
Should the attack hit, the attack does the damage that you would have taken had the Shield not blocked it. This
damage is mitigated by Damage Reduction, regardless of the source of the original damage.
Superhuman Feats
Prerequisites: Hollowfication
Benefit: You gain an additional hollow growth power that is active all the time. Also, choose two hollow growth
powers, these are only available in your Hollow Hyper-Evolution State. Choose one of the extra Hollow Growth
Powers chosen, they are available in your Hollow Evolution.
Special: You can take this multiple times. Each time you do follow the formula above and gain hollow growth
powers as appropriate.
Reiatsu Feats
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Pool 500+
Benefit: By focusing your reiatsu you may boost one physical ability score of your choice as a immediate action.
You must choose the stat you boost when you choose this feat and it cannot be changed later. You may boost
the stat once per round by your spell score modifier. Points of boost wear off at a rate of 1 point per round, but
the boost may be done again to reset the duration. You may use this power 1 + Spellscore Modifier times per
Special: You may choose this feat multiple times, once for each physical statistic
Prerequisite: Ranged Shot 6+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Reiatsu can charge a weapon with deadly force. Choose a type of Ranged Attack. Every 5 ranks
of Ranged Shot you have above 1 raises your Ranged Weapon Damage with that type of Ranged Weapon by
Special: This may be taken multiple times, but only for different weapon types.
Prerequisite: Weapon Attack 6+ Ranks
Benefit: Your Reiatsu can charge a weapon with deadly force. Choose a type of Melee Weapon. Every 5 ranks
of Weapon Attack you have above 1 raises your Melee Weapon Damage with that type of Melee Weapon by 1
Special: This may be taken multiple times, but only for different weapon types.
Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Flash Steps 6+ Ranks
Effect: Your Reiatsu can charge a natural weapon with deadly force. Choose a Natural Attack. Every 5 ranks of
Unarmed Strike you have above 1 raises your Natural Attack Damage with that type of Natural Attack by 1[BW].
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 200+
Benefit: You may increase your base land speed to 10 times normal for 1 round. This increase has the side
effect of multiplying your jump distance by 5 during this time period. Using this feat is a full-round action and
requires the expenditure of 50 reiatsu.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 500+, Burst of Speed
Benefit: You may increase your base land speed to 20 times normal for 1 round. This increase has the side
effect of multiplying your jump distance by 10 during this time period. Using this feat is a full-round action and
requires the expenditure of 80 reiatsu.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 1,000+, Burst of Speed, Improved Burst of Speed
Benefit: You may increase your base land speed to 30 times normal for 1 round. This increase has the side
effect of multiplying your jump distance by 15 during this time period. Using this feat is a full-round action and
requires the expenditure of 120 reiatsu.
Prerequisites: Cero, 15 Str, Dex or Con
Benefit: When you hit someone with your Cero, you can initiate a bullrush attempt as a free action. All those
who are caught in your Cero are subject to this bullrush attempt. The DC of the Bullrush check is equal to the
base damage of the Cero unmodified by saving throws, evasion or improved evasion, Gran Rey or Cero
Oscurus. (IE If you deal 33 base damage, the bullrush DC is 33). If someone is knocked into terrain while being
bullrushed, they are treated as falling the distance. If that falling damage is greater than the interposing barrier's
break DC, the barrier breaks and the bullrush continues till the end. This occurs for each interposing barrier.

Prerequisites: Gran Rey Cero, Ressureccion, Any one other Ceroshape
Benefit: When performing a Gran Rey Cero you may make it an attack action. Even if you make the Gran Rey
an attack action you may only make one Gran Rey in a round.
Prerequisites: 1
level only
Benefit: When effected by an ability that costs reiatsu to perform a successful save or defense drains additional
reiatsu from the user. For damage dealing kido or other abilities as such, they lose 30 per 2d6 damage the attack
would have dealt. For binding kido or other abilities as such, they lose one quarter again the reiatsu required to
perform the binding. For empowering attacks with reiatsu and reiatsu strike, a critical defense drains half again
as much, and a regular defense drains one quarter.
Special: The character may never possess the Spellcaster Feat, Spell-Like abilities or Psi-Like abilities. Nor can
they take the Hollow Growth Power [Permanency]
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Suppression, 8
Benefit: When a reiatsu powered ability is used within 30 feet, the character may make a will save against the
ability's base DC or the Attack Roll, whichever is used. Should they succeed, the user of the ability is effected as
if they targeted the character with Reiatsu Suppression.
Prerequisites: Elemental Absorption
Benefit: Abundance becomes your weight or size in the element of your choice instead of twice your weight or
Prerequisites: Reiatsu 500+, Endurance
Benefit: As long as you have 100 Reiatsu in your pool or more, when you fail your stabilization check, you do
not lose 1 hit point. If you succeed at the check, you can spend 100 to heal 1d6 hit points.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it is taken add 1d6 to the number of hit points healed if
you succeed your stabilization roll.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Healing, 16+ Constitution
Benefit: At will as a full-round action, you may perform a special bloodletting ritual through which you sacrifice
some of your own vitality to heal another creature. When using this feat, you take any amount of points of
damage and apply your blood to the wounds of a living creature, healing it for a number of hit points equal to the
amount of damage you took from the ritual. This is a supernatural ability. Only you can perform this bloodletting.
You may only use this feat when you are exhausted whether it is due to using Reiatsu Healing or any other
feature that makes you exhausted.
Prerequisites: 18+ Constitution, Reiatsu Healing, Life's Blood
Benefits: The damage you heal is now twice the damage you took to activate Life's Blood.
Prerequisites: 20+ Constitution, Reiatsu Healing, Life's Blood, Improved Life's Blood
Benefits: The damage you heal is now three times to damage you took to activate Life's Blood.
Prerequisite: Any Aura feat
Benefit: The area of your auras increases by 30 feet.
Special: You may take this multiple times to increase the area of your auras by a further 30 feet each time.
Prerequisites: Any Reiatsu Feat
Benefit: By expending 4 points of Reiatsu, you may prevent 1 point of damage to yourself. This may be done
multiple times in increments of 4 points of reiatsu per 1 point of damage prevented. This does not count as
damage reduction for attacker damage taken.
Normal: You may only add damage to an attack, not prevent damage from occurring. This is an expansion for
the Rules for Reiatsu.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Healing
Benefit: When you use Reiatsu Healing on a character, for a number of rounds equal to your spellscore, the
character is protected as if you had cast the spell sanctuary on them. The Will DC to overcome the Sanctuary
effect is (15 + character level + spellscore modifier)
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Healing, Healing Kicker
Benefit: When you use Reiatsu Healing on a character, for a number of rounds equal to your spellscore
modifier, the character is protected by a deflection bonus on Reflex Saves equal to your wisdom modifier.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Healing, Healing Kicker, Improved Healing Kicker
Benefit: When you use Reiatsu Healing on a character, you grant them temporary hit points equal to your
spellscore. These temporary hit points last for a number of minutes equal to your spellscore modifier or until
Prerequisites: Intimidate 10+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ Ranks, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Reiatsu Burst, Reiatsu
Benefit: By spending Reiatsu in multiples of 75, you can damage all things within 20 feet of you. Deal 1d6
damage per 75 Reiatsu spent to all things within 20 feet of you. This does damage objects, and buildings as well
as creatures. It ignores hardness of structures. This does not discriminate between friend and foe, and harms all
things equally.
Special: You may take this multiple times to increase the area by 10feet. This overcomes damage reduction.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13
Benefit: Each day, you may cause wounds with a successful touch attack as a standard action. You can deal a
total number of hit point damage equal to your character level x your charisma modifier. You may divide the
damage up however you choose. The target may attempt a fortitude save (DC 15 + character level + charisma
modifier) for half damage. Alternately, you may use this ability to heal those with undead traits.
Special: You may spend 30 Reiatsu to add 1d6 damage to the damage dealt. You cannot spend more than your
Wisdom Modifier x 30 to add d6's of damage.
Prerequisites: Treat Injury 8+ Ranks, Reiatsu Healing
Benefit: You may forgo one round of healing energy to grant all allies within 60 feet Fast Healing 3 for 1 +
Spellscore Modifier rounds. You still count as if you used a round of healing, which counts towards your
maximum for the day before you have to begin making fortitude saves.
Special: You may take this multiple times to either increase the granted fast healing by 1, or the number of
rounds it remains active by 2.
Prerequisites: 500+ Reiatsu, Overbearing Reiatsu, Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Benefit: You count as if you were 2 categories higher than normal when people sense your Reiatsu. Unlike the
normal rules others can still sense you regardless of their Reiatsu Rating unless you make a DC 20 Bluff check
to suppress that part of this feat. Every reiatsu you spend counts as 2 instead. This feats grants you a +5 bonus
on Soul Crushing checks for your insanely large Reiatsu.
Prerequisites: Suppress Reiatsu, Bluff 10+ Ranks
Benefit: When suppressing your Reiatsu, you can attempt to make a DC (10 + Character Level) Bluff check. If
you succeed, your Reiatsu is treated as if it was 3 ratings higher than anyone that attempts to sense it unless
that person beats a DC 40 Sense Motive check. A character with Reiraku Hunter reduces this DC by 10.
Awakened Zanpakutou Prestige
Captain Class Zanpakutou
Captain Class Awakened Spirits are those Zanpakutou wielded by Captain level Shinigami. They are quite
powerful, having abilities that make other Zanpakutou spirits look weak by comparison.
Feats: Blooded, Seasoned, Talented, Awakened Shikai
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks
Special: 500+ Reiatsu, Must be the Zanpakutou of a Captain level Shinigami.
Class Specialty: Each Feat in this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat for Reiatsu Rating calculation.
You gain 2 extra Shikai Abilites or 1 extra Bankai Ability or a Bonus Feat or +1[BW] to your Weapon Attack. You
cannot gain Bankai Abilities if you do not have access to a Bankai.
2- Bonus Feat or 1 Additional Shikai Ability. This counts as a Reiatsu feat no matter which option you choose.
Your Bankai duration doubles or you gain +1[BW] damage to your weapon attack.
4- Bonus Feat or 1 Additional Shikai Ability. This counts as a Reiatsu feat no matter which option you choose.
You gain either 4 Shikai Abilities, 2 Bankai Abilities, 2 Bonus Feats or +1[BW] to your Weapon Attack. You cannot
gain Bankai Abilities if you do not have access to a Bankai
The Sword Beasts or Tj are rampant Zanpakutou spirits whose masters where killed after failing to force them
into submission. Normally, a Zanpakutou dies when its master dies, but these rampant Zanpakutou spirits suffer
an emptiness at the realization that they no longer have a master, and thus no true identity, which results in an
abnormality that has them exhibiting berserker rage-type behavior which transforms them into neither, much less
Shinigami or Hollow; in essence, Tj are part of an entirely-new phenomenon. Essentially, a rampant Tj is in
constant Bankai, which means that even a low-level Zanpakutou will be a force to be reckoned with. Tj have
demonstrated the ability to fuse with other beings, presumably as a means to preserve or prolong their
existence. Such as a fusion with Hollows, grants the Tj a substantial boost in power and merges their abilities
with that of the possessed Hollow, making them far more difficult for the Shinigami to contend with. A fusion with
Rukongai residents, however, seems to disfigure and derange the peasant in question, rendering them bald, red-
eyed, mindless and near-identical in appearance, implying that either the Tj in particular were already in their
berserker state or accelerated the rampancy transformation with their fusion. This also weakens the Tj's
power level and limits their combat capabilities, as the possessed peasants were only shown to have regular
weapons that they swung in an erratic fashion, and could be killed without much difficulty by seated Shinigami.
Possessing a human, however, allows Tj to conceal their reiatsu from Shinigami senses, synching their souls
with one another, thereby enabling the Tj to possess their body and materialize their own form in the place of
the humans', even telepathically conversing with the human in much the same way a Zanpakutou would to its
Shinigami. Not every master-less zanpakutou immediately become rage-filled berserkers upon the death of their
Shinigami, and would retain their identity for a time the absence of a master and inability to preserve their
existence causes most Tj to gradually and painfully transform into mindless beasts. However, it appears that
Tj can briefly regain their sanity when shown compassion or through bonding with another.
Feats: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, Exclusive Greater Awakened Shikai or Awakened Bankai.
Special: Master must have been killed after the spirit is awakened.
When you fail the save to remain in control of yourself, you gain your Charisma modifier as a bonus on all Attack,
Damage, Defenses and Saves. Also, you gain one Shikai Ability per level you possess, rebuilding your Released
States. You must retain the same types as before however but may select a new type on top of it.
2 Bonus Feat
Your Zanpakutou becomes more powerful gaining 1 Bankai ability per level you have over 8. This is considered
to be Bankai for feats and abilities. The Toju does not double their hit points for having this feat.
4 Bonus Feat
You may attempt to fuse with another creature to help remove your mindless destruction. You may fuse with a
creature only once and once you do this ability is permanent. To attempt to fuse make a touch attack against
creature if you successfully touch them they must make a Fortitude save DC 15 + your level or join with you
permanently. If you fuse with any Human race, you no longer suffer from the rampage effect of having your
master destroyed. Once per day per point of spellscore modifier you can enter Toju State for 3+ Constitution
Modifier in Rounds. If you fuse with a Hollow, you gain all the hollow abilities of the target plus one hollow
growth power per five levels you possess. If you fuse with a Bounto you gain any of the Bounto's doll abilities as
your own. You do not suffer from rampage anymore either. If you fuse with any Shinkoukenjin race, you gain
the benefits of their Racial Feat, Hybrid and Kanzen (not their Shikai abilities). If you fuse with a Kitsune you no
longer suffer from the rampage effect of having your master destroyed. Once per day per point of spellscore
modifier, you may enter Toju Mode for 3+ Constitution Modifier in rounds. If you fuse with a Soulforge, you no
longer suffer from rampages. You gain one ability that they possess under their soulforge feat for every 4
character levels you have. If you fuse with a Solar or Lunar you no longer suffer from the rampage effect of
having your master destroyed. You also gain their shikai types added to your own as if you took the feat Multiple
Type. You may not fuse with other Awakened Zanpakutou spirits.
Yugoken are the fused swords of the Baishinisan.
Feats: Awakened Shikai
Skills: Fortitude 10+ Ranks
Special: 3[BW] Damage
Once per day per four levels you possess, you can fuse with your Master as a standard action. Doing so
temporarily grants you the bonuses from Greater Awakened Shikai. While in the fused state you have a 5%
cumulative chance to go berserk and rampage as if your master was killed or rejected you. This form lasts for
your character level in minutes per day and may be split over multiple uses. If you rampage, the form lasts until
the timer is up. You can attempt to make a Will save (Your Wisdom Based) each round to stop rampaging for
1d6+1 rounds at which time you must make the will save again or continue rampaging.
You become more like a sword. You gain Construct traits while in imperfect Sword Fusion.
While you are in your Imperfect Sword Fusion, your chance to berserk is now 2% cumulative.
You always have Construct traits.
The Yukogen reaches a state of harmonious fusion with his master, and as his spirit is united, he is granted the
Greater Awakened Shikai feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites for the feat. At this stage of the fusion,
the Zanpakutou Spirit and Master are one, and the Zanpakutou no longer has to ingest hollows to stay awake.
Also, they lose the 2% cumulative chance to rampage every round.
Living Bakkutou Spirit
This is the spirit of a Zanpakutou Spirit that has been corrupted by a Hollow Spirit.
Feats: Awakened Shikai, Inner Hollow
Feats: Will Save 6+ Ranks
Special: Exclusive Awakened Bankai related feats
You become corrupted by a hollow spirit. Every round you are in combat, you must make a Will Save (Wisdom
Based) or fly into a rage, as the feat for the remainder of combat. After combat you are fatigued until you either
fly into another rage or get 8 hours of sleep. If you fly into another rage after being fatigued, you are exhausted
after the second rage. Also, You gain your Intelligence Modifier in Hollow Growth powers, and you gain an
additional Hollow Growth power after each tenth kill.
2 Bonus Feat
You have learned to deal with the rage filling your heart. You must make a save every second round of combat,
and you gain a +5 bonus to the save.
4 Bonus Feat
You have released your soul's inner power. For one minute per level per day, you may release your Final
Release as a standard action. This Final Release doubles your Shikai Picks, and grants you one physical hollow
growth power per hollow growth power you already possess.
Bunri Shita Ken
Burni Shita Ken are Zapakutou Spirits are those whose masters are going through Jikojitsugen training.
Beginning as merely a base separation, it ends with the permanent separation of Spirit and Master.
Feats: Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai
Skills: Weapon Attack 11+ Ranks
Special: Must have a master with the Improved Soul Companion feat and that is going through Jikojitsugen
You lose access to your highest release form, as your master temporarily steals the ability to use it from you. In
return you gain the benefits of the Sealed Feat retroactively unless you already have the bonuses from Sealed,
in which case you increase the number of attribute points you gain per 2 levels by 1 retroactively.
2 Bonus Feat
You regain the usage of your powers, but gain more power for it. Instead of gaining your release back, you gain
the Greater Awakened Shikai feat without actually having the feat itself. If you already possessed Greater
Awakened Shikai, you gain a bonus feat instead. With this feat, you can take Awakened Bankai, Awakened
Premature Bankai or Awakened Doll Training Bankai.
4 Bonus Feat
You have finally separated from your master fully, becoming a free roaming spirit. You no longer rampage though
your master has rejected you as you have come to terms with the fact that your master was going to leave you
anyway. You have an identity of your own so even if your master is killed you do not rampage.
Awakened Vizard Spirit
Awakened Vizard Spirits are the spirits of the Zanpakutou of Vizards.
Feats: Inner Hollow
Skills: Will Save 10+ Ranks
Special: Must be the Awakened Spirit of a Vizard.
You gain Hollow Growth powers. You gain 2 Hollow Growth Powers when the feat is taken, and one hollow
growth power ever 2 levels thereafter. You can take the hollow feat Hollow Growth Power.
2 Bonus Feat or Hollow Growth Power
When you gain this feat, you create another release doubling your Hollow Growth Powers and Hit Points, but
you can only use the extra hollow growth powers for one minute per point of constitution modifier per day. You
may enter this form as a Standard Action.
4 Bonus Feat or Hollow Growth Power
You may now release your Hollow Release as a swift action instead of a standard action. Also double your
Hollow Release timer.
ollow Awakened Spirit
Awakened Hollow Spirits are exactly that. The awakened spirits of Arrancar Zanpakutou. These creatures are
the living embodiment of an Arrancar's hollow core.
Special: Master must have been an Arrancar.
You gain 1 Hollow Growth Power per 3 levels you possess.
All physical hollow growth powers you selected are sealed inside your Zanpakutou. You gain the benefits of the
Sealed feat retroactively unless you already have the bonuses from Sealed, in which case you increase the
number of attribute points you gain per 2 levels by 1 retroactively.
By learning to release the power of the hollow that now lives with them in their Zanpakutou, the Awakened Spirit
unlocks great power. As a standard action, you may enter Ressurrecion. Ressurrecion grants the Awakened
Spirit a bonus on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to two times the number of released powers they
have. This form lasts for the Awakened Spirit's Constitution Modifier in minutes per day, and can be spread
among multiple uses.
The Awakened Spirit can release their Ressurrecion as a swift action instead of a standard action.
You gain the Cero hollow growth power if you didn't have it already. If you did have the Cero Hollow Growth
Power you may, once per day, as a free action, empower and maximize the damage from your Cero. It still takes
the normal time to fire the Cero, you are just adding to the damage at the cost of 10 HP.
!nner "orld "arrior
Inner World Warriors are those that take the fight to their inner world, fighting opponents in a battlefield of the
Awakened Zanpakutou's choosing.
Feats: Awakened Shikai, Seasoned, Zanpakutou Domain
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks
Special: 3[BW] Damage
An inner world warrior knows how to take advantage of a situation. Whenever you are within your Zanpakutou
Domain, you gain your bonuses faster. You gain a +2 bonus every round until you hit a maximum of +6. Also,
since your sword has no sealed state, it does not return to it. Instead you gain 1 bonus Shikai Ability pick per
point of intelligence modifier to add to your Awakened Shikai while within your domain. If you were in Bankai
when you activated Zanpakutou Domain, you return to your Awakened Shikai state.
2 Bonus Feat
Your Zanpakutou Domain cannot be contained. First increase the area to 30 feet per level instead of just 300
feet. Secondly, your domain can be put up even in an area of Sekkiseki Stone.
4 Bonus Feat
While within your Zanpakutou Domain, you gain fast healing equal to your bonus to attack and defense rolls from
your Zanpakutou Domain. You now keep your Awakened Bankai active if you activated it within your Zanpakutou
Domain and you cannot be disarmed or have your Zanpakutou sundered while within your domain. Your
domain's duration doubles.
Zanpakutou Size#$hanger
A Zanpakutou Shapechanger is the spirit of a Zanpakutou of someone that has trouble focusing their Reiatsu.
They can change their size at whim, going from the size of a dime to the size of a skyscraper in a heartbeat.
Feats: Awakened Shikai
Skills: Control Shape 6+ Ranks
Special: 1,000+ Reiatsu
You may shift your size either up or down one size category for every 500 Reiatsu you have in your maximum
pool. If you have the Growth or Shrinking Zanpakutou Abilities, those size categories don't count towards your
maximums of Size Changing. Growing or Shrinking from this ability costs 100 Reiatsu, you can return to your
normal size for free.
2 Bonus Feat
When you shift sizes via Reiatsu, your statistic bonuses are increased by 4 and your statistic penalties are
reduced by 2. In addition, your weapon is moved up an additional size category.
4 Bonus Feat
When you shift sizes via Reiatsu, your statistic bonuses are increased by 6 and your statistic penalties are
erased this supersedes Greater Size Changing. In addition, while you are a size that is not your normal, you gain
Fast Healing equal to your constitution modifier also your bonuses to Defense (Whatever the source) are
Bounto Prestige Paths
Andern Formular
Prerequisites: Indomitable Spirit,
Concentration 10+ Ranks
At will, you may become a Dire Wolf or a
Dire Bat gaining all the physical statistics
of that form, but retaining your own
mental statistics. You use your own skills
and gain any bonuses to skills that your
new form grants you. You use your own
hit points. You still retain any feat that you
can logically use in your new form. You
gain all the extraordinary abilities of the
new form.
2 Bonus Feat
You become a monster of the night. At
will you may shift forms from your normal
form to a form akin to a Were-wolf. You
gain your Spellscore modifier as a bonus
on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution,
Fast Healing 5 and a bonus on Attack
and Defense rolls equal to one quarter of
your level. You gain 2 Claw attacks that
are used as secondary natural weapons.
They deal 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage
per 5 ranks in Unarmed Strike you have
over 1. This form lasts 3 + Your new
Constitution modifier in rounds before
you shift back and are fatigued until the
end of combat. While fatigued you cannot
shift into your Frightful Form.
4 Bonus Feat
Your frightful form is even more
intimidating. Increase your size one
category (Gaining +8 Strength, -2
Dexterity and +4 Constitution) while in
frightful form, and increase your Fast
Healing to 10. Your bonus to Attack and
Defense rolls increases to one third of
your level. Your claw damage becomes
1d8 + 1d8 per 5 ranks in Unarmed Strike
you have over 1. Also, you gain Frightful
Presence as the feat.
Gaian Prestige Paths
Terra Knight
Terra Knights are those that are sent into battles that others shy away from. They scoff at danger, and uphold a
code of honor and integrity.
Feats: Gaian, Gaia's Wings, Blooded, Talented, Leadership
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks, Ranged Attack 6+ Ranks
Special: 500+ Reiatsu, Each feat within this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat.
You gain a release created by doubling your Shikai Picks and adding in any you gained from feats other than
Gaian. This form can be released once per level per day for an entire encounter and replaces the shikai picks
that you have on your body currently.. It is a standard action to release Pressure Release. If you have the feat
Superior Gaian Body, you instead gain +1[BW] to your Weapon Attack. If you later gain the Gaian Super Storm
Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on your Weapon Attack.
2 2 Shikai Picks for your released state or a Bonus Feat or +1[BW] to Weapon Attack
You gain 2 extra picks for your release. Also you gain a secondary release for your form built by doubling your
first release's picks (picks gained from feats are added on after doubling, and do not double.) other than Gaian.
Also while this form is released, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit
points count as hit points to determine your damage cap. You may release this form for character level minutes
per day. If you do not have the ability to gain a release, you instead gain an additional +1[BW] to your Weapon
Attack. If you later gain the Gaian Super Storm Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on
your Weapon Attack.
4 2 Shikai Picks for one of your released states or a Bonus Feat or +1[BW] to Weapon Attack
You gain either 2 shikai picks for your first release or 4 shikai picks for your second release. If you have the feat
Superior Gaian Body your Weapon Attacks gain +1[BW]. In addition, double the number of times per day you
can release Pressure Release, and double the timer on Superior Pressure Release.
Member of the Igneous Order
Members of the Igneous Order are defenders of the crown. They stand guard in towers and temples, taking on
jobs too tough for most. Members of the Igneous Order are also the direct subordinates of the Terra Knights and
most Terra Knights are members of the Igneous Order or at least they were.
Feats: Gaian, Blooded, Talented, Leadership
Skills: Weapon Attack 9+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 4+ Ranks
Reiatsu: 300+
Your Weapon Attacks are harder to stop. You ignore your Dexterity Modifier in damage mitigation. This increases
to twice your Dexterity Modifier in damage mitigation when you have five feats in this tree.
2 Bonus Feat
When you take this feat, you gain Damage Mitigation equal to your Strength Modifier that must be activated as a
swift action. While you have your Magma Shell activated, those delivering Melee and Unarmed attacks take 1d6
fire damage per 4 levels you possess. The Damage Mitigation increases by 2 per feat you have in this tree.
4 Bonus Feat
You gain the benefits of the Signature Reiatsu feat and the Overbearing Reiatsu feat. You may use this feat to
qualify for feats that require both those feats, and this counts as 2 Reiatsu Feats.
The Metamorphic
The Metamorphic are those that have harnessed the power of their Inner Hollow. They are a rare breed as most
candidates for the Metamorphic are killed as they go insane from the power being released.
Feats: Gaian, Inner Hollow
Skills: Will Save 10+ Ranks
Special: Must have confronted and defeated your Inner Hollow
You can cause yourself to enter a state akin to a fervor. Doing so grants you a bonus to Strength, Intelligence
and Charisma equal to your level. You may do this for your level in rounds per day. They need not be
Your Gaian Spear can be used as a reach weapon. You still threaten adjacent squares and can use your Spear
against adjacent foes. Also you may, once per day, maximize and empower your Weapon Attack.
3 Bonus Feat
You may use your Gaian Spear as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 20 feet. It returns to you on the
turn you throw it. Also you may take a full round action and give up all your attacks in a round to make an attack
against all enemies within one range increment of you at your highest base attack bonus.
Your metamorphic fervor now lasts for your Level in minutes per day. Your Rain of Spears ability becomes two
range increments and your reach with your Gungnir Strike is now 15 feet. You now threaten out to 10 feet and
can still attack adjacent opponents.
The Gaian Archsage
Archsages are masters of the wild. They relish in the feeling of the natural world and are also masters of
changing shape.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Reiatsu Healing, Animal Form
Skills: Disguise 10+ Ranks, Survival 5+ Ranks, Treat Injury 8+ Ranks
Special: Must be able to cast Grade Bracket 4 Kido
You may, as a move action, grow a natural weapon of the size of the shape your in. This doesn't have to be a
natural weapon that the form you are in naturally has (Example: You could be a humanoid shape, but gain a
Gore attack that deals 1d8 damage.) but if it is a natural attack that the form has (Such as growing your claws as
a tiger), your natural attack's size category goes up by one. You cannot grow a natural weapon more than once.
2 Bonus Feat
Any extra dice you add to you Reiatsu Healing through spending Reiatsu are maximized once per day. You may
also use Reiatsu Healing to hold a Dead character alive for one round per 30 reiatsu you spend to keep them so.
Keeping a Dead character alive in this fashion acts as your Reiatsu Healing for the round and subsumes your
healing. Should another healer heal the target above -1/2 their maximum hit points they become dying instead.
Once a character is dying, you may heal them normally. Also this ability extends the length of time someone can
use the Recombination or Soulcaster's Gift feats by the number of rounds you spend holding them to life. It
effectively holds them in a gentle repose state.
4 Bonus Feat
You may spend a usage of your Animal Form to gain natural armor or damage reduction. The amount of Natural
Armor or Damage Reduction is equal to your Strength Modifier. This lasts for 10 minutes before fading away at a
rate of 1 per round till it reaches your natural results.
Gaian Tunneler
A Gaian Tunneler creates the tunnels that hold Gaian society together. They make the ways for people to follow,
and act as trailblazers for others who wish to settle the underground lands of the Gaian people.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Gaia's Wings, Improved Gaia's Wings taken twice
Skills: Navigate 9+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 9+ Ranks, Defense 9+ Ranks
Special: Must have dug at least one tunnel without the use of any magical aid.
You may now clear rock, metal and dirt by touch instead of directly burrowing should you so choose. You can
clear one 10 x 10 cube of dirt, metal or rock per round. The sediment is displaced around you in such a way that
others can follow you. The tunnels you create will not collapse unless conditions become impossible to remain
(Such as during an earthquake.) You cannot destroy weapons and armor in this fashion.
2 Bonus Feat
You can not only sense any tunnel within 10 feet of you, but you can sense where it is not safe to tunnel. You
can, at any time roll a sense motive check as if you were trying to sense Reiatsu. You sense all Rock, Metal and
Magma within an area equal to 10 x your result in feet below the surface. This grants you the extra benefit of
Tremorsense in a range equal to your maximum Sense Motive check result. (IE If you had a 12 Sense Motive
modifier, you would have Tremorsense 32.)
4 Bonus Feat
You gain Resistance 50 to the fire damage of lava. Full Submersion in Lava deals only 10d6 damage to you. You
may, at will, grant these properties to up to your level in allies. Should you take Damage from Lava, you gain
Damage Reduction equal to that damage (This is damage you actually take, not damage that is mitigated.) for
3+ Strength Modifier in rounds as the magma cools against your skin.
Freedom Fighter
These beings are those that are attempting to bring Democracy to the Monarchistic system of the Gaians. They
fight for the rights of their people regardless of the consequences. Most realize that they will die as freedom
fighters, and that they are considered lost souls by their Gaian comrades, but they don't care, they fight for
Feats: Gaian, Earth Son, Improved Earth Son, Greater Earth Son, Wings of Gaia, Improved Wings of Gaia
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks, Concentration 12+ Ranks
Special: Must renounce the Emperor of the Gaian before at least 200 witnesses.
You gain a +10 bonus to Will Saving throws versus Mind Affecting effects. All allies within 30 feet of you receive a
+4 morale bonus to their Will Saving throws versus Mind Affecting effects. Also, you gain a +5 morale bonus on
any Diplomacy check made to influence a Gaian or any of their allies.
2 Bonus Feat
You are embraced by your love of freedom. This ability enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack
normally for 3 + Strength Modifier rounds, even under the influence of abilities that usually impedes movement,
such as those that cause paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapple
check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a
grapple or a pin. It also allows freedom of movement underwater provided you do not throw whatever your
attacking with. It takes a Standard action to activate, and can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 +
Charisma Modifier.
4 Bonus Feat
Once per day per point of Charisma modifier, you may use the spell freedom as a spell-like ability. Unlike the
normal duration of freedom which is instantaneous, this version lasts for one minute per level and automatically
discharges again and again as needed. Each time it triggers however after the first time, you must make a
fortitude save with a DC (15 + Opponent's Level + Opponent's Charisma Modifier) or become fatigued, then
exhausted. You cannot use Freedom for Life while exhausted.
Generic Prestige Paths
Reiatsu Conservationist
Conservationists are those that have learned the secrets of how to best use their Reiatsu efficiently. They are
terrors to behold on the battlefield because when a normal person would peter out, Conservationists keep going.
Feats: Spellcaster, Eishohaki
Skills: Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ Ranks
Special: 500+ Reiatsu
Any kido you cast that is using Eishohaki costs one half the Reiatsu as normal. This does not stack with any
other Reiatsu Reducing feat.
2 Bonus Feat
You do not become fatigued until you are at one third your maximum reiatsu pool instead of one half.
4 Bonus Feat
You do not become exhausted until you are at one sixth your maximum reiatsu pool instead of one quarter.
Elemental Master
An elemental release (Shikai, Bankai, Evolution,
Hyperevolution, Quincy Bow Etc)
Reiatsu Rating 750+
Concentration: 15+ Ranks
Special: Choose an element when you take this class, that is
your chosen element. You may take this path multiple times,
once per element you have.
Choose one type of element that you have on your release,
you may, as a full round action, form a blast of that element to
form in either a 30foot cone or a 100ft line (Chosen when the
feat is taken) You may do this a number of times per day equal
to 3 + Spell score modifier. This attack deals 1d6 damage per
character level of your energy choice.
2 - Bonus Release Ability or Bonus Feat or +10 Resist to your
element or 4 points to your Fullbring.
As a full round action you may attempt to absorb a quantity of
your element. This requires a DC 40 Concentration Check. If
successful, and if the element is in abundance in your area,
you recharge one use of your Energy Control. Abundance is
twice your size in the element of your choice.
4 - Bonus Release Ability or Bonus feat or +10 resist to your
element or 4 points to your Fullbring.
Any elemental damage that does not overcome your energy
resistance for the chosen type of energy is instead absorbed by
you for healing on a point per point basis. You cannot heal
more than your current maximum hit points in this fashion. If
you have another method of absorbing elemental damage for
healing purposes, you use the better of the two absorptions.
A Hero has luck on his side, and adds to the luck of others. Almost anyone can be a combatant, but it takes a
special breed to be a hero.
Skills: Relevant Attack skill 15+ Ranks, Diplomacy 8+ Ranks
Feats: Intelligent Defense, Insight Defense, Incredible Defense, Heroic Surge
Once per day per two feats in this tree, you may re-roll any of your own failed checks. You may not re-roll the
same check twice, and must accept the new result even if it is worse than the original. You may choose to do this
more times per day than your allotment, but each time you gain a Darkness point. A Darkness point can be used
by the GM to force you to re-roll a successful check at any time.
You may use Heroic Surge up to twice per round instead of just once.
Twice per day, you may force the GM to re-roll any successful check, once per check.
Once per day, when you would be reduced to negative hit points by a source of damage that allows a Reflex or
Fortitude save, you may make a second check with a +4 bonus. If you succeed you are left with at least 1 hit
point and gain fast healing equal to your Spellscore modifier for a number of rounds equal to your spellscore.
As Luck of the Draw, but you can re-roll ANY failed check even those that are not your own. This runs off the
same pool of Luck of the Draw points as Luck of the Draw, and you still accrue Darkness Points as normal for
Skills: Bluff 10+ Ranks, Sense Motive 10+ Ranks, Disguise 10+ Ranks
Once per day, you may switch one of your feats for a non-prestige feat you meet the prerequisites for. This feat
lasts till the end of the day upon which time it switches back to your original feat. You may not switch a feat if it is
a prerequisite for another feat you have.
2 Bonus Feat
Once per day, you may switch one trained skill you have for another trained skill. This may even be done to Base
Skills. This skill lasts till the end of the day upon which time it switches back to your original skill. If you switch a
skill out that is a prerequisite for a feat you have, you lose access to that feat until the skill switches back.
4 Bonus Feat
You may now switch Non Prestige Feats and Skills once per day per point of Spell Score Modifier. These are two
separate pools of abilities. You must meet all prerequisites for feats you switch to. The switches still last till the
end of the day upon which time they switch back to their original skills and feats. The same restrictions apply to
Master Switcher that apply to Switch Hitter and Skill Switch
Hollow Hunter
Skills: Hide, Move Silently and Sense Motive 8 ranks
Feats: Sneak Attack Feat
Once per day per point of charisma modifier the Hollow Hunter may add his charisma modifier to his next attack
roll and his character level to his damage for that attack. If the target is not a hollow or the attack misses, the
attempt is still used, but wasted. You may increase the number of Smites you may use in a day with the Extra
Smiting feat.
You are counted as having the Reiraku Hunter feat when it concerns hollows and beings with hollow like reiatsu
(Such as Vizards and Oldbloods)
You gain a +10 bonus to Bluff Checks to hide your reiatsu. You gain a further +4 bonus to, Bluff, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using them against Hollows.
A Hollow hunter has the power to affect Hollows by channeling the power of his convictions through a symbol of
those convictions. This is called Censuring
Censuring Checks
Censuring hollows is a supernatural ability that a character can perform as a standard action. It does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. You must present your symbol to censure hollows. Censuring is considered an attack.
Times per Day
You may attempt to censure hollows a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You can
increase this number by taking the Extra Censuring feat.
You censure the closest censureable hollows first, and you cant censure hollows that are more than 60 feet
away or that have total cover relative to you. You dont need line of sight to a target, but you do need line of
Censuring Check
The first thing you do is roll a Censuring check to see how powerful hollows you can censure. This is a Charisma
check (1d20 + your Charisma modifier). Table: Censuring Hollows gives you the Hit Dice of the most powerful
hollows you can affect, relative to your level. On a given Censuring attempt, you can censure no hollows whose
Hit Dice exceed the result on this table.
Censuring Damage
If your roll on Table: Censuring Hollows is high enough to let you censure at least some of the hollows within 60
feet, roll 2d6 + your character level + your Charisma modifier for Censuring damage. Thats how many total Hit
Dice of hollows you can censure.
If your Charisma score is average or low, its possible to roll fewer Hit Dice of hollows censured than indicated on
Table: Censuring hollows. You may skip over already censured hollows that are still within range, so that you do
not waste your Censuring capacity on them.
Effect and Duration of Censuring
censured hollows flee from you by the best and fastest means available to them. They flee for 10 rounds (1
minute). If they cannot flee, they cower (giving any attack rolls against them a +2 bonus). If you approach within
10 feet of them, however, they overcome being censured and act normally. (You can stand within 10 feet without
breaking the Censuring effectyou just cant approach them.) You can attack them with ranged attacks (from at
least 10 feet away), and others can attack them in any fashion, without breaking the Censuring effect.
Destroying hollows
If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the hollows have Levels, you destroy any that you would normally
censure. Hollows destroyed in this manner are cleansed as if killed with a Zanpakutou.
Table: Censure Hollows
Censure Check Result Maximum Hollow Level
0 or lower Character Level - 4
1 to 3 Character Level - 3
4 to 6 Character Level - 2
7 to 9 Character Level - 1
10 to 12 Character Level
13 to 15 Character Level + 1
16 to 18 Character Level + 2
19 to 21 Character Level + 3
22 or more Character Level + 4
When you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by an attack from a Hollow, once per day per point of
Intelligence Modifier, you may make a fortitude save (Constitution Based) to be reduced to 1 hit points instead. If
you critically succeed the fortitude save you are instead left at the same hit points you would have been at before
the attack.
Demi-Lunars are the product of a union between human and lunar. Only one such being is known to exist
currently, but more could potentially exist given the time that Lunars have been on Earth.
Feats: Oldblood (Lunar)
Skills: Unarmed Strike 4+ Ranks
You may use the power of the moon to your advantage once per day per four levels. During any moon phase,
you may gain trigger adrenaline in your blood awakening hidden power. During a New Moon you may gain a +2
bonus to Strength and Constitution. During a Crescent moon this increases to +4. During a Quarter Moon this
increases to +6. During a Gibbous Moon this increases to +8 and during a Full Moon this increases to +10 to
Strength and Constitution. This adrenaline lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds and you are fatigued after
it's use.
2 Bonus Feat
You gain 2 Shikai Picks that can be activated within your Unarmed Strike once per day per level for an entire
encounter. From this point on you gain 1 additional shikai pick every 3 levels and may qualify for the Lunar feat
that grants you bonus Shikai and Bankai picks. You must conform to the limits placed upon Lunars for choosing
Zanpakutou Types. You still only receive two types.
4 Bonus Feat
You gain the ability to heal others with the power of the moon. Each day you may use the Spell-like ability cure
serious wounds five times per day. Also, your ability to increase your statistics with Full Moon's Trick increase by
+2 for each phase of the moon. Lastly you double the number of times you can release your Moon Release.
Demi-Solars are the result of a union between a human and a solar. Only one such being has been known to
exist, but others can exist given the Solar's time on Earth.
Feats: Oldblood (Solar)
Skills: Ranged Shot 4+ Ranks
Once per day per 4 levels you may activate this ability as a swift action. This grants you a +4 bonus to Dexterity
and Wisdom at Night, Dawn and Dusk, +6 during any other portion of the day and a +8 Bonus during the
noonday sun. Also while your Sun Sheath is activated you gain a Solar Blast as a Solar of your skill level. These
bonuses last for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before ending, and you are fatigued after using them. Lastly
you qualify for any feat that increases the usage of your Solar Blast as if you had one.
2 Bonus Feat
You gain 2 Shikai Picks that can be activated within your body once per day per level for an entire encounter.
From this point on you gain 1 additional shikai pick every 3 levels and may qualify for the Solarr feat that grants
you bonus Shikai and Bankai picks. You must conform to the limits placed upon Solars for choosing Zanpakutou
Types. You still only receive two types.
4 Bonus Feat
You gain the ability to heal others with the warmth of the sun. 5 times per day, you may use the spell-like ability
cure serious wounds. Also the bonuses to statistics you gain with Solar Sheath increase by +2 each and your
Solar Blast can deal fire damage instead of normal as a swift action costing 90 Reiatsu once per day.
These souls are those that have the heritage of a Gaian, but are not of them directly. They might be the son of a
Gaian and a human, or a Gaian and a Solar, or a Gaian and a Lunar, etc. They develop very differently from their
parent races having powers above and beyond this.
Feats: Oldblood (Gaian)
Skills: Weapon Attack 4+ Ranks
While you are in contact with the Earth you may activate this ability. You gain a +10 bonus to Strength and
Constitution. Should you leave the ground for any reason (Make a Jump Check, Get flown somewhere, get
blown into the air, etc) this bonus is reduced by 5 to each statistic until you come in contact with the ground once
2 Bonus Feat
You gain 2 Shikai Abilities that you may enable in your weapon once per day per level for an entire encounter.
You then gain one Shikai ability every three levels thereafter. You are still restricted to the types that a Gaian can
4 Bonus Feat
You gain the ability to embrace someone in Gaia's love. Five times per day you may use cure serious wounds as
a spell-like ability. The bonuses you gain from Earth's Embrace increase by +2 (+1 if you are not in contact with
the ground.)
Guardians are feared bodyguards for summoners and others.
Skills: Relevant Attack Skill 6+ Ranks
Feats: Blooded, Defensive Martial Arts
The character can designate one ally as a free action as their charge. They need line of sight and line of effect to
the ally they designate. When an attack that would target their charge is made while the guardian is within 15
feet of the charge they may make a Reflex Save with a DC equal to the attack roll or original save of the ability to
become the target of the attack instead.
Choose one release you possess. It gains an additional type from the following list (Courage, Blood, Barrier,
Prudence, War, Generic, Healing, Primal, Lightning, Oppression, Saint and Justice) Add that type to the selected
release. If you do not possess a release, choose two of these types and gain abilities starting with two abilities
plus one ability for each other feat in this tree after this. They are always active unless you decide to dismiss
them as a free action.
When you are taking damage for your charge, you may delay the damage you take for one round. The amount
of damage you delay is equal to five times the number of feats you possess in this tree. You can choose to apply
healing to either your delay damage pool or your normal hit point total or any combination of the two. For every
five points of damage in your pool, you gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls, but only when protecting
your charge.
You may defend as many charges at one time as you have spellscore modifier. If an effect would target more
than one of your charges at one time, you must choose who you are taking damage for. As an immediate action,
you may choose to take one half the damage that one of your charges would take from an attack if you are
outside the 15 foot range. If more than one of your charges is about to take damage, you may choose which
charges you are taking damage for.
As a swift action, you may activate this aura. The aura extends around the Guardian 30 feet. No enemy may
move through the area of the Aura except towards the guardian while this aura is in effect. The aura remains in
effect until the Guardian takes a free action to dismiss it, is knocked unconscious or is killed.
Feats: Corrupted
Special: Exclusive Alive (must be dead), must have committed an evil act in life
You gain a mask which allows you exist outside of jigoku as long as you wear it the mask takes up your helm slot
and counts as a magic item. Your mask can be sundered, disarmed, or removed in which case your return to
jigoku. A mask that is destroyed regrows in 1d3 days. Also you gain semi immortality when you are killed to
return to jigoku (unless something removes you completely from the cycle of reincarnation) and take 6 rounds
(minus one for each feat in this feat tree) to reform at full hit points and must wait for you mask to regrow to
leave. If you don't have a racial weapon you gain Zenshaba as a bonus feat.
2 Bonus Feat
Your existence in jigoku has toughened your body due to constantly being eaten and killed by Hell's Wills you
gain +5/- DR and Fast Healing 5.
4 Bonus Feat
You no longer need your mask to exist outside of jigoku. If you can get someone else to do you max hit points in
damage to your hell chain you can finally be freed from jigoku instead of going to jigoku when you die you may
comeback at the spot you died in 1d3 days (unless something removes you completely from the cycle of
Stance Prodigy*
*by A_Shadow_of_Life
Some warriors learn to develop and master multiple stances of combat, perfecting them each in a long,
intensive, training process. Gaining mastery over this variety of stances makes the Stance Prodigy a deadly
warrior, learning to improve upon previous stances and eventually combining two stances at once in a deadly
form of combat.
Relevant Attack Skill 8+
Feats: Careful Study, Grizzled Veteran
Special: Must have created at least three unique stances. Unique being different bonuses from the stances,
they may not be upgrades of your existing stances.
1 - Stance Expert [Prestige]
Benefit: Add your Intelligence modifier to the amount of stance points you gain at each level. This is retroactive,
unlike other stance bonuses.
2 - Bonus general feat
3 - Stance Master [Prestige]
Benefit: You may spend additional points on your stances with 1 week of practicing and developing the
improvement of the stance, taking 8 hours each day. The maximum number of points per stance remains equal
to your level.
4 - Bonus general feat
5 - Stance Grandmaster [Prestige]
Benefit: You may benefit from two stances at once, you may switch both stances with the same action.
Hollow Prestige Paths
Hollow Powerhouse
Feats: Hollow
Skills: Unarmed Strike 9+ Ranks
Special: Strength 20+
You use your Strength Modifier instead of your Dexterity Modifier for your Unarmed Strike skill. For each feat in
this tree you take you gain +2 to Strength.
2 Bonus Feat or +2 Strength (You gain +2 strength regardless, the +2 strength feature is above and beyond
the +2 to Strength for gaining a feat in this tree.)
Whenever you deal damage with the unarmed strike skill, you deal twice your strength modifier to damage
4 Bonus Feat or +2 Strength (You gain +2 strength regardless, the +2 strength feature is above and beyond
the +2 to Strength for gaining a feat in this tree.)
You ignore your Strength Modifier in hardness when you strike an object. In addition, you subtract one half your
Strength Modifier from your opponent's damage reduction. Lastly, when you're forced to make a Break DC
reduce the difficulty by your Strength Modifier.
Special: You may take this prestige path for more than 5 levels. If you do, each odd level after 5 grants you an
additional +2 Strength and every even level after 5 grants you a bonus feat.
Of all hollows, the Rastreador retains it's drive to feed above all else, and does it damn well.
Skills: Unarmed Strike 10+ Ranks, Hide 10+ Ranks, Move Silently 10+ Ranks
Feats: Hollow Growth Power (Scent), Hollow Growth Power (Bite Attack)
You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60ft. For strong scents, such as smoke or
rotting garbage, double these ranges. Overpowering scents such as skunk musk, can be detected at triple the
normal range.
2 Bonus Feat or +1 [BW] Bite Damage
If you make a bite attack on two consecutive rounds, the second bite attack deals double damage, triple on a
critical hit. This does not stack into the third round, the requirements are reset (Meaning you have to hit with two
successful hits again before gaining the bonus damage a second time.)
4 Bonus Feat or +1 [BW] Bite Damage
While in any sort of
natural terrain or in
a crowded urban
area, a Rastreador
of this skill may
make hide checks
even while being
Lunar Prestige Paths
Moon Saint
Moon Saints lead other Lunars into combat, generally taking the battle to the enemies and winning before their
troops can get to them. They present a religious fervor for their Grand Elder that many can't match.
Feats: Lunar, Wings of Luna, Blooded, Talented, Leadership
Skills: Unarmed Strike 12+ Ranks, Ranged Attack 6+ Ranks
Special: 500+ Reiatsu, Each feat within this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat.
You gain a release created by doubling your Shikai Picks and adding in any you gained from feats other than
Lunar. This form can be released once per level per day for an entire encounter and replaces the shikai picks
that you have on your body currently.. It is a standard action to release Release of Moon Dust. If you have the
feat Superior Lunar Body, you instead gain +1[BW] to your Unarmed Strike. If you later gain the Lunar
Acceptance Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on your Unarmed Strike.
2 2 Shikai Picks for your released state or a Bonus Feat or +1[BW] to unarmed strikes
You gain 2 extra picks for your release. Also you gain a secondary release for your form built by doubling your
first release's picks (picks gained from feats are added on after doubling, and do not double.) other than Lunar.
Also while this form is released, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit
points count as hit points to determine your damage cap. You may release this form for character level minutes
per day. If you do not have the ability to gain a release, you instead gain an additional +1[BW] to your unarmed
strike. If you later gain the Lunar Acceptance Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on your
Unarmed Strike.
4 2 Shikai Picks for one of your released states or a Bonus Feat or +1[BW] to unarmed strikes
You gain either 2 shikai picks for your first release or 4 shikai picks for your second release. If you have the feat
Superior Lunar Body your unarmed strikes gain +1[BW]. In addition, double the number of times per day you can
release First Phase of Moon Dust, and double the timer on Second Phase of Moon Dust.
The Eclipsed
The Eclipsed are tragic souls that have come to terms with the evil within their hearts. They have defeated their
inner hollows and use that inner hollow to power their lunar abilities.
Feats: Lunar, Inner Hollow, Iron Will, Moon Blast
Skills: Will Save 10+ Ranks
Special: Must have faced and defeated your Inner Hollow
You can cause your body to darken and partially eclipse. Doing so grants you a bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and
Charisma equal to your level. You may do this for your level in rounds per day. They need not be consecutive.
2 Bonus Feat
For 90 Reiatsu, you may fire a superior blast from your hands that is a 60 foot line instead of single target.
Everything in the line must make a reflex save (Constitution Based) or take 1d6 damage per 100 Reiatsu you
have in your pool. You must wait 1d4+1 rounds before you can use this again and you must have your body in
Half Eclipse or Full Eclipse to use this ability.
4 Bonus Feat
Your full body turns black and your considered fully eclipsed. In this form you may retain your bonuses from Half
Eclipse for 1 minute per Constitution Modifier + Character Level per day. They need not be consecutive.
Lunar Changer
Lunar Changers are masters of changing their shape. They gain more power as the moon phases reach full, and
gain a great deal of power once the moon is full.
Feats: Lunar, Animal Form, Moon Son
Skills: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Will Save 6+ Ranks
You may now become a large animal. Also, you take the better of your physical stats when transforming, and
regain hit points as if you had complete bed rest for the day.
2 Bonus Feat
You become stronger during the phases of the moon once per day. You may activate this as a swift action.
During a New Moon you gain +4 to Strength and Constitution. During a Waxing or Waning Crescent you gain +6
Strength and Constitution. During a First or Last Quarter you gain +8 Strength and Constitution, During a Waxing
or Waning Gibbous, you gain +10 to Strength and Constitution. And finally during a Full Moon you gain a +12
Bonus to Strength and Constitution. This frenzy lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds per day, and you are
fatigued after it's use.
4 Bonus Feat
When you enter your Animal Form, instead of taking the better of the two stats, you take the better of the two
stats, and add the lower stat's modifier to the scores. (So if you had a creature with an 18 strength and you had
a 24 strength, in your animal form your strength would be a 28.) Also, Moon Frenzy may be done as an
immediate action instead of a swift action. Thirdly, you may become a Huge animal. Lastly, when you enter your
animal form, you gain damage reduction equal to the creature's natural armor.
Child of the Lunar Curtain
Children of the Lunar Curtain attack from the shadows, removing the enemies of the Lunar race.
Feat: Lunar, Sneak Attack taken twice, Ranged Mastery (Bows, Rifles or Moon Blast)
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 12+ Ranks, Hide 12+ Ranks, Move Silently 12+ Ranks
Special: If you have Ranged Mastery with a Moon Blast, you obviously need the feat Moon Blast to qualify for
this prestige path.
Triple the distance which you can deliver a ranged sneak attack. Range Penalties still apply.
2 Bonus Feat
If the Child of the Lunar Curtain studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a ranged
weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing
or killing the target (player's choice). While studying the victim, the character can undertake only movement
actions and free actions as his attention stays focused on the target. If the victim of such an attack fails a
Fortitude save (DC 12 + the characters level) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the
paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the
attacker. If the victims saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the attacker has
completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. If a death attack is
attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the attacker does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of
completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack.
4 Bonus Feat
Increase the distance you can deliver a ranged sneak attack by 30'. Range Penalties still apply. Also, if you
critically hit with a Sneak Attack half it's damage is multiplied in.
Lunar Archmage
Sages and scholars, Solar Hierophants are the viziers and advisors to the leaders of Solar Society. They have
strange abilities and the ability to alter the Kido they cast.
Feats: Spellcaster, Blooded, Eishohaki
Skills: Spellcraft 15+ Ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 15+ Ranks
Special: Able to use grade bracket 7 Kido
The Lunar Archmage can shape his area effects. Anything that comes in a burst, cone, cylinder, emanation or
spread can be shaped as to leave out any number of 5 foot squares within. Furthermore the Archmage can
choose to stop a line attack earlier than it would normally be stopped, preventing injury to their allies.
You gain 1 Kido Mastery from the 5
Squad Kido Master Prestige Path.
Your Item of Power appears in any fashion you wish it to appear that can be worn from a necklace, placed on a
belt or held in the hand. Your Item of Power is not a weapon, but grants a bonus to your Spell Damage equal to
+1d6 at 6 ranks in Spellcraft, +2d6 at 11 ranks of Spellcraft and +3d6 at 16 ranks in Spellcraft, etc. Your Power
Level for kido is considered 2 higher per 5 ranks in Spellcraft you have above 1.
You gain 1 Kido Mastery from the 5
Squad Kido Master Prestige Path
This technique nullifies an opponent's supernatural (Kido, Cero, Elemental Release damage...) attack by hitting
them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. The Lunar Archmage must spends 10 Reiatsu per d6 of damage
or per 10 reiatsu spent he wants to fend off. He must guess the correct amount, or can make a Spellcraft check
(DC 10+ 1 per 10 needed Reiatsu). If his bid is superior to the attacker's damage dice or spent reiatsu, he has
successfully nullified the attack.
Just as the moon reflects the sun's light, so too does a Reflector reflect the light refracting off other's forms. They
are shapechangers of the highest order, fooling even the careful into believing that they are who they say they
are, even loved ones can be fooled.
Feats: Lunar, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Disguise), Moon Son
Skills: Bluff 12+ ranks, Disguise 12+ Ranks
Special: Must have Mind or Primal as one of your types
You may attempt to become another person. This is a full round action and you must touch the person to change
into them. This can be done in any manner that is appropriate from grappling to seduction. Should you keep hold
of them for the full round, you can become that person granting you a +10 bonus on Disguise Checks to pass as
that person. This lasts for one hour per level.
2 Bonus Feat
You may attempt to access the mind of another person. This is a full round action and you must touch the person
to access their minds. This can be done in any manner that is appropriate from grappling to seduction. Should
you keep hold of them for the full round, the target makes a Will Save (Wisdom Based) or have their mind left
open to you for 1 hour per level. While you have access to their minds, you gain a +10 bonus on Bluff checks to
act like them.
4 Bonus Feat
The bonuses you gain from Polymorph and Faded Memories become 1 per level instead of just +10. Also, you
gain access to the memories and form for one day per level instead of one hour per level.
Lunar Defender
Defenders are just that. They actively defend humans and help those in need. For all their darkness, they are
shining beacons of what goodness can be.
Feats: Lunar, Endurance, Diehard, Moon Blast, Ranged Mastery
Skills: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 6+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 6+ Ranks
As an immediate action, you may put up a shield similar to a Soulcaster's shield. In truth, this is a primitive
version of the Soulcaster shield. It soaks 5 points per 2 levels in damage before breaking, but doesn't transfer
the excess damage to the user. The shield has an area of 10 feet and all inside are protected, but cannot attack
out of it. The user can extend the shield further by taking a standard action to use the shield instead of an
immediate one.
2 Bonus Feat
Your unarmed strikes ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction it comes across. Also, you gain a bonus equal
to your Spellscore modifier to parry an attack. This bonus doubles if you are defending someone. (Meaning you
ignore 10 DR and double your spellscore modifier to parry rolls) Triple the damage reduction mitigation if you are
below 0 Hit points.
4 Bonus Feat
Anyone within the shield of a Lunar Defender of Earth receives the benefit of a heal spell as a spell like ability
when the field first comes up. This does not include the defender. This ability can only trigger once per day per
10 levels and costs the Lunar using it 110 Reiatsu. It has a caster level equal to the Lunar Defender's character
level maximum 15.
Holy Templar of the Lunar Surface
Holy Templars are elite soldiers that seek out and destroy threats to the theocracy of the Lunar. They are mighty
combatants that derive their advanced powers from the Grand Elder himself.
Feats: Lunar, Advanced Rank taken twice, Moon Wings, Melee Mastery (Swords or Maces)
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks
Special: Must be ordained by a Moon Saint
Once per day per 4 levels, the Holy Templar may add their Charisma Modifier to an attack roll, and add their
level to damage if their target is a perceived threat to the Theocracy of the Lunar. If the target is not a threat to
the Theocracy of the Lunar the attempt is wasted for the day.
2 Bonus Feat
You gain Flyby Attack as a Bonus Feat. In addition you may Lunar Smite on a charge gaining +1 to the attack
and damage rolls per 4 levels you have.
4 Bonus Feat
You may now smite once per day per 3 levels and you add your Spellscore modifier to attack rolls instead of
Charisma (or Charisma if that is your spellscore). Furthermore, using your smite on a target that is not a threat
does not waste the attempt for the day. Instead you retain the attempt for another target.
Quincy Prestige Paths
Quincy Swordsman
Feats: Seele Schneider Proficiency
Skills: Weapon Attack 8+ Ranks
Your Seele Schneider deals 1d10 base damage instead of 1d8. In addition, your Seele Schneider gains the
benefit of all the shikai picks your bow has access to. You may enter Quincy Bankai with this sword and gain any
bankai abilities that would be granted by Quincy Bankai.
2 Bonus Feat
As a standard action, you may give up all your attacks in a round to make one attack at your highest base attack
bonus. Should you hit, your attack deals an extra 2d6 damage per attack given up.
4 Bonus Feat
You may wield a second Seele Schneider. Should you choose to do this, you gain a bonus on Defense and
Reflex saves equal to your offhand Seele Schneider's enhancement bonus. Reduce all penalties for Dual
Wielding by 4 to a minimum of 0. A Seele Schneider is considered a light one handed weapon for Two Weapon
Fighting and this ability.
Quincy Brawler
Skills: Unarmed Attack 4+ ranks
Feats: Careful Study, Quincy
Special: Upon gaining any levels of this class you loose all
access to your Quincy Bow and your unarmed strike deals an
additional base weapon of damage per five ranks of Unarmed
Attack you have above 1. These fists count as a bow for damage
Benefit: Add your Int mod to the amount of stance points you gain
a level. Add 2 to each Stance you already had before this level.
2- Any general feat
Benefit: Add your Wis mod to your Int mod when determining the
total number of stances you may know at one time.
4- Any general feat
Benefit: When attempting to learn a new stance reduce the
number of days the training takes by the total of your Int plus Wis
mod after all other reductions (like having a mentor) and the
Knowledge (Military Tactics) check. It also takes five wasted days
to make you begin training from scratch.
Shinigami Prestige Paths
Reiatsukai are shinigami that are incredibly strong, but are not necessarily Captains of the Gotei 13. They are
very respected and feared in Soul Society, and can take down most hollows with ease.
Feats: Blooded, Shinigami
Special: 500+ Reiatsu Rating
Class Specialty: Each Feat in this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat for Reiatsu Rating
You become a bastion of power. Anyone you are going to soul crush takes a -5
penalty on their opposing roll or instead you gain an additional Shikai Ability instead.
In addition, you no longer fail ego checks versus your Zanpakutou. Also when using
Reiatsu, you spend 10 less reiatsu than you would normally spend (Minimum 10)
2 Bonus Feat or 1 Additional Shikai Ability or +1[BW] to all Zanpakutou attacks
(This includes natural weapon attacks gained through Zanpakutou abilities). This
counts as a Reiatsu feat no matter which option you choose.
Your power continues to grow. While your Zanpakutou is released you gain Fast
Healing equal to your Spellscore modifier or instead you gain one Shikai Ability. Also
you spend 20 less reiatsu than you would normally spend (Minimum 10). This bonus
overlaps Power of the Soul.
4 Bonus Feat or 1 Additional Shikai Ability or +1[BW] to all Zanpakutou attacks
(This includes natural weapon attacks gained through Zanpakutou abilities). This
counts as a Reiatsu feat no matter which option you choose.
You regain power quicker than others. Whenever you spend a full-round action to
regain Reiatsu, you gain back one and a half times as much as normal or instead
you gain one Shikai Ability. In addition, you spend 30 less reiatsu than you would
normally spend (Minimum 10). This bonus overlaps Power of the Body.
Solar Prestige Paths
Stellar Master
Stellar Masters are the leaders and commanders of the Solar, leading cells of them into battle should the need
Feats: Solar, Solar Winds, Magnetic Storm, Talented, Blooded, Leadership
Skills: Ranged Shot 12+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks
Special: Reiatsu 500+, Each feat within this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat.
You gain a release built by doubling the amount of Shikai Picks you have and adding any gained from feats other
than Solar. These picks replace the shikai picks on your body that are always active. You may release this power
once per day per level for an entire encounter. It takes a standard action to release this form. If you do have the
Superior Solar Body feat, you instead gain +1[BW] to your Solar Blast. If you later gain the Solar Acceptance
Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on your Solar Blast.
2 2,000,000 DEGREES [PRESTIGE]
You gain either an extra 2 picks for your release, a bonus feat or +1[BW] for your Solar Blast.
3 3,000,000 DEGREES [PRESTIGE]
You gain 2 extra picks for your release. Also, double the number of times per day you can release your form.
4 4,000,000 DEGREES [PRESTIGE]
You gain 2 extra picks for your release. Also you gain a secondary release for your form built by doubling your
first release's picks (picks gained from feats are added on after doubling, and do not double.) Also while this form
is released, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points count as hit
points to determine your damage cap. You may release this form for character level minutes per day. If you have
the feat Superior Solar Body, you instead gain an additional +1[BW] to your Solar Blast. If you later gain the
Solar Acceptance Feat, you may choose to gain this release and lose 1[BW] on your Solar Blast.
5 5,000,000 DEGREES [PRESTIGE]
You gain either 4 picks for your 4,000,000 Degrees release or 2 picks for your Release of 1,000,000 Degrees
release. Also double the time you can release your 4,000,000 Degree release.
The Eclipsed
The Eclipsed are tragic souls that have come to terms with the evil within their hearts. They have defeated their
inner hollows and use that inner hollow to power their solar abilities.
Feats: Solar, Inner Hollow, Iron Will
Skills: Will Save 10+ Ranks
Special: Must have faced and defeated your Inner Hollow
You can cause your body to darken and partially eclipse. Doing so grants you a bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and
Charisma equal to your level. You may do this for your level in rounds per day. They need not be consecutive.
2 Bonus Feat
For 90 Reiatsu, you may fire a superior blast from your hands that is a 60 foot line instead of single target.
Everything in the line must make a reflex save (Constitution Based) or take 1d6 damage per 100 Reiatsu you
have in your pool. You must wait 1d4+1 rounds before you can use this again and you must have your body in
Half Eclipse or Full Eclipse to use this ability.
4 Bonus Feat
Your full body turns black and your considered fully eclipsed. In this form you may retain your bonuses from Half
Eclipse for 1 minute per Constitution Modifier + Character Level per day. They need not be consecutive.
Solar Guardian
Solar Guardians are the bodyguards of Solar Society. They make themselves unto walls guarding the most
important targets in Solar society.
Feats: Solar, Magnetic Storm, Stellar Catastrophe, Damage Reduction
Skills: Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will 8+ Ranks
Special: Must have the Corona Solar Ability.
Once per turn as a swift action, you may designate an adjacent ally as your charge. Any time they would be the
subject of an attack, you may roll a reflex save versus the attack roll to move in the way as a free action. You
would take the damage that is dealt ignoring Damage Reduction, but not universal damage mitigation.
2 Bonus Feat
Instead of doubling your Corona's Bonus for 90 Reiatsu, you can triple the bonus for 130 Reiatsu.
4 Bonus Feat
This functions as Orbital Guardian, except you may designate an ally within your movement range.
Stellar Rampager
Stellar Rampagers are the shock troopers of Solar Society. They are sent in first to weaken enemy lines and
damage infrastructure. They are neigh unstoppable forces of nature.
Feats: Solar, Solar Power, Improved Solar Blast, Greater Solar Blast, Supersonic Strike, Advanced Unarmed
Skills: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks
Special: Must have the Fire Hands Solar Ability
Your unarmed strikes are moved up one size category (2d6 BW damage).
As a swift action, you may put yourself in a state of Fury. A state of Fury adds +4 to your Dexterity and
Constitution. You also gain +1[BW] damage to your Unarmed Strikes. The bonus to Constitution results in bonus
hit points if you have the blooded feat. These hit points are not lost first and raise the damage cap of your
attacks by 2 per level. This state of Fury lasts for 3 + your newly modified Constitution Modifier in rounds. You
are fatigued after it's use. You may use this ability once per day per 4 levels.
You may, as a standard action, give up your attacks in the round. Instead of attacking, you make an one attack
roll and apply it to the defenses of a half circle in front of you. For each enemy you strike with this ability, you
deal additional damage equal to your Dexterity Modifier.
The bonuses you gain from your Fury increase to +6 to Dexterity and Constitution. The bonus damage you
receive is increased to +2[BW] damage to unarmed strikes. You are no longer fatigued after using Fury.
Your unarmed strikes are moved up a second size category (2d8[BW] Damage). Also your Sweeping Storm
effects all enemies within range of your unarmed strike.
Sun Child
Attacking from the very heart of the sun itself, the Sun Children are trained assassins that work to eliminate
threats to Solar society.
Feats: Solar, Sneak Attack taken twice. Melee Mastery (Knives or Swords)
Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 12+ Ranks, Hide 12+ Ranks, Move Silently 12+ Ranks
Your sneak attack damage is increased to d8's instead of d6's
2 Bonus Feat
You can make a hide check to hide even if you have no cover or concealment. Also, you may attempt to hide
one other person per point of Intelligence Modifier by taking a -5 to your Hide check.
4 Bonus Feat
Once per day per point of spellscore modifier, you may attempt to turn someone's reiatsu based attack back on
them. Any time you are targeted, or a target of, an attack that costs Reiatsu to use, you may, as an immediate
action, attempt to reflect the attack back. To do so, you make a special Reflex Saving throw. This saving throw's
DC is (15 + Opponent's Level + Opponent's Constitution Modifier). If the save is successful, the attack rebounds
on the user hitting them with the full effect of the ability. They react to the attack normally, including saving
throws, defense rolls or whatever else is needed.
Solar Hierophant
Sages and scholars, Solar Hierophants are the viziers and advisors to the leaders of Solar Society. They have
strange abilities and the ability to alter the Kido they cast.
Feats: Spellcaster, Blooded, Eishohaki
Skills: Spellcraft 15+ Ranks, Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 15+ Ranks
Special: Able to use grade bracket 7 Kido
You can divine the future using the spots on the sun which you can see from anywhere you wish. Divining the
future is a Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) check with a DC set by the GM (Minimum 20, no Maximum).
Should you pass the save, you gain a yes or no answer. Should you pass the skill check by 10 or more, you gain
a more detailed answer. Should you fail the check, nothing happens. If y ou fail the check by 10 or more, you
gain false information.
You gain 1 Kido Mastery from the 5
Squad Kido Master Prestige Path.
Your Item of Power appears in any fashion you wish it to appear that can be worn from a necklace, placed on a
belt or held in the hand. Your Item of Power is not a weapon, but grants a bonus to your Spell Damage equal to
+1d6 at 6 ranks in Spellcraft, +2d6 at 11 ranks of Spellcraft and +3d6 at 16 ranks in Spellcraft, etc. Your Power
Level for kido is considered 2 higher per 5 ranks in Spellcraft you have above 1.
You gain 1 Kido Mastery from the 5
Squad Kido Master Prestige Path
This technique nullifies an opponent's supernatural (Kido, Cero, Elemental Release damage...) attack by hitting
them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. The Solar Hierophant must spends 10 Reiatsu per d6 of damage
or per 10 reiatsu spent he wants to fend off. He must guess the correct amount, or can make a Spellcraft check
(DC 10+ 1 per 10 needed Reiatsu). If his bid is superior to the attacker's damage dice or spent reiatsu, he has
successfully nullified the attack.
Stellar Monster
Stellar Monsters are beings of unstable stellar matter that transform into creatures they can perceive around
them, generally animals, but some powerful ones can transform into engines of destruction.
Feats: Solar, Animal Form, Sun Son
Skills: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Will Save 6+ Ranks
You may now ecomeb a large animal. Also, you take the better of your physical stats when transforming, and
regain hit points as if you had complete bed rest for the day.
2 Bonus Feat
While in your Animal Form, you may fly into a rage as the feat. If you have Greater Rage or Mighty Rage, this
rage is changed accordingly. Once you fall out of the rage (3+Constitution Modifier rounds after entering it), you
are fatigued. You may do this once per day, and it does not count against a use of the Rage feat. This feat
qualifies for the Extra Rage feat in place of the Rage feat. This feat also counts as the Rage feat for Rage base
4 Bonus Feat
When you enter your Animal Form, instead of taking the better of the two stats, you take the better of the two
stats, and add the lower stat's modifier to the scores. (So if you had a creature with an 18 strength and you had
a 24 strength, in your animal form your strength would be a 28.) Also, Animalistic Fury may be done as an
immediate action instead of a swift action. Thirdly, you may become a Huge animal. Lastly, when you enter your
animal form, you gain damage reduction equal to the creature's natural armor.
Stellar Learners
Learners are those that assist Stellar Masters directly, gathering troops to lead and keeping them in line. Some
are just as powerful as a Stellar Master, but have not become Stellar Masters themselves. Most Stellar Masters
were Stellar Learners at one point. There are exceptions however.
Feats: Solar, Magnetic Storm, Solar Wings, Talented, Blooded
Skills: Ranged Shot 8+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 4+ Ranks
Special: 300+ Reiatsu
You become a bastion of power. Anyone you are going to soul crush takes a -5 penalty on their opposing roll or
you gain +1 Shikai Ability instead. Also when using Reiatsu, you spend 10 less reiatsu than you would normally
spend (Minimum 10 or the base cost of the ability). This counts as a Reiatsu Feat.
2 Bonus Feat
You regain power quicker than others. Whenever you spend a full-round action to regain Reiatsu, you gain back
one and a half times as much as normal or gain +1 Shikai Ability instead. In addition, you spend 20 less reiatsu
than you would normally spend (Minimum 10 or the base cost of the ability). This bonus overlaps Power of the
Stellar Winds.
4 Bonus Feat
You gain a release built by doubling the amount of Shikai Picks you have and adding any gained from feats.
These picks replace the shikai picks on your body that are always active. You may release this power once per
day per level for an entire encounter. It takes a standard action to release this form. If you cannot gain this
release you instead gain +1[BW] to your Solar Blast.
Soulcaster Prestige Paths
Awakened Soul
Feats: Soulcaster
Skills: Ranged Shot 6+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 6+ Ranks
Special: Ability to deal 3d6 damage, heal 30 damage and block 30
damage. Must have acquired a Zanpakutou. Exclusive of Shikai, Constant
Release, Greater Constant Release, Bankai, Premature Bankai, Doll
Training Bankai, Sealed and Twin Zanpakutou Mastery.
Your Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield no longer progresses in power. You lose
access to your Cutting Shield, though this doesn't prevent you from taking
this prestige path, and your Zanpakutou deals damage as a Shinigami's
Zanpakutou, and you can use that damage to qualify for Soulcaster
Prestige Paths and feats. The Zanpakutou you possess loses access to any
Shikai or Bankai it already has in favor of your new power. Your Three
Sacred Links Shield and your Twin Sacred Return Shield increase in rank
every 3 levels rather than every 2 levels from now on. Your Zanpakutou and
your item of power now fuse into one item, which gains a Shikai ability for
every 2 character levels you posses. This feat is considered Shikai for the
purpose of feats and abilities.
2 Bonus Soulcaster or Zanpakutou feat.
Your Soul Relic improves, adding your Wisdom Modifier to damage for all
its damaging effects. In addition, you gain your Charisma Modifier in
additional Hit Points and as a bonus to your Defensive Skills.
4 Bonus Soulcaster or Zanpakutou feat,
For one minute per character level per day, you may push your Soul Relic
into a state akin to Bankai. Double the Shikai abilities your Soul Relic
possesses, and gain one Bankai ability per 3 character levels. Also, your
Three Sacred Links Shield blocks half again as much damage, and your
Twin Sacred Return Shield now heals the target in one round for this
abilitys duration. This feat is considered Bankai for the purpose of feats and
Soulcaster Evoker
Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield 3d6 damage
You may enhance your cutting shield with several options listed below. Each time you take a feat from this
prestige path you may pick one of the enhancements from the list to add to your cutting shield. Only one
enhancement can be active at one time with the exception of Elemental Shield and Flaring Shield which may be
activated together. Enhancements only last one attack, but may be used at will to enhance your cutting shield.
You may only take 5 enhancements from this tree.
Bloodboil Shield: Choose one type of creature. Your shield deals damage to that type of creature as if you were
four levels higher than you are.
Blasting Shield: Any target of your size or smaller being hit by your shield must make a fortitude save
(Constitution Based) or be flung 1d6x5 feet backwards and knocked prone.
Chain Shield: When using a chain shield, your shield jumps from your primary target to a secondary target within
30 feet of the original. You may take this multiple times to increase the number of chains by 1
Cone Shield: Your cutting shield is shaped in a 30 foot cone. You may take this more than once to add 2 to the
DC of the Reflex save.
Deteriorating Shield: Your cutting shield does one half damage but the target's Damage Reduction is reduced by
5 for 1 minute. Multiple applications of this do not stack, only refresh the duration.
Elemental Shield: Your cutting shield deals elemental damage from the following list (fire, cold, electricity, acid,
sonic, water or force). This is chosen when you choose this enhancement and you may choose this
enhancement once for each element.
Explosive Shield: Your cutting shield deals damage to any number of targets within 20 feet of you. You designate
these targets and no attack roll is needed. Reflex save for half damage. You may take this more than once to
add 2 to the DC of the Reflex save.
Flaring Shield: You must have chosen an elemental shield to take this. Your attack deals one half the damage it
dealt to the target on the next round, and each round thereafter for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Charisma
Power Shield: Your cutting shield's range becomes 250 feet.
Severing Shield: You may deal
your cutting shield damage in
conjunction with an unarmed
attack as a standard action. This
lasts one attack, and can only be
used once per round.
Trifold Shield: You may pay 200
Reiatsu to double the dice of
damage of your cutting shield for
one attack. You cannot use this
ability for 1d6+1 rounds after
using it.
Superhuman Prestige Paths
Superhuman Paragon
Prerequisites: Exclusive Evolutionary Apotheosis
Feats: Evolutionary Dead End, Superhuman Physical Mutation with the two physical stats you didn't start with,
Superhuman Mental Mutation with the two mental stats you didn't start with. Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Benefit: Evolutionary Dead End now gives you 3 stat points per 2 levels instead or 2 per 2. You also gain 1 stat
point per 2 levels you had when you take this feat.
Benefit: A Superhuman paragon gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
Benefit: If you make a successful Reflex save for half damage, you instead take 1/4 damage. A helpless
character does not gain the benefit of Evasion.
A Superhuman paragon gains +10 to saves against all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
If you make a successful will or fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a
successful save (such as a spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), you instead
completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping Superhuman paragon does not gain the benefit of
A Superhuman paragon gains +10 to saves against all poisons of all kinds.
Benefit: If you are affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fail your saving throw, you can attempt it again
1 round later at the same DC. You only get this one extra chance to succeed on your saving throw.
A Superhuman paragon no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged.
Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the
Superhuman paragon still dies of old age when her time is up.
Benefit: You still take 1/4 damage on a succeeded Reflex save, but if you fail the Reflex save you instead only
take 1/2 damage.
A Superhuman paragon adds her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her Defense
Epic Content
Epic Feats
Epic feats have the default prerequisite of 21 Levels plus.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Enlightened, Spellscore 25+, Efficient Demon Magic, Improved Efficient Demon
Benefit: All Reiatsu Costs of Kido cast by the user are reduced by 50% (round up). This bonus overlaps, and
does not stack with, Improved Efficient Demon Magic.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Suppression, Reiatsu Suppression Field, 21
Benefit: When targeted by an ability that is susceptible to Reiatsu Suppression, double the benefits of Reiatsu
Suppression and Reiatsu Suppression Field. You also gain a +5 divine bonus on your saving throw against
reiatsu abilities.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Pool 2,000+, Boost for the chosen statistic.
Benefit: As a move action you may boost the stat chosen with the boost feat by your spell score. This benefit
disappears at a rate of 3 points per round, but can be set again to reset the duration. You may use this power 1 +
Spellscore Modifier times per day.
Special: You may choose this feat multiple times, once for each physical statistic.
Prerequisite: Reiatsu Score 1,800+, Spring Attack, Burst of Speed, Improved Burst of Speed, Velocity Gambit
Benefit: You may make 2 attacks against each target, but the second one is always at a -5 penalty. Also you pay
regular cost for Burst of Speed, Improved Burst of Speed or Greater Burst of Speed when using them in
conjunction with Velocity Burst.
Prerequisites: Reiatsu Score 2,000+, Flurry of Blows, Greater Flurry of Blows, Burst of Speed
Benefit: You may pay 500 Reiatsu to double the amount of melee or unarmed attacks you may perform in this
round as long as you are only attacking one target. Each attack made is made as if you had begun making
attacks from the beginning of the round (IE if you have a +20 attack bonus, you would make attacks as follows
+20/+20/+15/+15/+10/+10/+5/+5). Your attacks deal 2 less [BW] of damage this round.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Spellscore 25+, Super Powerful Incantaonless Casting
Benefit: When casting a Kido incantationless, use one-half your character level instead of one-third (As always,
round down).
Prerequisites: Perfect Bankai
Benefit: This is a lesser release than Murikai, but it lasts longer. For one minute per character level per day, you
may engage Reikai. Reikai is created by multiplying your original Shikai picks by two and a half and your original
bankai choices by one and a half You also can gain Shikai Abilities on a 2/3 Level basis and you can gain Bankai
Abilities on a 1 for 4 level basis. It takes a move action to activate Reikai from Bankai, and a full-round action to
activate it from Shikai. It takes a swift action to activate Murikai from Reikai. While using your Reikai, you also
gain bonuses to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to one half your original Shikai Picks including
those from feats. When you enter Reikai, multiply your Reiatsu Rating by 5 and double your hit points.
Prerequisites: Reikai, 30+ Constitution
Benefit: Double your Reikai Timer.
Prerequisites: Epic Actualization
Benefits: You may now perform Reikai through any weapon you carry.
Prerequisites: Reikai
Benefit: Move the required time to release Reikai down one step (From Bankai it is now a Swift Action. From
Shikai it is now a Standard Action)
Prerequisites: Reikai, Enduring Reikai
Benefits: The first time you release your Reikai during a day, you may choose to half the time you may remain
in Reikai. Should you do so, each time you release Reikai that day, you double the statistic bonuses.
Prerequisites: Ijoreikai
Benefit: You no longer have to halve the time you remain in Reikai to gain the benefits of Ijoreikai. You still must
state you are using Ijoreikai in order to gain the benefits.
Prerequisites: Magical Avenger, Improved Battlecasting
Benefit: Your bonuses from Warrior Mage increase to +8 versus Attacks of Opportunity and triple your
Spellscore modifier to damage. Your Spellscore is now considered12 higher when calculating Reiatsu and you
gain an additional Kido per grade you have access to and gain access to in the future.
Prerequisites: Improved Frightful Form
Benefit: Your frightful form is even more intimidating. Increase your size two category (Gaining +16 Strength, -4
Dexterity and +8 Constitution) while in frightful form, and increase your Fast Healing to 15. Your bonus to Attack
and Defense rolls increases to one half of your level. Your claw damage becomes 2d6 + 2d6 per 5 ranks in
Unarmed Strike you have over 1.
Prerequisites: Charisma 21+, Provoke
Benefit: When you aggravate a target, their penalty to Attack, Defense and Reflex Saves is increased to -8.
Prerequisites: Censure Hollow, Greater Censuring
Benefit: When you Censure a hollow, you may spend an additional Censure attempt to deal 2[BW] damage to
each censured hollow ignoring Damage Reduction.
Prerequisites: Timeless Body
Benefit: When calculating out your age categories, add 3d100 to the each age category. No matter the result
you are still the age category you were when you took this feat.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken you may add 1d100 to each of your age
Prerequisites: 22+ Constitution, Reiatsu Healing, Life's Blood, Improved Life's Blood, Greater Life's Blood
Benefit: You heal a number of hit points equal to five time the damage you took for initiating Life's Blood.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken add one to the multiplier of the damage for
Life's Blood (IE Taking this twice would make you heal 6x the damage you took.)
Prerequisites: Con 25+, Fortitude 33+ Ranks, High Pain Tolerance
Benefit: You are incredibly resistant to pain. When you take damage, after damage reduction and resistances,
multiply the resulting damage by 50% and take that instead. This overlaps High Pain Tolerance.
Prerequisites: Death attack ability, sneak attack 10+ dice.
Benefit: You need not spend 3 rounds preparing for a death attack.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls for your attacks.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Prerequisites: Dex 25, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two- Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two-Weapon
Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Attack 26+ Ranks
Benefit: You can make one extra attack with a third weapon. However, using this style, all your attacks (with
primary, secondary and tertiary weapons) only add half your Strength bonus to damage.
Special: Every 5 ranks above 26 you have in Weapon Attack you gain another attack with your third weapon at
normal attack bonuses (second attack at a -5 penalty, third attack at a -10 penalty, fourth attack at a -15 penalty.)
Maximum 4 extra attacks.
Prerequisites: Three Weapon Fighting, Weapon Attack 36+ Ranks Dex 30+
Benefit: You may now add your full strength bonus to damage with your weapons while using the Three
Weapon Fighting style.
Prerequisite: Alternate Form: Twin Weapons, Strength 30+
Benefit: You may take this feat. When you do, you gain a third weapon to your Twin Zanpakutous. If you have
the Twin Zanpakutou Mastery feat, you instantly gain Zanpakutou Abilities equal to your base towards this third
Zanpakutou (plus any from Expanded Release and other prestige paths that grant Zanpakutou Abilities.)
Prerequisites: Spellscore 25+, Censure Hollow, Greater Censuring, Epic Censuring
Benefit: Every hollow that comes within 15 feet of you is automatically effected as if you had censured it. This
doesn't cost a censuring attempt and you don't have to roll censuring damage (Though you do have to roll the
2[BW] damage of Epic Censuring). It automatically occurs but only effects hollows with levels equal to yours
minus 10 (And destroys/judges those with your level minus 20). For example, if you were a 22
level Hollow
Hunter and fought a pack of 10
level Hollows with their 2
level cohorts, you would automatically censure the
level hollows and judge the 2
level hollows. As always, you cannot censure hollows that have total cover
relative to you.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 25+, Charisma 25+, Censure Hollow
Benefit: You may attempt to censure any creature that isn't native to the world of the Living. They are
considered a number of levels higher than normal equal to their Charisma modifier. This is considered a use of
Censuring for the day.
Special: If you have Divine Censuring, you automatically censure all beings of otherworldly origin (other than
hollows which follow Divine Censuring's rules) that have your effective level minus 15 (And destroy/judge those
with your effective level minus 25). For example, if you were a level 30 Hollow Hunter and you were in the midst
of a group of level 15 Shinigami (with charismas of 10) and their level 5 cohorts (With charismas of 10). You
would censure the Shinigami and destroy/judge the cohorts.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 25+, Charisma 25+, Censure Hollow, Superior Censuring
Benefit: You may attempt to censure any creature. They are considered to be a number of levels higher than
normal equal to their Charisma Modifier. This is considered a use of Censuring for the day.
Special: If you have Divine Censuring, you automatically censure all beings (other than hollows which follow
Divine Censuring's rules) that have your effective level minus 15 (And destroy/judge those with your effective
level minus 25). For example, if you were a level 30 Hollow Hunter and you were in the midst of a group of level
15 Superhumans (with charismas of 10) and their level 5 cohorts (With charismas of 10). You would censure the
Superhumans and destroy/judge the cohorts.
Prerequisite: Bakkotou Final Release, Spellcraft 24+ ranks, Improved Bakkotou 2+
Benefit: Your Bakkotou evolves even further which grants the following benefits while in your Bakkotou Final
Release state your Bakkotou gains 2 Murikai abilities and 2 Arch Arrancar abilities. You may take this feat
multiple times each time gaining 1 Murikai ability and 1 Arch Arrancar ability each time your take this feat
increase the ranks required in spellcraft by 10.
Prerequisites: Spellscore 24+
Benefit: You can resist SekkiSekki stone's effects with a DC 25 Concentration Check. This resistance lasts for 3
+ Spellscore Modifier in rounds. During this time you may use Supernatural Abilities.
Epic Racial Feats
Prerequisites: Gaian, 25+ Intelligence, 7 Shikai picks
Benefit: You immediately gain 3 Shikai Picks, and from now on you gain one shikai pick every 2 levels instead of
every 3.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 25+ Strength, Gaia's Wings, Improved Gaia's Wings
Benefit: Increase the speed of your Gaia's Wings Burrow Speed by 20 feet.
Special: You may take this multiple times to increase the Burrow Speed further by 10 feet each time.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 25+ Intelligence, Improved Gaian Spear, Greater Gaian Spear
Benefit: Your Gaian Spear now critically hits on a 17-20.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 25+ Intelligence, Improved Gaian Spear, Greater Gaian Spear, Advanced Gaian Spear
Benfit: Your Gaian Spear now deals x4 damage on a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Gaian, 18+ Charisma, Earth Son, Improved Earth Son, Greater Earth Son, Super Gaian Power
Benefit: You gain the ability to use your Bankai abilities while in your human form.
Prerequisites: Undying Malevolence
Benefit: The third stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Ressurreccion: Trecera Etapa, or Third Step of
Ressurrection, gives the Arch-Arrancar an incredible power boost, multiplying the original Ressureccion:
Segunda Etapa boost by one and a half. This form lasts for your Character Level in rounds per day and takes a
standard action to activate.
Prerequisites: Undying Malevolence
Benefit: The time you can spend in your Segunda Etapa increases to your Constitution Modifier in minutes per
Prerequisites: Resurreccion: Tricera Etapa
Benefit: The time you can spend in your Tricera Etapa increases to twice your character level in rounds per day.
Prerequisites: Resurreccion: Tricera Etapa, Undying Tricera Etapa
Benefit: The time you can spend in your Resurreccion: Tricera Etapa increases to your Constitution Modifier in
minutes per day.
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Malevolent Aura
Benefit: When you absorb a soul into yourself via Overwhelming Malevolent Aura, you gain Statistic Points
equal to the level of the highest level victim to attribute to your statistics for one minute per point of constitution
modifier. You may not increase a statistic more than twice it's original number. Any points over this become
temporary hit points on a 3 for 1 basis.
Prerequisites: Siempre Tricera Etapa
Benefit: The fourth stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa, or Fourth Step of
Resurrection, gives the Arch-Arrancar an increadible power boost, multiplying the bonuses from Resurreccion:
Tricera Etapa by one and a half. This form lasts for your constitution score in rounds per day and takes a
standard action to activate.
Prerequisites: Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa
Benefit: Your timer in Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa doubles
Prerequisites: Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa, Undying Cuarto Etapa
Benefit: Your timer in Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa becomes one minute per point of Constitution Modifier per
Prerequisites: Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa, Undying Cuarto Etapa, Siempre Cuarto Etapa
Benefit: You become a being of pure fusion between Hollow and Shinigami. You gain a fully functioning
Zanpakutou. You gain shikai abilities to your Zanpakutou till they match one half your level in number. You may
now learn Bankai, and if you do, you are treated as the earliest you could have taken the feat (Level 8). You may
now take Shinigami Racial Feats.
Prerequisites: Cero Oscurus
Benefit: You may use Cero Oscurus once more per week.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken you may add one to the number of times you
may Cero Oscurus in a day.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 21+ Dexterity, Moon Blast, Improved Moon Blast, Greater Moon Blast
Benefit: Your Moon Blast critically hits on a 17-20
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Dexterity, Moon Blast, Improved Moon Blast, Greater Moon Blast, Advanced Moon
Benefit: Your Moon Blast now deals x4 critical damage.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 25+ Wisdom, 7 Shikai picks
Benefit: You immediately gain 3 Shikai Picks, and from now on you gain one shikai pick every 2 levels instead of
every 3.
Prerequisites: Lunar, 18+ Charisma, Moon Son, Improved Moon Son, Greater Moon Son, Super Lunar Power
Benefit: You gain the ability to use your Bankai abilities while in your human form.
Prerequisites: Quincy, 25+ Wisdom, 7 Shikai Picks
Benefit: You immediately gain 3 Shikai Picks. From now on you gain Shikai Picks at a rate of one per 2 levels
instead of 1 for three.
Prerequisites: Improved Seele Schneider
Effect: Your Seele Schneider's base Damage becomes 2d6.
Prerequisites: Impaling Maneuver. Improved Impaling Maneuver
Benefit: Your attack does +4d6 damage per attack you gave up instead of +3d6.
Prerequisites: Greater Shunko
Benefit: Your bonus to Strength and Dexterity increases to +16 and you add +8d6 electricity damage to your
unarmed attacks.
Prerequisites: Greater Recombination
Benefit: When Recombining someone, you pay Divinity points equal to one third their hit dice.
Prerequisites: Patch
Benefits: You may now use Patch on others, and they heal the non-lethal damage normally (1 per level per hour
of rest.) You also heal the non-lethal damage normally.
Prerequisites: Legendary Warrior, Tireless Legendary Warrior.
Benefit: Your bonus to Strength from your frenzy increases to +14 and the penalty to your Defense decreases to
Prerequisites: +15d8 Sneak Attack Damage
Benefit: Your sneak attack uses d10's
Prerequisites: Cero Oscuras, Greater Masked Warrior
Benefit: The user can benefit from Segunda Etapa as the Arch-Arrancar ability.
Special: You can now take other feats that require Undying Malevolence or Segunda Etapa as a prerequisite.
Prerequisite: Resurreccion: Cuarto Etapa
Benefit: You are a true mix of Hollow and Shinigami. You may now gain Hollow Growth Powers in excess of
your inner hollow. These Hollow Growth powers always work for you instead of being locked into your mask.
Also, any Physical hollow growth powers you gain are sealed into your Resurreccion. You can now count as a
Hollow for feats and abilities.
Prerequisites: Greater Summon Divinity
Benefit: You may Summon Divinity an additional time per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you may Summon Divinity an additional time
per day.
Prerequisites: Summon Divinity
Benefit: The statistic bonuses you gain for Summoning Divinity increase to +10. Your Damage Reduction
addition increases to +15/-and your increase to Defensive Skills (Defense, Reflex, Fortitude and Will) increase to
Prerequisites: Greater Summon Divinity
Benefit: The statistic bonuses you gain for Summoning Divinity increase to +14. Your damage reduction addition
increases to +20/- and your increase to Defensive Skills (Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will) Increase to +15.
Prerequisites: Greater Summon Divinity
Benefit: You are no longer fatigued after using Summon Divinity. You only lose one quarter of your hit points.
Prerequisites: Yaiba-te 3/day
Benefit: You may use Yaiba-Te one additional time per day.
Special: You may take this multiple times to increase the number of times you may Yaiba-Te by one.1
Prerequisites: Murikai
Benefit: You gain another Murikai Ability.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken you may add one additional Murikai Ability. This
feat can be taken every 10 levels.
Prerequisites: Solar, 25+ Wisdom, Improved Solar Blast, Greater Solar Blast
Benefit: Your Solar Blast's critical range is improved to 17-20
Prerequisites: Solar, 25+ Wisdom, Improved Solar Blast, Greater Solar Blast, Advanced Solar Blast.
Benefit: Your Solar Blast now deals x4 damage on a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Solar, 25+ Wisdom, 7 Shikai picks
Benefit: You immediately gain 3 Shikai Picks, and from now on you gain one shikai pick every 2 levels instead of
every 3.
Prerequisites: Solar, 18+ Charisma, Sun Son, Improved Sun Son, Greater Sun Son, Super Solar Power
Benefit: You gain the ability to use your Bankai abilities while in your human form.
Prerequisites: Cutting Master
Benefit: Your Cutting Shield deals d10s of damage. If it already deals d10s for damage, it instead deals 2d6 per
Prerequisites: Prodigy
Benefit: You gain a secondary choice from the Prodigy menu.
Prerequisite: Shielding Master
Benefit: Your granted fast healing increase to 3 + 4 per rank of your shield.
Prerequisite: Healing Master
Benefit: Your Twin Sacred Return Shield's healing increases to 20 points per rank instead of 15 points. In
addition, when you restore a limb to a target, it counts as 5 points of healing instead of 10. Also, when you return
a target to life it counts as 30 points of healing instead of 40 and may be done twenty rounds per level of the
target after their deaths instead of your charisma modifier in rounds.
Prerequisites: Kaiser Evolution
Benefit: One of your other Evolutions becomes a Kaiser Evolution.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it does, change one of your Evolutions into a Kaiser
Prerequisites: Perfect Kaiser Evolution, Extra Kaiser Evolution
Benefit: Choose one of your Kaiser Evolutions. It becomes a Perfect Kaiser Evolution.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken change another Kaiser Evolution into a Perfect
Kaiser Evolution.
Epic Prestige Paths
Arch Arrancar's Zanpakutou
Though an Arch Arrancar generally loses their Zanpakutou once they Segunda Etapa, their Hollow Core still has
a spirit. These spirits are incredibly powerful and have minds of their own.
Feats: Swift Hollow Release
Special: 2,000+ Reiatsu
Any physical hollow growth powers gained through the feats Hollow Powers, Hollow Release and Hollow Growth
Power are sealed inside yourself. You gain the benefit of the Sealed feat retroactively, unless you already have
the Sealed feat's benefits, in which case you gain one additional attribute point per two levels.
As a standard action, you may enter Ressurrecion. Ressurrecion grants the Awakened Spirit a bonus on
Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to two times the number of sealed powers they have. This form lasts
for the Awakened Spirit's Constitution Modifier in minutes per day, and can be spread among multiple uses.
If you have the Cero hollow growth power, you may, once per day, maximize and empower your Cero. If you do
not have the Cero Hollow Growth Power, you gain it as a bonus feat, and then gain the benefits of this feat.
Using Gran Rey Cero costs 10 Hit Points in addition to the cost of the initial Cero.
You can release your Ressurrecion as a swift action instead of a standard action.
The second stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Ressurreccion: Segunda Etapa, or Second Step of
Ressurrection, gives the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou an incredible power boost, multiplying the original
Ressureccion boost by one and a half, and adding the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou's Constitution Modifier to his
Damage Reduction and Natural Armor. An Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou may hold this form for one round per
(Character Level + Constitution Modifier) per day. If you already have Segunda Etapa, choose a bonus feat.
Immense in power, the Cero Oscuras functions as a basic Cero that has been intensified. The cero oscuras can
be used Once per day per 10 character levels of the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou. Once per Week, the Arch-
Arrancar's Zanpakutou may twice Widen the line created by the Cero, but this leaves him fatigued after use. This
counts as a Ceroshape.
Creatures of chaos, and change, Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou have the unique ability to instantly evolve and
adapt to attack forms used on them. Whenever an attack form is used on a Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou, with the
exception of Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou can make a Fortitude
Save DC (Enemy Hit Dice + Enemy Constitution Modifier + 20). If they succeed, they become immune to that
attack form for one round per point of Constitution Modifier. This ability may be used 3+Intelligence Modifier
times per day.
Nearly a god unto itself, the Arch-Arrancar has perfected it's ability to use it's second release. Double the amount
of time the Arch-Arrancar may use it's second release form.
You gain this feat as a bonus feat.
10 One Hollow Growth Power that may be taken from either the normal list or the Epic Hollow Growth Power
Fusionists are Zanpakutou Spirits that realized the power of fusing with others, and have gained the ability to
move from host to host, each time drawing on the power of that host to a greater degree than others that fused.
Feats: Fusion, Awakened Zanpakutou, Awakened Shikai, Exclusive Greater Awakened Shikai or Awakened
Skills: Will Save 24+
Special: Must have a master that was killed
You have the ability to un-fuse with a target. You retain the bonus granted by that target if that bonus is the
following You no longer suffer from the rampage effect of having your master destroyed or You gain their shikai
types as your own or You gain one hollow growth power per five levels you possess
2 Bonus Feat
You gain the ability to re-fuse with another target, gaining the benefits for being with that target. Overlapping
benefits do not stack.
4 Bonus Feat
Fusion changes to include the following:
If you fused with any Human race, you gain the benefits of any racial feat they may have, and the benefits of any
feats that rely on that racial feat for as long as you are fused with the human.
If you fused with a Hollow, you gain access to any transformations they may have for as long as you are fused
with the Hollow.
If you fused with a Bounto, you gain access to their doll as your own for as long as you are fused with the
If you fused with any Shinkoukenjin race, you gain the shikai picks from their Hybrid and Kanzen added to your
own for as long as you are fused with the shinkoukenjin.
If you fused with a Kitsune, you gain the benefits of any feat that has the prerequisite Kitsune for as long as
you are fused with the Kitsune
If you fused with a Soulforge, you gain all their bonus feats as your own for as long as you are fused with the
If you fused with a Solar or Lunar, you gain their shikai picks and abilities as your own for as long as you are
fused with the Solar or Lunar.
The benefits of Greater Fusion wear off if you Un-fuse with the target.
Lava Spewer
Lava Spewers are those Gaians that have harnessed the power of Lava to their own benefit. They can bend it to
their will, and fire it off as blasts of energy dealing extreme damage to their foes. The only beings that can stand
before a Lava Spewer and tell the tale are those with extreme fire resistances.
Feats: Gaian, Gaia's Wings, Improved Gaia's Wings, Superior Gaia's Wings, Supersonic Strike
Skills: Navagate 24+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 24+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 24+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 24+ Ranks,
Defense 24+ Ranks, Concentration 24+ Ranks
Special: Must have passed a ritual where you are immersed in Lava for 24 straight hours to become attuned to
it's ebb and flow. You may be healed during this ritual, but other than that you may do nothing but bath in the
Lava, talk and eat (If you so choose).
You have learned how to harness Volcanic power for your own purposes. You may supplement your unarmed
strikes with the power of Lava. To do this you must make a DC 35 Concentration Check to sheath yourself in
Lava. Should you succeed, you take no damage from the Lava. Should you fail the check you take 5d6 fire
damage. If you fail by 10 or more you take damage as if you were fully immersed in Lava. If you succeed, your
unarmed strikes are sheathed in lava, and you deal an additional 2d6 fire damage with your attacks. Anything
you touch while this power is enacted must make a reflex save (Strength Based) or catch fire when you attack it.
They remain on fire for 1d6+2 rounds. Your harnessed Volcanic Power lasts for 3 + Strength Modifier in rounds
before the lava cools enough to stop damaging others.
Alternatively, you may fire off blasts of lava at people. This is done as a DC 35 Concentration Check, and then a
normal Ranged Shot attack. You deal damage depending on how much the enemy failed their Defense check by.
If they failed by less than 5, they take 5d6 fire damage. If they failed by 6-10, they take 10d6 fire damage. If they
failed by 11-15 they take 15d6 fire damage and if they failed by 16 or more, they take 20d6 damage and are fully
immersed in Lava until they take a full-round action to remove the damaging liquid.
Lastly, if you make a DC 35 Concentration check you may encase your Gaian Spear in Lava, dealing an extra
2d6 fire damage with your Weapon Attack. Anything you touch while this power is enacted must make a reflex
save (Strength Based) or catch fire when you attack it. They remain on fire for 1d6+2 rounds. Your harnessed
Volcanic Power lasts for 3 + Strength Modifier in rounds before the lava cools enough to stop damaging others.
2 Bonus Feat
Your additional fire damage from concentrating Lava onto your Unarmed Strike or Weapon increases by 2d6 to
4d6. The DC to resist increases by 2. Also now the victim of your Mouth of the Volcano blast takes full immersion
damage if they fail by 11 or more.
4 Bonus Feat
Your additional fire damage from concentrating Lava onto your Unarmed Strike or Weapon increases by 2d6 to
6d6. The DC to resist increases by 2. Also now the victim of your Mouth of the Volcano blast takes full immersion
damage if they fail by 6 or more.
Maester of the Four Corners of the Sun
Maesters are the power of the Solars. They lead Stellar Masters and control the whole of Solar Society. Normally
there are only 4 Maesters in place at one time leading the society by example.
Feats: Solar, Blooded, Talented, Magnetic Storm, Sun Son, Improved Sun Son, Greater Sun Son, Stellar
Catastrophe, Improved Solar Blast, Greater Solar Blast, Advanced Solar Blast, Epic Solar Blast, 5,000,000
Skills: Ranged Combat 24+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 24+ Ranks, Will Save 24+ Ranks, Knowledge (Solar
Society) 15+ Ranks
Special: Must have been unanimously voted into Office by a council of 13 Stellar Masters, Reiatsu 2,000+
You gain a third release. This is gained by tripling your initial Shikai Picks and adding in any picks you gained
from feats other than Solar. While this form is released as a standard action from your 4,000,000 Degree
release, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points count towards the
damage you may deal. While you have your 10,000,000 Degree Release active, you gain bonus attribute points
equal to your level to distribute at your whim. These go away when you end 10,000,000 Degree Release. You
may keep 10,000,000 Degree Release going for one round per level per day.
Once per day, you may sheath yourself with the very essence of the sun itself. While sheathed, you gain a bonus
to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to one third your level. You also gain damage reduction +10/- and
fast healing equal to one quarter of your level in the sun. This is reduced to one eighth your level out of the sun.
This form lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds and you lose one half your hit points and are exhausted
Double the timer you have for your 10,000,000 Degree Release. Also your Solar Blast expands again, dealing
d12's of damage instead of d10's.
Your control over your Sheath of the Sun widens and grants you the ability to damage objects that touch your
body through melee combat. Anything that strikes you in melee (Including Weapons) takes 1d6 fire damage per
2 levels you possess ignoring hardness and damage reduction. Universal damage mitigation still applies as does
Fire Resistance. If this would deal enough hit points to break the object, you take no damage from the attack.
Also, you are one step less tired when using Sheath of the Sun and lose only one quarter of your hit points.
Triple the timer you have for your 10,000,000 Degree Release. Also, if it wasn't before, your flight speed
becomes perfect and increases by 20 feet. Thirdly your Solar Blast adds your Spellscore modifier as additional
damage. Lastly, any Melee Weapon you wield deals damage to other weapons it strikes if the opponent attempts
to parry the blow. Deal your Stellar Sheath damage to any weapon that parries your attack in melee while your
Sheath of the Sun is active.
Master of the Eight Phases
Eight Phase Masters are the leaders of Lunar society, and are some of the most powerful beings in existence.
There are generally eight masters, each with their own province. Each serves the Grand Elder directly and are
the highest authority for Lunars on Earth as the Grand Elder remains on the Moon.
Feats: Lunar, Blooded, Talented, Magnetic Storm, Moon Son, Improved Moon Son, Greater Moon Son, Moon
Blast, Improved Moon Blast, Greater Moon Blast, Advanced Moon Blast, Epic Moon Blast, Third Phase of Moon
Skills: Unarmed Strike 24+ Ranks, Will Save 24+ Ranks, Knowledge (Lunar Society) 15+ Ranks
Special: Must have been unanimously voted into Office by a council of 13 Moon Saints, Reiatsu 2,000+
You gain a third release. This is gained by tripling your initial Shikai Picks and adding in any picks you gained
from feats other than Lunar. While this form is released, as a standard action from your Second Phase of Moon
Dust, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points count towards the
damage you may deal. While you have your Fourth Phase of the Moon Dust active, you gain bonus attribute
points equal to your level to distribute at your whim. These go away when you end Fourth Phase of the Moon
Dust Release. You may keep Fourth Phase of the Moon Dust Release going for one round per level per day.
You can negate hits against you by temporarily becoming partially incorporeal. Whenever you parry an attack
you gain a +1 Bonus to the roll per 4 levels. If you manage to parry the attack, the attacking weapon or person
takes 1d6 damage per 4 levels you have ignoring hardness and damage reduction.
Double the timer you have for Fourth Phase of Moon Dust. Also, your Moon Blast increases in damage from d6's
to d8's
As a full round action, you may sheath yourself in moonlight, gaining your level in Attribute points to distribute to
your statistics. These attribute points lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before disappearing. When you
sheath yourself, you also gain +10/- Damage Reduction. When the bonus is over you lose one half your hit
points, and you are exhausted.
You now triple the timer of your Fourth Phase of Moon Dust. Also, you are one step less tired when using
Seventh Phase of Moon Dust. Lastly, the number of attribute points you gain is equal to one and a half times
your level and lasts for twice as long.
Murikai Zanpakutou
Murikai Zanpakutou are spirits that have amassed enough power to access Murikai Abilities.
Prerequisites: Awakened Shikai, Awakened Bankai (Or Awakened Premature Bankai or Awakened Doll Training
Bankai), Perfect Awakened Bankai
Skills: Weapon Attack 24+ Ranks
Special: 2,000+ Reiatsu
Your Bankai has been reformed and enhanced to incredible levels by just being in the presence of the Spirit
King. For one round per (Character Level + Constitution Score) per day, you may push your already released
Bankai into this ultimate Murikai. You cannot release Murikai from base form or Shikai. Releasing Murikai is a full
round action. To create a Murikai, you gain choices equal to three times your original shikai's and double your
bankai choices. You then gain one Murikai choice and one additional Murikai choice per 10 character levels.
You summon a sliver of the Spirit King's divine power. Once Per day per ten character levels, you may place
yourself into a state of divine rapture. You gain a +6 bonus to all physical statistics, a +5 Divine Bonus to your
Defense and Defense Skills (This does not give the bonus twice through the Reflex Save Skill), Damage
Reduction +10/-. While in this state you are immune to binding kido, and kido that induces starvation or
dehydration. You are also immune to damage that is not dealt in dice (IE if a kido says it deals a certain
percentage of your HP, you are immune) and the Auto-Reincarnating special ability. This lasts for 3 + Wisdom
Modifier in rounds. At the end you are reduced to one half your hit points and are exhausted.
You're power over the nearly incomprehensible power of the Murikai grows stronger. Double the length of time
you can release this form. Also, your own power has grown as well. Gain up to one additional attack if your ranks
in Weapon Attack are greater than 20.
You are more used to channeling the divinity of the Spirit King through your body. Reduce by one step the level
of tiredness you feel after using the Summon Divinity feature (Exhausted becomes Fatigued, Unconscious
becomes Exhausted and if you have used all three, you are unconscious.)
You have mastered the power granted to you by the Spirit King. Triple the length of time you can release your
Murikai form, and gain up to one additional attack when your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 25, or up
to two additional attacks when your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 30.
Terra Master
These incredible Gaians are even more powerful than the lauded Terra Knights. They have mastered their
Pressure and can use it to devastating effects.
Prerequisites: Gaian, Earth Wrecker, Gaian Knight, Gaia's Wings, Improved Gaia's Wings, Improved Gaian
Spear, Greater Gaian Spear, Volcanic Weapon, Super Volcano, Earth Son, Improved Earth Son, Greater Earth
Son, Advanced Pressure Release, Talented, Blooded, Leadership
Skills: Weapon Attack 24+ Ranks, Defense 24+ Ranks,
Special: 2,000+ Reiatsu, Greater Gaian Knight Terra Ability
You gain a third release. This is gained by tripling your initial Shikai Picks and adding in any picks you gained
from feats other than Gaian. While this form is released, as a standard action from your Greater Pressure
Release, you gain your maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points count towards
the damage you may deal. While you have your Epic Pressure Release active, you gain bonus attribute points
equal to your level to distribute at your whim. These go away when you end Epic Pressure Release. You may
keep Epic Pressure Release going for one round per level per day.
When you engage your Greater Gaian Knight ability, you may engage this ability as well as a free action. Your
armor increases in size again, granting you +20 to Defense (Instead of +15), +15/- Damage Reduction (Instead
of +10/-) and two size categories instead of one. It still weighs nothing to you, and you can move in it as normal.
The max dex bonus for this armor is still +0. It takes 210 Reiatsu to activate Superior Gaian Knight. Superior
Gaian Knight remains in effect for 3 + Strength Modifier rounds before dissipating into Greater Gaian Knight,
which remains in effect for 3 more rounds before dissipating into Gaian Knight.
3 Bonus Feat and double the timer for Epic Pressure Release.
When you engage your Superior Gaian Knight ability, you gain 30 Resistance to all elements. (Fire, Cold,
Electricity, Acid, Sonic, Force, Water, Negative and Psychic.). When you are done using Superior Gaian Knight,
you are exhausted.
You now triple the timer of your Epic Pressure Release. Also, you are one step less tired when using Hyper
Gaian Knight. Lastly, when you engage your Hyper Gaian Knight, you gain a number of attribute points equal to
your level to distribute wherever you feel like.
The Fully Eclipsed - Lunar
The Fully Eclipsed are those that draw out more power from their Inner Hollow than most Eclipsed. Some have
said that they have the ability to transform themselves to gain more power.
Feats: Full Eclipse, Super Moon Blast
Skills: Will Save 24+ Ranks
The bonus you gain to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma you gain from being Eclipsed now effects your
Constitution as well.
2 Bonus Feat
While you are Fully Eclipsed, you gain the benefits of all the Hollow Growth Powers your Inner Hollow
possesses. You may now use any Ceroshape abilities your Hollow Has on your Superior Moon Blast.
4 Bonus Feat
The Physical Hollow Growth powers gained via Eclipse of the Soul are sealed away deep inside of the Lunar.
You may still use any Shikai powers you have.
6 Bonus Feat
When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action), a Fully Eclipsed gains an immense boost to its Hollow
powers. During the Dark Corona of the Full Eclipse, the Fully Eclipsed benefits from an enhancement bonus to
strength, dexterity and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth powers released in the
transformation. A Fully Eclipsed's Dark Corona of the Full Eclipse lasts for one minute per constitution bonus
points per day. Its total time may be spread amongst as many uses as needed. This is a supernatural ability.
8 Bonus Feat
You may now enter your Dark Corona of the Full Eclipse as a swift action.
Once per day per 10 levels you possess, you may intensify your Superior Moon Blast. Once per Week, the Fully
Eclipsed may twice Widen the line created by the Mega Moon Blast, but this leaves him fatigued after use. This
counts as a Ceroshape for usage.
The Fully Eclipsed - Solar
The Fully Eclipsed are those that draw out more power from their Inner Hollow than most Eclipsed. Some have
said that they have the ability to transform themselves to gain more power.
Feats: Full Eclipse, Super Solar Blast
Skills: Will Save 24+ Ranks
The bonus you gain to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma you gain from being Eclipsed now effects your
Constitution as well.
2 Bonus Feat
While you are Fully Eclipsed, you gain the benefits of all the Hollow Growth Powers your Inner Hollow
possesses. You may now use any Ceroshape abilities your Hollow Has on your Superior Solar Blast.
4 Bonus Feat
The Physical Hollow Growth powers gained via Eclipse of the Soul are sealed away deep inside of the Solar.
You may still use any Shikai powers you have.
6 Bonus Feat
When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action), a Fully Eclipsed gains an immense boost to its Hollow
powers. During the Blazing Corona of the Full Eclipse, the Fully Eclipsed benefits from an enhancement bonus
to strength, dexterity and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth powers released in the
transformation. A Fully Eclipsed's Blazing Corona of the Full Eclipse lasts for one minute per constitution bonus
points per day. Its total time may be spread amongst as many uses as needed. This is a supernatural ability.
8 Bonus Feat
You may now enter your Blazing Corona of the Full Eclipse as a swift action.
Once per day per 10 levels you possess, you may intensify your Superior Solar Blast. Once per Week, the Fully
Eclipsed may twice Widen the line created by the Superior Solar Blast, but this leaves him fatigued after use.
This counts as a Ceroshape for usage.
The Magma-Hearts
Magma-Hearts are those that gain even greater power from their Inner Hollows than The Metamorphic do.
Feats: Greater Metamorphic Fervor, Inner Hollow
Skills: Will Save 24+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 24+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 24+ Ranks
The bonuses you gain to Strength, Intelligence and Charisma from your Fervor, now apply to your Constitution
as well.
2 Bonus Feat
While you are in your Metamorphic Fervor, you gain the benefit of any Hollow Growth Powers your inner hollow
4 Bonus Feat
The physical hollow growth powers you gained by Least Magam-Heart are sealed away deep inside you. You
may still use any other powers you may have.
6 Bonus Feat
When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action), a Magam-Heart gains an immense boost to its Hollow
powers. During the Magma-Heart, the Magma-Heart benefits from an enhancement bonus to strength, dexterity
and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth powers released in the transformation. A Magma-
Heart's Magma-Heart lasts for one minute per constitution bonus points per day. Its total time may be spread
amongst as many uses as needed. This is a supernatural ability.
8 Bonus Feat
You may now enter your Magma-Heart state as a swift action.
While you are in your Magma-Heart state, you may make one attack against every enemy in line of sight by
giving up all your attacks in a round. Your reach with your Gaian Spear becomes 20 feet, and you threaten out to
15 feet while still being able to attack adjacent enemies.
Untoten Ritter
Geist Der Rache pale in comparison to the might of the undead knights, the Untoten Ritter.
Skills: Will Save 24+ Ranks
Feats: Welle von Nichts, Welle der Alles
When donning your Gesichtsmaske, the bonus you gain also applies to your Constitution.
2 Bonus Feat
When donning your Gesichtsmaske, you gain the benefits of all hollow growth powers your inner hollow has.
4 Bonus Feat
The physical Hollow powers acquired via Untotenmaske are sealed in an Untoten Ritter's Quincy Bow. You still
retain usage of your Quincy Bow.
6 Bonus Feat
When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action), an Untoten Ritter gains an immense boost to its
Hollow powers. During Auferstehung, the Untoten Ritter benefits from an enhancement bonus to strength,
dexterity and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth powers released in the transformation.
An Untoten Ritter's Auferstehung lasts for one minute per constitution bonus points per day. Its total time may be
spread amongst as many uses as needed. This is a supernatural ability.
8 Bonus Feat
You may now release your Auferstehung as a swift action instead of a standard action
Once per day per 10 levels,
the Untoten Ritter may
intensify his Welle von
Nichts. Once per week he
may twice widen the Welle
von Nichts, but this leaves
the Untoten Ritter fatigued
after use. Your Dunkelheit
Welle cannot be used at the
same time as your Welle
der Alles.
Vizard Unleashed
There are Vizard, and then there are vizards that transcend the barrier between Shinigami and Hollow beyond
normal. These Vizard are the Vizard Unleashed.
Skills: Will Save 24+
Feats: Eternal Mask, Vizard Gran Rey
The bonus to Strength and Dexterity that you gain from your Hollow Mask now applies to your Constitution.
2 Bonus Feat
While your mask is down, you gain the benefits of up to your Charisma modifier worth of hollow growth powers
that your Inner Hollow possesses.
4 Bonus Feat
The physical Hollow powers acquired via Greater Masked Warrior are sealed in an Vizard Unleashed's
Zanpakutou. You still retain use of your normal Zanpakutou including Bankai if you have it. You gain the benefits
of the Sealed Feat retroactively and from now on.
6 Bonus Feat
When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action from his masked state), an Vizard Unleashed gains an
immense boost to its Hollow powers. During Resurreccin, the Vizard Unleashed benefits from an enhancement
bonus to strength, dexterity and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth powers released in the
transformation. A Vizard Unleashed's Resurreccin lasts for one minute per constitution bonus points per day. Its
total time may be spread amongst as many uses as needed. This is a supernatural ability.
8 Bonus Feat
You may release your
Resurrection as a swift action
instead of a move action. This
is a supernatural ability.
Immense in power, the Cero
Oscuras functions as a basic
Cero that has been intensified.
The cero oscuras can be used
Once per day per 10 character
levels of the Vizard Unleashed.
Once per Week, the Vizard
Unleashed may twice Widen
the line created by the Cero,
but this leaves him fatigued
after use. This counts as a
Vizard Unleashed's Zanpakutou
Normal Vizard's Zanpakutou are powerful, but they pale in comparison to the full power of the Zanpakutou of a
Vizard Unleashed.
Skills: Will Save 24+
Feats: Swift Hollow Release
You gain one hollow growth power for each hollow growth power you already have.
When you gain the benefits of Sealed Form, you gain 2 additional stat points per 2 levels you possess. Also, all
the physical hollow growth powers you have gained since you gained Sealed Form are sealed into your
The second stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Ressurreccion: Segunda Etapa, or Second Step of
Ressurrection, gives the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou an incredible power boost, multiplying the original
Ressureccion boost by one and a half, and adding the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou's Constitution Modifier to his
Damage Reduction and Natural Armor. An Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou may hold this form for one round per
(Character Level + Constitution Modifier) per day. If you already have Segunda Etapa, choose a bonus feat.
4 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section and Epic Hollow Growth
Powers Section) or Bonus Feat
Immense in power, the Cero Oscuras functions as a basic Cero that has been intensified. The cero oscuras can
be used Once per day per 10 character levels of the Arch-Arrancar's Zanpakutou. Once per Week, the Arch-
Arrancar's Zanpakutou may twice Widen the line created by the Cero, but this leaves him fatigued after use. This
counts as a Ceroshape.
Zanpakutou Ascendent
Ascendent Zanpakutou are those Zanpakutou that have access to the final release of their abilities.
Unfortunately for Awakened Zanpakutou, using the Final Release is normally fatal.
Feats: Imperfect Sword Fusion, Sacrifice Release
Skills: Weapon Attack 24+ Ranks, Fortitude 24+ Ranks
You prepare yourself for the final training to unlock your hidden abilities. You no longer have a reiatsu score and
loose access to any ability you have that requires a reiatsu score however you are now immune to being
detected by your reiatsu and all your stats gain a plus 10 luck bonus. You also gain a +5 luck bonus to all base
skills and damage rolls. If you have abilities that require.
2 Bonus Feat
Your Sacrifice release Zanpakutou also gains your bankai releases abilities (that it can have if both your shikai
and bankai have the same ability that can not be taken more then once this release only gets it once and stack-
able abilities are still restricted to once per two levels even if the original was once per three levels).
4 Bonus Feat
Your Zanpakutou deals 1[BW] additional damage that does not count towards feat prerequisites. And you may
use the final attack ability
Final Attack: The Awakened Zanpakutou enters his Imperfect Sword Fusion and during this turn you must use
your Sacrifice Release usually meant as an absolute last resort, this ability allows a Awakened Zankpakutou to
choose one attack their Zanpakutou can use (be it a standard physical attack, a projectile attack, a kidou attack
or otherwise) and double the amount of damage dice it does. If the attack allows a save to reduce the damage,
increase the save DC by 1/2 your character level, if it requires an attack roll, gain a bonus to your attack roll
equal to your character level. Rolling a 1 does not equal an automatic failure on this attack roll. Abilities like
Evasion or Mettle do not apply to reduce or negate the amount of damage this attack does (although they can
resist secondary effects such as blindness or deafness as normal). Utilizing this attack is a full round action that
does not provoke an attack of opportunity (regardless of the normal activation time of the ability used).
Unfortunately this attack comes at the highest price. The Awakened Zanpakutou must immediately upon using
Final Attack make a Fortitude Save with an enhanced DC (20 + Their Level + Their Constitution Modifier) or
instantly loose all power and time and form back into an Asuachi with no powers whatsoever. If they pass their
save, they are left unscathed, but at one quarter their current hit points and in an exhausted state.
Lunar Abilities
Lunar abilities are powerful abilities that Lunars gain over their lifetimes. They gain these naturally as their power
grows only losing them if assuming human form, and even then, some don't. To use a Lunar Ability that changes
your Unarmed Strike, you must use your unarmed strike.
Ice Hands: You may make a ranged attack dealing your unarmed strike's damage as cold damage. Turning this
power on costs 20 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before it must be activated again as
a standard action.
Ice Sheath: You may supercool the air around you dealing 2d6 + Twice Character Level cold damage to anyone
that attacks you in melee combat. You may take this ability multiple times. The first extra time you take this, your
sheath effects all creatures that enter within 5 feet of you. Each extra time of taking this, the sheath is extended
5 feet. You may shut off your sheath as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Turning this
power on costs 50 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before it must be activated again.
Fire Resistance: You gain fire resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the fire resistance by
10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Ice Resistance: You gain cold resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the fire resistance by
10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Freezing Hands: You may close wounds with a touch, ending any bleed damage you or the person you touch is
taking automatically without having to make a treat injury check. Doing so on someone else causes them 1d6
cold damage per 3 points of bleed damage they were taking. Using this power costs 30 Reiatsu.
Lunar Cone: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your unarmed strike into a 30 foot cone. The reflex DC for
half damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the area of
the cone by 10 feet.
Lunar Burst: You may, at the cost of 50 Reiatsu, deal your unarmed strike damage in a 20 foot area around you.
The DC for half damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase
the area of the burst by 10 feet.
Guidance of Luna: The DC's of all your Reflex saves increase by 1. This may be taken multiple times to increase
all your DC's by an additional 1 each time.
Lunar Emanation: You may, at the cost of 110 Reiatsu, turn your Unarmed Strike damage into an Emanation that
deals damage to any that are in the emanation or enter the emanation equal to your unarmed strike's Damage
for 3 turns. The Reflex save for half damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time
it is taken increase the area of the emanation by 10 feet.
Column of Lunar Energy: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your Unarmed Strike into a column within
close range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) with a diameter of 5 feet per level by a height of 10 feet per level.
Dark Power: While it is dark out, you gain fast healing equal to your Constitution Modifier. This fast healing ends
if it becomes sunny.
Frozen Corona: You gain universal damage mitigation equal to your constitution modifier. This damage mitigation
increases each time your constitution modifier does. You may double this amount for 3 + Wisdom Modifier
rounds by expending 90 Reiatsu.
Invulnerable Frozen Corona: Requires Frozen Corona to take. Your damage mitigation becomes double your
Constitution modifier. You may still double this number by expending 110 Reiatsu.
Dark Speed: Once per hour, you may multiply your speed by 10 when charging or running. This costs 30
Beyond Dark Speed: Requires Dark Speed to take. You may multiply your speed by 20 when charging or
running once per minute. This costs 50 Reiatsu.
Frozen Passion: You may, three times per day, multiply the damage of your unarmed strike by one and a half
times. If your unarmed strike is altered by a Lunar Ability, it's Reflex DC increases by 2. This costs 10 Reiatsu to
Frozen Boon: Your Unarmed Strike ignores cover and concealment. Using this ability costs 70 Reiatsu to use.
Dead World: You can cause yourself to become nearly like the dead. You gain immunity to mind control effects,
cold damage, electricity damage, ability damage and death effects. This costs 170 Reiatsu to activate and lasts
for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds.
The New Moon's Light: While within 10 feet of a shadow, you may attempt a hide check even if you have no
cover. You cannot hide within your own shadow, or the shadow of something more than one size category
smaller than yourself.
Solar Abilities
Solar abilities are powerful abilities that Solars gain over their lifetimes. They gain these naturally as their power
grows only losing them if assuming human form, and even them, some don't. To use a Solar Ability that changes
your Solar Blast, you must use your solar blast.
Fire Hands: You may have your unarmed strikes deal fire damage instead of normal. Should you do this, the
opponent struck must make a reflex save (Constitution Based) or catch fire for 1 round. Turning this power on
costs 20 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before it must be activated again.
Fire Sheath: You may ignite your corona dealing 2d6 + Twice Character Level fire damage to anyone that attacks
you in melee combat. You may take this ability multiple times. The first extra time you take this, your corona
effects all creatures that enter within 5 feet of you. Each extra time of taking this, the corona is extended 5 feet.
You may shut off your corona as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Turning this power
on costs 50 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before it must be activated again.
Fire Resistance: You gain fire resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the fire resistance by
10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Ice Resistance: You gain cold resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the fire resistance by
10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Scalding Hands: You may close wounds with a touch, ending any bleed damage you or the person you touch is
taking automatically without having to make a treat injury check. Doing so on someone else causes them 1d6
fire damage per 3 points of bleed damage they were taking. Using this power costs 30 Reiatsu.
Solar Cone: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your Solar Blast into a 30 foot cone. The reflex DC for half
damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the area of the
cone by 10 feet.
Solar Burst: You may, at the cost of 50 Reiatsu, deal your Solar Blast damage in a 20 foot area around you. The
DC for half damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the
area of the burst by 10 feet.
Magnificent Storm: The DC's of all your Reflex saves increase by 1. This may be taken multiple times to increase
all your DC's by an additional 1 each time.
Solar Emanation: You may, at the cost of 110 Reiatsu, turn your Solar Blast into an Emanation that deals
damage to any that are in the emanation or enter the emanation equal to your Solar Blast's Damage for 3 turns.
The Reflex save for half damage is Constitution Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken
increase the area of the emanation by 10 feet.
Column of Solar Energy: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your Solar Blast into a column within close
range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) with a diameter of 5 feet per level by a height of 10 feet per level.
Solar Power: While it is sunny out, you gain fast healing equal to your Constitution Modifier. This fast healing
ends if it becomes rainy or cloudy.
Weather Change: You may change the weather, besides night time, to sunny weather as a standard action that
provokes an attack of opportunity. This effects an area of 1 mile per level. This costs 130 Reiatsu.
Weather Control: Requires Weather Change to take. For 150 Reiatsu, you may change the weather to any
condition you would like. This effects an area of 1 mile per level and takes a full-round action that provokes an
attack of opportunity.
Corona: You gain universal damage mitigation equal to your constitution modifier. This damage mitigation
increases each time your constitution modifier does. You may double this amount for 3 + Wisdom Modifier
rounds by expending 90 Reiatsu.
Invulnerable Corona: Requires Corona to take. Your damage mitigation becomes double your Constitution
modifier. You may still double this number by expending 110 Reiatsu.
Speed of Light: Once per hour, you may multiply your speed by 10 when charging or running. This costs 30
Beyond the Speed of Light: Requires Speed of Light to take. You may multiply your speed by 20 when charging
or running once per minute. This costs 50 Reiatsu.
Burning Passion: You may, three times per day, multiply the damage of your Solar Blast by one and a half times.
Doing this increases any reflex DC's by 2. This costs 10 Reiatsu to use.
Phased Shot: Your Solar Blast ignores cover and concealment. Using this ability costs 70 Reiatsu to use.
Solar Deflection: The Solar can knock away attacks targeting their teammates using their Solar Blast. When an
ally of theirs takes damage from an attack within their blast range, the Solar may choose to pay a number of
reiatsu equal to the damage dealt to negate that damage. This ability may be used to protect themselves. Doing
such is treated as making an attack of opportunity, although it is not attacking a foe, and may only be done a
number of times up to the number of times that the Solar may normally make attacks of opportunity.
Super Charge: You can take a full round action and shoot yourself with your Solar Blast. If you do so, you regain
reiatsu equal to 10 times the damage that would have been dealt. You are dealt 0 damage by this attack. This
can be up to one and a half times your maximum reiatsu score. This may be done your Spellscore modifier times
per day.
Terra Abilities
Terra abilities are powerful abilities that Gaians gain over their lifetimes. They gain these naturally as their power
grows only losing them if assuming human form, and even then, some don't. To use a Terra Ability that changes
your Weapon Attack, you must use your Weapon Attack.
Acid Hands: You may make a ranged attack dealing your weapon attack's damage as acid damage. Turning this
power on costs 20 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Strength Modifier in rounds before it must be activated again as a
standard action.
Acid Sheath: You may saturate the air around you with an acidic cloud dealing 2d6 + Twice Character Level acid
damage to anyone that attacks you in melee combat. You may take this ability multiple times. The first extra time
you take this, your sheath effects all creatures that enter within 5 feet of you. Each extra time of taking this, the
sheath is extended 5 feet. You may shut off your sheath as a free action that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. Turning this power on costs 50 Reiatsu, and lasts for 3 + Strength Modifier in rounds before it must
be activated again.
Electricity Resistance: You gain electricity resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the
electricity resistance by 10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Acid Resistance: You gain acid resistance 20. You may take this multiple times to increase the acid resistance by
10 each time to a maximum of 50.
Scalding Hands: You may close wounds with a touch, ending any bleed damage you or the person you touch is
taking automatically without having to make a treat injury check. Doing so on someone else causes them 1d6
acid damage per 3 points of bleed damage they were taking. Using this power costs 30 Reiatsu.
Gaian Cone: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your weapon attack into a 30 foot cone. The reflex DC for
half damage is Strength Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the area of the
cone by 10 feet.
Gaian Burst: You may, at the cost of 50 Reiatsu, deal your weapon attack damage in a 20 foot area around you.
The DC for half damage is Strength Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the
area of the burst by 10 feet.
Guidance of Gaia: The DC's of all your Reflex saves increase by 1. This may be taken multiple times to increase
all your DC's by an additional 1 each time.
Gaian Emanation: You may, at the cost of 110 Reiatsu, turn your Weapon Attack damage into an Emanation that
deals damage to any that are in the emanation or enter the emanation equal to your Weapon Attack's Damage
for 3 turns. The Reflex save for half damage is Strength Based. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is
taken increase the area of the emanation by 10 feet.
Column of Terra Energy: You may, at the cost of 70 Reiatsu, turn your Weapon Attack into a column within close
range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) with a diameter of 5 feet per level by a height of 10 feet per level.
Earth Power: While touching the ground, you gain fast healing equal to your Strength Modifier. This fast healing
ends if you become submerged in water, or are in the air..
Soil Corona: You gain universal damage mitigation equal to your strength modifier. This damage mitigation
increases each time your strength modifier does. You may double this amount for 3 + Intelligence Modifier
rounds by expending 90 Reiatsu.
Invulnerable Soil Corona: Requires Frozen Corona to take. Your damage mitigation becomes double your
Strength modifier. You may still double this number by expending 110 Reiatsu.
Dark Speed: Once per hour, you may multiply your speed by 10 when charging or running. This costs 30
Beyond Dark Speed: Requires Dark Speed to take. You may multiply your speed by 20 when charging or
running once per minute. This costs 50 Reiatsu.
Solid Pressure: You may, three times per day, multiply the damage of your weapon attack by one and a half
times. If your unarmed strike is altered by a Gaian Ability, it's Reflex DC increases by 2. This costs 10 Reiatsu to
Solid Boon: Your Unarmed Strike ignores cover and concealment. Using this ability costs 70 Reiatsu to use.
Volcanic Uprising: You may as a swift action launch yourself into the air a number of feet equal to five times your
maximum jump roll. (IE if you had 10 ranks in Jump and a Strength bonus of 5, you could use Volcanic Uprising
to leap 175 feet in any direction.) You take no damage from falling from this distance. If you use your weapon
attack at the end of this leap, you deal an extra 1d6 damage per 50 feet fallen (rounded down).
Ash Cloud: You may obscure the vision of all those within 30 feet of you. You activate this power as a swift
action. It remains in effect for 3 + Intelligence modifier in rounds before having to activate it again. You have total
concealment from all enemies in the area. Allies and yourself can see fine in the ash cloud. This costs 90
Reiatsu to activate.
Burning Ash Cloud: This requires Ash Cloud to take. Your Ash Cloud deals damage to foes. Those within your
Ash Cloud that you regard as an enemy takes 2d6 fire damage per turn. This damage increases by 1d6 per 5
levels you possess.
Greater Gaian Knight: This ability requires Gaian Knight and can be activated as a swift action when you activate
said ability. The armor you produce adds +15 to your Defense check, has a Max Dexterity bonus of +0 and adds
+10/- to your Damage reduction. You move up one size category while Greater Gaian Knight is in effect. Gaian
Knight remains in effect for 3 + Strength Modifier in rounds before dissipating to the regular Gaian Knight feat.
While this Terra Ability is in effect, the normal effects of Gaian Knight are subsumed by this ability. It costs 70
Reiatsu to use this ability.
Vitriolic Hands: Requires the ability to deal Acid damage. When you deal acid damage to an opponent. That
opponent takes half that damage again at the start of it's next round of actions.
Zanpakutou Types
Saint Type
Judgment Blade
As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack roll with a blast radius of 10 feet within short range
(25ft+5ft/2levels), if you hit you deal 1[BW] Cold Damage to the target and then the target must make a
Constitution based Foritude Save or be Paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds
Crush Punch
Requires Judgement Blade to take. As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack Roll versus one target within
Short Range (25ft+5ft/2levels). Deals 1[BW] Force Damage and the target must make a constitution based
Fortitude save or be dazed for 1d4+1 rounds.
Northswain Strike
Requires Judgement Blade and Crush Punch to take. As a full round action, make a weapon attack roll versus
one target within short range (25ft+5ft/2levels). If the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution Based
fortitude save or fall unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds and take 2[BW] force damage.
Lightning Stab
Requires Judgement Blade, Crush Punch and Northswain Strike to take. As a full round action, make a Weapon
Attack Roll versus all within a 10ft Blast within Medium Range (100ft+10ft/level). If you hit any of the targets, they
take 3[BW] electricity damage and must make a fortitude save or be Stifled.
Divine Eruption
Requires Judgement Blade, Crush Punch, Northswain Strike, Lightning Stab and 2 other Saint Type abilities to
take. As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack roll versus all targets within a 100ft line. Any target you hit
takes your full Zanpakutou's damage and must make a Constitution Based Will save or be panicked for 1d4+1
Sanguine Sword
As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack roll versus one target within Medium Range (100ft+10ft/level). If
the attack hits deal 2[BW] negative energy damage and heals the user that amount. Unlike a vampiric attack,
you gain back all the damage you dealt.
Crushing Blow
Requires Sanguine Sword and one other Saint Type ability. As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack roll
versus one target within medium range (100ft+10ft/level). If you hit, the target must make a constitution based
fortitude save, or be immobilized for 1d4+1 rounds.
Requires Sanguine Sword and Crushing Blow to take. As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack roll against
a single target within short range (25ft+5ft/2levels). If you hit you deal 2[BW] negative energy damage and deals
the same damage x50 to their Reiatsu Rating, restoring your Reiastu Rating by that much.
Abyssal Blow
Requires Sanguine Sword, Crushing Blow and Duskblade to take. Make a Weapon Attack Roll against all targets
within a 30 foot cone. Should you hit any target within the cone, it deals your full Zanpakutou Damage. The user
loses 15% of their maximum hit points for using the ability.
Unholy Sacrifice
Requires Judgement Blade, Crush Punch, Northswain Strike, Lightning Stab, Divine Eruption, Sanguine Sword,
Crushing Blow, Duskblade and Abyssal Blow to take. As a full round action, make a Weapon Attack Roll against
a single target within Long Range (400ft+40ft/level). If you hit deal twice your Zanpakutou's full damage ignoring
any form of damage mitigation. After performing the attack, reduce your current and maximum hit points by 25%
for the rest of the day.
Hellcry Bite
As a full round action, make a weapon Attack Roll versus a target within short range (25ft+5ft/2levels). If you hit,
you deal 2[BW] damage and make a sunder attempt versus the target's armor. If the target is wearing no armor,
deal an additional 2[BW] instead.
Shellburst Stab
Requires Hellcry Bite. As a full round action, make a weapon Attack Roll versus a target within short range
(25ft+5ft/2levels). If you hit, you deal 2[BW] damage and make a sunder attempt versus the target's weapon. If
the target does not possess a weapon, deal an additional 2[BW] damage instead.
Ice Wolf Bite
Requires Hellcry Bite and Shellburst Stab to take. As a full round action, make a weapon Attack Roll versus a
target within short range (25ft+5ft/2levels). If you hit, you deal 2[BW] damage and make a sunder attempt
against something the target is wearing that is not armor or a weapon. If the target is carrying nothing, deal an
addition 2[BW] damage instead.
Blastar Punch
Requires Hellcry Bite, Shellburst Stab and Icewolf Bite to take. As a full round action, make a weapon Attack Roll
versus a target within short range (25ft+5ft/2levels). If you hit, you deal 3[BW] damage and attempts to sunder
everything the target is carrying or wearing. If the target is carrying nothing, they take an extra 3[BW] damage
Magic Barrier
This requires 7 Saint Type abilities to take. You must activate this ability as a full-round action. You gain the
following: Fast Healing equal to twice the number of Saint Type abilities on your Zanpakutou; An increase in
Damage Reduction equal to the number of Saint Type Zanpakutou abilities you possess; An increase to all
Energy Resistances equal to the number of Saint Type Zanpakutou Abilities you possess x5; A bonus to all
saving throws equal to the number of Saint Type Zanpakutou abilities you possess; Haste for a number of
rounds equal to the number of Saint Type abilities you possess and once per day, when an attack would knock
you unconscious, you are returned to consciousness at 1d4 hit points per Saint Type ability you possess. This
cannot heal you beyond your maximum hit points.
Short Charge
Requires 1 Saint Type ability to take. Your Saint Type attack abilities attack times are reduced to a Standard
action except for Magic Barrier.
Requires 4 Saint Type abilities to take. Your Saint Type attack abilities attacktimes are reduced to attack actions
except for Magic Barrier
First Strike
You may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent that attacks you before they attack you and if your
attack of opportunity is successful, negate the attack.
You may activate this ability by taking a Total Defense action. You heal 1/20th your maximum hit points. You may
take this ability a second time to make the healing 1/10th.
You may activate this ability by taking a Total Defense action. You gain a bonus to Defense and Damage
Reduction equal to the number of Saint Type abilities you possess.
Fringe Ward
You may extend your Mediguard and Entrench abilities to all allies adjacent to you.
You may activate this ability by taking a Total Defense action. You may make a counter attack against an
opponent that attacks you in combat after their attack has resolved.
If your hit points are above 50%, you cannot be knocked out by damage in one shot.
Sword Saint
Requires 5 Saint Type abilities to take. When you make an attack of opportunity or a counter attack, you may
use one of your Sword Saint attack abilities in it's place except for Magic Barrier.
Blade of Ruin
You may make an attack against an adjacent target. Should you succeed in the attack, the target is soul crushed
as if they had failed the soul crush check. You cannot be dazed for failing to soul crush the target.
Improved Blade of Ruin
Requires Blade of Ruin to take. You may add one half your feat bonuses for soul crushing to Blade of Ruin
(Round Up)
Greater Blade of Ruin
Requires Improved Blade of Ruin to take. You may add your feat bonuses for Soul Crushing to Blade of Ruin.
Superior Blade of Ruin
Requires Greater Blade of Ruin to take. You may add your Intimidate Ranks to your Blade of Ruin check.
Growing Threat
As a Standard action you may add +3d6 damage to your Zanpkautou's damage
Greater Growing Threat
Requires Growing threat. The extra damage from Growing Threat increases by 2d6
Superior Growing Threat
Requires Greater Growing threat. The extra damage from Growing Threat increases by 2d6
Swift Growing Threat
You may activate Growing Threat as a move action.
Luminous Strike
You may add your Constitution Modifier to attacks and damage with your Saint Type attack abilities.
Tite Kubo: Writer and Illustrator of the Bleach Manga
Dire Reverend: Creator of Bleach d20 Classed system 2.0. We borrowed some elements from him as well.
Draxredd: This is the guy that created the original Classless Bleach d20 system
Dionon: This is Me, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already or wasn't created
by someone else. Feel free to use it as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it.
Jusditz and Jeroitz: This supplement was Jeroitz's brainchild. Both Jusditz and Jeroitz aided me in editing this
document and contributed quite a bit to it.
Giants in the Playground and Gleemax community: For constantly inspiring me to create d20 stuff.
Wikipedia contributors (GNU Free documentation license)
The Hypertext D20 SRD (Open Gaming License)
Peter Kisner for the classless d20 inspiration
Deviantart: For having such a great selection of pictures to use.
Kagaya: Cover Art
Darkness and Starlight is the quintessential continuation of the Bleach D20 Classless legacy. From
Zanpakutou Spirits to Ancient Gods, Darkness and Starlight contains everything you will need to add
new depth to any campaign.
4 New Races (Awakened Zanpakutou, Gaian, Lunar, Solar)
150+ New Feats
40+ New Prestige Paths
50+ New Epic Feats
5+ New Epic Prestige Paths
Darkness and Starlight is meant to be used with the Bleach d20 Classless system and the Shinkoukenjin
Almost all content within is the intellectual property of Brian Korot, AKA Dionon. It may be used by
anyone that wishes, and may be changed to fit your campaign. If you are going to publish this in any
format, or add to it, please be kind and give me credit, as I am going to be giving credit to those that
inspired me to create this supplement for the d20 classless system. All mentions of the Bleach anime
and Manga including mentions of the Soul Society, Shinigami and Soul Reapers, are used with fair use
from Tite Kubo, Shoen Jump Comics and anyone else I am forgetting to give credit to.

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