The Human Resource Issues Faced by Coca Cola
The Human Resource Issues Faced by Coca Cola
The Human Resource Issues Faced by Coca Cola
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The Human Resource Issues Faced By Coca Cola
This assignment will give you an overall idea about human resource issues because Coca-Cola brought 10,000 employees, and thus doubling its
workforce. In such conditions, as stated, Coca-cola faced complexity with unnecessary employees and, resignations and sacks. Under these circumstances
HR management needed to conduct staff appraisal to setup objectives to achieve companys goals.
1a) Critically appraise varied human resource management
perspectives and their impacts on the development of business
Three varied human management perspectives are Universalist approach, fit or contingency approach and resource-based approach.
Positive impacts of the Universalist approach are: not dependent on competitive strategy of organization, based on four HR policy goals (strategic
integration, commitment, flexibility and equality), clarify organisational goals, considers stakeholders influence on employees performance. The negative
impacts are: the goals are often unachievable, internal consistency difficult due to contradictions, some elements lead to confusion.
Positive impacts of the fit or contingency approach are: provides a simple framework showing how selection, appraisal, development and rewards can be
mutually geared to produce required employee performance. Negative impacts of this approach are: does not address what to do if unable to produce
required employee behavior and performance, assumes employees will behave as requested.
This essay is an example of a student's work
Positive impacts of the resource-based approach are: its concerned with the relationships between internal (HR) resources, strategy and firm
performance, focuses on achieving competitive advantage using human capital, focus on behavior, skills, knowledge, attitudes and competencies, involves
measuring, reporting and managing human capital, organisation can loan human capital. Negative impacts are: requires coherent framework in order to
decide on the measures, and refers to people as human capital.
1b) What are the current situations/difficulties regarding these issues in
Coca-Cola and Dabur companies?
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