CFX Multiphase 14.5 WS01 Rectangular Bubble Column

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The document discusses modeling the dispersion of air bubbles rising through water in a rectangular bubble column using computational fluid dynamics. A multiphase bubbly flow simulation is set up and run in ANSYS CFX to model this system.

The bubble column is rectangular in shape, with dimensions of 1 m height, 0.1 m width and 0.02 m depth. Air is injected at the bottom via a sparger that is 0.01 m high, 0.01 m long and 0.02 m wide.

A hexahedral mesh is used, with an element size of 0.005 m in each direction, resulting in 200204 cells. The mesh is imported from an ICEM CFD file.

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-1 Release 14.

14. 5 Release
Multiphase Flow Modeling
Workshop 1: Bubbly Flow in a
Rectangular Bubble Column
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-2 Release 14.5
This workshop models the dispersion of air bubbles in
water in a rectangular bubble column.
Gas is supplied through a sparger at the bottom of the
bubble column and the rising action of bubbles
provides agitation of the liquid.
Although the boundary conditions are steady and the
geometry is simple, there is a transient character to
the solution
In this workshop, you will set up and run a basic
bubbly flow simulation.
In the second workshop, you will add non-drag forces
to the model.
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-3 Release 14.5
Rectangular Bubble Column Geometry
Height of column 1.00 m
Width of column 0.10 m
Depth of column 0.02 m
Height of sparger 0.01 m
Length of sparger 0.01 m
Width of sparger 0.02 m
Vessel Details
Air inlet at the bottom
via a sparger (porous
aquarium stone)

Air superficial velocity:
0.002 ... 0.03 m/s

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-4 Release 14.5
Expected Behavior
High speed video camera:
Gas velocity
Bubble size
Wire mesh sensor
Gas volume fraction
Bubble sizes
Narrow plume of
bubbles near the
Bubbles dispersed
across the column
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-5 Release 14.5
Computational Mesh
Hexahedral mesh
Mesh element size:
200204 cells
16,000 elements
21,105 nodes
outlet =
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-6 Release 14.5
Importing the Mesh
Copy the file ICEM CFD mesh file rectangularcolumn.msh from the input files
folder into a working directory. Start CFX-Pre from the ANSYS CFX Launcher after
changing to this working directory and open a new case (File/New Case/General)
Right-click on Mesh in the Outline and select Import Mesh/ICEM CFD and import
rectangularcolumn.msh into the simulation, setting the Mesh Units to m.

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-7 Release 14.5
Imported Mesh
Hightlight the imported mesh in
the Outline view. Right-click on
it and select Mesh Statistics
Note the dimensions of the
imported mesh in the pop-up
window, Note that the height of
the vertical column ranges from
a y-value of 0.0 [m] at the
bottom and 1.0 [m] at the top
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-8 Release 14.5
Defining Domain Fluids (Continuous Phase)
Double-click the Default Domain created for
your imported mesh to edit it (if a default
domain was not created, create one).
On the Basic Settings tab of the Details form
for the domain:
Set the Domain Type to Fluid Domain
Highlight Fluid 1 in the Fluid and Particle
Definition window and click on the Delete
icon to remove it
Click on the New icon in the Fluid and
Particle definition window and insert a new
fluid named water
Select the predefined constant property
material Water and set the Morphology
Option to Continuous Fluid
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-9 Release 14.5
Defining Domain Fluids (Dispersed Phase)
Still on the Basic Settings tab of the Details
form for the domain:
Click on the New icon next to the Fluid and
Particle Definition window and insert a new
fluid definition named air
For the new fluid air, select the predefined
constant property material Air at 25 C and
set the Morphology Option to Dispersed
Fluid with a size of 0.003 [m]
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-10 Release 14.5
Viewing the Fluid Densities
Expand the Materials entry in the outline and
double-click on the Material definitions for the Air at
25 C and Water materials used to define the fluid
properties for this simulation and note the values of
the constant densities set for these fluids (1.185
for Air at 25 C and 997 kg/m
for Water)
These values will be important in defining the
reference density for the buoyancy settings for the
domain as well as the hydrostatic head for the initial
guess for the pressure
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-11 Release 14.5
Setting the Buoyancy Properties
Buoyancy effects are very important for gas-
liquid settings and therefore buoyancy
properties must be defined for the domain
On the Basic Settings form for the Domain
under the Domain Models section, set the
Buoyancy Option to Buoyant and enter the
X,Y, and Z components of the gravity vector
as [0, -9.81, 0] m/s
Set the buoyancy reference density to the
density of water [997.0 kg/m
] which is the
continuous phase for this problem
Set the Reference Location option for
Buoyancy to Cartesian Coordinates and
enter values consistent with the top surface
of the domain [0 1 0 ] m
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-12 Release 14.5
Fluid Domain: Fluid Models
Left-Click the Fluid Models tab for
the Domain.
Leave the Homogeneous Model toggle
Set the Free Surface Model to None
since this is a dispersed/continuous
type of flow
Set Heat Transfer option to Isothermal
with a Fluid temperature of 25 [C].
Set the Turbulence option to Fluid

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-13 Release 14.5
Click on the Fluid Specific Models tab
on the Domain form and select air
Set the Fluid Buoyancy Model Option
to Density Difference
Set the Turbulence Model to Dispersed
Phase Zero Equation
Click on water and set:
Fluid Buoyancy Model Option to
Density Difference
Turbulence Model to Shear
Stress Transport
Buoyancy Turbulence Option to None
Fluid Domain: Fluid Specific Models
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-14 Release 14.5
Click on the Fluid Pair Models tab and:
Click on the Surface Tension Coefficient toggle
and enter a value of 0.072 N/m (the surface
tension force will not be modeled in this
tutorial but the surface tension coefficient will
be used in the Grace correlation for the drag)
Set the Interphase Transfer Option to
Particle Model
Under Momentum Transfer, set the Drag Force
Option to Grace
Enable the Volume Fraction Correction
Exponent and enter a value of 3. This value
will help keep the drag law well behaved in
the gas headspace region above the liquid
Leave Non-drag forces unset and set the
Turbulence Transfer Option to Sato
Enhanced Eddy Viscosity
Click OK to complete the domain definition
Fluid Pair Models
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-15 Release 14.5
Flow Boundary Condition Strategy
The bubble column modeled in this simulation
is semi-batch where air flows continuously
through a batch layer of liquid
The sparger inlet at the bottom of the vessel
has only air flowing through it
(air volume fraction =1)
The outlet at the top of the geometry will be a
pressure specified opening through which
either air or water could flow. To preserve the
initial liquid loading set in the initial guess, an
air headspace above the liquid will be
specified in the initial guess for the volume
fraction field. As long as convergence is
reasonable, only air will leave this boundary
and the initial amount of liquid will be
preserved even for a steady simulation
Air Inlet
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-16 Release 14.5
Inlet Boundary Condition: inlet
Insert an Inlet boundary named inlet
and assign it to the location INLET
On the Boundary details tab:
Set the Mass and Momentum Option
to Bulk Mass Flow Rate
Click on the expression toggle next to the
Mass Flow Rate entry box
The mass flow rate of gas will be calculated
based on its superficial velocity, the column
cross-sectional area, and the gas density
The superficial velocity, J
, is defined as
the volumetric gas flow rate divided by the
cross-sectional area of the column:
=0.01 m/s
CSA = 0.01 m x 0.2 m = 0.002 m
Air Density = 1.185 kg/m
Mass Flow Rate = 0.01 [m/s]*0.002 [m^2]*1.185 [kg/m^3]

Enter this expression for the Bulk Mass Flow Rate
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-17 Release 14.5
Inlet Boundary Condition: Fluid Values
On the Fluid Values tab:
Highlight air and set the
Volume Fraction to 1.0
Highlight water and set the
Volume Fraction to 0.0
Click OK to create the boundary
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-18 Release 14.5
Opening Boundary Condition: outlet
Insert a boundary named outlet . Set
the type to Opening and Location
to OUTLET. For Boundary Details:
Set the Mass and Momentum Option
to Opening Pres. and Dirn.
Enter a Relative Pressure of 0.0 Pa
Click the Fluid Values tab (these are only
applied if fluid is entrained at the outlet)
Highlight air and set the
Volume Fraction to 1.0
Highlight water and set the
Volume Fraction to 0.0
Click OK to create the boundary

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-19 Release 14.5
Default Wall Boundary Condition
Double click the default boundary created for
the domain (Default Domain Default for a
domain named Default Domain) to bring up
the Edit Boundary form
On the Boundary details tab, set the
Mass and Momentum Option to Fluid
On the Fluid Values tab:
Highlight air and set the Mass and Momentum
Option to Free Slip Wall
Highlight water and set the Mass and Momentum
Option to No Slip Wall
Click OK to update the wall boundary settings

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-20 Release 14.5
Boundary Condition Summary
Top Opening

Side and Bottom Walls

Sparger Inlet

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-21 Release 14.5
The initial condition for this simulation will set up a
gas headspace in the upper 10% of the domain
(i.e. for y > 0.9 m)
This will be implemented by using a step function
for gas volume fraction that is zero for y < 0.9 m
and 1 for y > 0.90 m. The air volume fraction expression will be:

step((y - 0.90 [m])/1.0 [m])

We must also enter the correct hydrostatic pressure for this
initial condition relative to the buoyancy reference density of
997 kg/m^3 and the buoyancy reference position (y = 1.0 m):

P = (1.185 997)[kg/m^3]*g*(1.0[m] - y)* step((y - 0.9 [m])/1.0 [m])

This will be zero in the liquid region and hydrostatic in the gas

* Note: g is a CFX system variable which is predefined as 9.81 [m/s^2]
Initial Condition
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-22 Release 14.5
Global Initialization
Click the Global Initialization icon from the menu bar
On the Global Settings tab, set the Static Pressure Option to Automatic
with Value
Enter the following expression for Relative Pressure which was given on
the previous slide (be sure to click on the Equation toggle next to the
Relative Pressure entry box):

(1.185-997) [kg/m^3] *g* (1.0 [m] - y)* step((y-0.9 [m])/1.0 [m])

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-23 Release 14.5
Global Initialization: Fluid Settings
On the Fluid Settings tab, highlight
air and set:
U, V, and W Cartesian Velocity Components to
Automatic with Value with all at 0.0 [m/s]
the Volume Fraction Option to Automatic with
Value with the expression set to:

step((y - 0.90 [m])/1.0 [m])
Highlight water and set:
U, V, and W Cartesian Velocity Components to
Automatic with Value with all at 0.0 [m/s]
Turbulence Option to Medium (Intensity = 5%)
the Volume Fraction Option to Automatic with
Value with the expression set to:

1.0 - step((y - 0.90 [m])/1.0 [m])
Click OK to complete the Initialization
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-24 Release 14.5
Solver Parameters
Click on the Solver Control icon from
the menu bar
On the Basic Settings tab:
Set the Advection Scheme Option
to High Resolution
Set the Timescale Control to
Physical Timescale and enter
a Physical Timescale of 0.01 s
Set the Max. Iterations to 100
Enter 1e-4 for the Residual Target
Leave the other settings at their
default values and click OK to
apply the solver settings

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-25 Release 14.5
Output Control: Monitor Point
Click on the Output Control icon from
the menu bar
Click on the Monitor tab and:
Enable the Monitor Options toggle
Under Monitor Points and Expressions,
click on the New icon
Enter holdup as the name of the
new monitor point
Set the Option for Holdup to Expression
and enter the Expression Value as::

volumeAve(air.vf)@Default Domain

This gives the average volume fraction
of air in the domain, commonly known
as the gas hold-up. (If your domain
name is not Default Domain, use that
name in its place). Click OK to create
the monitor

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-26 Release 14.5
Write Solver File and Define Run
Click the Define Run icon from the menu bar
Enable the Quit CFX-Pre toggle and click
Save to write the input file
Click Save and Quit when prompted to save the
simulation file
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-27 Release 14.5
Running the Solver
When the Solver Manager
Define Run form appears,
click Start Run

It should take about five minutes
to solve 100 iterations

2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-28 Release 14.5
Monitoring the Residuals
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-29 Release 14.5
Assessing Convergence
After 100 iterations, the run has not
converged very well in terms of the
magnitudes of the residuals
Browse the output file and check the
imbalances for mass and the volume
fraction of Air at 25 C. They are also
still quite high.
Click on the User Points tab of the
Solver Manager to display the
change in the computed gas phase
holdup over time. The initial value
near 0.10 corresponds to the initial
headspace set in the initial guess
Start CFX-Post and load the results file
from your run
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-30 Release 14.5
Select the -z view. Create a xy-plane for a z-value of 0.01 m and color
it according to air.Volume Fraction. Clearly, the air volume fraction field is
still evolving (The ANSYS CFX solver is time marching, even for a
steady-state run). This is reflected in the high mass imbalances.
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-31 Release 14.5
Continuing the Run
From the Solver Manager,
click on Tools/Edit CFX Solver File
and select the results file
for your current run.
Find the Solver Control
section in the Definition File
Editor and expand Convergence
Double-click Physical
Timescale and change it to
0.02 s. Double-click Maximum
Number of Iterations and change
it to 400
Click File/Save then File/Exit.
Click the Restart icon to resume
the run with the new settings
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-32 Release 14.5
Solver Monitor
The second run will require about 20 minutes to reach 400 iterations
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-33 Release 14.5
Imbalance and Holdup
Convergence and imbalances are still not great but we can examine the Results
File in CFD-Post to look for causes
Continuation from First Run
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-34 Release 14.5
Start Post and load the current results file. Select the -z view. Create a XY-Plane
for a z-value of 0.01 m and color it according to air.Volume Fraction. Next, clip
the range by setting a user-specified range from 0 to 0.125. The bubble plume is
unsteady which causes the wiggles in the convergence behavior.
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-35 Release 14.5
Comparison to Experiment
The current steady-state simulation results predict an oscillating relatively
narrow plume of bubbles rising up the center of the column. The
experimental pictures show that the length of the initial narrow plume of
bubbles is much shorter than what the simulation predicts
Narrow plume of
bubbles near the
Bubbles dispersed
across the column
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-36 Release 14.5
Adding Non-Drag Forces
One reason for the difference between
the experimental bubble plume
and the simulation prediction is the
neglecting of several important
non-drag forces including lift,
turbulent dispersion, and wall

These will be included in the second
2013 ANSYS, Inc. WS1-37 Release 14.5

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