This document provides 10 simple home remedies for achieving flawless, smooth, and glowing skin. Some of the remedies include exfoliating with sugar, applying potato juice to brighten skin and reduce dark spots, getting adequate sleep which is essential for beautiful skin, making a honey and cinnamon paste to apply overnight, using tomato paste on pimples, applying lemon juice or fresh aloe vera gel to the face, and massaging the face with raw milk or a mixture of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Following these natural remedies can help one achieve glowing skin without expensive products.
This document provides 10 simple home remedies for achieving flawless, smooth, and glowing skin. Some of the remedies include exfoliating with sugar, applying potato juice to brighten skin and reduce dark spots, getting adequate sleep which is essential for beautiful skin, making a honey and cinnamon paste to apply overnight, using tomato paste on pimples, applying lemon juice or fresh aloe vera gel to the face, and massaging the face with raw milk or a mixture of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Following these natural remedies can help one achieve glowing skin without expensive products.
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10 Simple Home Remedies for Flawless Smooth Glowing Skin
This document provides 10 simple home remedies for achieving flawless, smooth, and glowing skin. Some of the remedies include exfoliating with sugar, applying potato juice to brighten skin and reduce dark spots, getting adequate sleep which is essential for beautiful skin, making a honey and cinnamon paste to apply overnight, using tomato paste on pimples, applying lemon juice or fresh aloe vera gel to the face, and massaging the face with raw milk or a mixture of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Following these natural remedies can help one achieve glowing skin without expensive products.
This document provides 10 simple home remedies for achieving flawless, smooth, and glowing skin. Some of the remedies include exfoliating with sugar, applying potato juice to brighten skin and reduce dark spots, getting adequate sleep which is essential for beautiful skin, making a honey and cinnamon paste to apply overnight, using tomato paste on pimples, applying lemon juice or fresh aloe vera gel to the face, and massaging the face with raw milk or a mixture of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Following these natural remedies can help one achieve glowing skin without expensive products.
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10 Simple Home Remedies For Flawless
Smooth Glowing Skin
Posted by admin On March 11, 2014 0 Comment Skin is made up of two layers dermis and epidermis! "pidermis is the outermost layer and it is not an easy task to maintain clear skin! #ou ha$e to protect your skin from pimples and %its, sunburns, a&in& and acne! 'ew simple tips and home remedies can be followed to obtain (awless skin without emptyin& wallet! 'ace washes a$ailable in the stores &i$e bouncy and lustrous look for few minutes! )he followin& home remedies can be followed for maintainin& &lowin& and (awless skin!
1!Su&ar )his is a &ood remedy for e*foliatin& the skin! Mi* white and brown su&ar with water! +ub &ently with it on face and wash o, with lukewarm water! 2!#ou may not aware but potato is natural home remedy to &et &lowin& and fair skin! )o bri&hten your skin and reduce dark skin spots and scars, apply potato -uice on your face! +aw potato is also $ery useful in reducin& tan and sun burn! Potato has natural bleachin& e,ect which can li&hten your skin, makin& your skin fair and brin&in& a &low on your skin! So, rub a potato daily on your face to &et &lowin&, (awless and clear skin! .!Plenty of sleep is essential to ha$e healthy skin! /ood sleep habits are necessary for beautiful and healthy skin! 0ack of proper sleep can lea$e your skin dull, dehydrated and wrinkled! /ettin& ade1uate sleep is one of the most important thin&s to &et &lowin& skin! #ou should de$elop a re&ular bedtime schedule to &et beautiful skin! 2eep in mind that you should sleep with hair tied back, this will pre$ent your skin pores from clo&&in& as hair oils residue can be cause of skin pores blockin&, which can lead to blackheads and dull skin! 4!3oney Make a thick paste with honey and cinnamon powder! 4pply it on face and lea$e it for o$erni&ht! Clean with lukewarm water on the ne*t mornin&! 5!)omato paste 4pply tomato paste on pimples! 0ea$e it for an hour and wash with water! )his is an e6cient remedy for treatin& pimples! 7!4pply lemon -uice on the face! +ub the peels of lemon rubbed on it! #our face will become beautiful and soft! 8!4pply fresh aloe$era &el on your face ! #ou can plant aloe$era at home and take out the &el from its lea$es, or it can also be bou&ht from any chemist store! 9!Massa&e your face with raw milk in upward motion! :! Mi* sandalwood powder with rosewater and raw milk apply this once in two days! 10!;/rind almonds to powder and store it in a bottle! Make a paste with milk and apply around your eye e$ery mornin&! 0et it dry and wash with cold water! these are 10 simple home made remedies for (awless smooth &lowin& skin i hope my tips would help you too! 4ll these were <rst tried by me and they worked $ery well so i thou&ht to share ! )ake care because you are special=