10 Simple Home Remedies For Flawless Smooth Glowing Skin

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10 Simple Home Remedies For Flawless

Smooth Glowing Skin

Posted by admin On March 11, 2014 0 Comment
Skin is made up of two layers dermis and epidermis! "pidermis is the outermost
layer and it is not an easy task to maintain clear skin! #ou ha$e to protect your
skin from pimples and %its, sunburns, a&in& and acne! 'ew simple tips and home
remedies can be followed to obtain (awless skin without emptyin& wallet! 'ace
washes a$ailable in the stores &i$e bouncy and lustrous look for few minutes!
)he followin& home remedies can be
followed for maintainin& &lowin&
and (awless skin!

1!Su&ar )his is a &ood remedy for e*foliatin& the skin! Mi* white and brown su&ar
with water! +ub &ently with it on face and wash o, with lukewarm water!
2!#ou may not aware but potato is natural home remedy to &et &lowin& and fair
skin! )o bri&hten your skin and reduce dark skin spots and scars, apply potato
-uice on your face! +aw potato is also $ery useful in reducin& tan and sun burn!
Potato has natural bleachin& e,ect which can li&hten your skin, makin& your skin
fair and brin&in& a &low on your skin! So, rub a potato daily on your face to &et
&lowin&, (awless and clear skin!
.!Plenty of sleep is essential to ha$e healthy skin! /ood sleep habits are
necessary for beautiful and healthy skin! 0ack of proper sleep can lea$e your skin
dull, dehydrated and wrinkled! /ettin& ade1uate sleep is one of the most
important thin&s to &et &lowin& skin!
#ou should de$elop a re&ular bedtime schedule to &et beautiful skin! 2eep in mind
that you should sleep with hair tied back, this will pre$ent your skin pores from
clo&&in& as hair oils residue can be cause of skin pores blockin&, which can lead
to blackheads and dull skin!
4!3oney Make a thick paste with honey and cinnamon powder! 4pply it on face
and lea$e it for o$erni&ht! Clean with lukewarm water on the ne*t mornin&!
5!)omato paste 4pply tomato paste on pimples! 0ea$e it for an hour and wash
with water! )his is an e6cient remedy for treatin& pimples!
7!4pply lemon -uice on the face! +ub the peels of lemon rubbed on it! #our face
will become beautiful and soft!
8!4pply fresh aloe$era &el on your face ! #ou can plant aloe$era at home and take
out the &el from its lea$es, or it can also be bou&ht from any chemist store!
9!Massa&e your face with raw milk in upward motion!
:! Mi* sandalwood powder with rosewater and raw milk apply this once in two
10!;/rind almonds to powder and store it in a bottle! Make a paste with milk and
apply around your eye e$ery mornin&! 0et it dry and wash with cold water!
these are 10 simple home made remedies for (awless smooth &lowin& skin
i hope my tips would help you too! 4ll these were <rst tried by me and they
worked $ery well so i thou&ht to share !
)ake care because you are special=

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