Mylene B. Mandap: Cellphone Number: 09179682138 Email Address

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Mylene B.

Cellphone Number: 09179682138
Email Address: myleneburcer@yahoocom
Objectives: Con!inuous pro"ress on bo!h pro#essional and personal #ron!s !hrou"h all round s$ills %i!h
emphasis on assi"ned !ar"e!s &ard %or$ and !eam spiri! !hereby an!icipa!in" and mee!in" !he challen"in"
arisin" in !he con!emporary compe!i!i'e business en'ironmen! in!e"ri!y and "i'en !o sus!ained hard %or$
And i# pro'ide %i!h an oppor!uni!y ( shall !ry my le'el bes! in sa!is#yin" my superiors in ri"h!#ul dischar"e o#
my du!ies
Position Applying for: )roduc!ion *roup +eader
Work Experience:
HOA !"A## $%#& PH%"%PP%'E# %'(.
Prod)ction #enior "ine leader
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2i3an- +a"una
*)ne+ ,- .///0Present
4irec! )roduc!ion opera!ions in his5her assi"ned area o# responsibili!y !o achie'e se!
,ana"emen! plans and ob6ec!i'es
Main $)ties and 1esponsibilities:
%2ple2ent and exec)tes produc!ion plan and s!ra!e"ies assi"ned !o his area o# responsibili!y
Organi3e shi#! daily produc!ion ac!i'i!y based on curren! se! direc!ion and priori!ies
4is!ribu!ion o# speci#ic assi"nmen!
,oni!or pro"ress o# ac!ion plan
(mplemen! and con!rol o# !he #ollo%in" primary produc!ion elemen!s
,anpo%er 2alancin"
Con!rol o# absen!eeism ra!e
5)ality Work (ontrol
Chec$in" and con!rol o# process yield
(nspec!ion o# con!rol poin!s in rela!ion !o main!ainin" process parame!ers and se!!in"s
(nspec!ion and con!rol o# produc!ion line #or compliance %i!h s!andard opera!in" procedure
7epor! 8uali!y problem and de!ail in#orma!ion 4o correc!ion and correc!i'e ac!ions 9ormula!e
pre'en!i'e measures
Prod)ctivity Work (ontrol
Chec$in" and re'ie% o# se! produc!ion schedule
Chec$in" produc!ion line hourly ou!pu! summary and shi#! achie'emen!
Chec$in" o# machine u!ili:a!ion o# main!ainin" e##iciency accordin" !o e/pec!ed s!andards
Chec$in" and con!rol o# %or$ in'en!ory
7epor! machine !rouble %i!h de!ail in#orma!ion 4o correc!ion and correc!i'e ac!ions #or
machine !rouble 9ormula!e pre'en!i'e measures
Materials Work (ontrol
Chec$in" and con!rol o# ma!erials consump!ion and cos! analysis
#yste2 Work (ontrol
.!andardi:a!ion o# all %or$ procedures and ins!ruc!ions
Compliance !o se! ob6ec!i'e o# (n!e"ra!ed ,ana"emen! .ys!em
7e'ie% and impro'emen! o# sys!em o# sys!em #or !he purpose o# ele'a!in" produc!i'i!y and
8uali!y con!rol and sa#e!y s!andards
Ad2inistrative (ontrol
Ensure curren! company rules and re"ula!ions and policies are #ully pro!ec!ed and
,oni!orin" o# per#ormance e'alua!ion
Con!rol o# produc!ion ac!i'i!ies !hrou"h periodic chec$in" o# produc!i'i!y and 8uali!y da!a !rend
Assis! !he immedia!e superior in plannin" and or"ani:in" !he !ar"e!s and ob6ec!i'es- pro6ec!s and ac!ion
)eriodically repor! produc!ion pro"ress
Coordina!e %i!h o!her sec!ions5 depar!men!s
)er#orm o!her assi"nmen!s as re8uired
Ed)cational Backgro)nd:
#E(O'$A1 "os Ba7os 'atioanl Hig8 #c8ool
1996;2000 +os 2a3os- +a"una
E"EME'6A1 #abang . Ele2entary #c8ool
19880199< Calaua"- =ue:on
6rainings9#e2inars Attended:
,arch 26- 2013 :$ Proble2 #olving
&oya *lass 4is$ )hilippines (nc )lan! 2
9)() .!o 1omas- 2a!an"as
.ep! 08 > 9 2010 Effective %nterpersonal "eaders8ip (o22)nication 6raining
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echnopar$- 2inan- +a"una
?uly 11 > 19- 2001 #tatistical Process (ontrol
&oya *lass 4is$ )hilippines (nc )lan! 2
9)() .!o 1omas- 2a!an"as
9ebruary 1@ > 20- 2007 (8allenge of "eaders8ip
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
.ep! 23 > 2<- 2002 6ea2b)ilding Works8op
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
9eb 1 > 2- 2006 6rainers 6raining Progra2
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
?une 23- 200< Prod)ctivity and (apacity (o2p)tation 6raining
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
April 21- 2006 6i2e and Motion #t)dy;(apacity (o2p)tation and (ycle 6i2e
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
.ep! 16- 200@ (8e2ical Handling A4areness 6raining
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
,ay 29;?une 2- 2006 #tandard <irst Aid 4it8 Basic "ife #)pport=
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
9eb 11; ?uly 11- 200< 6ec8nical 6raining )pon Pro2otion fro2 Operator to #)b "ine
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
Au"us! 11;No' 11 200@ 6ec8nical 6raining )pon Pro2otion fro2 #)b "ine "eader to "ine
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una
Au"us! 11;No' 11 2009 6ec8nical 6raining )pon Pro2otion fro2 "ine "eader to #enior
"ine "eader
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one
+a"una 1echno par$- 2inan- +a"una

Personal %nfor2ation:
Address: 33@0 &errera s!ree! br"y .an Aicen!e san )edro +a"una
2ir!h da!e: ?une 12- 1981
2ir!hplace: Calaua"-=ue:on
7eli"ion: Ca!holic
Personal 1eference:
,. "ani B)8ayan
)roduc!ion Ass! .uper'isor
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one- +a"una 1echnopar$- 2inan- +a"una
BC63D 928;@20;<<3@
.. *e3reel >illan)eva
)roduc!ion .enior En"ineerin"
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one- +a"una 1echnopar$- 2inan- +a"una
BC63D 908;<10;0@82
?. Ed4ard Bal2as
)rocess .enior En"ineerin"
111 Eas! ,ain A'enue- .pecial E/por! )rocessin" 0one- +a"una 1echnopar$- 2inan- +a"una
BC63D 9<8;808;983<59<8;<1@;1@79
)hil&eal!h Erien!a!ion @5252002 @5252002
)eople E##ec!i'eness )ro"ram 151652001 151852001
.)C 1rainin" 751152001 751952001
.)C 1rainin" 751152001 751952001
+ec!ure on oph!halmic )roblems 1052352001 1052352001
(.E 9002:199< > (.E 9001:2000 1051752001 1051752001
Company &andboo$ Erien!a!ion 951052002 951052002
1eambuildin" For$shop 952352002 952<52002
.A7. A%areness @51252003 @51252003
E,. A%areness 75852003 75852003
Company Fide 1echnical 1rainin" #or 9+ )roduc!ion Epera!or BCham#erin"D 852852003 952952003
=C 1ools and 1echni8ues 125852003 125952003
=uali!y Circle Erien!a!ion 1251052003 1251052003
)ilo! 7un Erien!a!ion @5@5200< @5@5200<
1echnical 1rainin" Gpon )romo!ion #rom Cham#erin" Epera!or !o Cham#erin" .ub +ine
+eader 25115200< @5115200<
)roduc!i'i!y and Capaci!y Compu!a!ion 1rainin" 65235200< 65235200<
Annual 7e 1rainin" o# .a#e!yH=,. and E,. 75195200< 75195200<
Ear!h8ua$e )reparedness and 7esponse Erien!a!ion 115225200< 115225200<
4A7H)ilo! 7e Erien!a!ion 2535200@ 2535200@
.a#e!y &andboo$ Erien!a!ion @5205200@ @5205200@
Annual 7e 1rainin" o# .a#e!yH=,. and E,. 6575200@ 6575200@
&E*)s A2C )ro"ram 7575200@ 7575200@
.!andard 2a!ch Numberin" 652<5200@ 652<5200@
.!andard 2a!ch Numberin" 7535200@ 7535200@
Chemical &andlin" A%areness 1rainin" 95165200@ 95165200@
FAAE 1 105115200@ 105115200@
E&.,. A%areness 1rainin" 105285200@ 105285200@
1echnical 1rainin" Gpon )romo!ion #rom )roduc!ion .ub +ine +eader !o )roduc!ion +ine
+eader 85115200@ 115115200@
1rainers 1rainin" )ro"ram 25152006 25252006
Erien!a!ion #or Cus!omer 4e#ec!s 9eedbac$ 115295200@ 115295200@
9ire and 4isas!er 2ri"ade 1rainin" 35<52006 35<52006
7e Erien!a!ion on 9i/ed Asse! )olicy 35752006 35752006
1ime and ,o!ion .!udyHCapaci!y Compu!a!ion and Cycle 1ime 7educ!ion <52152006 <52152006
.!andard 9irs! Aid %i!h 2asic +i#e .uppor! @52952006 65252006
Iill 4ro"a 1rainin" and An!i 4ru" 9orum 95<52006 95<52006
4ru" 9ree For$place Erien!a!ion 652352006 652352006
Chemical &andlin" A%areness 1rainin" 1052352006 1052352006
Challen"e o# +eadership 251@52007 252052007
Erien!a!ion o# cos! per pc per process 251652007 251652007
Challen"e o# +eadership B#ollo% upD <51852008 <51852008
FAAE 2 651352008 651352008
Compe!ency 2ased .ys!em Company Fide Erien!a!ion 85252008 85252008
+e!Js 1al$ Abou! E'alua!ion B)rocess and 1ipsD 953052008 953052008
7e;1rainin" #or Emer"ency 7esponse 951052008 951052008
Compe!ency 2ased .ys!em 7e Erien!a!ion <52052010 <52052010
E##ec!i'e (n!erpersonal +eadership Communica!ion 1rainin" 95852010 95952010

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