Bus 206 Sample Questions Chapters 1-4

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Chapter 1 Management and Organizations

1) A great manager makes a job more enjoyable and productive.

2) Managers play an important role in dealing with various challenges being faced by
organizations today.
) !oday"s managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.
#) A manager must coordinate and oversee the work of other people so that organizational goals
can be accomplished.
$) A manager"s job is all about personal achievement.
%) &n traditionally structured organizations managers can be classified as first'line managers(
middle managers( or top managers.
)) Middle managers are responsible for making organization'wide decisions and establishing the
plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
*) +ffectiveness refers to getting the most output from the least amount of input.
,) +fficiency is described as -doing things right.-
1.) !he four contemporary functions of management are planning( organizing( leading( and
11) /etermining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.
12) /irecting and motivating are part of the controlling function of management.
1) 0hen a manager performs the controlling function of management( he must monitor and
evaluate performance.
1#) 1igurehead( leader( and liaison are all interpersonal managerial roles according to Mintzberg.
1$) /isturbance handler is one of Mintzberg"s interpersonal roles.
1%) According to 2obert 3. 4atz( managers need to have technical( human( and conceptual skills.
1)) !echnical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of
1*) 5onceptual skills are less important to top managers.
1,) &n order for organizations to survive successfully( managers must create a customer'
responsive organization.
2.) &nnovation is confined to high'tech and other technologically sophisticated organizations.
21) Management is universally needed in all organizations.
22) A portion of a manager"s job( especially at lower organizational levels may entail duties that
2) 0hich of the following statements regarding managers in today"s world is accurate6
A) !heir age range is limited to between . and %$ years.
7) !hey are found only in large corporations.
5) !hey can be found e8clusively in for'profit organizations.
/) !he single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the 9uality of the
relationship between employees and their direct supervisors.
2#) An individual who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities
in order to accomplish organizational goals is ::::::::.
A) an assembly line worker
7) a laborer
5) a manager
/) a salesperson
2$) ;upervisor is another name for which of the following6
A) team leader
7) middle manager
5) first'line manager
/) top manager
2%) A :::::::: is an e8ample of a first'line manager.
A) division manager
7) store manager
5) regional manager
/) shift manager
2)) Managers with titles such as regional manager( project leader( or division manager are
A) first'line managers
7) top managers
5) production managers
/) middle managers
2*) :::::::: are responsible for making organization'wide decisions and establishing the plans
and goals that affect the entire organization.
A) 1irst'line managers
7) !op managers
5) <roduction managers
/) 2esearch managers
2,) :::::::: have titles such as e8ecutive vice president( chief operating officer( and chief
e8ecutive officer.
A) !eam leaders
7) Middle managers
5) 1irst'line managers
/) !op managers
.) :::::::: involves ensuring that work activities are completed efficiently and effectively by
the people responsible for doing them.
A) 5ommanding
7) Managing
5) <lanning
/) =rganizing
1) 0hich of the following is an e8ample of an efficient manufacturing techni9ue6
A) cutting inventory levels
7) increasing the amount of time to manufacture products
5) increasing product reject rates
/) meeting customers" rigorous demand
2) 0asting resources is considered to be an e8ample of ::::::::.
A) inefficacy
7) ineffableness
5) inefficiency
/) ineffectiveness
) An automobile manufacturer increased the total number of cars produced keeping the
production cost the same. !he manufacturer ::::::::.
A) increased its e9uity
7) increased its efficiency
5) increased its effectiveness
/) increased its effability
#) +ffectiveness is associated with ::::::::.
A) reducing inventory
7) decreasing production time
5) doing the right things
/) doing things right
$) 0hereas :::::::: is concerned with the means of getting things done( :::::::: is
concerned with the ends( or attainment of organizational goals.
A) effectiveness> efficiency
7) efficiency> effectiveness
5) effectiveness> effability
/) efficiency> e8perience
%) &n successful organizations( ::::::::.
A) high efficiency and high e9uanimity go hand in hand
7) high efficiency and high effervescence go hand in hand
5) high efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in hand
/) high efficiency and high accessibility go hand in hand
)) ?enri 1ayol( in the early part of the twentieth century proposed that all managers perform
:::::::: functions.
A) three
7) four
5) five
/) nine
*) !oday( the basic management functions have been condensed to ::::::::.
A) planning( organizing( commanding( and coordinating
7) planning( organizing( coordinating( and controlling
5) planning( organizing( commanding( and controlling
/) planning( organizing( leading( and controlling
,) +stablishing strategies for achieving organizational goals is a part of the :::::::: function.
A) leading
7) coordinating
5) planning
/) organizing
#.) =rganizing includes ::::::::.
A) setting organizational goals
7) hiring organizational members
5) motivating organizational members
/) determining who does what tasks
#1) A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing which of the
following functions6
A) controlling
7) planning
5) organizing
/) leading
#2) Motivating subordinates is primarily associated with the management function of ::::::::.
A) planning
7) organizing
5) leading
/) controlling
#) !he process of monitoring( comparing( and correcting is called ::::::::.
A) controlling
7) planning
5) leading
/) organizing
##) :::::::: developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do( consisting of
1. different but highly interrelated roles.
A) ?enri 1ayol
7) Abraham Maslow
5) ?enry Mintzberg
/) <eter /rucker
#$) According to Mintzberg"s managerial roles( the :::::::: roles are ones that involve people
and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
A) informational
7) interpersonal
5) technical
/) decisional
#%) !he :::::::: roles involve collecting( receiving( and disseminating information( according
to Mintzberg"s managerial roles.
A) interpersonal
7) informational
5) technical
/) decisional
#)) 0hich of the following is @=! an e8ample of an interpersonal role according to Mintzberg6
A) figurehead
7) leader
5) liaison
/) spokesperson
#*) 0hich of the following is an e8ample of an informational role according to Mintzberg6
A) liaison
7) monitor
5) negotiator
/) resource allocator
#,) 0hich of the following is an e8ample of a decisional role according to Mintzberg6
A) monitor
7) entrepreneur
5) figurehead
/) disseminator
$.) !he :::::::: role Aas Mintzberg defined it) is more important for lower'level managers than
it is for either middle' or top'level managers.
A) leader
7) figurehead
5) negotiator
/) disseminator
$1) 2obert 3. 4atz proposed ::::::::.
A) three critical managing skills
7) ten critical managing roles
5) five traditional management functions
/) si8 traditional management styles
$2) 4atz proposed that managers need :::::::: skills.
A) technical( human( and financial
7) human( empirical( and mechanical
5) technical( interpersonal( and legal
/) technical( human( and conceptual
$) !echnical skills include ::::::::.
A) e8perience gained by e8periments that are used in performing managerial tasks
7) job specific knowledge needed to proficiently perform work tasks
5) the ability to work well with individuals and groups
/) skills managers use to think and to conceptualize about abstract and comple8 situations
$#) 0hich of the following skills tend to be more important for first'line managers since they
manage employees who produce the organization"s product6
A) human
7) technical
5) conceptual
/) empirical
$$) Bnderstanding building codes would be considered aAn) :::::::: skill for a building
A) human
7) technical
5) conceptual
/) empirical
$%) 0hich of the following skills involves the ability to work well with other people( both
individually and in a group6
A) technical skills
7) assessment skills
5) planning skills
/) human skills
$)) 0hich of the following is true concerning the three managerial skills6
A) !echnical skills tend to be most important for middle'level managers.
7) 5onceptual skills are most important for lower'level managers.
5) ?uman skills remain e9ually important to all levels of management.
/) !echnical skills increase and conceptual skills decrease in importance as a manager climbs
the organizational chart.
$*) Managers with good :::::::: know how to communicate( motivate and lead to get the best
out of their people.
A) human skills
7) conceptual skills
5) technical skills
/) empirical skills
$,) 5onceptual skills involve ::::::::.
A) managing employees who use tools to produce the organization"s products
7) communicating with customers
5) thinking about abstract and comple8 situations
/) inspiring enthusiasm and trust among employees
%.) 0hich of the following changes has resulted in the shifting of organizational boundaries6
A) digitization
7) increased emphasis on organizational ethics
5) increased competitiveness
/) changing security threats
%1) &ncreased accountability of employees is typically caused by ::::::::.
A) increased digitization
7) increased emphasis on organizational ethics
5) security threats to the organization
/) discrimination concerns
%2) 0hich of the following is true regarding a manager"s job with respect to customers6
A) !oday( the majority of employees in developed countries work in product sectors.
7) Managers have not yet recognized the importance of delivering consistent high'9uality
customer services.
5) Managers must create a customer'responsive organization in order to survive successfully in
today"s environment.
/) +mployees play an insignificant role in delivering 9uality customer services.
%) 1rom a business perspective( a company"s ability to achieve its business goals and increase
long'term shareholder value by integrating economic( environmental( and social opportunities
into its business strategies is known as ::::::::.
A) accountability
7) universality
5) e9uitability
/) sustainability
%#) 0hich of the following is true regarding the changes that a manager"s job is undergoing6
A) Managers practicing sustainability integrate economic( environmental( and social
opportunities into the business strategy.
7) /igitization hardly affects a manager"s responsibilities.
5) According to managers( employees contribute the least to the success of a customer service
/) &nnovative efforts are e8clusively important for managers serving in high'tech organizations.
%$) Management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations( at all organizational levels and
in all organizational work areas( and in all organizations( no matter where they are located. !his
principle is known as the ::::::::.
A) impartiality of management
7) neutrality of management
5) universality of management
/) reality of management
%%) !he universality of management means that ::::::::.
A) all managers in all organizations perform the four management functions
7) all managers in all organizations perform the same 9uantity of managerial functions
5) all managers in all organizations perform managerial functions in similar ways
/) any manager can work in any organization and perform any management function
%)) 0hich of the following types of managerial positions is most likely to involve clerical
A) supervisor
7) regional manager
5) project leader
/) president
%*) 0hich of the following represents one of the challenges of management6
A) enjoy relatively easy work
7) support( coach( and nurture others
5) have little influence on organizational outcomes
/) have to deal with a variety of personalities
%,) 0hich of the following represents one of the rewards of being a manager6
A) operating with limited resources
7) receiving recognition in the organization
5) motivating workers in chaotic situations
/) doing duties that are more clerical than managerial
Chapter 2 Understanding Management's Context: Constraints and Challenges
1) &n the symbolic view of management( managers are seen as directly responsible for an
organization"s success or failure.
2) !he view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture of the take'
charge business e8ecutive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization"s
) !he symbolic view of management impact is useful in e8plaining the high turnover among
sports coaches( who can be considered the -managers- of their teams.
#) A dynamic environment is characterized by the absence of new competitors( few technological
breakthroughs by current competitors( and little activity by pressure groups to influence the
$) +nvironmental uncertainty looks at the number of components in an organization"s
environment and the e8tent of the knowledge that the organization has about those components.
%) An organization"s competitors and employees are considered to be stakeholders who are
affected by the organization"s decisions and actions.
)) A dynamic and simple environment is characterized by the greatest level of environmental
*) Managers of high'performing companies tend to consider the interests of the most profitable
stakeholder groups as they make decisions.
,) ;trong cultures have more influence on employees than do weak cultures.
1.) !he shared aspect of culture implies that all employees in an organization approve of the
11) &n strong organizational cultures( employees have little knowledge of company history or
heroes( what is important is present performance.
12) =rganizations help employees adapt to the culture through socialization.
1) 5orporate rituals are repetitive se9uences of activities that e8press and reinforce the key
values of an organization.
1#) &n a -ready'aim'fire- culture( managers take action and then analyze what has been done.
1$) &n order to develop an innovative organizational culture( managers must minimize ambiguity
and uncertainty and discourage risk'taking.
1%) Civing service'contact employees the discretion to make day'to'day decisions on job'related
activities is instrumental in creating in a customer'responsive culture.
1)) =rganizations that emphasize workplace spirituality focus on individual development.
1*) ;piritual organizations tend to be intolerant of employees who commit mistakes.
1,) =rganizations that subscribe to workplace spirituality emphasize the importance of
employees controlling their e8pressions and emotions.
2.) A valid criticism of workplace spirituality is that secular institutions( especially businesses(
have no right to impose spiritual values on employees( if spirituality means bringing religion into
the workplace.
21) 0hich of the following represents the two views of managerial impact on the success or
failure of the organization6
A) omnipotent and symbolic
7) omnipotent and reflective
5) symbolic and interactive
/) reflective and interactive
22) !he current dominant assumption in management theory suggests that ::::::::.
A) an organization"s success or failure is due to e8ternal forces outside managers" control
7) managers" roles are increasingly becoming peripheral and staff manage their own areas of
5) managers are directly responsible for an organization"s success or failure
/) managers cannot significantly affect an organization"s performance because they are
constrained by the abilities of their employees
2) +lmo 2esearch D /evelopment has been going through a rough patch lately. !urnover has
been high and employee morale is at an all'time low. !hough employees and competitors hold
management responsible for the decline( the 5+= does not let the managers go or change the
management style. 0hich of the following could e8plain this attitude6
A) !he 5+= holds the omnipotent view of management( which believes that e8ternal factors
have a significant effect on performance outcomes.
7) As the organization has an autocratic management style( the employees are responsible for
organizational policies.
5) !he organization has a participative management style and decisions are guided by consensus.
/) !he 5+= holds the view that managers have only a limited role in organization success or
2#) !he omnipotent view of management states that ::::::::.
A) managers" roles are peripheral and staff manage their own areas of the business
7) managers are directly responsible for an organization"s success or failure
5) managers should allow employees to take part in decision'making
/) managers have little or no responsibility for an organization"s success or failure
2$) !he :::::::: view of management is consistent with the stereotypical picture of the take'
charge business e8ecutive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization"s
A) omnipotent
7) symbolic
5) democratic
/) laissez'faire
2%) !he soccer league in +ngland is notorious for the number of team managers fired over the
course of a single season( which stands at no fewer than eight managers on average( owing to
poor team form and conse9uently( poor results. &t is evident from this information that the league
endorses aAn) :::::::: view of management.
A) symbolic
7) omnipotent
5) laissez'faire
/) democratic
2)) 0hich of the following most accurately reflects the symbolic view of management6
A) Managers are directly responsible for an organization"s success or failure.
7) Managers have to ensure that every obstacle is overcome on the way to achieving the
organization"s goals.
5) +8ternal forces are responsible for an organization"s success or failure.
/) +mployees are directly responsible for an organization"s success or failure.
2*) According to the symbolic view( managers have aAn) :::::::: effect on substantive
organizational outcomes.
A) limited
7) e8tensive
5) influential
/) significant
2,) !he symbolic view of management is based upon the belief that managers symbolize
A) control and influence in developing plans and making decisions
7) every aspect of an organization"s performance( from the top level to the operational level
5) the fluctuating fortunes of the organization as they alternate between profits and losses
/) the take'charge e8ecutive who overcomes any obstacle to see that the organization achieves
its goals
.) &nternal constraints that influence managers" decisions and actions come from ::::::::.
A) the attitudes of customers
7) the culture of the organization
5) the prevailing political conditions
/) the fluctuations in the stock market
1) /aniel is the 5+= of 5ook2ite( a company manufacturing kitchen appliances. !he company
has been in business for the past ten years and sales were steadily increasing until si8 months
ago( when there was a significant decrease. !hough /aniel held a number of meetings with the
top management of the company( he did not make any changes in the management techni9ues
and did not blame managers for the drop in sales. 0hich of the following( if true( would indicate
that /aniel was correct in his approach6
A) ;ources reveal that 5ook2ite"s competitors saw a similar drop in sales over the same time
7) !he price of technology used in 5ook2ite products fell during this period( as a result of
5) !he symbolic view of management( which /aniel holds( is the preferred method in that
/) /emand for kitchen appliances has increased significantly over the past year.
2) /aniel is the 5+= of 5ook2ite( a company manufacturing kitchen appliances. !he company
has been in business for the past ten years and sales were steadily increasing until si8 months
ago( when there was a significant decrease. !hough /aniel held a number of meetings with the
top management of the company( he did not make any changes in the management techni9ues
and did not blame managers for the drop in sales. 0hich of the following( if true( would indicate
that /aniel was wrong in his approach6
A) 5ook2ite"s competitors saw a similar drop in sales over the same period.
7) A new competitor entered the market si8 months ago( and sold products below cost to gain
market share.
5) /emand for kitchen appliances has increased significantly over the past year.
/) !he price of technology used in kitchen appliances fell and 5ook2ite subse9uently reduced
its prices.
) 0hich of the following factors is a demographic component of an organization"s e8ternal
A) lifestyles and behavior
7) political stability
5) geographic location
/) stock market fluctuations
#) 0hich of the following factors is an economic component of an organization"s e8ternal
A) family composition
7) education level
5) disposable income
/) geographic location
$) !he :::::::: component of an organization"s e8ternal environment is concerned with trends
in population characteristics such as age( race( gender( education level( geographic location(
income( and family composition.
A) economic
7) political
5) demographic
/) sociocultural
%) Crayson"s has been in the publishing business for fifty years. &n the past two years( the
company has noticed that book sales have been tapering off( as more and more readers prefer
formats they can read on e'readers or smartphones. Crayson"s needs to analyze the changes in the
environment so that it can change its business strategies and meet the needs of the new market. &t
commissions a market research firm to collect information about the recent changes in reading
habits. 0hich of the following 9uestions is the most irrelevant for this purpose6
A) ?ow many books does an individual customer buy in a month6
7) 0hat types of books do customers buy in traditional form6
5) 0hich format is more reader'friendly( e'books or traditional books6
/) ?ow much do readers spend on e'books in a month6
)) 0hich of the following factors is a sociocultural component of an organization"s e8ternal
A) education level
7) political stability
5) behavior patterns
/) family composition
*) !he economic environment affects the performance of an organization( as was noted during
the recent recession. 0hich of the following factors is cited as one of the causes of the recent
recession triggered in the home mortgage markets in the B.;.6
A) high interest rates on mortgages
7) massive global li9uidity
5) lack of leverageability for business borrowers
/) difficulty in securing housing credit
,) 0hich of the following groups includes individuals who were born between the years 1,#%'
A) the ;ilent Ceneration
7) the Cen E'ers
5) the 7aby 7oomers
/) <ost'Millenials
#.) :::::::: isFare called the iCeneration( because they"ve grown up with technology that
customizes everything to the individual.
A) <ost'Millenials
7) !he ;ilent Ceneration
5) 7aby 7oomers
/) Cen E'ers
#1) 0hich of the following are the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty6
A) degree of change and degree of comple8ity
7) degree of change and degree of volume
5) degree of comple8ity and degree of impact
/) degree of impact and degree of timing
#2) &f the components of an organization"s environment change fre9uently( the organization is
operating in a :::::::: environment.
A) stable
7) secure
5) dynamic
/) constant
#) 0hich of the following is @=! true about the environmental comple8ity of an organization6
A) +nvironmental comple8ity increases as the number of competitors increases.
7) &t is measured in terms of the knowledge an organization needs about its environment.
5) 5omple8ity decreases as the number of regulatory agencies increases.
/) &t depends on the knowledge an organization has about the components of its environment.
##) 0hich of the following is a characteristic of a dynamic environment6
A) high level of predictability of changes in environmental conditions
7) few technological breakthroughs by current competitors
5) the presence of new competitors in the market
/) little activity by pressure groups to influence the organization
#$) 0hich of the following statements is true of dynamic and comple8 environments6
A) !hey are characterized by a high degree of predictability of change.
7) !here are usually few components in such environments.
5) A high need for sophisticated knowledge of components e8ists in such environments.
/) !he components in such environments are somewhat similar( but are continually changing.
#%) &f the components in an organization"s environment e8hibit minimal change( such an
environment is said to be ::::::::.
A) volatile
7) dynamic
5) stable
/) active
#)) /D7 /esigns has been in the landscape design business in <leasantville for the past twenty
years. As the -first mover- in the market( the company has built a strong market share over the
years and is the best'known firm in the area. !he company strength increased steadily( and now
stands at fifty employees. 0hich of the following( if true( would make the company"s business
environment more uncertain6
A) ?omeowners in the area take pride in their gardens and are avid do'it'yourself gardeners.
7) /emand for landscaping services dips every autumn and winter.
5) A long'time competitor 9uit the landscape design business last year.
/) Goning laws in the area change as each new city council comes into power.
#*) &n which of the following environments do managers in an organization have the greatest
influence on organizational outcomes6
A) stable and comple8 environments
7) dynamic and simple environments
5) stable and simple environments
/) dynamic and comple8 environments
#,) 0hich of the following environments is characterized by the highest level of environmental
A) a stable and comple8 environment
7) a dynamic and simple environment
5) a stable and simple environment
/) a dynamic and comple8 environment
$.) !he term :::::::: is used to collectively refer to any constituencies in an organization"s
environment that are affected by its decisions and actions.
A) competitors
7) shareholders
5) unions
/) stakeholders
$1) :::::::: has been described as the shared values( principles( traditions( and ways of doing
things that influence the way organization members act.
A) 5orporate hierarchy
7) 7usiness configuration
5) =rganization culture
/) &ndustrial psychology
$2) 0hich of the following statements highlights the shared aspect of culture6
A) =rganizational culture is concerned with how members perceive the culture and describe it(
not with whether they like it.
7) =rganizational culture is not something that can be physically touched or seen( but employees
perceive it on the basis of what they e8perience within the organization.
5) !he original source of the culture of an organization reflects the vision of the organizaton"s
/) +ven though individuals may have different backgrounds or work at different organizational
levels( they tend to describe the organization"s culture in similar terms.
$) 0hich of the following dimensions of organizational culture refers to the degree to which
organizational decisions and actions emphasize maintaining the status 9uo6
A) stability
7) attention to detail
5) innovation and risk taking
/) people orientation
$#) Coogle has often been cited as a model for employee satisfaction. Coogle takes e8tensive
care to ensure employees have the best available conditions to perform( ranging from free snack
bars( free massages( innovation rooms( spas'on'site( and many more such measures. 0hich
dimension of organizational culture is Coogle said to emphasize through such measures6
A) stability
7) aggressiveness
5) people orientation
/) attention to detail
$$) A company whose managers focus on results( rather than how results are achieved( most
likely possesses a high degree of ::::::::.
A) people orientation
7) team orientation
5) outcome orientation
/) aggressiveness
$%) 0hich of the following most accurately reflects the difference between strong cultures and
weak cultures6
A) ;trong cultures tend to encourage employees to try new approaches to changing conditions(
while weak cultures do not.
7) &n strong cultures( organizational values are held by top management( while in weak cultures(
values are diffused throughout the organization.
5) ;trong cultures have less of an influence on employee behavior than do weak cultures.
/) 5ompany values are more deeply held and widely shared in strong cultures than in weak
$)) 0hich of the following is a characteristic of an organization with a strong culture6
A) Management strives to delink shared values from behaviors as much as possible.
7) 5ulture conveys consistent messages about what is important to the organization.
5) !he core set of organizational values is zealously guarded by the management.
/) +mphasis is laid on the future of the organization( rather than ac9uainting employees with
company history or past heroes.
$*) 0hich of the following is a disadvantage of having a strong organizational culture6
A) high employee turnover
7) decreased organizational performance
5) low loyalty towards the organization
/) inability to respond to changing conditions
$,) :::::::: is a process that helps new employees learn the organization"s way of doing things.
A) +8ternalization
7) ;ocialization
5) /eculturation
/) !ransculturation
%.) !he original source of an organization"s culture usually reflects ::::::::.
A) the present conditions in which the organization functions
7) the composition of its productive workforce
5) the degree of success that the organization has achieved
/) the vision or mission of the organization"s founder
%1) =rganizational :::::::: typically contain narratives about significant events or people in
the organization.
A) stories
7) rituals
5) language
/) material artifacts
%2) !he term :::::::: refers to repetitive se9uences of activities that e8press and reinforce the
important values and goals of the organization.
A) organizational culture
7) corporate rituals
5) business ethics
/) employee mentoring
%) 0hich of the following is an e8ample of a corporate ritual6
A) +mployees swapping stories about the company"s history and past heroes who have made
significant contributions to the company.
7) 5ompany e8ecutives using company'specific jargon or slogans intended to inspire other
employees to perform better.
5) 5ompanies hosting annual parties to commemorate employee contributions and reward
outstanding performance.
/) !he assortment of material artifacts that characterize an organization( including the layout of
its facilities( how its employees dress( and the types of automobiles provided to top e8ecutives.
%#) &n an organization whose culture conveys a basic distrust of employees( managers are more
likely to use aAn) :::::::: leadership style.
A) participatory
7) democratic
5) authoritarian
/) laissez'faire
%$) An organization"s culture supports the belief that profits can be increased by cost cutting and
that the company"s best interests are served by achieving slow but steady increases in 9uarterly
earnings. 0hat is the nature of the programs that the organization"s managers are likely to
A) short'term
7) risky
5) innovative
/) e8pansionary
%%) According to ;wedish researcher Coran +kvall( which of the following is a characteristic
found in an innovative culture6
A) a serious outlook toward work
7) intolerance toward uncertainty or ambiguity
5) resolution of employee issues based on personal interest
/) freedom for employees to e8press opinions
%)) An innovative organizational culture is characterized by all of the following( +H5+<!
A) freedom
7) conformity
5) debates
/) risk taking
%*) 0hich of the following guidelines should managers follow while building a customer'
responsive culture6
A) precisely defining employees" normal job re9uirements and ensuring they perform those
actions alone
7) giving service'contact employees continual training on product knowledge( listening( and
other behavioral skills
5) designing jobs with rigid rules and procedures that employees should stick to in order to
satisfy customers
/) preserving the discretion to make day'to'day decisions on job'related activities at the top
level of management
%,) 0orkplace spirituality has become important in the contemporary workplace because it
A) increases organizational efficiency
7) boosts company profits
5) gives employees a sense of purpose
/) brings religion into business
).) A company that aims to develop a strong sense of purpose through meaningful work has aAn)
:::::::: organizational culture.
A) spiritual
7) authoritarian
5) profit'oriented
/) outcome'oriented
)1) 0hich dimension of the organizational culture is workplace spirituality most closely related
A) outcome'orientation
7) innovation and risk taking
5) attention to detail
/) people'orientation
)2) 0hich of the following is a characteristic found in spiritual organizations6
A) focus on team development( rather than individual development
7) profit'oriented outlook towards all organizational activities
5) tolerance towards mistakes and openness with customers and employees
/) emphasis on controlling emotions and feelings
)) 0hich of the following is most likely to have a highly spiritual organizational culture6
A) a highly aggressive( competitive business
7) a company with high tolerance of employee e8pression
5) a business that focuses strictly on outcomes
/) a business that emphasizes centralized control
)#) 0hich of the following is a criticism of spiritual organizational cultures6
A) inhibition of employees" e8pressions and emotions
7) incompatibility between profits and spirituality
5) lack of openness with stakeholders such as customers and suppliers
/) absence of employee empowerment
Chapter 3 Managing in a Global Environment
1) Americans tend to suffer from parochialism.
2) Managers with an ethnocentric attitude do not trust foreign employees with key decisions or
) Managers with a polycentric attitude tend to view every foreign operation as difficult and hard
to understand.
#) !he polycentric attitude is a world'oriented view focusing on using the best approaches and
people from around the globe.
$) 0hen the twelve original members formed the +uropean union in 1,,2( the primary
motivation was to reassert the region"s economic position against the Bnited ;tates and Iapan.
%) @orway is a member of the +uropean Bnion.
)) !he Bnited ;tates( 5anada( and Me8ico are parties to the @orth American 1ree !rade
*) Mercosur is a trading group made up of ten ;outh American countries.
,) A transnational organization reflects an ethnocentric attitude.
1.) Managers who want to get into a global market with minimal investment start with global
11) !he process of e8porting involves ac9uiring products made abroad and selling them
12) 3icensing and franchising are similar approaches involving one organization giving another
organization the right to use its brand name( technology( or product specifications in return for a
lump sum payment or a fee usually based on sales.
1) 3icensing is primarily used by service organizations and franchising is primarily used by
manufacturing organizations.
1#) ;trategic alliance is a partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner or
partners in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building
production facilities.
1$) =nly when a country"s politicalFlegal environment is unstable or revolutionary is it of
concern to managers.
1%) Me8ico is an e8ample of a 5ollectivistic nation.
1)) !he Bnited ;tates is an e8ample of a country with low power distance.
1*) A high uncertainty avoidance society is threatened by ambiguity and e8periences high levels
of an8iety.
1,) !he C3=7+ framework for assessing cultures is similar to ?ofstede"s framework( but
measures fewer dimensions.
2.) A global mind'set refers to attributes that allow a leader to be effective in cross'cultural
21) Monolingualism is one sign that a nation suffers from ::::::::.
A) parochialism
7) ethnocentrism
5) polycentrism
/) geocentrism
22) <arochialism is a tendency to ::::::::.
A) think highly of the foreign country in which the organization is doing business
7) focus on best approaches and people from around the globe
5) view the world solely through one"s own eyes and perspectives
/) let employees in the host country figure out how best to do things
2) 7ill ;anderson( a manager in a manufacturing firm in @ew Eork has a tendency to view the
world only through his B.;.'based perspective. 0hat can be deduced about his attitude6
A) ?e has an elitist attitude.
7) ?e has a polycentric attitude.
5) ?e has a parochialistic attitude.
/) ?e has a geocentric attitude.
2#) An ethnocentric attitude ::::::::.
A) prompts managers to have a global view and look for the best approaches and people
regardless of origin.
7) is the belief that the home country has the best work approaches and practices
5) is the view that employees in the host country know the best work approaches and practices
/) gives a manager a much broader understanding of what it takes to manage in a global
2$) A manager who wishes to be successful in international business should avoid aAn) ::::::::
A) multicultural
7) multiracial
5) ethnocentric
/) geocentric
2%) AAn) :::::::: attitude is characterized by parochialism.
A) geocentric
7) acculturated
5) multilinguistic
/) ethnocentric
2)) Managers with aAn) :::::::: attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard to
A) geocentric
7) polycentric
5) ethnocentric
/) regiocentric
2*) AAn) :::::::: attitude is the view that employees in the host country know the best
practices for running their operations.
A) ethnocentric
7) polycentric
5) geocentric
/) regiocentric
2,) &n today"s global environment( managers must have aAn) :::::::: attitude in order to be
A) ethnocentric
7) parochial
5) bigoted
/) geocentric
.) !he :::::::: was formed by twelve original members with the primary motivation of
reasserting the region"s economic position against the Bnited ;tates and Iapan.
A) African Bnion
7) +uropean Bnion
5) 5entral America 1ree !rade Agreement
/) Association of ;outh'+ast Asian @ations
1) !he single +uropean Bnion currency is called the ::::::::.
A) krone
7) krona
5) pound
/) euro
2) 0hich of the following countries is a member of the +uropean Bnion6
A) &reland
7) &celand
5) @orway
/) ;witzerland
) !he @orth American 1ree !rade Agreement includes ::::::::.
A) Me8ico( 5anada( and the Bnited ;tates
7) 5anada( Me8ico( and 5osta 2ica
5) the Bnited ;tates( 5anada( and ?onduras
/) 5olumbia( Me8ico( and the Bnited ;ates
#) 0hich of the following is currently under negotiation by # countries in the 0estern
A) African Bnion
7) 1ree !rade Area of the Americas
5) Mercosur
/) African 5ommunity
$) !he Association of ;outheast Asian @ations is a trading alliance of ::::::::.
A) eight ;outheast Asian nations and Iapan
7) eight ;outheast Asian nations
5) ten ;outheast Asian nations
/) ten ;outheast Asian nations and 5hina
%) 0hich of the following is a member of the Association of ;outheast Asian @ations6
A) 5hina
7) Iapan
5) ;outh 4orea
/) Myanmar
)) ?ow many members does !he African Bnion have6
A) )*
7) $
5) %#
/) #,
*) @epal belongs to which of the following regional trade alliances6
A) Asia'<acific +conomic 5ooperation
7) ;outh Asian Association for 2egional 5ooperation
5) 5ommon 0ealth of &ndependent ;tates
/) Association of ;outheast Asian @ations
,) !he 0orld !rade =rganization was formed in the year ::::::::.
A) 1,,$
7) 1,%)
5) 1,)1
/) 1,*
#.) !he 0orld !rade =rganization evolved from which of the following6
A) Mercosur
7) Ceneral Agreement on !ariffs and !rade
5) !ruman /octrine
/) Marshall <lan
#1) !he 0orld !rade =rganization has :::::::: member countries and :::::::: observer
A) 1)%> $.
7) 1**> %.
5) 1$> .
/) 1%1> #.
#2) !he &nternational Monetary 1und is an organization of :::::::: countries that promotes
international monetary cooperation and provides member countries with policy advice(
temporary loans( and technical assistance to establish and maintain financial stability and to
strengthen economies.
A) 1,
7) 1)2
5) 1%.
/) 1*$
#) !he :::::::: is a group of five closely associated institutions( all owned by its member
countries( that provides vital financial and technical assistance to developing countries around
the world.
A) &nternational 5hamber of 5ommerce
7) 0orld 7ank Croup
5) =rganization for +conomic 5ooperation and /evelopment
/) 0orld +conomic 1orum
##) !he forerunner of the =rganization for +conomic 5ooperation and /evelopment was the
:::::::: that was formed in 1,#) to administer American and 5anadian aid under the Marshall
<lan for the reconstruction of +urope after 0orld 0ar &&.
A) =rganization of +uropean ;tates
7) =rganizational 5ouncil of +urope
5) =rganization for +uropean +conomic 5ooperation
/) =rganization for +uropean &nvestment
#$) !he :::::::: is a <aris'based international economic organization whose mission is to help
its . member countries achieve sustainable economic growth and employment and raise the
standard of living in member countries while maintaining financial stability in order to contribute
to the development of the world economy.
A) =rganization for +uropean +conomic 5ooperation
7) =rganizational 5ouncil of +urope
5) =rganization of +uropean ;tates
/) =rganization for +conomic 5ooperation and /evelopment
#%) According to the te8t( which of the following is a typical definition of a multinational
A) &t is a company that maintains operations in multiple countries.
7) &t is a company that maintains franchises in multiple countries.
5) &t is a company that has multiple home bases and manufacturing plants.
/) &t is a company that pays corporate ta8es in at least two countries.
#)) !he :::::::: decentralizes its management and other decisions to the local country.
A) multidomestic corporation
7) global company
5) transnational organization
/) borderless organization
#*) Multidomestic corporations reflect the ::::::::.
A) ethnocentric attitude
7) polycentric attitude
5) geocentric attitude
/) 8enophobic attitude
#,) 0hich of the following is a multinational corporation that tailors marketing strategies to the
host country"s uni9ue characteristics6
A) borderless organization
7) global company
5) multidomestic corporation
/) transnational organization
$.) Multidomestic corporations ::::::::.
A) maintain operations in multiple countries( but do not allow managers in each country to make
their own decisions
7) reflect ethnocentric attitudes
5) decentralize management and other decisions to the local country
/) attempt to replicate their domestic successes by managing foreign operations from the home
$1) 0hich of the following is a feature of a multidomestic corporation6
A) decisions are taken in the home country
7) reflects an ethnocentric attitude
5) eliminates artificial geographic borders
/) has a decentralized management
$2) A :::::::: centralizes its management and other decisions in the home country.
A) global company
7) multidomestic corporation
5) multicultural company
/) multifaceted corporation
$) A global company reflects the ::::::::.
A) regiocentric attitude
7) ethnocentric attitude
5) geocentric attitude
/) polycentric attitude
$#) 0hich of the following is the basic difference between multidomestic corporations and
global companies6
A) Multidomestic corporations typically do business with more countries than global companies.
7) Multidomestic corporations are run by global companies but must be owned by a local(
national company.
5) Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country( while global
companies centralize management in the home country.
/) Multidomestic corporations reflect an ethnocentric attitude( while global companies reflect a
polycentric attitude.
$$) An organization drops its organizational structure based on countries and reorganizes into
industry groups. !his is an e8ample of the company becoming aAn) ::::::::.
A) ethnocentric company
7) polycentric organization
5) borderless organization
/) global company
$%) !ransnational organizations are also known as ::::::::.
A) ethnocentric organizations
7) polycentric organizations
5) borderless organizations
/) multidomestic organizations
$)) 0hich of the following types of global organizations reflects the geocentric attitude6
A) multidomestic corporation
7) transnational organization
5) global company
/) regional organization
$*) An organization decides to go international. 0hich of the following steps should it take to do
so with a minimal investment6
A) &t should indulge in global sourcing.
7) &t should indulge in licensing.
5) &t should indulge in franchising.
/) &t should indulge in forming strategic alliances.
$,) 0hen an organization makes products domestically and sells them abroad( it indulges in
A) importing
7) e8porting
5) licensing
/) franchising
%.) 0hen an organization ac9uires products made abroad and sells them domestically( it indulges
in ::::::::.
A) global sourcing
7) licensing
5) importing
/) franchising
%1) :::::::: is the practice wherein an organization gives another organization the right to use
its brand name( technology( or product specifications in return for a fee usually based on sales.
A) Clobal sourcing
7) +8porting
5) ;ubsidizing
/) 3icensing
%2) Adam has been hired by an organization that has a partnership with a foreign company. 7oth
the partners share resources and knowledge while developing new products. Adam"s organization
has formed a ::::::::.
A) licensing company
7) franchising company
5) strategic alliance
/) foreign subsidiary
%) AAn) :::::::: is a specific type of strategic alliance in which the partners form a separate(
independent organization for some business purpose.
A) e9uity strategic alliance
7) joint venture
5) global venture
/) none9uity strategic alliance
%#) Ioint ventures are a type of ::::::::.
A) licensee
7) franchisee
5) foreign subsidiary
/) strategic alliance
%$) A domestic firm and a foreign firm sharing the cost of developing new products or building
production facilities in a foreign country constitute a ::::::::.
A) franchising agreement
7) joint venture
5) foreign subsidiary
/) brokering agreement
%%) 0hich of the following is a method that companies might adopt in order to increase their
direct foreign investment6
A) e8porting
7) global sourcing
5) strategic alliances
/) licensees
%)) 0hich of the following arrangements involves the greatest commitment of resources and
poses the greatest amount of risk6
A) e8porting
7) franchising
5) foreign subsidiary
/) global sourcing
%*) A :::::::: economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the
private sector.
A) free market
7) planned
5) command
/) technocratic
%,) Ceert ?ofstede"s research found that countries varied on :::::::: dimensions of national
A) eleven
7) five
5) seven
/) nine
).) :::::::: is a cultural dimension in which people e8pect others in their group to look after
them and protect them.
A) 3ow uncertainty avoidance
7) Achievment
5) 5ollectivism
/) ?igh power distance
)1) A country with :::::::: is comfortable with risks and is tolerant towards different behavior
and opinions.
A) low uncertainty avoidance
7) short'term orientation
5) low power distance
/) performance orientation
)2) A country that is assertive( believes in ac9uiring money and goods( and is competitive in
nature is said to ::::::::.
A) be a collectivist
7) have a high power distance
5) be achievement oriented
/) have a long'term orientation
)) A country where people look to the future and value thrift and persistence is said to
A) have an individualistic attitude
7) have a long'term orientation
5) be nurturing
/) be achievement oriented
)#) 5hristopher( who is based in the B.;. has been offered a chance to work in !hailand. ?e
finds that in this society people are e8pected to look after others in their family Aor organization)
and protect them when they are in trouble. !his society tends to support ::::::::.
A) collectivism
7) parochialism
5) individualism
/) monotheism
)$) !he Clobal 3eadership and =rganizational 7ehavior +ffectiveness program identified
:::::::: dimensions on which national cultures differ.
A) five
7) seven
5) nine
/) eleven
)%) 0hich of the following two dimensions of the Clobal 3eadership and =rganizational
7ehavior +ffectiveness program fit directly with ?ofstede"s dimensions6
A) power distance and uncertainty avoidance
7) power distance and gender differentiation
5) uncertainty avoidance and in'group collectivism
/) gender differentiation and in'group collectivism
))) !he Clobal 3eadership and =rganizational 7ehavior +ffectiveness program"s ::::::::
dimension is similar to ?ofstede"s achievement'nurturing dimension.
A) uncertainty avoidance
7) humane orientation
5) assertiveness
/) power distance
)*) 0hich of the following dimensions of the Clobal 3eadership and =rganizational 7ehavior
+ffectiveness program is similar to ?ofstede"s nurturing dimension6
A) in'group collectivism
7) humane orientation
5) future orientation
/) institutional collectivism
),) :::::::: is a measure of the degree to which people rely on social norms and procedures to
alleviate the unpredictability of future events.
A) <ower distance
7) Bncertainty avoidance
5) Achievement
/) @urturing
*.) :::::::: is the e8tent to which a society encourages people to be tough( confrontational(
and competitive rather than modest and tender.
A) 1uture orientation
7) &nstitutional collectivism
5) Assertiveness
/) ?umane orientation
5ultural !raining A;cenario)
Iane wants to e8pand her career opportunities in the international operations of a company. ;he
is 1, years old and currently attends a university. ;he has only lived in her home country and has
never traveled to any foreign country.
*1) 0hile talking with her advisor at the university( Iane deduces that she has aAn) ::::::::
attitude( as she has never traveled abroad and only relates well to people from her home country.
A) regiocentric
7) polycentric
5) ethnocentric
/) geocentric
*2) Iane joins an international student association in order to better understand the views of
students from other countries. ;he is trying to become more :::::::: in her attitude.
A) parochialistic
7) polycentric
5) ethnocentric
/) geocentric
Chapter 4 Managing iversit!
1) 0orkplace diversity refers e8clusively to the differences between employee characteristics.
2) !he concept of workforce diversity e8panded from compliance to an issue of business survival
during the early 1,*.s.
) /emographic characteristics such as differences in age( gender( race( etc. reflect surface'level
diversity among employees.
#) /eep'level diversity refers to easily perceived differences that may trigger certain stereotypes(
but that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel.
$) =ne of the strategic benefits of workplace diversity is that it can be viewed as moral and
ethical( as well as the -right- thing to do.
%) 2ecent research indicates that people management benefits might be hard to come by in teams
performing more interdependent tasks over a long period of time.
)) An important impact that workplace diversity has on organizational performance is through
the increase in employee turnover.
*) According to projections of the B.;. population( the ethnic groups that will e8hibit the
ma8imum change are the ?ispanic and African American populations.
1.) <eople aged %$ and older are e8pected to soon outnumber children under age $ for the first
time in history.
11) 0orldwide population trends indicate that we will witness dwindling labor supply and
increasing total global savings rates.
12) +mployers generally tend to view older workers as not being fle8ible or adaptable and being
more resistant to new technology.
1) 0omen and men now each make up almost half of the workforce in the B.;.
1#) 2esearch indicates that men tend to prefer jobs that encourage work'life balance more than
women do.
1$) Men are found to follow a nurturing( inclusive( and collaborative style of leadership( in
contrast to women.
1%) &n the job setting( African Americans are found to receive lower job performance ratings( be
paid less( and promoted less fre9uently than their 0hite counterparts.
1)) +mployers are justified if they do not hire workers with disabilities as they lack job skills and
e8perience necessary to perform as well as their abled counterparts.
1*) B.;. federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of se8ual
1,) Men are more likely than women to start out in an entry'level position( even when they have
the same educational 9ualifications.
2.) =ur human nature is to not accept or approach anything that"s different from us.
21) !he ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is
known as ::::::::.
A) business eti9uette
7) work culture
5) workplace diversity
/) organizational democracy
22) According to the ;ociety for ?uman 2esource Management( diversity ::::::::.
A) is the collective strength of e8periences( skills( talents( perspectives( and cultures that each
agent and employee brings to hisFher organization
7) refers to the ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one
5) is an array of physical and cultural differences that constitute the spectrum of human
/) is often used to refer to differences based on ethnicity( gender( age( religion( disability(
national origin( and se8ual orientation
2) !he period of time between the 1,%.s to 1,).s focused on ::::::::.
A) assimilating minorities and women into the corporate setting
7) making employees more aware and sensitive to the needs and differences of others
5) diversity and inclusion for business success( profitability( and growth
/) complying with laws and regulations through affirmative action policies and programs
2#) /uring which era was the term -workforce diversity- first used6
A) new millenium
7) late 1,*.s
5) 1,%.s to 1,).s
/) early 1,*.s
2$) 0hich of the following was a feature of the period from the late 1,*.s to the late 1,,.s in
terms of workplace diversity6
A) shifting from compliance and focusing only on women and minorities to including everyone
7) focusing on complying with laws and regulations( such as !itle J&& of the 5ivil 2ights Act
5) seeing workplace diversity as a core business issue( important to achieve business success(
profitability( and growth
/) developing corporate programs to help improve self'confidence and 9ualifications of diverse
individuals so they can -fit in-
2%) &n terms of workplace diversity( the @ew Millenium has witnessed increased focus on
A) complying with laws and regulations laid down by the +9ual +mployment =pportunity
7) assimilating minorities and women employees into the corporate setting
5) shifting from compliance to include everyone in diversification efforts
/) diversity and inclusion for business success( profitability( and growth
2)) Ieff is an employee with the accounting department at a major shipping service provider in
!e8as. ;oon after he joined following his graduation( his company developed corporate programs
to help improve self'confidence and 9ualifications of diverse employees so they could -fit in.-
/uring which period of time did Ieff start working for his employers6
A) @ew millenium
7) 1,%.s to 1,).s
5) +arly 1,*.s
/) 3ate 1,*.s to late 1,,.s
2*) 0hich of the following demographic characteristics reflects surface'level diversity6
A) differences in values
7) ethnicity
5) personality
/) work preferences
2,) /ifferences arising from which of the following factors becomes more important to people as
they get to know each other6
A) gender
7) ethnicity
5) race
/) personality
.) 0hich of the following benefits of workplace diversity is categorized as strategic6
A) better use of talent
7) improved system fle8ibility
5) potential to improve market share
/) reduced costs associated with high turnover
1) 0hich of the following people management benefits arises from workplace diversity6
A) improved system fle8ibility
7) potential to increase market share
5) increased understanding of the marketplace
/) better use of employee talent
2) 0hich of the following benefits of workplace diversity is attributed to organizational
A) reduced costs associated with high turnover and absenteeism
7) potential source of competitive advantage from improved innovation efforts
5) increased understanding of the marketplace and improved ability to better market to diverse
/) ability to attract and retain employees of diverse backgrounds
) Amanda works as a technical support e8ecutive at 5olo0are ;ystems. 0hich of the
following factors( if true( could trigger certain stereotypes about Amanda among her co'workers(
though not necessarily reflecting the way they feel or think about her6
A) Amanda does not believe in engaging in gossip about her coworkers.
7) Amanda prefers working late every evening to working over the weekend.
5) Amanda has a ;wedish mother and an African American father.
/) Amanda tends to dominate discussions among her co'workers.
#) ?ow does surface'level diversity differ from deep'level diversity6
A) ;urface'level diversity is reflected by differences in personality and values( while deep'level
diversity is influenced by age and ethnic differences.
7) ;urface'level diversity can affect the way people view organizational rewards and their
communication with other( while deep'level diversity do not necessarily reflect the ways people
think or feel.
5) ;urface'level diversity can affect the way people perceive others( especially in terms of
assumptions or stereotyping( while deep'level diversity may affect general behavior of people at
/) ;urface'level diversity becomes more important as people get to know each other( while
deep'level diversity becomes less relevant with increasing familiarity between people.
$) 0hich of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current B.;. population6
A) @early one in five Americans today is an immigrant.
7) !he median age of the B.;. population has risen significantly over the last decade.
5) !he Asian population in the Bnited ;tates is presently the largest ethnic group.
/) !he ?ispanic community represents nearly one'third of the total B.;. population.
%) 0hich of the following statements is true of the changing trends in B.;. workplaces6
A) !he surge in immigration( especially over the last two decades( has flooded the Bnited ;tates
with low'wage foreign labor.
7) =rganizations must recognize that they can"t e8pect employees to assimilate into the
organization by adopting similar attitudes and values.
5) &n most B.;. metropolitan cities( more immigrants are employed in low'wage jobs like
construction( cleaning( or manufacturing( than in white'collar occupations.
/) <eople now entering the workforce are significantly older( less ethnically diverse andFor
)) !he total world population in 2.1. is estimated at almost ) billion individuals. !he total
world population is forecasted to hit , billion by 2.$.( at which point the Bnited @ations
predicts the total population will either stabilize or peak after growing for centuries at an ever'
accelerating rate. !he main reason for this major shift is ::::::::.
A) the unprecedented rate at which world population is aging
7) the decline in birthrates as nations advance economically
5) the high level of mobility of the international workforce across national borders
/) the alarming rate of depletion of natural resources necessary for sustaining the population
*) 0hich of the following trends has been observed in the world population in terms of aging6
A) <eople aged %$ and older will soon outnumber children under age $ for the first time in
7) !he world"s population aged *. and over is projected to shrink to less than half its current
estimate between the years 2..* and 2.#..
5) !he world"s population is growing younger at a faster rate than it did in comparison with the
previous two centuries.
/) As nations have advanced economically( birthrates have increased in proportion and
contributed to the subse9uent decrease in the median age of the world"s population.
,) !rends observed in the shifting world population indicate that people aged %$ or more will
soon outnumber those aged $ or less. Also( the world"s population aged over *. is e8pected to
nearly triple by the year 2.#.. 0hich of the following is a likely implication of such population
A) decreasing demands on social entitlement programs
7) increasing global savings rates
5) dwindling labor supply
/) decreasing preference for white'collar occupations
#.) 0hich of the following perceptions do employers typically have of older employees6
A) lack of sound judgement
7) resistant to new technology
5) weak work ethic
/) uncommitted to doing 9uality work
#1) 0hat positive perception do employers typically have of older employees6
A) enthusiastic towards new technology
7) open to change
5) strong work ethic
/) fle8ible and adaptable
#2) 0hich of the following statements is true of gender diversity in workplaces6
A) @o consistent male'female differences e8ist in problem'solving ability( analytical skills(
competitive drive( motivation( sociability( or learning ability.
7) !oday( men make up nearly two'thirds of the workforce( while women account for the
remaining third.
5) Affirmative action policies have resulted in women( generally( starting their careers at higher
levels than men.
/) /espite the disparity in representation in the workforce( women earn nearly as much as men
do on a median basis.
#) &n which of the following areas is consistent male'female differences observed6
A) problem'solving ability
7) sociability
5) work schedule preferences
/) competitive drive
##) 0hich of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be masculine6
A) nurturing
7) leading by e8ample
5) collaborative
/) inclusive
#$) 0hich of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be feminine6
A) authoritative
7) leading by e8ample
5) inclusive
/) being directive
#%) :::::::: is the biological heritage Aincluding physical characteristics such as one"s skin
color and associated traits) that people use to identify themselves.
A) @ationality
7) +thnicity
5) 5ulture
/) 2ace
#)) :::::::: refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population.
A) 2ace
7) Ancestry
5) @ationality
/) +thnicity
#*) 0hich of the following statements is true of the findings of studies on race and ethnicity in
the workplace6
A) 0hites favor affirmative action programs and policies to a far greater degree than do African
7) African Americans generally do worse than 0hites in decisions related to the workplace.
5) &ndividuals in workplaces tend to favor colleagues of a race other than their own in
performance evaluations( promotion decisions( and pay raises.
/) 0hites and African'Americans display statistically significant and consistent differences in
absenteeism rates( applied social skills at work( and accident rates.
#,) 0hich of the following racial groups have been the focus of most race and ethnographic
studies of workplace diversity in the B.;.6
A) ?ispanics and Asians
7) 0hites and @ative Americans
5) African Americans and 0hites
/) Asians and African Americans
$.) 0hich of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees6
A) ?iring people with disabilities leads to higher employment costs and lower profit margins.
7) 0orkers with disabilities lack job skills and e8perience necessary to perform as well as their
abled counterparts.
5) +mployees with disabilities are e8empt from potential disciplinary action and there are high
costs associated with accommodating disabled employees.
/) A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the
same obligations and rights as far as job performance.
$1) 3ulumelon owns a chain of fashion stores that serve men( women( and children clothing
categories. Iay( a motor accident victim with an amputated leg( applies for a position at one of
the stores in an upmarket location. 0hich of the following assumptions by 3ulumelon would
prevent them from hiring him6
A) Most workers with disabilities re9uire no accommodation but for those who do( more than
half of the workplace modifications cost K$.. or less.
7) A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the
same obligations and rights as far as job performance is concerned.
5) !here is no set of guidelines on how to take any potential disciplinary action with disabled
/) Absentee rates for sick time are virtually e9ual between employees with and without
$2) 0hich of the following diversity factors has been called the -last acceptable bias-6
A) se8ual orientation
7) gender identity
5) religious belief
/) ethnic origin
$) B.;. federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of
A) race
7) religion
5) age
/) se8ual orientation
$#) :::::::: is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or
A) 7ias
7) 3ogic
5) &mpartiality
/) 2easoning
$$) :::::::: refers to a preconceived belief( opinion( or judgment toward a person or a group of
A) <rejudice
7) &mpartiality
5) +9uanimity
/) =bjectivity
$%) 0hat type of discrimination are older workers in an organization subjected to if they are laid
off for being highly paid and having lucrative benefits6
A) incivility
7) intimidation
5) discriminative policies
/) e8clusion
$)) Iudging a person on the basis of one"s perception of a group to which he or she belongs is
known as ::::::::.
A) integration
7) assimilation
5) stereotyping
/) dimunition
$*) 0hich of the following e8amples would be considered appropriate stereotyping6
A) assuming women to be particularly bad drivers
7) bracketing working mothers as not being committed fully to their jobs
5) assuming red'haired people have rather nasty tempers
/) asking someone from accounting to help with a budgeting problem
$,) /iscrimination refers to ::::::::.
A) a preconceived belief( opinion( or judgment toward a person or a group of people
7) a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology
5) judging a person based on a perception of a group to which that person belongs
/) someone acting out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their
%.) 0hat type of discrimination is said to have occurred when certain actions taken by
representatives of an organization deny e9ual opportunity to perform or une9ual rewards for
A) e8clusion
7) discriminatory practices or policies
5) incivility
/) intimidation
%1) As a form of discrimination( incivility is said to occur when ::::::::.
A) an employee is e8cluded from job opportunities or social events
7) an employee belonging to a specific group is overtly threatened or bullied
5) an employee"s opinions are consciously ignored
/) an employee is denied e9ual opportunity to perform
%2) 0hich of the following is an e8ample of workplace discrimination in the form of e8clusion6
A) =lder workers may be targeted for layoffs because they are highly paid and have lucrative
7) African American employees at some companies have found nooses hanging over their work
5) 1emale lawyers note that male attorneys fre9uently cut them off or do not ade9uately address
their comments.
/) Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light
workloads that don"t lead to promotion.
%) 0hat type of discrimination usually involves jokes or negative stereotypes being perpetrated
about fellow employees6
A) mockery and insults
7) discriminatory policies
5) e8clusion
/) intimidation
%#) &n workplace parlance( the term -glass ceiling- refers to ::::::::.
A) the perceived difference in cognitive abilities between male and female employees
7) the theoretical organizational level beyond which no discrimination e8ists
5) the cumulative difference between opportunities and rewards offered to male and female
/) the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions
%$) Ang 3i emigrated from ?ong 4ong to study business at the !ri'Jalley Bniversity in
5alifornia. ?owever( he has found it rather hard to move up in his managerial career at his
workplace especially when compared to how his fellow graduate from !ri'Jalley( American'born
Adam 0atson( has managed to become the regional manager of sales in the company. !his
suggests the presence of :::::::: in 3i"s organization.
A) goldbricking
7) a self'serving bias
5) a glass ceiling
/) forced retention
%%) !he meaning of -glass- that is used in the term -glass ceiling- signifies ::::::::.
A) the gulf in opportunities and rewards afforded to male and female employees that can be
-seen through- easily
7) that the perceived barrier to top management positions is brittle and vulnerable to changes at
the topmost organizational levels
5) that whatever is blocking the way for women to attain top management positions is not
immediately apparent
/) that organizations maintain a transparent ethos when defining management roles assigned to
male and female employees
%)) 0hich of the following is the best description of the provisions of the 5ivil 2ights Act( !itle
A) prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses
7) prohibiting discrimination against employees aged #. or over
5) prohibiting the forced retirement of most employees
/) prohibiting discrimination based on race( color( religion( national origin( or gender
%*) 0hich of the following legislations gives individuals the right to sue for punitive damages6
A) Americans with /isabilities act of 1,,.
7) 5ivil 2ights Act of 1,,1
5) 3illy 3edbetter 1air <ay Act of 2..,
/) Mandatory 2etirement Act of 1,)*
%,) 0hich of the following provisions was introduced by the 3illy 3edbetter 1air <ay Act of
A) changing the statute of limitations on pay discrimination to 1*. days from each paycheck
7) prohibiting differences in amount of pay for e9ual work based on gender of employees
5) prohibiting the practice of forced retirement of most employees
/) giving individual employees the right to sue their employers for punitive damages
).) :::::::: is a process whereby an e8perienced organizational member provides advice and
guidance to a less'e8perienced member.
A) /elegating
7) &ntegration
5) Mentoring
/) Assimilation
)1) 0hich of the following is the first step in a diversity skills training program6
A) teaching people specific skills on how to communicate effectively with their fellow
7) increasing employees" sensitivity and openness to those who are different from them
5) making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have
/) training employees on how to work effectively in a diverse work environment
)2) Croups made up of employees connected by some common dimension of diversity are
known as ::::::::.
A) employee work councils
7) employee resource groups
5) employee assistance teams
/) employee care programs
)) +8ecutives at Macromi8 have initiated a diversity skills training program to educate
employees about the importance of diversity at the workplace. 0hich of the following should be
the first step to be implemented in the program6
A) making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have
7) teaching people specific skills on how to communicate effectively with their fellow
5) increasing employees" sensitivity and openness to those who are different from them
/) training employees on how to work effectively in a diverse work environment
!he B.;. @avy
!he B.;. @avy and the B.;. @aval Academy( the prestigious undergraduate college of the @avy
service in Annapolis( Maryland( might not be places that come to mind when you think of
organizations that are superior diversity champions. Eet the @avy is just that. &n fact( the enlisted
force of the @avy is more than #. percent diverse( with women and other historically under'
represented minorities contributing to the diversity. !he @avy has recruited women to fill
primarily non'combat roles such as nurses and doctors in @avy hospitals that are actively
engaged during natural disasters.
)#) 0hich of the following statements( if true( justifies the @avy"s view of diversity as a strategic
A) !he stringent visa procedures introduced by the B.;. government over the past decade have
placed a cap on the influ8 of immigrants into the B.;. population.
7) !he @avy"s strategic imperative has evolved over time to include preventing wars( not just
winning them.
5) !he government has drastically cut down on military spending following widespread public
outcry against its wars in &ra9 and Afghanistan.
/) =nly about 2. percent of new workers in the recruitable demographic for the @avy include
women and minorities.
Minority 2ecruitment
Covernment agencies such as the +9ual +mployment =pportunity 5ommission have actively
been involved in the enforcement of the provisions of several legislations that intend to end
discrimination( such as the 5ivil 2ights Act and the Americans with /isabilities Act. Aliadiere D
2emi is a clothing manufacturer head9uartered in =regon. &t has often issued press statements
that emphasize the e8tensive efforts the company has undertaken to develop a diverse workforce(
sometimes employing from minorities beyond the minimum re9uired level.
)$) 0hich of the following statements( if true( best describes Aliadere D 2emi"s motivation for
aggressively recruiting from the minorities6
A) Minority workers typically perform better 9uality work at lower hourly rates and with
practically zero benefits.
7) Aliadere D 2emi has operations that e8tend across the Americas and much of ;outh +ast
5) 2esearch suggests that individuals from minority groups are more productive and
/) ?istorically( competitors with workforces that have high ratio of minority groups have been

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