This document discusses using a discretized well model to simulate production behavior in horizontal or multi-lateral wells. It describes special flow dynamics in horizontal wells due to undulations in the wellbore trajectory and fluid holdups. It also discusses interference between laterals in multi-lateral wells and using inflow control devices to regulate flow from different intervals or laterals.
This document discusses using a discretized well model to simulate production behavior in horizontal or multi-lateral wells. It describes special flow dynamics in horizontal wells due to undulations in the wellbore trajectory and fluid holdups. It also discusses interference between laterals in multi-lateral wells and using inflow control devices to regulate flow from different intervals or laterals.
This document discusses using a discretized well model to simulate production behavior in horizontal or multi-lateral wells. It describes special flow dynamics in horizontal wells due to undulations in the wellbore trajectory and fluid holdups. It also discusses interference between laterals in multi-lateral wells and using inflow control devices to regulate flow from different intervals or laterals.
This document discusses using a discretized well model to simulate production behavior in horizontal or multi-lateral wells. It describes special flow dynamics in horizontal wells due to undulations in the wellbore trajectory and fluid holdups. It also discusses interference between laterals in multi-lateral wells and using inflow control devices to regulate flow from different intervals or laterals.
Using a Discritized Well Model to Simulate Production Behavior in
Horizontal or Multi-Lateral Wells Yuandong Wang, SPE, Dan Shan, SPE and Robin N. Heim, SPE, Schlumberger Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 1923April2008.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.
Horizontal and multi-lateral wells have become increasingly important and represent a growing percentage of production wells. They are used to maximize the well to reservoir contact and improve oil recovery in a cost efficient manner. This is especially true for offshore fields where these wells are used to drain large areas with limited platform capacities. Commonly, a horizontal well trajectory undergoes undulations that may result in special wellbore flow dynamics. In addition, technologies such as intelligent completions can be used to regulate flow from various perforation intervals or producing laterals.
Our recent field studies required the simulation of special wellbore dynamic behavior specific to horizontal/multi-lateral wells. It is a significant challenge to capture such behavior in a simulation model. This paper covers the following issues of horizontal/multi-lateral well simulation.
1. Special horizontal well flow dynamics exist that are associated with undulations in the wellbore trajectory and consequent fluid holdups. This can result in certain dynamic flow behavior which affects pressure and, consequently, production near the toe. 2. Interference between individual laterals in a well. 3. The use of inflow control devices such as intelligent completions with regulating valves that regulate production from specific perforated intervals/laterals.
The simulation of these issues requires special techniques, such as the use of a discritized well model. A discritized well is represented by multiple segments along the path of the wellbore. This option provides flexibility in the control of appropriate parameters by segment to properly simulate the different issues that arise with horizontal/multi-lateral wells. In addition, local grid refinement is often needed to accurately capture the well trajectory and detailed fluid flow and pressure profiles.
This paper discusses the previously mentioned horizontal/multi-lateral well fluid and completion dynamics and the approach used to simulate them. Simulation results for successful actual field studies as well as semi-synthetic examples are presented.
Horizontal and multi-lateral wells have become increasingly important and represent a growing percentage of production wells. They are used to maximize well to reservoir contact and to improve oil recovery in a cost efficient manner. This is especially true for offshore fields where these wells are used to drain large areas with limited platform capacities.
A typical horizontal well has a large perforated interval and produces from multiple formations. However, there are various factors that may cause part of the perforated interval to not contribute to production. Discussed in this paper is one such factor- pressure change in the wellbore due to undulations in well trjactory. Production logs are sometimes used to identify problems with horizontal wells 1,2,3,4,5 . Accordingly, appropriate technologies can be applied to solve these problem, such as shutting off the high water or gas entry perforations 5,6 .
2 SPE 112923 A horizontal well often undergoes undulations in the trajectory, resulting in additional pressure variation along the wellbore path. Although this additional pressure change can be small (around 1 psi), it may have substantial effect on wellbore flow dynamics and, consequently, well productivity. This is especially true for horizontal wells with very small pressure drawdowns, e.g. near the toe of the well in reservoirs with high permeability. These special wellbore dynamics were identified by production logs in one field study 1 . Simulation studies using special features such as local grid refinement, a discritized well model and PLT reporting were conducted in order to incorporate the production logs. This inclusion improved the history match and enhanced the models predictive power. Modeling of horizontal wells using production logs has previously been discussed by other authors 1,4 .
Multi-lateral wells increase well to reservoir contact by allowing multiple deviated/horizontal well paths with different orientations from one main well stem. However, laterals can interfere or compete with one another both through the wellbore and within the reservoir. It is necessary to use a discritized well model to correctly model the connection and flow dynamics in the laterals. The application of multi-lateral wells, the associated completion technology, and related simulation work have increasingly been discussed in technical literature recently 7,8 .
It is possible to adjust flow from individual laterals to optimize well production (i.e. maximize oil production and reduce gas and water production). In the case of some perforated intervals which produce large amounts of gas, control devices such as intelligent completions with regulating valves can be applied to improve well performance. The practice of using intelligent completions has received substantial attention as demonstrated by many technical papers 8,9,10 .
These various issues on horizontal and multi-segment wells are discussed in detail in this paper. Several simulation cases have been run and the results are presented to illustrate these topics.
Simulation of Flow Dynamics in Horizontal Wells
In one field study, production logs were run on a few of the horizontal wells. The production log results from Well HW1 revealed some interesting flow phenomena. For this well, difficulties were experienced in matching the production history during simulation. Prior analysis 1 of the production log of this well provided a reasonable explanation for the unusual wellbore flow behavior. In this analysis, in order to incorporate the production log and consequently to improve the history match, a discritized well model was used in the simulator. This model was used in a simplified manner, only a friction multiplier was applied to certain segments to achieve the desired effect 1 , due to the constraints of running a large full field simulation model.
In the following discussion, a variety of different simulation techniques were used to improve the history match to match both the the production log and the production history. The techniques included local grid refinement and a discritized well model. Simulation results using different techniques are compared to illustrate the improvement in the match of both the production profile (in space) and production history (over time).
Well Descriptions: Trajectory and Fluid Holdups
Figure 1 illustrates the well trajectory of horizontal well HW1 in the field study. It contains an undulation near the toe. This undulation results in slightly higher pressure at Point B within the wellbore. The production log shows fluid holdups along the wellbore in colors with green, blue and red indicating oil, water and gas, respectively.
Figure 1 - The well trajectory and production log showing fluid holdups for Well HW1. The fluid color code is red for gas, green for oil and blue for water. The trajectory is exaggerated in the vertical direction. A B C h=5ft Toe Heel Fluid holdup Well trajectory Flow F3/4 F2 F5 SPE 112923 3 Special Wellbore Flow Dynamics and Production Logs
Equations 1 and 2 show the pressures at Point B and C as related to the pressure at Point A. BA A B f gh p p + + = 1 (1) 1 CA A C f gh p p + + = ) ( 2 1 (2) Where p A and p B and p C are the fluid pressures at point A, B and C, respectively; 1 and 2 are the average fluid density for column AB and BC, respectively. Term g is the gravitational acceleration constant and term h is the height between Point A and B. Terms f BA and f CA are the frictional losses due to flow from Point B to A and from Point C to A, respectively.
In this case, the depth difference between point A and B is approximately 5 ft. The pressure difference at Point B from the fluid column (i.e. gh 1 ) is approximately 1.5 to 2 psi. The pressure difference at Point C due to the density difference of the two fluid columns (i.e. gh ) ( 2 1 ) can be as high as 0.6 psi if the fluid holdup is unfavorable.
Simulation results reveal that the pressure drawdown for this horizontal well is fairly small, about 1 psi near the toe of the well. Therefore, the pressure variation from the fluid column at Point C at unfavorable conditions can significantly reduce production at the toe, while the pressure increase at point B may result in reverse flow from the wellbore to the reservoir. Figure 2 shows the production logs along with other log information for well HW1. The production log data show an inactive toe with very little production, which supports the argument of reduced production due to the pressure variation at Point C.
Figure 2 - Production logs for well HW1: The tracks from left to right indicate 1) Fluid pressure, 2) Fluid holdups, 3) Connection inflow rates, 4) Tubing flow rate profile, and 5) Formation. Fluid color code: red for gas, green for oil and blue for water.
Selection of Methods for Simulating the Horizontal Well Dynamics
Simulation attempts with conventional techniques did not yield acceptable matches to the well performance history. The discritized well model with a friction multiplier was added to improve the match in the full field simulation 1 . The following discussion explores the advantages of using discritized wells and local grid refinement.
The special well flow behavior (as observed in the production logs) associated with the trajectory undulation can only be simulated correctly if the wellbore dynamics are simulated concurrently. A discritized well model serves this purpose. In the full field model, the grid size is fairly large (200 ft) and the wellbore undulation in depth was lost in the model. To accurately capture the wellbore flow dynamics, local grid refinement was necessary to accurately represent the well trajectory details. In this study, the following four methods were used to simulate this horizontal well: 1) Traditional (i.e. no special features); 2) Local grid refinement; 3) A discritized well without local grid refinement; and 4) A discritized well with local grid refinement. F5 Formation F2 F3/4 4 SPE 112923 Figure 3 is a comparison of the the well trajectory in the simulation models without and with local grid refinement. The refinement is 1:3 in both the K (vertical) and I (horizontal along the well) directions. It is obvious that the zigzags in the well trajectory in the unrefined model (left) were smoothed with the addition of a local grid refinement (right). The undulation near the toe is apparent in the grid-refined model. The local grid refinement also smoothed the fluid contacts and therefore provided better representation of gas/water breakthrough time from various layers.
Figure 3 - The well trajectories in models. (a) without local grid refinement, and (b) with local grid refinement. The figures are exaggerated in the Z direction to show the effects of grid refinement.
The simulation results for the four methods exhibit substantial differences in terms of well performance over time (history match) and in space (along the wellbore as compared to production logs), as discussed in detail in the following sections.
Comparison of the Four Methods in Production History
The history matching simulations were conducted using oil rate control. This means the simulator is set to match the historical oil rates and properties are varied until the simulated values for water and gas are closely matched to their respective historical rates. Figure 4 shows the comparison of gas and water rate of the four methods for well HW1. The four methods yield significant differences in gas and water rates. The methods using local grid refinement and the discritized well yields simulation results which best match the wells production history. Simulation results from other methods match the history very poorly, especially the gas rates. Hence, the improvement of the history match comes from the following two effects. 1) More accurate representation of the well trajectory by local grid refinement, and 2) Appropriate modeling of well flow dynamics by using a discritized well.
Figure 4 History match and comparison of simulation results of four simulation methods for well HW1. (a) gas rate, and (b) water rate. The dots indicate actual production history, and colored lines indicate simulation results using the various methods.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Day G a s
R a t e ,
M S C F / d a y History LGR+DWM No LGR/DWM LGR Only DWM Only 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Day W a t e r
R a t e ,
S T B / d a y History LGR+DWM No LGR/DWM LGR Only DWM Only PLT Taken PLT Taken (a) (b) With Local Grid Refinement Without Local Grid Refinement (a) (b) SPE 112923 5
Comparison of the Four Methods in Terms of Production Profile
Simulation results for well HW1 are displayed in the format of a production log (PLT) at the time the real PLT was run. Figure 5 shows the simulated tubing flow rate profiles along the wellbore for each of the four methods. The producing formation is also indicated on the plots. Formations 3 and 4 were grouped in the study. Significant differences were observed between each method.
Figure 5 Well production profiles of four simulations. (a) Tubing oil rates; (b) Tubing water rates; and (c) Tubing gas rates. The producing formation is also indicated on the plots.
Reverse flow from the wellbore to the formation is observed near the toe in the two simulation runs where the discritized well model was used. The columns in Figure 6 show the contribution of flow (oil and water) from each individual connection of a grid block to the reservoir for the simulation method using both local grid refinement and discritized well techniques. Reverse flow is indicated by negative values for a specific connection. This reverse flow results in a low total contribution of fluid from the formation F2 near the toe, which was confirmed by the production log.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 Connection/Segment # G a s
r a t e ,
M S C F / d a y DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM 0 100 200 300 400 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 Connection/Segment # W a t e r
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM 0 100 200 300 400 500 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 Connection/Segment # O i l
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM (a) (b) (c) F5 F3/4 F2 Heel Toe F5 F3/4 F2 Heel Toe F5 F3/4 F2 Heel Toe 6 SPE 112923
Figure 6 Well production profiles for simulation with LGR and discritized well model (DWM). Columns indicate the rate contribution from each connection, and the curves indicate tubing rate which is the cumulative of the connection production from toe to heel. Negative value indicates flow from wellbore to formation. (a) Oil rate; and (b) Water rate.
The production log was run in 2006 (1430 days of simulation time) as indicated in Figure 4. The PLT log was run at three rates and the results using the rate closest to that of the historical data were used. For comparison purpose, the rates from the PLT were scaled to the actual historical rates to account for this slight difference in rate. Figure 7 shows the comparison between the production logs and the simulation results for each of the four methods in terms of the contribution of (a) oil rate, (b) gas rate, and (c) water rate from each formation. Formations 3 and 4 were grouped in the production allocation in the study.
The method using both local grid refinement and a discritized well model yields a production profile significantly closer to the production logs than the other methods. This is especially true of the gas production profile. The appropriate capture of the well trajectory and wellbore flow dynamics cause the improvement in the simulated production profile.
Interestingly, the production log does not show any reverse flow from wellbore to formation, though it indicates low flow rate from formation F2 near the toe which matches our best case. Further investigation should be exerted on this issue.
Figure 7 Comparison of the simulation results to the production log in terms of flow contribution from each formation for well HW1 at the date the PLT was taken. (a) oil rate; (b) gas rate; and (c) water rate.
Simulation of Multi-Lateral Wells
Multi-lateral wells were used to increase the well to reservoir contact while reducing drilling costs. In this field, each multi- lateral well contains two laterals in different directions producing from the thin oil rim. Each lateral forms a production string and therefore is independent from each other, i.e. the production from each lateral can be regulated independently.
Sometimes, there is a need to produce both laterals using one tubing string in the main stem due to the limited slots at the -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 Connection Number C o n n e c t i o n
w a t e r
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 T u b i n g
w a t e r
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y Connection water rate Tubing water rate -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 Connection Number C o n n e c t i o n
o i l
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 T u b i n g
o i l
r a t e ,
S T B / d a y Connection oil rate Tubing oil rate (a) (b) F5 F3/4 F2 Heel Toe F5 F3/4 F2 Heel Toe (a) (b) (c) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 F5 F3/4 F2 Formation O i l
R a t e ,
S T B / d a y PLT DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 F5 F3/4 F2 Formation G a s
R a t e ,
M S C F / d a y PLT DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 F5 F3/4 F2 Formation W a t e r
R a t e ,
S T B / d a y PLT DWM+LGR DWM Only LGR Only No LGR/DWM SPE 112923 7 platform. In this work, we investigated the interference between the laterals caused by production from the same tubing. Interference between the laterals, if undesirable, should be eliminated or reduced. The use of intelligent completions can help regulate this interference in certain situations. These topics are covered in detail in the discussion below.
Model Setup for the Multi-Lateral Wells
A well was set up in the model to investigate the effect of interference between laterals. A second lateral was added to the horizontal well HW1 in the discussion above. The second lateral also produces oil from the oil rim. Figure 8 shows the orientation of the two laterals of well HW1. Five scenarios, shown in Table-1, with different well configurations and regulating methods were simulated and compared. This includes the use of intelligent completions. This particular configuration of a multi-lateral well can only be correctly represented by the use of a discritized well model.
Table 1 - Five configurations involving laterals and control valves used in the simulation. Scenario Laterals/Wells Control Valve 1 Single branch (Lateral 1) No 2 Two laterals No 3 Two laterals Lateral 1, Choking valve 4 Two laterals Both Laterals, Intelligent Completions 5 Two wells/producing strings Separate well heads
Figure 8 Multi-lateral well configuration showing the orientation of the two laterals.
The following well controls were used in the simulation: Vertical flow profile curve (VFP curve) and tubing head pressure (THP). Maximum gas rate (for each string). Maximum oil rate to limit the peak initial production (for a few months).
Interference between the Laterals
Figure 9 shows the simulation results in terms of oil production for each of the five scenarios. The additional lateral in Scenario 2 results in a large increase in incremental oil production over Scenario 1. Placing a choke in Lateral 1, which produces at higher GOR as compared to Lateral 2, results in a small incremental gain in oil as shown in the relationship between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. With the exception of the choke in Lateral 1, all other well controls remain the same. The contribution of oil rate from each connection for each of the two laterals for Scenarios 2 and 3 is shown in Figure 10. Lateral 1 is shown in Figure 10 (a) and Lateral 2 is shown in Figure 10 (b). The difference in production Lateral 2 illustrated in Figure 10 (b) is cause solely by choking the production in Lateral 1.
Lateral 1 Lateral 2 Lateral 1 Lateral 2 8 SPE 112923 Scenario 4 involves the use of several regulating valves in the multi-lateral well and is discussed in detail in the following section.
Scenario 5 is set up with each lateral producing from separate tubing strings that are isolated from each other. In other words, each lateral acts as an independent well. All well constraints are kept the same as in the previous scenarios for each of the two wells. To clarify, each independent well has the same pressure and rate constraints as the single muli-lateral well. In this scenario the two wells combined will produce approximently 40% more oil than the multi-lateral well of Scenario 2. Note that this may be optimistic as tubing size may need to be reduced slightly for this case.
Figure 9 Oil production for five scenarios. For Scenario 5, the production is for the two horizontal wells combined. For other scenarios, the production is for a single well. (a) oil production rate, and (b) cumulative oil production.
Figure 10 The oil rate contribution from each connection/segment for each lateral illustrates the interference between the two laterals. Scenario 2 (blue) has no control in the well. Scenario 3 (purple) has a choke valve in Lateral 1. (a) Lateral 1 where production is reduced by choking; and (b) Lateral 2 where flow from each connection changes due to the operations in Lateral 1.
Effects of the Application of Intelligent Completion Technology
Scenario 4 incorporates 4 regulating valves per lateral into Scenario 2 to investigate the effect of intelligent completion technology. A valve was placed every three segments from the toe to the heel of each lateral. These valves are regulated to control excessive gas/water production from specific perforated intervals. For example, if a perforated interval near the toe produces over a specified volume of gas, the valve near that interval (on the heel side) can be tuned to reduce the flow from the toe. This practice will improve the well performance and consequently increase well oil production and field oil recovery. All other well controls were kept the same as in Scenario 2.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (Days) O i l
R a t e
( S T B / D A Y ) Sce 1: Single Branch Sce 2: Two Laterals Sce 3: Two Laterals, Choke Lateral 1 Sce 4: Two Laterals with Intelligent Completion Sce 5: Two Horizontal Wells 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (Days) C u m u l a t i v e
O i l ,
X 1 0 0 0 ( S T B ) Sce 1: Single Branch Sce 2: Two Laterals Sce 3: Two Laterals, Choke Lateral 1 Sce 4: Two Laterals with Intelligent Completion Sce 5: Two Horizontal Wells (a) (b) (a) (b) Lateral 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 S e g 1 S e g 2 S e g 3 S e g 4 S e g 5 S e g 6 S e g 7 S e g 8 S e g 9 S e g 1 0 O i l
R a t e
( S T B / D A Y ) Sce 2: Two laterals Sce 3: Two Laterals, Choke Lateral 1 Lateral 2 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 S e g 1 S e g 2 S e g 3 S e g 4 S e g 5 S e g 6 S e g 7 S e g 8 S e g 9 S e g 1 0 O i l
R a t e
( S T B / D A Y ) Sce 2: Two Laterals Sce 3: Two Laterals, Choke Lateral 1 SPE 112923 9 Figure 9 shows the effects of a multi-lateral using intelligent completion technology. Scenario 4 performs significantly better than Scenario 2, the base case multi-lateral.
Concluding Remarks
Some important observations are made from the simulation results. A discritized well model and local grid refinement are necessary to adequately simulate the wellbore flow dynamics for horizontal wells and the interferences between the laterals of multi-lateral wells. However, the addition of each of the two techniques requires more computation effort during the simulation and sometimes it becomes impractical if simulations need to be run for a large full field model.
Horizontal Wells
The following observations are made for horizontal wells. 1. There are often undulations along the horizontal well trajectory. Sometimes these undulations are used to penetrate and produce from multiple thin formations/layers with poor inter-layer communications. Simulation results indicate the undulation will result slight pressure change (up to a few psi) in the wellbore. However, these undulations may have a negative effect on well production. 2. For reservoirs with high permeability, the pressure drawdown for the horizontal well is small, especially near the toe, as observed in the field studied. In such wells, the small pressure change due to the undulation in the wellbore has substantial effects on the local perforated interval. Sometimes, it may cause reverse flow from the wellbore to reservoir, and consequently result in reduced production near the toe. 3. The special well flow dynamics stated above are confirmed by production log. These flow dynamics can be adequately captured in simulation only if the wellbore dynamics are modeled. A discritized well model can achieve the goal. Local grid refinement is sometimes required to represent a detailed well trajectory. 4. With the use of a discritized well model and local grid refinement, the matches of simulation results to the production profile (as compared to the production log) and to production history are significantly improved.
Multi-Lateral Wells
The following observations are made for multi-lateral wells based on the simulation results. 1. In simulation, the multi-lateral well and the associated wellbore dynamics can only be correctly represented using a discritized well model. Without a discritized well model each lateral is connected to the other laterals at the kickoff point for each lateral and up through the wellbore to the wellhead. Consequently, the pressure distribution along the wellbore will be inaccurate, and accordingly, the production from each lateral. 2. The addition of one lateral significantly increased well production. 3. Intelligent completion technology using regulating valves can significantly improve well performance and optimize well oil production. 4. Results from all scenarios show that an increase in either the number of laterals or regulating valves in the wellbore will increase well production. The best scenario should be a multi-lateral well with separate tubing strings and an intelligent completion in each lateral. Optimal number of laterals and valves is specific to each field.
f friction loss g Gravitational acceleration constant h Height p Pressure
Fluid density
LGR Local Grid Refinement DWM Discritized Well Model PLT Production Logging Tool (Test)
10 SPE 112923
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Hydraulic Tables; The Elements Of Gagings And The Friction Of Water Flowing In Pipes, Aqueducts, Sewers, Etc., As Determined By The Hazen And Williams Formula And The Flow Of Water Over The Sharp-Edged And Irregular Weirs, And The Quantity Discharged
Hydraulic Tables; The Elements Of Gagings And The Friction Of Water Flowing In Pipes, Aqueducts, Sewers, Etc., As Determined By The Hazen And Williams Formula And The Flow Of Water Over The Sharp-Edged And Irregular Weirs, And The Quantity Discharged