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Project Quality Plan

A02 Re-issued for Design EA 15/03/ 01 RA 15/03/01 DMH 15/03/01
A01 Issued for Design EA Feb 01 RA Feb 01 DMH Feb 01
R01 For comment/use EA Feb 01 RA Feb 01 DMH Feb 01


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Rev. Location of Changes Brief Description of Change
R01 Initial issue for comment/use
A01 Issued for Design Incorporation of comments resulting
from internal review. Also change in
document number from BON-AME-
A02 Re-issued for Design Changes as discussed with
March 2001. Refer
Minutes of Meeting No:
L00802/AME/SNEPCO/R1/015 plus
other minor comments. Also change
in document number from BON-



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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Issue and Distribution
1.3 Terms and Definitions
1.4 Project Quality Policy Statement
1.5 Quality Objectives
1.6 Organisation and Resources
1.7 Management Reviews
1.8 Performance Standards and Contract Control Assessments
1.9 Sub-Contractors
1.10 Audit by SNEPCO
1.11 Quality Improvement
1.12 Integration with other Management Systems

2.1 Project Quality Management System Structure
2.2 General
2.3 Contract Review
2.4 Design Control
2.5 Document and Data Control
2.6 Purchasing
2.7 Process Control
2.8 Inspection and Testing
2.9 Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
2.10 Inspection and Test Status
2.11 Non-Conformance and Corrective Action
2.12 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery
2.13 Quality Records
2.14 Quality Audits
2.15 Training
2.16 Servicing
2.17 Statistical Techniques


APPENDIX I Organisation Charts
APPENDIX II Audit and Review Strategy



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The contents of this Project Quality Plan are based on, or interface with, the applicable
requirements of the following Specifications:

ISO 9001:1994

Contract, (No: L00802).

Shell International Exploration and Production INC. Bonga Construction Quality
Plan, SDS 99-1007 (Rev A1)

Bonga-SPEC-GL-001, Shell Deepwater Development Systems, Inc. Global
Technical Specification - Quality Assurance/Quality Control, (Rev C).

AMEC Services Ltd, London, Quality Manual (Rev A9).

Project Execution Plan, BON-AME-3GN-G-00199-001

Key Quality Activities Matrix, BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-002

QA/HS&E Project Audit & Review Schedule, BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-003

HSE Plan, BON-AME-3GN-G-00199-005

The purpose of the Project Quality Plan is to provide the first tier of the overall project
quality management system structure and to provide means by which project
management shall derive confidence that the Project is being executed in accordance
with the requirements of the contract and related regulatory requirements.

The Project Quality Plan will be supported by the Key Quality Activities Matrix (Doc No:
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-002), as referenced above, which will be used to facilitate
implementation of the project quality management system. The Matrix will define the key
quality activities, procedures, responsibilities etc, for the contracted scope of work.

This Quality Plan, and revisions thereto, shall be submitted to SHELL NIGERIA

This Project Quality Plan is a 'live' document and as such will be subject to periodic
review/change in line with identified and agreed amendments and improvements to the
Project Quality Management System during the course of the Project. The Project
Quality Plan will also be reviewed and updated to accommodate any additions or
changes to the contracted scope of work.

This Project Quality Plan is supported by the individual quality plans of AMEC
fabrication division, other major fabrication subcontractors and the Nigerian engineering
design facility. The supporting plans, as referenced within Section 2.1 of this Project
Quality Plan, will be reviewed by the Project QA function for alignment and compliance
with the AMEC Project Quality Management System.



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The Project Quality Plan will be made available electronically, on read only basis, on
the Project M drive.

Limited controlled hard copies will be issued as authorised by the Project Quality
Manager on an as required basis to nominated individuals who shall be held
responsible for its implementation and update within their functions. All other hard
copies, including those hard copies down-loaded from AMECnet and the Project M
drive, shall be deemed to be uncontrolled.

Hard copies requested by SNEPCO shall be formally transmitted via the Project
Document Control function who shall retain records of recipients.

Project personnel will be responsible for reporting to Project Management any
deficiencies or problems and suggesting improvements resulting from the use of the
Project Quality Plan and related procedures.


The Project Quality Assurance Manager will update and revise the Project Quality Plan
whenever changes, additions or deletions are found to be necessary.

When a revision to the text results in a change, addition or deletion, the area of the
current revision shall be identified in the left hand margin of the page adjacent to where
the change/addition/deletion was made. All previous revision identification shall be


For the purpose of this Project Quality Plan and supporting procedures the following
definitions shall apply.

Quality The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service
that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Quality Management That aspect of the overall management function that determines
and implements the quality policy.
Quality Assurance All those planned and systematic activities and functions
necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or
service shall satisfy given requirements for quality.
Quality Control The techniques and activities that demonstrate compliance with
specified requirements. This includes inspection, test, etc.
Quality System The aspect of the Quality Management System, setting out the
quality practices, policies and procedures demonstrating
compliance with ISO 9001.


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Quality Plan Document setting out the specific quality practices, resources,
and sequence of activities relevant to a particular product, project
or contract.
Quality Activity
Control Plan
A key document which supports the Project Quality Plan and lists
in a logical sequence key activities such as contract review,
engineering, procurement, etc. It identifies individual activities,
controlling procedures/ standards, verifying documentation and
method by which compliance is assured (i.e. audit).
Inspection and Test
A document relating to purchased / subcontracted products and
services which lists in a logical sequence key activities such as
purchase order review, manufacturing, construction, inspection,
test and verification activities. It identifies individual activities,
controlling procedures / standards, characteristics to be verified,
acceptance criteria, verifying documentation, inspection and test
requirements, etc.
Quality Audit A systematic and independent examination to determine whether
quality activities and related results comply with planned and/or
documented arrangements and whether these arrangements are
implemented and effective in achieving stated objectives.
Supplier Organisation that provides a product to the customer. The
reference to "supplier" includes for vendors.
Product Result of activities or processes and encompasses hardware,
software, processed materials and services or any combination of
SNEPCO Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited
AMEC AMEC Services Ltd, Offshore Business Unit.



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It is the policy of AMEC to provide products and services that fulfil the quality, reliability,
safety and specified requirements and stated expectations of the Project.

In order to achieve this policy for the SHELL NIGERIA EXPLORATION AND
PRODUCTION COMPANY LIMITED (SNEPCO) Bonga Project, the project team shall
be committed to establishing and maintaining an effective Project Quality Management
System complying with the requirements of ISO 9001: 1994, the Contract specifications
and related regulatory requirements.

Compliance with the Project Quality Management System and the supporting systems,
procedures, work instructions etc is mandatory and shall be adhered to by all personnel
employed on the project in order to achieve a common approach to Quality Assurance.

The Project Quality Assurance Manager will have overall responsibility for ensuring that
the contents of this Project Quality Plan are satisfactorily implemented across the
Project, including within key sub-contractors. As part of this responsibility the Project
Quality Assurance Manager shall also ensure, as far as practicable, the alignment of
sub-contractors quality management system with that described within this Project
Quality Plan.

The Project Quality Assurance Manager shall ensure that any problems or disputes
arising from such are brought to the attention of the AMEC Project Manager, SNEPCO
and/or senior management as appropriate.

Wherever possible the recommendations and "learning resulting from AMECs
approach to continuous performance improvement shall be fully integrated into the way
of working on the Project to ensure that an efficient and cost effective approach is
achieved. This approach considers that everyone involved with the Project has a
responsibility for contributing towards continuous improvement and for benefiting from
lessons learned from previous projects/work.

A joint working relationship with SNEPCO shall be cultivated to enable an open and free
exchange of information in order to ensure that the Project is safe and reliable,
completed on time, within target cost and to the required quality.

AMEC Project Manager


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The quality objectives of the Project are to ensure that all activities are:

- Planned and performed in such a manner that all facilities provided within the
Contracted Scope of Work are safe, reliable and free of errors and deficiencies.

- Planned and performed to achieve required quality, in accordance with agreed
requirements of the Contract and related specifications, within target cost and
schedule requirements.

- In accordance with contractual and regulatory requirements.

- Performed correctly the first time to ensure cost effectiveness and efficiency.

- Undertaken within an environment of Continuous Performance Improvement.


1.6.1 Project Organisation

The overall organisation for the Project shall be as per the organisation charts included
within the Project Execution Plan (Document No: BON-AME-003-G-00001). The
organisation chart for the London QA & Certification/Classification team together with
the chart showing interfaces with the key sub-contractors are shown in Appendix 1. Also
to be included within this Appendix will be the QA/QC organisations for the individual
sub-contractors. J ob Description for Key Personnel

J ob descriptions shall be available for all project personnel and shall include the
following as a minimum:

Function description
Responsibilities, including for safety and quality.

Each key Project team member shall hold or have access to a copy of his/her job
description. The responsible manager for each area shall also hold or have access to
relevant copies. The Project M drive shall contain those job descriptions applicable to
AMEC London based personnel. Non- AMEC personnel shall work according to the
requirements of their respective management systems which are required to comply with
the AMEC project quality management system.

1.6.2 Quality Assurance Function

The Quality Assurance function shall be headed by the Project Quality Assurance
Manager, supported by the Lead Quality Assurance Engineer who shall manage and
ensure that the principles of Quality Assurance and Quality Control are actively practised
by all project personnel in their daily activities throughout the duration of the project.
The Project Quality Assurance function shall be responsible for ensuring that the
requirements of this Project Quality Plan, associated procedures and work instructions
are integrated into the working methods of project personnel, and that objective
evidence of compliance with specified requirements is generated. The Project Quality


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Assurance Function shall also be responsible for monitoring sub-contractors and major
vendors to verify that they are complying with their own individual quality management
systems applicable to their contracted scopes of work/supply.

1.6.3 QA Job Function and Accountability Quality Assurance Manager

To plan, co-ordinate and report the day to day functions of the QA requirements
dictated by the Contract and the Project Quality Management System.
To monitor the implementation of the Project Quality Plan and assess its
operation by review and audit and manage the QA activities defined by the
contract workscope. To liaise with SNEPCO on all matters relating to Quality


Reports directly to the AMEC Project Manager regarding day to day project
activities but also has a reporting line to the AMEC Corporate Director
responsible for quality, in particular, in those instances where there may be
quality related problems which cannot be resolved at Project level. Responsibilities of the Project Quality Assurance Manager

The overall responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Manager, supported by the
Lead Quality Assurance Engineer, are as follows:

- To issue, revise and control the Project Quality Plan.

- To perform QA activities against the Project Quality Plan and Project

- To review the contract with regard to Quality related activities.

- To convene, attend and minute QA related meetings with SNEPCO as

- To report promptly to Corporate Quality Management any quality related
problems that cannot be resolved on the project.

- To plan, perform and report audits and reviews in accordance with the
agreed Audit and Review Programme assisted where necessary by
AMEC Corporate specialist discipline personnel.

- To monitor by audit and review, the compliance of sub-contractors with
the requirements of this Project Quality Plan including overseeing the
implementation of their own individual project quality management

- To perform supplier quality audits as agreed with the AMEC Project

- To record and monitor the resolution of non-conforming activities.


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- To monitor the application of quality assurance requirements for
requisition packages.

- To review sample enquiry and purchase requisitions to ensure quality
related requirements have been adequately specified.

- To attend bid clarification meetings with suppliers and sub-contractors as

- To review supplier Inspection & Test Plans.

- To facilitate development of QA procedures identified by the Project
Quality Plan and review other procedures to ensure applicability to the

- To establish the requirements for project quality records and to ensure by
audit and review that they are adequately maintained.

- To provide QA input to Project Reports. Such inputs shall include details
of reviews and audits undertaken and highlight any adverse trends and
required amendments to the document quality system.

- To co-ordinate and provide input to the periodic Management Reviews of
the Project Quality Management System.

- To monitor and review the Certification/Classification programme
implemented for the Project.

- To provide QA input to project induction sessions.

- To direct the Lead QA Engineer in the performance of the above as

1.6.5 Certification/Classification

The project shall utilise the services of a Lead Certification/Classification Engineer,
reporting to the Project Quality Assurance Manager, who shall be responsible for the co-
ordination of the Certification/Classification effort on behalf of AMEC and the principal
sub contractors. The Lead Certification/Classification Engineer shall be the focal point
with SNEPCO who in turn will have direct contact with the various regulatory bodies. The
Lead Certification/Classification Engineer shall be responsible for maintaining records of
submissions made via SNEPCO to the various authorities and for the co-ordination of
Project team responses to queries resulting from such submissions.

1.6.6 Certification/Classification Job Function and Accountability Lead Certification/Classification Engineer


Focal point responsible for the co-ordination of the Certification/Classification
effort on behalf of AMEC and the principal sub contractors. The Lead
Certification/Classification Engineer shall be responsible for maintaining records


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of submissions made via SNEPCO to the various authorities and for the co-
ordination of Project team responses to queries resulting from such submissions.


The Lead Certification/Classification Engineer shall report directly to the Project
Quality Assurance Manager but will also be the focal point with SNEPCO who in
turn shall have direct contact with the various regulatory bodies Responsibilities of the Lead Certification Engineer

The key responsibilities of the Lead Certification Engineer are as follows:

- To issue, revise and control the Certification/Classification Plan.

- To perform activities against the Certification/Classification Plan and
Project Programme.

- To issue, revise and control the Regulatory Permits and Consents
Compliance Plan.

- To convene, attend and minute Certification/Classification related
meetings with SNEPCO as necessary.

- To record and monitor the resolution of non-conforming activities.

- To monitor the application of Certification/Classification requirements for
requisition packages.

- To review sample enquiry and purchase requisitions to ensure
Certification/Classification requirements have been adequately specified.

- To attend bid clarification meetings with suppliers and sub-contractors as

- To provide Certification/Classification input to Project Reports.

- To co-ordinate and provide input to the periodic Management Reviews of
the Project Quality Management System.

- To monitor and review the Certification/Classification programme
implemented for the Project.

- To provide Certification/Classification input to project induction sessions.


The AMEC Project Manager shall sponsor periodic (i.e. six monthly) Management
Reviews of the Project Quality Management System. The Reviews shall be attended by
the senior project personnel, typically Project Manager, Engineering Manager,
Procurement Manager etc, and principal sub-contractors.



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These reviews shall be formal, and recorded in detail, to monitor the effectiveness of the
Project Quality Management System to ensure that:

The Project Quality Management System is, and shall remain, appropriate to the
Project objectives and is effective.

Audit activities are pertinent and that findings and recommendations arising are
properly evaluated and actioned.

Identified deficiencies are corrected in a proper and expeditious manner.

All other matters of any concern are examined.

These reviews shall be identified on the Audit and Review Programme and shall
compliment the ongoing feedback and improvement of the Project Quality Management
System in its day to day implementation.

Findings and recommendations arising from these reviews shall be reported to Bonga
Project and AMEC Corporate Management and SNEPCO.

Follow-up, verification and close-out of actions arising from such reviews shall be
performed and reported by the Project Quality Assurance Manager.


AMEC Company policy is that all projects use performance standards as the base
document in formulating their Management System arrangements, including customer
and sub-contractor interfaces.

The ten performance standards are:

- Management leadership, commitment and accountability
- Risk assessment and management
- Design and construction
- Operations and maintenance
- Employee competency and involvement
- Occupational health
- Third party management
- Impact upon the community and emergency planning
- Incident investigation and analysis
- Measurement, audit and review

The Project shall carry out an annual self-assessment of the status of the Management
System with a resulting improvement plan, which will advance performance towards a
set of defined targets. Improvement plans shall take account of any common or joint
aspirations of the customer, AMEC and sub-contractors etc, as applicable.

The performance standards and self-assessment results shall also form the basis of
major internal audits (termed Contract Control Assessments) performed by persons
independent of the Project.



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The self-assessment tool considers several related criteria under each of the defined
performance standards and this lends itself to focussed improvement targets.

Information on self-assessments for projects and contracts is published on AMECnet
together with the related contract improvement plans.


All subcontractors employed on the Project shall be required to demonstrate capability in
operating formal quality management systems in accordance with ISO 9001 or ISO 9002
as appropriate and to work in accordance with approved Quality Plans and Procedures.

Subcontract documents shall specify all relevant standards and shall define the quality
assurance and control requirements to be complied with by the subcontractor throughout
the duration of the Project.

Close liaison shall be maintained by the QA function with key subcontractors, typically
through site visits, management reviews, audits etc, throughout applicable phases of the
Project to ensure efficient sub-contract completion. This however shall not absolve the
subcontractor from his responsibility in monitoring and auditing his scope of work in
accordance with approved audit/review programmes.

All subcontractors shall be required to produce their own Quality Plans that shall be
submitted to the Project team for review and approval by the Project QA Manager.

Each subcontractor, in addition to undertaking their own audits in accordance with their
procedures and programme, shall be subject to periodic audit and/or review by AMEC in
accordance with the agreed Project Audit and Review Plan.

Planned audits of main subcontractors may, at the discretion of the Project Quality
Assurance Manager, be treated as healthcheck reviews. Where possible such reviews
shall be timed to coincide with any audits to be undertaken by the subcontractor.

The degree of monitoring shall generally be dependant upon the level of performance of
the subcontractor and the type of product subcontracted. Increased monitoring shall be
implemented in those instances where defects with the subcontractors quality
management system or defective performance have been identified.


SNEPCO and/or its authorised representatives shall be afforded access at all
reasonable times for the purpose of audit, review and surveillance of aspects that are
subcontracted subject to all such parties complying with the subcontractors current HSE
and security regulations applicable to the worksite(s) to be visited. AMEC shall liaise
with subcontractors to ensure that any arising corrective actions are satisfactorily
actioned and closed-out within a mutually agreed timescale.


All work associated with the Project shall be undertaken within an environment of
continuous performance improvement.



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This involves the continuous search for improving the way work is carried out, the
establishment of relationships, the breaking down of barriers, the search for
breakthroughs and 'what's possible'. CPI is aimed at creating a culture that enables the
improvement process to be readily accepted as a way of life throughout all levels of the
Project Organisation.

The Project will strive for a consistency for quality measurements across the contracted
scope of work in order to identify possible opportunities for improvement.

All project personnel shall be responsible for reporting quality deficiencies and
suggested improvements.

Ad-hoc improvement teams/groups shall be established, as required, to tackle particular
problem areas and to identify/facilitate solutions for improvement.

The Q-Pulse ISO 9000 Records Management System will be the vehicle for registering
and monitoring of formal recommendations for improvement.


AMEC recognise the similarities between Quality, Safety, Health, Environmental and
other management systems and shall ensure that integration of key quality management
system activities with those other systems is achieved without conflict or duplication.


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The Quality Management System structure for the Project shall be established in four
levels as follows:

1st Tier Document - Project Quality Plan

The Project Quality Plan shall be the 1st Tier Document of the project quality
management system and is based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 1994. The
objective being to employ a system of control so that systems, components, structures
etc., are designed, procured and manufactured and constructed in accordance with the
applicable contract requirements, codes, specifications and drawings.

The Project Quality Plan provides the interface with the content of the individual quality
plans to be developed and utilised by AMECs fabrication division and each of the major
subcontractors as follows:

AMEC Wallsend Doc No: tba

Heerema Zwijndrecht Doc No: tba

Heerema Hartlepool Doc No: tba

Fabrication facility (Nigeria) Name of facility and Q Plan Number tba

Netco Nigeria Doc No: tba

2nd Tier Document - Key Quality Activities Matrix

The Key Quality Activities Matrix, (Document No: BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-002), issued
as a supporting document to this Project Quality Plan, shall tabulate the activities and
identify the controlling procedures which shall describe in detail the quality activities to
be executed in order to satisfy the contract requirements.

The Key Quality Activities Matrix will also provide an interface to key activities relating to
subcontracted scopes of work.

3rd Tier Documents Control Procedures

These control procedures are those which are identified within Key Quality Activities
Matrix. It is the intention of the Project to utilise as far as possible those procedures
which are AMEC standard. Where necessary, existing procedures shall be amended, or
new versions developed, to take cognisance of those business processes which may be
specific to the project. Co-ordination procedures shall also be developed as necessary
to address those systems and business processes which shall be common across the
project, e.g. document control, cost reporting etc.

Sub-contractors procedures shall be identified within their own individual quality plans as
identified above.

4th Tier Documents - Inspection and Test Plans



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Inspection and Test Plans (also referred to as Quality Control Plans) shall be developed
as required by AMEC and its suppliers and subcontractors to cover specific products,
services or scopes of work. The Inspection and Test Plans shall identify the quality
related activities, the controlling procedure/specification/drawing, the acceptance criteria,
verifying documentation and inspection and surveillance requirements.

The requirements of such Inspection and Test Plans shall relate to the criticality of the
purchased/subcontracted product or scope of work.


The following subsections explain briefly how the applicable clauses of ISO 9001: 1994
will be addressed by the Quality Management System established for the Project.
The relevant clause of ISO 9001 is shown in brackets against each sub-section title.

Also included within the following subsections are those key procedures applicable to
that subject.

For a more detailed explanation of control procedures reference shall be made to the
Key Quality Activities Matrix, (Document No: BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-002) which is
issued as a supporting document to this Project Quality Plan.


Contract reviews shall be performed in order to verify contract documents, and
authorised amendments thereto, in order to familiarise project personnel with Scope of
Work, contract documentation and requirements, and to identify and resolve errors/
inconsistencies / ambiguities as well as deviations from tender documentation and Bid
Clarification agreements.

Applicable Procedures:
3319-300 Contract Review


The following describes the general requirements for the control of design activities and
review of engineering information to ensure compatibility with the Contract requirements.

Design Development and Planning

Established procedures shall be utilised to cover the control and verification of the

Design interfaces shall be established where necessary and shall be generally in the
form of document transmittals, technical queries, meetings, reviews, letters etc.

Organisation and Technical Interfaces

Design documents shall be circulated to associated disciplines for review and comment
based on the Project document distribution schedule (or as additionally required by the
originating discipline).



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Inter-discipline design co-ordination shall be undertaken in accordance with established
procedures. In addition, regular design reviews shall be convened to identify and
resolve any design restraints and interface queries.

Interfaces between the AMEC and related sub contractors shall be controlled on the
Project via an external interface procedure which shall cover both technical interfaces
and reporting paths.

Design Input

Contract Specifications shall be reviewed to establish that all applicable design inputs,
such as process information, data, codes, standards and specifications are available.

Design input shall be subject to an initial review of the information/data received,
including that received in electronic form. Subsequent information/data shall be
reviewed and any inconsistencies, ambiguities or conflicting requirements shall be
referred back to the originator who may be AMEC, SNEPCO, main sub-contractor or a

Design Output

Design output shall be verified by a formal system of checking, review and approval to
ensure that design input requirements are met, contain or reference applicable
acceptance criteria, conform to the regulatory requirements. Also to ensure that all
characteristics of the design which are crucial to the safe and proper functioning of the
supplied product are incorporated.

Design Review

Design reviews shall be accomplished at specific stages during the life of the Project, in
accordance with formal procedures, by a number of methods including:

P & ID Reviews
Layout Reviews
Plot Plan Reviews
Hazardous Area Reviews
Operability Review

As part of design review activity AMEC shall also perform a Safety and Operability Study
of Electrical Systems (SAFOP) study in accordance with Shell Global solution document

The reviews shall ensure, among other things, that the design:

can be constructed, inspected, tested, operated and maintained.
complies with weight and space requirements.
complies with the specific safety, environmental, availability, operability and
maintainability requirements.

Participating in these reviews shall be SNEPCO and representatives from each
discipline whose function shall have a direct effect on quality appropriate to the design
phase reached in the progress of the contract. In addition this shall apply to main sub-
contractors and key suppliers as applicable.



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The timing of these reviews shall be dependent on the progress of the project and the
interfaces associated with different disciplines. Records of these reviews shall be
documented and maintained.

Design Verification

Design documents generated within the Contract work-scope shall be subject to
verification checks by independent checkers, within the Bonga design team, in
accordance with relevant project procedures to ensure that:

it is correct, clear and unambiguous.
it complies with the technical, format and presentation requirements.
it is adequately substantiated by calculation.
all interfaces have been identified and addressed.

The level of verification shall generally relate to the importance/complexity etc of the
related product or system.

Design documentation shall also be subject to inter-discipline review by other
engineering disciplines in accordance with formal procedures.

Design documentation shall be checked by competent personnel to ensure that it
incorporates applicable information and feedback from suppliers and subcontractors,
SNEPCO and any third parties and regulatory bodies.

The output from computer calculations shall be verified as for design documentation and
shall be checked by alternative calculation methods. Computer data shall be secured
from loss or damage by regular back-up and protected from unauthorised access.

All design software shall be subject to validation prior to use on the project. Such
validation shall be completed either corporately or on the Project.

The suitability of software packages for use with American Specifications and Standards
shall be formally assessed/verified prior to use.

Design Validation

The Project shall utilise design validation to ensure that supplied product conforms to
Contract requirements.

Such needs and requirements shall be established through contract review and shall be
translated into design input requirements e.g. J ob Design Specifications etc. The
comparison of the design against contract requirements shall be achieved by a number
of means such as feedback from contract review activities, technical audits, safety
audits, project review meetings, FATs, performance tests etc.

Design Change Controls

Design change control procedures shall ensure that:-

Design changes are reviewed and approved, where possible, by the same personnel
who performed the original design.

Information concerning design changes is transmitted to all personnel affected by the
design change, in a controlled and timely manner.



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The technical impact of such changes are considered and the relevant actions
performed and documented.

All changes out-with the Contract are subject to formal variation approval.

Where it is not possible for the originator of the design to perform the design change,
then another responsible person or organisation will be appointed to conduct the review.

Reliability, Maintainability and Operability

Reliability, maintainability and operability activities shall be performed in accordance with
approved project procedures. In addition, formal assessments such as reviews, studies,
functional tests etc, shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with the specified
reliability, maintainability and operability requirements.

Weight Control

Weight control activity shall be co-ordinated by a dedicated Project Lead Weight Control
Engineer who shall report to the Bonga AMEC Engineering Manager.

Weight control shall be undertaken in accordance with approved procedure(s) and shall
include, but not necessarily be limited to:

- Weight estimation, with estimate refining as more accurate data becomes

- Calculation of centres of gravity, with calculation refining as more accurate data
becomes available.

- Issue weight control reports plus update of the equipment list.

- Incorporation of weight control in change procedure.

- Liaison between topsides weight control and vessel stability calculations.

Applicable Procedures:
BON-AME-3GN-G-00190-003 External Interface Procedure
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-004 Supplier Concession Request Procedure
BON-AME-3GN-G-00190-002 Procedure for Use of SI Units
BON-AME-3GN-W-00190-001 Project Weight Control Procedure
3318-000 Engineering Administration
3212-030 Project Variations
3305-000 Produce Project Design Basis
3319-100 Checking & Approval of Design Documents
3319-200 Inter-Discipline Reviews
3320-300 Detailed Design Execution
3319-400 Design Reviews
3324-320 Interface Control (Internal)
3324-322 Client Interfaces
3322-282 Change Control
3322-290 Operability & Maintainability Studies
3322-250 Reliability & Availability Studies
3323-200 Technical Audits



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Document Control procedures shall ensure that all correspondence, drawings and
technical data received or generated is recorded, distributed, filed and stored in an
efficient and controlled manner.

The Project Document Control function shall be the focal point for co-ordinating control
and issue of project documentation.

Control activities exercised on the documentation shall include the following:-

Review of documents, including drawings, prior to release to ensure that all
applicable requirements are clearly stated and that they are authorised for issue.

Identification of documents to be controlled.

Review and approval of changes to documents and drawings.

Control of documents, including approved changes, to preclude inadvertent use
of obsolete or superseded documents.

Filing and storage control.

All revisions to drawings and technical documents shall be handled in a manner as
described within the project procedure for the receipt, issue and control of

Formal procedures shall be implemented for control of CD Rom usage, particularly for
the archiving of project records.

Virus checking procedures shall be implemented for individual PCs and remote laptops
to guard against the import of viruses, particularly from the Website, emails and bought-
in software packages. Also to protect against the spread of potential viruses within
electronic documentation.
This shall be particularly important with respect to e data transfer between Project and
suppliers and sub-contractors.

Applicable Procedures:
3319-500 Validation of Engineering Software
3216-010 Control of Engineering Documentation
3318-200 Filing & Archiving of Documents

2.6 PURCHASING (4.6)


Products shall only be purchased from suppliers who can demonstrate an ability to
comply with the relevant Project Procurement Quality requirements.

This shall be achieved by one or a number of the following as appropriate:

- Satisfactory performance profile within the First Point Assessment Ltd (FPAL)
- Included on SNEPCO "Acceptable Vendors Lists".


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- Approved by a recognised third party (e.g. DNV, BSI, LRQA etc.) to a national or
international quality standard covering the scope of intended work.
- Successfully demonstrating second party audit compliance.
- Successful Project QA assessment/audit.

In addition, the qualification of suppliers shall be dependent upon other criteria such as
product capability, safety, capacity, on-time delivery etc, as appropriate.

Purchasing Data

Purchasing data shall be kept to a level appropriate to the importance and complexity of
the product or service being purchased and shall be clearly identified within the
requisition package.

Supplier Audits

Where, due to lack of third party quality system approvals or previous knowledge of un-
satisfactory performance or other concerns, a pre-award audit of the supplier may be
deemed necessary, such audits shall be formally carried out, following agreement with
the AMEC Project Manager. Similarly, those audits identified after award shall be
formally undertaken following agreement with the AMEC Project Manager. Such audits
shall be identified on the Project Audit and Review Programme. SNEPCO shall be
provided with ten working days notice of those audits that are to be carried out by AMEC
at suppliers works.

Analysis of Tenders

Documentation received from suppliers in respect of bids shall be formally assessed by
the relevant disciplines in accordance with established procedures.

Deviations and Concessions

Supplier deviations and concession requests shall be reviewed by the appropriate
discipline(s) in accordance with established procedures.

Accepted deviations and concessions shall be formally recorded so that the
circumstances under which and the specification against which the concession, waiver
or deviation was approved can be readily identified.

Waivers and concessions that have an impact on contract requirements shall be subject
to SNEPCO agreement.

Applicable Procedures:
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-004 Supplier Concession Request Procedure
3321-100 Procurement of Equipment
3321-112 Requisition Packages
3321-120 Technical Bid Analysis
3428-100 Purchasing of Materials and Equipment
3429-000 Expediting
3430-000 Inspection


All processes affecting quality of delivered product, including special processes, shall be
accomplished under specified and controlled conditions by qualified and experienced
personnel using approved procedures.


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Qualifications of special processes such as welding, heat treatment, non-destructive
testing, coating etc, personnel performing special processes, and equipment shall be
maintained current and records thereof shall be maintained.

Procedures and personnel qualifications for special processes shall be subject to review

Applicable Procedures:
4506-100 Supplier Quality Plans
3321-100 Procurement of Equipment
TBA Subcontractors Quality Plans


Inspection and testing by subcontractors and suppliers shall be carried out in
accordance with approved and valid test procedures that shall be identified within the
Inspection and Test Plans (Quality Control Plans) approved by AMEC.

Each subcontractor and supplier involved in the Project shall provide its own
Q.C./inspection arrangements but the adequacy and effectiveness of such arrangements
shall be assessed by means of audit, review, surveillance or inspection by the Project
Quality Assurance Function and/or project inspectors.

Levels of quality surveillance by AMEC and SNEPCO shall be defined within the
subcontractor and supplier Inspection and Test Plans (Quality Control Plans) and ,
where relevant, will reflect the specific requirements of Bonga-SPEC-GL-001.

Where appropriate, provision shall be made for the independent checking of critical
dimensions, including interfaces, before proceeding with work that would increase the
cost of correcting possible errors or that would lengthen the construction schedule if
errors were discovered later in the construction sequence.

The level of inspection may also be influenced by the complexity of the product or
service being purchased and also to the suppliers past and current performance.

Verification that an item offered as complete has undergone the required inspections
and tests shall be achieved by the review of the Inspection and Test Plans and quality
records generated during all phases of the project.

Any products found to be non-conforming shall be identified as such in accordance with
the applicable project procedure(s).

The subcontractor or supplier shall be required to inform AMEC in advance for agreed
witness points in advance of the activity. AMEC in turn shall advise SNEPCO of any
required witness points in accordance with documented process. Work may proceed
beyond a witness point if AMEC/SNEPCO do not attend.

Applicable Procedures:
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-004 Supplier Concession Request Procedure
3430-000 Inspection
3321-100 Procurement of Equipment
TBA Subcontractor Quality Plans



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Control procedures shall ensure that inspection measuring and testing devices used in
activities affecting quality are properly controlled and calibrated.

Selection of the measuring and test equipment shall be controlled to ensure that such
items are of the proper type, range, accuracy and tolerance to conform with the specified

The method and interval of calibration shall be determined by the items intended use.

Measuring and test equipment shall be properly handled and stored to maintain

Applicable Procedures:
3430-000 Inspection
TBA Subcontractor Quality Plans


Records shall be compiled and documents maintained in a logical, progressive
sequence, to enable the current inspection and test status during manufacture to be
Suppliers and subcontractors engaged on the Project shall be subject to their own
Quality Control surveillance and inspection activities and shall progressively record the
inspection and test status of the product or service provided.

A positive recall system shall be required for those instances of release of product to the
workplace, prior to clearance of inspection.

Applicable Procedures:
3430-000 Inspection
TBA Subcontractor Quality Plans


All project personnel have the responsibility for ensuring that any deficiencies,
ambiguities and problems are resolved to the satisfaction of the project team.

Non-Conformities regarding the Project Quality System as identified by Quality
Assurance Audits and Reviews shall be formally recorded on Corrective Action
Requests and progressively monitored and closed out.

Consistency in the use of non-conformance reports shall be established for the Project.

Non-conformance reports initiated internally, at the subcontractors or suppliers works
shall be referred to SNEPCO, who shall have the right, but not the obligation, of
concurrence with the proposed corrective action.



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Formal internal audits shall be performed in accordance with approved procedures by
personnel independent of the process, and any non-conformities identified shall be
resolved by the project lead engineers to the satisfaction of the Project Management.

Deviations to contract requirements shall only be allowed with SNEPCO formal approval.
Identified deviations to specification(s) that relate to purchased or sub contracted
services shall be subject to rejection, rework or acceptance with concession approval in
accordance with procedures.

Applicable Procedures:
3430-000 Inspection
TBA Subcontractor Quality Plans
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-004 Supplier Concession Request Procedure
4502-000 QA Audits


Products shall be subject to receipt inspections as detailed within the applicable quality
control plans and procedures to verify compliance with the contract specifications,
including for loss, damage, overage and shortage.

Any product that is found to be non-conforming shall be identified and marked as such
and, where practical, removed to a segregated holding area.

Product traceability, where required, shall be maintained in accordance with applicable
specifications and procedures.

Fabricators and suppliers procedures shall provide for verification of correct identification
of materials, parts and components prior to release for fabrication, assembly, shipping or

Materials and equipment shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent damage and
contamination during the period of storage. Where appropriate, such storage
requirements shall be specified by the supplier.

Compliance with SNEPCO procedures and specifications relating to preservation and
storage shall also be required.

Applicable Procedures:
3430-000 Inspection
TBA Subcontractor Quality Plans


Records that furnish documentary evidence that the quality of items produced and
activities affecting quality are consistent with the applicable procedures, codes and
specifications shall be systematically collated, stored and maintained in accordance with
the requirements of the applicable procedures.

Documentation shall be progressively collated and filed throughout the period of work in
accordance with the quality records procedure(s).

Such records shall be made available for review by SNEPCO as required during
execution of the contracted scope of work.


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A system shall be in place that determines the handover status of records to SNEPCO
and regulatory bodies at any time relative to the project schedule and contract

A central document management system shall include a record indexing system which
shall enable easy reference and retrievability of quality records. Quality records shall be
legible and traceable to the item or activity involved.

The Project shall also utilise a Projects Completions System (WinPCS) which will be the
process by which systems hand-over will be managed and controlled from mechanical
completion through to ready for safe commissioning and start-up

Applicable Procedures:
3318-200 Filing and Archiving of Documents
3216-010 Control of Engineering Documentation
4505-000 Archiving & Retrieval

2.14 QUALITY AUDITS (4.17)

Compliance with the Project Quality Management System shall be verified by a planned
programme of quality audits and reviews.

An Audit and Review Schedule (BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-003) is issued as a separate
document in support of this Project Quality Plan.

In addition to identifying planned formal audits the Schedule shall identify healthcheck
reviews to be undertaken on those main sub-contractors as identified within Section 2.1
of this Project Quality Plan.

AMEC project and SNEPCO auditing functions will be aligned to facilitate joint auditing
where practicable.

AMEC shall utilise the Q-Pulse ISO 9000 Records Management System for the
management of the audit and review programme and for the retention of electronic audit
reports and corrective action requests.

Quality Audits are an additional means of gauging the progress towards the required
objectives and should be seen as assisting the overall workscope activity. Quality
Audits are required to be carried out in order to verify that the requirements of ISO 9001:
1994 and the documented Quality Management Systems are being complied with.

Quality audits as well as providing assurance that the activities are being carried out in
accordance with prescribed procedures shall also be proactive in identifying and
facilitating solutions for any omissions or deficiencies discovered within the established
procedures and working methods and for identifying opportunities for improvement.

All audits shall be carried out by persons who are trained and experienced Assessors or
Lead Assessors.

Audits and reviews shall be re-scheduled as necessary during the course of the project
to align with any future changes to the Project Master Schedule. Where possible,
internal audits of a similar nature across more than one discipline shall be scheduled to


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occur at the same time in order to minimise inconvenience. The resulting reports shall
thus be of a multi-discipline nature.

The hierarchical approach to auditing and review for the Project is indicated by the
Project Audit and Review Strategy included as Appendix II of this Project Quality Plan.

Corporate Audits

These audits shall be carried out by persons independent from the Project and who
represent AMEC Corporate management. Copies of the reports and any related findings
shall be issued to the AMEC Project Manager who shall arrange distribution as
appropriate. These audits will be carried out annually.

Applicable Procedures:
BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-003 QA/HS&E Audit & Review Schedule
4502-000 QA Audits
3322-280 Safety Audits
3323-200 Technical Audits

2.15 TRAINING (4.18)

The Project Quality Assurance Manager shall provide input to induction sessions as
necessary for project personnel at which time the contents/requirements of this Project
Quality Plan and supporting procedures shall be explained and discussed as well as any
changes to the normal method of working which may have been identified for the

A further aspect of training shall involve any "team building" that may be held during the
course of the project.

Where specialist skills/qualifications are required e.g. Welding/N.D.T.etc, the skill level
proficiency shall be monitored and if any needs are identified, appropriate action shall be

The Project QA function shall, during audits and reviews, verify that personnel are
qualified as appropriate to their job functions, that they have received required training
and that effective methods are in place to ensure that additional training needs are

Applicable Procedures:
4210-000 Training
4209-000 Induction

2.16 SERVICING (4.19)

Where there is a requirement to include for servicing, including during post
commissioning, operational support etc, then the methods and controls for this activity
shall be planned and identified.

The methods and servicing schedules shall generally be identified in the operating/
maintenance manuals for the product, which include such items as lubrication
schedules, recommended spares lists, installation drawings/instructions, final certified
drawings etc. for the product.


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Statistical Techniques shall be used as required for establishing, controlling and
verifying process capability, execution proficiency and product characteristics. Individual
applications are described within appropriate procedures and are used during the
inspection of bulk materials and items etc.

Project quality measures shall also be supported by statistical techniques where


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Bonga FPSO Topsides, Commissioning Project Quality Plan
and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-001
Revision A02

Page 29 of 34

Chart Overall Management Organisation
- Certification/classification
- QM
- QC Inspection
E Abbott
(see chart 2)

HSE Manager

N Beesley

D M Harwood

RE Austin

S Hope

& Integration
Bonga FPSO Topsides, Commissioning Project Quality Plan
and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-001
Revision A02

Page 31 of 34

London QA & Certification/Classification Organisation
Lead Certification
B. Barton

Lead QA
W. Davies

D. Harwood
Project QA
E. Abbott
Bonga FPSO Topsides, Commissioning Project Quality Plan
and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-001
Revision A02

Page 33 of 34

Project Manager
Project QA Manager

Design Office
Project QA &
Full Line = Direct Responsibility to Project Manager
Dotted Line = Functional Responsibility to Project QA Manager

QA/QC Organisation Interfaces
Bonga FPSO Topsides, Commissioning Project Quality Plan
and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-Q-00190-001
Revision A02

Page 34 of 34


(Awaiting Charts from Wallsend and Sub-contractors)

QA/QC Organisations for Wallsend and Sub-Contractors

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and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-G-00199-007
Revision A01

Page 35 of 36



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and Operations Handover BON-AME-3GN-G-00199-007
Revision A01

Page 36 of 36

Design Office
Quality Audits
& Reviews

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