FO8 Audit Report - 45001 - v2.0
FO8 Audit Report - 45001 - v2.0
FO8 Audit Report - 45001 - v2.0
The content of this report must not be disclosed to a third party without the agreement of the
MSECB Client.
This report has been prepared by MSECB in respect of a Client's application for assessment
by MSECB. The purpose of the report is to verify the Client's conformance with the
management system standard(s) or other criteria specified. The content of this report
applies only to matters, which were evident to MSECB at the time of the audit within the
audit scope. MSECB does not warrant or otherwise comment upon the suitability of the
contents of the report or the certificate for any particular purpose or use. MSECB accepts no
liability whatsoever for consequences to, or actions taken by, third parties as a result of or in
reliance upon information contained in this report or certificate.
This audit is based on a sampling process of the available information and the auditors nor
MSECB can guarantee that all, if any, non-conformities have been discovered.
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 3 of 17
1. Audit information 5
1.1. Organization information 5
1.2. Audit information 5
1.3. Audit Scope 6
2. Audit preparation and methodology 6
2.1. Audit objectives 6
2.2. Audit criteria 6
2.3. Audit methodology 7
2.4. Previous audit results 7
2.5. Audit planning 7
2.6. Key people interviewed 8
2.7. MSECB complaint and appeal process 8
3. Significant audit trails followed 9
4. Audit findings 13
4.1. Audit finding definition 13
4.2. Major nonconformities (see also Annex A) 14
4.3. Minor nonconformities (see also Annex A) 14
4.4. Observations 14
4.5. Opportunities for improvement 14
4.6. Agreed follow-up activities 14
4.7. Uncertainty / obstacles that could affect the reliability of audit conclusions 14
4.8. Unresolved diverging opinions between the audit team & auditee 14
5. Audit conclusions and audit recommendation 15
5.1. System management conformance and capability 15
5.2. Audit conclusions 15
5.3. Recommendation 15
6. Annex A: Nonconformity report 16
6.1. Nonconformity Report 16
7. Annex B: Certification Information 19
8. Annex C: Surveillance Plan 20
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 4 of 17
I have audited the Management System (MS) of Company ABC (Organization Name) from
May 12th to May 15th 2017. The main objective of this audit was to assess if the MS has
been successfully implemented and effective, as well as to evaluate the conformance of the
organization to the ISO 45001:2018 requirements. Based on these assessments and
evaluations, a decision has been made whether or not to recommend your organization for
certification against ISO 45001:2018.
The audit team has conducted the audit based on the organization’s defined processes in
correspondence with the audit plan. The audit conducted by a professional team was a
process-based audit with a focus on the significant aspects, risks and objectives. The audit
was conducted in accordance with the ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021 standards, which are
accepted worldwide. Those standards require our audit team to plan and perform the audit in
order to acquire reasonable assurance whether your company’s management system is
effective and all requirements of ISO 45001 have been met.
During the course of the audit process, the management system has proven overall
conformity with the requirements of the standard. The audit team has concluded that your
organization has established and preserved its management system according to the
requirements of the standard and proved the ability of the system to consistently achieve the
approved requirements for the services within the scope of your organization and also on
your organization’s policy and objectives.
The conformance level with the standard can still be improved despite the fact that no
nonconformities or only one nonconformity has been found during the audit. This was a
sample based audit. Nonconformities and other opportunities for improvement can still be
found in the audited and non-audited areas.
Referring to the results of the audit process and the demonstration of the organization’s
development and maturity, the audit team recommends that your organization’s
management system should be certified to ISO 45001.
Name Surname
Audit Team Leader
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 5 of 17
1. Audit information
1.1. Organization information
Company name:
Contract number:
Phone number:
Total number of employees:
Total number of employees within the
Contact name:
Contact email:
Contact phone:
# of
Site # Street Address City Province, Zip Code
within the
Audit standard(s):
☐ Initial Audit ☐ Surveillance 1
Audit type: ☐ Recertification ☐ Surveillance 2
☐ Other:
Date(s) of audit(s):
Audit team leader:
Additional team member(s):
Additional attendees and roles:
The main purpose of this audit is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) including evaluation of conformity
to the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.
The specific objectives of this audit are to confirm that:
The organization has determined the boundaries and applicability of the MS in
The management system conforms with all the requirements of the audit standards
(Clause 4 to 10 of ISO 45001:2018);
The management system conforms with all applicable legal and regulatory
The management system is capable of achieving the objectives of the
organization`s policies;
The organization has established, implemented, maintained and continually
improved its MS, including the processes needed and their interactions, in
accordance with the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018.
The audit criteria (the set of requirements) for this audit are all normative clauses of ISO 45001:2018.
[Please explain the methodology used by the audit team to perform this audit, similar to the sample
The audit team has conducted a process-based audit focusing on the significant aspects, risks and
objectives. The auditors have used audit procedures to collect evidence in sufficient quantity and
quality to validate the conformity of the management system of the organization. The use of audit
procedures in a systematic way reduces the audit risk and reinforces the objectivity of the audit
The audit team has used a combination of evidence collection procedures to create their audit test
plan. The audit methods used consisted of interviews, observations of activities, review of
documentation and records, technical tests and analysis of sampling.
The analysis procedure allows the audit team to draw conclusions concerning a whole by examining a
part. It allows the auditor to estimate characteristics of a population by directly observing a part of the
whole population. The sampling method used during this audit was a systematic sampling (or interval
sampling) technique with a margin error of 3 to 5 %.
Technical tests, including testing of the effectiveness of a process or control have not been performed
by the auditors themselves. The operations have always been performed by the personnel of the
The results of the last audit of this system have been reviewed, in preparation for this audit in
particular to assure appropriate correction and corrective action have been implemented to address
any nonconformity identified. This review has concluded that:
☐ any nonconformity identified during previous audits has been corrected and the corrective action
continues to be effective
☐ any nonconformity identified during previous audits hasn’t been addressed adequately and the
specific issue has been re-defined in the nonconformity section of this report
☐ N/A (no previous audits or no nonconformities during the previous audit)
[Please describe how the audit was planned by the audit team. Please check the example below]
The team leader of the audit has established an initial contact with the auditee to make arrangement
for this audit, including scheduling the dates. The team leader has validated the feasibility of the
audit, the audit objectives, the audit scope, the location and the audit criteria.
The audit plan was sent to the auditee and it was confirmed before the opening meeting between the
audit team and the auditee.
The onsite audit was started with an opening meeting which has been attended by the general
manager and the OHSMS responsible. The MSECB profile, audit purpose, methodology, reporting
system, appeal process and confidentiality were briefly presented to the client during the opening
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 8 of 17
Opening Closing
Meeting Meeting Date of
Name Title Department / Process
(Yes or (Yes or interviewing
No) No)
Any client may appeal any decision made by the audit team. Appeals must be in writing and are
addressed using MSECB’ procedure for handling appeals and disputes. If MSECB fails to resolve the
appeal to the organization’s satisfaction, the appeal can be escalated to MSECB Advisory Board.
Under the column “Status”, please use the following key to record your assessment result for each clause:
A = Acceptable
N/A = Not Applicable (Out of Scope)
MaNC = Major Nonconformity
MiNC = Minor Nonconformity
OBS = Observation
OFI = Opportunity for improvement
*nonconformities are explained in “Section 4: Audit Findings”.
If nonconformity is identified (Minor or Major), please include the number of the nonconformity in the column “No. of NC”. Detailed description
of the nonconformity should be provided in Annex A – Nonconformity Report.
If OBS or OFI is identified, please explain in details the finding(s) in section 4.4 and 4.5.
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification: Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 10 of 17
Status Audit Evidence of
Findings/justification of findings/specifics/notes
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested
Determining the scope of the quality, environmental and
OH&S management system
4.4 OH&S management system
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 OH&S policy
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: MSECB Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification: Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 11 of 17
Status Audit Evidence of
7.5 Documented information
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
Additional requirement
Use of logo and trademark
4. Audit findings
The audit findings were communicated to the senior management of the organization during
the closing meeting. The final conclusion of the audit results and recommendation by the
audit team was also communicated to the management during the meeting.
A nonconformance that judgment and experience indicate is not likely to result in the
failure of the quality, environment and health & safety system or reduce its ability to assure
controlled processes or products. It may be either:
A failure in some part of the supplier's documented OHSMS relative to a requirement; or
A single observed lapse in following one item of a company’s OHSMS.
Observations (OBS)
Any issues which are likely to become a NC if not treated until the next audit are marked as
observations (OBS). No response is required.
If certain aspects which generally comply with the requirements of the standard should be
improved, then they are marked as opportunities for improvement (OFI). These OFIs help to
improve the management system as a whole or named processes. No response is required.
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 13 of 17
Please explain if there are major non-conformities found during the audit.
Please explain if there are minor non-conformities found during the audit.
4.4. Observations
Please list any noted observations or issues that can possibly turn to non-conformities.
Please list any noted opportunities for improvement without any specific recommendations for
Nonconformities detailed here need to be addressed through the organization’s corrective action
process, in accordance with the relevant corrective action requirements of the audit standard,
including actions to analyze the cause of the nonconformity, prevent recurrence, and complete the
maintained records.
Corrective actions to address the identified major nonconformities, shall be carried out immediately
and MSECB shall be notified of the actions taken within 30 days. To confirm the actions taken,
evaluate their effectiveness, and determine whether certification can be granted or continued, a
MSECB auditor will perform a follow up visit within 90 days.
Corrective actions to address the identified minor nonconformities shall be documented on an action
plan and be sent for review by the client to the auditor within 30 days. If the actions are deemed to be
satisfactory, they will be followed up during the next scheduled visit.
Nonconformities shall be addressed through the client’s corrective action process, including:
Actions taken to determine the extent of and contain the specific nonconformance.
Root Cause (results of an investigation to determine the most basic cause(s) of the
Actions taken to correct the nonconformance and, in response to the root cause, to
eliminate recurrence of the nonconformance.
Corrective action response shall be submitted to the MSECB Lead Auditor.
Client must maintain corrective action records, including objective evidence, for at
least three (3) years.
4.7. Uncertainty / obstacles that could affect the reliability of audit conclusions
Please specify.
4.8. Unresolved diverging opinions between the audit team & auditee
Please specify.
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 14 of 17
[Please describe if the management system has proven conformity with the requirements of
the audit standard and provided adequate structure to support implementation and
maintenance of the management system
demonstration of effective implementation and maintenance of MS
demonstration of established and tracking of proper key performance objectives
and targets
implementation of internal audit programme etc. ]
Has there been any serious deviation from the audit plan? (If yes, please Yes ☐ No ☐
Are there any significant issues impacting the audit program? (If yes, Yes ☐ No ☐
please specify)
Are there any significant changes affecting the management system since Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐
last audit took place? (If yes, please list the significant changes)
Are there any unresolved issues affecting the management system since Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐
last audit took place? (If yes, please list the unresolved issues)
The verification of the effectiveness of the corrective action taken regarding Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐
previously identified nonconformities has been performed and is
satisfactory (please list any comments if needed)
The internal audit and management review processes are in place and Yes ☐ No ☐
5.3. Recommendation
[Please recommend whether the management system of the organization being audited,
should be certified or not certified)
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 15 of 17
Note: If more than one nonconformity identified, please add additional nonconformity reports
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS (What failed in the system to allow this NC to occur ?)
CORRECTION & CORRECTIVE ACTION (What is done to solve this problem and to prevent
Important Note*
Certification Statement shall be
precise and include only the
audited sites and processes.
Excluded clauses in the audited
Management System (to be put
in the certificate)
DELIVERY ADDRESS (Note* This shall be the client’s address only)
Title (Mr., Ms.)
First name
Last name
ZIP/Postal code
Email address
06100-FO8-Audit Report_45001 Approver: SBOD
Owner: CM Approval date: 2022-02-01
Classification:Confidential | ACL: MSECB Staff Version: 2.0
Status: Released Page 17 of 17
Surveillance Plan
ISO 45001:2018
1: Initial Audit
2: Surveillance 1 Audit
3: Surveillance 2 Audit 1 2 3 4
4: Recertification Audit (202X) (202X) (202X) (202X)
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested
Determining the scope of the quality, environmental and
OH&S management system
4.4 OH&S management system
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 OH&S policy
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.4 Consultation and participation of workers
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response
9 Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
10 Improvement
10.1 General
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement
11 Additional requirements
Use of logo
List of documents included in the audited MS
For completed visits, mark “X” in the box for each clause/process covered.
For planned visits, mark “O” in the box for each clause/process to be covered.