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Requirements of SPA

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61G5-20.002 Salon Requirements.

(1) Definitions: For the purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:
(a) Clean means the removal of visible debris from a surfae suh as washing with soap!water"
(b) Disinfet means the use of a hemial to destry potential pathogens"
() #terli$e means the omplete destrution of all morobial life, ommonly ahieved through the use of heat and!or pressure"
(d) %et disinfetion ontainer means a tub or &ar with a lid, filled with disinfetant and large enough for all items to be
ompletely immersed"
(e) 'nfetion ontrol means the proess for reduing the ris( of spreading disease ausing pathogens"
()) *rior to opening a salon, the owner shall:
(a) #ubmit an appliation on forms presribed by the Department of +usiness and *rofessional ,egulation- and
(b) *ay the re.uired registration fee as outlined in the fee shedule in ,ule /1012)3"441, F"5"C"- and
() 6eet the safety and sanitary re.uirements as listed below and these re.uirements shall ontinue in full fore and effet for
the life of the salon:
1" 7entilation and Cleanliness: 8ah salon shall be (ept well ventilated" 9he walls, eilings, furniture and e.uipment shall be
(ept lean and free from dust" :air must not be allowed to aumulate on the floor of the salon" :air must be deposited in a overed
waste reeptale" 8ah salon whih provides servies for the e;tending or sulpturing of nails shall provide suh servies in a
separate area whih is ade.uately ventilated for the safe dispersion of all fumes resulting from the servies"
)" 9oilet and <avatory Failities: 8ah salon shall provide = on the premises or in the same building as, and within >44 feet of,
the salon = ade.uate toilet and lavatory failities" 9o be ade.uate, suh failities shall have at least one toilet and one sin( with
running water" #uh failities shall be e.uipped with toilet tissue, soap dispenser with soap or other hand leaning material, sanitary
towels or other hand2drying devie suh as a wall2mounted eletri blow dryer, and waste reeptale" #uh failities and all of the
foregoing fi;tures and omponents shall be (ept lean, in good repair, well2lighted, and ade.uately ventilated to remove
ob&etionable odors"
>" 5 salon, or speialty salon may be loated at a plae of residene" #alon failities must be separated from the living .uarters
by a permanent wall onstrution" 5 separate entrane shall be provided to allow entry to the salon other than from the living
.uarters" 9oilet and lavatory failities shall omply with subparagraph ())" above and shall have an entrane from the salon other
than the living .uarters"
3" 5nimals: ?o animals or pets shall be allowed in a salon, with the e;eption of servie animals and fish (ept in losed
1" #hampoo +owls: 8ah salon shall have shampoo bowls e.uipped with hot and old running water" 9he shampoo bowls shall
be loated in the area where osmetology servies are being performed" 5 speialty salon that e;lusively provides speialty
servies, as defined in #etion 3@@"41>(/), F"#", need not have a shampoo bowl, but must have a sin( or lavatory e.uipped with hot
and old running water on the premises of the salon"
(d) Comply with all loal building and fire odes" 9hese re.uirements shall ontinue in full fore and effet for the life of the
(>) 8ah salon shall omply with the following:
(a) <inens: 8ah salon shall (eep lean linens in a losed, dustproof abinet" 5ll soiled linens must be (ept in a losed
reeptale" #oiled linens may be (ept in open ontainers if entirely separated from the area in whih osmetology servies are
rendered to the publi" 5 sanitary towel or ne( strip shall be plaed around the patronAs ne( to avoid diret ontat of the shampoo
ape with a patronAs s(in"
(b) Containers: #alons must use ontainers for waving lotions and other preparations of suh type as will prevent ontamination
of the unused portion" 5ll reams shall be removed from ontainers by spatulas"
() Disinfetion: 9he use of a brush, omb or other artile on more than one patron without being disinfeted is prohibited" 8ah
salon is re.uired to have suffiient ombs, brushes, and implements to allow for ade.uate disinfeting praties" Combs or other
instruments shall not be arried in po(ets"
(d) Disinfetants: 5ll salons shall be e.uipped with and utili$e disinfeting solutions with hospital level disinfetant or 8*5
approved disinfetant, suffiient to allow for disinfeting praties"
1" 5 wet disinfetion ontainer is any reeptale ontaining a disinfetant solution and large enough to allow for a omplete
immersion of the artiles" 5 over shall be provided"
)" Disinfeting methods whih are effetive and approved for salons: First, lean artiles with soap and water, ompletely
immerse in a hemial solution that is hospital level or 8*5 approved disinfetant as follows:
a" Combs and brushes, remove hair first and immerse in hospital level or 8*5 approved disinfetant-
b" 6etalli instrument, immerse in hospital level for 8*5 approved disinfetant-
" 'nstruments with utting edge, wipe with a hospital level or 8*5 approved disinfetant- or
d" 'mplements may be immersed in a hospital level or 8*5 approved disinfetant solution"
e" #hampoo bowls, faial beds, and ne( rests, lean and disinfet between eah use"
>" For purposes of this rule, a hospital level disinfetant or 8*5 approved disinfetant shall mean the following:
a" For all ombs, brushes, metalli instruments, instruments with a utting edge, and implements that have not ome into ontat
with blood or body fluids, a disinfetant that indiates on its label that it has been registered with the 8*5 as a hospital grade
baterial, viruidal and fungiidal disinfetant-
b" For all ombs, brushes, metalli instruments with a utting edge, and implements that have ome into ontat with blood or
body fluids, a disinfetant that indiates on its label that it has been registered with the 8*5 as a disinfetant, in aordane with )B
C"F"," 1B14"14>4"
3" 5ll disinfetants shall be mi;ed and used aording to the manufaturerAs diretions"
(e) 5fter leaning and disinfeting, artiles shall be stored in a lean, losed abinet or ontainer until used" Cndisinfeted
artiles suh as pens, penils, money, paper, mail, et", shall not be (ept in the same ontainer or abinet" For the purpose of
reharging, rehargeable lippers may be stored in an area other than in a losed abinet or ontainer, provided suh area is lean and
provided the utting edges of suh lippers have been disinfeted"
(f) Cltra 7iolet 'rradiation may be used to store artiles and instruments after they have been leansed and disinfeted"
(g) *ediure 8.uipment Disinfetion:
9he following leaning and disinfetion proedures must be used for any pediure e.uipment that holds water, inluding sin(s,
bowls, basins, pipe2less spas, and whirlpool spas:
1" 5fter eah lient, all pediure units must be leaned with a low2foaming soap or detergent with water to remove all visible
debris, then disinfeted with an 8*5 registered hospital grade bateriidal, fungiidal, viruidal, and pseudomonaidal disinfetant
used aording to manufaturers instrutions for at least ten (14) minutes" 'f the pipe2free foot spa has a foot plate, it should be
removed and the area beneath it leaned, rinsed, and wiped dry"
)" 5t the end of eah day of use, the following proedures shall be used:
a" 5ll filter sreens in whirlpool pediure spas or basins for all types of foot spas must be disinfeted" 5ll visible debris in the
sreen and the inlet must be removed and leaned with a low2foaming soap or detergent and water" For pipe2free systems, the &et
omponents or foot plate must be removed and leaned and any debris removed" 9he sreen, &et, or foot plate must be ompletely
immersed in an 8*5 registered, hospital grade bateriidal, fungiidal, viruidal, and pseudomonaidal disinfetant that is used
aording to manufaturerAs instrutions" 9he sreen, &et, or foot plate must be replaed after disinfetion is ompleted and the
system is flushed with warm water and low2foaming soap for 1 minutes, rinsed, and drained"
b" 5fter the above proedures are ompleted, the basin should be filled with lean water and the orret amount of 8*5
registered disinfetant" 9he solution must be irulated through foot spa system for 14 minutes and the unit then turned off" 9he
solution should remain in the basin for at least / to 14 hours" +efore using the e.uipment again, the basin system must be drained
and flushed with lean water"
>" Dne eah wee(, subse.uent to ompleting the re.uired end2of2day leaning proedures, the basin must be filled with a
solution of water ontaining one teaspoon of 1")1E bleah for eah gallon of water" 9he solution must be irulated through the spa
system for 1 to 14 minutes and then the solution must sit in the basin for at least / hours" +efore use, the system must be drained and
3" 5 reord or log boo( ontaining the dates and times of all pediure leaning and disinfetion proedures must be doumented
and (ept in the pediure area by the salon and made available for review upon re.uest by a onsumer or a Department inspetor"
(3) ?o osmetology or speialty salon shall be operated in the same liensed spae alloation with any other business whih
adversely affets the sanitation of the salon, or in the same liensed spae alloation with a shool teahing osmetology or a
speialty liensed under Chapter 3@@, F"#", or in any other loation, spae, or environment whih adversely affets the sanitation of
the salon" 'n order to ontrol the re.uired spae and maintain proper sanitation, where a salon ad&oins suh other business or shool,
or suh other loation, spae or environment, there must be permanent walls separating the salon from the other business, shool,
loation, spae, or environment and there must be separate and distintly mar(ed entranes for eah"
(1) 8videne that the full salon ontains a minimum of )44 s.uare feet of floor spae" ?o more than two ()) osmetologists or
speialists may be employed in a salon whih has only the minimum floor spae"
(/) 5 speialty salon offering only one of the regulated speialties shall evidene a minimum of 144 s.uare feet used in the
performane of the speialty servie and shall meet all the sanitation re.uirements stated in this setion" ?o more than one speialist
or osmetologist may be employed in a speialty salon with only the minimum floor spae" 5n additional 14 s.uare feet will be
re.uired for eah additional speialist or osmetologist employed"
(@) For purposes of this rule, permanent wall means a vertial ontinuous struture of wood, plaster, masonry, or other similar
building material, whih is physially onneted to a salonAs floor and eiling, and whih serves to delineate and protet the salon"
Rulemaking Authority 477.016, 477.025(2) FS. La !m"lemente# 477.025 FS. $i%tory&'e 4(22()1, Amen#e# *(11()1, 1(17()+, )(10()+, 6(2)()4,
10(6()5, Formerly 21F(20.02, Amen#e# 6(1)()6, 10(1)()7, )(20(*0, 5(1*(*1, 1(+0(*2, 5(11(*2, 4(15(*+, 5(+1(*+, Formerly 21F(20.002, Amen#e#
1(*(*5, 4(5(*5, )()(*5, 2(2)(*6, 6(16(*7, )(27(*), 4(1+(**, )(1(05, *(6(06, 2(25(07, +(10(0), 4(+(1+, 6(10(1+.

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