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THE POINT OF KANT'S Axioms of Intuition PDF

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Pacic Philosophical Quarterly

86 (2005) 135159
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published by
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.







Critique of Pure Reason

makes important claims about
space, time and mathematics in both the Transcendental Aesthetic and
the Axioms of Intuition, claims that appear to overlap in some ways and
contradict in others. Various interpretations have been offered to resolve
these tensions; I argue for an interpretation that accords the Axioms of
Intuition a more important role in explaining mathematical cognition
than it is usually given. Appreciation for this larger role reveals that
magnitudes are central to Kants philosophy of mathematics and to the
part that intuition plays in it.


The section of Kants

Critique of Pure Reason

called Axioms of Intuition
deserves more attention than it has received. Those who have considered
it agree that it is intended to justify the application of mathematics to the
objects of experience. Some have held that the Axioms also concern
a specic part of pure mathematics. I do not think, however, that the full
role of the Axioms has been appreciated. I will argue that the point of the
Axioms is twofold, concerning not only the applicability of mathematics
but the possibility of any mathematical cognition whatsoever, whether
pure or applied, general or specic.


The interpretation for which I argue
clears up some potential confusions concerning the treatment of space,
time, and mathematics in the Transcendental Aesthetic and the Axioms.
Most importantly, perhaps, it allows us to see that the Axioms contain a
substantial contribution to Kants theory of mathematical cognition.
I will argue that a proper understanding of the point of the Axioms opens
up a new avenue of research into Kants philosophy of mathematics and
the role of intuition in it.


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

There are, I think, various reasons why the Axioms and the theory of
magnitudes appearing in it have not earned more attention. First, many
have held that Kants primary goal in the

Critique of Pure Reason

is to
respond to Humes skepticism about causation, a response that cul-
minates in the Second Analogy. Since the Axioms make little or no direct
contribution to the argument leading up to the Second Analogy, many
have passed over them without serious investigation.


Second, and more
importantly, the point of the Axioms is obscured by misunderstandings
concerning, on the one hand, the Transcendental Aesthetic treatment of
mathematics and of space and time, and on the other, the Axioms treat-
ment of them. Third, there is a tension between two goals of the Axioms.
On the one hand, the Axioms are part of the System of Principles, whose
role in the


is to articulate the conditions for any possible experi-
ence. On the other hand, the argument establishing those conditions
grounds a principle valid for all mathematical cognition whatsoever. This
result goes beyond the aims of the System of Principles and therefore
might be overlooked. Nevertheless, it is fundamental to Kants views on
mathematical cognition and cognition more generally, and he uses the
Axioms to present his views on mathematical cognition.


I will sort through these issues by focusing on two contrasts between
the Transcendental Aesthetic and the Axioms. Section 1 examines the role
of mathematics in the Aesthetic and the Axioms. I consider two accepted
strategies for resolving an apparent conict between them, which provides
the background for the rest of the paper. Section 2 takes up the treatment
of space and time in the Aesthetic and the Axioms. Here, too, there is an
apparent contradiction, which is resolved by appealing to Kants notion
of determinate mathematical representations. Section 3 examines Kants
views on mathematical determination in more detail. The results are put
to use in Section 4, which returns to the role of mathematics in the Axi-
oms and the Aesthetic and provides a new strategy for resolving the
apparent contradiction between them.

1: Mathematics in the Aesthetic and the Axioms

The title Axioms of Intuition is misleading. The section immediately
following the Axioms of Intuition, the Anticipations of Perception, argues
for a principle concerning intensive magnitudes. Kant calls the principles
of the Axioms and Anticipations mathematical; he explains that these
principles are not themselves mathematical but are called mathematical
because they explain the possibility of mathematical principles (A162/
B2012). The mathematical principles whose possibility is explained include
geometrical axioms, such as Euclids postulates. Nevertheless, the Axioms
of Intuition argue for just one principle that is not itself an axiom.


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Kant altered the formulation of the principle from the rst to the
second edition of the


. The principle in the A-edition is: All
appearances, according to their intuition, are extensive magnitudes.
In the B-edition it is: All intuitions are extensive magnitudes (A162/


The signicance of Kants reformulation of the principle will
be addressed in Section 4 below; for now, I will defer to the B-edition
Kant states that the Transcendental Aesthetic is a science of all prin-
ciples of

a priori

sensibility, that is, of the

a priori

forms of space and
time (A21/B35). Since he also states that geometry is a science that
determines the properties of space synthetically and

a priori

(B40), one
would naturally expect Kant to establish some claims of or about math-
ematics in the Aesthetic. Indeed, Kant attempts to establish important
features of space and time in the Aesthetic in addition to the fact that
they are

a priori

intuitions and mere forms of sensibility. For example,
he asserts that space and time can only be represented as single, that
many spaces or times can only be viewed as parts of the single unique
space or time and not as composing it, and that space and time are
represented as innite.
Moreover, geometry gures importantly in the B-editions transcenden-
tal exposition of the concept of space (and the A-editions third argument
concerning space corresponding to it), where Kant explains the possibil-
ity of geometry as synthetic

a priori

cognition (B401; A24). Kant also
appeals to geometry to establish with certainty and indubitability the
claim that space is an

a priori

form of intuition and hence a merely sub-
jective condition of all outer objects (A469/B636).
Finally, Kant draws a contrast between his claim that space and time
are ideal and the Leibnizian and Wolfan claim that space and time are
mere relations. The latter can neither explain the possibility of

a priori

mathematics nor bring the propositions of experience into necessary accord
with those assertions (A401/B57). Since space and time are ideal, and
hence all objects of the senses are mere appearances, the synthetic

a priori

propositions of geometry apply to (and only to) appearances (A389/B55


The transcendental ideality of space and time bring the propositions
of experience into necessary accord with the

a priori

propositions of
mathematics. The Aesthetic apparently concerns mathematics in various
ways: it argues for claims about the nature of space and time, explains the
possibility of geometry as synthetic

a priori

cognition, and explains the
applicability of geometry to appearances.
Kant seems to attribute some of the same roles to the Axioms of Intu-
ition, however. He states, for example, that the principle of the Axioms
makes pure mathematics applicable to objects of experience in its com-
plete precision (A165/B206). Kant also asserts that the application of
mathematics to experience rests on the principles of the Axioms and the


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Anticipations, and that the objective validity of mathematical principles
(which requires their applicability to objects of experience) is grounded in
these principles (A160/B199).
Moreover, Kant also seems to hold that the Axioms and the Anticipa-
tions ground the possibility of mathematical principles themselves. He
says, for example, that mathematical principles all acquire their pos-
sibility from the principles of the Axioms and Anticipations (A162/B202).
Kant refers to both roles when he states that he will include among the
synthetic principles of pure understanding those on which the possibility
and the objective validity of the latter [i.e. mathematical principles] are
grounded . . . (A160/B199). Kant has just nished explaining that math-
ematical principles rest on the synthetic principles of pure understanding
for their application to experience, thus their objective validity, indeed
the possibility of such synthetic

a priori

cognition . . . (A15960/B1989).
The second role for the Axioms is reinforced by Kants claim that they
provide the principle of the possibility of axioms

in general

, about
which he says: For even the possibility of mathematics must be shown in
transcendental philosophy (A733/B761).
One might think that Kants references to the possibility of mathemat-
ical principles are to the possibility of their applicability. In that case, the
Axioms would only concern the applicability of mathematical principles
after all. However, I think that the context of the passages from A15960/
B1989 show that by



a priori

cognition Kant means the

a priori

cognitions that belong to mathematics itself, not cog-
nition of their applicability. Furthermore, the discussion at A733/B761
fairly unambiguously refers to the possibility of mathematical principles


Finally, The Axioms include a discussion of arithmetical and geo-
metrical propositions and the status of axioms, which concerns math-
ematics itself rather than its applicability.


Thus, the Axioms as well as the
Aesthetic seem to concern both the possibility of and the application of
the synthetic

a priori

propositions of mathematics. Kants assertions can
give the impression that the Axioms are a redundant reworking of what
was established in the Aesthetic, and this has been the opinion of some


Faced with this difculty, one naturally looks for a difference between
the Aesthetic and the Axioms that accords each its own role and corre-
sponds to some very general division in mathematics. One strategy claims
that the Aesthetic concerns the synthetic

a priori

status of pure mathe-
matics, while the Axioms establish the validity of applying mathematics to


This suggestion has the virtue of corresponding to a distinc-
tion in modern treatments of mathematics that also appears in Kant. In
fact, the issue of the applicability of mathematics was forced on Kant by
Christian Wolff and his followers. They wished to avoid conict between


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

the conclusions of mathematics and metaphysics, and in particular, the con-
ict between the geometrical proof of the innite divisibility of extension
and the monadology. They did so by claiming the ideality of space and
denying that mathematics applies to metaphysical reality.


In the last para-
graph of the Axioms, Kant is at pains to refute the claim that mathematics
does not apply to the objects of experience. As just noted, however, the
Aesthetic already asserts the applicability of mathematics to experience;
furthermore, the Axioms seem to concern the possibility of mathematics
itself, not just its application.


To shore up this strategy, one might assign different dates of composi-
tion to the two sections. One could then claim that the Aesthetic reects
a less mature view concerning the applicability of mathematics, a view
that Kant supplements and corrects in the Axioms.


This solution is
dubious, however. If the Axioms reected Kants mature position and
were inconsistent with the Aesthetic, we should presume that he would
have altered the latter, or at the very least given us some indication that
the Axioms supercede the Aesthetic on this issue. Kant does neither
through two editions. Thus, the strategy of assigning pure mathematics
to the Aesthetic and applied mathematics to the Axioms is not as attrac-
tive as it might at rst seem. This is not to say that Kant doesnt distin-
guish between pure and applied mathematics, only that this does not
distinguish the treatment of mathematics in the Aesthetic from that in the


A more promising strategy for distinguishing between the two treat-
ments is that the Aesthetic establishes some general topological features
of space and time, and hence of the objects that appear in them, while the
Axioms establish that a metric can be applied to space and time, and
hence to the objects that appear in them.


The intended features of space
and time do not correspond to the modern understanding of topological
properties they are general features of space and time such as their
singularity and innity and the fact that the parts of space and time can
only be viewed as parts of a single unique space or time, not as composing
them. Kant claims in the Aesthetic that space and time have these general
features, lending support to this line of thought. Furthermore, it is plaus-
ible that the introduction of a metric into space and time explains the
applicability of mathematics in all its precision. This interpretation has
the virtue of corresponding, at least in rough, to a modern conception of
a possible division within mathematics between more general mathemat-
ical claims on the one hand and more specic sorts of mathematical
claims on the other.
There is, however, another tension between the Aesthetic and the
Axioms. A resolution of that tension will lead to a different understanding
of the point of the Axioms and a better account of the difference between
the Aesthetic and Axioms treatments of mathematics.


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

2: Space and time in the Aesthetic and the Axioms

The Aesthetic claims that space and time can only be represented as
single and all-encompassing and in such a way that their parts cannot
precede them. The Aesthetic argues that for this reason the original rep-
resentations of space and time are intuitions (A245/B39, A312/B47).
The Axioms assert that all intuitions are extensive magnitudes and that
an extensive magnitude is one for which the representation of the parts
makes possible the representation of the whole (and therefore necessarily
precedes the latter) (A162/B203). But space and time are intuitions.
Hence, we have an apparent contradiction between the two texts: space
and time can only be represented in such a way that the whole precedes
the parts, and yet the representation of the parts makes possible and
precedes the representation of the whole.


I will call this the part-whole
priority problem.
One might think that the Aesthetics and Axioms accounts of the
representation of space are indeed contradictory and that this contradic-
tion is a sign of tensions in Kants views or even a deep aw in Kants


It would be more sympathetic, however, to hold that the
account Kant offers in the Aesthetic suppresses the role of the under-
standing in order to focus on sensibility. In this reading, Kant provides an
incomplete account in the Aesthetic, which he elaborates in the Axioms
once he is in a position to discuss the contributions of the understanding
to cognition.


There is good evidence that Kant gives a provisional account of space
and time in the Aesthetic. Kant asserts that in the Aesthetic he will iso-
late sensibility by separating off everything that the understanding thinks
through its concepts (A22/B36). A footnote to 26 of the B-Deduction
indicates what Kant has in mind. Kant draws a distinction between the
form of intuition and the formal intuition of space or time. The latter
contains a unity in the representation of space or time, and that unity pre-
supposes a synthesis by means of which the understanding determines
sensibility. Yet that unity precedes all concepts and belongs to space and
time, not to the understanding. Kant states that in the Aesthetic I ascribed
this unity merely to sensibility, only in order to note that it precedes all
concepts . . . (B1601n). He thereby explicitly acknowledges that a full
account of our representations of space and time departs from that given
in the Aesthetic. At the same time, he indicates that the unity of space
and time presupposes the activity of the understanding, while claiming
that this unity is prior to concepts. Thus, understanding provides a unity
to our representations of space and time but does so without the use of
concepts, and this is what Kant thinks allows him to isolate sensibility in
the Aesthetic and to abstract from what the understanding thinks through


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

One might react to this elaboration of his account by declaring that
Kant is papering over what is in fact a deep tension; he ought not to
assert that he can isolate sensibility from the understanding, and the only
recourse is to abandon Kants Aesthetic account of space in favor of that
outlined in the Axioms.


I think, however, that this is to give up too
easily. Kant clearly thinks that the priority of the whole over parts is
not only a fundamental property of intuition, but one that can support a
crucial argument in the Aesthetic. The account of our representations of
space in the Transcendental Analytic is no doubt an elaboration of Kants
views in the Aesthetic in light of the role of the understanding, but we
should resist a repudiation of the Aesthetics important claims if there is
an alternative.
We are presented with an alternative once we see that in Kants view, the
Aesthetic concerns space and time as given intuitions, while the Axioms
concern determinate spaces and times that is, geometrical gures,
durations, and the spatial and temporal features of appearances. Con-
sideration of space and time as given intuitions treats them as representations
of our sensible faculty abstracted from the concepts of the understanding
as well as from all empirical content (A22). According to Kant, this
leaves us with

a priori

representations of space and time as single and
all-encompassing, representations in which their parts cannot precede the
whole. In contrast, concepts of the understanding are employed in the
cognition of


spaces and times. In Kants view, the conditions
for cognizing a


space or time requires that the representation
of its parts precedes the representation of the whole. The conditions for
representing space and time as given intuitions are therefore quite differ-
ent from the conditions for cognizing determinate spaces and times.
This resolution of the part-whole priority problem rests upon Kants
account of the conditions of representing space and time as given intui-
tions and the conditions of cognizing determinate spaces and times, a dis-
tinction rooted in his theory of cognition. It is a resolution that has been
endorsed by various commentators.


Nevertheless, I think its implica-
tions for the role of mathematics in the Aesthetic and the Axioms have
not been fully appreciated, for this resolution also allows us to distinguish
the role of mathematics in each without appeal to a distinction within
mathematics between either pure and applied mathematics or topological
and metrical mathematical properties.


I will argue that in Kants view,
mathematics consists of mathematical cognitions, which are grounded in
our cognition of


spaces and times, a determination that is
carried out by the understanding. Thus, the Axioms explanation of the
possibility of the synthetic

a priori

cognitions of mathematics takes into
account the particular contributions of the understanding. Moreover, the
Axioms concern the possibility of all mathematical cognition, whether pure
or applied, topological or metrical. In contrast, the Aesthetic explanation


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

of the possibility of synthetic

a priori

cognitions is more general in the
sense that it abstracts from the particular contributions of the under-
standing. Furthermore, the Aesthetic concerns the possibility of synthetic

a priori

cognitions more generally, not just the synthetic

a priori

of mathematics, although the latter serve as paradigm examples. The
remainder of the paper will esh out these claims.

3: Determination, construction, and mathematics

Kants notion of a determinate space or time rests upon a broad theory
of determination that has its roots in the philosophy of Christian Wolff
and Alexander Baumgarten, which is in turn based on Leibniz.


In that
theory, something is determined with respect to a property if it either has
or does not have that property, and the property is called a determina-
tion. A predicate is a concept that belongs to the concept of a thing when
the determination designated by the predicate belongs to the thing.


example, the predicate-concepts blue and rectangular belong to the
concept of the book on my table when the determinations blue and rectan-
gular belong to the book on my table.
Wolff and Baumgarten incorporate Leibnizs doctrine of the complete
concept of a thing in their principle of thoroughgoing determination:
for a thing to be an individual is to be determined with respect to every
possible pair of contradictory predicates.


In Baumgarten, Wolff, and
Leibniz, the thoroughgoing determination of an individual with respect
to concepts exhausts the possible determinations of a thing.
Kant says of both a concept and a thing that they are determined with
respect to contradictorily opposed predicate-concept pairs. According to
Kants principle of the determinability of concepts,

at most

one of two
contradictorily opposed concepts can apply to a concept, which follows
from the principle of contradiction. According to Kants version of the
principle of thoroughgoing determination,

at least

one of every pair of
contradictorily opposed concepts must apply to a thing. Kant calls this
the principle of the synthesis of all predicates which are to make up the
complete concept of a thing . . . (A572/B600).
Kant has both an ontological and an epistemological sense of determi-
nation. In the ontological sense, the concept of a thing is determined with
respect to a predicate-pair when the thing has one of the properties expressed
by the predicate-pair. In the epistemological sense, the concept of a thing
is determined in my cognition of the thing when I attribute a predicate
concept to it in a judgment; for example, when I judge that the book on
my table is rectangular.


Although Kant adopts the general framework of the theory of determi-
nation, he fundamentally alters it. In his view, the Leibnizian-Wolfan


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

tradition treats intuitive representations of sensibility as merely confused
conceptual representations of the understanding. It therefore overlooks
the fundamental difference between concepts and intuitions and the
unique contribution intuitions make to cognition (A2701/B3267).
Kant nevertheless retains the view that determination is a matter of
applying concepts. In cognizing an object, we determine the concept of
the object through an act of the understanding. Sensibility plays the pas-
sive role of being determinable.


Kant builds on this fundamental departure from the Wolfan theory of
determination to give a radically different account of the determination
of spaces and times. Kants discussions in the B-Deduction, the Axioms
of Intuition, and the Discipline of Pure Reason show that Kant thinks of
determinate spaces as lines and surfaces that we are capable of drawing in
thought (B1378, A1623/B203, and A715/B743). A line, circle, and cone
constructed in Euclidean geometry are paradigm examples. Determinate
spaces also constitute the spatial properties of objects. In 26 of the B-
Deduction, Kant states that we, as it were, draw the shape of a house when
we apprehend it [zeichne gleichsam seine Gestalt] (B162), suggesting that
a determinate space constitutes part of our representation of the house.
The Axioms conrm this; they argue that the apprehension of an appear-
ance is possible only by means of a synthesis through which the represen-
tations of a determinate space or time are generated (B202). Determinate
spaces therefore comprise any spatial gure that can be drawn in
thought as well as Euclidean gures constructible in accordance with a
straight-edge and compass.
Following Baumgartens metaphysics, Kant divides determinations into
inner and outer determinations; that is, determinations that belong to
the object alone, and relations between the object and other objects. The
determinate space of a house is an inner determination. A full determination
of the spatial properties of an object will include its outer determinations
as well and hence its spatial relations to other objects. The inner determina-
tions of an object, however, are primary and include a determinate space.
Kant says less in this context about determinate times, but an analo-
gous account would construe a determinate time as the relative temporal
ordering and duration of states of an object, to the extent that they can
be determined independently of other objects. In contrast, the outer tem-
poral determinations would be the temporal duration and ordering of an
object and its states relative to other objects. The conditions for the deter-
mination of these relations are further specied in the Analogies.
Determination involves a combination or synthesis, and the determina-
tion that generates a determinate space or time is quite special. The act of
understanding involved is called gurative synthesis and is carried out on
the manifold of space and time in the productive imagination. It is only
through this synthesis that a determinate intuition is possible:


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

. . . inner sense . . . contains the mere


of intuition, but without combination of the
manifold in it, and thus does not contain any determinate intuition at all, which is possible
only through the consciousness of the determination of the manifold through the transcen-
dental action of imagination (synthetic inuence of the understanding on the inner sense),
which I have named the gurative synthesis (B154).

Kant emphasizes that inner sense, that is, time as a mere form of intui-
tion, does not itself contain any determinate intuition. The representation
of a determinate intuition requires the action of the understanding on
inner sense, which runs through the parts of a space or time to be repre-
sented. Here as elsewhere, Kant cites as examples the drawing of a line
and the outlining of a circle (B154, B203).


The representations of the
parts themselves are generated through a successive synthesis, which begins
from a point, and the representation of the whole determinate space or
time presupposes a representation of these parts (B203).
Kant further elaborates his views on the generation of determinate spaces
and times in his doctrine of the construction of concepts. Kant denes
construction as that by means of which an

a priori

intuition correspond-
ing to a concept is exhibited [dargestellt] (A713/B741). Kant states that
through construction, mathematics considers a concept

in concreto

, because
exhibiting an intuition

a priori

corresponding to the concept provides
it with an object. That which follows from the general conditions of the
construction holds generally for the objects constructed (A715/B743).
As already noted, Euclidean straight-edge and compass constructions
are paradigm examples of determinate spaces, but Kant extends the
notion of construction to include any gures that can be generated by
the drawing of a line or the sweeping out of a line to generate a surface.
The notion of determination and a special mathematical synthesis is at
the heart of his conception of construction. In the Postulates of Empirical
Thought, Kant argues that a thing is only possible if its concept agrees
with the conditions of experience. He states as an example that the impos-
sibility that two straight lines enclose a gure rests not on the concept
itself, but on its construction in space, i.e., on the conditions of space and
the determination of it (A221/B268).


In the Analogies, Kant claims
that the mathematical principles of the Axioms and Anticipations teach
us, concerning appearances, how:

. . . both their intuition and the real in their perception could be generated in accordance
with rules of a mathematical synthesis, hence how in both cases number-magnitudes, and
with them, the determination of appearance as magnitude, could be used. E. g., I would be
able to compose and determine

a priori

, i.e., construct, the degree of the sensation of sun-
light out of about 200,000 illuminations from the moon (A1789/B221).

In this passage, Kant glosses construction as

a priori

composition and
determination. In the Discipline of Pure Reason, Kant states that the


2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

form of intuition (space and time) can be cognized and determined com-
pletely a priori. He then adds that with regard to space and time
. . . we can determine our concepts a priori in intuition, for we create the objects themselves
in space and time through homogeneous synthesis, considering them merely as quanta . . .
[this] is the use of reason through the construction of concepts . . . (A723/B751).
The role of determination in construction is brought out especially well in
38 of Prolegomena, where Kant discusses the mathematical basis of the
laws of nature:
Space is something so uniform [gleichfrmiges] and as to all particular properties so
indeterminate that we should certainly not seek a store of laws of nature in it. On the other
hand, that which determines space to assume the form of a circle, or the gures of a cone
and a sphere, is the understanding, so far as it contains the ground of the unity of their
The mere universal form of intuition, called space, must therefore be the substratum of
all intuitions determinable to particular objects; and in it, of course, the condition of
the possibility and of the variety of these intuitions lies (Ak.4:321).
Space as a given intuition is indeterminate; it is determined through a
construction of a concept such as the concept of a circle, cone, or
The fact that Kant rests construction on mathematical determination
has important consequences for his conception of mathematics. Since
Euclidean geometry requires construction of concepts, geometry depends
upon the determination of spaces. Arithmetic also depends upon a con-
struction of number-magnitudes in pure intuition, as does algebra.
In fact, Kant delimits the eld of mathematics by appeal to construc-
tion. In the Discipline of Pure Reason, Kant makes clear that mathematics
consists of mathematical cognitions. He states that mathematical and
philosophical cognitions are not distinguished by their objects, but by the
method according to which they are established, and that the method of
mathematical cognition is the construction of concepts, while the method
of philosophical cognition is rational cognition through concepts alone.
Kant explicitly warns against delimiting mathematics and philosophy by
their objects. He gives examples of objects that are considered by both:
magnitudes, in particular their totality and innity, lines, spaces, and the
continuity of extension (i.e., its innite divisibility) (A7145/B7423).
Even a motion as a description [Beschreibung] of space, i.e., a gurative
synthesis in productive imagination exemplied by the drawing of a line
belongs not only to geometry but to philosophy (B155n). Mathematics
thus consists of those cognitions established through the construction of
concepts, and only those cognitions. Hence, mathematics only consists of
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
cognitions which ultimately rest on a determination of intuition through
a gurative synthesis.
This may come as a surprise, for as we saw in Section 1, Kant calls
geometry the science that determines the properties of space synthetically
and a priori. This suggests that any synthetic a priori truth about the
nature of space (at least those that are not clearly epistemological in
character, for example that space is ideal) should belong to mathematics.
Thus, one would think that the claims of the Aesthetic that space is single
and innite belong to mathematics in virtue of the fact that they are gen-
eral truths about space. This line of thought, however, delimits geometry
by its object rather than the method through which its cognitions are
established, and hence violates Kants emphatic demarcation of mathe-
matics and philosophy. If, for example, the singularity and innitude of
space can be established through construction, then these claims will
belong to geometry; otherwise not. The same condition holds for the
purported claims of any other eld of mathematics.
This is not to say that we cannot consider whether either mathematics
as a whole or sub-elds of mathematics concern a particular sort of object.
The point is that one cannot start with the objects to demarcate mathe-
matics. Once we have delimited which cognitions count as mathematical,
we are free to consider whether there are objects particular to mathematics
(or whether geometry can be distinguished from arithmetic, for example).
Kant does identify a kind of object particular to mathematics, as we will
see below.
4: Determination, magnitudes, and intuition in the Axioms
Kants broadest division of the Critique is into the Doctrine of Elements
and the Doctrine of Method. Since Kant demarcates mathematics accord-
ing to its method, his account of construction appears in the latter section.
The former section includes the Transcendental Aesthetic the Transcen-
dental Analytic, and the Transcendental Dialectic; the rst two contain
most of the positive presentation of his views. As we have seen, in Kants
account the determination of our cognitions requires the application of
concepts of the understanding. Since the Aesthetic concerns sensibil-
ity in abstraction from what understanding thinks through its concepts, a
treatment of the determination of our cognitions does not belong in the
That treatment can only be given within the Analytic, whose
purpose is to explain the contributions of the understanding together
with the contributions of sensibility. Thus, the Analytic would be the
proper home of a positive account of mathematical cognition.
The Analytic contains a systematic presentation of all the synthetic
principles that ow a priori from pure concepts of the understanding
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
under the sensible conditions of the forms of space and time (A136/
B175). Kant holds that these principles are nothing other than rules for
the objective use of the categories. Given Kants classication of the cate-
gories, one would presume that a general treatment of mathematics would
fall under the categories of quantity. The Axioms of Intuition correspond
to the categories of quantity. Furthermore, as noted earlier, the Axioms
and the Anticipations of Perception are called the mathematical prin-
ciples, and they concern extensive and intensive magnitudes, respectively.
Since the principle of the Axioms asserts that all intuitions are extensive
magnitudes, one would expect to nd a treatment of mathematical deter-
mination, and hence of mathematical cognition, that depends on the con-
cept of magnitude.
In fact, the concept of magnitude does play this
central role.
Kant distinguishes between two kinds of magnitude in the Axioms:
quanta and quantitas. These notions and the distinction between them are
at the heart of Kants theory of magnitude; for our present purposes,
however, we can pass over the differences between them.
What is import-
ant at present is that Kant states the following:
Now of all intuition none is given a priori except the mere form of appearances, space and
time, and a concept of these, as quanta, can be exhibited a priori in pure intuition, i.e.
constructed . . . (A720/B748).
Thus, in Kants view, concepts of space and time can be exhibited in a priori
intuition, and hence constructed, if they are constructed as quanta, that is,
under a concept of magnitude. In his discussion of algebra, it is quantitas
that is constructed; that is, algebra is also constructed under a concept of
magnitude (A717/B745). In a passage already cited above concerning the
difference between mathematical and philosophical cognition, Kant asserts
the centrality of the concept of magnitude in mathematical construction:
. . . the form of intuition (space and time) . . . can be cognized and determined completely
a priori . . . With regard to the [form of intuition] we can determine our concepts a priori
in intuition, for we create the objects themselves in space and time through homogeneous
synthesis, considering them merely as quanta. . . . [this] is the use of reason through con-
struction of concepts . . . (A723/B751).
Kant holds that we can construct the concept of magnitude itself. He
goes much further, however. When he discusses the demarcation between
mathematics and philosophy, Kant states that mathematical cognition
only concerns magnitudes:
The form of mathematical cognition is the cause of its [i.e. mathematics] having solely
to do with quanta. For only the concept of magnitudes [Gren] can be constructed, i.e.
exhibited a priori in intuition (A7145/B7423).
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Kant states that mathematics concerns only magnitudes, because only
concepts of magnitudes can be constructed.
In other passages we have
examined, Kant refers to constructing concepts of Euclidean gures,
such as the concept of a circle or cone. We see here that whatever is
constructed must fall under the concept of magnitude; in other words, the
concept constructed must itself be the concept of magnitude or fall under
the concept of magnitude.

As we saw in the previous section, Kant insists that we demarcate
mathematics not by its objects but by the method of establishing mathe-
matical cognitions. We can nevertheless identify the restricted range of
objects that result from the construction of concepts. All mathematical
cognition, and as a consequence all of mathematics, requires a determina-
tion through construction of a concept that falls under the concept of
Kant says almost nothing about construction in the Axioms, but he
does discuss the role of the concept of magnitude and the conditions for
cognizing determinate spaces and times. Kant denes a magnitude as a
homogeneous manifold in intuition in general. In the course of his argu-
ment, Kant contends that determinate spaces or times are generated
through the synthesis of a homogeneous manifold in intuition, that is,
a synthesis through which space and time in general are determined
A determinate space or time are generated through the syn-
thesis of the homogeneous manifold of space or time, which falls under the
concept of magnitude, and the product of that synthesis is a determinate
Furthermore, the synthesis requires that the homogeneous
manifold be represented in intuition. Kant has articulated an important
condition of any mathematical cognition whatsoever.
Kants larger argument turns on the claim that the apprehension of an
appearance rests on the very same synthesis that generates a determinate
space or time for the appearance (B202, B203). It is this fact that guarantees
the applicability of mathematics to experience (A166/B207, A224/B271).
These two results turn on the contribution of the understanding to deter-
mining our cognition. Together they give content to Kants claim that the
Axioms of Intuition establish the applicability of mathematics while also
demonstrating the possibility of mathematical cognition itself (A15960/
B1989, A733/B761).

5: Synthetic a priori cognition and mathematics
in the Aesthetic
We are now in a position to distinguish the Aesthetic treatment of math-
ematics from that in the Axioms. The Aesthetic is not concerned with
the contributions of the understanding or explaining the possibility of
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
mathematical determination. Instead, the Aesthetic focuses on the contri-
bution of sensibility in making synthetic a priori cognition possible. The
question is how it is possible to have a priori cognition that goes beyond
what is analytically contained in concepts. The answer is that space and
time are a priori intuitions: that space and time are intuitions provides an
extra-conceptual connection between concepts; the fact that they are a priori
makes it possible for a priori cognitions to arise from them (B73). It is this
sense of possibility that is at issue in the Aesthetic, and the explanation
extends beyond mathematical cognitions to all synthetic a priori cognitions,
although mathematics contains paradigm examples of such cognitions:
Time and space are accordingly two sources of cognition, from which different synthetic
cognitions can be drawn a priori, of which especially pure mathematics in regard to the
cognitions of space and its relations provides a splendid example (A389/B556; see also
The possibility of mathematical determination, and hence the apprehen-
sion of appearances, presupposes that synthetic a priori cognitions are
possible in the sense explained in the Aesthetic, for without pure intu-
itions mathematical determination would not be possible. This sense of
possibility explained in the Aesthetic nevertheless omits the more par-
ticular conditions of mathematical cognition.
Similarly, the Aesthetic explanation of the applicability of mathematics
only considers the contribution of sensibility. The ideality of space and
time explains the possibility of a priori knowledge of their properties, but
it thereby also explains why mathematics applies (and only applies) to
those objects (A26/B42, B73, see also A149/B188).
I have appealed to mathematical determination to distinguish between
the treatment of mathematics in the Aesthetic and in the Axioms. One
might think that the exclusion of mathematical determination from the
Aesthetic is inconsistent with the transcendental exposition of the con-
cept of space, whose argument presupposes that we have determinate
geometrical cognitions and seeks to explain its possibility (B40-1). In my
account, however, the Aesthetic is only precluded from explaining or
appealing to the cognitive conditions for the mathematical determination
of geometrical gures. The argument does not turn on how geometry
arrives at its synthetic a priori cognitions, only on the fact that geometry
consists of them. For evidence of this fact, Kant refers the reader to the
Introduction; the synthetic character of geometrical cognitions follows
from a consideration of the content of the concepts involved in a few rep-
resentative mathematical propositions, while their apriority is established
by appeal to their necessity and strict universality (B4, B1417). At no
point does Kant appeal to the nature of mathematical determination or
explain how the synthetic a priori claims arise.
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
A similar worry could be raised concerning the general topological
properties of space and time Kant argues for in the metaphysical exposi-
tions; one might think that Kant at least tacitly appeals to the deter-
minate cognitions of geometry when he argues that space is single and
innite. Recall, however, that mathematics and philosophy are demar-
cated by their method, not by their objects, and that philosophy and
mathematics concern some of the same objects, including space. Thus, the
same claim concerning space might be demonstrated both philosophically
and mathematically. Euclids third construction postulate, which asserts
that a nite straight line can always be continued in a straight line, entails
that space continues in every direction ad innitum, a conclusion which
therefore belongs to geometry. That does not, however, preclude it from
also being established in philosophy as well. More importantly, even if
Kant tacitly appeals to mathematics to establish this claim, the Aesthetic
would be relying on a result of mathematics, not on an account of the
mathematical determination required to establish it. Only the latter would
overstep the proper scope of the Aesthetic.
It is in precisely this light that I think we should understand an altera-
tion in the metaphysical deduction between the A and B-editions. In the
A-edition, Kant makes a claim about the determination of magnitudes to
argue that space is an intuition:
5) Space is represented as a given innite magnitude. A general concept of space (which is
common to a foot as well as an ell) can determine nothing in respect to magnitude. If there
were not boundlessness in the progress of intuition, no concept of relations could bring
with it a principle of their innity (A25).
In the B-edition Kant replaces this with an argument that only appeals to
the nature of conceptual representation, and makes no mention of deter-
mination. Kant, I think, removed the rst argument because it depended
on a claim about the determination of magnitude, a claim that he is not
in a position to either explain or defend in the Aesthetic if he is going to
abstract from the contributions of the understanding.
6: Kants formulation of the Axioms principle
I would like to anticipate two further objections to my interpretation of
the distinction between the Aesthetics and Axioms treatment of mathe-
matics. It was inspired by the resolution of the part-whole problem. The
Axioms argue for the principle that all intuitions are extensive magni-
tudes, and they dene an extensive magnitude as one in which the repre-
sentation of the parts precedes and is presupposed by the representation
of the whole. Since space and time are intuitions, this principle applies to
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
them. The Aesthetic, however, claims the contrary: space and time are
represented as single and all-encompassing and are represented in such
a way that their parts cannot precede them. We avoided this impasse by
restricting the Axioms to a claim about determinate spaces and times,
while the Aesthetic concerns space and time as given intuitions. Hence,
the principle should be: all determinate intuitions are extensive magni-
tudes. Yet this is not how Kant formulates it; why should we not take
him at his word?
There is a two-part response to this worry. First, the context of the
Axioms implicitly restricts Kants claim in the Axioms to determinate
intuitions. As noted earlier, the System of Principles includes conditions
for the cognition of appearances in accordance with the categories (A149/
B188). Since such cognition is a determination, the principles are condi-
tions that govern our determination of appearances. The context of the
Axioms principle is sufcient to restrict it to determinate intuitions.
Second, our analysis of the argument in 4 above conrms the restriction, for
the argument that the representation of the parts precedes the representa-
tion of the whole appeals to the successive synthesis of space and time
required for the representation of a line, for example, or a determinate
time. Thus, the argument can at best establish that determinate spaces and
times and appearances are extensive magnitudes; it cannot establish that
space and time as given intuitions are extensive magnitudes.
Since the result of determining space or time as a given intuition is
an extensive magnitude, it is tempting to think that space and time are
themselves extensive magnitudes, especially if all magnitudes are either
extensive or intensive. That is not Kants view, however, for only deter-
minate magnitudes are either extensive or intensive, as the arguments of
the Axioms and the Anticipations show. Space and time as given intuitions
are represented as magnitudes in virtue of containing a homogeneous
manifold in intuition. Nevertheless, they are not determined, and hence
are neither extensive nor intensive.
A nal worry concerns the point of the Axioms. The System of Prin-
ciples clearly focuses on the conditions for the cognition of objects of ex-
perience. Kant states, for example, in introducing the System of Principles,
that [e]xperience . . . has principles of its form which ground it a priori,
namely, general rules of unity in the synthesis of appearances . . . (A156
7/B195-6). Kant adds that the supreme principle of all synthetic a priori
judgments is that every object stands under the necessary conditions of
the synthetic unity of the manifold of intuition in a possible experience. The
focus on principles of experience would seem to restrict the role of the
Axioms to explaining the applicability of mathematics to the objects of
experience. The possibility of mathematics itself is simply not on the table.
As I have pointed out, however, Kant also describes the Analytic as
containing a systematic presentation of all the synthetic principles of pure
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
understanding, that is, those synthetic principles that ow a priori from
pure concepts of the understanding under the sensible conditions of the
forms of space and time (A136/B175). This more general description of
the Analytic clearly encompasses principles of mathematical determina-
tion. Furthermore, as we saw in 4 above, the Axioms argument rests on
a sub-argument that all determinate intuitions are extensive magnitudes.
Kant has argued for and is entitled to this claim, which goes beyond
establishing a principle of experience and has important consequences
for the nature of mathematical cognition. If Kant is going to provide an
account of mathematical cognition (other than that part which directly
concerns mathematical method), the Axioms are the natural place for it.
There is, however, a tension between the narrower and broader aims of
the Analytic that surfaces in the Axioms, which led Kant to alter his for-
mulation of the principle from the A- to the B-edition. In keeping with
the narrower aim of establishing a principle of possible experience, Kant
focuses on the taking up of appearances into empirical consciousness
and on the apprehension of appearances that makes experience possible.
The A-edition version, All appearances, according to their intuition,
are extensive magnitudes, does nothing to dispel the impression that the
principle is only about appearances whose apprehension constitutes experi-
ence. The B-edition version, All intuitions are extensive magnitudes,
more clearly states the broader conclusion, which includes all determinate
intuitions and not merely those which underlie appearances.
Hence, the
point of the Axioms is twofold: they establish both a principle of experi-
ence and a principle concerning the nature of any mathematical cognition
Kants critical philosophy, and above all his account of synthetic a priori
knowledge, is strongly inuenced by his understanding of mathematics
and especially geometry. Despite its importance, however, Kant distri-
butes his account of mathematics across the Critique: the Introduction
provides reasons to think that mathematics consists of synthetic a priori
cognitions, the Aesthetic and Axioms articulate conditions of mathemat-
ical cognition, and the Discipline of Pure Reason presents its method.
Kants presentation and the larger aims of the Critique can easily lead to
misunderstandings of the point of the Axioms that obscure his views on
the nature of mathematical cognition. If we think that the Axioms are
restricted to arguing for either the applicability of mathematics to objects
of experience or the possibility of introducing a metric into space and
time, we may miss the fact that the principle of Axioms concerns any
mathematical cognition whatsoever. Correcting these misunderstandings
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
claries the treatment of mathematics and space and time in the Aesthetic
and the Axioms. It also allows us to see that magnitudes are at the heart
of Kants philosophy of mathematics, that intuition plays an important
role in allowing us to represent magnitudes, and that Kants theory of
magnitudes warrants further investigation.

Department of Philosophy
University of Illinois at Chicago
I will use Axioms to refer to the section by that name, which argues for just one
synthetic principle of the pure understanding; for grammatical reasons I will henceforth
treat it as a plural.
See Peter Strawson, (1989, p. 3) and Robert Paul Wolff (1963, pp. 228231, p. 238) for
explicit articulations of this view. More recently, Sebastian Gardner has stated that . . . the
section which is crucial for the Critiques legitimation of the metaphysics of experience is
the Analogies of Experience (supplemented by the Refutation of Idealism) . . . the Axioms
and Anticipations make a relatively slight (and uncontentious) contribution to Kants
objectivity argument . . . (1999, p. 166). Gardner accordingly gives the Axioms relatively
little attention.
While neglect of the Axioms of Intuition is the norm, it is not universal. Michael
Friedman devotes attention to Kants notions of quanta and quantitas, which are discussed
in the Axioms and elsewhere (1992, Chapter 2). My own views have beneted greatly from
his work. My approach differs from his, however, in focusing above all on the Axioms, and
in this paper, in explaining the point of the Axioms in order to highlight the importance of
Kants theory of magnitudes for Kants views on any mathematical cognition whatsoever.
It seems to me that there are important aspects of Kants theory of magnitude that only
emerge in the approach I suggest, although a full account of them is beyond the scope of
this paper. Beatrice Longuenesses careful and penetrating treatment of the Axioms also
does not t the norm (Longuenesse, 1996). My interpretation of the role of the Aesthetic
and the Axioms is, I think, in broad agreement with hers, although we differ on the nature of
the determination underlying determinate spaces and times. I will return to this point below.
References to the Critique of Pure Reason will be in the standard way to the original
pagination of the A and B editions, while all other references to Kants work will be to
volume and page number of Kants Gesammelte Schriften (Kant, 1902). In the main, I have
followed Paul Guyer and Allen Woods translation of the Critique of Pure Reason (Kant,
1998) and Gary Hatelds translation of the Prolegomena (Kant, 2002), with occasional
Kants point at A389/B556 is the restriction of the synthetic a priori cognition to
appearances, but he is thereby also clearly inferring that we have synthetic a priori cogni-
tion of appearances, of which mathematical cognition is a shining example.
There is a more sophisticated version of this worry: one might concede that Kant is
discussing the possibility of mathematical principles themselves but maintain that he
means their real possibility, and that their real possibility is tantamount to their applicabil-
ity. I discuss this second concern in more detail below; see footnote 38.
While both the Axioms and the Anticipations are called mathematical principles, the
Axioms are often singled out for their relation to mathematics. I will address the reasons
for this below.
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This view is most notably endorsed by Vaihinger. He thinks that Kant establishes the
a priority of pure mathematics as such, only because he confuses two notions of space
articulated in the Aesthetic. Vaihinger claims that Kants account of space as . . . an
unconscious, potential transcendental form of intuition, which is there before all experi-
ence is sufcient for the validity of the application of the propositions of mathematics to
all empirical objects . . . (1970, Vol. 2, p. 88). Vaihingers interpretation therefore leaves no
need for the Axioms of Intuition in establishing the applicability of mathematics to experi-
ence. Bennett states that the Axioms should not have been located in the Analytic at all,
since they are a direct consequence of the Aesthetic (1966, p. 170); see also Wolff, who
states According to the division of the Critique which Kant establishes in the Intro-
duction, [the Axioms] should not really exist at all, for mathematics is supposed to be
dealt with in the Aesthetic (1963, p. 228).
For examples of this view, see Kitcher (1982, 5), and Walsh, (1975, p. 11011).
The Wolfan position was openly attacked at the Berlin Academy in 17451747.
Friedman gives an account of these issues in the Introduction to Kant and the Exact Sciences
(Friedman, 1992).
Some have thought that the Axioms argue for substantive claims about mathematics
apart from its application to the objects of experience but are nevertheless committed to
the view that the Axioms should only concern the application of mathematics. Kemp
Smith, for example, thinks that the Axioms make substantive claims about mathematics,
but holds that these claims are only very externally connected to the main argument. He
sees little relation between these claims and the rest of the Axioms; see Kemp Smith (1979,
p. 348). Walsh states that he nds Kants attempt to connect his general principle [of the
Axioms] with the part played by mathematics bafing; see Walsh (1975, p. 116). At least
part of his bafement can be traced to his consistent description of the Axioms as concern-
ing merely the applicability of mathematics to the objects of experience. Others have recog-
nized that it is part of the purpose of the Axioms to argue for substantive claims about
mathematics apart from its application. See Brittan (1978, pp. 97ff), Guyer (1987, pp. 190ff ),
and Longuenesse (1998, p. 274).
In their translation of the Critique, Guyer and Wood cite R5585 (18, pp. 2412), one of
Kants reections dated 17791781, which suggests to them that the Axioms and the
Anticipations are called mathematical principles because they are the conditions of the
possibility of applied mathematics (Kant, 1998, p. 284 fn. 58). The passage reads:
1. Possibility of (pure) mathematics.
2. Application [struck out]. Possibility of applied. For all things (as appearances) have
a magnitude: extensive and intensive. (Through it mathematics receives objective
reality. It does not pertain to entia rationes.)
The rst item listed supports the idea that the Axioms concern both pure and applied
Walsh, for example, endorses this view. He states that as Kant writes the Analytic, he
. . . now realises that the notion of a space-time world, i.e. of a set of objects in space and
time, is far more difcult than was at rst suggested. . . . It was only in the Analytic that
Kant made any attempt to work out this story in detail, and it accordingly follows that the
discussions of the latter must take precedence over those of the Aesthetic (1975, pp. 112113).
The modern distinction between pure and applied mathematics can also lead to
anachronistic misunderstandings of Kant. In contemporary accounts of pure mathematics,
even geometry is given a formalization that abstracts from a spatial interpretation. In
Kant, on the other hand, all pure mathematics is intimately related to pure space and time.
The contemporary distinction between pure and applied mathematics may suggest that in
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Kants view non-Euclidean geometries are logically possible, while only Euclidean geometry
is really possible a real possibility determined by the form of our intuition of space. Kant,
however, has no place for non-Euclidean geometries as logical possibilities, since for him
any geometry will necessarily require going beyond logic to intuition, and the only form
of intuition available is Euclidean. For more on the anachronistic use of the distinction
between pure and applied mathematics, see Friedman (1992, pp. 556, p. 66, pp. 98104).
See also Longuenesse (1998, pp. 2745).
See, for example, Gordon Brittan (1978, pp. 9294) and Paul Guyer (1987, p. 191).
Guyer holds that Kant establishes that certain topological features of shape hold for all
objects of empirical intuition, while the Axioms establish that a metric can be applied to
those objects. It is important to note, however, that Guyer holds that this is a description
of what Kant actually accomplishes rather than what he thought he was establishing. See
Guyer (1987, p. 191, especially fn. 6).
Brittan holds that the principle of the Axioms serves to rule out merely possible worlds
that are not really possible worlds worlds in which there are objects that do not stand
in relations that allow the introduction of a metric (1978, pp. 9294). Note that the claim
that the purpose of the Axioms is to establish the possibility of introducing a metric is not
incompatible with the view that the Axioms merely concern the applicability of mathe-
matics to experience, if the purpose of the Axioms is restricted to establishing the ability to
introduce a metric in the eld of experience. Walsh, for example, appears to hold this view
(1975, p. 111). Brittan, in contrast, holds that the metrical properties are established for
space and time, which in turn explains the applicability of mathematical properties to the
objects presented in them.
More carefully, Kant states in the Aesthetic that the parts of space cannot precede
the single all-encompassing space as its components [Bestandteile] (from which its com-
position would be possible) (A245/B39). In the case of time, Kant does not mention
composition (A312/B47). Nevertheless, one might attempt to dodge the contradiction by
claiming that the Aesthetic only asserts that the parts of space (and time) cannot precede
the whole in such a way that allows the parts to compose the whole. That will not solve the
difculty, however, since the Axioms claim that the whole presupposes the parts explicitly
concerns parts that compose the whole (B201n). The solution to the contradiction lies
For examples of this view, see Vaihinger (1970, Vol. 2, pp. 2248), Kemp-Smith (1979,
pp. 949), and Wolff (1963, pp. 2289).
Cassirer holds that many of the statements of the Aesthetic are incompatible with
claims Kant makes later in the Critique because they reect precritical views articulated
more then a decade before in the Inaugural Dissertation. He holds that the arguments of
the Aesthetic must therefore be taken provisionally (1954, pp. 234). See also Walsh (1975,
pp. 1125), Kitcher (1982, p. 237ff ), and, in particular, Longuenesse (1998, pp. 2123, and
p. 274 fn. 70).
As does Wolff (1963, pp. 22930).
Melnick describes the position particularly clearly (1973, pp. 189), as does Brittan
(1978, p. 97). See also Walsh (1975, p. 114), Allison (1983, pp. 946), Guyer (1987, p. 191),
and Longuenesse (1998, p. 274).
Melnick, for example, distinguishes between space and time as given intuitions and
determinate spaces and times to differentiate the Aesthetics and Axioms treatments of
them. Nevertheless, he does not explain why Kant discusses geometry in the Aesthetic or
why he claims to have established the applicability of mathematics to experience there. A
similar lack of appeal to determinate spaces and times holds for Walsh (1975, pp. 1145),
Brittan (1978, pp. 959), Allison (1983, pp. 9498), and Guyer (1987, p. 191, especially fn. 6).
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Longuenesse, in contrast, highlights the importance of determinate spaces and times and
their determination in Kants account of mathematical cognition in her penetrating account
of the Axioms. Longuenesse goes further in calling for a radical rereading of the Aesthetic
(1998, pp. 21228).
Baumgarten was a follower of Christian Wolff; Kant used Baumgartens Metaphysica
for years in his lectures on metaphysics; Baumgartens text is presented with Kants mar-
ginalia in volume 17 of Kants Gesammelte Schriften.
See Baumgartens Metaphysica 3458 (17, pp. 3338) for the notion of determina-
tion, and 133 (17, pp. 2333) for the view of predicates as concepts. The differences
between the subject-predicate distinction, subject-conceptpredicate-concept distinction,
and thing-determination distinction are not always clear.
Baumgarten, Metaphysica 148154 (17, pp. 5658).
See Wood, Kants Rational Theology, p. 37ff for a helpful discussion of these matters.
Kant explains the categories by stating: They are concepts of an object in general, by
means of which its intuition is regarded as determined with regard to one of the logical
functions for judgments (B128). He also says of understanding that it is generally speak-
ing, the faculty of cognitions. These consist in the determinate relation of given representa-
tions to an object (B137). This is in contrast to the contribution of sensibility, which
comes out in Kants description of the imagination:
Now since all of our intuition is sensible, the imagination, on account of the subjective condition under
which alone it can give a corresponding intuition to the concepts of understanding, belongs to sensibility;
but insofar as its synthesis is still an exercise of spontaneity, which is determining and not, like sense,
merely determinable, and can thus determine the form of sense a priori in accordance with the unity of
apperception, the imagination is to this extent a faculty for determining the sensibility a priori . . .
Kant not infrequently refers to sensibility and the forms of intuition as the determinable.
When Kant speaks of the contribution of the forms of space and time to our cognition of
objects, he almost always refers to the conditions these forms impose rather than to their
See Michael Friedman for a detailed assessment of the role of gurative synthesis that
emphasizes its importance not only for mathematics but for physics (see Friedman 1992,
Chapters 1 and 2). See also Beatrice Longuenesse for a thorough but quite different ana-
lysis of gurative synthesis, which Kant also calls synthesis speciosa (Longuenesse 1998,
Part III).
Note that here Kant is mentioning two contributions: the conditions of sensibility and
the determination of sensibility by the understanding. See footnote 25 above.
See also A714/B742. Kants general denition of construction as exhibiting an a
priori intuition corresponding to a concept may seem to leave open the possibility of con-
structions that are not effected through a mathematical determination. An example that
appears to exploit this possibility appears in The Metaphysics of Morals:
The law of the reciprocal coercion necessarily harmonizing with everyones freedom under the principle
of universal freedom is, as it were, a construction, that is, an a priori exhibition of that concept in pure
intuition a priori, by analogy with [exhibiting] the possibility of bodies moving freely under the law of
the equality of action and reaction (6 p. 233).
Kant only states, however, that there is an as it were construction of the concept that is
analogous to presenting the possibility of bodies in accordance with Newtons third law.
Kant adds that the doctrine of right wants a mathematical exactitude in its determination
but that this exactitude cannot be expected (6, p. 232, my italics). Kants tentativeness is
claried in the only other mention of construction in The Metaphysics of Morals: . . . any
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
moral proof, as philosophical, can be drawn only by means of rational cognition from
concepts and not, as in mathematics, by the construction of concepts (6, p. 403). Every other
mention of construction in Kant is mathematical, and passages in which Kant describes
construction in any detail refer to determinate spaces or times or some determinate object.
For arithmetic, see A1789/B221, A240/B299, A717/B745, A720/B748, and 4, p. 283;
for algebra, which relies on a symbolic construction, see A717/B745, A734/B762. I will not
attempt to fully explain the nature of construction in this paper; my purpose here is to
explicate the concept sufciently to draw conclusions about Kants demarcation of math-
ematics. For an analysis of symbolic construction in particular, see Shabel (1998); for a
discussion of Kants arithmetic and algebra, see my Kant on Arithmetic, Algebra, and the
Theory of Proportions, Journal of the History of Philosophy, forthcoming.
See Emily Carsons Kant on Method in Mathematics for a helpful discussion
(Carson, 1999).
This is not to say that the claims of the Aesthetic are established through abstraction,
only that its object of study is intuition apart from the activity of the understanding.
Although Kant calls both the Axioms and Anticipations mathematical principles, and
the Anticipations principle also concerns magnitude, Kant thinks that the Axioms, which
correspond to the categories of quantity, are more fundamental to mathematical cognition.
The reason is that our cognition of intensive magnitudes is wholly dependent upon our
cognition of extensive magnitudes. Indeed, Kant holds that without extensive magnitudes,
we would not be able to represent an intensive magnitude as a magnitude at all. That is,
I think, what leads Kant to say at the end of the Axioms that it is the Axioms prin-
ciple alone that makes pure mathematics in its complete precision applicable to objects
of experience (A165/B206). For a fuller explanation of the asymmetry between intensive
and extensive magnitudes, see my Kants Philosophy of Mathematics and the Greek
Mathematical Tradition, Philosophical Review, forthcoming.
For more on the distinction between quanta and quantitas, see my The Role of Magnitude
in Kants Critical Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 34(30), Sept. 2004, pp. 411442.
See also A178/B221, quoted above, which suggests that the product of mathematical
synthesis is the representation of a magnitude.
See also 8, p. 391, where Kant speaks of Platos admiration for the tness of geometrical
gures to resolve a variety of problems just as if the requirements for constructing certain
magnitude-concepts [Grenbegriffe] were laid down in them on purpose . . .
Furthermore, the representation of a whole space or time presupposes the representation
of the parts which compose it I cannot represent a horizontal line, for example, without
representing the left and right halves. Kant denes extensive magnitudes as those with this
property, so determinate spaces and times are extensive magnitudes (A1613/B2034). See
footnote 32 above.
Kant uses the expression determinate magnitude at B203.
We are now in a position to respond to an objection raised in footnote 6 above, which
interpreted the Axioms references to demonstrating the possibility of mathematics as
demonstrating its real possibility, where that amounts to the applicability of mathematics
to the objects of experience. (Friedman suggests such a view of the matter when he states
that only applied mathematics yields a substantive body of truths (Friedman, 1992, p. 94).)
This interpretation would undercut the claim that Kant aims to establish the possibility of
pure mathematics in addition to its applicability. It is apparently supported by Kants
insistence at B1467 and A224/B271 that mathematical cognitions are only of the forms of
objects as appearances, and that we have mathematical cognition only on the assumption
that there are things that can be presented in accordance with that form; that is, that math-
ematics is only possible insofar as it applies to things given in intuition.
2005 University of Southern California and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
We can now see, however, that what guarantees the applicability of mathematics is
exactly that which explains the possibility of cognizing determinate spaces and times. This
is apparent in our analysis of the argument of the Axioms and at A224/B271. At the same
time, the distance between explaining the possibility of pure mathematics and establishing
its applicability is quite small; the premise that the apprehension of appearances requires
the generation of a determinate space or time is all that is needed. Thus, Kants under-
standing of the difference between pure and applied mathematics is quite different from
our modern understanding. Pure mathematics is only possible in connection with space
and time, and it is the same space or time in which appearances are given to us. There is no
possibility of describing geometry in a set of axioms and then asking whether the space of
experience satises those axioms. This is a point Friedman makes in his discussion of real
possibility: There is only one way even to think such properties [i.e. topological proper-
ties of space]: in the space and time of our (Euclidean) intuition (Friedman, 1992, p. 93).
It is also made very clearly by Longuenesse:
For Kant, explaining the possibility of pure mathematics and deducing the possibility of its application
to appearances in a pure (mathematical) natural science are one and the same procedure . . . because
explaining the possibility of pure mathematics is also explaining the possibility of its use in empirical
science that is, the transcendental basis of its application to appearances (Longuenesse, 1998, p. 275).
Friedman endorses the view that Kant appeals to mathematical truths to establish the
claims of the Aesthetic. See (1992, pp. 635) for a discussion of the innite extent and
innite divisibility of space. Friedman also argues that the claim in the Aesthetic for the
priority of the singular intuition space rests on our knowledge of geometry. Our cognitive
grasp of the notion of space is manifested, above all, in our geometrical knowledge (1992,
pp. 6970). Friedman further renes his views in a later article (Friedman, 2000).
I am not myself taking a position on the role of geometry in the Transcendental Exposition;
I am only explaining how it relates to the interpretation I have set out here.
Most commentators do not address the change in formulation of the principle. Guyer
is an exception; he states that the A-edition formulation suggests an ontological distinction
between intuitions and appearances that is not conveyed by the B-edition formulation.
However, he also thinks that Kant came to emphasize this distinction between intuitions
and appearances in the B-edition of the Critique, so the motivation for Kants change in
formulation is left unclear (1987, pp. 4412, fn. 3).
For an analysis of Kants theory of magnitudes, see my Kants Philosophy of Math-
ematics and the Greek Mathematical Tradition, Philosophical Review, forthcoming.
I would like to thank the Humanities Institute of the University of Illinois at Chicago for
a fellowship while working on this paper during 20012002; Robert Adams, Tyler Burge,
John Carriero, Emily Carson, Michael Friedman, Ofra Rechter, Lisa Shabel and Daniel
Warren for helpful discussions; Lisa Downing, Bill Hart, and Peter Hylton for comments
on a previous draft; and an anonymous reviewer for very helpful suggested improvements.
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