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Seme$ter % branc& : III
Sem( )*Tec& C&em+ca, En-+neer+n-
Name ./ t&e /acu,t0 : Mr* P*1a+ra2e,
N. ./ c.ntact &.ur$(3ee4 : 5 H.ur$(3ee4
A$$+-nment p.rt+.n
A$$+-nment n.* T.p+c$
6 Lecture N. !6 t. 6!
Lecture N. 66 t. !
7 Lecture N. 6 t. 7!
5 Lecture N. 76 t. 5!
" Lecture N. 56 t. 58
Te$t P.rt+.n
Te$t n.* T.p+c$
6 Lecture N. 6 TO 5
Lecture N. " TO 59
Subm+tte' b0:
(S+-nature ./ t&e /acu,t0#
Appr.2e' b0:
(S+-nature ./ HOD#
( Page 1 of 5 )
(A constituent college of Manipal University, Manipal)
Manipal Karnataka 576 104
e n.*
T.p+c$ t. be c.2ere'
6 Intr.'uct+.n t. C&em+ca, en-+neer+n- an' Mec&an+ca, .perat+.n
Part+c,e $+;e< $&ape< an' Sp&er+c+t0< Spec+/+c $ur/ace area< 2.,ume $&ape /act.r*
7 Samp,+n-< met&.'$ ./ $amp,+n-< Me$&< Aperture< F+n$ % Ta+,$< N.* ./ part+c,e$
5 Screen Ana,0$+$* D+//erent+a, an' cumu,at+2e ana,0$+$*
" Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n $creen ana,0$+$*
= Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n Spec+/+c $ur/ace area< m+>ture ./ part+c,e*
? I'ea, an' Actua, $creen< E>pre$$+.n /.r Screen e//ect+2ene$$*
9 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n $creen e//ect+2ene$$ % capac+t0 ./ a $creen*
8 Screen+n- e@u+pmentA $&a4+n-< .$c+,,at+n-< re2.,2+n- $creen< 2+brat+n- $creen etc*<
6! St.ra-e an' c.n2e0ance ./ $.,+'$< pr.b,em$ .n $creen ana,0$+$*
66 S+;e re'uct+.n Pr+nc+p,e$ ./< cru$&+n- e//+c+enc0< $+;e ran-e ./ pr.'uct
6 Ener-0 an' p.3er re@u+rement$ +n an' ,a3$ ./ cru$&+n-< 3.r4 +n'e>*
67 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n ,a3$ ./ cru$&+n-*
65 Cru$&+n- % -r+n'+n- B .pen< c,.$e' c+rcu+t -r+n'+n-*
6" S+;e re'uct+.n e@u+pment B Ca3 cru$&er< G0rat.r0 cru$&er< )a,, m+,,< Hammer m+,*
6= )a,, m+,,< cr+t+ca, $pee' ./ )a,, m+,,< Dn+/e cutter$*
6? R.,,er cru$&er .perat+.n< An-,e ./ n+p e>pre$$+.n /.r r.,,er m+,,*
69 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n cru$&+n- an' cr+t+ca, $pee' ./ ba,, m+,,*
68 Se'+mentat+.n< $ett,+n- B Free $ett,+n-< H+n'ere' $ett,+n-*

Lecture T.p+c$ t. be c.2ere'
! E>pre$$+.n /.r $ett,+n- 2e,.c+t0 un'er 2ar+.u$ ran-e$*
6 E>pre$$+.n /.r $ett,+n- 2e,.c+t0< an' '+//erent+a, (m+>e' part+c,e# $ett,+n-*
Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n term+na, $ett,+n- 2e,.c+t0*
7 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n m+>e' part+c,e $ett,+n-*
5 T&e.r0 ./ $e'+mentat+.n B D0nc&< C.e an' C,e2en-er t&e.r0*
" De$+-n ./ t&+c4ener$ BDer+2at+.n*
= Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n t&+c4ener area*
? Sett,+n- E@u+pment A Gra2+t0 $ett,+n- tan4< D.ub,e c,a$$+/+er< E,utr+at.r*
9 Centr+/u-a, $eparat+.n pr+nc+p,e$ an' 'e$+-n ./ centr+/u-e*
8 T0pe$ ./ Centr+/u-e A D+$c $tac4 t0pe< Tubu,ar b.3, centr+/u-e*
7! Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n centr+/u-e*
76 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n centr+/u-e*
7 E,ectr.$tat+c prec+p+tat.r pr+nc+p,e$ an' .perat+.n*
77 F+,trat+.n A F+,trat+.n e@u+pmentA t0pe$ ./ /+,trat+.n< F+,ter a+'$
75 De$+-n ./ /+,ter$ 3+t& pr.b,em$*
7" Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n /+,trat+.n 3+t& c.mpre$$+b,e ca4e /.rmat+.n*
7= Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n /+,trat+.n 3+t& +nc.mpre$$+b,e ca4e /.rmat+.n*
7? T0pe$ ./ 3a$&+n-< R.tar0 'rum /+,ter B e>pre$$+.n t. 'eterm+ne t&e $pee' ./ 'rum
79 P,ate an' /rame /+,ter pre$$< Lea/ /+,ter an' Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n 3a$&+n-*
78 De$+-n ./ centr+/u-a, /+,ter*

e n.*
T.p+c$ t. be c.2ere'
5! C0c,.ne $eparat.r <D.rr< He,+ca, c,a$$+/+er< Ma-net+c $eparat+.n pr+nc+p,e$ an'
56 Se,ect+.n cr+ter+a /.r c.n2e0.r< t0pe$ ./ c.n2e0erA c&a+n c.n2e0er< $cre3
c.n2e0.r< Apr.n< buc4et c.n2e0.r*
5 Separat+.n ba$e' .n m.t+.n ./ part+c,e t&r.u-& /,u+'$ B C+--+n-< E,ectr+c
$eparat+.n< Den$e me'+a $eparat+.n*
57 M+>+n- an' A-+tat+.nA m+>+n- ./ p.3'er an' p,a$t+c ma$$e$< A-+tate' 2e$$e,
55 Purp.$e ./ a-+tat+.nA +mpe,,er<,,er< turb+ne an' +t$ t0pe$*
5" E>pre$$+.n t. 'eterm+ne t&e P.3er c.n$umpt+.n /.r an +mpe,,er*
5= S3+r,+n- <2.rte> /.rmat+.n an' pre2ent+.n ./ $3+r,+n- /.rmat+.n* Imp.rtance /.r
'ra/t tube$< F,.3 pattern$ +n a-+tate' 2e$$e,$*
5? Stan'ar' turb+ne 'e$+-n< pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n p.3er c.n$umpt+.n +n m+>+n-*
59 T0pe$ ./ m+>er A R+bb.n b,en'er$< Interna, $cre3 m+>er< Tumb,+n- < Mu,,er m+>er
pr+nc+p,e$ an' .perat+.n*
58 Pr.b,em$ ba$e' .n p.3er c.n$umpt+.n +n +mpe,,.r< m.t.r< T.r@ue re@u+re' /.r
m+>+n- an' 'e$+-n ./ a-+tate' 2e$$e,*

( Page 4 of 5 )
CHE205 Mechanical Operations (3 1 0 4)
Particle size analysis Representation of size analysis Shape factor Subsieve methods of
analysis Surface area determination Industrial screening Screening equipment Efficiency
of screen and performance of screen Storage and conveyance of solids Types of conveyers
Selection of conveyer Size reduction Energy relationships Size reduction equipment
Crushers grinders ultrafine grinders and cutting machines !pen circuit and closed circuit
grinding Classifiers Types of classifiers "ravity settling Centrifugal separation
Principles #esign of centrifuge hydrocyclone Electrostatic precipitator $iltration
$iltration equipment Selection design and operation of filters $ilter aids Thic%ening
&atch and continuous thic%ener #esign of continuous thic%ener 'agnetic separation
Electric separation $roth flotation Separation based on motion of particles through fluids
(igging #ense media separation 'i)ing of po*ders and plastic masses
Recommended Books
+, 'c Cabe and Smith -nit !perations in Chemical Engineering .
Edition 'c"ra*/0ill
4, $oust et al Principles of -nit !perations (ohn 5iley and Sons 16 4
Ed, +278,
3, &adger and &anchero Introduction to Chemical Engineering 'c"ra*/0ill 16,
9, Coulson and Richardson Chemical Engineering :ol II Pargamon and E;&S 3
Ed, +2<8
To study the behavior of solid particles as per the requirement of chemical engineering,
Co"rse O#$ecti%es!
To have good understanding on
a= Separation processes li%e screening sedimentation centrifugation and filtration,>Separation
based on motion of particle through fluids=
b= Properties mi)ing and transportation of solids,
c= ;a*s and equipment of size reduction,
d= 'i)ing of solids *ith liquids,
E%al"ation &lan!
Sessional Test I ? 48 @ A Sessional Test II ? 48 @
Bssignment ? +8 @ >Bverage of . surprise Test=
Total sessional *eightage ? .8 @ A End semester e)am ? .8 @
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