This document provides guidelines for allowable deviations from vibration and noise limits for cargo vessels to achieve a Comfort Class notation. It specifies:
- Maximum percentages of cabins/spaces that can exceed vibration/noise limits
- Acceptable distributions of exceedances based on normal distributions
- Examples to illustrate permissible deviations from the normal distributions
Deviations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis depending on reason, location type, and magnitude of excess. Requirements are intended to limit discomfort from vibration and noise while achieving Comfort Class.
This document provides guidelines for allowable deviations from vibration and noise limits for cargo vessels to achieve a Comfort Class notation. It specifies:
- Maximum percentages of cabins/spaces that can exceed vibration/noise limits
- Acceptable distributions of exceedances based on normal distributions
- Examples to illustrate permissible deviations from the normal distributions
Deviations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis depending on reason, location type, and magnitude of excess. Requirements are intended to limit discomfort from vibration and noise while achieving Comfort Class.
This document provides guidelines for allowable deviations from vibration and noise limits for cargo vessels to achieve a Comfort Class notation. It specifies:
- Maximum percentages of cabins/spaces that can exceed vibration/noise limits
- Acceptable distributions of exceedances based on normal distributions
- Examples to illustrate permissible deviations from the normal distributions
Deviations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis depending on reason, location type, and magnitude of excess. Requirements are intended to limit discomfort from vibration and noise while achieving Comfort Class.
This document provides guidelines for allowable deviations from vibration and noise limits for cargo vessels to achieve a Comfort Class notation. It specifies:
- Maximum percentages of cabins/spaces that can exceed vibration/noise limits
- Acceptable distributions of exceedances based on normal distributions
- Examples to illustrate permissible deviations from the normal distributions
Deviations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis depending on reason, location type, and magnitude of excess. Requirements are intended to limit discomfort from vibration and noise while achieving Comfort Class.
The content of this service document is the subject of inteectu! "ro"ert# ri$hts reserved b# Det Nors%e Verit!s AS &DNV'( The user !cce"ts th!t it is "rohibited b# !n#one ese but DNV !nd)or its icensees to offer !nd)or "erform c!ssific!tion* certific!tion !nd)or verific!tion services* incudin$ the issu!nce of certific!tes !nd)or dec!r!tions of conformit#* +ho# or "!rt#* on the b!sis of !nd)or "ursu!nt to this document +hether free of ch!r$e or ch!r$e!be* +ithout DNV,s "rior +ritten consent( DNV is not res"onsibe for the conse-uences !risin$ from !n# use of this document b# others( The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version No( ./(/ Criteri! for 0!ndin$ of E1cessive Noise !nd Vibr!tion Leves 2AN3AR4 /567 FOREWORD DNV is ! $ob! "rovider of %no+ed$e for m!n!$in$ ris%( Tod!#* s!fe !nd res"onsibe business conduct is both ! icense to o"er!te !nd ! com"etitive !dv!nt!$e( Our core com"etence is to identif#* !ssess* !nd !dvise on ris% m!n!$ement( From our e!din$ "osition in certific!tion* c!ssific!tion* verific!tion* !nd tr!inin$* +e deveo" !nd !""# st!nd!rds !nd best "r!ctices( This he"s our customers s!fe# !nd res"onsib# im"rove their business "erform!nce( DNV is !n inde"endent or$!nis!tion +ith dedic!ted ris% "rofession!s in more th!n 655 countries* +ith the "ur"ose of s!fe$u!rdin$ ife* "ro"ert# !nd the environment( Classification Notes C!ssific!tion Notes !re "ubic!tions th!t $ive "r!ctic! inform!tion on c!ssific!tion of shi"s !nd other objects( E1!m"es of desi$n soutions* c!cu!tion methods* s"ecific!tions of test "rocedures* !s +e !s !cce"t!be re"!ir methods for some com"onents !re $iven !s inter"ret!tions of the more $ener! rue re-uirements( 8 Det Nors%e Verit!s AS 2!nu!r# /567 An# comments m!# be sent b# e9m!i to If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount eual to ten times the fee charged for the service in uestion, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed !"D # million. In this provision $Det Norske Veritas$ shall mean the %oundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. &lassification Notes ' No.(#.#, )anuary #*+,
&H-N./" 0 &!11/N2 0 3age 4 DET NORSKE VERITAS AS CHANGES CURRENT This is ! ne+ document( &lassification Notes ' No.(#.#, )anuary #*+,
"ec.+ Introduction 0 3age 5 DET NORSKE VERITAS AS 1 Introduction 11 General In order to !ssi$n the Comfort C!ss not!tion* COMF* see =t( . Ch(<< of the Rues for C!ssific!tion of Shi"s* ! the oc!tions on bo!rd sh! com"# +ith the reev!nt Comfort C!ss noise !nd vibr!tion imits( 0o+ever* sm! devi!tions from the re-uirements m!# be !cce"ted on ! c!se b# c!se b!sis* de"endin$ on the re!son for the devi!tion* t#"e of oc!tion !nd b# ho+ much the criteri! !re e1ceeded( This C!ss Note "rovides inform!tion on ho+ noise !nd vibr!tion eves !re h!nded +hen e1ceedin$ the Comfort C!ss imits moder!te#( " #i$ration le%els "1 De%iations fro& %i$ration li&its "11 )a*i&u& nu&$er of de%iations >e!sured vibr!tion eves e1ceedin$ the s"ecified Comfort C!ss imits +i not be !o+ed in more th!n? @ 6AB of ! the see"in$ c!bins !nd "ubic s"!ces @ /AB of the me!surements on the o"en dec% !re!s( "1" Distri$ution of de%iations in ca$ins and +u$lic s+aces The distribution of e1cessive vibr!tion eves in the c!bins !nd "ubic s"!ces sh! not e1ceed the distribution sho+n in T!be /96( The imits in this t!be !re b!sed on ! one9sided norm! distribution of the e1cessive vibr!tion eves +ith ! st!nd!rd devi!tion of 5(A mm)s( The number of oc!tions +ithin the o+er !o+!be r!n$e I m!# be incre!sed !t the e1"ense of the number of oc!tions +ithin the hi$her vibr!tion eve r!n$e II* but such th!t ! the oc!tions +ith e1cessive vibr!tion eves sh! not e1ceed the tot! m!1imum of 6AB of c!bins)"ubic rooms( The incre!sed number of oc!tions is sho+n inside the "!rentheses in T!be /96( "1' Distri$ution of de%iations on o+en dec, areas The distribution of e1cessive vibr!tion eves on o"en dec% !re!s sh! not e1ceed the distribution sho+n in T!be /9/( The imits in this t!be !re b!sed on ! one9sided norm! distribution of the e1cessive vibr!tion eves +ith ! st!nd!rd devi!tion of 6(5 mm)s( The number of oc!tions +ithin the o+er !o+!be r!n$es of v!ues m!# be incre!sed !t the e1"ense of the number of oc!tions +ithin the hi$her vibr!tion eve r!n$es* but such th!t ! the oc!tions +ith e1cessive vibr!tion eves sh! not e1ceed the tot! m!1imum of /AB of o"en dec% !re!s( The incre!sed number of oc!tions is sho+n inside the "!rentheses in T!be /9/( "1- E*a&+le The foo+in$ e1!m"e m!# iustr!te the "ermissibe devi!tions from the norm! distribution( One of nine me!surin$ "ositions in the o"en dec% !re!s h!s !n e1ceedin$ v!ue of 6(5 mm)s of the criteri!* +hie the other "ositions !re +ithin the criteri!* i(e( 66B e1ceedin$ v!ues in $rou" II( This is re$!rded !s !cce"t!be &see T!be /9/'( Ta$le ".1 Distri$ution of e*cessi%e %i$ration le%els in ca$ins and +u$lic s+aces Range Magnitude of vibration level in excess of limiting value (mm/s Maximum number of cabins/public spaces exceeding limiting values (maximum !"# of all cabins $ormal Maximum I 5(6 to 5(A 66B &6AB' II 5(. to 6(5 7B &7B' Ta$le "." Distri$ution of e*cessi%e %i$ration le%els in o+en dec, areas Range Magnitude of vibration level in excess of limiting value (mm/s Maximum number of open dec% area locations exceeding limiting values (maximum &"# of all positions $ormal Maximum I 5(6 to 5(A 66B &/AB' II 5(. to 6(5 CB &67B' III 6(6 to 6(A 7B &CB' IV 6(. to /(5 <B &<B' &lassification Notes ' No.(#.#, )anuary #*+,
"ec.# Vibration levels 0 3age ( DET NORSKE VERITAS AS T!be /96 !nd T!be /9/ !re iustr!ted in Fi$ure /96 !nd Fi$ure /9/( Fi/ure ".1 E*cessi%e %i$ration le%els in &&0s for ca$ins and +u$lic s+aces Fi/ure "." E*cessi%e %i$ration le%els in &&0s in o+en dec, areas [15] [4] 11 4 * 5 +* +5 #* #5 4* *.+ ' *.5 *.( ' +.* 6+.* P e r c e n t
o f
c a b i n s / p u b l i c
r o o m s Excessive vibration levels in mm/s CA!"# A"$ P%&!C 'OOM# Maximum Accumulate( "ormal [)5] [14] [*] [+] 11 * 4 + * 5 +* +5 #* #5 4* *.+ ' *.5 *.( ' +.* +.+ ' +.5 +.( ' #.* P e r c e n t
o f
o p e n
( e c ,
a r e a s Excessive vibration levels in mm/s OPE" $EC- A'EA# Maximum Accumulate( "ormal &lassification Notes ' No.(#.#, )anuary #*+,
"ec.4 Noise levels 0 3age 7 DET NORSKE VERITAS AS ' Noise le%els '1 De%iations fro& noise li&its '11 General Dis"ens!tions for e1cesses !bove the noise imits of the crn + criteri! for c!r$o vesses sh! on# be $r!nted in s"eci! circumst!nces if it is documented th!t com"i!nce +i not be "ossibe des"ite incusion of reev!nt !nd re!son!be technic! noise reduction me!sures( For c!bins such dis"ens!tions sh! on# be $iven in e1ce"tion! circumst!nces( A dis"ens!tions +i h!ve to be !""roved b# the Administr!tion of the I>O >SC <<C&D6' ECode on noise eves on bo!rd shi"sF( For other vesse c!te$ories !nd for c!r$o vesses !imin$ to s!tisf# r!tin$s crn ) !nd crn 1* devi!tions sh! be tre!ted foo+in$ the "rocedure beo+( '1" )a*i&u& nu&$er of de%iations >e!sured noise eves e1ceedin$ the s"ecified Comfort C!ss imits +i not be !o+ed in more th!n? @ 6AB of ! the see"in$ c!bins @ <5B of ! the "ubic s"!ces &recre!tion rooms* rest!ur!nts* cinem!s* o"en dec% recre!tion !re!s* etc('( '1' Distri$ution of de%iations in ca$ins and +u$lic s+aces The distribution of e1cessive noise eves sh! not e1ceed the distribution sho+n in T!be <96( The imits in this t!be !re b!sed on ! one9sided norm! distribution of the e1cessive noise eves( The distribution of e1cessive noise eves for c!bins &"!ssen$er !nd cre+ c!bins' is stricter th!n for "ubic s"!ces( The imits for c!bins !nd "ubic s"!ces !re b!sed on ! norm! distribution +here the me!n v!ue is Gero &i(e( no devi!tion from the noise imit'* !nd +ith ! st!nd!rd devi!tion of / dH&A' for c!bins !nd < dH&A' for "ubic s"!ces( The number of oc!tions +ithin the t+o o+est r!n$es m!# be incre!sed on the e1"ense of the number of oc!tions +ithin the hi$her r!n$es* but such th!t ! the oc!tions +ith e1cessive noise eves sh! not e1ceed the tot! m!1imum &6AB of c!bins* !nd <5B of "ubic s"!ces'( The incre!sed imits !re sho+n inside the "!rentheses in T!be <96( '1- E*a&+le The foo+in$ e1!m"e m!# iustr!te the "ermissibe devi!tions from the norm! distribution( /AB of the "ubic s"!ces h!ve noise eves in e1cess of the reev!nt comfort c!ss noise imits* but none of the "ubic s"!ces h!ve hi$her noise eves th!n < dH&A' in e1cess of the imits( Then the imit +ithin "!rentheses in r!n$e I for "ubic s"!ces !""#* i(e( u" to <5B of the tot! "ubic s"!ces m!# h!ve e1cessive noise eves in the r!n$e 6 to < dH&A' hi$her th!n the $iven imit* !nd conse-uent# the "ubic s"!ces +i com"# +ith the comfort noise criteri! in -uestion( Ta$le '.1 Distri$ution of e*cessi%e noise le%els in ca$ins and +u$lic s+aces Range Magnitude of noise level in excess of limiting value Maximum number of cabins exceeding limiting values (maximum !"# of all cabins Maximum number of public spaces exceeding limiting values (maximum '(# of all public spaces $ormal Maximum $ormal Maximum I 6 to < dH&A' 67B &6AB' /<B &<5B' II 7 to . dH&A' 6B &6B' .B &CB' III C to 65 dH&A' None None 6B &6B' IV I65 dH&A' None None None None &lassification Notes ' No.(#.#, )anuary #*+,
"ec.4 Noise levels 0 3age 8 DET NORSKE VERITAS AS T!be <96 is iustr!ted in Fi$ure <96 !nd Fi$ure <9/( Fi/ure '.1 E*cessi%e noise le%els in d12A3 in ca$ins Fi/ure '." E*cessi%e noise le%els in d12A3 in +u$lic s+aces [15] [1] 14 1 * # , ( 8 +* +# +, +( +8 #* +'4 ,'( 7'+* 6+* P e r c e n t
o f
c a b i n s Excessive noise levels in (.A/ CA!"# 9aximum -ccumulated Normal [+0] [*] [1] )+ 1 1 * 5 +* +5 #* #5 4* 45 ,* +'4 ,'( 7'+* 6+* P e r c e n t
o f
p u b l i c
s p a c e s Excessive noise levels in (.A/ P%&!C 'OOM# 9aximum -ccumulated Normal