This document discusses cleaning and disinfection agents used in food production facilities. It describes the types of cleaners like acid, neutral, and alkaline cleaners and their uses. Common cleaning compounds like surfactants, complexing agents, and oxidative agents are explained. The document also covers disinfection requirements and commonly used disinfecting agents such as alcohols, halogens, oxidants, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Finally, it discusses best practices for cleaning and disinfection processes, quality control, and documentation.
This document discusses cleaning and disinfection agents used in food production facilities. It describes the types of cleaners like acid, neutral, and alkaline cleaners and their uses. Common cleaning compounds like surfactants, complexing agents, and oxidative agents are explained. The document also covers disinfection requirements and commonly used disinfecting agents such as alcohols, halogens, oxidants, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Finally, it discusses best practices for cleaning and disinfection processes, quality control, and documentation.
This document discusses cleaning and disinfection agents used in food production facilities. It describes the types of cleaners like acid, neutral, and alkaline cleaners and their uses. Common cleaning compounds like surfactants, complexing agents, and oxidative agents are explained. The document also covers disinfection requirements and commonly used disinfecting agents such as alcohols, halogens, oxidants, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Finally, it discusses best practices for cleaning and disinfection processes, quality control, and documentation.
This document discusses cleaning and disinfection agents used in food production facilities. It describes the types of cleaners like acid, neutral, and alkaline cleaners and their uses. Common cleaning compounds like surfactants, complexing agents, and oxidative agents are explained. The document also covers disinfection requirements and commonly used disinfecting agents such as alcohols, halogens, oxidants, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Finally, it discusses best practices for cleaning and disinfection processes, quality control, and documentation.
1 Module 3 Cleaning and Disinfection Agents This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 2 Contents 1. What is cleaning? 2. Compounds in cleaners 3. Acid cleaners 4. Neutral cleaners 5. Alkaline cleaners 6. What is disinfection? 7. Requirements for disinfection agents 8. Applying disinfecting agents 9. Processing 10. Important aspects 11. Common problems and solutions 12. Occupational health Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 3 Cleaning What is cleaning? Removal of non-wanted stuff to secure the safety of foodstuffs means reduction of physical, chemical, and biological hazards Food residues in particular provide a base for the growth of non- wanted microorganisms Fundamental cleaning procedures Removal of gross amounts of loose food soils Application of cleaning solution Rinsing Application of disinfection solution Rinsing with drinking water Heavy soiling requires gross cleaning Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 4 Compounds in cleaners I Surfactants Surface active agents which help to break down the surface tension of water, making it able to wet the soil, and to improve soil removal Anionic and nio-surfactants are widely used in cleaners Complexion agents Polyphosphates, phosphonates, EDTA and similar chemicals soften the water by binding calcium and magnesium hardness Prevents the deposition of lime and improves the efficiency of surfactants, some also prevent the re-deposition of soil Oxidative agents Peroxide or hypochloride for removal of tough soils, also expose antimicrobial effect (depends on concentration and time) Water Solid compound Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 5 Compounds in cleaners II Foam inhibitors Prevent the occurrence of foam, especially important for CIP Corrosion inhibitors Prevent corrosion in acidic and alkaline cleaners Other agents Stabilisers prevent clotting and chemical reaction between the components of a cleaner. Chlorine aids peptising (partial destruction) of proteins Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 6 Types of cleaners Due to pH regime, there are 3 types of cleaners acid cleaners (pH 1-7) neutral cleaners (around pH 7) alkaline cleaners (pH 7-12) Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 7 Acid cleaners Range of application To dissolve organic and inorganic depositions like limescale, milk, or beer deposits. For cleaning of heating tanks, sanitation areas Corrosive against certain materials, e.g. aluminium + Very good for removal of mineral deposits - Corrosive against certain materials, e.g. plastics and aluminium Typically compounds Inorganic acids like: sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), nitric acid (HNO 3 ), hydrochloric acid (HCl), good performance, very corrosive Phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ), sulfamic acid (H 3 NSO 3 ) good performance, less corrosive Organic acids like: acetic acids (CH 3 COOH), hydroxyacetic acid (C 2 H 4 O 3 ), or citric acid (C 6 H 8 O 7 ), - less corrosive, less performance Lime depositions on water outlets Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 8 Neutral cleaners Without any acids or alkaline compounds Surfactants are mostly non-ionic or anionic surfactants + Good for manual cleaning procedures (harmless pH) + Relatively good removal of fats - Relatively inefficient against protein residues Range of application Manual cleaning processes For materials which are susceptive against acid or alkaline substances Typical compounds Manual cleaning of dish Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 9 Alkaline cleaners Sodium or potassium hydroxide (NaOH, KOH) good performance, very corrosive Amines and silicates less performance, less corrosive Range of application Meat industry, smoking plants, grills + Good removal of proteins, to swelling and peptising of proteins + Very good fat removal properties - Corrosive against certain materials, e.g. aluminium Typical compounds Smoking of fish Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 10 Disinfection What is a disinfecting agent? Chemical agent that facilitates reduction of the number of microorganisms in the environment, to a level that does not compromise food safety or suitability The aim is to hamper or to kill the microorganisms Prerequisite Clean and dry areas without chemical or organic residues First cleaning, then disinfection! Principle techniques Thermal disinfection Chemical disinfection Combination of thermal and chemical disinfection Coliform bacteria in a scanning microscope Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 11 Requirements for disinfection agents Requirements Efficient and fast killing of a broad range of microorganisms Non toxic to humans Should not cause problems to skin or production facilities High tolerance against protein residues High tolerance against surfactant residues Bio-degradable Long shelf life Choice of disinfectant Must be proofed for use in the food industry Only those Products that have been tested by independent, certified laboratories, or that have been listed by hygiene societies (e.g. VAH, and DVG lists in Germany, SSFH list in France) should be used. bacteria before application of disinfectants bacteria after application of disinfectants Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 12 Applied disinfecting agents Alcohols: ethyl alcohol Used for hand disinfection and surface disinfection + Acts fast and efficiently against many bacteria + Low toxicity towards humans + Does not leave any residues - Can only be applied on small surfaces (otherwise risk for explosion) - Low efficiency against spores - Long incubation time if applied against viruses - Needs high dosage (70 %) - Expensive Alcoholic group Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 13 Applied disinfecting agents Halogens: chlorine Active chlorine, applied for CIP, for manual cleaning in sanitary areas, or low pressure foam applications + Widely efficient against bacteria, fungi, and viruses + Fast action + Residues easy to remove by rinsing + Cheap - Protein residues consume chlorine (protein faults) - Causes skin irritation and attacks certain materials - Extremely dangerous if combined with acidic products in high dosages due to the emission of chlorine gas! Cl 2 Cl 2 Chlorine molecules Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 14 Applied disinfecting agents Oxidants: hydrogen peroxide Active oxygen, applied for CIP + Widely efficient against bacteria, fungi, and viruses* + Fast action * + No residuals left - Requires elevated temperatures for fast action (T > 55C) - Non stable, dissociated to water and oxygen * More efficient, less dangerous, and environmentally more friendly than active chlorine, O 2 O 2 Oxygen molecules Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 15 Applied disinfecting agents Surface active compounds: quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) Have similar properties than surfactants + No smell, no taste + Low corrosion + Low toxicity towards humans + Can be applied at wide range of pH - Low efficiency against certain bacteria (gram negative bacteria) - Hampered by anionic surfactant residues - soap failure - Hampered by proteins - protein failure - Long incubation time - Needs a lot of water for rinsing Basic structure of QAC Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 16 Processing Perform gross cleaning (dry or wet cleaning methods) Perform cleaning with cleaning solution Surfaces to be cleaned must be completely covered by cleaning solution Rinse carefully with water to remove remainders of the cleaning solution Apply disinfectant solutions with clean working tools (mops, buckets, transportation units ) Surfaces must be completely covered by the disinfectant solution Check for the correct concentration of the disinfectant remember that remaining water will dilute the disinfectant Keep the contact time Rinse with clean water Example for a cleaning and disinfection process Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 17 Quality control According to the rules of the cleaning companys internal QM system According to the rules of the food producers internal QM system Who controls? Personal with a professional background in hygiene or microbiology Success of cleaning and disinfection process will be controlled! Documentation of the cleaning and disinfection process According to the food producers HACCP system Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 18 Important aspects Never mix cleaners and disinfectants!* Risk for explosions Apply disinfectants after cleaning processes Apply disinfectants on dry and clean surfaces Microorganisms generally do not become resistant against disinfectants, but Viruses have a high tolerance against disinfectants Low efficiency of disinfectants mostly caused by malfunction of processes, e.g. wrong incubation time Some disinfectants like QAC do not work on certain organisms * Only use manufactured articles, e.g. on lightly soiled systems When applying cleaners and disinfectants Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 19 Common problems Corrosion after use of cleaners and disinfectants Harmful effect of agents on material (pH too high or too low, low Resistance towards organic solvents) Examples Irreversible yellow stains on Linoleum due to application of alkaline Foaming of marble due to the use of acids Some plastics and dyes dissolve upon contact with organic solvents Solution Read the instructions carefully, investigate what types of materials are present and how to clean and disinfect them Yellow stains on linoleum surface Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 20 Common problems Residues after use of cleaners and disinfectants Reduce the functionality of surfaces (roughness, stickiness) Examples QAC leave sticky remainders (have to be removed regularly) Silicon junctions often cause slickness and increase surface tensions Some plastics macerate and may dissolve upon contact with organic solvents Solution Read the instructions carefully, investigate what types of materials are present and how to clean and disinfect them Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 21 Occupations health Before starting to work with cleaners and disinfectants Read the standard operating procedure (SOP) for your working area (storage, processes, safety measures, disposal, legal requirements on the safety of chemicals) Read the safety instructions, e.g. material safety data sheet before applying chemicals the first time Apply skin care products before and after work Use personal protective equipment (gloves, overalls, glasses) whenever appropriate, see SOP Implications of HACCP for cleaning enterprises Module 3 - Cleaning and Disinfection Agents 22 End of module The modules and additional information on cleaning and disinfection agents can be obtained from Though I know a lot, I want to know everything." J. W. v. Goethe (1748 1832)