The document provides announcements for various upcoming events at Knox Presbyterian Church, including a fundraising concert on October 25th, opportunities to volunteer with the sound and lighting team or for Sunday morning coffee, and a games night on November 7th. It also lists contact information for the minister, music director, office administrator, and treasurer.
The document provides announcements for various upcoming events at Knox Presbyterian Church, including a fundraising concert on October 25th, opportunities to volunteer with the sound and lighting team or for Sunday morning coffee, and a games night on November 7th. It also lists contact information for the minister, music director, office administrator, and treasurer.
The document provides announcements for various upcoming events at Knox Presbyterian Church, including a fundraising concert on October 25th, opportunities to volunteer with the sound and lighting team or for Sunday morning coffee, and a games night on November 7th. It also lists contact information for the minister, music director, office administrator, and treasurer.
The document provides announcements for various upcoming events at Knox Presbyterian Church, including a fundraising concert on October 25th, opportunities to volunteer with the sound and lighting team or for Sunday morning coffee, and a games night on November 7th. It also lists contact information for the minister, music director, office administrator, and treasurer.
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Remember to mark your calendar for Saturday, October 25, 2014.
This will be a fundraising concert featuring Ali Matthews! Tickets are available at the Knox Thrift Store and the Church ffice! "rice is only #$%!!! This will be a wonderful concert su&&orting our Knox Missions! SOUND AND LIGHTING TEAM The sound and lighting team is looking for volunteers to assist in the running of the sound and light systems at Knox! Training will be &rovided! The team will be res&onsible for Sunday services! ' ho&e you can hel&! "lease contact Tim "auli at ()*+$,)+-,). or tim&auli/rogers!com ! SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE 0ooking for &eo&le to setu& and cleanu& for Coffee 1our in the 2arthex Sunday mornings! 3e still need one &erson for 4ecember5 two &eo&le for 6ebruary5 one &erson for A&ril and one &erson for May! 'f you have any 7uestions5 &lease contact Anne Marie "auli at ()*+ $,)+-,). or email tim&auli/rogers!com! GAMES NIGHT 0ooking for something to do8 3ant to have a night out with friends8 9oin us for a fun evening of games and snacks in the ban7uet hall on Friday, November 7, 2014! "lay your favourite game or learn a new one! :ring your favourite games and a snack to share with friends! Mark your calendars and be ready to have some fun with your church family! UPCOMING CONCERT Allison 0u&ton in concert at the Community 1all in 1arrington on Friday, October ! at .;%% &!m! See Charles 0u&ton for tickets! #$% &er &erson! Refreshments served! STUDENTS A"AY AT SCHOOL To date5 Margaret 0u&ton has only received four students registered for the <Away at School= &rogramme! "lease contact her with the names5 mailing and email addresses5 school5 course5 and birthday! Mi#i$ter% Rev! Mark >edcke ()* (,( ..), or by email at mgedcke/knoxstratford!com Director o& M'$ic% Su?anne Strahan O&&ice Ad(i#i$trator% Kathy :aker Trea$'rer% Shannon Archer O&&ice% )*+,-*,./-/ knoxs/wightman!ca OFFICE HOURS +a(, *0( T'e$day t1ro'21 Friday 3NO4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH October *+, .*! **%.. a( Minister + Rev! Mark >edcke 4irector of Music+ Su?anne Strahan
Pre0aratio# &or "or$1i0 @ "rayer5 Meditation and Aisiting Pre5'de% Morning 1as :roken @ trad! >aelic melody5 arr! 1al 1! 1o&son "e5co(e a#d A##o'#ce(e#t$ CALL TO "ORSHIP% 0eader; >od has given us this beautiful earth and all that grows and runs u&on it! Peo05e% T1a#6$ be to God7 0eader; >od has given us breath to live and s&irit to sing! Peo05e% T1a#6$ be to God7 0eader; >od has gathered us into a community of care and worshi&! Peo05e% Let '$ 8or$1i0 God 8it1 5o9e, t1a#6$2i9i#2, a#d 0rai$e7 BMaren C! Tirabassi5 Touch 1oliness5 Resources 6or 3orshi&5 ed! by Ruth C! 4uck5 Maren C! Tirabassi5 The "ilgrim "ressC OPENING HYMN% DEFE 6or the beauty of the earth OPENING PRAYER% 0iving >od5 you are the beginning of our Gourneys5 our guide5 and our destination! There is no Goy like the Goy of your &resence5 in the midst of your &eo&le! Hou do not deny your love to any who seek you! Hou lead through times of wee&ing to s&rings of new life and new beginnings! >lory be to you5 >od5 our sun and our &rotection5 through 9esus Christ5 in the 1oly S&irit! Amen BRuth C! 4uck5 Touch 1oliness5 Resources 6or 3orshi&5 ed! by Ruth C! 4uck5 Maren C! Tirabassi5 The "ilgrim "ressC PASSING OF THE PEACE% 0eader; The "eace of Christ be with you Congregation: And also with you. ANTHEM% 1ere ' Am5 0ord @ 4aniel 0! Schutte5 arr! 9ack Schrader CHILDREN:S HYMN% D-F) 9esusI hands were kind hands CHILDREN:S TIME% SCRIPTURE READING% Jxodus $%;)+), Matthew ,;$E+$, SERMON% Solid >round HYMN% D-F, Take my life and let it be consecrated OFFERING OFFERTORY% The >ift of 0ove @ arr! 1o&son OFFERTORY PRAISE% DEF( All things bright and beautiful Bverse )C OFFERING PRAYER BtogetherC 1oly ne5 whose heart abounds with gifts5 receive this offering as sign of our intention to live surrounded by your mercy5 ins&ired by your S&irit5 o&en to the Goy of your &resence5 hos&itable to one another5 and generous toward your word! BJdwin J! :eers5 Touch 1oliness5 Resources 6or 3orshi&5 ed! by Ruth C! 4uck5 Maren C! Tirabassi5 The "ilgrim "ressC HYMN% DE-- : The 0ord is my song Bsing twiceC PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ; THE LORD:S PRAYER ur 6ather5 in heaven5 hallowed be your name! Hour Kingdom come5 Hour will be done on earth as it is in heaven! >ive us today our daily bread! 6orgive us our sins5 as we forgive those who sin against us! Save us from the time of trial5 and deliver us from evil! 6or the kingdom5 the &ower and the glory are Hours now and forever! Amen CLOSING HYMN% DFF$ 1ow >reat Thou Art BENEDICTION POSTLUDE% 1orn&i&e from <3ater Music= @ 1andel5 arr! :roughton C1'rc1 O0e#i#2 Today% 0aird Christie C1'rc1 O0e#i#2 Ne<t "ee6% Tim "auli U$1er$ t1i$ 8ee6% Sean Raleigh5 Mike K Cathy :achner5 Karen Savelle U$1er$ #e<t 8ee6% Sean Raleigh5 Mike K Cathy :achner5 Karen Savelle Co&&ee% :arb Jlmer 4redge THE ALLEY The Alley is in need of the following items; ladiesI dresses5 adultsI and childrenIs coats K snow suits5 boots5 shoes5 mittens5 gloves5 slee&wear5 Gewellery5 towels and books! All items must be clean and in working condition! Thank you for your continued su&&ort! Mary Cooper needs small jam jars for the jam she makes and donates to the Thrift Store. If you have any at home, please speak with her. NURSERY AT 3NO4 'n need of a 7uiet &lace for your young child during the service8 The ushers will be &leased to hel& you! 3e have a wonderful nursery available e7ui&&ed with a 7uiet room and a toy room! PRAISE E4PLOSION IS GOING ON THE ROAD= n Sunday5 ctober $- th 5 "raise Jx&losion is going to St! AndrewLs "resbyterian Church in rillia! The Rev! Karen 1orst came for our Anniversary Service in A&ril and loved our band so much she asked for us to come! 3e ask for your &rayers in our travel and our music ministry! The Rev! 4r! :ryan 0a&ier will lead our worshi& at Knox on that Sunday! The organist and &ul&it su&&ly will be &aid by St! AndrewLs5 rillia! FOUND FAITHFUL IN OUR STE"ARDSHIP "lease Goin us for E s&ecial Sundays in 2ovember! Starting 2ovember $ nd 5 we will be encouraged to celebrate the many ways we share our gifts5 talents and money to &artici&ate in the mission and ministry of our congregation! The ctober mailing shared a Stewardshi& letter and a "romise Card! Jach of us is encouraged to think through how we can contribute to the good work we share together! Hou can &ut the "romise Card in the ffering "late on 2ovember $Frd Bor a Sunday following thisC or kee& it at home as a reminder for yourself! Thanks for the faithfulness you share! YOUTH GROUP Houth >rou& meets right after worshi& today! 3e will be making &i??as together and then building u& our friendshi&! 3e finish u& our time at $;F% &!m!