5 Effective ELL Strategies Teachers Should Consider
5 Effective ELL Strategies Teachers Should Consider
5 Effective ELL Strategies Teachers Should Consider
While there are many ways for educators to tailor classroom instruction and support toward English language learners,
Dr. Schneider recommends starting with the following five tips.
1.Behavioral Intervention
If a child is displaying concerning behaviours, or has an education, health, and care plan (EHCP) which
highlights behaviour as a key area of need, students may work with staff on a behavioural support
2.Collaborative Intervention
Group interventions allow students to understand new or existing subject content through team discussion and
group work. In this way, students can listen to, respond, and consider their peers’ differing thoughts in a
collaborative environment.
3.One-to-One Intervention
Usually targeted at students whose progress in a core area has dipped, or children with more complex SEND
needs, one-to-one interventions provide children with the opportunity to work with a teacher or teaching
assistant outside of the classroom. These sessions bring great scope to accelerate progress through focused and
personalised target setting. One-to-one interventions often involve two or three short sessions per week that
tend to run on a termly rota.
4.Classroom-based Intervention
As their title suggests, classroom-based interventions often take place to support learners within their
classroom environment. Working with the teacher or teaching assistant, students will be selected to work
through a new concept or idea in a more structured and supportive way. Classroom intervention strategies
often minimise the number of students who are referred for further special education needs assessments.
5.Social, Emotional and Well-being Intervention
Not all interventions focus on academic data. When students are experiencing trauma, or have experienced
loss, they may not be willing participants in the learning process. If students need support with their mental
health or general wellbeing, social and emotional interventions offer students a safe space in which to explore
their thoughts and feelings.
6.Peer Tutoring
Common in most education settings, peer tutoring gives a more experienced student the chance to work with a
peer who may be struggling or needs further support. Both parties often benefit socially and personally from
the experience, and if well organized, they can have a demonstrable impact on progress too.
7.Metacognition and Self-regulation Intervention
These interventions inform students how we learn and help them to think more explicitly about their own
learning. Often focusing on self-management and evaluation, or analytical skills, these sessions overview
strategies students can use for setting goals, monitoring their progress, and summarizing their learning.
Homework is thought to be most beneficial when it covers material that has been taught that day, although
many schools use homework when introducing new learning. Secondary school homework is deemed
generally more effective than primary school homework, which has a much lower impact rate.