Icns 2011 10 10 10091
Icns 2011 10 10 10091
Icns 2011 10 10 10091
Radosveta Sokullu
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Ege University
Bornova IZMIR 35100 TURKEY
Mustafa Alper Akka
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Ege University
Bornova IZMIR 35100 TURKEY
Fahrettin Demirel
Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
Bornova IZMIR 35100 TURKEY
AbstractIn this paper we discuss a small size experimentally
implemented pipeline watering system, in which the pressure
sensors are placed at carefully selected points. In our
prototype, the TelosB motes, integrated with the pressure
sensors, communicate in real time with each other and also
with the base station according to the specifically designed
wireless network protocol. The reason to choose a WSN as an
infrastructure in our study is to let the system work without
the need of extra cabling. Such a system incorporates both
efficiency and flexibility, and provides the users with an
automatic controlled water/gas system based on the sensor
data. In our work, data was continuously measured using a
pressure sensor and transferred to a central monitoring station
via IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network for storage and
display. TelosB wireless motes were programmed with nesC
and a graphical user interface was used to capture and display
incoming measurements for all selected points being
monitored. Evaluation of the system was done based on the
WSN performance criteria (packet loss and network lifetime)
and also based on the accuracy of the collected pressure data.
In both respects the system performed very satisfactory and
has been successfully implemented.
Keywords: - wireless sensor networks; remote
monitoring;nesC; TinyOS; water pipeline; TelosB; pressure
The increase in the processing and integration capacity of
electronic devices, as well as the advances of low power
wireless communications have enabled the development of
unwired intelligent sensors for a wide set of applications.
The advent of small, low-cost and power efficient wireless
sensor hardware is driving the development of applications
in different industrial sectors, remote process control and
also agriculture. Of particular interest here is the ability to
remotely monitor water and gas pipeline pressure data.
Efficient and accurate use of water resources has become
very significant especially in recent time due to the global
warming issues. Least but not last, the watering pipelines
used in agriculture fields are to be controlled according to
their water use. If pressure sensors are used in the existing
pipelines of watering systems data can be gathered about the
operation of the system.
In this work we present the experimental system design
for remote monitoring the pressure of a watering and gas
pipeline system. The idea is to investigate the possibilities to
support farmers and organizations involved in continuous
monitoring and operation of water and gas pipelines. The
novelty of this work is in two aspects: first it uses pressure
information to both control the performance in the systems
and discover leaks and failures; a new, simple but very
efficient static cluster tree routing protocol is defined and
experimentally tests that can be used with such systems.
From here on the paper is organized as follows: in the
next section we outline the characteristics of similar projects
done before. In Section III, the developed system is
described. In Section IV, we concentrate on the tested and
the experimental results, and in Section V, we conclude the
Min Lin et al. [1], suggested an interesting application for
wireless sensor networks, specifically a water distribution
network monitoring system. They propose a possible
communication model for the water distribution monitoring
network, and describe the channel measurement approach for
the determination of an appropriate path-loss model. The
accuracy of the proposed measurement approach has been
confirmed using the flat earth two-ray model [1].
Yiming Zhou et al. [2], proposed a wireless solution for
intelligent field irrigation system dedicated to Jew's-ear
planting in Lishui, Zhejiang, China, based on ZigBee
technology. Instead of conventional wired connection, the
wireless design made the system easy to install and maintain.
ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5
The hardware architecture and software algorithm of
wireless sensor/actuator node and portable controller, acting
as the end device and coordinator in ZigBee wireless sensor
network respectively, were elaborated in detail.
Yunseop (James) Kim et al. [3], describe details of the
design and instrumentation of a wireless sensor network for
variable rate irrigation and software for real-time in-field
sensing and control of a site-specific precision linear-move
irrigation system. Field conditions were site-specifically
monitored by six in-field sensor stations distributed across
the field based on a soil property map, and periodically
sampled and wirelessly transmitted to a base station. An
irrigation machine was converted to be electronically
controlled by a programming logic controller that updates
geo referenced location of sprinklers from a differential
Global Positioning System (GPS) and wirelessly
communicates with a computer at the base station.
Communication signals from the sensor network and
irrigation controller to the base station were interfaced using
low-cost Bluetooth wireless radio communication. Graphic
user interface-based software was developed.
Ivan Stoianov et al. [4], discuss how wireless sensor
networks can increase the spatial and temporal resolution of
operational data from pipeline infrastructures and thus
address the challenge of near real-time monitoring and
control. They focus on the use of WSNs for monitoring large
diameter bulk-water transmission pipelines. They outline
PipeNet, a system they have been developing for collecting
hydraulic and acoustic/vibration data at high sampling rates
as well as algorithms for analyzing this data to detect and
locate leaks. Challenges include sampling at high data rates,
maintaining aggressive duty cycles, and ensuring tightly time
synchronized data collection, all under a strict power budget.
They have carried out an extensive field trial with Boston
Water and Sewer Commission in order to evaluate some of
the critical components of PipeNet.
Liting Cao et al. [5], a remote real time AMR (Automatic
Meter Reading) system based on wireless sensor networks is
presented. The useful remote AMR sensors are analyzed and
an efficient wireless network structure is suggested. The
remote measurement system for water supply is taken as a
typical example in their experiments. The structure of system
employs distributed wireless sensors and consists of measure
meters, sensor nodes, data collectors, server and a wireless
communication network.
In their work Baoding Zhang et al. [6], introduce a design
schema of wireless smart water meter based on the study of
existing water meters. The main communication is based on
Zigbee. The design is appropriate for modern water
management and the efficiency can be improved.
Most of the studies mentioned above imply limited
flexibility and reconfigurability. They are expensive to
develop since they do not use off-the-shelf solutions to
implement wireless sensor networking in a power-efficient
and user-friendly way. With the proliferation and
standardization of wireless sensor devices the trend is
towards simpler and much cheaper solutions based on
standardized nodes and networks.
In this study, pressure sensors and IEEE 802.15.4
compliant wireless modules are used to implement a mesh
network and water distributing pressure data are stored and
displayed on a PC connected to local gateway or base
station. The proposed system has the advantage of
simplicity, scalability and modularity over other alternatives.
It is fully based on off-the-shelf components and freely
available hardware and allows easy and reasonably priced
setup and tailoring [7, 8]. Even though very similar in
principle to others described in literature, our system is more
robust, more cost effective and the provided user interface is
more elaborate and flexible.
A. System architecture
A conceptual view of the system is shown in Fig. 1. Each
TelosB mote is connected to a remote monitoring system,
which allows the observer to track the pressure. The readings
are transmitted wirelessly from the specific points on the
pipelines through an infrastructure of routing nodes to a
central monitoring system (the base station). Depending on
the pipelines distance from the base station, messages can
pass through multiple nodes to reach the base station. The
base station is connected to a host computer running Moteiv
Trawler to interpret, store and display the collected data.
There are three main subsystems involved:
wireless network
structure, data measurement subsystem and the base station
with its graphical interface.
Figure 1. General System Architecture
B. Freescale Mp3v5050gp Pressure Sensor
The MPxx5050 [9] is a family of pressure sensors
integrating on-chip, bipolar op amp circuitry and thin film
resistor networks to provide a high output signal and
temperature compensation. (Fig. 2)
ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5
Figure 2. Mp3v5050gp Pressure Sensor Connected to TelosB Mote
C. Wireless Module and Software
This wireless communication platform uses TelosB
wireless motes programmed in nesC and the Freescale
Mp3v5050gp sensors are externally connected to the motes
for collecting pressure data from the selected points on the
pipelines that is to be transferred to a central database over
802.15.4 based wireless network. The major reason for
choosing TelosB, off-the-shelf wireless module, is the ease
of programming as well as the low power consumption. The
software platform is based on TinyOS [10], an open-source
operating system designed for wireless embedded sensor
networks and the motes are programmed using nesC, an
extension of C. It features a component-based architecture,
which enables rapid implementation while minimizing code
size [11].
A. Prototype System Description
The architecture described above has been implemented
and tested in real environment. The network structure is a
static hierarchical tree where the motes are mounted on
predefined places on the pipes. Such deployment allows for
collecting data from specifically selected points as well as
precise location of problems. There are two types of nodes
defined based on their functionality: leaf nodes and
intermediate (collector) nodes. (Fig. 1) Leaf nodes transmit
only readings from their own sensors while intermediate
nodes transmit both their own and other nodes information
doing aggregation when necessary. The base node collects
all the data and transfers it to the PC via USB.
The network topology is static hierarchical tree and is
given on Fig. 3. Dark colored nodes are leaf nodes, red
colored nodes are intermediate nodes doing aggregation and
the blue one is the base node. Both leaf and intermediate
nodes do sampling and threshold comparison but while leaf
nodes transmit only their own data, intermediate nodes also
Figure 3. Schematic Network Tree Topology
transmit data from other nodes and if necessary do
aggregation. The base node does not do any sampling but
only transmits collected data.
As it is well known a major source of energy depletion
for a wireless node is receiving and transmitting. In order to
prevent this and provide longer lifetime two thresholds were
introduced. As long as the sensor readings stay within these
thresholds the node would be sending data at longer intervals
(1 2 min). However, as soon as the reading falls outside
these thresholds the data is transmitted in an order of
seconds. A flow chart of the protocol operation is provided
in Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Flow Chart of the Network Protocol
ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5
Figure 5. Schematic Deployment Plan
For safety reasons test were done using pressurized air
instead of gas or water. The test setup included 20 sensors
and 20 nodes plus the base node, equipment for providing
pressurized air and plastic pipes as well as equipment to
simulate user connection points (marked in red) and
controlled pressure leaks (marked in blue). Schematic
deployment plan is provided on Fig. 5. Additional filter
elements (including a low pass filter) were used in the
connection of the sensors to the TelsoB motes.
The test setup covers an area of approximately 200 m
with motes placed at distances from 1.5 to 5 m apart. In
reality this will represent a very small farmers field.
B. Testbed Setup and Operation
Using this experimental setup three groups of tests were
carried out: calibration tests, user oriented tests and network
performance tests. Calibration tests were carried out with the
aim to prove the correctness of the pressure samples taken.
User oriented tests were carried out to verify the correctness
of the collected data as well as the systems proper operation
related to the two threshold and its ability to diagnose
leakage and other problems.
1) System Calibration: Before testing the performance of
the system in real time the pressure sensor measurements
were compared with analog manometer measurements.
Results are given in Fig. 6. and show a constant minimal
difference of 3 kPa which is due to the analog nature of the
manometer. As the difference proved linear and quite small it
was assumed that it does not influence the performance of
the system.
Figure 6. Callibration Measurements
2) User Oriented Tests: These set of measurements
aimed to test the general user perceived performance of the
network. Using the additionally mounted equipment,
different users behavior (different water usage) and
unwanted leakage were simulated.
3) Network Performance Tests: In this group of tests the
basic performance of the network protocol was tested.
Measurements provided information for the packet loss as a
function of the duty cycle, packet queue length, distance and
load (number of packets per unit time).
Furthermore, the lifetime of the network was evaluated as
a function of the duty cycle, the distance and the load
distribution. Measurements of the nodes energy
consumption were taken under different circumstances and
lifetime calculations were provided. This allowed us to
determine the nodes which are critical from power
consumption point of view. Such information is very
important and can be utilized at deployment time to
overcome possible operational problems or to provide for
maximizing the lifetime of the network as a whole. On the
other hand, the energy required for the transmission of a
single packet was also calculated.
As a result, the performance of the designed protocol can
be optimized further to provide better performance once the
system is realized at large scale.
C. Evaluation of the Results and Discussion
Evaluation of the results is done form the point of view
of the user (pressure information) and the point of view of
the network performance (network performance parameters).
1) Correctness of Pressure Data: As for the correctness
of the collected information the measurements both in
between the two thresholds and outside the thresholds
proved that the node data algorithms are working properly.
Data related to the time for reporting a possible pressure leak
is given as an example in Fig. 7. and Fig. 8. The first one
presents the information from all the nodes, while the second
one (a zoomed version) shows more clearly the difference in
the pressure and the time delay between the two nodes
node number 10 and node number 20.
Figure 7. Graph of Changes Pressure Changes for Different Nodes
In Fig. 8. each different color represents and different
node. Because the size of the experimental setup is quite
small there is a very small time and pressure difference
ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5
between the nodes (t and p in Fig. 8). In a larger system
these changes will be more easily perceived but still within
the limits required for proper reaction.
Figure 8. Zoomed Version Showing Two Separate Nodes
These tests and results prove that the suggested system
can be used for monitoring a watering system and collecting
information about possible leaks in due time. It can be easily
attached to an automatic actuator system that will react to
such failures and provide automatic closing of certain valves
in order to prevent water waste.
2) Network Performance Evaluation: As mentioned
above a number of different tests were carried out, however
due to space limitations only some are presented here: the
packet loss as a function of the sampling period, the length of
the queue and the distance; the power consumption as a
function of the sampling period as well as the graph of the
power consumed by different nodes for a fixed sampling
The sampling period is an important parameter which
influences both the correctness of the results, the network
load and the overall lifetime of the system. Increasing the
sampling period reflects in changing the network load if we
assume a 28 bytes packet size, for a sampling period of 1
second the load will be 560 bytes/sec while for a sampling
period of 60 seconds it will be 9.3 bytes/sec. Thus, as it can
be seen from Fig. 9. and Fig. 10. regulating the sampling
period is an important tool in reducing the packet loss and
also determining the power consumption. Voltage reduction
is the difference between the battery level at the beging and
at the end of the experiment. It is important to note that the
largest change in power consumption is observed for very
small intervals and a decision of interval duration of 2 or 10
sec can drive the required voltage from 0.157 V to 0.0182 V,
or nearly 8.7 times less while at the same time packet loss is
increased 2.6 times.
Furthermore, measurements in the battery loss for a
sampling period of 60 sec show very distinctly (Fig. 11) that
due to the hierarchical tree structure some nodes deplete their
energy at a much faster rate then others. As these are usually
key intermediate nodes, a possible solution is providing
alternative energy sources or recharging probabilities, like
for example solar rechargeable batteries. Such solutions are
still expensive and our study gives an opportunity to evaluate
more realistically the need for such implementations.
According to our calculations, for the worst case, if a
sampling period of 60 sec is applied the TelosB nodes will
be able to work for 190 days.
Figure 9. Packet Loss as a Function of Sampling Rate
Another factor which can be regulated to tune the
network performance is the length of the queue of packets to
be sent (or in other words the sending buffer size). For
example, for a queue length of packets per node 7 the packet
loss is 0.017% compared to 0.195% for a length of 2 packets.
We have also observed that 7 is an optimal value since an
increase to 8 o9 has also leaded to increase in the packet loss
to 0.043 (Fig. 12).
Figure 10. Voltage Reduction as a Function of Sampling Rate
Figure 11. Voltage Reduction Per Node for 60 sec. Sampling Rate
ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5
Figure 12. Packet Loss as a Function of Queue Length
Finally, the packet loss as a function of the distance
between nodes is presented in Fig. 13. According to the
datasheets TelosB modes have a range of up to 125 m.
However our tests, done in the open field have shown that at
a distance of 120 m the packet losses are unacceptably high
(nearly 60%). Accordingly, packet losses less than 2% can
be achieved if the nodes are deployed at up to 70 m apart.
Figure 13. Packet Loss as a Function of the Distance Between Nodes
In this study, we have presented the design
considerations and results from the experimental prototype
of a wireless sensor based network for collecting pressure
data that can be used for watering systems and gas pipelines.
The system is based on TelosB motes organized in a WSN
with a suitable designed network protocol which provides
also data control and aggregation. The field-tests aim to
provide insights into the possibilities for optimizing the
network performance and increasing the network lifetime as
a whole. The prototype is based on requirements provided by
the 2
DSI (2
Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic and
Water Works) for a water project in Usak, Turkey.
This theoretical and experimental work will provide an
example of the possibilities to apply WSN for better and
more effective control and implementation of farming
watering systems. Such systems are static and the selected
hierarchical tree network architecture and the pertinently
designed protocol provide both very effective use of network
resources and possibilities for fast determination of leaks and
problems. The performance of the network and its power
consumption were examined in detail and the parameters and
methods to increase both its performance and lifetime were
outlined. To reduce traffic load data aggregation and
sampling rate optimization was suggested. Due to the
adopted addressing scheme the coordinates of the problems
can be efficiently determined without the need of GPS data.
In the future the system can be further enhanced by
connecting to an actuator network that will provide timely
reactions to prevent water waste.
As a result, the work presented in this paper provides the
background for further research and implementation of
wireless sensor networks is agriculture related fields as
automatic watering systems. With small adjustments and
additions the suggested system can be used for gasoline
pipeline monitoring and control as well.
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ICNS 2011 : The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5