This document summarizes the Philippine Food Fortification Program established through Republic Act No. 8976. It mandates the fortification of staple foods like rice, flour, sugar and cooking oil with essential vitamins and minerals to address nutritional deficiencies in the population. The program consists of voluntary fortification through the Sangkap Pinoy Seal as well as mandatory fortification of staples. It aims to compensate for nutrient losses from food processing and ensure Filipinos meet their Recommended Dietary Allowances.
This document summarizes the Philippine Food Fortification Program established through Republic Act No. 8976. It mandates the fortification of staple foods like rice, flour, sugar and cooking oil with essential vitamins and minerals to address nutritional deficiencies in the population. The program consists of voluntary fortification through the Sangkap Pinoy Seal as well as mandatory fortification of staples. It aims to compensate for nutrient losses from food processing and ensure Filipinos meet their Recommended Dietary Allowances.
This document summarizes the Philippine Food Fortification Program established through Republic Act No. 8976. It mandates the fortification of staple foods like rice, flour, sugar and cooking oil with essential vitamins and minerals to address nutritional deficiencies in the population. The program consists of voluntary fortification through the Sangkap Pinoy Seal as well as mandatory fortification of staples. It aims to compensate for nutrient losses from food processing and ensure Filipinos meet their Recommended Dietary Allowances.
This document summarizes the Philippine Food Fortification Program established through Republic Act No. 8976. It mandates the fortification of staple foods like rice, flour, sugar and cooking oil with essential vitamins and minerals to address nutritional deficiencies in the population. The program consists of voluntary fortification through the Sangkap Pinoy Seal as well as mandatory fortification of staples. It aims to compensate for nutrient losses from food processing and ensure Filipinos meet their Recommended Dietary Allowances.
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Republic Act No. 8976 An Act Establishing The Philippine Food Fortification Program And For Other Purposes The state recognizes that food fortification is vital where there is a demonstrated need to increase the intake of an essential nutrient by one or more population groups, as manifested in dietary, biochemical or clinical evidences of deficiency. Food fortification is considered important in the promotion of optimal health and to compensate for the loss of nutrients due to processing and/or storage of food. Food fortification, therefore, shall be carried out to compensate for the inadequacies in Filipino diet, based on present-day needs as measured using the most recent Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA).
DEFINITION OF TERMS Fortification Addition of nutrients to processed foods or food products at levels above the natural state as an approach to control micronutrient deficiency Addition of a micronutrient, deficiency in the diet, to a food which is widely consumed by specific at-risk groups
Processed food or food products Food that has been subjected to some degree of processing
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) Levels of nutrient intakes which are considered adequate to maintain health and provide reasonable levels or reserves in body tissues
Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program (SPSP) A strategy to encourage food manufacturers to fortify processed foods or food products with essential nutrients at levels approved by the DOH Its fundamental concept is to authorize food manufacturers to use the DOH seal of acceptance for processed foods or food products, after these products passed a set of defined criteria The seal is a guide used by consumers in selecting nutritious foods
FORTIFICATION LEVELS FOOD VEHICLE FORTIFICANTS MINIMUM LEVEL OF FORTIFICATION AT PRODUCTION Flour Iron Vitamin A 45ppm 490 RE / 100 grams Sugar Vitamin A 175 RE / 15 grams Edible Oil Vitamin A 300 RE / 15 grams Rice Iron 6 mg / 100 grams Raw Rice Salt Iodine 70 ppm (bulk pack) 60 ppm (retail pack) Condiments Iron Level will be in accordance with Food Fortification Guidelines
KEY PROVISIONS OF THE FOOD FORTIFICATION LAW Sec. 1 The Philippine Food Fortification Program shall cover all imported or locally processed foods or food products for sale or distribution, for human consumption in the Philippines. Sec. 2 The Philippine Food Fortification Program shall consist of two systems: 1. Voluntary food fortification to encourage food processors to undertake food fortification on their own volition to enhance the nutrition content of their food products 2. Mandatory food fortification for specific food products
FOOD FORTIFICATION PROGRAM The nutritional deficiency problems in the Philippines, based on nutrition surveys, include deficiency in energy, iron, vitamin A, iodine, thiamin and riboflavin. Food fortification is considered important in the promotion of optimal health and to compensate for the loss of nutrients due to processing and/or storage of food. Food fortification program is carried out to compensate for the inadequacies in Filipino diet, based on present-day needs as measured using the most recent Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). The program consists of: (1) Voluntary Food Fortification and (2) Mandatory Food Fortification. A. Voluntary Food Fortification Under the Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program (SPSP), the Department shall encourage the fortification of all processed foods or food products based on rules and regulations which the DOH through the BFAD shall issue after the effectivity of this act. For voluntary fortification, food manufacturers may fortify their processed foods or food products based on acceptable standards set by the DOH through the BFAD. Products that have complied with the requirements are awarded the Sangkap Pinoy Seal similar to the Diamond Seal for staples. 139 fortified processed food products with the Sangkap Pinoy Seal. B. Mandatory Food Fortification Fortification of staple foods based on standards set by the DOH through the BFAD is hereby made mandatory for the following food groups: o Rice - with Iron o Wheat flour - with vitamin A and Iron o Refined sugar - with vitamin A o Cooking oil - with vitamin A o Other staple foods with nutrients as may later be required by the NNC Consumers will know that the staples they are buying are fortified when they see the Diamond Seal stamped on the product o 119 brands of food staples o 44 oil products/brands o 55 flour products/brands o 9 rice products/brands o 9 salt products/brands o 2 sugar products/brands Objectives: 1. To provide the basis for the need for a food fortification program in the Philippines: The Micronutrient Malnutrition Problem 2. To discuss various types of food fortification strategies 3. To provide an update on the current situation of food fortification in the Philippines Fortification as defined by Codex Alimentarius the addition of one or more essential nutrients to food, whether or not it is normally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiency of one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups
Vitamin A, Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) and its Consequences Vitamin A - an essential nutrient as retinol needed by the body for normal sight, growth, reproduction and immune competence Vitamin A deficiency - a condition characterized by depleted liver stores & low blood levels of vitamin A due to prolonged insufficient dietary intake of vit. A followed by poor absorption or utilization of vit. A in the body VAD affects childrens proper growth, resistance to infection, and chances of survival (23 to 35% increased child mortality), severe deficiency results to blindness, night blindness and bitots spot
Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency: 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 (DOST FNRI, NNS) Physiological State 1993 1998 2003 2008 6 months - 5 yrs. 35.3 38.0 40.1 15.2 Pregnant 16.4 22.2 17.5 9.5 Lactating 16.4 16.5 20.1 6.4 WHO Cut off Point to be considered a public health problem = >15%
Iron and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and its consequences Iron - an essential mineral and is part of hemoglobin, the red protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells Iron Deficiency Anemia - condition where there is lack of iron in the body resulting to low hemoglobin concentration of the blood IDA results in premature delivery, increased maternal mortality, reduce ability to fight infection and transmittable diseases and low productivity
Iodine and Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) Iodine - a mineral and a component of the thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones - needed for the brain and nervous system to develop & function normally Iodine Deficiency Disorders refers to a group of clinical entities caused by inadequacy of dietary iodine for the thyroid hormone resulting into various condition e.g. goiter, cretinism, mental retardation, loss of IQ points
Progress in the Philippines towards the Elimination of IDD, 1998-2008 Indicator Goal* Achievements 1998 2003 2008 Proportion of Households using Iodized Salt, % >90 9.7 56.0 81.1 Median Urinary Iodine, ug/L 6-12 yrs. 100-200 71 201 132 Lactating Women 100-200 - 111 81 Pregnant Women 150-249 - 142 105 Proportion < 50g/L, % < 20 6-12 yrs. 35.8 11.4 19.7 Lactating Women - 23.7 34.0 Pregnant Women - 18.0 25.8 *ICC-IDD 2007
ASIN LAW Republic Act 8172, An Act Promoting Salt Iodization Nationwide and for other purposes, signed into law on Dec. 20, 1995 Among the foods that are fortified is salt with iodine Many studies show that salt iodization is the most cost-effective means to prevent and control iodine deficiency disorders. RA 8172 or the ASIN Law which was passed in 1995 mandates that all salt used for human and animal consumption be iodized. Food manufacturers and food processors shall make sure that the salt that they use is iodized. Consumers should buy only salt that is iodized.
FOOD FORTIFICATION LAW Republic Act 8976, An Act Establishing the Philippine Food Fortification Program and for other purposes, signed into law on November 7, 2000 Mandates fortification of flour, oil and sugar with Vitamin A and flour and rice with iron by November 7, 2004 Promotes voluntary fortification through the SPSP
Status and Recommendations for the Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program Status: There are 139 processed food products with Sangkap PinoySeal with 83% with vitamin A, 29% with iron and 14% with iodine (2008) 37% of the products are snack foods Most of the products FDA analyzed are within the standard Based on 2003 NNS Households awareness of SPS- and FF-products is 11% and 14%, respectively, in 2008 awareness is 11.6% Although awareness is low, usage of SPS-products is 99.2% Recommendations: Review voluntary fortification standards as standards were developed prior to mandatory fortification Conduct in-depth analysis of the coverage of Sangkap Pinoy Seal of the 2008 NNS Update list of Sangkap Pinoy Seal products as some companies have stopped using the seal in their products Intensify promotions of Sangkap Pinoy Seal
Status and Recommendation on Flour Fortification with Vitamin A and Iron Status: Based on FDA monitoring all local flour millers are fortifying with vitamin A and iron 94% and 92% of all samples tested by FDA in 2009 were fortified with vitamin A and iron respectively while 77% and 99% were fortified with vitamin A and iron respectively. In 2010 decrease in vitamin A due to non-fortified imported and market samples flour. 58% of samples from local mills for vitamin A and 67% of imported flour for iron were fortified according to standards. Recommendations: Review fortificants for iron and possible other micronutrients to be added to wheat flour Continue monitoring wheat fortification Assist flour millers to improve quality of fortification Need to show impact of flour fortification
Status and Recommendations on Mandatory Fortification of Refined Sugar with Vitamin A Status: Non-fortification by industry due to the unresolved issue of who will bear the cost of fortification brought about by the quedan system of transferable certificates of sugar ownership. Lack of premix production Fortification of refined sugar would benefit mainly those in the high income group. Recommendations: Continue discussions with sugar industry to explore a compromise for fortification i.e. fortification of washed sugar Review policy on mandatory fortification of refined sugar
Status and Recommendations on Rice Fortification with Iron Status: NFA is fortifying 50% of its rice in 2009 and 2010 With the non fortification of NFA rice, private sector has an excuse for non fortification of its rice. There is limited commercial/private sector iron rice premix and iron fortified rice production and distribution mostly in Mindanao (Region XII and XI) with Gen San having the only commercial iron rice premix plant in the Philippines and Davao City implementing mandatory rice fortification in food outlets NFA conducted communications campaign for its iron fortified rice thru the so called I-rice campaign though issues remain on the acceptability of its product Recommendation: Review of mandatory fortification of rice with iron
Status and Recommendations on Cooking Oil Fortification with Vitamin A Status: Based on the samples analyzed by FDA in 2009 and 2010, more than 90% are fortified (91% in 2009 and 94% in 2010) Samples monitored were labeled and packed FDA is not monitoring "takal" Recommendations: To increase frequency of monitoring by FDA and other agencies such as PCA and LGUs, to ensure all oil refiners and repackersare monitored at least once a year Monitoring of takal oil, use of test kit Monitoring imported oil, FDA and BOC to coordinate Review policy of mandatory fortification of oil to possibly limit to those mostly used by at risk population (coconut and palm oil)
Status and Recommendations on Salt Iodization Status: Based on the 2008 NNS, 81.1% of households were positive for iodine using Rapid Test Kit (RTK) In the same survey for Region III, 55.7% were positive for RTK but only 34.2% and 24.2% have iodine content >5ppm and >15ppm respectively using WYD Tester For FDA monitoring in 2010, 88% were >5ppm while 44% were >15ppm FDA started implementing localization of ASIN Law with General Santos City as the 1stto have a MOA with FDA on localization Recommendation: FDA to expand localization of ASIN Law Set up iodine titration for testing iodine in salt Continue to intensify monitoring particularly imported and takal salt
Food Fortification Day Theme 2010: EO 382 declares November 7 as the National Food Fortification Day
IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND REVIEW OF FFP DOH through Food and Drug Administration (FDA) formerly known as Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (BFAD) serves as the lead implementing and monitoring agency of the Food Fortification Program DOH-FDA is assisted by agencies of the Department of Agriculture in monitoring and review of the law. These are the: o Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) for sugar o National Food Authority (NFA) for rice o Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) for oil o Bureau of Customs for imported products o LGUs for markets and food service establishments National Nutrition Council (NNC) reviews and recommends to the DOH and Congress, and thus, issues policies or recommendations relative to the fortification program. Food and Drug Administration is the lead monitoring agency of RA 8976. It is also responsible for formulating the necessary monitoring protocols.
ADVANTAGES OF FOOD FORTIFICATION To Manufacturers It adds value to your product and can help increase the demand for these products. Food fortification is also an opportunity for the company to promote good nutrition among consumers and therefore improve the image of your company To Consumers With fortification, consumers are assured of value for their money and improved nutrient intake from buying and consuming fortified foods. The food fortification seal which is being awarded to manufacturers who fortify their products according to FDA standards. It assures consumers that the products are fortified properly and safely
Under Republic Act no. 8976: the "Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000." A strategy to encourage food manufacturers to fortify processed foods or food products with essential nutrients at levels approved by the DOH. Aims to combat our countrys three leading problems in health; namely anemia (Iron deficiency), iodine-deficiency and Vitamin A deficiency. The fundamental concept of the program is to authorize food manufacturers to use the DOH seal of acceptance for processed foods or food products, after these products passed a set of defined criteria. The seal is a guide used by consumers in selecting nutritious foods The Sangkap Pinoy Seal (SPS) is the local term referring to the seal given by the Department of Health (DOH) to food products that have been certified as fortified with three essential micronutrients, namely: vitamin A, iron and iodine, singly or in combination Department of Health (DOH) gives the seal, through Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD),to processed (e.g. instant noodles and chips) and staple (e.g. flour and cooking oil) food products fortified with essential micronutrients like Vitamin A, Iron and Iodine. The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI-DOST) studied the awareness and acceptance of products with this seal. The survey said that there is good acceptance and awareness of the SPS. About 25-50% of households surveyed in the country consumed at least one food item with SPS on a weekly basis. However, only 16.1% knew what the SPS seal is about. The survey also found out that among the fortified products with SPS, instant noodles and sardines are the most commonly consumed by 49.7% and 46.3% respectively. The respondents said they consumed at least one of these products in a week. According to the study, children commonly consumed SPS products. Among them, 46.9% ate instant noodles (Lucky Me noodles, chicken or beef flavors) and 48.8% ate sardines. SPS are found in products that children love: o Tang, Eight o clock (fruit juices) o Ovaltine (chocolate drink) o Magic flakes (biscuits) o Lucky Me (instant mami) o 555 sardines in Tomato Sauce (meat and fish products) o Oishi, Jack & Jill (snack foods) o Minola Premium Edible Oil (fats) o Papa Banana Catsup (condiments)
REFERENCES: Philippine Food Fortification Program: List of fortified food products DOH-BFAD Approved (as of June 2008)
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