NINA Recording Tool - Template

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Nutrition Initial Needs Assessment (NINA) Recording Tool

Note: Conducted within 24-72 hours after the onset of emergency or disaster

Type of Emergency/ Name of Emergency/

Disaster Disaster:

Geographic Information Assessment Team Information

Region Date of Assessment
Name and Signature
of Team Leader
City/ Municipality Designation and Agency

Barangay Cellphone Number

Name and mobile number
Name of Evacuation
of alternate contact
Center (If applicable)

Respondents’ Profile
Name of Person(s) Interviewed Designation Office/Agency Cellphone Number

Demographic Data of the Affected Population

Male Female Total Number affected

All Age Groups Pregnant Women (Total)

Less than 6 months  1st and 2nd trimester

6 to 23 months  3rd trimester (should be

referred to the nearest
24 to 59 months hospital)

60 years old and Above Lactating Mothers

Persons with Disabilities Female Adolescents (10-19 yrs)

Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Services/Facilities

Yes No
Are there clearly identified IYCF/breastfeeding
If yes, how many?
Are there community kitchens in the area? If yes, how many?

Are there IYCF support group deployed in the area? If yes, how many?

Is there an available human milk bank in the area? If yes, how many?
Are there donations of breastmilk substitutes If yes, by whom?
and/or baby bottles/ teats since the onset of the
emergency/disaster? Actions done

Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Supplies

IYCF Counselling Cards pcs Others (indicate quantity):

Breastfeeding Flip Charts pcs

EO 51 (Milk Code) Posters pcs

Breastfeeding/IYCF Kits pcs

Micronutrient Supplementation Supplies

This tool was developed by the Nutrition Surveillance Division of the National Nutrition Council, 2332 Chino Roces Avenue Extension, Western Bicutan, Taguig
City. If you have inquiries, you can reach us at (632) 843-5824 or email us at
Vitamin A capsule: 100,000 IU capsules Iron syrup: 150mg iron/5ml bottles

Vitamin A capsule: 200,000 IU capsules Oral Rehydration Salt Solution sachets

Micronutrient Powder (MNP) sachets Zinc drops or syrup bottles

Iron drops: 15 mg iron/0.6 ml bottles Others (specify supplies and indicate quantity):
Iron 200 mg with Folic Acid
400 IU
Iron 60 mg with Folic Acid 2.8

Availability of Nutrition Anthropometric Tools

MUAC Tape for children pcs Weighing Scale (Adult) pcs

MUAC Tape for adults pcs Length/Height Board pcs

Infant Weighing scale pcs Wt for Length/Ht Reference Table pcs

Commodities for Management of Acute Malnutrition

RUSF tubs ReSoMal sachets

RUSF sachets High Energy Biscuits (HEB) sachets

RUTF sachets Others (specify commodities and indicate quantity):

Therapeutic Milk F-75 sachets/ cans

Therapeutic Milk F-100 sachets/ cans

 RUSF: Ready to Use Supplementary Food  RUTF: Ready to Use Therapeutic Food  ReSoMal: Rehydration Solution for Malnutrition

Ongoing Relief Efforts/Assistance

Has the community/ Check
Are there available and Are there
evacuation center appropriate Name of organization(s)
accessible markets selling perceived gaps? (/)
received any of the answer (/) providing assistance
food to the community?
following assistance? Yes No Yes No

 Yes Food

 No Safe Drinking Water

Number of children 0-59 Hygiene Kit

months experiencing diarrhea
(3 or more watery stools in Toilet/Portalet/Latrine
the past 24 hours)
Cooking Utensils

Overall Assessment/Notes: Temporary Shelter

This tool was developed by the Nutrition Surveillance Division of the National Nutrition Council, 2332 Chino Roces Avenue Extension, Western Bicutan, Taguig
City. If you have inquiries, you can reach us at (632) 843-5824 or email us at

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