LCCI - Level 3 Diploma in Accounting

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Diploma in Accounting

1 S o p h i a R o a d , Peace Centre, #07-13 , S i n g a p o r e 2 2 8 1 4 9 T e l : ( 6 5 ) 6 3 3 8 7 1 5 1 F a x : ( 6 5 ) 6 3 3 8 7 3 5 1
E ma i l : i n f o @e d u q u e s t . c o m. s g We b s i t e : ww w. e d u q u e s t . c o m. s g

To achieve LCCI Group Diploma in
Accounting candidates must successfully
complete and pass at-least 3 modules
including Accounting in one sitting or using
combined module certificates obtained
within 90 days from the 1

Accounting Level 3
Business Statistics Level 3
Cost Accounting Level 3
Management Accounting Level 3

Duration : 8 Months
The LCCI Level 3 Group Diploma in
Accounting is suitable for students
who have interest in an
accounting function and want to
develop their knowledge,
understanding and skills across this
broad functional area.
CPE ERF Registration No. 200721365K Registration Period: 07/01/2013 to 06/01/2014

Entry Requirements
1 GCE N Level or
1 GCE O Level or
LCCI Level 2 Certificate in Book-Keeping or
Additional Entry Pre-requisite for DIA, DCA courses
Basic Book-Keeping knowledge; or
LCCI Level 2 Certificate in Book-Keeping; or
Practical working experiences in a
financial/ accounting industry.
Assessment Details
LCCI Examinations are available 3 times a year as
Series 2(March) / Series 3(J une) / Series 4
(November or December).
Candidates may choose to appear for the nearest
examination series depending on the course
completion period.

Pass and Grade Information
100 marks are available for each assignment. The
marks necessary to achieve Pass, Credit and
Distinction grades are as follows:
Pass: 50 - 59 Marks / Credit: 60 - 74 Marks /
Distinction: 75 - 100 Mark

Teaching Methodology
Classroom Face-To-Face Training Sessions

Module Synopsis

1. Accounting (Level 3)
Candidates are expected to develop: an
understanding of the more advanced aspects of
Certificate in Book-keeping, Level 1 and Certificate
in Book-keeping and Accounts, Level 2; the
preparation of accounts for a partnership in relation
to alterations in partners interests and the
conversion of a partnership into a limited company;
the accounting entries for a limited company to
record the issue of share capital and the issue and
redemption of debentures; how to account for
distributable profits and profits prior to incorporation
for companies; the preparation of cash flow
statements in accordance with FRS 1 (revised); the
preparation of a cash budget; the preparation of a
budgeted income statement and/ or balance
sheet; the calculation and interpretation of
accounting ratios; the principles of decision making;
the interpretation of accounting statements; and
accounting standards and concepts

2. Certificate in Business Statistics (Level 3)
The aims of this syllabus are to enable candidates to
a knowledge and understanding of more
advanced statistical techniques
the ability to apply this knowledge and
understanding in solving business problems

3. Certificate in Cost Accounting (Level 3)
Candidates are expected to develop: an
understanding of advanced aspects of the
processing of cost accounting information,
including stock control; a detailed understanding of
how cost accounting information can be used for
the purposes of short-term planning, control and
decision making within business organisations; and
the ability to apply this understanding in a variety of
business settings.
Syllabus topics include:
Materials and stock control
Costing methods and systems
Cost-volume-profit(CVP) analysis
Budgetary planning and control
Standard costing and variances
Accounting systems

4. Management Accounting (Level 3)
The aim of this unit is to test the candidate's
knowledge and understanding of the basic
principle involved in short-term cost behaviour, short
and long term decision making and short-term profit
control, cash management and product cost
ascertainment. Candidates are expected to
develop: the ability to critically analyse information
for both short term and long term decision making;
an ability to use management accounting
information for the purposes of planning and control
of cash and other resources within business
organisation and an understanding of factors
affecting the planning and control process; an
awareness of how product costs can be
ascertained using different costing methods; and
an understanding of business performance
measures, and the relevance and impact of
transfer pricing.

Syllabus topics include:
Short term cost behaviour
Short term decision making
Short term profit control
Cash and working capital management
Long term decision making and control
Product cost ascertainment
Transfer pricing and performance

Version : 1.0

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