Thesis Nila Madam
Thesis Nila Madam
Thesis Nila Madam
LIST OF TABLES………………………...
I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………....
a. Background of the Study…………………….
b. Statement of the Problem……………….
c. Hypothesis…………………………………………..………………….
d. Significance of the Study……….
e. Scope and Limitation………….
III. METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………
a. Research Design………………….………………….
b. Research Locale……………….
c. Sample and Sampling Technique………………..
d. Data Gathering Procedure…………………….
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
e. Instrumentation……………….
f. Statistical Treatment………………….
b. Conclusion……………………………….
c. Recommendations………………………….
VI. APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………..
VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
Rotation means to move from one location to another. It is the systematic movement
of employees from one job to another within the organization to achieve various human
resources objectives such as orienting new employees, training employees, enhancing career
development, and preventing job boredom or burnout. It plays a crucial role in the
organization's growth and patient care within the health sector. Due to this, numerous
organizations rotate and assign new roles to their employees for their professional
Ward rotation motivates nurses to perform better by allowing for continuous growth
at work, expanded knowledge and skill, and improved clinic patient care-taking quality.
Scholars have all proposed that ward rotation can help employees develop multiple skills and
broaden their vision, as well as reduce job burnout. However, emotional stress is common in
the workplace, where interpersonal interactions are prevalent. Nurses working in hospitals, in
particular, not only carry out independent and professional nursing activities in accordance
with doctor's orders, but also accept responsibility for any immediate threat to patients' lives.
can diversify job skills during specific periods of time, it is also regarded as a practical
approach to enrich and expand job assignments. Therefore, it is also planned on-the-job
training for cultivating future candidates of management by transferring a staff nurse from
one department to another to increase his or her understanding and credentials in all aspects.
In addition, it is also regarded as a method of job design that, on top of allowing employees to
learn job skills from different departments, eliminates employee fatigue due to tedious job
assignments can encourage an employee’s enthusiasm once again, and improve employee
morale to increase output. When implementing it, the quality of an individual’s
work experience should be focused on, instead of quantity. Organizations should arrange the
next rotation plan according to each employee’s learning capability and adjustment time.
Therefore, high frequency of ward rotation may not be better; factors such as employee’s
background, learning status, and job familiarity should be taken into consideration for
As mentioned, studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of Ward rotation on
staff nurses. Most of the studies were phenomenological, focusing on experiences during
clinical rotation. The researchers plan to find out the effectiveness of ward rotation of staff
The Ospital ng Makati is dedicated on providing staff nurses with the skills, knowledge, and
specialized training to succeed as qualified caregivers and leaders in the nursing profession.
The hospital’s aim is for the nurses to grow and adapt to each area so that nurses will be
Rotating to different areas when you’re a staff nurse is an important step for this entitles them
to acquire the knowledge and skills that they should have when they will be independent. In
the institution, the researchers noticed that the effect of being rotated on different areas have a
With this, the researchers sought to determine whether rotating on different areas are
effective. From the results of the study, recommendations that will be formed will be geared
towards determining strategies that can help the staff nurses to attain their maximum
The main problem of this study was to determine the level of effectiveness of ward rotation in
1.1 Age,
1.2 Gender,
2. What is the level of effectiveness of staff nurses rotated in different areas when it
comes to:
3. What is the frequency of ward rotation of the staff nurses prior permanent ward
4. Is there significant relationship between the level of effectiveness of staff nurses and
the frequency of ward rotation of the staff nurses prior permanent ward
1.There is no significant between the level of effectiveness of staff nurses and the frequency
Patient’s needs come first. This study aims to give security and optimal nursing care with no
mistakes in any procedures. Once effectivity of ward rotation is known, patients will be able
to receive the highest quality of care that they truly deserve by being handled by highly
trained and experienced nurses that are holistically effective and efficient.
Highly skilled and knowledgeable nurses do not just come after education. Staff nurses will
be opened to the significance of proper training and enough amount of experience in order to
be personally and professionally developed. Staff nurses’ strengths and weaknesses will be
Knowing the level of effectivity of nurses who underwent ward rotation via the presented
staff nurses in Ospital ng Makati. With this study, administrators will be able to continue the
said training with competency and determine the weak points wherein enhancement can be
This research will serve as a future basis for other researches in the same subject matter.
The future researchers will use the information that was gathered in the research and further
enhance it to come up with the other findings other than the finding in this research.
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
This study aims to explore the level of effectiveness of ward rotation in rendering quality
health care service. This study will be focused on the staff nurses of Ospital ng Makati. The
respondents will be given survey questionnaires that will assess their level of effectiveness
after being rotated to different clinical areas of Ospital ng Makati. Then, the researcher will
look inot the specific relationship of the mentioned variable will analyze the data gathered.
This study is limited to the level in effectiveness of respondents after being rotated to
different areas. Anything not related to the mentioned subject is not considered in the study.
Also, this research based on the answers that the respondents will give which is why the
research is based on the answers that the respondents will give which is why this research is
highly dependent on the truthfulness of the respondents while answering the questionnaire.
In the research conducted by Edward et al (2011), the transition period from student to
newly qualified nurse where nurses are adjusting to their new role and consolidating their
knowledge and skills can be stressful. It is a time when many newly qualified nurses are left
feeling inadequately prepared. A variety of strategies to ease the transition process have been
According to Bandura’s (2010) theory discussed social influences that affect learning.
He believed that environment, cognitive factors and behavior all interact to influence the
student’s learning ability and students learn vicariously through others. The Social Learning
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
Theory involves four steps to observational learning. First, attention must be paid by the
observer to the role model. During the observation if the observer is distracted, a negative
impact on learning may occur. Second, retention is important in the Social Learning Theory.
Retention is the ability of the observer to the store information to be used later and then act
on the knowledge gained from the observation. The third step in the Social Learning Theory
is reproduction. Each time the observer replicates the retained behavior, the behavior or skill
is improved. Finally, the last step is motivation. If the observer is not motivated to imitate the
behavior, than the behavior will not be practiced and therefore the behavior will not be
Nursing students do not have the opportunity to care for every patient with every
disease during their one shift in clinical setting. The social learning theory supports the belief
that nurses, the instructor and other students can share their clinical experiences with the
novice student nurse who can learn vicariously through this experience. Bandura stressed the
understand images or descriptions, the student must translate the images into actual
behaviors. Without the opportunity to reproduce, practice, or use the 8 information taught, the
information may not be retained. Therefore, a student may learn through modeling performed
by staff nurses, the instructor, and/ or through the environment thus leading the student to
Kozier and Erb (2010),explains that under the law, nurses are responsible for their
own action regardless of whether there is a written order. All medication errors are serious or
potentially stern. A medication error may involve one or more of the following:
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
administration of the wrong medication or IV fluid; the incorrect dose or rate; administration
to the wrong client, by the incorrect route; at the incorrect schedule interval; administration of
According to Kee & Hayes (2011), a medication error may be defined as “any
preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or harm to a
patient”. Medication error that may occur throughout the cycle of stay of the patient in the
hospital; one national report included 39% related to ordering, 12% transcribing, 11%
preparing, and 38% administering. One of the contributing causes includes violation of “10
According to the study, one of the most important concerns by society is the safety and
welfare of the patient. The nurses are the ones who are administrating the medication which
is why it is important for them to understand the factors affecting drug administration errors.
The result of the study found out that the incidence of medication errors were form of
incorrect drug calculations, lack of individual knowledge, and failure to follow established
protocol while, some of the latent reasons are time pressures, fatigue, understaffing,
inexperience, design deficiencies, and inadequate equipment. The conclusion of the study
gave importance to it, that even though there is existing researches regarding this problem it
still lacks the focus on the main problem which is why, a focus on medication administration
According to Hook, et al.(2010), The nurses must check the ‘five rights’ of medication use-
right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, right time. Despite the usage of this,
medication error is still happening which is why, further researches was funded like the use
of bar-coding in medication administration. It was found out that bar-coding can improve the
quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care. Despite the benefits of this
technology, low adoption is seen due to the large complexities associated with
bar-coding are required to build “buy-in among hospital staff, select vendors, prepare for
changes in workflow, train nurses and pharmacists, find technical support, and evaluate the
et al. (2010), there are thousands of patients that die in the hospital because of medication
error which is why the hospitals are striving to find a bar-coding medication administration
system is seen as the solution to this problem; however most of the hospitals in the world lack
the capability to implement this said solution. That is why an alternative needs to be found as
of the moment. When the researchers made the test, it was found out that an average nurse
takes 15 minutes on each medication pass and that the nurse is really vulnerable to distraction
found out that 374 working interruptions were seen over 59 hours 2 minutes of medication
administration time in a hospital. During the preparation phase, nurse colleagues are
considered the highest working interruption with 29.3% of the total working interruptions. It
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
is then followed by system failures such as missing medication or equipment which is 22.8%.
Out of the work interruptions, the reasons are mostly to solve system failures 26.8% or for
care coordination 24.4% or the collaboration with the colleagues. During the administration
phase, the most frequent sources of work interruptions were self-initiation 16.9% of the total
work interruption. The most frequent secondary task undertaken during the administration
Is 43.9%. Work interruptions lasts for 1 min 32 s on average, and is mostly being dealt with
immediately 98.3%.
Westbrook, et al. (2010). According to the researchers, interruptions are one of the main
causes for medication administration error. The researchers found out that each interruption
was associated with a 12.1% increase in procedural failures and a 12.7% increase in clinical
errors. Meanwhile, the rate of interruptions is 53.1% of total administrations. Of all the drug
experienced no interruption had a procedural failure rate of 69.6%, which became 84.6%
when they experienced 3 interruptions. All in all, 25.0% of administrations had at least 1
clinical error. The drug administration without interruptions had a rate of 25.3%, while those
with 3 interruptions had a rate of 38.9% in medical error. The statistics shown gave the
conclusion that with the increase in interruption, the chances of having the medication
Right documentation
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
There are varying policies that govern different health agencies and which some are
the same and some are different but usually, with regard to medication orders, it is written but
still, it can be accepted verbally or through the phone (Kozier & Erb, 2010).
The elements of a drug order that the nurse should know consists of seven essential
parts. It should consist of the client’s full name and never only the first name, last name or the
Hospital number of the patient to further verify the identity of the client. The next part to
consider is the time and date the drug is ordered. The rationale behind the writing of the time
and date is that it is needed to prevent medicine errors and to have a clear statement on when
the drug therapy will be finished especially to the standing orders. The third part is the name
of the medicine to be given which should include the generic name of the drug to be given.
The dosage of the drug is the next part. It should contain the amount and in some cases, the
strength of the drug which pertains to how many times the medication should be taken. The
next part is the route of administration. Lastly, the signature of the ordering healthcare
In writing medical documents, abbreviations are widely used and before, each health
agency uses different abbreviations. Until recently, in order to prevent medication errors, the
“agencies must standardize abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used throughout the
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
organization and must list abbreviations that are never to be used. (Karch, 2013, JCAHO,
Kee & Hayes, (2012) explains that the right documentation needs the nurse record the
appropriate information about the drug administration as soon as the nurse finishes. This
should include the name of the client, the dose, the route, the time and date and the nurse’s
initial or signature.
goes by as, “if it was not documented, it was not done” is golden rule that a nurse must not
forget. And lastly, Most of medication errors can be prevented with proper documentation.
Respondent’s profile
Hanan Al-Ahmadi, (2014), found out that job performance is positively correlated
to some personal factors, including years of experience, nationality, gender, and marital
The gender pay gap more than trebles when women reach their 30s, according to a
report published by the Trades Union Congress. The report said adult women in all age
groups earn less than men of the same age but the sharpest increase in the gender pay gap
occurs when women reach their 30s. The difference between men’s and women’s full-time
earnings rises from 3.3% for women aged 22-29 to 11.2% for women aged 30-39. The
‘motherhood penalty’ partly explains why the gender pay gap increases so rapidly for women
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘Despite girls outperforming boys at
school and at university, too many employers are still failing to make use of women’s
skills. When women earn poverty wages, the whole family suffers.’But minister for women
Harriet Harman said: ‘The gender pay gap has fallen from 17% to 12% in the last ten years,
and there will be some tough measures in the new equality bill which will come out later this
Male nurses base their masculine role on the separation of masculine and male from
nursing, a profession that embodies feminine values and the subordinate female role in
Male nurses emphasize their work as task oriented rather than people oriented to
further masculinize it. They distance themselves from a care orientation, which is perceived
to be a female trait. Even when male nurses work at the bedside, they emphasize different
caring styles and lift patients more often than their female colleagues. It is the job title and
associated images, not the practice of nursing that deters men from the profession.
The purpose of this study is to unravel the effectiveness of area rotation of staff nurses
In this study, gender will be the main demographic characteristic of the respondents
that would help the researchers in identifying their perception. Gender is focused on because
men and women have different points of view and bodily characteristics.
Collection of data using survey questionnaire can allow the respondents to pinpoint
healthcare service through utilizing choices that best reflect the response under given
The relationship and significance among the variables contributed to the basis of
healthcare service to further improve nurses’ performance, the reason why the researchers
The researchers conducted this study to uncover the profile and the respondents’
selected wards. In order to evaluate the ward rotation program of Ospital ng Makati, the
researchers described the correlation between the nursing supervisors’ objectives and its
The presented review of related literature and studies about the effectiveness of area
rotation for staff nurses has similarities in the work of the researchers in terms of
respondent’s gender. Gender plays an important role because men and women have different
point of view and bodily characteristics. The area rotation that is correlated to quality health
care service and performance is also similar to some studies. This was grouped to
However, there is still a difference spotted in the review of related literature and study in the
work of the researchers. First, the locality and length of stay in the hospital, second is they
have the transition from students to newly qualified nurses while in this study it is only
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
focused on staff nurses itself, and lastly, the level of effectivity of staff nurses that is grouped
The uniqueness of this research, however, lies on the choice of the locality with
selected variables. It should be emphasized that the study is not a duplication of any other
related literature and studies. It focused mainly on the effectiveness of ward rotation in
Conceptual Paradigm
This shows on how demographic profile of staff nurses in Ospital ng Makati which are
the age, gender, length of stay in the hospital and area rotation affects the level of
administration, Bedside care and frequency of ward rotation of staff nurse prior to
permanent ward assignment which will result to a Quality healthcare service that.
Definition of Terms
Staff Nurse – One who is especially prepared in the scientific basis of nursing and who
Level of Effectiveness – This refers to how effective the staff nurses are in rendering quality
Quality Health Care Service – This refers to the value of nursing interventions provided by
Ward Rotation – This refers to the clinical experience of staff nurses in different areas of
Ospital ng Makati.
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
Proper Documentation – This refers to how a nurse documents every action that they make
Bedside care – This refers to direct patient care where as you will attend to his/her healthcare
Research Methodology
Research Design
design approaching the perception among wards nurses about the effectiveness of area
rotation on quality health care service. According to Polit & Beck (2008), Non-experimental
research is conducted to explain phenomena and test the theoretical prepositions, to predict
the occurrence and magnitude of the phenomena, and to describe various characteristics and
conditions. Descriptive research design is a scientific method that involves observing and
study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings (Polit & Beck 2008).
On the other hand, the study was also considered a correlation type of research; it is
defined as an interrelationships or association between two variables, that is, a tendency for
variation in one variable to be related to variation in another. It is when researchers study the
effect of a potential cause that they cannot manipulate and examines relationship between
Research Locale
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
hospitals that perform simple medical and surgical procedures, like blood-letting
programs, lip surgery among the kids, and rescue and quick response during emergencies and
disasters. It also does medical, health, and maternity consultations, regular checkups, and
simple health diagnosis. The hospital also accepts maternity cases. With its present needs and
challenges, the local government of Makati is currently looking for options to address the
The vision is to make Ospital ng Makati into a state of the art hospital providing
ultimate health care service. With its mission to ascertain the evolution of Ospital ng Makati
into a world class hospital through delivery of an efficient, quality and affordable health care
Ospital ng Makati (OsMak), the premier tertiary hospital has been granted the ISO
9001:2008 Certification for its Quality Management System by SGS Philippines, the world’s
SGS audited and certified the following processes at OsMak: Admitting of patients to
for both in-patients and out-patients; Health records and documentation management and
Admitting; Finance including Philhealth and MHP administration; Support offices such as
The standards met by the hospital that earned the ISO nod included, among others,
disposition of patients at the Emergency Room made within six hours; admission process
within one day; laboratory results for in-patients and ER patients obtained within two to three
Makati residents, particularly beneficiaries of the Yellow Card (Makati Health Plus) program
and senior citizens. It offers a wide range of quality medical services, which include
In a move to decongest the Ospital ng Makati and bring tertiary health services closer to
the people of the first district, the city government has prioritized the construction of a second
hospital at the site of the Ospital ng Makati Acute Care Center in Bel-Air. The new hospital
will have six major operating rooms and two minor operating rooms; an ER with a Trauma
Center; 32 critical care beds in the ICU and NICU; an MRI suite and an Ultrasound suite, and
The respondents will be the staff nurses of the Ospital Ng Makati. The total number of
nurses in Ospital Ng Makati is four hundred fifteen (415) and we are to use 100 respondents
to represent the whole population. The researchers will be utilizing the stratified sampling
technique wherein the researcher divides the entire population into different subgroups or
strata, then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata.
Seen in the following is the distribution of nurses in different areas in Ospital ng Makati:
N= 100
OB 5 5
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
DR 6 6
Gyne Ward 2 2
Geriatric Ward 5 5
Medicine Ward 9 9
ICU 14 14
PICU 2 2
7th Floor 3 3
Operating Room 11 11
NICU 10 10
Pedia A and B 9 9
ER 4 4
ENT/Optha 4 4
Heart Station 1 1
Dialysis 5 5
Initially the researchers formally sought permission from the Nursing Service Department
for implementation of research study by presenting a written copy of the thesis proposal
bearing the title, objective, significance of the study and the proposed contents of the survey-
questionnaire since it has to be conducted within the hospital premise.
Upon getting a formal approval, the researchers determined the wards where the
respondents will be drawn.
The next step for the researchers was to create need statements that will become part of
the survey questionnaire itself. The researchers came up with seven major need cluster, which
have two need statements per each category, which was extensively discussed in Research
After which, the researchers divided themselves into pairs and went straight to different
wards in the hospital to finally implement the survey after their shift. The researchers
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
distributed questionnaires based on the total number of staff they encountered that were
currently in the ward. The major challenge the researchers encountered was that some staff
found it hard to answer the questionnaires in most wards they went to because most of the
chosen respondents were very busy in performing their routines. In effect, the researchers
resorted to having the senior staff receive the questionnaires for himself and his subordinates
by listing his or her name on a piece of paper and ensure that all of the questionnaires
distributed would be filled in and would be ready for retrieval on the following day.
Another way of data gathering the researchers used was to distribute the questionnaires
amongst the researchers themselves and get as many respondents as they can while on duty
during the 6-2 shift. The benefit of this was that they were able to meet the 10-6 shifters and
had them answer the questionnaires before they went home. Both methods were found to be
effective in getting the desired respondents for the study. In effect they were able to get
respondents from 6-2, 2-10 and 10-6 shift. The researchers allotted four days for data
gathering which gave them enough time to get a decent sample size.
A questionnaire will be prepared by the researchers to gather data for the study. The
instrument is based on the formulated specific problems of the study. It is composed of three
parts namely Part I which deals with the profiles of the respondents, Part II which deals with
the effectiveness of staff nurses, and Part III deals with the frequency of staff nurses rotated
to different areas. The first part will be used to gather the relevant demographic data which
includes the age, gender, and number of areas rotated prior to permanent ward assignment.
Part II consists of a series of statement that deals with the assessment of the level of the
effectiveness of the staff nurses when it comes to the concept of proper documentation,
medication administration, and bedside care, Part 3 consist of answers the questions about
how frequent the staff nurse was rotated to the different areas of Ospital ng Makati.
The survey questionnaire done by the researchers is original and is represented to properly
assess the level of effectiveness of staff nurses in Ospital ng Makati after ward rotations. The
questions were all based on nursing books that are certain to be correct.
Part II. Level of Effectiveness
4= Highly Effective 3.26-4.00
3= Effective 2.51-3.25
2= Moderately Effective 1.76-2.50
1= Not Effective 1.00-1.75
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing
% = f/N
% = Percentage
F = Frequency
N = Total Population
For the statement of specific problem number 2, the researchers will use the weighted mean
to analyse the data that they will receive, the weighted mean is perfect for the level of
effectiveness since the questions used in the tool uses a likert scale which is exactly what the
weighted mean was made for.
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Health Sciences
Master of Science in Nursing