Twin Oxide

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(Only to be used with TwinOxide COMPONENT B for production of

TwinOxideChlorine Dioxide 0.3% Solution)

When used as directed, this dual powder, chlorine dioxide-generating product is proven effective as:
A deodorizer, fungistat, mildewstat and as an algaestat and sanitizer

(See below for other cautions)

Active Ingredient:
Sodium Chlorite:........64.0%
Other Ingredients:.....36.0%
Amount of Chlorine Dioxide generated = 0.3% using amount of water identified on package

If in Eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or
doctor for treatment advice.
If on Skin or Clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water
for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If Swallowed: Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person
sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison
control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If Inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance,
then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a poison control
center or doctor for treatment advice. Get medical attention.
HOT LINE NUMBER: Have the product container or label with you when calling the poison control
center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may contact 1-800-424-9300 for emergency medical
treatment information
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Manufactured by:
De Maas 28NL-5684 PLBest The Netherlands
Tel. +31 499 32 92 42email:

EPA REG. NO. 86054-1 EPA EST. NO. 85158-BEL-001

Net Contents: _Depends on the pack size_


HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS: DANGER. Dry ingredients: Corrosive. Causes irreversible eye
damage and causes skin burns. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. May be fatal if swallowed. Wear chemical resistant
gloves. Wear protective eyewear (goggles, face shield or safety glasses) when handling dry ingredients. Wear
coveralls worn over long-sleeved shirt and long pants. Chemical-resistant footwear and socks must be worn. Wash
thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the
toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Activated solution: May be fatal if swallowed. Do not
get in the eyes or on clothing. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid breathing vapors. Wash thoroughly with soap and water
after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. People must vacate the
premises during fogging treatments; a one-hour restricted entry interval (REI) is required.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This product is toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, oysters, and shrimp. Do not
discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other waters unless in
accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the
permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this product
to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance contact your
State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.

PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS: Dry sodium chlorite is incompatible with acids, reducing agents, combustible
materials, sulfur-containing rubber, solvents and paints. Keep TwinOxide solution from light and heat. Chlorine
dioxide gas may concentrate in open space of container after both powders have been added to the starting water.
Always dilute activated product in a well-ventilated area.

NOTE: For use in the institutional or commercial applications discussed below. Not for residential use or where
young children may be present.

WARRANTY STATEMENT: The Company warrants the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship.
liable for any incidental or consequential damages for any breach of warranty. The Companys liability for any breach
of warranty shall be limited to the purchase price of the product.

When used as directed, this product is an effective fungistat, algaestat, and mildewstat agent and general-purpose
antimicrobial. For all applications, clean surfaces before using product. Apply by mop, sponge, fogger or sprayer,
ensuring visible wetness for times specified for these applications, or apply through immersion or clean-in-place
application. Wear a NIOSH/MHSA-approved respirator appropriate for chlorine dioxide when using a high-pressurized

WITH THE LABELING. Contains a 0.3% oxidizing agent. Do not mix component powers together in dry form. Mix
component powders only into water. Do not mix with vinegar, hydrochloric, nitric or acetic acid or cleaning agents.

1. Always read the material safety data sheet (MSDS) and follow the safety instructions.

2. Write down the date of preparation of the 0.3% concentrate stock solution on the label of the container. The
container should be UV-proof, sealable, dark and resistant to oxidation.

3. Fill the container with the exact amount of tap water shown on the label (1L, 5L, 10L, etc).

4. Check the temperature table. Temperature should be at least 68 F (20 C).

5. First add COMPONENT A to the container with water.

6. Then add COMPONENT B to the container.

7. Securely close the container. DO NOT SHAKE OR STIR AT THIS TIME.

8. Wait according to timetable below.

9. Shake or stir the solution gently with a non-metal instrument; beware of ClO
gas release.

10. TwinOxide 3,000 ppm stock solution is ready for use.

11. TwinOxide stock solution has a shelf life of approximately 30 days.

12. Store in a cool and dark place.

13. Wear a NIOSH/MHSA-approved respirator appropriate for chlorine dioxide.

1 HR 40C (104F)
3 HRS 30C (86F)
6 HRS 20C (68F)

SANITIZER FOR HARD, NON-POROUS, FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES. Effective food contact surface sanitizer at 0.1 to
5.0 ppm with an exposure time of 1 minute. Product may be used on previously cleaned food preparation surfaces;
fountain drink and beverage dispensers; glassware, plates and eating utensils; food processing equipment, including
beer processing equipment and lines, and food conveyor belts. Make up TwinOxideusing Components A and B per
container label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Use a dilution device or sprayer to achieve a
solution between 2.0 to 20 ppm depending on degree of disinfection required. If diluting by hand, to create a 20 ppm
solution use 1 part TwinOxide to 149 parts water; to create a 2.0 ppm solution, use 1 part TwinOxide to 1499 parts

FOR USE ON HARD, NON-POROUS, NON-FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES. Effective non-food contact surface sanitizer at
2.0 to 20 ppm depending on degree of disinfection with an exposure time of 5 minutes. Product may be used on non-
food contact surfaces, including floors, walls, and furnishings. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to produce a
3,000 ppm standard solution. Dilute as necessary to produce a 2.0 to 20 ppm working solution. If diluting by hand, use
1 part TwinOxide to 149 parts water to produce a 20 ppm solution; To create a 2.0 ppm solution, use 1 part
TwinOxide to 1499 parts water.

DISINFECTANT FOR HARD, NON-POROUS SURFACES: Product may be used at 20 to 100 ppm with an exposure time
of 10 minutes to clean hard surfaces in residences, hotels, offices, ships, hospitals, schools, factories, nurseries, sick
rooms, laundry rooms, eating establishments, medical, veterinary clinics or any other location that may be
contaminated. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm standard solution. Dilute as
necessary to produce a 20 to 100 ppm working solution. If diluting by hand, use 1 part TwinOxide to 149 parts water
to create a 20 ppm solution; To create a 100 ppm solution, use 1 part TwinOxide to 29 parts water.

DOMESTIC APPLICATIONS:TwinOxide may be used as a general purpose cleaner on general environmental surfaces,
including floors, walls, bathrooms, toilets, kitchen surfaces, sinks, showers. For non-porous surfaces such as ceramic
tile, clean surfaces to remove visible dirt and scum. Rinse surfaces thoroughly with a dosage of 200 ppm TwinOxide.
Allow solution to remain in surface contact for 2 minutes.

To disinfect toilets, flush toilet. Pour 200 ppm solution of TwinOxide into bowl. Brush bowl thoroughly. Clean under
toilet rim. Let solution stand for 2 minutes. Flush again. Beginning with a 3,000 ppm TwinOxide standard solution per
TwinOxide label instructions, use a dilution device or sprayer to achieve an appropriate dilution of 200 ppm solution.
If diluting by hand, use 1 part TwinOxide to 14 parts water.

instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm standard solution. Dilute as necessary to make up working solution of 200 ppm.If
diluting by hand, use 1 part TwinOxide to 14 parts water. Clean garbage can, diaper pail or waste bin and rinse with
water. Drain. Spray in solution TwinOxide. Allow to stand for 2 minutes. Air dry. Repeat as necessary.

applications, this product may be used at (100 ppm/10 minutes or 50 ppm/20 minutes) and sanitize (20 ppm/5
minutes) hard, non-porous surfaces; to treat, control and prevent fungi (5.0 ppm/1 hour), attendant slimes, rusts and
leaf spot; and to remove slimes (50 ppm/12 hours overnight) & inhibit re-emergence (0.25 ppm/continuous
treatment) in irrigation and other non-potable water systems. Beginning with a 3,000 ppm solution: for 100 ppm, use
a dilution device or sprayer with a 1:30 dilution (1 part solution to 29 parts water); for 50 ppm, use a 1:60 dilution (1
part solution to 59 parts water); for 20 ppm, use a 1:120 dilution (one part solution to 119 parts water); for 5 ppm,
use a 1:300 dilution (one part solution to 299 parts water); for 0.25 ppm, use a 1:12,000 dilution (one part solution to
11,999 parts water). Concentrations and contact times are application-specific.

ERADICATION OF NEMATODE WORMS: Apart from contamination of the water, the Nematode worm is a great
danger to agriculture. In order to attack the nematode worm, the following treatment is required. Use TwinOxide
0.3% solution at 3,000 ppm concentration. Dosage of TwinOxide 0.3% solution in the Nematode Contaminated
Water (NCW): Mix 1 part TwinOxide 0.3% solution with 3,000 parts NCW to produce a dosage rate of 1.0 ppm.
Contact Time: Minimum 4 hours. Filtration: The NCW treated with TwinOxide should be filtered with gravel filtration
or sand filtration to remove the Nematode bodies. This is of great importance as, due to this filtration, the micro-
organisms will not subsequently be provided with organic nutrition. Thinning Down: Mix 1 part of the filtered water
with 10 parts of water that is NOT contaminated with Nematode. This produces a TwinOxide 0.3% solution at a
concentration of 0.1 ppm.

POULTRY DRINKING WATER DISINFECTION: Mix TwinOxide according to label directions to create a 3,000 ppm
solution. Use a dosing pump to inject a diluted solution of TwinOxide into the water system.
Stage 1: Depending on the age and maintenance history of the pipe network, this stage requires from 1 to several
weeks to fully break down the biofilm layer in the pipe infrastructure. Start with a concentration of 1.0 ppm at the
dosing point. Minimal TwinOxide will be detected at the drinking-end of the system during this phase as the
TwinOxide is consumed to oxidize biofilm. Older systems may require a longer period of exposure to the initial
concentration to remove the biofilm build-up. Stage 2: After initial disinfection, the biofilm structure is weakened
sufficiently to allow a lower dose of between 0.5 to 1.0 ppm for a period of 2 to 3 weeks, and in cases of high
contamination, as long as 8 weeks. . During this period of disinfection, the entire distribution system is completely
cleaned of soft biofilm. A very low dose of TwinOxide is measurable at the drinking nozzles during this time period.
Bacteria counts should be performed every 3 to 4 days to measure the bacterial load of the water at drinking points.
Stage 3 progresses to the maintenance dosage to keep the drinking water disinfected and prevent the re-colonization
of biofilm within the pipe system. This dose is between 0.2 ppm to 0.3 ppm (in hot climates). At drinking points, a
minimal residual of TwinOxide (< 0.1 ppm) is acceptable.

SANITIZING FOAM SOLUTION: To eliminate Algae, odors, mold and mildew on surfaces in dark damp areas. Begin by
making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution.
Dilute TwinOxide down to a level of 100 to 200 ppm depending on the degree of disinfection required to create a
working solution. Add 1 part TwinOxide to 29 parts water to produce a 100 ppm working solution; add 1 part
TwinOxide to 14 parts water to produce a 200 ppm working solution.

FARM APPLICATIONS: Continuous on-line water dosing. Make up TwinOxide stock solution of 3,000 ppm per label
instructions using tap water. Use a dosing pump to deliver at a rate of 0.1 to 0.2 ppm.

required for farm premises disinfectants to permit their classification as non-food use products: Do not use in milking
stalls, milking parlors, or milk houses.

o Remove all animals and feed from premises, vehicles and enclosures.
o Remove all litter and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of barns, pens, stalls, chutes, and other
facilities and fixtures occupied or traversed by animals.
o Empty all troughs, racks, and other feeding and watering appliances.
o Thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water.
o Saturate all surfaces with 5,000 ppm disinfecting solution for a period of 10 minutes.
o Immerse all halters, ropes, and other types of equipment used in handling and restraining animals, as well
as forks, shovels, and scrapers used for removing litter and manure.
o Ventilate buildings, cars, boats, and other closed spaces. Do not house livestock or employ equipment until
treatment has been absorbed, set or dried.
o Thoroughly scrub all treated feed racks, mangers, troughs, automatic feeders, fountains and waterers with
soap or detergent, and rinse with potable water before reuse.

EGG HANDLING: Hatching Egg Fumigation: Make up TwinOxide per label instructions using tap water. Fill fogger per
fogger manufacturers instructions. Fog until a complete coverage has been obtained without soaking the eggs. The
dosage rate may vary between 0.1 ppm and 0.5 ppm. For sterilizing food eggs, the sanitizer temperature should not
exceed 130
F. Spray TwinOxide at 0.1 ppm so the eggs are completely wet. Dry the eggs completely before
packaging or breaking. Do not apply a potable water rinse.

FOR USE IN INCUBATOR HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEMS: Make up TwinOxide per label instructions using tap water to
make a stock concentrate at 3,000 ppm. For manual dilution: Dilute to a solution of 1.0 ppm by adding 1 part
TwinOxide to 2,999 parts water. For automated dilution: Fit dosing pump to humidification water supply line and set
at 1.0%.
COOLING TOWERS: TwinOxide is effective as an algaecide, biocide (biofilm eradication and prevention) and to
eliminate the presence of legionnaires disease from cooling towers. An initial dosage of 0.2 to 0.5 ppm of
TwinOxide will eradicate all common algae. Repeat if necessary until control is maintained. Add TwinOxide directly
to the cooling tower overflow collection pan close to the inlet for the recirculation pump. Begin by making up
TwinOxide using Components A and B as per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute
TwinOxide down to a level of (up to) 0.1 to 0.2 ppm for continuous treatment. For intermittent treatments, dilute
TwinOxide to a working level of 0.5 to 1.0 ppm, treating 3 times per 24 hours.

COOLING WATER TREATMENT WITH RECIRCULATION: For effective biofilm and algae control, apply a continuous
treatment at 0.1 to 0.2 ppm for critical systems. Initial treatment requires a dosage of 0.5 to 1.0 ppm 3 times per 24
hours, depending on the degree of contamination. Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as per
label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required level between 0.5
and 1.0 ppm to create a working solution and 0.1 to 0.2 ppm for continuous treatment.

MOLLUSK CONTROL: TwinOxide is an effective suppressant of problematic mollusks, such as the invasive Zebra
Mussel infesting and clogging the intakes of power plants and competing with native species for planktonic foods in
lakes and rivers. TwinOxide kills larval mollusks. Dosages must stay within all local, state and Federal Regulations for
discharge. Veliger Control requires continuous treatment at 0.1 to 0.5 ppm. Intermittent dosing residual of 0.2 to 25
ppm. Repeat if needed. Continuous dosing residual of 2.0 ppm. Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A
and B as per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required level
between 0.1 and 0.5 ppm or 2.0 ppm dependent upon application.

may be used to reduce microbial populations in non-potable water used with cut flowers to minimize microbial
transfer from water to flower, thereby maintaining freshness and extending shelf-life of cut flowers. Beginning with a
3,000 ppm solution, dilute TwinOxide to achieve a 5.0 ppm solution.

IRON & MANGANESE REMOVAL: Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as per label instructions
to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required concentration depending on the
measured pH levels and remaining within the limits of all local, state and Federal Regulations for discharge.
Precipitate both elements according to the following: Inorganic compounds in a soluble state - 1.0 ppm manganese
removed for every 2.45 ppm of ClO
above pH 7. 1.0 ppm iron removal for every 1.2 ppm of ClO
above pH 5.

PHENOL DESTRUCTION: Must stay within all local, state and Federal Regulations for discharge. 1.0 ppm of phenol
removed for 1.5 ppm of ClO
above pH 10 to Benzoquinone. 1.0 ppm of phenol removed for 3.3 ppm of ClO
pH 10 to Carboxylic Acids. Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as per label instructions to
produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required concentration depending on the
measured pH levels and remaining within the limits of all local, state and Federal Regulations for discharge.

CYANIDE DESTRUCTION: Must stay within all local, state and Federal Regulations for discharge. 1.0 ppm of Cyanide
Ion removed for 2.5 ppm of ClO
below pH 10 to Cyanate. Continuous treatment rate at 0.1 to 1.0 ppm. Intermittent
treatment rate at 0.1 to 5.0 ppm. System dependant. Begin by making up TwinOxideusing Components A and B as
per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxidedown to the required concentration
depending on the measured pH levels and remaining within the limits of all local, state and Federal Regulations for

BACTERIAL SLIME CONTROL IN PAPER MILLS: Chlorine dioxide is effective for use in controlling microbiological
growth in water used in paper mills. Dosages may vary with the degree of microbiological and process contamination
present. Depending on the specific requirements of the system, TwinOxide should be applied continuously or
intermittently to achieve a chlorine dioxide residual concentration between 0.1 and 5.0 ppm. Intermittent treatments
should be repeated as required to maintain control. Must stay within all local, state and Federal Regulations for
discharge. 1.0 ppm of Aliphatic Amines removed for 10.0 ppm of ClO
at pH 4.5 to 9.0. 1.0 ppm of secondary aliphatic
Amines removed for 5.0 ppm of ClO
above a pH of 7.0. Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as
per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required concentration
level depending on the measured pH levels and remaining within the limits of all local, state and Federal Regulations
for discharge.

BLEACHING IN THE TEXTILE AND PULP/PAPER INDUSTRIES: Follow label instructions to prepare a 3,000 ppm solution
of TwinOxide. Dilute to a final concentration between 0.5 and 2.0 ppm depending on the amount of bleaching
required. Use with existing sprayers or dip chambers.

DE-FOULING REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANES: Using typical oxidizing agents on RO-membranes can cause
irreparable damage. However, it is possible to use TwinOxide upstream of the RO-membrane without damaging the
membrane. Depending on the quality of the water, continuous dosage rates between 5 ppb and 100 ppb of
TwinOxide will be sufficient to prevent biofilm fouling of the RO membrane. A dosage rate above 500 ppb may
adversely affect the membrane due to the oxidation strength of TwinOxide. The variation depends on the feed
water composition and the amount of organic material present in the feed water. The appropriate dosage rate must
be determined by a site-test. Caution: The dosage rate of TwinOxide should never exceed a level of 500 ppb and
should always be a minimum of 5 ppb. While using TwinOxide there will be no increase in the amount of salts
passing through the RO membrane. This is a valid indicator that the membrane is not damaged. An automatic sensor
should be used to regulate the TwinOxide level in the system. Either a chlorine dioxide sensor or potentiostatic
analyzer with the ability to measure in the level of parts per billion should be used. To avoid damage to the
membrane, the dosing system to inject TwinOxide in the feed water should be controlled by the monitoring sensor
and should automatically stop dosing if levels exceed the maximum levels. Appropriate testing by the customer is
recommended. TwinOxide can be used in the permeates for normal disinfection control and replace existing
disinfectants (e.g. chlorine). Standard dosing rates are approximately 0.06 ppm. To sterilize an RO system, use an
initial dosage rate of 50 to 100 ppm. Infuse TwinOxide in the circulating sterilizing solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
After that the system should be rinsed several times with tap water. The tap water should be renewed between
rinses. After that the system should be rinsed 3 to 4 times with de-ionized water. Once drained, the system is ready
for use and the membrane can be installed. Care should be used when using TwinOxide on cellulose-based
membranes. Be sure to always use a very dilute solution. Never use the 3,000 ppm stock TwinOxide solution.

FOR CLEAN-IN-PLACE APPLICATIONS FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS: Product may be used to clean lines used in
fountain drink or other beverage preparation, storage, transfer and dispensing. Beginning with a 3,000 ppm solution
of TwinOxide, use a dilution device or sprayer with a 1:60 dilution (one part 3,000 ppm solution to 60 parts water)
to achieve a 50 ppm solution (10-minute exposure time).

POTABLE WATER DISINFECTION: A dosage rate of TwinOxide at 0.2 ppm to as low as 0.5 ppb (parts per billion) has
proven sufficient to disinfect water, remove biofilm and prevent re-colonization. Residual disinfectant and
disinfection byproducts must be monitored as required by the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (40 CFR
Part 141) and state drinking water standards. . Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm
solution. Dilute to a 0.2 to as low as 0.5 ppb solution depending on the degree of antimicrobial fouling.

WASTEWATER TREATMENT: TwinOxide is effective as an oxidant and disinfectant in wastewater treatment. Dosages
will vary with water conditions and the amount of organic matter in the water. For most municipal and other
wastewater systems, a residual concentration of up to 5.0 ppm is sufficient to provide disinfection. 5.0 ppm of
TwinOxidewill remove 1.0 ppm of sulfide (sulfide ion) for sulfide odor eradication between pH 5-9.

WELL WATER TREATMENT: The well casing should be flushed with TwinOxide to wash off organic matter and algae.
The well should be backwashed to increase yield and reduce turbidity. TwinOxide solution of 10 ppm should be used
as the backwash. After treating the casing and completing the backwash add sufficient TwinOxide solution to
maintain a residual of 1.0 to 2.0 ppm. A chlorine dioxide test kit should be used to monitor the residual level. Re-treat
well if water samples are biologically unacceptable. Begin by making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as
per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide down to the required level between
10 ppm and 1.0 to 2.0 ppm to create a working solution.

DISINFECTION OF SWIMMING AND WADING POOLS: Stop the dosing of chlorine for at least 1 day and maximum 3
days; Disinfect filters by soaking in water with 10 ppm TwinOxide for 6 to 8 hours. Begin by making up TwinOxide
using Components A and B as per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution. Dilute TwinOxide to
a level of 40 to 50 ppm to create a working solution and back flush the filter(s). Add a primary dosage of at least 0.6
ppm and maximum 1.0 ppm TwinOxide to the swimming pool (based on the total volume of water in the swimming
pool system) in the evening so that overnight dosing is optimized without the presence of swimmers in the swimming
pool. After the initial dosage of TwinOxide keep the level of TwinOxide in the pool at a continuous level of at least
0.2 ppm. A monthly standing disinfection of the filters is recommended. TwinOxide is an ideal disinfectant for
swimming pools as it is a liquid and has no insoluble component. 100% of the concentrate infused into the target
water is used as an oxidizer. The product is non-corrosive, causes no smell or irritation to skin, eyes, nasal passages,
ears, mucous tissue and swimming apparel. TwinOxide has no effect on materials used in pool construction including
swimming pool liners, pumps, filters, valves, pipes and seals.

The rate of dosage should be adjusted so the required quantity of TwinOxideis uniformly delivered and circulated at
a level of 0.6 ppm and maximum 1.0 ppm. TwinOxideshould be added continuously. Concentration levels should be
measured with an automatic sensor, linked to an automatic dosage pump to ensure consistency. If local regulations
disallow automatic sensing equipment, the concentration level should be measured at least once per day, advisably in
the evening so that overnight dosing is optimized without the presence of swimmers in the swimming pool.

RE-ENTRY: Bathers should not be allowed to re-enter pools until the chlorine level drops to 0.6 to 1.0 ppm.

DISINFECTION OF HOT TUBS/SPAS: For hot tubs and spas, a half gallon package can be used each month in order to
keep the tub sanitized. No other disinfectants or stabilizers are required to keep the tub clean, although TwinOxide
does not remove scale. A black plastic gallon bottle is used to make the 3,000 ppm TwinOxide solution. Dilute 1
pint of the 3,000 ppm TwinOxide solution into 1 gallon of tub water to create a diluted solution every 3-4 days. Pour
this diluted solution into the tub gradually. Leave the tub for an hour before use.

RE-ENTRY: Bathers should not be allowed to re-enter hot tubs/spas until the chlorine level drops to 0.6 to 1.0 ppm.

Filter Cleaning
Filters should be cleaned once a month by putting them in a 15 gallon drum with water and 1/8 gallon of TwinOxide
for 6 hours. Rinse with tap water once a month.

SANITIZING DAIRY EQUIPMENT: TwinOxide is effective as a sanitizer and deodorizer of dairy industry equipment. A
dosage of 50 to 100 ppm and an exposure time of 2 minutes are required. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions
to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to a 50 to 100 ppm depending on the degree of microbial fouling. Use an
automatic sensor or test kit to maintain solution at the desired strength. Normal operating temperatures are +/- 75

If operating at lower temperatures, the concentration of TwinOxide may be increased to the higher end of the above
scale. Milk deposits and other organic matter should be removed by mechanical means prior to the application of
TwinOxide. Do not mix TwinOxide with acid cleaners. Rinse equipment thoroughly with potable water.

SANITIZING STORAGE TANKS AND PIPELINES: After emptying the tank or pipeline, flush with potable warm water.
Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 50 ppm in the flush water and
circulate the flush water through the system for 5 to 10 minutes. Use hot water if available, up to 160

F throughout
the entire circulation system. Flush with potable water. Drain. Air dry. Close tanks to protect against contamination.
Do not mix TwinOxide with acid cleaners.

SEPARATORS, STRAINERS, CHURNS, PASTEURIZERS, CANS, AND PAILS: After use rinse with clean water. Wash or
spray with a solution of 50 ppm TwinOxide. Rinse with clean water. Drain and air dry. Do not mix TwinOxide with
acid cleaners. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 50 ppm in the
wash or spray water by adding 1 part TwinOxide to 59 parts water.

TRANSPORTATION, LOADING AND HAULING EQUIPMENT: Ship containers, railroad cars, railroad tank cars, trucks,
truck trailers, loading chutes, re-useable crates and other equipment for transportation of animals, meat, produce,
and vegetables should be cleaned and disinfected prior to use. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a
3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 20 to 50 ppm depending on the degree of contamination. Do not mix TwinOxide with
acid cleaners. Wash, scrub/spray all exposed areas. Pressure-spray or scrub with solution. Expose all surfaces to spray
for a minimum of 2 minutes. Rinse with clean water. Dry before use.

CAR, TRAIN AND TRUCK WASH WATER: TwinOxide is effective at commercial car wash operations and at facilities
engaged in washing trucks, trains, boats and RVs. Waste water is commonly used as the wash water. Waste water
brings problems including pit odor and increased overheads in disposal costs. Make up TwinOxide per label
instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 5 ppm depending on the degree of contamination. TwinOxide
will eliminate both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

OIL & GAS INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS: TwinOxide is effective in the elimination of bacterial and sulfide
contamination commonly found in down hole wells, oil field production, injection and disposal fluids, separators and
pipelines. Eliminates odors caused by bacteria such as, iron eating bacteria and bacteria that cause odor problems
associated with hydrogen sulfide gas. The required dosage levels will vary according to site-specific conditions.
TwinOxide may be applied intermittently or continuously to oil well production water at the point where it is
separated from oil and prior to re-injection back into the well. For continuous feeds, for oxidation of sulfides to
sulfates and for biological control, TwinOxide should be applied at a dosage level slightly higher than the oxidative
demand as determined by a demand study. For intermittent treatment, a dosage rate of 200 to 3,000 ppm. Begin by
making up TwinOxide using Components A and B as per label instructions to produce a 3,000 ppm stock solution.
Dilute TwinOxide down to the required level between 3,000 ppm and 200 ppm to create a working solution.

DISHES, GLASSWARE, SINKS, and UTENSILS: Wash in warm water with 20 ppm TwinOxide solution for a minimum
of 2 minutes. Drain dry. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 20 ppm.
As the product is not corrosive at this dosage level it may be used to clean steel, aluminum, silver and other metal
utensils, pans, basins and pots. Do not use TwinOxide in boiling water or steam cleaners/dishwashers. Run-off of
TwinOxide will deodorize drains and prevent biofilm build-up in grease traps.

AQUARIA: TwinOxide has proven effective as an algaestat and against all common water-borne organisms that are
suppressant against fish, both ornamental and food sources. These include Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS). Make
up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 0.2 ppm in the target water.

AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION AND FUNGICIDE: TwinOxide acts as a soil sanitizer and irrigation system biofilm
remover in agricultural, horticultural and viticulture applications. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create
a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 0.1 to 0.2 ppm in the irrigation water. TwinOxide is also effective as a fungicide when
used in spray or fog form to eliminate mold from plants, leaves, fruits and grapes.

MILK, WINE, WATER AND WINE BOTTLES: Clean and rinse with 20 ppm solution of TwinOxide prepared with cold or
warm water. Drain thoroughly and air dry. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution.
Dilute to 20 ppm by adding 1 part TwinOxide to 149 parts water. Do not mix TwinOxide with acid cleaners.

HYDROGEN SULPHIDE SCAVENGING: TwinOxideis an effective scavenger of hydrogen sulfide, whether the hydrogen
sulfide is in a gaseous state or dissolved in water. TwinOxideis also a powerful scavenger of inorganic or organic
sulfides. TwinOxidecan be used in low temperature applications and in high temperatures max. 72C. It is non-
corrosive to equipment and does not form chlorinated hydrocarbons. The dosage rate varies with each location and
local criteria. Determination of the optimum dosage level requires site-specific trial. The average dosage rate is
approximately 2.0 ppm. Make up TwinOxideper label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to 2.0 ppm
in the target water to remove the smell problems.
NOX REDUCTION AND EMISSION SCRUBBING: NOX is a precursor to ozone in the atmosphere and is believed to be a
major contributor to acidic deposition (acid rain). NOX is produced in a variety of different processes, including
combustion equipment, gas turbines, incinerators, kilns and power plants. TwinOxide can be used in a wet removal
(stack scrubber) process.
The use of stoichiometric amounts of chlorine dioxide eliminates approximately 95 percent of the NO in the gas in
concentrations of up to at least 24 ppm in less than 2 seconds. TwinOxidesolution eliminates traditional problems
associated with chlorine dioxide production. Use in a scrubber spray at 24 ppm. TwinOxide is non-corrosive to
equipment. Make up TwinOxideper label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm solution. Dilute to the required dosage
level in the scrubber system water for the specific application as per manufacturers instructions.

PULP & PAPER & TEXTILES: TwinOxide has excellent bleaching capacities and applications both in the paper/pulp
and textile industries. TwinOxide allows environmental discharge to be reduced to a minimum. It eliminates harmful
disinfection by-products (HAAs, AOX, THM's and MX). In the textile industry chlorinated materials at high levels must
be prevented from bonding in the textile fibers. TwinOxide solves this problem by eliminating the disinfectant by-
products. Dosage rates depend on the level of bleaching required. In general a dosage rate of 0.05 2.0 ppm is
adequate for all purposes within the industries. Make up TwinOxide per label instructions to create a 3,000 ppm
solution. Dilute to the required dosage level for the specific application as per manufacturers instructions.



Pesticide wastes are acutely hazardous, improper disposal of excess pesticide spray mixture or rinsate is a violation of
Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide
or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste Representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for

EMPTYING. For containers 50 lbs or less: Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application
equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into
application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow
begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more times. For containers greater than 50 lbs: Triple rinse as follows:
Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container full with water. Replace
and tighten closures. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring at least one complete revolution, for
30 seconds. Stand the container on its end and tip it back and forth several times. Turn the container over onto its
other end and tip it back and forth several times. Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store
rinsate for later use or disposal. Repeat this procedure two more times.
Then offer for recycling, if available or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by incineration.

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