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Product information sheet - CDSplus® (EN)

Use biocides safely! Always read the label and product information Overdosage/underdosage: While underdosage can lead to residual
before use! microbial contamination and thus to serious diseases, overdosage even
The two-component product CDSplus® from AQUARIUS pro life® up to 20 times has so far had no known permanent side effects.
offers reliable protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores, Disposal: The activated solution decomposes immediately during
algae, mites, parasites, biofilms and other pathogenic germs such as disinfection or after some standing time simply to water, oxygen and
legionella. small amounts of common salt. Diluted with plenty of water, it can
Application areas: Our CDSplus® is approved for the treatment of easily be poured into the sewage system. Non-activated basic
drinking water, for mobile outdoor use such as hiking, camping, mobile substances are first activated and then poured into the sewage system
homes, boats, holiday homes, for general disinfection in the private diluted with plenty of water.
sector and for hygiene in animal husbandry. It is easy and safe to use Environmental protection: CDSplus® is biodegradable. The raw
and works quickly and reliably on the basis of chlorine dioxide, the materials for our environmentally friendly packaging and this product
strongest virus and bacteria killer known to mankind. It cleans meat, information sheet are from sustainable forestry (FSC) and printed
fruit and vegetables from e.g. against hepatitis A, MRSA, EHEC, anthrax climate neutral. Please put it into the waste paper. Our bottles, the
and Escherichia coli. child-resistant closure and the label are made of pure HDPE material
Advantages: Its durability, standardization and stabilization are the and should be recycled.
decisive advantages over other ready-to-use chlorine dioxide solutions Ingredients: 100ml/250ml liquid component: <1% mineral solution
(CDL) or chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) on the market. Furthermore, it incl. patented buffer system, tablet(s) for 100ml/250ml: approx.
is the only product on the market that is pH-neutral and 100% 1.983g/4.896g (sodium hydrogen sulphate CAS no. 7681-38-1 + UN
chlorine-free (no toxic chlorates) immediately after activation and 1505 LQ sodium peroxodisulphate CAS no. : 7775-27-1. The activated
therefore highly compatible. solution contains water and chlorine dioxide, produced from sodium
Storage and shelf life: When not activated, CDSplus® is uncooled for 2 chlorite by oxidation. Content of chlorine dioxide after activation
to 5 years. Store in a dry, upright position, well closed and out of the approx. 2.9g/l = approx. 0.29%/l = approx. 2,900ppm), CAS No. : 10049-
reach of children! 04-4, EC No. : 233-162-8. Our products do not contain silver ions! BAuA
Reg. No.: N-84334
Activation (only if required):
The 100ml bottle is activated with 1 tablet, the 250ml with 3 tablets. Safety advice for the activated product: Keep container tightly
Please always put the whole content of the bag into the bottle, even if closed. Store only in original containers at cool room temperature. Do
e.g. tablet(s) are broken! not store together with acids, acid salts, reducing agents and flammable
substances. Protect from direct sunlight. Wear suitable protective
clothing and goggles/face protection when working. Keep locked up
and out of the reach of children!
First aid measures: General: Remove victim from danger area and lay
him/her down. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice/consult a doctor.
Open lid, insert activation tablet(s) into the liquid component, close lid Take off wetted clothing. After inhalation: Ensure inhalation of fresh air.
again and wait for a reaction time of 24 hours at room temperature (21 Move affected person to fresh air. Keep affected person quiet and warm.
- 30 degrees Celsius). The yellow colored solution is now ready for use. Seek medical advice/consult a physician. After skin contact: Wash with
White flakes in the activated solution are normal and do not affect the plenty of soap and water. Skin irritation: Get medical advice/attention.
effect or shelf life. Store finished solution in the product bottle or only in After eye contact: Rinse gently with water for several minutes. Remove
glass bottles! The whole bottle is always activated at once, no partial any contact lenses if possible. Rinse further. If eye irritation persists:
activations possible. Never use one component alone. Never swallow Seek medical advice/attention. After swallowing: Rinse mouth. Drink
tablet(s)! Never mix up bags for 100ml and 250ml! After activation, water as a precaution. DO NOT induce vomiting. If you feel unwell: seek
the solution can be stored in a cool (<11 degrees Celsius, refrigerator) medical advice.
and dark place for about 6 - 9 months and should be used up within this Important note: The liquid component is NOT a hazardous substance
time. in the sense of the EC directives. The product unit is NOT a hazardous
Application: After activation, CDSplus® is a pure, pH-neutral and material in the sense of the GGVS. The activated product is NOT a
aqueous chlorine dioxide solution (approx. 0.29% = 2,900 ppm) and dangerous substance in the sense of the EC directives.
can be used as a biocide for highly effective control of pathogenic germs Manufacturer: AQUARIUS pro life (CY) Ltd,
of all kinds with an effectiveness of 99.9999%. The EU conformity of Lordou Vyronos 61-63, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus
this product has been tested and confirmed by the TÜV-Rheinland.
Dosage recommendations:
A. General surface disinfection: Pour approx. 2.5 ml of activated Sales partner for all countries wanted!
CDSplus® into our 50 ml amber glass bottle (accessory dosing set), fill
AQUARIUS pro Life®, Maltesian Mineral Solution® and CDSplus®
up with water (mixture approx. 1:3) and screw on the pump spray cap.
are our registered trademarks. We are the exclusive distributor
Spray surfaces evenly, leave to act for a short time and wipe off. Very
worldwide for the patented CDSplus®. The manufacturer accepts no
strongly germinated surfaces can also be treated pure.
liability whatsoever in the event of incorrect application or incorrect
B. Drinking water treatment, tank and pipe disinfection: For shock interpretation or misuse of the information and products provided and
disinfection of fresh water tanks and pipe systems, 100 ml of activated any resulting damage. Errors and changes reserved.
solution is required per 50 litres of water tank capacity (aluminium © Copyright 2020, all rights reserved, V2.1
tank suitable). Open all tapping points until solution emerges. Observe
the exposure time of 6 - 12 hours. Then empty the tank and simply refill
(rinsing is not necessary). To prevent recontamination (permanent
disinfection) 100ml/250ml are sufficient for approx. 1.500/3.750 litres

Drinking water. Accordingly, 1ml is sufficient for approx. 15 litres.

According to legal standards, a chlorine dioxide concentration of max.
0.2 - 0.4 g/l (0.2mg/l in Germany and 0.4mg/l e.g. in Spain and Austria)
may remain in European drinking water after the treatment has been
carried out. CDSplus® can be dosed exactly in drops or in millilitres
(ml)! We recommend our practical dosing set!

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