This document discusses a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 13-year-old girl. Key findings include a rapidly growing mass in her right lower leg, biopsy confirming alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, imaging showing invasion of the fibula bone and surrounding muscles. Treatment with radiation was given as the patient and parents refused surgical excision. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma typically occurs in children and adolescents, commonly in the extremities, and MRI is useful for evaluating tumor extent when available.
This document discusses a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 13-year-old girl. Key findings include a rapidly growing mass in her right lower leg, biopsy confirming alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, imaging showing invasion of the fibula bone and surrounding muscles. Treatment with radiation was given as the patient and parents refused surgical excision. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma typically occurs in children and adolescents, commonly in the extremities, and MRI is useful for evaluating tumor extent when available.
This document discusses a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 13-year-old girl. Key findings include a rapidly growing mass in her right lower leg, biopsy confirming alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, imaging showing invasion of the fibula bone and surrounding muscles. Treatment with radiation was given as the patient and parents refused surgical excision. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma typically occurs in children and adolescents, commonly in the extremities, and MRI is useful for evaluating tumor extent when available.
This document discusses a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 13-year-old girl. Key findings include a rapidly growing mass in her right lower leg, biopsy confirming alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, imaging showing invasion of the fibula bone and surrounding muscles. Treatment with radiation was given as the patient and parents refused surgical excision. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma typically occurs in children and adolescents, commonly in the extremities, and MRI is useful for evaluating tumor extent when available.
A%s"rac" . I'"rod(c"o') Rha)doyosar"oa is the ost "oon so#t*tissue sar"oa in "hildhood, representing +, o# all "hildhood "an"ers . -t is thought arising #ro priiti%e esen"hyal "ells "oitted to s.eletal us"le di##erentiation and "an o""ur in a %ariety o# organs and tissues, in"luding those that la". striated us"le./here are three su)groups o# rha)doyosar"oa 0 e)ryonal 1+2*32,4, al%eolar 115*6+,4 and pleoorphi" 1+*12,4. E)ryonal and al%eolar rha)doyosar"oas o""ur priarily in "hildren, and pleoorphi" rha)doyosar"oa o""urs ostly in adults. Care#ul diagnosti" iaging o# potential disease sites at the tie o# presentation is "ru"ial in assigning ris.*)ased therapy.
Case *rese'"a"o') A *17 year old girl presented with right lower leg rapidly growing asses. 8ast edi"al history was unrear.a)le. !aily history is negati%e #or "an"er, physi"al e9a nota)le #or non*tender right lower leg swelling and soe ne"roti" areas. :iopsy results were al%eolar rha)doyosar"oa. Chest 9*ray and a)doinal ultrasound results were no etastati" lesion. 8lain radiograph o# right lower leg showed so#t tissue ass with poorly de#ined argins and lo"al )one in%asion o# the #i)ula with pereati%e pattern o# )one destru"tion and interrupted periosteal rea"tion. !indings on ultisli"e C/ were dilatation o# the soleus us"les with a poorly de#ined so#t tissue ass surrounding id and distal #i)ula. /he #i)ula is eroded, shows tuor in%asion o# the adja"ent )one. A#ter intra%enous "ontrast ediu adinistration, the tuor shows inhoogenous enhan"eent representing ne"roti" areas. 8atient and parents re#used surgi"al treatent 1aputation4. E9ternal radiation with Co)alt ;2, total dose ;2 (y, in 72 #ra"tion)
Dsc(sso') Diagnosis o# rha)doyosar"oa is )ased on ananesis, physi"al e9aination, iaging and histopathology. Ananesis and physi"al e9aination o# this 17 year old girl lead to alignan"y "ondition. :iopsy results were al%eolar rha)doyosar"oa. So#t tissue ass with poorly de#ined argin is %isi)le on plain 9*ray wih erosion and destru"tion o# #i)ula. /he odality o# "hoi"e #or diagnosis o# so#t tissue sar"oas is MR-. Sin"e no MR- is a%aila)le in the #a"ility, there#ore this patient was sent to attend ultisli"e C/ #or e"aluation o# the e9tent o# tuor. /his patient had radiation without surgi"al e9"ision )e"ause she and her parents re#used surgi"al treatent. /he radiation responses were poor .
Co'cl(so') Al%eolar rha)doyosar"oa o""urs priarily in "hildren o# all ages, #re<uently on the e9treities. =esion is o#ten present as rapidly growing asses. /his tuor "ontains round or o%al "ells with priiti%e yo)lasti" #eatures. :y using MR-, the iages are ore "lear to show "ontrast )etween tuor with adja"ent stru"tures, also pro%ides e9"ellent three* diensional de#inition o# #as"ial planes. >hene%er MR- "annot )e per#ored, ultisli"e C/ "an )e used as alternati%e iaging in deterining tuor in%ol%eent o# us"le, )one, joints, or neuro%as"ular stru"tures. Al%eolar rha)doyosar"oa is one o# high*grade tuors that ore aggressi%e than the e)ryonal type. /reatent usually "onsists o# surgi"al e9"ision and&or post operati%e "heoterapy and radiation.