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Israel now faces the

prospect of hostile
neighbors on ve fronts.
It is bloodying
Americas nose,
trashing its reputation,
burning its honor, and
draining its treasury.
The troops are
ready to roll.
The crisis is creating
the very opportunity
for German elites
to accelerate their
imperial vision.
Beijing aims to run down
its portfolio of U.S. debt
as soon as safely possible.
E KNEW this was coming, but its
still breathtaking to watch.
Last Friday evening, thou-
sands of Egyptian demonstrators
descended on Israels embassy in Cairo,
terrifying the 80 people inside. Some-
time after midnight, Israels ambas-
sador to Egypt, his family and most of
the embassy personnel were forced to
evacuate to Cairos airport, where they
were whisked away by Israeli military
jets. Six Israeli intelligence offcers remained, charged with
the unenviable task of protecting the embassy.
Fearing for their lives, the offcers barricaded them-
selves in the embassy strong room. The mob outside had
demolished the 8-foot concrete wall that surrounded the
compound and were walking around embassy facilities,
tossing papers out the windows and burning the Israeli fag.
Locked inside the strong room, the offcers listened as the
hammers beat down the doors that separated them from
certain death. When the mob began beating the last door,
three of the offcers stood and aimed their weapons toward
the door. Meanwhile, the commanding offcer was on the
phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He asked
for backup, and that his prime minister would deliver the
news of his capture or death to his wife and children in
person, rather than over the phone.
Miraculously, the offcers were rescued.
Its telling, however, that it took the president of the
United States calling and threatening retaliation before
Egypts military rulers dispatched commandos to rescue
the trapped Israelis. Egypts Supreme Council of the Armed
Forces could easily have prevented the demonstrators from
breaching the embassy. It chose not to. The demonstration
got out of hand, Stratfor reported, because there was an
order from the top to allow the situation to become a near
crisis before intervening to stop it (September 13).
This was a manufactured crisis, one that could very eas-
ily have turned out much differently.
Reading about these events of last Friday, one is struck by
the broader parallel: Israels embassy crisis in Cairo is a mi-
crocosm of the dilemma now facing the entire Jewish nation.
Like its embassy in Cairo, Israel is a tiny speck, outnum-
bered and outgunned, in a region seething with hatred for
the Jewish state. Like the embassy, Israels national security
depends largely on the rectitude of third parties, be it
regional allies or the United States. And much like embassy
offcials experienced frsthand last Friday, the willingness
of Israels traditional allies to maintain past agreements
and defend Jewish sovereignty is rapidly diminishing. In
some instances these allies are even creating crises, much
like Egypts military rulers did at the embassy last Friday.
Like its embassy in Cairo, the entire Jewish state is at
risk of being violently besieged!
By now even the most ardent peaceniks are realizing
that the now-forming post-Mubarak Egypt will not be
a pro-Israel state. Ethan Bronner, the New York Times
Jerusalem bureau chief, wrote Saturday that the growing
hostility from Egypt could require a radical rethinking of
Israels defense doctrine which, for the past three decades,
counted on peace on its southern border.
On Tuesday, Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick
endorsed similar measures. Israel must prepare for the
possibility of war, she warned. It must increase the size of
the IDF by adding a division to the Southern Command. It
must train for desert warfare. It must expand the Navy.
To be sure, fortifying the military wall that protects
Israel from attack is a rational step to take in light of recent
events. But the reality is, such measures would essentially
be the same as the 8-foot concrete barrier erected less than
a month ago to protect Israels embassy in Cairothat is, a
barrier that creates a false sense of security and will col-
lapse under the weight of overwhelming force.
This may seem like a hopeless and pessimistic point to
make. But its the truth. Israel needs more than military
muscleit needs an act of God.
Now consider the situation in Turkey, which was actu-
ally the frst Muslim-majority nation to recognize Israel as a
Jewish state back in 1949. Together with Cairo, the moder-
ate government in Ankara has been Israels most important
regional ally for decades, and a key pillar of Israels national
security. But in recent years, particularly under the leader-
ship of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan, Turkey has
undergone a quiet revolution, one that has involved Ankara
increasingly sabotaging its relationship with the Jewish state
in an effort to bolster its reputation among Muslim states.
Lately, Turkey has become ever more combative with
Israel. Just in the last two weeks Ankara has suspended
military ties with Israel, kicked out Israels ambassador and
see NIGHTMARE page 10
Israel Enters Nightmare Scenario
nEgyptians storm Israeli Embassy: On September 9, Egyptians
ransacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, causing the Israeli ambassa-
dor and other embassy staff to fee the country. Thousands of demon-
strators used sledgehammers to smash through the concrete barrier
around the embassy, torched the building, trashed offces, dumped
documents out the windows and threw the Israeli fag from the top of
the embassy. Six Israeli intelligence offcers who remained behind to
protect the embassy were later rescued from the descending mob by
Egyptian commandos sent in by Egypts military rulers under pressure
from Washington. In the clashes, fve Egyptian soldiers were killed and
more than 500 police and demonstrators injured. DEBKAfle reports that
the protesters were led by Muslim Brotherhood adherents. Egypts
Muslim Brotherhood whipped up the Israeli Embassy attack to show
the military rulers in Cairo who calls the shots and pressure them into
breaking off three decades of peace ties with the Jewish state, DEBKAfle
wrote September 10. The Muslim Brotherhoods aims are well sup-
ported by Egypts populace. As the New York Daily News points out,
Its not just that Israel is not loved, its that Jews are hated. DEBKAfle
reports how the Egyptian governments appeasement of the Muslim
Brotherhood has already resulted in it doing deals with the terrorists
in the Sinai, leaving them in control of the area, instead of confronting
them. However, such appeasement is already backfring. The Egyptian
rulers failure to deal with the rioters, who quickly vented their fury on
police vehicles and buildings, will pave the way for Muslim extremist
control of Egypt, DEBKAfle writes. Israel is taken back 32 years to the
70s when it stood out as the only pro-Western outpost of democracy in
the Middle East beset by Arab enemies. As Israels key regional allianc-
es break down, the Jewish state is entering a nightmare scenario.
nTurkish prime minister welcomed in Egypt: The Israeli
Embassy attack came three days before a visit to Cairo by Turkish
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoan, who is himself attempting to boost
Turkeys standing among regional Arab states and his popularity on the
Arab street by trashing Turkeys relationship with Israel. It is working.
Courcys Intelligence Brief reports that Erdoan was greeted at the pop-
ular level by what can only be described as euphoria. The Arab street
is united in its admiration for the way in which Erdoan has challenged
Israel over its refusal to apologize for the May 2010 attack on the Turk-
ish Mavi Marmara, Joe de Courcy writes. Egyptians support for the
Turkish prime minister was seen in Facebook pages started by fans,
newspaper editorials praising his hard-line approach to Israel, and
standing ovations during a speech he gave in Cairo on Tuesday. The
London-based al-Quds al-Arabi wrote favorably of the establishment
of a strategic anti-Israeli alliance between the two largest Islamic states
in the Middle East, saying this new alliance would aggravate Israels
international and regional isolation and may also end its military su-
periority. During Erdoans visit, Turkey and Egypt signed 11 new co-
operation agreements. While Erdoan is achieving his desired ends as
far as popularity goes, de Courcy warns that he may over-reach himself.
As much as Erdoan must be reveling in his newfound popularity with
the Arab street, he is unlikely to want war with Israel, he writes. While
we can expect Turkey-Israel relations to remain fractious, and become
even more so, Bible prophecy indicates that at least some pretense of an
alliance will remain between the two countries for the short term.
nTaliban siege in Kabul: Taliban fghters fred rockets at the U.S.
Embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday
and carried out three suicide attacks in other parts of the city in the
biggest assault the terrorists have mounted on the Afghan capital. The
siege in Kabuls diplomatic enclave lasted 20 hours, with as many as
10 insurgents, armed with rocket-propelled grenade launchers, AK-47
assault rifes and suicide bomb vests, occupying and launching their
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 2
Towards a Perfect
SUBSCRIBERS WILL know that we view current
developments in the Middle East with the
gravest possible concern. The image of a
perfect storm is a much overused meta-
phor, but on this occasion it is appropriate.
We believe that the conditions for the frst
major Arab-Israeli war since 1973 are ger-
minating. The worst may be avoided, or at
least delayed, but signs of a lack of under-
standing and urgency at the highest levels
of Western policymaking increase the
chances of a catastrophic miscalculation.
The key background development is that
the Arab Spring has increased the infuence
of public opinion on foreign policy. This can
be seen most obviously in Egypt and Tur-
key (which sees pandering to newly enfran-
chised Arab public opinion as the shortcut
to enhanced Turkish status in the Middle
East), but consider also the following:
On 11 September, former Saudi Ara-
bian ambassador to the U.S., Prince Turki
al-Faisal, wrote in the New York Times
that the United States must support the
Palestinian bid for statehood at the United
Nations this month or risk losing the little
credibility it has in the Arab world. Most
signifcantly, he added: If it does not ...
Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to
cooperate with America in the same way
it historically has. With most of the Arab
world in upheaval, the special relation-
ship between Saudi Arabia and the
United States would increasingly be seen
as toxic by the vast majority of Arabs
and Muslims, who demand justice for the
Palestinian people. Saudi leaders would
be forced by domestic and regional pres-
sures to adopt a far more independent
and assertive foreign policy.
On 13 September, King Abdullah of
Jordan, which like Egypt also has a peace
treaty with Israel, told a group of academ-
ics: If I were Israel I would be very con-
cerned because the future of Jordan and
Palestine is clearer and stronger than that
of Israel. He added that Jordan had a
strong army which it was prepared to use.
In other words, foreign policy in both
Saudi Arabia and Jordan, as a conse-
quence of the Arab Spring, is now being
driven by public opinion away from U.S.-
guided moderation. And as a result of the
above, Israel now faces the prospect of hos-
tile neighbors on fve fronts (Egypt, Jordan,
the Palestinians, Lebanon/Hezbollah, and
Syria), all backed by Turkey, Iran, and now
(it seems possible) even Saudi Arabia. ...
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 3
attack from a nearby part-built multi-storey building. Five policemen
and at least 11 civilians were killed in the attacks. Gen. John R. Al-
len, the commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said that
while the Taliban raid was a military failure, the hours of explosions
and ferce gun battles were a propaganda victory for the Taliban. The
insurgents carried out the attacks in one of the most protected areas of
the capital. The attacks took place as U.S. and other NATO forces prepare
to hand over security responsibilities in Afghanistan to Afghan troops.
Violence is now at its worst level in the country since the Taliban
government was toppled in 2001. Meanwhile, Washington-approved
negotiations continue between Taliban representatives and President
Hamid Karzais Afghan Peace Council. It is now accepted as being
inevitable that the Taliban, as the largest political force in Afghanistan,
will become part of a future Afghan government. This, after a decade
of the U.S. fghting the Taliban, is a precise fulfllment of the prophecy
that this nations strength [would] be spent in vain.
nSadr threatens U.S. troops on 9/11 anniversary: On Septem-
ber 11, the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, radical
Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr announced his intention to attack
any U.S. troops that remained in Iraq after December 31 this year, the
original U.S. departure date. Sadr said his Mahdi Army would sus-
pend operations against U.S. troops up until this date, to give them no
excuse to remain, but if the U.S. didnt completely withdraw, the Mahdi
Armys military operation will become even more severe. Sadrs move-
ment is known to be controlled, trained, armed and paid for by the Ira-
nian government. The U.S. and Iraq are reportedly discussing a plan to
leave 10,000 U.S. troops in the country, though reports
that Pentagon offcials have leaked that the number may be as low as
3,000 troops remaining mainly in an advisory and training capacity.
Iran is getting ever closer to claiming the spoils of Americas war in Iraq.
WASHINGTON POST | September 14
Islamists Emerge in
Force in New Libya
OR DECADES, bearded men in Libya were afraid to walk in the
streets or go to the mosque, worried that to be seen as an Islamist
would land them in prison, or worse. As Libyas leader, Muammar
Qadhaf regarded Islamists as the greatest threat to his authority, and
he ordered thousands of them detained, tortured and, in some cases,
killed. The lucky ones fed the country in droves.
But with Qadhaf now in hiding, Islamists are vying to have a say in
a new Libya, which they say should have a system based on Islamic law.
Although it went largely unnoticed during the uprising that toppled Qa-
dhaf last month, Islamists were at the heart of the fght, many as rebel
commanders. Now some are clashing with secularists within the rebels
Transitional National Council, prompting worries among some liberals
that the Islamistswho still command the bulk of fghters and weap-
onscould use their strength to assert an even more dominant role.
We dont want any vacuums or for those Islamists to steal the
revolution, said a senior rebel leader, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss the internal rifts.
Among the Islamists in the rebel ranks were militants who had pre-
viously waged war abroad. Some had fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chech-
nya and the Balkans under a religious banner; some had ended up in the
arms of more extreme groups such as al Qaeda. The city of Derna, a key
bastion of resistance against Qadhaf in eastern Libya, was home to doz-
ens of Libyan fghters who fought in Iraq after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
ITS BEEN 10 years since 9/11.
This year, families of vic-
tims of that act of war have
fled two lawsuitsone
back in May, the other last
weekagainst an unusual
defendant: the Islamic
Republic of Iran. [W]hat
we found and made public
starting this May is enough to hang a fsh,
wrote Kenneth Timmerman, who helped in
the effort (, September 9).
This legal team is convincedbased on years
of research interviewing intelligence offcials,
CIA agents, Iranian defectors and othersit
can prove that the terrorists who plotted and
carried out the 9/11 attacks were backed by
Put simply: The Islamic Republic of Iran
helped design the 9/11 plot, Timmerman
states. Iran also provided intelligence sup-
port to identify and train the operatives who
carried it out. Further, it helped the hijackers
skirt U.S. and Pakistani surveillanceeven on
the fateful trip where bin Laden gave them f-
nal instructionsby escorting them through
Iranian borders without passport stamps.
Its earth-shattering stuff, but dont expect
Washington to do anything. This information
has been available for years, but the govern-
ment is not interested. In addition, proof
abounds of Iran waging direct war against
U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraqarm-
ing and training insurgents and so on. It
doesnt matter; we keep pretending Iran
isnt involved. In July, the Treasury Depart-
ment labeled Iran a critical transit point for
funding to support al Qaedas activities in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and called it the
core pipeline through which al Qaeda moves
money, facilitators and operatives. So what
did it do? It forbade Americans from having
commercial or fnancial dealings with six
specifc al Qaeda agents.
And America does nothing. How the na-
tion has shrunk in the past decade. And per-
haps more remarkably, despite all Americas
war-making, Iran is FAR STRONGER today than
10 years ago!
This past decade has essentially unfolded
just as the Trumpet predicted within weeks
of 9/11, based on Bible prophecy. Still, that
hasnt made it any less bitter to witness.
Iran Helped
Plan 9/11

In the fght against Qadhafs troops, the Islamist militants played an
important role among the rebels ragtag forces because of their experi-
ence in battles overseas.
TELEGRAPH | September 15
Camp David Accords
Not a Sacred Thing
GYPTS PRIME minister triggered angry consternation in Israel on
Thursday after declaring that the historic Camp David accords
underpinning peace between the two countries were not a sacred
Dramatically heightening tensions during an increasingly volatile
time in Israels relations with the Arab world, Essam Sharafs sugges-
tions that the 32-year treaty could be revised prompted disbelief in the
Jewish state. The Camp David agreement is not a sacred thing and is
always open to discussion with what would beneft the region and the
case of fair peace, Mr. Sharaf told Turkish television. We could make a
change if needed.
Coming just days after an angry mob stormed the Israeli embassy in
Cairo, Israeli offcials said they were staggered more by the timing of
Mr. Sharafs comments than their actual content. Less than a week ago,
we had the problem with the embassy, an Israeli offcial said. I dont
think a responsible prime minister should say things like that.
Others who have said this kind of thing have been presidential can-
didates but this is the prime ministerthat is what is disturbing, the
Israeli offcial said. He should be more careful.
By making his comments to Turkish television, Mr. Sharaf appeared
to be attempting to burnish his populist credentials.
He spoke just after Prime Minister Erdoan had completed a visit to
nGermany plans for Greek default: The German fnance min-
ister is preparing to deal with a Greek default, Der Spiegel reported
September 12. Wolfgang Schuble no longer believes that the Greeks
will be able to fulfll the stipulated conditions, and that they are likely
to run out of money as early as October, it wrote. German Economy
Minister Philip Rsler said an orderly default should be considered for
Greece. In order to stabilize the euro, we must not take anything off
the table in the short run, he wrote in Die Welt September 12. That in-
cludes as a worst-case scenario an orderly default for Greece, if the nec-
essary instruments for it are available. It feels like Germany is prepar-
ing itself for a debt default, chief European economist at Royal Bank of
Scotland Group Plc, Jacques Cailloux, said. The Dutch media reported
this week that the Dutch Finance Ministry believes Greek default is
unavoidable. A whole chorus of German politicians have warned that
Greece could even leave the eurozone. Georg Nsslein, one of the CSUs
economic policy spokesmen, said: The Greeks have to withdraw. They
cant get back on their feet while they are in the eurozone. Volker
Bouffer, deputy chairman of the Christian Democratic Union, said: If
the Greek governments austerity and reform efforts are not successful,
we will also have to ask ourselves whether we need new rules to enable
a eurozone country to withdraw from the monetary union. German
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 4
SIX WEEKS after the Mubarak
regime collapsed in early
February, the New York
Times wised up to what
was actually happening.
Religion had emerged as
the most powerful political
force in Egypt, the Times
wrote on March 24.
In Libya, Muammar Qadhaf has been
gone for just three weeks, and the liberal
democracy, secular moderate disguise that
covered the uprising early on has already
been stripped away.
According to a New York Times article,
Islamists Growing Sway Raises Questions
for Libya, the most powerful military man in
new Libya is Abdel Hakim Belhaj, an Islamic
extremist with ties to al Qaeda and Libyas
most infuential politician is an Islamic
scholar named Ali Sallabi.
Fathi Ben Issa, also featured in the Times
piece, was once on the Tripoli councila
governing body dominated by the Muslim
Brotherhoodbut left after learning that they
intended to ban the arts and issue a fatwa
that would bar Libyan women from driving
Ben Issa said Sallabi is only trying to mask
his true intentions. He says one thing to
the BBC and another to Al Jazeera, Ben Issa
said. If you believe him, you dont know the
Muslim Brothers.
But to the sleeping giant in Washington,
there is no reason at all to doubt or question
Sallabis commitment to spreading democracy.
Even the New York Times seems skeptical.
[A]s in Egypt and Tunisia, the latest upheaval
of the Arab Spring deposed a dictator who
are some worrisome signs about what kind of
government will follow.
Trumpet readers know EXACTLY what kind
of government will follow: one that perfectly
serves the interests of Iran, the number one
state sponsor of radical Islam and the proph-
esied king of the south (Daniel 11:40).
Ever since we identifed Iran as the bibli-
cally prophesied king of the south in the
mid-1990s, Irans enemies have either been
weakened signifcantly or removed entirely.
In Western political discourse, it might be
fashionable to call the latest uprisings and
revolts an Arab Spring, but on the Arab
Street and in Tehranand more importantly,
in the pages of your Bibleits seen as a GREAT
ISLAMIC AWAKENING. And its building toward a
spectacular clash that will soon trigger World
War III!
The Great Islamic

politicians have good reason for fearing for Greeces future. On Septem-
ber 11, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos warned that the
Greek economy would shrink by 5.3 percent instead of the 3.8 percent
forecast previously. Greece seems to be struggling to meet the condi-
tions of the bailout. Schuble is threatening to withhold bailout money
from Greece unless it does what it agreed to do. We have never been
so close to EMU rupture, warned the Telegraphs international business
editor, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, September 11. Fridays resignation
of Jurgen Stark at the European Central Bank is literally a kataklysmos,
a German vote of no confdence in EMU management. The eurozone is
heading rapidly for a crisisa crisis that will change Europe forever.
nBank, Polish fnance minister warn eurozone break-
up could lead to war or military government: The Swiss
bank UBS has warned that a breakup of the euro could have dire political
costs. It is also worth observing that almost no modern fat currency
monetary unions have broken up without some form of authoritarian
or military government, or civil war, it wrote in a report published
September 6. The report pointed out that although breakups of fat cur-
rency monetary unions are rare, history gives a dire warning. With this
degree of social dislocation, the historical parallels are unappealing, it
says. Past instances of monetary union breakups have tended to pro-
duce one of two results. Either there was a more authoritarian govern-
ment response to contain or repress the social disorder (a scenario that
tended to require a change from democratic to authoritarian or military
government), or alternatively, the social disorder worked with existing
fault lines in society to divide the country, spilling over into civil war.
These are not inevitable conclusions, but indicate that monetary union
breakup is not something that can be treated as a casual issue of ex-
change rate policy. Polands fnance minister agreed with the UBS report,
saying on September 14, There is no doubt we are in danger. Europe
is in danger. Discussing a recent conversation with the head of a major
bank, he said: We were talking about the crisis in eurozone. He told me
You know, after all these political shocks, economic shocks, it is very
rare indeed that in the next 10 years we could avoid a war. A war, ladies
and gentlemen. I am really thinking about obtaining a green card for my
kids in the United States. Last year, Stratfor also analyzed the possible
breakup of the eurozone. It pointed out that in a scenario where a nation
like Greece left the euro, the government would have to take authoritar-
ian moves. More and more politicians are realizing that the eurozone
must go through some radical changes before this crisis is over. But the
economic changes necessary require even bigger political changes.
nPope appoints new pro-grand master to head Knights of
Holy Sepulcher: Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Archbishop Edwin
OBrien of Baltimore as the new pro-grand master of the Knights of the
Holy Sepulcher. The appointment was announced August 29. OBrien
succeeds 75-year-old Grand Master John Foley, who announced his
resignation last February for health reasons. The Order of the Knights
of the Holy Sepulcher is a chivalric organization dedicated to promoting
and defending Catholicism in the Holy Land and supporting the Latin
Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Its origins date back centuries to the time of
the First Crusade, when its frst leader, Godfrey de Bouillon, invaded
Jerusalem. For the past several decades, the title grand master of
the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher has been little more than a quasi-
honorary position given to ecclesiastics at the end of their careers.
Persecution of Middle Eastern Christians by Muslims is now so per-
vasive and violent, however, that some are wondering if it isnt time to
redefne the role played by the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. OBrien
could become the tip of the spear for a far more concentrated and
effective global Catholic response to the realities facing Christians in
todays Middle East, according to John Allen Jr. of the National Catho-
lic Reporter. Pope Benedict XVI is stacking the Vatican hierarchy with
conservative priests loyal to his ultra-right-wing version of Catholicism.
Expect a clash of religions in the near future.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 5
THREE POWERFUL initiatives
are in play in Germany this
autumn that would, on the
one hand, split Europe into
two camps with a clear dis-
tinction between the strong
and the weak, and on the
other set up Germany as
top dog over all.
First, the EFSF is about to empower Ger-
man control over eurozone member states
economies. It not only will create the mecha-
nism for the central planning of an EU impe-
rial budget and means of EU-wide taxation
imposts, but also will essentially enslave
Europes weaker economies economically to
the EUs paymaster, the all-powerful Ger-
man giant.
Second, a centralized EU high command,
was proposed last week by fve leading EU
nations, demanding legal opinion on its con-
stitutionality by early autumn. This would
create the platform for the development of an
imperial military force to be imposed on all
European nations. It would open the way for
Germany to take over EU military operations
under that nations revived Command Staff
of the Armed Forces, with its headquarters
centralized in Berlin (May 18, 2008).
Third, in a current study on military ship-
building, Germanys dominant metalworking
industry union, IG Metall, has lobbied strong-
ly for expansion of the German armaments
industry. The study cites the need to upgrade
the Bundesmarines capacity for its defense
of shipping lanes and the growing market in
developing countries for armaments.
IG Metall views the Bundeswehr as devel-
oping a future strike capability that will en-
able it to become globally operational in both
an interventionist and occupying capacity.
Quoting the IG Metall CEO, German-Foreign- reported, [T]he new security
and political environment of the 21st century
is determined by the worldwide concept of
mobile armed forces that are battle ready
and suffciently fexible to adapt to changing
scenes for military missions (September 8;
translations ours).
This is a powerful package of three im-
perialist initiatives that all mesh together to
underwrite the creation of a pan-European
empire of considerable global potential.
The gravest mistake that observers of
Europe could make today is to see the euro
crisis as a sign of the EU beginning to fail. It
is not! The crisis is creating the very oppor-
tunity for German elites to accelerate their
imperial vision.
German Armaments

RON FRASER | Columnist
BBC | September 12
Europes Galileo Sat-Nav
Spacecraft Ready to Fly
UROPES FIRST two Galileo satellite-navigation spacecraft are ready
for launch. The platforms passed a key technical review at the
weekend, paving the way for their fight to orbit on a Russian
Soyuz rocket on October 20. One satellite has already made the journey
to the launch complex in French Guiana; the second will ship this week.
The European Commission is investing billions of euros in its own
version of the American GPS system. It expects Galileo to bring signifcant
returns to the 27-nation blocs economies in the form of new businesses
that can exploit precise timing and location data delivered from space.
Astrium satellites [a space company building the spacecraft] CEO
Evert Dudok told BBC News With these satellites, Europe masters
navigation technologies, at least to the level of the U.S.and since
Galileo has a more modern signal structure, I personally think we are a
little bit ahead of the U.S.
EUBUSINESS | September 10
Military Unity Could
Make EU a Superpower
HE CREATION of a united armed forces for the European Union could
give Brussels superpower status to match that of Washington, Po-
lands opposition leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski told AFP Friday.
I want Europe to be a superpower, Kaczynski said in an interview
at the Krynica Economic Forum in southern Poland . Im a Euroreal-
ist and I support a stronger Europe, especially in the political-military
aspect, Kaczynski added . A political center which has at its disposal
certain means vis--vis external forces would make Europe a real su-
perpower and I would really want this, Kaczynski said.
Europe should have a political center, but equipped with armed
forces this political center could be an equal partner for the United
States and we must not forget China or India.
TELEGRAPH | September 11
Talks Over a New
Constitutional Treaty
ERMANY, FRANCE, Italy and EU offcials demanded a replacement
for the controversial Lisbon Treaty at a G-7 meeting in Marseille
this weekend. At the talks, [Chancellor George] Osborne insisted
that Britain would fght to keep its economic sovereignty against a
eurozone caucus seeking to run the EU as a fscal union. He said the
government expected the new treaty to be in place by 2013, on top of a
minor amendment to create a permanent bailout fund later this year.
I think it is on the cards that there may be a treaty change imposed
in the next year or two, beyond what has already been proposed, said
the chancellor. This would be for the eurozone, this would be to
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 6
ON SEPTEMBER 6, Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin spun open the tap to the new
Nord Stream pipeline running under the Baltic
Sea and into Germany. The amount of energy
that will be delivered to Germany is compara-
ble to the combined output of 11 nuclear power
plants, Putin said at the pipelines inaugura-
tion session.
The $12 billion pipeline, Europes biggest
energy project, gives Russia its frst direct ex-
port channel into western markets, bypassing
Ukraine and other Central European nations.
Ukraine and nearly every county on the Baltic
shore opposed the Nord Stream project in part
because they stand to lose some revenues they
previously earned for transporting Russian
gas across their territory and into Western
European countries.
But lost revenues is not the only reason Rus-
sia and Germanys neighbors are concerned
about the project and its signal of a warming
relationship between Moscow and Berlin. Nord
Stream vests both Russia and Germany with
more leverage and power over their neighbors.
Germanys negotiating strength is compounded
by its having ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schrder
as a senior executive of the project. The project
gives Berlin leverage to strengthen its role as a
major hub through which gas to Europe must
fow. Russia, for its part, can now block gas fows
into Eastern Europe while still sending gas into
Western Europe through Germany. This gives
Moscow the ability to bring Eastern European
states to submission without upsetting the West.
Berlin, on the other hand, can now control
a signifcant portion of Western Europes gas
fowsessentially brandishing the same gas
supply trump card over downstream countries
that Moscow holds over many Eastern Euro-
pean states. In response to Japans nuclear
crisis earlier this year, nations all across
Europe are curtailing nuclear power. At least in
the short term, these countries will have to rely
more on natural gas as a substitute. The antici-
pated shift recently prompted the International
Energy Agency to predict a golden age of gas
on the horizon.
This golden age of gas is not far off, and
it will be a season of ramped-up power for
both Moscow and Berlin. Moscow has used its
stranglehold over gas supplies to squeeze politi-
cal and economic concessions from Ukraine,
Georgia, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Moldova and Armenia. Is it not unreasonable to
anticipate that Berlin could seek to do the same
as it continues with its quest to control Europe.
Russia and
Germany Open the
Tap on Nord Stream
THETRUMPET.COM | September 15
further integrate the eurozone, further strengthen fscal integration.
It was an about-turn on the governments previous line that Britain
was not threatened by a new fscal union . Mr. Osborne admitted
that the government was fghting to keep its vetoes over economic
policy to prevent a caucus of 17 eurozone countries having a monopoly
of power via its inbuilt majority in an EU of 27 nations.
Brussels sources have told the Daily Telegraph that a proposal for
formal negotiations to begin in December will be made at an EU sum-
mit next month. The talks will be chaired by Herman Van Rompuy, the
EU president, and will involve a constitutional convention before the
new treaty is agreed and ratifed in all 27 EU countries.
Speaking last week, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, called
for radical no taboos treaty negotiations in order to bind the EU
closer together.
Her predecessor, Gerhard Schrder, called for the EU to return to
the original goal of a United States of Europe and the European
Constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005.
Douglas Carswell, the Tory MP for Clacton, is among a group of up to
90 back-bench Conservatives pushing for a referendum on a new EU
treaty. A full-blown fscal union for eurozone instantly has implica-
tions. Britain will never get its own way and the qualifed majority vote
will give a monopoly of power to the eurozone bloc, he said.
nUkraine to participate for frst time in Russo-Belarus
military exercise: Starting September 16, a Ukrainian combat team
is participating for the frst time in a major training drill jointly with
Russian and Belarusian forces. I announce this with great satisfaction,
Russian Army Chief of Staff Nikolai Makarov said about Ukraines plans
to join in the annual Union Shield exercise. It is time for us to take our
cooperation to a new level. The military exercise, running through Sep-
tember 22, will involve 12,000 soldiers, 50 aircraft and 100 tanks from
the three former Soviet Union nations. Even before Ukraine agreed to
participate, Union Shield was the largest regularly scheduled joint train-
ing drills for both the Russian and Belarusian armies. Kievs participa-
tion in the exercise sends a strong signal that Ukraine is heading toward
the Russian camp, thereby sketching an eastern border for the EU.
Watch for Ukraine to become the dividing line between the eastward-
expanding EU and the westward expansion of a regenerated imperialist
Russia. When that border is established, the basis for a non-aggression
pact between Germany and Russia will be in place, and Germany will
be free to tend to its expansionist aims in the Middle East and Africa.
nNew Euroskeptic group rethinks Britains relationship
with Europe: A new group of about 80 Euroskeptic members of
Parliament met for the frst time September 12 to stimulate new think-
ing on Britains relationship with Europe. Ever since former Prime
Minister Margaret Thatchers downfall, being opposed to Europe has
been a bad career move for MPs. But this movement could be different;
Britains Foreign Minister William Hague appeared to support it in an
interview with the Times on Saturday. One of their frst acts has been
to support a bill calling for Parliament to be given the power to veto
the appointment of British judges to the European Court of Justice. If
the move is adopted by ministers it would represent a signifcant power
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 7
CHINA HAS offered to help save the euro in
return for getting EU recognition as a market
economya new status that would help it to
export more cheap goods to Europe. Chinese
Premier Wen Jiabao made the offer at a meet-
ing of business leaders and offcials organized
by the World Economic Forum in Dalian,
China, on Wednesday (September 14).
European countries are facing sovereign
debt problems and weve expressed our will-
ingness to give a helping hand many times.
We will continue to expand our investment
there, he said. Based on WTO rules, Chinas
full market economy status will be recognized
by 2016. If EU nations can demonstrate their
sincerity several years earlier, it would be the
way a friend treats a friend, he added.
A European Commission spokeswoman on
Thursday played down the importance of the
remarks. Wen in a recent phonecall with com-
mission head Jose Manuel Barroso made no
linkage whatsoever between eurozone sup-
port and the new status, she said. The new
status would change the way the EU calculates
whether or not it is entitled to impose tariffs
on Chinese exports in order to protect EU
Currently, the EU compares Chinese export
prices with those of other low-cost export-
ers to see if it is dumping excessively cheap
goods. If it becomes a market economy, the EU
will have to compare its export prices with do-
mestic Chinese prices instead, meaning fewer
products will make the dumping grade.
Wen spoke out the same day that the U.S.
think-tank, the German Marshall Fund, pub-
lished a survey showing that Europeans are
less afraid of China than Americans. Forty-six
percent of Europeansthe biggest segment
of those polledsee China as more of an
economic opportunity than a threat and 62
percent do not think it poses a military danger.
In contrast, 63 percent of Americans see it as
an economic threat and 47 percent see it is a
military adversary.
Despite its China-wariness, Italian offcials
last week met with Chinas sovereign wealth
fund, the China Investment Corporation, in
Rome, amid speculation that China will buy
Italian government-owned assets. They are
interested in buying real stuff ... this is com-
pletely different from their approach in the
U.S. which was to invest in treasuries [govern-
ment bonds], an unnamed Italian offcial told
the FT on Tuesday.
China to EU: Well
Back the Euro If
You Open Your

EU OBSERVER | September 15
shift back to Westminster and possibly pave the way for MPs to win the
right to approve more key British appointments to the EUincluding
even commissioners, reports the Telegraph. Hague said that party
leaders would not try to discipline the Euroskeptics. Its certainly not
career suicide, he said. So far, Euroskeptics have been disappointed in
Hagues support of Europe. His statements could signal a turnaround.
While he was in Marseille for a G-7 meeting on the weekend, Britains
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the EU will need a
new treaty. The Telegraph reported that Osborne said Hague is creating
a list of demands of powers that must be returned to Britain in return
for Britains support for such a treaty. To us, wrote think tank Open
Europe, it seems increasingly as though the UK government has made
a policy shift over recent weeks, and is now openly acknowledging that
the aim is to bring some powers back should a new EU treaty be up for
negotiation. The EU and the UK are plainly moving in opposite direc-
tions. They cannot remain together much longer.
nBritain suing European Central Bank: Britain is suing the
European Central Bank (ECB) over its plans to allow clearing for some
euro-denominated securities to only take place within the eurozone.
This would force some clearing houses based in London to leave the city
and move to a nation in the euro. The UK says that this policy is against
European law and has appealed to the European Court of Justice. It
does seem to indicate a possible change in the approach that the UK is
taking to Europe, fnancial services lawyer at Simmons & Simmons LLP
Darren Fox told Bloomberg. There has been a perception in the City
that the UK hasnt been doing as much in Europe as it could have done
to protect the interests of the UK fnancial services industry. Perhaps
this is a sign that the worm is turning (September 15).
nBritish children trapped in materialistic culture, says
UNICEF: Children in the UK, Sweden and Spain said that their well-
being centers on time with a happy, stable family, having good friends
and plenty of things to do, especially outdoors, according to a report
published by the United Nations Childrens Fund. The report found
that children in the UK were starved of these things. They warned that
parents in Britain spent too little time with their children, and tried
to make up for this by buying them things. Their report warned that
Britain especially was suffering, and that parents in Spain and Sweden
put a higher priority on spending time with their children.
nPercentage of Americans in poverty rises to 18-year high:
We think of America as a place where every generation is doing bet-
ter, but were looking at a period when the median family is in worse
shape than it was in the late 1990s, said Lawrence Katz, an economics
professor at Harvard. Minorities are being hit the hardest, with blacks
experiencing the highest poverty rate at 27 percent. Hispanic poverty is
not far behind at 26 percent. Asians and whites are experiencing pov-
erty rates of 12.1 percent and 9.9 percent respectively. These statistics
presage large-scale civil unrest in the near future. Another 2.6 million
Americans slipped into poverty last year, the Census Bureau reported
Tuesday. The report said the percentage of Americans living below
the offcial poverty line last year, 15.1 percent, was the highest level
since 1993. (The poverty line in 2010 for a family of four was $22,314.)
The total number of Americans living below the line of poverty is now
46.2 million, the highest since the bureau began publishing fgures 52
years ago. This is truly a lost decade, said Katz. Rising unemployment,
an overloaded social system, mass discontent, loss of faith in leadership,
a cultural disdain for law and morality; all these problems are fuel-
ing tensions between blacks and whites, rich and poor, Democrats and
nBaron Guttenberg visits Ground Zero: Since relocating tempo-
rarily to Connecticut three weeks ago, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and
his wife, Stephanie, have kept a low profle. But last weekend they made
a public appearance in New York to acknowledge the tenth anniversary
of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America. Viewing the site from high
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 8
THE DEBT markets have been warned. A
key rate setter for Chinas central bank let
slipor was it a slip?that Beijing aims to
run down its portfolio of U.S. debt as soon
as safely possible.
The incremental parts of our foreign
reserve holdings should be invested in
physical assets, said Li Daokui at the
World Economic Forum in the very rainy
city of Dalianformer Port Arthur from
Russian colonial days. We would like to
buy stakes in Boeing, Intel, and Apple, and
maybe we should invest in these types of
companies in a proactive way.
Once the U.S. treasury market stabi-
lizes we can liquidate more of our holdings
of treasuries, he said. To my knowledge,
this is the frst time that a top adviser to
Chinas central bank has uttered the word
liquidate. Until now the policy has been
to diversify slowly by investing the fresh
$200 billion accumulated each quarter
into other currencies and assetschiefy
AAA euro debt from Germany, France and
the hard core.
We dont know how much U.S. debt is
held by SAFE (State Administration of For-
eign Exchange), the banks FX arm. The
fgure is thought to be over $2.2 trillion.
The Chinese are clearly vexed with Wash-
ington, viewing the Feds QE as a stealth
default on U.S. debt. Mr. Li came close to
calling America a basket case, saying the
picture is far worse than when Ronald
Reagan and Margaret Thatcher took over
in the early 1980s.
Mr. Li, one of three outside academics
on Chinas [Monetary Policy Committee],
described the debt deals on Capitol Hill as
just trying to buy time, saying it will not
be enough to stop Americas debt dynam-
ic turning dangerous.
It is bad for bondsor will be. The
money will go into strategic land purchas-
es all over the world, until the backlash
erupts in earnest. It will go into equities,
until Capitol Hill has a heart attack. It will
go anywhere but debt.
Yet another reason to be careful of
treasuries . There is a big seller out
there, just itching to let go.
Foreigners will lend money to you, but you will
not be able to lend to them. They will be like the
head, and you will be like the tail
Deuteronomy 28:44, New Century Version
China to Liquidate
U.S. Treasuries
TELEGRAPH | September 15
above Ground Zero on the 48th foor of the new glass-fronted tower,
no. 7 World Trade Center in New York City, the baron and his wife
publicly acknowledge their dedication to the Atlantic alliance, yet with
a subtle twistwith the emphasis on Americas relationship specifcally
with Germany. Guttenberg stated to the Bild newspaper that We are
also here to show that we know that together Germany and the United
States must never separate across the Atlantic. When in political of-
fce, Guttenberg was a declared supporter of the Atlantic alliance and a
successful builder of bridges between Washington and Berlin. Ezekiel
23 tells of a time when the hypocritical nations of Israel (modern-day
America and Britain) will work together with Assyria (modern-day
Germany) as lovers. This relationship is prophesied to be short-lived,
however, before God raises up the Assyrians against His people in
punishment. It will be interesting to watch the barons future public ap-
pearances in his land of temporary abode as he bides his time awaiting
the call that must inevitably come from his Fatherland in the wake of
the government crisis that is rapidly building in Germany.
Tsunami to Hit
Australian Real Estate
USTRALIAS LOVE affair with property is about to turn sour as an eco-
nomic tsunami looks set to hit world markets, American econom-
ic forecaster Harry Dent says. Mr. Dent, who arrived in Australia
today, predicts the world will experience a second, deeper downturn,
which will arrive between the beginning and the middle of next year.
Starting in Europe, the downturn will spread to the U.S., China and
eventually Australia, he said. At the center of the coming debt crisis
is real estate, the forecaster says. People in places like Sydney or Tokyo
or Miami say, Hey, real estate can never go down here, were a great
place, everyone wants to move here, theres not much land for develop-
ment, and what I say is that is exactly the kind of place that bubbles,
Mr. Dent said. To survive the incoming economic tsunami, Mr. Dent
said investors should sell their excess real estate .
TELEGRAPH | September 14
Union Strikes to
Cripple the Country
MB, UNITE and Unison are preparing to announce plans to ballot
nearly 2 million public sector workers including nurses, council
workers, teachers and civil servants about regional and national
The industrial action will start in late November and continue into
the summer of 2012, with one union leader warning that it will rival the
winter of discontent of 1978 when bodies went unburied and rubbish
flled the streets. One senior union leader said: It will be a battle. It
will be blocks of strikes over the winter, through the spring and into
the summer. It will be a major dispute. The troops are ready to roll. In
some areas there may be two or three days. In other areas it will be
continuous. In other areas it will be a rolling program. There are lists
that are being drawn up of target areas.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 9
$447 BILLION. Add it all up:
the tax cuts, the increased
spending, and increased
borrowingand that is
what it will take to get the
economy back on its feet,
according to President
If it were only so easy.
One of the biggest problems is that Amer-
ica just isnt as good a place to do business as
it once was.
On August 24, the Department of Justice
and agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service raided the manufacturing facilities
of the world-renowned Gibson Guitar com-
pany. Government offcials confscated half
a million dollars worth of supplies, virtually
shutting the company down.
Why? Because Gibson purchased ebony
and rosewood guitar fngerboards (endan-
gered trees that the Indian government man-
ages) from an Indian supplier.
Note: This is not against U.S. law. Also
note: The Indian government has issued no
complaint about Gibson.
The Department of Justice and the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service attacked Gibson
Guitar on suspicion that Gibson had violated
Indian law! It was probably at the behest of
some environmentalist group.
This is just the latest example of how oner-
ous it is becoming to do business in the U.S. In
California, land cannot be developed because
the Delhi Sands fower-loving fy could be
impacted. Cement factories and oil refneries
cannot be permitted because of global warm-
ing scares (so the factories open in Mexico and
China). In other states, unions and prevailing
wage laws make businesses less competitive
(so Polaris moves jobs outside the U.S.). Gov-
ernment indebtedness forces tax rates higher
(and makes companies weaker).
And now the few remaining proftable U.S.
manufacturers apparently have to make sure
they comply with the laws of every country
in the world before they can do business in
Americaor else they run the risk of invasion
by the DOJ and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
So as Americas leaders borrow hundreds
of billions of dollars from countries like
China, dont be fooled. Nothing has changed
to make America a better place for job cre-
ation. Temporary money can only provide
temporary solutions. And when the money
is borrowed, it means that the drag on the
economy will only be greater once the money
runs out.
Obamas Jobs Plan
Will Not Work

begun persecuting Israelis visiting Turkey. In his most recent provoca-
tion, Erdoan announced that Turkey would dispatch three frigates to
the Mediterranean to escort any future aid fotilla to Gaza.
Turkeys growing animosity toward Israel is deeply sobering. As
Caroline Glick wrote recently, We need to recognize that what we are
experiencing now is the beginning, not the end, of Turkeys slide into
the enemy camp. Erdoan is openly taking steps to transform Turkey
into an Islamic state along the lines of Iran. And the further he goes
down his chosen path, the more harshly and aggressively he will lash
out at Israel (emphasis added).
There are so many events of extreme signifcance in this world its
easy to overlook how extraordinary, how historic and how DANGEROUS
FOR ISRAEL the changes occurring in Egypt and Turkey are. The fate of
nations, entire regions even, turn on moments like this.
And we havent even considered the Palestinians plan to declare
statehood at the United Nations next week!
This could create a fresh crisis for Israel, one of greater magnitude
and with potentially disastrous consequences. At the moment no one
knows for sure what will happen when most of the world recognizes a
Palestinian state. But most people agree: Israel will undoubtedly fnd it-
self more isolated, under greater pressure and facing more persecution
from the Palestinians, from the international community and from the
United States. Far from being a gesture towards peace, Melanie Phil-
lips wrote this week, this declaration sounds the drumbeat for war.
Its a grim scenario, and one that has converged on Israel with
incredible speed. As a European envoy in Jerusalem put it this week,
WITHIN A WEEK Israel has found itself two friends down and about to
face a so-called diplomatic tsunami with the Palestinians.
In fact, the situation is markedly worse than these people realize.
Israel hasnt simply lost Egypt and Turkey as regional alliesIT HAS
Cairo and Ankara are not severing relations with Israel and reposi-
tioning themselves as moderate, neutral states. They are not simply re-
signing from Israels team, choosing instead to sit as passive spectators
on the sidelines. Rather, as they discard their alliances with Israel, both
are willfully, VIGOROUSLY throwing their support behind Israels number
one enemy. The peril is less that Israels position is being weakened,
In a televised address following last Fridays emergency rescue, Is-
raeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Middle East is NOW
Netanyahu sees that right now vast tracts of the Middle East, territori-
ally, politically and strategically, belong to Iran and radical Islam. Soon
now, this Iran-led radical Islamic mob will descend on Israel with over-
whelming numbers and force. Like its embassy in Cairo last week, the
Jewish state has a defensive wall, a top-notch military, crack intelligence
and state-of-the-art anti-missile defense systems. That wall might hold
for a while longer. But with each passing month, its ability to protect and
defend will diminish, one missile, one terrorist attack at a time.
Soon, perhaps in a few months or maybe next year or the year after,
the weight of the Islamic mob will cause the wall to crumble and col-
lapse. What will happen then?
Bible prophecy tells us that just as a full-scale incursion and takeover
of Israel by radical Islam is occurring, Israel will make a phone call. Not
to the White House, or to the United Nations. Rather, prophecy reveals
that Israels leaders, barricaded behind a crumbling wall, will turn to
Europe. At the last minute, a German-led European army will swoop in
to rescue the Jewish state and obliterate the forces of radical Islam.
Although we know this will happen, this too will be breathtaking to
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY September 17, 2011 10
NIGHTMARE from page 1
THE LOS ANGELES Unifed School District is aim-
ing to make schools safer for gay students.
At its biweekly meeting held Tuesday after-
noon, the seven-member LAUSD school board
unanimously passed the LGBT and Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity Anti-Bullying
Resolution, which takes specifc steps to en-
sure a safe environment for LGBT students.
The resolution sponsored by Steve Zim-
mer, who represents the LAUSD 4th district that
includes West Hollywood and much of Holly-
wood, will ensure an LGBT-inclusive curriculum.
As a teacher, I know how important it is for
students and families to be included and rec-
ognized in school, Zimmer said. Weve seen
the cost of invisibility and rejection. Last year
there was a spate of suicides across the country
attributed to anti-gay bullying.
Zimmer added that LAUSD has an ongoing
commitment to creating safe environments for
LGBT students. We want our youth to feel that
school is a protective factor, not a risk factor,
he said. And we wont rest until all students
are safe. Board President Monica Garcia, who
co-sponsored the resolution, said, All students
have the right to feel safe and supported.
Board member Nury Martinez, who also
co-sponsored the resolution, added, I hope we
can create school environments that nurture
greater understanding, respect and acceptance
of LGBT students throughout the district.
The resolution came in response to the
July passage of a new state law, SB48, the FAIR
Education Act (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and
Respectful). That bill calls upon schools to
include in their social studies curriculums the
contributions of Americans who are gay, Afri-
can American, Latino, Asian Pacifc Islander,
female or have disabilities.
A group called Stop SB48 is trying to get
enough signatures to create a ballot measure
to overturn the law, due to go into effect in
January. The LAUSD board said that all children
deserve to see themselves and their families
positively represented in their curriculum. It is
unclear whether the boards resolution would
stand if SB48 is overturned.
With this resolution, LAUSD will require LGBT
sensitivity training for staff and teachers, as
well as legal training for staff members to un-
derstand their responsibilities to LGBT students
and families. Teachers and staff will also be
required to intervene when they hear students
using anti-gay language.
LAUSD Passes
Resolution to Make
Schools Safer for Gay
HOLLYWOOD PATCH | September 15

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