Feminist Perspectives On 9/11: Visions of International Studies

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Feminist Perspectives on 9/11

J. Ann Tickner
University of Southern California
In this article I offer a feminist analysis of September 11, 2001 and its
aftermath. I demonstrate how gendered discourses are used in this and
other conf lict situations to reinforce mutual hostilities. I suggest that
mens association with war-fighting and national security serves to
reinforce their legitimacy in world politics while it acts to create barriers
for women. Using the framework of a post-9011 world, I offer some
alternative models of masculinity and some cultural representations less
dependent on the subordination of women. Often in times of conf lict
women are seen only as victims. I outline some ways in which the
women of Afghanistan are fighting against gender oppression and I
conclude with some thoughts on their future prospects.
Keywords: culture, feminism, gender, masculinity, peace, war
Our brothers who fought in Somalia saw wonders about the weakness,
feebleness, and cowardliness of the U.S. soldier. . . . @W#e believe that we
are men, Muslim men who must have the honour of defending @Mecca#.
We do not want American women soldiers defending @it#. . . . The rulers
in that region have been deprived of their manhood. . . . By God, Mus-
lim women refuse to be defended by these American and Jewish
Osama bin Laden
As women gain power in these @Western# countries, @they# should become
less aggressive, adventurous, competitive, and violent.
Francis Fukuyama
The operative word is men. Brawny, heroic, manly men.
Patricia Leigh Brown
I dont want any women to go to my grave . . . during my funeral or any
occasion thereafter.
Mohamed Atta
Authors note: This article was originally presented at the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, March 2002.
Thanks to Hayward Alker and Jennifer Whitaker for their helpful suggestions. While I use the term 9011 in this
article, I realize that the fears and hardships associated with terror and conf lict were present for many people
outside the United States before September 11, 2001.
December 1998, from an interview with al-Jazeera television. Quoted in Judt ~2001!.
Fukuyama ~1998:27!.
Brown ~2001:5!.
Will of Mohamed Atta found in a suitcase at Logan International Airport in Boston. Quoted in the New York
Times, October 4, 2001, B5.
International Studies Perspectives ~2002! 3, 333350.
2002 International Studies Association.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK.
War gives purpose to life. . . . Peace brings out the silliness in man; war
makes him imitate the tiger.
George S. Patton, Jr.
My nations wrath has empowered me
My ruined and burnt villages fill me with hatred against the enemy
Oh compatriot, no longer regard me weak and incapable,
My voice has mingled with thousands of arisen women
My fists are clenched with fists of thousands of compatriots
To break all these sufferings, all these fetters of slavery.
Im the woman who has awoken,
Ive found my path and will never return.
Gendered Images
Gendered images are everywhere, many of them threatening. Osama bin Laden
taunts the West for becoming feminized; Francis Fukuyama is concerned about it
too. In a 1998 article in Foreign Affairs, Fukuyama, although more positive than
bin Laden about what they both see as the feminization of Western culture,
pointed to similar dangers. He counseled against putting women in charge of
U.S. foreign policy and the military because of their inability to stand up to
unspecified dangers ~perhaps more specific since 9011! from those @non-
democratic# parts of the world run by young, ambitious, unconstrained men,
~Fukuyama, 1998:36, 38!. Five years earlier, Samuel Huntington ~1993! warned of
a clash of civilizations, an only slightly veiled reference to a demographically
exploding Islam, a fault line between Western Christian societies that have
progressed in terms of economic development and democratization, and the
Muslim world where young mens frustrations are fuelled by the failure of these
same phenomena.
For others the danger is closer to home; the real fault lines are here in the
United States. In a 1994 article that lauded Huntingtons clash of civilizations
thesis, James Kurth focused attention on the real clash, an internal one. Extol-
ling the rise of Western civilization and the Enlightenment, a secular society
based on individualism, liberalism, constitutionalism, human rights, the rule of
law, free markets, and the separation of church and state, which came of age at
the beginning of the twentieth century, Kurth saw the Enlightenment in decline
at the centurys end. What he termed post-industrialism has moved women
into the labor market and out of the home with negative consequences for
children, particularly those reared in split family or single-parent households.
The U.S. is, according to Kurth, threatened not only by feminism, which bears
the responsibility for the liberation of women, but also by multiculturalismthe
presence, and recognition, of large numbers of African-Americans, Latino Amer-
icans, and Asian Americans who, unlike earlier immigrant populations, remain
unassimilated in terms of Western liberal ideas ~Kurth, 1994:14!
The fears of these scholars, and Fukuyamas solutionto keep strong men in
chargemay seem more real today than when they were first articulated. And
A World Too Intoxicated by the Wine of War, Los Angeles Times, October 8, 2001.
Meena was the founding leader of RAWA ~Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan!. She was
assassinated in Quetta, Pakistan, in 1987. Poem from RAWA website http:00www.rawa.org.
For a more elaborated version of this argument see Huntington ~1996:2032!.
It should be noted that womens equality was not even thought of at the birth of the Enlightenment. For a
discussion of womens unequal incorporation into the modern Western state see Pateman ~1988!. Males in the
workforce have never received much criticism for neglecting their children. For ideas, similar to Kurths, about the
negative effects of cultural diversity see also Huntington ~1996:304! and Fukuyama ~2000!. See also Fukuyama ~1999!
which also emphasizes the negative effects of 1960s womens liberation.
334 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
post-9011 discourse has produced some strange bedfellows! As bin Laden goads
America for its moral decadency and lack of manliness, Jerry Falwell and Pat
Robertson blamed 9011 on the ACLU, homosexuals, and feminists because they
make God mad ~Scheer, 2001a!. The terrorists are those unconstrained young
men, some of whom have managed to live among us rather than out there
beyond the fault line. So, contra bin Laden, masculinity is back in vogue in the
United States. Since 9011, the male hero has been a predominant cultural
image, presenting a beefy front of strength to a nation seeking steadiness and
emotional grounding. They are the new John Waynes . . . men who charge up the
stairs in a hundred pounds of gear, and tell everyone else where to go to be
In spite of the Bush administrations appointment of the first female
National Security Adviser, our TV screens after 9011 were full of ~mostly white!
men in charge briefing us about Americas New War both at home and abroad.
We feel safer when our men are protecting us ~against other men! and our way
of life.
So where did all the women go? According to an analysis by the British
newspaper The Guardian, women virtually disappeared from newspaper pages
and TV screens after 9011.
Carol Gilligan notes that mens rising star all but
eclipsed that of the many heroic women who rose to the occasion, be they
firefighters or police officers.
Women were also amongst our combat forces
deployed against Afghanistan where male warriors waving guns and shouting
death to America looked menacing and unrestrained. If we did see women they
were likely to be faceless Afghan women in the now familiar blue burqa. Their
shadowy and passive presence seemed only to reinforce these gendered images I
have drawn.
Yet the picture is more complicated. Bin Laden taunts the West for its femi-
nization but he also rails against its crusaders, an image more likely to invoke
mediaeval knights on horseback than modern-day feminized men about whom
Fukuyama, as well as bin Laden, is concerned. And the masculinity of bin Lad-
ens own foot soldiers has also come under scrutiny. Mohamed Atta, whose last
will and testament banned women from his grave lest they pollute it, was a
polite shy boy who came of age in an Egypt torn between growing Western
inf luence and the religious fundamentalism that gathered force in reaction, . . .
@he# had two sisters headed for careers as a professor and a doctor. Grumbling
that his wife was raising him as a girl, his father is reputed to have told him
@Atta# I needed to hear the word doctor in front of his name. . . . We told him
your sisters are doctors . . . and you are the man of the family.
And, contra Fukuyamas and Kurths fears about the feminized weakening of
America, American women supported the war effort in overwhelming numbers
while Afghan women beneath the burqa protested American bombing and exhorted
their sisters to fight against gender oppression. World order scholar Richard Falk
~2001! called the war the first just war since World War II,
and the U.S.
Catholic bishops gave it qualified support on the same grounds ~Cooperman,
2001! while realist John Mearsheimer ~2001! counseled against it. Liberals, such
Peggy Noonan, quoted in Brown ~2001!.
The Guardian, September 20, 2001. Cited from http:00www.guardian.co.uk0analysis0story00,3604,554794,00.html&.
Quoted in Brown ~2001!.
This gendered image of Afghanistanmen fighting and women invisiblewas further reinforced by a
comment by U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield on the PBS Lehrer Newshour on November 7, 2001, when
he claimed that there were no people in Afghanistan who were not armed and fighting.
A Portrait of the Terrorist: From Shy Child to Single-Minded Killer, New York Times, October 10, 2001, p. B9.
It should be noted that Falk, in an exchange with ten critics of his position, all but one of whom were men,
subsequently retreated from his position saying he had been misled by the language of George Bush and Colin
Powell which seemed initially to suggest a much more limited war than what actually evolved. See The Nation,
November 26, 2001, p. 60.
J. Ann Tickner 335
as Laurence Tribe, condoned the use of military tribunals and the detention of
more than 1,200 young men, none of whom ~as of December 2001! had been
charged in connection with the attacks.
So, if the story is not a simple one where gender and other ideological lines
are firmly drawn, what can a feminist analysis add to our understanding of 9011
and its aftermath? The statements with which I begin this article offer support
for the claim that war both reinforces gender stereotypes and shakes up gender
expectations ~Goldstein, 2002!. The conduct of war is a largely male activity on
both sides but Meena, the founder of RAWA, exhorts women to fight too.
Nevertheless, gender is a powerful legitimator of war and national security; our
acceptance of a remasculinized society during times of war and uncertainty
rises considerably. And the power of gendered expectations and identifications
have real consequences for women and for men, consequences that are fre-
quently ignored by conventional accounts of war and civilizational clashes.
In this article I first examine the gendering of war and peace; I then situate
the events of post-9011 in this context, showing how gendered discourses are
used on both sides to reinforce mutual hostilities and their consequences for
both women and men. I discuss the much-publicized representation of Afghan
women as victims as well as the less familiar waysat least to usin which they
have been fighting back. Through this case, I suggest how feminist analysis
exposes and questions these stereotypical gender representations and demon-
strates their negative consequences. I conclude with four generalized lessons that
I take from this feminist analysis. I begin by defining what I mean by gender.
Defining Gender
A dictionary definition of gender refers to the social classifications masculine
and feminine as opposed to sex, the physiological distinction between males
and females. In this article, I build and expand on this definition. I define
gender as a set of variable, but socially and culturally constructed relational
characteristics. Those, such as power, autonomy, rationality, activity, and public
are stereotypically associated with masculinity; their opposites, weakness, depen-
dence, emotionality, passivity, and private are associated with femininity. There
is evidence to suggest that both women and men assign a more positive value to
the masculine characteristics which denote a culturally dominant ideal type, or
hegemonic masculinity, to which few men actually conform; nevertheless, they
do define what men ought to be.
It is important to note that gendered social
relationships are relationships of power; it is through these hierarchical relation-
ships that male power and female subordination are sustained, albeit in various
degrees across time and place. Most feminists consider gendered relationships as
social constructions because the specific content of these contrasted character-
istics change over time and place; this allows for the possibility of female
Gender distinctions can also be used to reinforce the power of dominant
groups: minorities, and outsiders, are frequently characterized by dominant
groups as lacking in these hegemonic masculine characteristics. Gender is not, as
is so often claimed, synonymous with women and feminine identities; it is also
about men and masculine identities and, more important, about relations between
men and women. Gender serves to legitimate certain activities and ways of
The Nation, December 17, 2001, p. 4.
Women frequently describe themselves as possessing these masculine characteristics while still able to artic-
ulate what is stereotypically feminine. There can be no hegemonic femininity since masculinity defines accept-
able societal norms. The term hegemonic masculinity was first used by Connell ~1987!. Connell contrasts hegemonic
masculinity with subordinated and devalued masculinities such as those associated with racial minorities and
336 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
thinking over others; it privileges certain societal tasks over others and assigns
certain people, depending on their sex, to undertake them. The consequences
for women ~and for men! and for society more generally are significant. Nowhere
are these gender lines more firmly drawn than in how societies view and conduct
Gendering War and Peace
George Pattons claimthat war gives purpose to life, evident in post-9011 polit-
ical discourseis one that has been widely shared by both women and men.
Whereas wars frequently energize societies and foster a communal and self-
sacrificial spirit among women and men alike, war-fighting is an activity that has
been undertaken almost exclusively by men.
In his book War and Gender, Joshua Goldstein questions why we have not been
more curious about this fact. In an exhaustive cross-cultural investigation of wars
throughout history, Goldstein finds no biological evidence for why men are
almost always the fighters; instead, he attributes it to cultural socialization. Cul-
tures mold males into warriors by attaching to manhood those qualities that
make good warriors ~Goldstein, 2001:252!.
The toughening up of boys is
found across cultures and many cultures use gender to motivate participation in
combat ~Goldstein, 2001:406!. Warriors require intense socialization in order to
fight effectively ~Goldstein, 2001:252!.
While Goldstein finds it remarkable that this association between masculinity
and war has received so little attention from scholars who write about war,
war as a masculine activity has been central to feminist investigations ~Stiehm,
1983; Elshtain, 1987; Enloe, 1993, 2000!. Generally supporting Goldsteins claims
about militarized masculinity, feminists have suggested that military man-
hood, or a type of heroic masculinity that goes back to ancient Greece, at-
tracts recruits and maintains self-esteem in institutions where obedience is the
norm. The term patriot is frequently associated with service in military combat.
The National Organization for Womens ~NOW! support for women entering the
U.S. military was based on the argument that, if women were barred from
participation in the armed forces on an equal footing with men, they would
remain second-class citizens denied the unique political responsibility of risking
ones life for the state ~ Jones, 1990!. The lack of ability to serve in combat has
also acted as a handicap for women running for political office in the United
The notion that ~young! males fight wars to protect vulnerable people, such as
women and children who cannot be expected to protect themselves, has also
been an important motivator for the recruitment of military forces. Protection
has been an important myth that has sustained support for war by both men and
I use the term myth because the large number of civilian casualties
in recent wars severely strains the credibility of female protection.
If war is a phenomenon we associate with men and hegemonic masculinity,
peace is a term we stereotypically associate with women and some of the deval-
ued feminine characteristics I outlined earlier. As Jean Elshtain ~1987:230! has
suggested, we are afraid to let go of war because we fear even more the prospects
of a sterile peace. Peace is frequently seen as an ideal, and even uninteresting,
state with little chance of success in the real world. Women have been linked
This challenges Fukuyamas ~1998! use of sociobiologically based arguments to support his claim about mens
innate aggression. For further elaboration of sociobiological arguments of this type see Mesquida and Weiner
The Geneva Conventions extend special protections in wartime to women, mothers of small children, and
children themselves. See Goldstein ~2001:305!.
J. Ann Tickner 337
to anti-war sentiment throughout history and most peace movements have been
disproportionately populated by women. Indeed, many of these movements have
drawn inspiration from maternal imagery to craft their strategies. Yet I believe
that the association of women with peace renders both women and peace as
idealistic, utopian, and unrealistic; it is profoundly disempowering for both. And
as long as peace remains associated with women, this may reinforce militarized
masculinity ~Goldstein, 2001:413!.
The association of men with the realities of war and women with an ideal-
istic notion of peace reinforces the gender hierarchies I outlined earlier. The
consequences of this gender hierarchy are real in that it reinforces mens legit-
imacy and helps sustain their continued dominance in world politics; it also
serves to perpetuate the barriers that women face in gaining legitimacy in for-
eign and military policymaking, particularly in times of conf lict. In most soci-
eties, womens under-representation in international security matters and the
military cannot be explained by legal barriers alone. I shall now suggest some
consequences of these gender stereotypes for our post-9011 world.
Gendering 9/11
America Under Attack
This is the warriors time, the warriors, the martyrstheyre all men.
we fear today are angry young men wielding rif les and shouting death to Amer-
ica. Many of them were trained in madrassasreligious schools that teach little
except an extreme version of Islam to boys and young men; many of them come
from refugee camps where they live in poverty with few prospects in life. Fre-
quently, they are also taught to hate women; in a situation where most of them
feel powerless, the wielding of power over women can be a boost to self-esteem.
Although Mohamed Attas middle-class background does not fit this profile, this
training must have alleviated his sense of inferiority with respect to the women
in his own domestic life.
According to Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit ~2002!, this newest form of
Occidentalism, evident in the teaching of madrassas, comes out of a long,
warlike tradition of hatred of the West, a hatred that appeals to those who feel
impotent, marginalized, and denigrated. Tracing its roots back to nineteenth-
century Russia and mid-twentieth-century Japan, they suggest that the objects of
hate associated with Occidentalism, all of which played a significant role in the
attacks of September 11, are materialism, liberalism, capitalism, rationalism, and
feminism. All these phenomena are epitomized in city life with its multicultur-
alism, wealth, sexual license, and artistic freedom which result in decadence and
moral laxity. The twin towers, as powerful symbols of urban secular wealth, were
an apt target for vengeance against these evils. Gender symbolism, and gender
ambivalence borne out of misogyny, abounds in this discourse; the West is described
as individualist, rational, and hard but, at the same time, decadent, effete, and
addicted to personal safety at the expense of valuing the heroic self-sacrifice
expected of real men. Todays Occidentalists taunt the West with accusations of
moral decadence in this world, yet promise sexual rewards for their men in
heaven after their sacrificial death for the cause.
For Occidentalists, it is womens emancipation that leads to decadence. Westox-
ification denotes a plague from the West. Those most vulnerable are women,
particularly middle-class women with a Western education; these women must be
brought under control and conform to an idealized construct of womanhood
~Moghadan, 1994:13!. The proper role for women is to be breeders of heroic
Fouad Ajami, quoted in Croisette ~2001!.
338 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
men. For the Taliban, Occidental sinfulness was present even in Kabul with girls
in school and women with uncovered faces populating and defiling the public
domain ~Buruma and Margalit, 2002:5!. The ideational and material conse-
quences of this misogynist discourse was brought home to us through the post-
9011 media focus on the plight of women in Afghanistan. But we must remember
that it is not only those out there who engage in oppositional thinking with its
negative gender stereotyping.
America Strikes Back
America may have surprised these warriors with the determination of its response.
Belying bin Ladens taunts and Fukuyamas fear that the U.S. is becoming fem-
inized and thus less able to defend itself, the U.S. military response was swift and
strong; it received high approval ratings from men and women alike.
From the
start, policymakers framed the attack and the U.S. response as a war between
good and evilthe message to the rest of the world was that you are either for
us or against usthere is no middle position. Random attacks on innocent
people, identified by their attackers as Muslim, immediately following 9011,
which the Bush administration went to lengths to denounce, manifested an
unpleasant form of Orientalism.
Given the massive sense of insecurity generated by the first foreign terrorist
attack on American civilians at home, there is something reassuring about our
men protecting us from other men.
However, even though the war exceeded
all expectations in its swift destruction of the Taliban and al Qaeda networks, and
despite increased attention to homeland security, the U.S. remains uncertain
about its ability to deter future terrorist attacks.
In light of these continued fears, the U.S. Congress passed the USA Patriot
Act, legislation that allows the Attorney General to detain aliens on mere suspi-
cion and without a hearing. Prior to its passage, the U.S. had already detained
more than 1,200 young men without charge; Arab men have been subject to
ethnic, as well as gender, profiling under the excuse that we are at war. These
measures have received strong support from across the political spectrum. Crit-
icism is seen as unpatriotic.
Equally disturbing is a political climate, typical of
countries at war, that fosters intolerance of alternative points of view. Illustra-
tions of this intolerance have been prevalent in media discussion as well as in
political discourse.
In an article in the New York Times, Edward Rothstein ~2001! articulated his
hope that the attacks of September 11 might challenge the intellectual and
ethical perspectives of postmodernism and postcolonialism thus leading to their
rejection. Chastising adherents to these modes of thought for their extreme
cultural relativism and rejection of objectivity and universalism, Rothstein expressed
hope that, as it comes to be realized how closely the 9011 attacks came to
undermining the political and military authority of the U.S., these ways of think-
ing will come to be seen as ethically perverse.
While the author did not mention feminism, feminists are frequently criticized
on the same terms; women and feminists often get blamed in times of political,
economic, and social uncertainty. Kurths fear of feminists destruction of the
social fabric of society is one such example and the association of patriotism with
On October 8, 2001, after the beginning of U.S. bombing, support for the war was running at 87 percent of
both women and men ~Goldstein, 2002!.
To illustrate this more vividly, what would the reaction be to mostly female firefighters, police, and military
personnel? Goldstein ~2001! asserts that many women are biologically quite well suited to perform these protective
In light of my earlier discussion about patriotism, the naming of the USA Patriot Act was probably designed
to forestall criticism.
J. Ann Tickner 339
hegemonic masculinity challenges women, minorities, and aliens to live up to
this standard. It is the case that postcolonialists and feminists have questioned
objectivity and universalism; but they do so because they claim these terms are
frequently associated with ways of knowing that are not objective but based only
on the lives of ~usually privileged! men. Many feminists are sympathetic with
postcolonialism, a body of knowledge that attempts to uncover the voices of
those who have been colonized and oppressed. It is a form of knowledge-seeking
that resonates with attempts to recover knowledge about women.
In a rather different piece, which acknowledged the recognition accorded to
women of Afghanistan since 9011, Sarah Wildman ~2001! chastised American
feminists on the grounds of irrelevance. Claiming that feminists have an unprec-
edented public platform because of the attention focused on women in Afghan-
istan, Wildman accused them of squandering their opportunity by refusing to
support the war. Equating what she called feminist dogma with pacifism, Wild-
man asserted that there is no logical reason to believe that nonviolent means
always promote feminist ends. Wildman has fallen into the essentialist trap of
equating feminism with peace which I discussed earlier; this has allowed her to
dismiss feminist voices as irrelevant and unpatriotic. The feminists she selected
to quote may have voiced reservations about the war, but feminism encompasses
a wide range of opinions many of which include fighting for justice, particularly
gender justice. And feminist voices are not all Western as is often assumed. In
Afghanistan, women have been fighting a war that began well before September
11, a war against women.
Women Under Attack
After November 17, when Laura Bush used the presidents weekly radio address
to urge worldwide condemnation of the treatment of women in Afghanistan, a
speech that coincided with a State Department report on the Talibans war
against women, their plight has been in the headlines in the U.S. ~Stout, 2001!.
Although the war is not new, women in Afghanistan have not always been so
oppressed. Prior to the Soviet invasion in 1979, women had been gaining rights;
they had served in Parliament and in the professions and even as army generals.
In 1970, 50 percent of students at Kabul University, 60 percent of teachers, and
40 percent of doctors in Afghanistan were women ~Prosser, 2001!. Frequently,
however, steps forward precipitated a backlash from traditional and rural com-
munities ~Amiri, 2002!. In 1989, Arab militants, working with the Afghan resis-
tance to the Soviet Union based in Peshawar, Pakistan, issued a fatwa, or religious
ruling, stating that Afghan women would be killed if they worked for humani-
tarian organizations. Subsequently Afghan women going to work were shot at
and several were murdered. Soon after, another edict forbade Afghan women to
walk with pride or walk in the middle of the street. This was followed by an
edict in 1990, consistent with Occidentalism, that decreed that women should
not be educated; if they were, the Islamic movement would be tainted and thus
meet with failure.
According to Human Rights Watch ~2001!, and supported by the Revolution-
ary Association of the Women of Afghanistan ~RAWA!, the various parties that
made up the United Front or Northern Alliance amassed a deplorable record of
attacks on civilians during the civil war that took place in Afghanistan between
1992 and 1996, including the widespread rape of women. The Taliban came to
power in 1996 promising to restore law and order and create a pure Islamic state
that would guarantee the personal security of women and preserve the dignity of
families ~Mertus, 2000:56!. At first, the restoration of order was seen as benefi-
cial. But soon it was evident that the Taliban sought to erase women from public
life and make them invisible in the name of cleansing Afghan society. Women
340 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
were banned from employment, from education, and from going into public
places without the accompaniment of a close male relative; they were required to
be covered from head to toe in the familiar blue burqa. The Ministry for the
Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice ruthlessly enforced these restric-
tions; in a mockery of female protection, women were beaten publicly with
leather batons containing metal studs for showing their hands or ankles, partici-
pating in home-based schooling, or violating any other of these restrictions.
For boys who have grown up and been socialized in the madrassas, the sight of
a woman is the equivalent of seeing the foreign other, the incarnation of evil
itself ~Prosser, 2001:2!. Given the ban on female employment, many women,
particularly those without male relatives or supporters, were forced into begging
and prostitution; restrictions on mobility meant that women and their children
did not have access to health care.
Since the war, many women and children who are family members of f leeing
or killed foreign Taliban fighters have been stranded inside Afghanistan with
nowhere to go to seek safety. And Afghanistan is the worlds largest source of
refugees; more than 2.5 million Afghans resided in Iran and Pakistan in refugee
camps before the recent war began ~Mertus, 2000:53!. While all displaced people
are vulnerable, displaced women are particularly subject to gender-based vio-
lence and abuse ~Mertus, 2000:69!. Evidence such as this offers a severe chal-
lenge to the myth that wars are fought for the protection of women and children.
Women Strike Back
Resistance in Afghanistan faced enormous hurdles as people struggled to meet
daily needs and avoid physical harm, but it was ongoing and women were par-
ticipating. The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan ~RAWA!
was established in Kabul in 1977 as an independent organization of Afghan
women fighting for human rights and social justice. RAWAs goal has been to
increase the number of women in social and political activities and work for the
establishment of a government based on democratic and secular values. After the
Soviet occupation in 1979, RAWA became involved in the war of resistance. Its
founding leader, Meena, who began RAWAs campaign against Soviet occupation
and whose warrior words I quote at the beginning of this article, was assassinated
by agents of KHAD ~the Afghan branch of the KGB! in 1987.
RAWA continued to work underground in Afghanistan and in the refugee
camps of Pakistan to bring education and health care to women, and to mobilize
them in defense of their rights.
RAWA activities in refugee camps have been
described as training grounds for a different kind of fighter. Girls have received
an education and, from these sites, women with hidden cameras were sent on
dangerous missions into Afghanistan to document abuse. Even in the camps
themselves, operations have remained secret since Taliban-style fundamentalism
thrives there also ~Tempest, 2001!. Tahmeena Faryal ~an alias she uses for pro-
tection!, a member of RAWA who visited the United States in November 2001,
was described as a soldier of sorts; she has documented her secret return to
Afghanistan in 1999 under the burqa ~Lopez, 2001!. Faryal, with her goal of
giving voice to the women and children of Afghanistan, claimed that no woman
she met on her mission complained about the burqa; rather, they described the
insult of their daily lives and the theft of their identities. In a society where
It should be noted that men were also policed if their beards were not long enough or their dress not
appropriate. However, men retained some control over their lives.
In 2000, life expectancy for Afghan women was 44 years and one in four children died before the age of 5
~Mertus, 2000:59!. Of course, these deplorable statistics were as much due to years of warfare as to restrictions on
Information about RAWA may be found on their website at http:00www.rawa.org.
J. Ann Tickner 341
everyday survival became, and has continued to be, an almost insurmountable
task, fighting back has been severely constrained. Nevertheless, it is crucial that
we see these women as agents as well as victims if we are to get beyond the
gender stereotyping that we have witnessed since 9011. I shall now suggest four
lessons from this feminist analysis.
What Can We Learn from 9/11?
1. Biology Is Not Destiny, Even During Wars
Francis Fukuyama ~1998! used his seemingly benign biological assertion that
men are warlike and women peaceful to justify the need to channel mens
aggression into activities in the political, economic, and military realms, thus
diminishing opportunities for women. Yet Joshua Goldsteins study of gender
and war suggests that biology is in fact less constraining than culture with respect
to the roles men and women can play in war and peace ~Goldstein, 2001:252!.
But if men are made not born, as Goldstein ~2001:264! claims, could we envisage
a new form of hegemonic masculinity less validated by a false biological asso-
ciation with war?
Since the war against terrorism began, our images of men and women, as
warriors and victims, have become more rigid. Prior to September 11, we in the
United States were becoming accustomed to less militarized models of mascu-
linity. Heroes were men of global business conquering the world with briefcases
rather than bullets: Bill Gates, a bourgeois hero who looks distinctly unwarrior-
like amasses dollars not weapons.
Robert Connell ~2000:26! has depicted this
new type of hegemonic masculinity as embodied in business executives who
operate in global markets as well as in the political and military leadership who
support them.
Our new military heroes also are being defined in different ways: they come
with a tough and tender imagea new definition of manliness, forged from the
depths of sorrow and loss.
Post-9011 real men cried and tears were no longer
a sign of weaknessthe ideal is that the warrior should be sad and tender, and
because of that, the warrior can be very brave as well.
Peace researcher Elise Boulding ~2000! has suggested that men in the West are
experiencing a great deal of pain due to the questioning of their traditional
roles. In this transitional era, so worrying to Kurth and Fukuyama, womens gains
are unsettling to many men and women, and mens role expectations are becom-
ing more complicated. This pain may be one reason for the post-9011 enthusi-
asm for old-fashioned masculinity and heroism. Nevertheless, as Boulding claims,
men do not necessarily enjoy such assigned macho roles. She suggests that the
Mens Movement is providing alternative roles for men; she hypothesizes that,
with the diminishing of gender polarities, there are possibilities for a new model
of partnership rather than domination.
Sympathetic with these new challenges to gender identities and assuming a
strong social constructivist position, Robert Connell ~2000:30! claims that the
task is not to abolish gender but to reshape itfor example, to disconnect
courage from violence and by making boys and men aware of the diversity of
masculinities that already exist in the world. Democratic gender relations are
those that move toward equality, nonviolence, and mutual respect; Connell claims
that this reshaping requires constant engagement with women rather than sep-
aration which has been characteristic of contemporary mens movements.
For some recent IR feminist writings that take up the issue of masculinity see Zalewski and Parpart ~1998! and
Hooper ~2001!.
Robin Morgan, quoted in Brown ~2001!.
Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chogyam Trungpa, quoted in Wax ~2001!.
342 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
While Connell outlines possibilities for shifting forms of masculinity freed
from their association with war, Goldstein fears that rearing boys not to become
warriors puts them at risk of being shamed by their peers. And Judith Stiehm
~2000:224! has suggested that since women are biologically capable of doing
everything men can do, masculinity is fragile and vulnerable; because mens
superiority is socially rather than biologically defined, men need to assert and
protect it. This makes shifting to new forms of masculinity a difficult task. And,
as we know, it is generally harder for men to cross gender lines than it is for
Do new forms of masculinity in times of war depend on opening up spaces for
new definitions of femininity? Clearly, womens increased visibility in public life,
particularly in the military, is shaking up gender expectations. In the U.S. mili-
tary, women are fighting and dying in the current conf lict with much less atten-
tion than in the Gulf War where the presence of female soldiers in Saudi Arabia
was one of the greatest provocations for bin Laden.
Yet feminists have been
ambivalent about women as war-fighterswhether they should join mens wars
in the name of equality or resist them in the name of womens special relation-
ship with peace.
We must also ask what the presence of women in combat ranks does to mens
sense of masculinity as a motivator for their war-fighting? Judith Stiehm ~2000:224!
argues for ending mens monopoly on the legitimate use of force, thus breaking
the link between gender identity and the use of state force. She believes this
would reduce the overall use of force; she sees peacekeeping as an activity that
challenges the association of masculinity with war. Suspicious of the association
of women with peace and of any possibility of remaking human nature, Jean
Elshtain ~1987:352353! suggests the notion of a chastened patriot, a model
that could be adopted by both women and men and one that would shed the
excesses of nationalism and remain committed to, but detached from and ref lec-
tive about, patriotic ties and loyalties.
Understanding gender as a social construction and the f luidity of gender
identities allows us to see the possibilities of change while acknowledging the
power of gendering distinctions to legitimate war as well as other practices that
result in the subordination of women. It is not only the gendering of war and
peace that constrains womens opportunities; frequently, women are oppressed
in the name of culture and religion, a phenomenon that the recent war brought
to our attention.
2. Women Bear the Burdens of Religion and Culture
Religious fundamentalists, both Christian and Islamic, used the 9011 crisis to
criticize womens advances: this tendency ref lects a much more general phenom-
enon. As many feminists have pointed out, all fundamentalist religions are, to
various degrees, bad for women. Historically, most religions have been as male-
dominated as militaries. The connection between religious fanaticism, be it Chris-
tian, Judaic, or Islamic, and the suppression of women is almost universal. The
patriarchal family, with its control of women, is usually central to fundamentalist
movements and often seen as the panacea for social ills ~Yuval-Davis, 1997:63!. A
paradox of fundamentalist movements is that often women collude with and seek
comfort in them; and, in spite of their subservience in religious institutions,
women constitute a majority of active members of most religions ~Yuval-Davis,
The Los Angeles Times ~Perry, 2002! reported the death of seven U.S. Marines on a cargo plane in Pakistan on
January 10, 2002, with only passing reference to the fact that one of them was a woman.
J. Ann Tickner 343
Often, in the name of religion, women bear the brunt of identity politics
which is frequently expressed in terms of control over their life choices. At the
1994 United Nations Conference on Population and Development in Cairo and
at the U.N. Womens Conference in Beijing in 1995, the Vatican, and other
conservative Catholic groups, joined with right-wing Muslim forces in their oppo-
sition to womens human and reproductive rights. In many Muslim societies, the
majority of the population is not literate so religious knowledge is controlled by
the ruling class who interpret texts for their own benefit and use it to control
others. According to Zeiba Shorish-Shamley ~2002!, the Quran gives equal rights
to men and women and women were leaders in early Islammodest clothing was
recommended so that when men and women met in public discussion, intellec-
tuality rather than sexuality would be emphasized.
When radical Muslim movements are on the rise, women are canaries in the
mine ~Goodwin and Neuwirth, 2001!. In the name of Islamic fundamentalism,
the definition of collective identity is increasingly being tied to definitions of
gender. According to Women Living Under Muslim Laws ~WLUML!, an inter-
national network of women, construction of the Muslim woman is integral to
the construction of Muslimness, explaining, in part, the emphasis on control-
ling all aspects of womens lives ~WLUML, 1997:23!. Ironically, the weakening of
the patriarchal family structure may be a contributing cause of these movements
~Moghadan, 1994:15!. Azza Karam ~2000:6970! sees the emergence of neo-
patriarchy, a conf luence of patriarchy and dependence that embodies the ten-
sion between internal patriarchal power structures and outside pressures of
modernization. It is in the reinstatement of cultural values in response to pres-
sures of globalization that women in the Arab world tend to be most affected.
Defining fundamentalism as the use of religion to gain and mobilize political
power, Women Living Under Muslim Laws argues that, with the ascendancy of
identity politics, secular space shrinks with negative consequences for women
~WLUML, 1997:3!.
And, when women fight for their rights, they are frequently
accused of betraying their culture and religion.
Although not reducible to each other, religion bears a close relationship to
culture. Gender relations come to be seen as constituting the essence of cul-
tures ~Yuval-Davis, 1997:43!. Women are often required to carry the burden of
cultural representation: their proper behavior embodies lines that signify a
collectivitys boundaries. Women are transmitters of group values and traditions;
as agents of socialization of the young their place is in the home. For some this
is an honor rather than a burden so all fundamentalist movements have women
supporters as well as opponents ~Moghadan, 1994:19!.
Rina Amiri ~2001! has claimed that the Western world has contributed to the
perception that the current conf lict is a battle between East and West by cen-
tering on the place of women in its depiction of Islam as repressive and back-
ward. She has also suggested that a Western approach could damage a long-term
vision for an indigenous model of a just society because a Western model can be
contextually inappropriate for Afghan women and Islam traditionalists who are
sympathetic to women but who will reject what is perceived as Western ~Amiri,
Conversely, WLUML ~1997:6! has claimed that well-meaning people, wanting
to distance themselves from Islam hatred and the colonial past, epitomized in
Orientalist thought, have frequently fallen into the trap of cultural relativism.
WLUML notes that the use of the term fundamentalism is a contested one within the organization. Some,
but not all, find it the least objectionable term to name the phenomenon. RAWA also uses the term, at least when
speaking to a Western audience. Writing in the context of the fate of Afghanistan, Robert Scheer ~2001b! has
suggested that President Bush must break with a popular American notion that religion is inherently a benign
344 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
Consistent with some of Rothsteins more negative assessments of postcolonial-
ism, but in the name of cultural sensitivity, this can lead to endorsement of the
right to seclude women.
Issues of culture and religion have been difficult ones for both Western and
non-Western feminists. Western feminists have walked a fine line between sup-
porting a global sisterhood, and thus imposing Western definitions of female
emancipation on other cultures, and trying to be culturally sensitive. Third Wave
feminism of the 1990s introduced issues of class, race, and cultural variability
into its analyses in order to get beyond essentialist generalizations about women
that stem from Western middle-class womens experiences. As an alternative to
the universalism0relativism dichotomy, Nira Yuval-Davis ~1997:1! suggests what
she calls transversal politics, or the politics of mutual supporta form of
coalition politics in which differences among women are recognized and given a
In the Muslim world, womens struggles are frequently undermined by the
idea of one homogeneous Muslim world, a deliberate myth fostered by both
Occidentalism and Orientalism and promoted by interests within and outside
~WLUML, 1997:1!. In many cases, to be prowomens rights means to be accused
of being Western. Accusing women of being Westernized and, therefore, not
representing an authentic womens voice allows for the dismissal of womens
claims to justice. This has made it difficult for Muslim women to develop a
discourse on their rights independent of a cultural debate between the Western
and Muslim worlds.
Amiri urges moving beyond the stereotypical premise that Islam as a whole is
anti-woman. She suggests that, while it is incumbent on the international com-
munity never to tolerate abuses against women in any part of the world, the West
should ground its support in the positions of Muslim feminists. WLUML claims
that women are frequently hampered by insufficient knowledge about their legal
rights, their inability to distinguish between customs, law, and religion, and by
their isolation. To this end, WLUML suggests that women pool information and
create strategies across countries; they urge a respect for other voices while
condemning bad practices.
All of these attempts to negotiate support for womenattempts that get beyond
a false universalism based on Western norms and a type of cultural relativism
that condones oppressive practicesdepend on seeing women as agents rather
than victims. Moving toward gender equality is a political processit requires
new ways of thinkingin which the stereotyping of women and men gives way to
a new philosophy that regards all people, irrespective of gender, as essential
agents of change ~UNHDP, 1996:1!.
3. We Need Gender-Sensitive Conceptions of Development, Security, and Peace
The events of 9011 brought the desperate circumstances of Afghanistan and its
people to the worlds attention. Afghanistan has been called a failed state
harboring terrorists, a country whose infrastructure and government institutions
have been destroyed by twenty years of war. Feminists have some important
additional things to say about the kinds of underdevelopment and insecurity rife
in that society today.
Jennifer Whitaker ~2001! has suggested that there is a striking correlation
between womens political and economic participation and more general advances
in development. National standards of living improvefamily income, educa-
tion, nutrition, and life expectancy all rise and birthrates fall as women move
Although not the most recent, I cite the 1995 Annual Report because it contains the most extensive
discussion of gender inequality of any of the Annual Reports.
J. Ann Tickner 345
toward equality. When womens inf luence increases, it strengthens the moderate
center and increases economic stability and democratic order. In societies where
women have social, political and economic power, there is a strong constituency
for democracy and human rights.
These claims are supported by the United Nations Human Development Pro-
gramme ~UNHDP! which has developed indicators to measure gender inequal-
ity. The UNHDP asserts that countries with a low ranking in terms of its Gender
Development Index ~GDI! are among the poorest, with Afghanistan ranking at
the bottom of countries measured ~UNHDP, 1996!.
Nevertheless, the UNHDP
claims that gender equality does not depend on income level alone; it requires
a firm political commitment, not enormous financial wealth ~UNHDP, 1996:7578!.
And changes are always evident: the report suggests that, between 1970 and
1992, the GDI values of all countries improved but at different rates. In many
Arab states womens access to education and an increase in life expectancy
brought up their values more than their increased access to income and employ-
ment ~UNHDP, 1996:7581!; indeed, economic power has always been the most
difficult for women to achieve.
More recently, the UNHDP has published a report on development in the
Arab region which highlights the poor treatment of women as one of the major
reasons for the regions lack of development. The report notes that womens
participation in their countries political and economic life is the lowest in the
The lower womens economic power, the more likely they are to be
oppressed physically, politically, and ideologically ~Godenzi, 2000!. Although,
technically, Islam gives women the right to keep their own income and property,
cultural tradition maintains men as heads of households who control sources of
wealth ~Karam, 2000:72!. Historically, this has been true in the West also. For this
reason, feminists have claimed that extending the benefits of a liberal society to
women has been problematic. Values, such as individualism and free markets,
extolled by Kurth, have historically been based on a male norm of rational
atomistic individuals maximizing welfare through market exchange. This model
has depended on free, usually female, labor for reproductive and caring tasks
~Tickner, 1992:73!. Seeking equality in this type of worldwhether Western or
Islamichas been problematic for women because it involves fitting into struc-
tures that are already gendered.
Just as feminists have helped us rethink the meanings of development and
security, they can help us rethink the meaning of peace. Feminist definitions of
peace have generally included the reduction of all forms of violence, including
structural violence and oppressive gender hierarchies, as well as physical vio-
lence. And a variety of studies have shown that, contra Huntington and Fuku-
yama, countries with large cohorts of young men are not automatically warlike.
Violence is more likely to occur in unstable societies that are politically and
economically underdeveloped. It is the degree of exclusion from economic and
political participation that fuels unrest and gender stereotyping.
Islamic move-
ments have emerged in the context of a profound economic crisis in the Middle
East ~Moghadan, 1994:11!.
WLUML ~1997:9! defines peace as breaking down the deep divisions that war
induces and preventing the internalization of hatred of the other fostered by
United Nations Human Development Report 1995, the first annual report to use the GDI, ranked Afghanistan
130th out of 130 countries in terms of its GDI. In terms of its Human Development Index ~HDI! Afghanistan was
ranked 170th out of 174 countries. The UNHDP defines the HDI as the combination of a variety of quality-of-life
indicators including life expectancy, education, and income. The GDI measures achievement in the same basic
capabilities as the HDI but takes note of inequality in achievement between women and men.
A summary of the Arab Human Development Report 2002 may be found at http:00www.economist.com0
agenda0displaystory.cfm?story id1212573.
Henrik Urdal, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo. Quoted in Sciolino ~2001!.
346 Feminist Perspectives on 9011
discourses associated with Orientalism and Occidentalism and often expressed in
gender terms. They cite a growing sense of insecurity that results from decision-
making that shifts further away from people, and deepening poverty that widens
the division between the haves and the have-nots. Frequently, womens struggles
for peace and justice focus on a secure environment free from violence and
economic deprivation. For example, Afghan women are more likely to talk about
their desire for peace, health care, education, food, and shelter than about
having to wear the burqa ~Mertus, 2000:59!. Peace involves a struggle for justice,
including gender justice; to be successful it must be seen as a responsibility of
both women and men.
4. Womens Gains from War May Not Last
Paradoxically, it is sometimes the case that wars are good for women. European
and American women first received the vote after World War I and Japanese
women did so after World War II. Frequently, women are mobilized into the paid
economy during war thereby gaining more economic independence. Women
have also been mobilized in times of struggle for national liberation and some-
times they have fought in liberation armies. Quite often these gains evaporate
once the war is over; in the West, the years after both World Wars saw a return
to the cult of domesticity and motherhooda move that had to do with the need
for women to step aside and let men resume the jobs they had left to go to war.
And women who have fought alongside men in wars of national liberation, and
who have been promised a greater role in post-liberation society, often find that
these promises evaporate once the struggle is over. Few revolutionary movements
directly address womens problems or attempt to solve these problems in post-
revolution political and social constitutions and institutions ~Tetrault, 1992:92!.
When women fight for their rights, they generally get less support than when
they are perceived as victims. This is because gender justice demands profound
structural changes in almost all societies, changes that would threaten existing
elites along with existing political, social, and economic structures. And, fre-
quently, both international governmental and nongovernmental organizations
~NGOs! find these types of radical changes too politically risky to support. For
example, RAWA receives very little financial support from international NGOs,
undoubtedly because its agenda is to empower women in ways that would demand
very different political and social relations in Afghanistan.
And what of the women of Afghanistan? Clearly, the war has brought them
benefits and freedoms. The presence of women at the 2002 Loya Jirga called to
pick the new government was a stark contrast with the Taliban years ~Gall, 2002!.
But, in spite of the attention they have received, it is far from clear that women
will play any significant role in the new government. Only two women were
invited to the Bonn Conference and only two were given positions in the tran-
sitional government. One of the two, Sima Samar, the interim womens affairs
minister, said recently that she feared for her safety. Under threat from Islamic
conservatives, who do not believe that women should participate in public life,
she has resigned as womens affairs minister and taken the less controversial post
as head of the human rights commission ~Gannon, 2002!. Human Rights Watch
has documented atrocities committed by members of the Northern Alliance in
the early 1990s; RAWA has labeled them as misogynist and antidemocratic, yet
they were our allies in the recent struggle and they have received rewards in the
new government. There is concern that, without strong vigilance from the inter-
national community, Afghan women are unlikely to end up much better off than
they were under the Taliban ~ Jefferson, 2001!. Patriarchal culture does not van-
About RAWA, http:00www.rawa.org.
J. Ann Tickner 347
ish overnight and men are unlikely to give up the few privileges they may have
in a difficult postwar period of reconstruction.
A spokesperson for the Feminist Majority recently suggested that never before
has the womens movement had such an impact on American foreign policy as it
is having today ~McNamara, 2002!. The Feminist Majority began its campaign,
Stop Gender Apartheid in 1996, well before the plight of Afghan women was
receiving much media attention: it played a key role in the Clinton administra-
tions refusal to recognize the Taliban government. The Feminist Majoritys
optimism may be short-lived, however; it is unclear whether U.S. support for
Afghan women will continue now the war against Afghanistan is over. Govern-
ments are generally reluctant to make womens human rights part of their for-
eign policies. There is less risk in portraying women as victims than in supporting
their empowerment. The image of helpless victims behind the veil may be polit-
ically less risky than supporting articulate forceful advocates of womens rights.
The Bush administration is quoted as having insisted that the campaign to
highlight women in Afghanistan must be seen as a justice issue not a womens
issue ~Brant, 2001!. And even if the Bush administration has put the plight of
Afghan women on its foreign policy agenda, it has not been particularly pro-
gressive on other international womens issues. Twenty-two years after President
Jimmy Carter sent the Covenant on the Elimination of Discrimination Against
Women ~CEDAW! to the U.S. Senate for ratification, the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee is holding hearings on it, but the Bush administration is reneg-
ing on its initial support, making ratification unlikely. The U.S. is one of a very
small minority of countries that has not ratified CEDAW ~Kristof, 2002!.
The war against terrorism has been described by American officials as a new
kind of war, a war against a terrorist network, not against another state. In
conclusion, one may wonder if there are other, more gendered ways in which
this war is unlike the other wars Americans fought in the twentieth century. The
prevalence of gendered images taken to be threatening or used to belittle ones
opponents could surely be found in other such wars. But somehow these refer-
ences seem more fundamental in the present case.
As quoted above, al Qaeda leaders have made a special point of criticizing
Western gender relations. Gender relationships are an important aspect of what
are taken by many fundamentalists to be key religious or civilizational differ-
ences. Even more surprising are the cases of strange bedfellows on different
sides of the war making the same kinds of gendered arguments. Do not these
features of the above analysis suggest that the 9011 crisis ref lects a globalization
of gender politics, a clash of gendered orders usually hidden by the normalizing
practices of unequal societies?
In times of uncertainty, fear of social change rises as does fear of feminist
agendas. However, feminists are not advocating a feminized society as some of
their critics have suggested but rather a society where gender differences are less
polarized and gender structures are less hierarchical.
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