Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Is A Bright Red Patch A
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Is A Bright Red Patch A
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Is A Bright Red Patch A
condition is one of several disorders called red eye.
The white of the eye (sclera) is covered with a thin layer of clear tissue called the
bulbar conjunctiva. A subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs when a small blood vessel
breaks open and bleeds within the conjunctiva. The blood is often very visible, but since
it is confined within the conjunctiva, it doesnt move and cant be wiped away. The
problem may occur without injury. t is often first noticed when you wake up and look in
a mirror.
Some things that may cause a subconjuctival hemorrhage include!
Sudden increases in pressure such as violent snee"ing or coughing
#aving high blood pressure or taking blood thinners
$ubbing the eyes
%iral infection
&ertain eye surgeries
A subconjunctival hemorrhage is common in newborn infants. n this case, the condition
is thought to be caused by the pressure changes across the infant's body during childbirth.
A bright red patch appears on the white of the eye. The patch does not cause pain and
there is no discharge from the eye. %ision does not change.
Exams and Tests
The health care provider will perform a physical e(am and look at your eyes.
Blood pressure should be tested. f you have other areas of bleeding or
bruising, more specific tests may be needed.
)o treatment is needed. *ou should have your blood pressure regularly checked.
Outlook (Prognosis)
A subconjunctival hemorrhage usually goes away on its own in about + to , weeks.
Possible Complications
There are usually no complications. $arely, a total subconjunctival hemorrhage may be a
sign of a serious vascular disorder in elderly persons.
When to Contact a edical Pro!essional
&all your health care provider if a bright red patch appears on the white of the eye.
-ye redness is due to swollen or dilated blood vessels, which cause the surface of the eye
to look red, or bloodshot.
There are many possible causes of a red eye or eyes. Some are cause for concern. some
are medical emergencies. /thers are nothing to worry about.
#ow red the eye appears is often less of a concern than whether you also have eye pain or
difficulty seeing.
0loodshot eyes appear red because the vessels in the surface of the white portion of the
eye (sclera) become swollen. This may result from dry air, too much sun, dust, something
in the eye, allergies, infection, or injury.
/ne common cause of a red eye is straining or coughing. This can lead to a bright red,
dense bloody area on the white part of the eye. This is called a subconjunctival
hemorrhage. Although this bloody area may appear alarming, it is a fairly common
occurrence and of little significance. f you notice a bloody spot in one eye that doesn't
hurt, but just looks bad, don't worry. t should clear up on its own within a week or two.
-ye infections or inflammation can occur, causing redness as well as possible itching,
discharge, pain, or vision problems!
0lepharitis 11 Swelling of the eyelash along the edge of the eyelid.
&onjunctivitis 11 Swelling or infection of the tissue that lines the eyelids and coats
the surface of the eye (the conjunctiva). This is often referred to as 2pink eye.2
&orneal ulcers 11 3lcers on the outer covering of the eye, usually because of a
bacterial or viral infection.
3veitis 11 Swelling of the uvea, which includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.
This is often related to an autoimmune disorder, infection, or e(posure to to(ins.
/ften, only the iris is inflamed, which is called iritis.
/ther potential causes include!
&old or allergies.
Acute glaucoma 11 a sudden increase in eye pressure that is e(tremely painful and
causes serious visual disturbances. This is a medical emergency. 4ost times,
glaucoma is chronic and gradual.
&orneal scratches caused by sand, dust, or overuse of contacts.
#ome Care
5or fatigue or eyestrain, try to rest your eyes. )o treatment is necessary.
f you have eye pain or a vision problem, call your doctor or nurse.
When to Contact a edical Pro!essional
6o to the hospital or call your local emergency number (such as 788) if!
*our eye is red after a penetrating injury.
*ou have a headache along with blurred vision or confusion.
*ou are seeing halos around lights.
*ou have nausea and vomiting.
&all your health care provider if!
*our eyes are red longer than 81+ days.
*ou have eye pain or vision changes.
*ou take blood thinning medication, like warfarin.
*ou may have an object in your eye.
*ou are very sensitive to light.
*ou have a yellow or greenish discharge from one or both eyes.
What to Expect at $our O!!ice %isit
*our doctor will perform a physical e(am, including an eye e(am, and ask 9uestions
about your medical history. :uestions may include!
Are both of your eyes affected; f only one eye, which one;
<hat part of the eye is affected 11 the white part, or elsewhere;
=id the redness come on suddenly;
#ave you ever had eye redness before;
=o you have eye pain; =oes it get worse after movement of the eyes;
=o you have other symptoms like eye discharge, burning, or itching; )ausea or
vomiting; A headache;
The eyes may need to be washed out with normal saline solution, and any foreign bodies
will need to be removed. -ye drops may be prescribed.