Red Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Red Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Red Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
The common causes are not sight or life threatening, however some causes of red eye
can point to a serious medical issue.
“Pink eye” refers to infective conjunctivitis, usually by either a virus (causing up to 80%
of all cases) or bacteria. Signs include redness and inflammation of the white part
around your eyes, making them look “pink.” Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious due
to its transmission through direct contact. You can easily get infected when you come in
close proximity with an infected child or adult.
Allergic conjunctivitis can be due to allergens such as pollen, or irritants such as dust.
Wearing contact lenses for too long and not properly cleaning them may also lead to
conjunctivitis due to irritation or reduced oxygen supply. Conjunctivitis through contact
lenses is a common non-contagious infection of the eyes caused by irritation. It can
cause reduced vision in severe cases.
1. Eye redness
2. Eye watering
3. Discharge – could be watery, mucus or pus
4. Itchy eyes
5. Light sensitivity
6. Poor vision
7. Gritty feeling in one or both eyes
Treatment depending on the cause of infection. Viral conjunctivitis resolves over days to
weeks, and it is important to practice proper hand hygiene and social distancing to
reduce transmission and infection of other individuals. Bacterial conjunctivitis requires
antibiotic eye drops. Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with anti-allergy drops and tablets,
as well as avoiding the allergens that trigger the response.
Corneal Ulcer:
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea that can lead to blindness if left untreated.
It is usually caused by a bacterial infection and this can occur following eye trauma,
contact lens wear or following eye surgery. Eyelid disorders and the cold sore virus
(herpes simplex virus) can also cause corneal ulcers. Other causes of corneal ulcers
include parasites, fungi, facial palsy (“Bell’s palsy”) and severe dry eyes.
1. red eyes
2. reduced vision
3. pain in the eye
4. sensitivity to light
5. mild to severe eye discharge
6. a white spot on the cornea
7. soreness of the eye
Prescription medications and close follow up are required for the treatment of a corneal
Dry Eyes:
A person who has reduced tear production, or rapid tear evaporation, can experience
dry eyes. This condition, known as Dry Eye Syndrome (DES), is a very common eye
problem around the world.
Dry eyes can be caused by many factors, including work-related stress or reduced tear
production, which leads to insufficient moisture for healthy functioning. People suffering
from this chronic ailment may feel constantly uncomfortable with eye redness, stinging
sensation, burning pain behind the eyelid, and (somewhat surprisingly) excessive
Dry eye can be caused by an underlying medical condition or just as a result of reduced
gland function in older age. It is difficult to determine the cause without visiting your
doctor and getting tested for dry eyes.
Subconjunctival Haemorrhage:
The conjunctiva is the thin membrane that covers and protects your eye. Many blood
vessels in this area can burst and cause a subconjunctival haemorrhage when their
lining is broken. There will be a small amount of bleeding under the outer layer of
membranes when it does happen. This causes a small or large bright red patch to
It is common for people not to know why they suddenly have a subconjunctival
haemorrhage. It often occurs due to minor injury or trauma, such as rubbing the eye too
hard. Straining also has been reported in some cases and can be caused by coughing,
sneezing or constipation. It is more common in patients who are on aspirin or blood
thinning medications. However, many times doctors are unable to determine what
triggered this type of bleeding under the eyelid even after investigation.
1. When bleeding first occurs, you may experience a full feeling in the eyes.
2. mild eye irritation
3. Red patch on eyes
Subconjunctival haemorrhage resolves on its own over a few weeks. The blood can
spread initially and become larger in the first 24 hours. The colour changes to yellow
before disappearing completely. No medications are required.
Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve due to pressure build-up
in the eye. The front part of your eyes contains clear fluid, called aqueous humour. This
fluid nourishes your eye. There are many causes of glaucoma, however a sudden
build-up of pressure can occur due to “acute angle closure”, when fluid can no longer
drain out of the eye.
1. eye redness
2. eye pain, usually severe
3. seeing halo-like glows around lights
4. blurred vision
5. nausea and possibly vomiting
These are just a few common disorders associated with red eyes. Others include:
1. You should wash your hands if you’ve come in contact with someone who
has an eye infection.
2. Always remember to remove eye-makeup before going to bed.
3. Avoid wearing contact lenses for too long, generally not more than 12
hours per day.
4. Clean your contact lenses regularly.
5. Stay away from daily activities that put pressure on your eyes.
6. Avoid substances that can cause allergies.
Red eyes are often harmless and usually go away on their own. However, if you have
constant eye redness, associated pain, discharge or reduced vision, it is best to consult
an eye doctor. An eye doctor will help detect its cause and provide appropriate
treatment before it becomes serious.