The document summarizes Peace Bridges' three-year plan meeting. It discusses the organization's history since 2003, including training programs conducted, staff members hired, and funding received from various donors. Key points of discussion at the meeting included reviewing Peace Bridges' vision and mission, important lessons learned over the years in peacebuilding work, and ensuring the upcoming funding proposal aligns with stakeholders' needs. The meeting aimed to inform Peace Bridges' strategic planning for the next three years.
The document summarizes Peace Bridges' three-year plan meeting. It discusses the organization's history since 2003, including training programs conducted, staff members hired, and funding received from various donors. Key points of discussion at the meeting included reviewing Peace Bridges' vision and mission, important lessons learned over the years in peacebuilding work, and ensuring the upcoming funding proposal aligns with stakeholders' needs. The meeting aimed to inform Peace Bridges' strategic planning for the next three years.
The document summarizes Peace Bridges' three-year plan meeting. It discusses the organization's history since 2003, including training programs conducted, staff members hired, and funding received from various donors. Key points of discussion at the meeting included reviewing Peace Bridges' vision and mission, important lessons learned over the years in peacebuilding work, and ensuring the upcoming funding proposal aligns with stakeholders' needs. The meeting aimed to inform Peace Bridges' strategic planning for the next three years.
The document summarizes Peace Bridges' three-year plan meeting. It discusses the organization's history since 2003, including training programs conducted, staff members hired, and funding received from various donors. Key points of discussion at the meeting included reviewing Peace Bridges' vision and mission, important lessons learned over the years in peacebuilding work, and ensuring the upcoming funding proposal aligns with stakeholders' needs. The meeting aimed to inform Peace Bridges' strategic planning for the next three years.
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Date: 1 st September 2011 Place: Peace Bridges Office Time: 9:00-11:30 Morning Minute taker: Kep Bunly Participants: - Executive director of Peace Bridges - Ms. Chhunly, Somethea, Mealy, Somnieng, Solida, Sophea, - Mr. Bunly, Daniel, Raksmey, Skrisna, Som oun, Soksan, Minea
- Brief introduction by executive director on the last 5 years plan - Proposal for funding which will be submitted on March 2012 1. Situation analysis: Staff members, board, and donors_Strong and weak points and what have been learnt 2. Plan: Involve board from the start of the planning process to avoid from the questions from board_Meeting with stakeholders, Cords_to know and get feedback 3. Consultation with peace builders: small survey to get response to fulfill the proposal 4. In November, there will be an evaluation for a period of three years working of Peace Bridges to get to know more as a part from the recommendation to proposal in implementation 5. In November, there well have first draft for staff retreat_ we can discuss work 6. From January, the training will be done in Part A 7. Board will have a meeting in January: before the proposal had been sent to donor and CC to board and in contrast made the board asked questions, so by this year we want donor to involve from the start.
Action to be done:
1. Life river of Peace Bridges from start up to the time being ED: explained about his work with PBO as a translator. I was skinny. I did not know what the document was for who did it. There was a conflict in a church. (Kong Ponnchun a board of PB) I did not have good relationship with my previous boss and he asked me to work separately for a while and he asked Berry to work with. I asked Berry for a position so that I could work then Berry asked the steering committee and the committee interviewed and I could work. After I took part in the work I met Daniel and Krou Sokha. PBO partner with EFC In 2003, course 1 called CCMT for first promotion, 18 trainees_ taught in both English and Khmer. After first cohort, there was a selection a staff and Krou Sokha was interested in. Through Jane we got Tear Fund UK for one year_maybe top leaders were not interested in Through Berry we got Fund from Australia. Instill training in 2003, PBA In 2004, second cohort, 22 trainees taught in Khmer_staff: Mony and Sokha, in this cohort Mr. Rakmey was a youth. During this second cohort, Ms. Somethea was selected. It was still called CCMT. 2004, Mony trained in Bible school: PPBS From the start of the program, PBO was called Christian Peace Building Service (CPBS), but in around the mid of second cohort thinking of changing from CPBS to PBO. When Mr. Daniel started work in 2006, CPBS changed to PBO. Made ten years plan. Go to retreat for the first time. in 2006, there was an internal program evaluation.
2. Mr. Daniel: I started to go training in provinces, Kampong Cham, Kampong ChhnangSunrise in Mobilizing Page 2 of 6 2007, third cohort there were 40 trainees. the training divided into two parts A and B and also talking about family training course. In 2007 there were 4 new staff members, Rakmey, Sophea, Sam oun and Chhnunly. In 2007, mid evaluation by Betty, In 2003, Ema did the evaluation 2009-2010, the fourth cohort. Part C course existed. Lida, Mealy, Krisna started with PBO. 2009 there was a radio program: FEBC 99.5FM In 2010, Soksan, Grace,_Berry became advisor and Mony to be ED. Big picture research. 2010, Rakmey_Commune council 2010, PFC, FCC, M &E system, Database design, sunrise baseline, 2011, Bunly, Samnieng and Bunly. 5 th cohort for Part B and C, Part A: Faith based 2, Value based 1, Part C: FB. 2011, divides three regions:, PP and BBT and National PBA Finding for final evaluator for program evaluation in PB Retreat location in 2011, the team has decided to go to Mondul Kiry Province. ED: Please read the vision and mission of Peace Bridges_Dos and Dont _share tomorrow.
Date: 2 nd September 2011 Place: Peace Bridges Office Time: 9:00-11:30 Morning, after noon 3:00-5:00 Minute taker: Kep Bunly Participants: - Executive director of Peace Bridges - Ms. Chhunly, Somethea, Mealy, Somnieng, Solida, Sophea, - Mr. Bunly, Daniel, Raksmey, Skrisna, Soksan, Minea
- Small group: Who are we? Vision of Peace Bridges, what does the vision mean? Please describe. Group 2: 1: To create work capacity on peace to partner NGOs, provide intervention to clients who need counseling, facilitation conflict and training and support peace builders in expanding and strengthening peace building 2: Involve direct and indirect with the principle of governments villages communes safety. -In this point, some ideas PB helps commune councils to have good strategy. The government has boy scouts or Cambodian Red Cross youth or Young Life. Peace Bridges enhances quality of life in Communities this helps to heal trainees who come to get trained and to solute conflict after training.
Group 4: coordinating agents for peace by providing Group 3: -1. we are human capital producer, catalyst, supporter, motivator in building peace to all people, nations, religions in Cambodia. 2. I live in peace; I Divide group mixing with old and new staff members: What are important points learnt? Group I: Main important learnt _learnt how to release from self from conflict (healing) Live in a value from lessons: listening, empathy for self and other Self informed: I am a peace builder Be humble and acknowledge the differences PB support, collaborate, empower to peace builders and partner NGOs PB has flexible, open and cooperate strategy to meet the needs and common objectives of peace building Strengthening and expanding Group 4: Page 3 of 6 1. Coordinating agent for peace by providing training, skills to community, churches and NGOs leaders. It is a Christian NGO providing service direct and indirect. 2. Involving in capacity building to communities to solve conflict peacefully and to live with harmonization in helping fulfill each other needs and to reduce poverty. On the other point is to see the peace builders in communities working as educating agents, the culture of peace building in community. And regarding to conflict resolution in the commune and to eliminate the bad unacceptable culture, the differences in families religious believes. Rather through our activities, the communities could receive resources and know how to use it for the benefits of all in the purpose of common development. We want our lessons here reached the far flung areas of the country. Mr. Daniel: It would be better to start from the children from primary education because if we take a lot at the peace frame work we have to spend about 50 years. ED: the example of a colonel in Philippine who had taken the course related to peace and he has brought back this to the soldiers in the unit to be trained for peace by having partnership with other NGO to train on peace. What he has done is a little difference from previously that soldiers are normally trained to be cruel and fierce in war, rather were trained to be peaceful. Group 3: 1. A community that people say I live in a peace. A community is free from violence and we want to see that our vision to be equipped and use the same by peace builders and community people. ED: This makes me remember when I went to Siem Reap and I saw Gosanandhas pilgrimage sentence on peace. It is the theory of transformation which is similar to ours. Minea: I hope we maintain our vision of Peace Bridges to peace builders by training them to have the same way of using the same vision like us. Daniel: It is like a cell which is transformed it body. This makes me think of a story called Transformer III. The transformation has to be adapted to the circumstances. We have to be aware of the word that just to observe the blow of the wind, so like to observe the situation of needs of society that Christian and communities want and also the value based as well. ED: regarding to the needs to fulfill our agency. Our agency is the learning agency from the start. For instance, in fulfilling the development needs Sunrise NGO has worked on HIV/AIDS. This is because in 1995 there were many people living with HIV/AIDS were isolated. But for now not much people living with HIV/AIDS to work on, then Sunrise NGO has to changes its direction which is so as Peace Bridges is doing right now. Group 1: 1. Peace Bridges is a Christian NGO that provides peace education to community to Christian and non Christian by training to leader through mobilizing peace builders and providing technical and financial support and consultancy and conflict resolution services. 2. We are like the tree. The root is our work which is being done. The soil is our partners and the fruits are like our results. Minea: well, to me that the tree in this picture is like a tree growing by the sewage system and it grows well. If it is compared to peace builders is like they live in a bad community as well as the morning glory that growing in Boeung Tompon Lake. In this bad situation make it grow well so like the peace builders if they live in this circumstances they will absorb the bad and transform into good, sweet quality of peace builders. Second assignment in three groups Question 1: Please discuss about the main learning points from self and Peace Bridges. Group 1: The Main learning points from self and Peace Bridges Learning how to release self from the afflictions (healing) Living with value of our lessons_ listening, empathy for self and others Telling self that: I am a peace builder. Being humble and acknowledging the differences Peace Bridges support, collaborate, and empower peace builders and partner NGOs Peace Bridges has flexible, open and collaborated strategy to fulfill the common needs ad goals of peace building Page 4 of 6 Expanding and strengthening capacity to respond the need of working Group 2: Improving self the peace KASH The way of training using student center approach or dialogue approach Being the leadership (equal opportunity employer, like ED: Mony) Doing delegation of work Flexible in recruiting trainees to attend the training course in an effective way Working and living with different people Being creative in work as well as in training Develop through work implementation, reflection and changing A long term transformation like peace frame work ED: This is like the level of intervention in work field. Peace Bridges presently works in micro level with the community. To those who have different believes Staff of Peace Bridges can help the needs of other knowledge (we have culture of sharing) Group 3: Listen to each other Transform thought to keep away from stuck in suffering Not to hurt others in verbal usage (positive way) Appreciate the success Know how to communicate with partners Peace building is related to development Reflect through having record book to trainees The measurement is full of effectiveness Peace Bridges is like a family based group. We think we are like brothers and sisters that support each others. Peace Bridges is being done on the value based approach We use request technique in our communication Question 2: What should be done to improve? Group 1: Strengthening communication within and outside each unit Job Description should be written in Khmer language Staff should bear in mind the vision and mission of Peace Bridges The agenda should be specific in the meeting Administrator should update number of days for annual leave or sick leave for staff every three months or six months to alert how many days left. This should have proper form for taking leave and annual leave. The meeting of each staff members families should be met once a year The program staff should have cooperation with administrator in the working process Group 2: Package of budget for dependent children (support reproductive health) Staff health check up every year Format for staff traveling to provinces to work MoU with relevant ministry to strengthen partnership, open to find strategy to work with local authority Ex: provide perdium. Page 5 of 6 Should have computer maintenance and license Structure of PB (on the board) Having video clip for training Collaborating with govt for acknowledgement Have study tour abroad/in the country to get new learning Have formal uniform for working Group 3: Data management system M &E system Improve skill on M&E Strengthening M&E, TOT Collaborate from all units with M&E Clear selection of trainees Responsible persons Trainees Create working team to help recruit trainees (avoiding from confusion) Keep safety electronic data, there should be a central PC Increase knowledge or capacity in IT (maintenance) Continue Team Building/Team Spirit Arranging office of Mobilizing, CRT, M&E, PFU, PMU, and governance Prepare a room for client to get consultation or counseling
Future Plan for Peace Bridges
What to continue - VBT and FBT, PFP, CRT should continue, Mobilize commune councils, - Team building: Devotion, mobilization, long lunch, recruitment - PB - Christian Non profit NGO Nature: Vision, mission - Continue clock in and out regularly - Clear R, M&E Unit - Strengthening staff capacity building - Collect and keep MSC - PBA, PMU - Delegation - Staff Retreat - Build partnership and mobilize peace builders - MU - Provide counseling/training service - Caring for trained peace builders - Continue working with partner NGOs, PFC and Sunrise
Plan to improve or add
- provide more amount of loan - prepare media system - collaboration with Govt - Working from home - change offices to group - Create form for leave - Task Management Based - New projects - Certificate NGO GPP - Sustainable financial plan - Lessons update - communication office assistant to Mentor Sokha (PMU) Page 6 of 6 - Data management in central PC - Documentation system - Have data management system - Obey labor law on the national days - Document needs to be in Khmer as well - Oversea staff retreat - Package of budget for dependent children - Create Video clip for training - Short courses for families - Train in different languages - Improve IT knowledge - Connect M&E with CRT, PFU, PMU and PB unit - Admin form - Study visit in and out of the country to get new experience - R, M&E system - Financial forms - Program forms - Update policies
Think of future plan of Peace Bridges for ten years later
Group I: Mr. Krisna, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Bunly, Ms. Mealy, Ms. Sophea, Mr. Rakmey The group wants to see: - Peace building program in public school course - PB has peace building institute - All provinces with branches - Produce film on peace building - PB has offices of counseling and conflict resolution - Software in Khmer related to peace building - Publish books on peace building and conflict resolution Group II: Mr. - Branches of Peace Bridges in provinces/Communes/peace builders - R, M&E service - PB institute - Consultancy - Family therapy - Counseling and Mediation - Financial sustainable plan - Property building - Inclusive PB in educational system - Multimedia - Peace Network in Cambodia (National Peace Network) - Skillful staff (professional) - Organizational Development System (O.D system)