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CLP Team Leaders Guide

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Christian Life Program (CLP)


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The team leader must have the following:

1. FAITHFULNESS. He has to be reliable. He has to be the kind of person who
can be counted on. If someone would be entrusted to him, he would do his best to
care for the person who is his responsibility.

2. ABILITY. He has to be able to do the job. He has to have both the spiritual gifts
and the natural abilities to do what needs to be done.

3. QUALITIES OF A PASTOR. He is responsible for the program as a whole and

for the care of the people in it. He has the role of an elder in the Christian community.
He is to be a teacher, a person who can instruct new people clearly and powerfully
in the basics of Christian life.

4. MATURITY AND A SOLID CHRISTIAN LIFE. His life should be marked by

the same characteristics that St. Paul recommended for a bishop ( 1 Tim 3:1-7, and
Titus 1:7-9 ). He should be able to command the respect of those in the program.

5. TRAINING. He should have had experience in handling a CLP discussion group,

in heading a household group, in giving a CLP talk and in being a CLP assistant
team leader.


1. To watch over the program and to ensure that everything is going well.
2. To see that each person in the program is being cared for adequately.
3. To form the team members into a group of brothers and sisters with unity of Spirit
and an ability to work together for the Lord.
4. To care for the team members and to help them learn to better serve the Lord, as
they grow in their own commitment to and love for the Lord.


Leading a CLP is real evangelism. And this evangelism is spiritual warfare waged with
spiritual weapons and spiritual gifts. The team leader needs to have.

a. That this is God's work, and it is He who will empower and strengthen those

who serve ( 2 Cor 3:4-6 ).
b. That Christ is with you, working through you, and speaking His words through you
to change people, to convert their hearts ( Matt 28:20, Acts 1:8 ). Focus on His
presence. Call upon Him always.
c. That the words of the gospel carry extraordinary power. Have this conviction:
Christ can convert any person and He uses the words of the gospel.


a. 2 Cor 5:14 - "The love of Christ impels us who have reached the conviction that
since one died for us all, all died". The measure of one's desire, spirtual hunger and
eagerness to evangelize - this is the measure God can unleash the power of the
Holy Spirit through us.
b. 1 Thes 1:5 - "Our preaching of the gospel proved not a mere matter of words
for you but one of power. It was carried on in the Holy Spirit and out of complete
c. 1 Thes 2:1-12 - "Be men of great love, sincerity, great conviction, great patience,
great affection".


1. Understand the person's situation.

a. Secular environment.
You need to set the tone. You need to get them into a different frame of mind.
You need to plant faith. Testimonies and genuine friendship do a lot. So can
songs and short times of prayer.
b. State of personal transition: dissatisfied, restless, anxious, hopeful, desparing,
ambitious. Be in touch with it. Speak to it. Channel that energy to Christ.
c. Personal relationship problems: loneliness, few deep personal relationships,
not quite weaned from parents, trying to hold on or maybe get free.
d. Inadequate notions of Christianity: identify them and speak about them.

2. Get to know people individually as much as possible through talking to each one
individually, and through touching base briefly but frequently with the discussion
group leaders.
* Don't be too removed, busy, anxious.
* People will consider it a privilege to speak with you.

3. Keep an eye on the goals of each session and where people are and could be. Lead
them to where they should be. The dynamics of the sessions are in your hands to shape
as you best serve your people. Adjust them to help people move forward.

4. Keep a pulse on people changing, getting stubborn, on spiritual warfare, spiritual

breakthroughs, conversions. Speak to it. Draw good things to everyone's attention
whenever possible.

5. Keep getting feedback from the discussion group leaders, the assistant team leader
and other persons actively involved in the program.


1. The team leader needs to communicate with the team members about each specific
situation that confronts them: the incident that happened last week, the problem that
a person in the program is having now, the things they need to know in the next
session, etc. Talk about each situation in a very concrete way. Come to a real oneness
of mind about each specific situation. Of course, talk in a responsible way, with the
appropriate confidentiality.

[ This kind of communication and discussion will develop in the team leader the
pastoral discernment and judgment needed to be of real service to the people in
the program ].

2. The team leader, as well as the discussion group leaders, have to be constantly
observing what the true situation is. Besides staying in communication with one
another, they have to stay in open communication with the program participants.
They have to ask directly what is happening to them in relation to the Lord and to
the program. The team has to know what has happened to the participants in order
to know what they need from the team.

3. The team has to communicate effectively about what's happening in the discussion
groups, and this is done in the team meetings. These meetings should help teach us
how to work better in the program, to train us to be master builders for Christ. Don't
be afraid of the truth. Don't keep difficulties and problems to yourself. Discuss the
work and its effect so that the team can keep on doing what has been done well,
and change what has not been done well.


1. For the participants, the CLP has three essential ingredients: 1 - a talk (teaching),
2 - a group discussion, and 3 - fellowship. All three are important for the success of
the program and should be handled accordingly.

2. Furthermore, the other elements and dynamics of a CLP all contribute to attracting
a participant. Some are attracted by the talk, others by the discussion, still others by
the songs, friendly atmosphere, care from strangers, prayerfulness, etc. Pursue every-
thing with enthusiasm and faith that God uses everything to accomplish His purpose
in the CLP.


1. Immediate oversight of the CLP as a whole and the team leader in particular is done
by the designated Supervising Unit Head, who is appointed and is himself overseen
by the Chapter Head, in whose jurisdiction the CLP is conducted.

2. The Chapter Head should be kept informed of developments in the CLP on a weekly
basis, either by the team leader or the supervising unit head.

3. All questions and problems not readily handled by the team leader should be referred
to the supervising unit head for immediate action and resolution.

4. The team leader should eagerly seek the pastoral input of those overseeing his service.

He should recognize the tremendous opportunity for personal growth that this service
affords him.




1. Qualifications ( refer to CLP Team Manual )

2. Each participant should fill up and submit an Information Sheet (see sample, Annex A).

3. All information sheets should be submitted to the team leader not later than a week
before the orientation session.

4. Ask the person recommending a certain participant couple to give some personal
information about the couple, information for the use of the team leader and the
couple's discussion leaders, which can help them in caring for the couple, or have a
firmer feel for where they are at. Most often such information would involve personal
problems, doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, etc.

5. An ideal number for a CLP would be about 24 couples. This number is not too small
so as not to make optimum use of our resource inputs, and not too large as to become
hard to manage, or where individuals cannot really get to know everyone else person-
ally. However, depending on the circumstances, a CLP may be held with as few as
12 couples to as many as 36 or even more.


1. One key to successful discussion groups is setting them up well, from the very
beginning. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. There are two main principles to be
followed here:
* Put persons together who can interact well as a whole.
* Appoint a discussion leader who can best relate to the group, one who can thus
help each member the most.

2. Set up the discussion groups after the orientation session. Use the list of couples who
attended this session, plus any others who missed the session but who are supposed
to attend the program proper [ feedback from those who recommend them ]. The
groupings must be ready before the start of the first talk.

3. Each discussion group would ideally have 4 to 5 people, excluding the leader.
Men are grouped separately from women.

4. Group people together according to some common denominators, such as:

a. AGE - e.g. much older people can be grouped together. So too with very young
people. As a general guide, the age difference between the oldest and
youngest member of the group should not exceed 10 years.

b. EDUCATION - e.g. those with post-graduate degrees may be comfortable with
more educated persons.
of people living in and around a particular area. This is also preparatory
to household groupings, which are almost always based geographically.
d. POSITION IN BUSINESS - e.g. top level executives may relate better with peers.
e. SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND - e.g. you may have a group of people who are
already in the renewal. They can move forward faster during the CLP.

Obviously, groupings will not necessarily be quite so clear-cut. The above are just
guides. Use your judgment under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

5. Group the participants together first, then choose the leader couple whom you think
can best relate to the particular group.

6. Grouping people together takes time, study, prayer and discernment. Apply yourself
adequately to the task. This initial effort will prove its value throughout the program.

7. Depending on the actual turnout for the first talk, there may be a need to re-group.
So also after the second talk. From here on, attendance should stabilize.

8. Provide the discussion leaders with a copy of the information sheets of those assigned
to them. Relate to them whatever additional information has been provided by those
who recommended the participants.


1. The CLP is usually held at the home of a CFC member. This is to emphasize the
importance of the Christian family and the Christian home, as well as providing a
relaxed social setting. However, parish-based CLP's may be held in the church or
parish hall.

2. The main consideration for choosing a venue are:

a. Size
* is the area adequate to conduct the sessions, including discussion groupings?
b. Location.
* is it central and accessible?
c. Conduciveness to program activity.
* Is it comfortable? Is the neighborhood quiet enough?

3. The 9th Session (Baptism in the Holy Spirit) may be held in a church if desired and
if circumstances warrant.


1. The following are needed for each CLP session:

a. Lectern for speaker ( plus CFC banner if any )
b. Sound system (with tape recording/copying features) plus blank cassette tapes
c. Songbooks ( and musical instruments c/o music ministry assigned )

d. Talk handouts for participants ( one for each participant per session )
e. Book table ( especially for books listed as "suggested reading" )
f. Attendance sheet ( including pens )
g. Name tags
h. Blank information sheets ( for those who have not submitted beforehand )
i. Projector and screen ( for transparencies )
k. Merienda/tea ( c/o households assigned )

2. The merienda/tea is normally a simple one, and within the budget set by the
CFC Centre. Possible exception would be for the 9th and 12th sessions.

3. Depending on availability, a copy of Word Among Us may be given free to the

participants ( one copy per couple ). This will be the earliest issue that can be given
such that the participants will have them before the start of the month. For subsequent
months, they should be encouraged to subscribe.


1. Most of the actual teaching in the CLP is done in the talks.

2. Speakers are taken from the ranks of CFC members only.
3. Speakers are chosen by consensus between the team leader and the supervising
unit head, subject to approval by the chapter head.
* More experienced speakers are normally fielded for the first module.
* The dedication talk, since it includes official acceptance of new members into the
body, should be handled by an elder.

4. Ideally, all talks, except those to be given by experienced speakers, should be

previewed and screened. This is done by having the speaker give the talk before a
selected audience, such as the Chapter Head and/or the CLP Team Leader. This will
be a time for constructive and brotherly criticism with the goal of coming up with a
talk that is clear, powerful, upbuilding and inspirational, free of anything that might be
taken negatively by the participants.


a. The expanded talk outline is the talk itself. The speaker merely needs to flesh it out.
b. Avoid the temptation of putting a lot of other material into the talk, no matter how
interesting or seemingly helpful. This might just obscure the basic message of the
talk, or overlap with the other talks.

6. Talks are to be given by an individual or by a husband+wife team. Both men and

women can give talks. However, the following talks are reserved for men only:
Orientation, Talks 4, 11 and 12. Furthermore, the majority of the talks in the CLP
must be given by men.


a. Before putting together your talk, read the outline, understand and internalize the
message and then pray about the talk.
b. If any point is unclear, take it up with CFC elders.
c. Use normal language, avoiding pious phrases, King James English (thee's & thou's),
churchy jargon ( ministry, edify, saved ), etc.
d. Be conversational in tone.

e. Make simple, not complex, points. Make them clearly stated, not hinted. Say what
you are saying. It is usually impossible to be too simple or blunt.
f. Base the talk on the Bible. Quote the Scriptures, paraphrasing them if necessary
to make the point.
g. Use examples and stories from your own experience.
h. Avoid arguments, controversies, criticism of others.
i. Don't moralize or preach. Don't talk down to your listeners. Simply witness to the
power of God.
j. Keep the talk disciplined to the goals of the session.

8. Each talk should be for a duration of about 30 - 45 minutes ( maximum ).

* Give each speaker a schedule of talks for the whole CLP ( date, topic, name of
speaker, etc.), an expanded outline of his talk, and the "Guidelines for Speakers"
[ see Annex B ]




1. Prayer…In the CLP we are doing God's work, and success can be achieved only under
guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Thus we have to come before the Lord and
put our work in His hands often and throughout the program. Thus we pray:

- before we go to the session

- at the pre-session team meeting
- at the start of the session immediately prior to the talk
- before and after the group discussion (by the group leaders)
- before the merienda/tea ( to bless the food )
- at the close of the session immediately after the fellowship
- at the post-session team meeting

2. The team leader leads in prayer. At times he may designate this to the assistant
team leader.

3. We utilize different forms of prayer during the CLP. Thus our communal prayer at
the start of each session is as follows:
a. During Module 1 - the team leader makes a short prayer for all. No charismatic
b. During Module 2 - involvement by the rest of the team and also the participants
through short prayers of thanksgiving and petition ( introduced
by the team leader at the start of Module 2 ).
c. During Module 3 - introduction of vocal prayer. Full charismatic prayer.

4. Normally our prayers are ecumenically sensitive and thus are not overtly "Catholic".
However, in parish settings, "Catholic" prayers are acceptable.


1. Puntuality…The team members must be at the CLP venue at the time designated by the
team leader.
a. They must all be present for the team meeting.
b. They must be there ahead of the participants, ready to welcome and take care of
those in their discussion groups.

2. The team members must arrange their schedule on the day of the CLP such that they
are not pressed for time nor uncesssarily hassled by the day's activities. They should
in fact provide enough time to come before the Lord individually and thus prepare
themselves spiritually for the task at hand.


1. Since the CLP is an integrated course for renewal, all the sessions are important. Thus
the CLP participants should be present for all the sessions.

2. Should husband and wife be unable to attend, the spouse should be encouraged to
attend by himself/herself.

3. We do not recognize that there could be very good reasons for absences. Thus we
allow not more than ONE absence for the first module, and not more than THREE
for the whole CLP. Beyond these absences, the participant couple would normally
be asked to discontinue the CLP.

4. There can be exceptions to the above, but only in extreme cases and only with the
approval of the Chapter Head. To grant an exception, you should see that the couple
is very eager for the CLP/CFC and also that the reasons for the absences are very valid.

5. The discussion group leaders should call or visit any absent members and find out
why they were absent and to reach out to them accordingly.

6. All absences need to be made up for listening to the talk tapes, normally before the
next session. You should also arrange for some form of discussion to occur.

7. You should be strict in implementing the above guidelines on absences. This is for
the good of CFC as a whole. There will always be another CLP for a couple to join,
should there be genuine interest.


1. Team members are to dress appropriately and modestly. They should model to the
participants what is considered acceptable attire.

2. Team members should try to avoid smoking at any time during the CLP. Smoking for
team members is absolutely prohibited during prayers, during the talk if inside the
session hall, and during the discussion group meeting.

3. Team members should mingle as much as possible with the participants, and not keep
to themselves.

4. Avoid any behavior (such as talking among yourselves) that would disrupt in any way
the session or the participants' concentration.

5. Name tags are to be worn by CFC members at all times.


1. Chronology is as follows:
a. Teach participants some songs while waiting to start formally.
b. Team leader introduces himself, welcomes the participants, and invites
everyone to stand.
c. A song is sung, after which the team leader says a short opening prayer.
d. The participants are asked to be seated. The team leader may say a little bit more
about CFC, the team, the facilities, what to expect this evening, etc. However,
keep it short.
e. The speaker is introduced and gives his talk.
f. The speaker calls on the sharer/s for the evening.
g. The team leader or the speaker presides over an open forum.
h. Closing remarks, if any.
i. Prayer before meals ( bless the food ), and have the fellowship.
j. Closing prayers by the team leader.

2. Guidelines for sharing:

a. Normally, it should be a couple who will share.
b. The time should not exceed 20 minutes ( approximately 10 minutes each ).
c. The sharing should focus on the CLP and /or CFC, and how these have made a
difference in the life of the person. Such sharing should normally involve a
"before" and "after" situation.
d. The sharing should not be a teaching.
e. The sharing would normally be screened by the CLP team leader and/or the
couple's Unit or Chapter Head.
NOTE: The team leader makes sure that the above guidelines are followed.

3. Guidelines for the open forum:

a. It is suggested that blank sheets of paper be given to the participants for them to
write their questions on. We find that participants are shy in standing up to ask
their questions.
b. If there is no initial response to our offer to answer questions, do not close the
Open Forum portion immediately. It might be premature. The participants just
need to warm up. The team leader or speaker at this point could bring up
questions on their own and answer.
c. Avoid getting into any theological or intellectual discussions. You could offer to
take up such a question during the fellowship, but stress the nature of the CLP
which precludes such directions.

4. Guidelines for the closing remarks:

a. Thank the participants for being there and exhort them to return next session.

b. Say that we are only asking them to commit to the first module, i.e., the next 4
sessions. After that, they are free to choose whether to go on or to quit.
c. Exhort them to bring their Bibles to the sessions. If they have none, suggest Bibles
such as the New American Bible, The New Jerusalem Bible, Good News, etc.
d. Give details for the next meeting - date, venue, time, etc.
e. You may decide to have the closing prayers and blessing over the food together
at this time, so the participants can just have an open-ended fellowship and leave
when they want to.


1. Team meetings are held after every session in order to assess the conduct of the
session, to receive feedback on the situation of the participants, and to give input
to the discussion group leaders as needed.
NOTE: Specific items are enumerated in the "Checklist".

2. The men and women meet together. The team leader handles the meeting.

3. Each discussion group leader gives a brief report on what transpired. Details are
given only if asked by the team leader. One leader's report should not go beyond
a few minutes generally.

4. Names of participants are not mentioned. During this team meeting we only want to
assess the overall situation. Individual problems are left to one-to-one meetings
between the team leader and the discussion group leader.


A. Team meeting prior to session ( at least 30 mins. before the session starts).
1. Start with a short prayer.
2. Give out the group assignments and the data sheets of group members,
if not previously done.
3. Assign trainees for discussion group leader, if any, to the various groups.
4. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual.
5. Remind the team not to engage yet in charismatic prayer. No raising of hands.
6. Close with an extended period of group prayer and intercession for the
program, the team and the participants.
7. Pray over the speaker.

B. During the talk:

1. Re-group participants based on attendance. Inform the group heads

C. After the talk:

1. Announce discussion groupings.

D. After the merienda (tea break):

1. Announce presence of book table, if any.
2. Exhort participants to have their own Bible, preferably a modern version,

like the NAB, Good News, NIV.
3. Briefly go over the handout. Explain the meaning of biblical references, i.e.
book, chapter, verse. Encourage daily Scripture reading.
4. Exhort participants to be punctual for the next session.
5. Closing song and prayer.

E. Team meeting after the session:

1. Go over the list of absentees and instruct the group leaders to follow up with
them, preferably in coordination with those who recommended them.
2. Hear the report of each group.
3. Remind the team of the need for punctuality. (Note: No more extended
pre-session meeting for the succeeding weeks).
4. Remind the team of the need for them to be faithful to their own daily prayer
time and Bible reading. Also fast for their people. Also study the team manual
prior to each session.
5. Instruct the team to follow up on each of their members during the week,
to exhort them to attend the next session.
6. End with a short prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Close with a short prayer.
3. Pray over the speaker.

B. Team meeting after the session.

1. Go over the list of absentees and instruct the group leaders to follow up with
them, if necessary, still in coordination with those who recommend them.
2. Drop from the list all those who now have been absent from sessions 1 & 2.
3. Check if make-up sessions for the first talk were held.
4. Hear the report of each group.
5. Instruct the team to follow up on each of their members during the week.
They should remind all whose with one absence not to be absent again during
Module 1 or else they will be asked to repeat the whole CLP.
6. End with a short prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Close with a short prayer.
3. Pray over the speaker.

B. Team meeting after the session:

1. Hear the report of each group.
2. Check if make-up sessions for the first and second talks were held. Tell the

group heads that all make-up sessions have to be finished within the coming
week, because the week after the 4th session will be devoted to
individual meetings (one-on-one).
3. Instruct the group heads to encourage all participants to have their own Bibles,
if they don't have as yet.
4. End with a short prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any question or problem with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Remind them of the individual meeting for the coming week. They should make
definite schedules during the discussion period.
3. Close with a short prayer.
4. Pray over the speaker.

B. Team meeting after the session:

1. Hear the report of each group.
2. Check absentees and make-up sessions.
3. Reiterate importance of individual meetings. Any problem that surfaces should
be taken up within the week with the team leader.
4. Go over the list of serious wrongdoings and make sure that the team
understands it well. Be ready to discuss why people need to turn away
especially from SOM, TM, yoga, the occult, etc.
5. Remind them that the team meeting prior to the session next week will be
held 30 minutes earlier, to discuss results of the individual meetings.
6. Remind the team to continue to pray for, fast and intercede for their people.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Remind them to continue to support and actively participate in the opening
3. Close with a short prayer.
4. Pray over the speaker/s.

B. Team meeting after the session:

1. Hear the report of each group.
2. End with a short prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Remind the team of the individual meetings for the coming week. They should
make definite schedules during the discussion period.
3. Close with a short prayer.
4. Pray over the speaker.

B. Team meeting after the session:
1. Hear the report of each group.
2. Reiterate the importance of the individual meetings, and the need to have them
as early as possible within the coming week.
3. Go over the guide for the one-on-one in the Team Manual.
4. Remind them to refer any problems immediately to the Team Leader.
Don't wait for the next session.
5. Check if they all have prayer partners for next week's session. They should
meet with them prior to next week's session in order to go over, discuss,
and coordinate the prayer session. One prayer partner should be enough.
6. Remind the team of the greater potential for Satan's attacks on themselves
and on the participants, as we near the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Stress the
need for continued spiritual warfare. Pray, fast, read God's Word, study,
go to mass and communion.
7. End with a prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in relation
to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Tell the team we will start vocal prayer (simultaneous praising, etc.). The team
members especially should support the team leader by participating actively.
Praise joyfully and with vigor.
3. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to prayer session.
4. Go over the chronology of the prayer session, including location and
arrangement of persons to be prayed with.
5. Remind the team that praying over each individual should not take too long.
Perhaps only about 10-15 minutes.
6. Remind the team that when they finish praying over their participants to
continue private prayer or to join the singing until everyone has been prayed
with. Refrain from talking, gossiping, etc. All other couples present should
maintain a solemn and prayerful atmosphere throughout the prayer session.
7. Let the team be aware of the overall length of time available for the prayer
A good rule of thumb for the overall length of time for praying over is:
No one group should take so long that they keep everyone else waiting.
8. Have a period of group intercession for the team and the participants.
9. Pray over the speaker.
10. Make certain the music ministry is all set up and agree on the songs to be sung.

B. Prior to the main talk:

1. Welcome participants to Module 3 of the CLP. Encourage them.
2. Briefly recap what transpired in Modules 1 and 2. Give them a brief preview
of Module 3.
3. Give mini talk on vocal prayer ( See Annex C ).
4. Full charismatic prayer.
NOTE: Items 1 & 2 - about 10 - 15 minutes
Item 3 - about 15 - 20 minutes
Item 4 - about 5 minutes (not counting songs)

C. Prayer session after the main talk:
1. Explain procedure.
2. Songs
3. Prayer of commitment to Christ.
4. Start of continuous singing.
5. Discussion heads call their people one by one and pray over them.
6. When everyone has been prayed with, teach them about singing in tongue.
Then have a short worship time.
* Sing a song of praise ( a lively one )
* Simultaneous praising
* Sing a song of worship
* Sing in tongues
* Prayers of thanksgiving
* Closing song

D. Team meeting after session:

1. Go over the results of the prayer session. Let everyone share on what
2. Tell the team to follow up on those who were not "touched" by the prayer
session or who had negative impressions. They should explain, reassure and
3. End with a prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in
relation to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Remind the team to actively participate in the opening charismatic prayer.
3. Close with a short prayer.
4. Pray over the speaker.

B. Team meeting after the session:

1. Hear the report of each group.
2. End with a short prayer.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in
relation to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Remind the team to actively participate in the opening charismatic prayer.
3. Close with a short prayer.
4. Pray over the speaker.

B. After the talk:

1. Hand out a copy of our Statement of Mission, our Statement of Philosophy,
and the CFC Covenant, together with the regular handout.
2. Exhort the participants to seriously think and pray about the commitment
they will undertake next week.

C. Team meeting after the session:
1. Hear the report of each group.
2. Inform the team they may invite CFC members to the Dedication Session
next week for the acceptance of new members.
3. End with a short prayer.

D. Within the week:

1. Prepare the official CFC I.D. cards.
2. Prepare the folder to be given to the new members, consisting of the following:
* Welcome letter from CFC Council (See Appendix E)
* Commitment / Covenant cards
* I.D. cards
* Lord's Day booklet or CFC Song Book ( one per couple ).
* CFC sticker ( one per couple )
* Bible reading guide ( one per couple )
3. Work out the household groupings in consultation with the supervising
Unit Head and/or Chapter Head. Submit recommendations to the CFC Office
for final approval.


A. Team meeting prior to session:

1. Resolve any questions or problems with regard to the Team Manual in
relation to the talk and the session's goals.
2. Go over the chronology of the dedication ceremony.
3. Arrange the music ministry's role and the songs to be sung.
4. Close with a prayer.
5. Pray over the speaker.

B. After the dedication ceremony:

1. Set the Lord's Day celebration and entertainment night on a Saturday about
a week from today. Give details of venue, time, etc.
2. Inform them to prepare group presentations.
3. Tell the participants that they will be formed into household groups and will
be informed accordingly.
4. Encourage the new members to subscribe to The Word Among Us, and
In His Steps, as helps in their Christian life.
5. Fellowship.

C. Team meeting after the session:

1. Check if everyone made the commitment.
2. Go over the results of the whole CLP.
3. Solicit comments, suggestions, criticism, feedback.
4. End with a prayer.

Lord's Day Celebration and Entertainment Night:

1. CFC elders and unit members may be invited to this evening.

2. A short explanation of the Lord's Day celebration, and its part in the life of
a CFC family, should be made.
3. After the blessing of the bread (as it is being passed around and eaten) and

before the main meal, sharings from the new members may be solicited.
4. After the Lord's Day closing prayers, have the entertainment and group
5. Before closing the evening, announce the household groupings. The heads of
the new households should immediately meet with their members in order to
decide on their regular meeting schedules, venue and other details. Household
meetings start immediately on the following week.


1. Settle all cash advances made by or to the various individuals involved. If a

financial donation to the parish priest is required, please check with your Unit
Head and the CFC Treasurer.
2. Make sure the Assistant Team leader has made arrangements for the proper return
of resources borrowed, like sound system, overhead projector, etc.
3. Pass on all relevant comments, suggestions, and feedback to the Chapter Head,
copy furnished the Coordinator of the Evangelisation and Mission Office.
4. Submit a financial report in writing to the CFC Office, including the info sheets
and final household groupings. Except the financial report, the same information
is to be forwarded also to the coordinator of the Evangelisation & Mission Office,
including the evaluation form of the recently completed CLP.
5. Make sure that the new members are all properly placed in household groups
and starting to attend same.


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