Choco Mocho pastry shop will be located at Constant Spring Road, Kingston, next to the
transport centre. The business will be in the heart of the town in close proximity to customers.
Distribution will be effective and swift because there is adequate staff will be serving. The buss
park being next to the business place means a steady flow of possible customers. The business
will be in close proximity to raw materials as delivery trucks pass daily.
Role of the entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is a person who identifies successful business opportunities, risks time and
money to start and operate a business. The role of the entrepreneur in the business is to ensure
that the workers are paid and are comfortable in the working environment in good health. They
also see that the business is in good condition and following government regulations. The
entrepreneur is the person who tacks on the risks of the business and who is responsible for the
business will proceed and the path the business will take to succeed. The entrepreneur is profit
and growth averted. He is the coordinator of the factors of production.
1) Plan the activities and set goals for the business.
2) Deliver goods and services to the market though innovations.
3) Motivate staff
4) Check business performance against quality
Use of technology
Technology is define as the use of mechanisms that enable business organization to process
inputs and outputs more effectively. Some pieces of technology that will be used in my business
is a chocolate processers, stove, and oven, chasing machine, coffeemaker and refrigerators. A
chocolate pressers is very important in my business because I need the natural chocolate so that it
can give the cake, coffee, etc. the real taste of chocolate also the refrigerators to keep the food
items cool, safe from bacteria and to preserve them.
Chocolate presser: this is used to convert the row chocolate to the finish product so that it
can be used for the making of product.
Oven: this is used to back cake, cookies and other items.
Coffee maker: this is use to make coffee tea for workers and customers.
Refrigerators: this is used to Stour goods for a later use and also slow down the spoiling
This is a firm that is connected to other industries, that is the opposite of one firm is the input is
the making of products in other firm. Another name for linkages is a screwdriver industry. They
are two types of linkages, forward and backward linkages. A forward linkages industry produces
the row materials for other industries, for e.g. bauxite mining aluminium makers. Back ward
linkages industry as to depend on other industry that is not directly related to it for services, for
e.g. bakery flower mill. My business will involve in the backward linkages industry, for e.g.
chocolate formers confectionery . This type of linkages will benefit the business because it
will constantly get fresh goods and support the local formers.
The successful completion of this project would not have being possible without the help of the internet
and assistance from numerous persons. There four I would like to thank the person who has assisted me in
making this work completed. Last but not least, to Miss Fuller for providing me with some of these
knouts in class and my mother for financing me so that this could have being printed.
Description of the business
Choco mocho pastry shop is a sole trader business which will be operated by D. Stewart. A sole
trader is a person who that is their own boss. This business will provide Chocolate, cream,
cookies and cake. The type of production the business will engage in is a secondary production.
The objective of the business is to provide our consumers with good tasting chocolate and
possible goods and services so that they can feel comfortable eating our product. The legal
requirements the business will need is a food handlers permit, business lesion. Mainly the
business will make chocolate products such as cookie, ice cream, sweets and other items. The
aim of this business is to create work and to provide a known product on the market for the
Type of production
There are three type of production, primary, secondary and tertiary production. Primary
production involves the extracting of raw material from their natural resources. E.g. fishing,
forestry and quarrying etc. A secondary production is also known as manufacturing construction.
This is the second stage of production and involves converting raw materials into finish or semi-
finished goods. For e.g. food, furnisher and appliances etc. tertiary production also known as
services. This type of production carries out all services and is classified as tertiary production,
e.g.Delivery, transportation and banking etc. the type of production that my business will
involved in is the secondary and tertiary production. This type of production deals with the
converting of raw material into finished or Simi finished goods for e.g. bauxite.
Level of production
There are three levels of production they are the subsistence, domestic and the surplus /export
levels of production. Subsistences level of production is hammed at satisfying basic needs. E.g.
a former planting for is family. Domestic level of production involves producing goods and
serves not gust for the individual, family or community but also for the local market. The surplus
/ export level of production is where goods and serves or produce not only for the domestic
market but also for export.eg. Blue mountain peak coffee. My business will be involved in the
domestic and surplus level of production. The surplus level of production of my business well be
carried out by transporting the goods on cargo ships because they will be in large amount and
that is the best suitable means.
Quality control measures
This is the process that is used to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service. Two
quality control measures that the business should adhere to are: make sure that the goods that the
business will be producing goodsof high quality and safe for the consumer. This means that all
goods are from the best material and of high standard.Therefore the service carried out should be
swift and of a good price so that consumers are satisfied at all times. Customers like when there
goods very soon and of a good price so that con use it when they want and the goods are not late
for their usage.
1. Use the best mean of transportation to enshroud that consumers receive goods as quickly
as possible without damage to the goods.
2. Trained staff members who are equipped with the right tools.
Potential for growth
Potential for internal growth of a business is simply the internal growth of a business. It would
include things such as employee development and development of product. Potential for external
growth of a business is the addition of another branch of your business or a literal expansion
your business place
Government regulations
Government regulation is when the legislative and executive branch set and enacts laws that
determine how a specific task, business or industry is supposed to run.one government regulation
that will affect my business the labour low. This low stipulate worker working hours,
compensation, health and safety at work and leave. This will affect my business because if one of
my skilled workers is ill cannot come to work because of the kind of sickness it will slow down
the process of the business.
Register the business
Registering the business to pay taxes
Acquire TRN and NIS
Ethical issues
Ethical issues are the right and wrong in a business, e.g. all workers are to be paid for their fair
wages. Ethical issue that related to production is that all goods that are produce is to be of good
quality and is well labelled. This issues will affect the business in a good way because the
business is already home to produce quality goods and efficient services.
Selection of appropriate labour
There are three types of labour; skill, semi-skill and unskilled, skilled labour are a special ability
to do a particular job. For example engineering, doctor and computer specialist. Semi-skilled
labour is the ability to do a particular task which is only partly developed. These workers need to
get further training to be able to perform the task well for example practical nursing. Unskilled
labour means no special ability required to perform the task for example labourer, vendor and
grounds man.
The type of labour that will be used in my business is Skill, Semiskilled and Unskilled. There
will be a number of 14 workers in my business. The business will need a manager,
assistantmanager, 2 bakers, 2cashiers, 2 waitresses, 2 grounds man, 2 shafts, and 2 plate washer.
The manager role in the business is to ensure that the business is running in good order. Also to
ensure workers is in good health, good working facility. The assistant manager will do the work
of the manager when he/ she are not in the work place and to report to the manager about any
problems that is in the business. The 2 bakers are the persons who will ensure that bake goods
are of the best quality, taste and to see that the goods are done on time for production. The 2
cashiers are persons to ensure that the customers pay for their goods and service before they get
them. 2waitresses are person who bring out the finished goods to the customers who will be
doing the establishment. They are also there to ensure that the tables are clean before serving on
them. 2 grounds men are persons who willensure that in and around the business place is clean
and appealing for the customers.
Sources of fixed and working capital
Fixed capital is permanent investmentmead to meet the long term needs of the business
activities. An example of a fixed capital is a house etc. Working capital can be capital defined as
the amount of money that is in the business to pay workers, utility bills and buy goods etc. Our
working capital is retrieved from borrowing loans from banks. Some examples of fixed assets in
the business are: stove, standing mixer, processer, and grinder. We gain our fixed assets from
perching our equipment on higher perch and some on layaway.
Table of contents
Description of the business.......3
Justification of location.....4
Selection of appropriate labour,,..5
Sources of fixed and working capital,,,.6
Role of the entrepreneur7
Type of production..8
Level of production..9
Quality control measure.10
Use of technology.11
Potential for growth.13
Government regulation14
Ethical issues.15
These are some of the goods that are made by the business:
Name: Damion Stewart
Title: production
School: Titchfield high school
Centre number:
Date: 2015
Territory: Jamaica
Teacher name: Ms Walker
http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/78478. January 22, 2013
http://wizznotes.com/pob/factors-of-production/types-of-production. January 20, 2013
http://classtalkers.com/business/business-production-levels/. January 23, 2013
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_control. January 23, 2013
January 23, 2012