Office Administration SBA
Office Administration SBA
Office Administration SBA
During the process of completing this research, the researchers received a lot of guidance and
cooperative support from Heine Mann, the author of the office Administration for CSEC, John
Milne the author of centre of CBL inland use of environmental science and Mr. Smith, the
librarian of Linstead library along with others. It gives the researchers great pleasure to express
their thanks and gratitude to all sources of information and informants.
Each module of this project is divided into three parts, which includes one (1) preparation of
topics, Two (2) Data preparation methodology and three (3) presentation of report. The main aim
of this research is to investigate the accounts departments of a leading institution in the Linstead
area. The researcher also aims to state the functions of equipment and computer software used in
the accounts departments, As well as to investigate the impact of technology on jobs efficiency
in the accounts office.
The research was done in the singer furniture store. This was done by sending letter to the
organization requesting to conduct a research. At the beginning the viewers will learnt the roles
of the department and some functions involve in the day-to-day operating of the organization.
There were three methods of data gathering that was used in an efficient way as information was
accurate and practical and the topic being discuss. Questions were asked to personnel and
answers were given to the researchers in a simple and understandable way.
In doing this research, the researchers meet at various locations to complete different parts/ drafts
of the project. All activities were recorded in a table showing dates, Activities and comments.
These activities are organized in a sequence of activities most of which are relevant to the project
and comments support the follow-up actions. In carrying out this research, the researcher found
out the regulation and company policies governing the organization that had to be complying
when visiting. At the end of the data gathering methodology, a written report of five hundred to
seven hundred and fifty words of one thousand to one thousand two hundred requirements for
the assignment which included, the findings, major challenge, problem-solving, strategy
employed and conclusion and recommendation were given. The researchers also examined how
office equipment including computer technology was used/ observed in the workplace. These
were listed in tables with heading date, equipment use, purpose and comments.
Topic: An investigation of the accounts department of a leading institution in the Linstead area.
The researcher aims to investigate the accounts department of a leading institution in the area.
Specifically to:
1. Preparation of payroll
Employees in an organization are paid for their time and labour. Wages are usually paid weekly
to production workers and salaries are paid monthly to administration workers. It is the complete
list of all wages and salaries paid to staff and hourly wages, with holding and deduction for all
employees for a given pay period. Several terms are used to describe the rewards paid to
employees for labour services to an organization.
Bonus rate
Hourly rate
Piece work
Minimum wages
Double time
Flat rate
2. Credit control
Credit control is a method of assigning to each customer a suitable credit limit (maximum
of debt allow). And checking all in coming orders against their limit.
Rosemount Dist
Linstead P.O.
St Catherine
Sept 10 2012
Linstead P.O,
St Catherine
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a grade eleven (11) student of the McGrath high school. Currently pursuing my office
administration school based assessment (S.B.A).
In order to complete this course I am required to conduct a research. The objective of this
research is to investigate the accounts department of a leading institution in the Linstead area.
I would be grateful if you would allow me to conduct the study at your organization. My contact
number is 1876-428-1465. I eagerly await your favorable response.
Yours respectfully
Shantel McLaughlin
CCV. Johnson
The ways by which this research was conducted was through the advantages of using these
1. Interview: The researchers conducted an interview with the assistant manager within the
accounts departments along with some questions and answers.
3. Observation of the activities of the accounts department: The researchers observed the
accountant used various equipment in the accountant office, such as, the computer, to
perform various task, calculator, to work out simple addition, multiplication, ect, the
printer to access and get hard copy of required document from the computer software,
and others.
During the interview the researchers got information about the accounts office however
the researchers could not get some of the questions answered because those equipment
were not used in the accounts office however some of the question were answered.
Questions asked to personnel
The following questions are designed to investigate the account department in your organization
with specific reference to:
Manager Other
From the list below please tick the equipment used in the accounts department
Yes No No
Yes No
7. Identify the procedures for making and receiving different types of payments that takes place
in the firm? If yes what are?
The researchers went through and discuss It was a very hectic day as it was not
5-Oct 2012 the different parts of the SBA such as the easy writing the gathering of
gathering of methodology. methodology.
From the findings from the leading institution of the singer furniture store. It has shown that
they have regulation of policies to both customers and employees in the organization.
Disciplinary Procedures
Every employee at the singer furniture store is expected to comply with the organizational work
rules and disciplinary procedures. These regulations are stated in an employment contract or a
staff manual.
No weapon.
No eating or drinking around the machine and during the working hours.
Every customer at the singer furniture store is expected to comply with the organizational work
rules and disciplinary procedures. These regulations are usually stated inside or outside of the
No sleeveless blouse
No mini skirts
No merinos
No indecent language
Do not enter the staffs office unless you are given permission to
Some Functions of the accounts
50% Series 3
Series 2
Series 1
preparation of the Credit controll collection of Preparation of
payroll accounts audit
How well beneficial facilities
Fig. 2.1
Figure 2.1 the graph shows that a total of 90% of the workers at the singer’s furniture store are
quite satisfied with the beneficial facilities the organization initiates
The impact of the Accounts Department
on the efficiency and progress of the
6% 41%
Figure 1.1
The graph shows the views of workers in the Accounts departments offering efficiency and
This research has acknowledged the researchers about the accounts department of Singer
Furniture Store, Specifically; it has exposed the researchers to the functions of equipment and
computer software, also the impact of technology on job efficiency in the accounts office. The
researchers encountered several challenges to conduct the research, firstly, it was difficult to
decide which organization to conduct the research because there were so many to choose from,
however, the researcher did a brainstorming session then an idea screening and decided to
conduct the research at Singer’s Furniture Store. The researchers sent out a letter to the
organization Monday September 10, 2012 and was informed to return the following Thursday of
that week. It was also a challenge to meet the closing hours of the organization because of the
dismissal time of school; the researchers had school the same day the research was to be
conducted, so the researchers had to go straight to the organization immediately after dismissal.
At the organization the researchers encountered more challenges, the researchers were not
allowed to enter the organization because one of the firm’s regulations of policies is that
unauthorized person are not allowed inside, but when the researchers explained their purpose the
researchers were allowed inside.
The researchers used interview, observation schedule and questionnaire to gather information
about the accounts department of the organization. The researchers found from the questionnaire
issued that; computer, calculators and accounting machine are some of the equipment used in the
accounts office. The procedures for making and receiving different types of payment that takes
place in the firm are; cash, cheque, debit and credit cards. Incorrect figure and too much work
load are two challenges found in the accounts department of this firm.
From the interview the researchers found out that in the organization technology has a great
impact on job efficiency, in that it is much faster, it gives accurate result and lightens work load.
Three responsibilities of the accounts department are to call customers when they are needed,
collect and deposit customer’s payment and filing. The researchers also found out that the
accounting department is very important to the organization, in that, it helps to keep a track of all
the transaction done in the firm as well as to provide information when needed. Receipts books,
cheque lodgment book, and receipts and warranty book are some of the documents used in the
accounts department of the firm. The researchers found out that the computer system which
makes work easier, in that, when a receipt need to be written up, the clerk would not write a
receipt, keeping the customer waiting for a long period of time, she would just enter the
customer’s number and the receipt would be printed. The personnel with whom the researchers
conducted the research gave a brief comparison of accountant back then and what currently exist,
she said that, back then accountants had a lot of work load and works was very difficult because
of the lack of technology, but currently, accountants work load is lighter and they have work
easier because of technology.
From the observation, the researchers observed how the equipment are used in the accounts
department, which are, the computer, used to save records of customers, the photocopier, used to
make duplicates of documents, calculator, used to do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication
etc. The researchers also observed some of the regulation of policies at the firm, such as, no
smoking, no eating and no drinking during works hours, no unauthorized persons are allowed in
the store etc.
The researchers admired the way the accounting staff used the equipment, they used them
efficiently and appropriately. The researchers learnt about the different documents and
equipment used in the accounts department of the organization, how they are used and the
importance of them. The researchers recommend the organization to put in a shredder, this is
important in that, inactive files might get mixed up with active file and that can caused problem,
so the shredder will be able to destroy inactive files, it also can be used to destroy confidential
materials that the organization do not want to be seen by unauthorized persons. Also, the
researchers have recommended that the organization consider getting a guillotine that can be
used to cut and trim papers and cars, so for example, if they are making customer cards, flyers,
brochures ect, it would be helpful.
Office Equipments Used at The Organization
The photocopier is
important to the
This is a very
office. It is used to
PHOTOCOPIER efficient machine
make duplicates of
Used by the and because enhances
accountsItclerk quick duplication of
September 11, invoice. savestothe
document within
2012 time of the
calculate user by
hours the office. This is
worked from copies
timeof used adequately in
cards and to that are
the office and quite
needed in large
calculate additional often.
quantity in a less
pay example
(overtime). Also do
September 11, simple addition, This eq
Manager Other
From the list below please tick the equipment used in the accounts department
Yes No No
Yes No
7. Identify the procedures for making and receiving different types of payments that takes place in
the firm? If yes what are?
Interview schedule
1. What impact does technology has on job efficiency in your accounts department.
2. What are some of the documents used in the accounts department of this firm?
3. Name three (3) responsibilities of Accounts department in the upholding the standards of
the organization.
4. Name one (1) equipment used in the Accounts department and say how the equipment
helps in making work easier for the accounts staffs.
5. Compare the worker of an Accountant back then and what currently exist.
Observation Schedule
The following questions are designed to investigate the account department in your
organization with specific reference to:
I. Determine whether or not credit control is put in place by the accounts office.
Computer Others
7. Code of Conduct
(Fax Machine)
The photocopier is
important to the
office. It is used to
make duplicates of This is a very efficient
receipts and invoice. machine because
September 11, 2012
It saves the time of enhances quick
the user by providing duplication of
copies of documents document within the
that are needed in office. This is used
large quantity in a less adequately in the
time office and quite often.
This is the main This Machine is
equipment used for very efficient and
majority of reliable as a means
accounting work. of storing,
Their versatile can organizing and
automatically a creating
September 11, wide range of data documents. It is
2012 and store it for the also used in a very
future retrieve and appropriate and
manipulation has efficient manner.
ensured their place Perform severed
in the modern task in the office.
accounts office.
The spreadsheet
and data base
programmes are
very important in
September 11,
Used by the
accounts clerk to
calculate hours
worked from time This equipment is
cards and to very efficient
calculate additional because it enhance
pay example quick calculation.
(overtime). Also do
simple addition,
Acknowledgment I
Overview II
Aim 2
Sample of correspondence 4
References 15
Person list 16
Questionnaire 17
Interview Schedule 18
Observation 19
Charts 20-22
Samples of documents received from firm 23-24
Topic: An investigation of the accounts department of a leading institution in the area.
Territory: Jamaica
Territory: Jamaica