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The Bogey Chart v.B3

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The Bogey Chart


A random chart of 300 special traits for use with your 3.5 D&D character.

Chart Rules:

This is a random characteristics chart. To determine how many times you roll on
the chart, you first ask the almighty DM. The DM will either tell you how many times to
roll, or he will say just the usual (which means d3+1 times, of course) In either case,
thank him for allowing you to roll that much. Next determine your results. Roll one d3 +
one d100. The d3 determines which of the three d100 columns you roll on. The d100
determines the trait you receive from that column.

This chart is to only be used during character creation. In all cases, it is the players
responsibility to work the results into his/her characters story. Though sometimes the DM
will give a polite suggestion. All rolls are to be made in front of and/or with the DM.
Players who fail to do this should replace their characters middle name with soon to be
justly punished.

It should be noted that this chart is not meant to help power game the character. It
is meant to give your character very distinguishing traits that help add detail & personality.
A player should never be allowed to just pick a result. Many of our real-life traits just
come naturally or just happened. It is even possible that some of the results are things
for the character to eventually overcome, or to tragically loose. If the result of a roll
contradicts a previous roll, re-roll it.

The chart is composed of approximately 1/3 each of good, bad and neutral
results. Most of the good are even numbers, and most of the bad are odd numbers.
Although this is not always the case. This was done in case the gracious DM decides he
wants you to have a somewhat even split of positive and negative results.

*General phobia rules- If a character encounters one or more subjects that it has a
phobia of, he must make a Will save. The DC is based on the perceived CR of the
encounter (how much of a threat in the characters eyes). The base DC is 15. Every point of
difference in the perceived CR and the characters CR adds or subtracts one to the DC. If
he passes he keeps his cool, but will not move closer unless he passes by 5+. If he fails he
becomes shaken, unless he fails by 5+, then he becomes panicked. If the char is immune to
fear, he gets a +4 bonus on his save, but is not immune to the phobia (although he is still
immune to all other fear).

1- 01 Estranged Past I: At some point in your past, you angered a God. There will be
very dark clouds ahead.
1- 02 Magic Sight: You have strange blue eyes and can see a feint aura around
anything magical. It functions like detect magic, but the range is only limited by
your eye sight, doesnt require concentration and cant be turned off.
1- 03 Trademark Item: You have an item that you never part with. As your reputation
grows, you become more identifiable because of it. This could be very good or
very bad, depending on your reputation and your location.
1- 04 Good Rider: Ride is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 05 Poor Rider: Ride is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 06 Weapon of Choice: You have always preferred a certain type of weapon. If you
are a caster class, you receive Spell Focus. Otherwise you receive Weapon Focus.
1- 07 Lucky: You have extraordinary good luck. Anytime something bad happens to a
random person and you are selected, the result must be re-done. If picked again,
it is fate and can not be avoided. If it is something good, then you count as two.
1- 08 Nave: You are extremely nave. Only time and experience cures this.
1- 09 Weak to electricity: You get a -2 to any saves involving electricity. You also take
one point of extra damage for every die of electric damage done.
1- 10 Bookworm: You are constantly reading and looking for the next book to absorb.
You are treated as having the Bardic Knowledge ability. Use your CL + Int mod.
Relevant knowledge skills could give a synergy bonus, depending on subject.
1- 11 Poor Swimmer: Swim is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 12 Good Swimmer: Swim is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 13 Unlucky: You have extraordinary bad luck. Anytime something good happens to
a random person and you are selected, the result must be re-done. If picked
again, it was meant to be. If it is something bad, then you count as two.
1- 14 Favored Class: Bard is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
1- 15 Phobia Type I: You have a severe phobia of creatures with the GIANT subtype.
1- 16 Shield Proficiency: You learned to make the best use of a shield. You gain the
shield proficiency and reduce the spell failure by 5%. If you are a class that is
already proficient, you reduce the armor check penalty for shields by 2.
1- 17 Poor: You have nothing but your dirty clothes and 9sp.
1- 18 Great Fortitude: This is a bonus feat.
1- 19 Poor Healer: You heal at half the natural rate. You also heal one less per die of
magical healing.
1- 20 Resilient to Fire: You receive a +2 on saves against fire, and take one less
damage per die of fire damage.
1- 21 Poor Craftsman: Craft is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 22 Expert Craftsman: Craft is a class skill for you. You receive a +3 to one craft.
1- 23 Poor Speech Habit: You tend to mumble or stutter or have a lisp, etc.
1- 24 Hurting Hands: One of your parents was a Necromancer and passed on a dark
gift that revealed itself during puberty. Once per day, you can touch a living
creature and deal d4 negative energy damage per CL to it with no save. You gain
temporary hit points equal to the damage done.
1- 25 Color Blindness I:- You can not distinguish the colors red & green.
1- 26 Very Skillful: You gain +1 skill point per level. Multiply this at 1
as normal.

1- 27 Taboo I: You have very long hair that you refuse to cut.
1- 28 Well Educated: All knowledge skills are class skills for you. You gain a +3 to
one knowledge skill of your choice.
1- 29 Poor Education: All knowledge skills are cross-class skills for you. You receive
a -1 to all knowledge skills
1- 30 Deadly Precision: Once per day when you threaten a critical hit, you auto succeed
1- 31 Estranged Past II: Your char has one or more children.
1- 32 Sprinter: You gain the Run feat.
1- 33 Weak: You have -1 Str.
1- 34 Strong: You gain +1 Str.
1- 35 Bad Coordination: Each day, the 1
natural roll of 2 you get counts as a 1.
1- 36 Innocent Face: You have a naturally innocent look about you. You get a +2 to
any roll to avoid incrimination.
1- 37 Phobia Type II: You have a severe phobia of Vermin.
1- 38 Distinctive Scar: You have a very noticeable scar somewhere visible on you.
1- 39 Bigotry I: You really dislike elves. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are an elf, re-roll.
1- 40 Florentine Fighter: You gain the Two Weapon Fighting feat.
1- 41 Bonus Language: You can read, write and speak in goblin.
1- 42 Estranged Past III: True augury. Once per week you may ask your chosen deity
a question and get an honest answer. (Though it may still be encrypted or riddled)
1- 43 Tone Deaf: Listen is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 44 Good Ears: Listen is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 45 Favored Class: Ranger is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
1- 46 Strong Legs: Jump is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 47 Weak Legs: Jump is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 48 Greedy: You are very greedy would rather not share anything of yours.
1- 49 Deep Voice: You have a very deep voice.
1- 50 Very Unique: You are a very unique person. Roll 2 more times on this chart.
1- 51 Atheist: You dont believe that true gods exist.
1- 52 Defensive Training: You gain the Combat Expertise feat.
1- 53 Phobia Type III: You have a fear of being utterly alone.
1- 54 Monster Specialist I: You get +4 to any knowledge checks about Magical Beasts.
1- 55 Bruise Easy: You take one point of extra damage from any physical attacks.
1- 56 Good w/Rope: Use Rope is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 57 Bad w/Rope: Use Rope is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 58 Alcohol Tolerance: It takes twice as much to get you drunk.
1- 59 Spend Thrift: You cant help but to spend all your money as soon as you get it.
1- 60 Combat Reflexes: You gain this as a bonus feat.
1- 61 Estranged Past IV: You are a known Outlaw in a city or kingdom.
1- 62 Cool Tempered: You rarely get very angry over anything.
1- 63 Gullible: Sense Motive is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
1- 64 Read Others: Sense Motive is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 65 Estranged Past V: A past deed has left you Cursed! (exact curse is up to DM)
1- 66 Bad Cook: You love to cook, but you are really bad at it! It just never turns out.
1- 67 Taboo II: You refuse to speak any languages other than your starting one(s).

1- 68 Dexterous: You have +1 dex.
1- 69 Clumsy: You have -1 dex.
1- 70 Rugged: You gain DR 1/-.
1- 71 Taboo III: Your 1
level class is the only core class you can take. You can take
levels in prestige classes, but it has to be a prestige that is designed for a char of
your core class. If given the choice, you only ally with people of a similar class.
1- 72 Strong Immune System: You gain a +2 on saves vs. diseases and poisons.
1- 73 Happy-Go-Lucky: Very little can truly dampen your day.
1- 74 Exotic Weapon Proficiency: You gain this feat with a weapon of your choice.
1- 75 Bonus Language: You can read, write and speak in Draconic.
1- 76 Master of Disguise: Disguise is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it.
1- 77 Very Distinguishable: Disguise is a cross-class skill for you, you get a -3 to it.
1- 78 Enhanced Vision: You can see twice as far as normal.
1- 79 Bigotry II: You dislike dwarves. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are a dwarf, re-roll.
1- 80 Resilient to Electricity: You receive a +2 on saves against electricity, and take
one less damage per die of electricity damage.
1- 81 Phobia Type IV: You have a severe phobia of creatures with the outsider subtype
1- 82 Favored Class: Druid is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
1- 83 Pack Rat: You keep everything you find. Not out of greed, but because you know
that you will need that thing later.
1- 84 Big: You are 25% taller than normal for your race.
1- 85 Taboo IV: You really distrust magic, and avoid it entirely if possible.
1- 86 Small: You are 25% smaller than normal for your race.
1- 87 Jumpy: You are a very jumpy person. You gain +2 initiative and -2 to fear saves
1- 88 Arcane Schooling: Spellcraft is a class skill for you, and you receive a +3 to it
1- 89 Magic Miscomprehension: Spellcraft is a cross-class skill and you get a -3 to it
1- 90 Improved Initiative: This is a bonus feat.
1- 91 Bad w/Animals: Handle Animal is a cross-class skill for you, you receive -3 to it.
1- 92 Good w/Animals: Handle Animal is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
1- 93 Favored Class: Wizard is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
1- 94 Coward: You get -4 to oppose intimidation checks and saves vs. fear.
1- 95 Estranged Past VI: You have a Cursed item. (discuss this with the DM)
1- 96 Bonus Language: You can read, write and speak in Elven.
1- 97 Weak to Fire: You get a -2 to any saves involving fire. You also take one point
of extra damage for every die of fire damage done.
1- 98 Cavalry Training: You gain Mounted Combat.
1- 99 Estranged Past VII: Curse of the Wyrmkin. You betrayed or committed a wrong
against a Dragon Enchanter. This is your reward. Only a miracle, wish or a
specific quest can ever remove it. Until then you get a -6 to any rolls against any
creature of the dragon type, and they know of your presence and exact location if
you are within 1,000 of them.
1- 00 Fast Learner: You gain a +5% bonus to all experience point rewards.
2- 01 Fiendish Bloodline: There is some fiendish blood in your ancestral past, and a
small bit of it was passed down to you. (this does not effect your alignment) You
gain resistance 2 vs. cold and fire. This increases to 5 at 8 HD. Also roll a d3. On

a 1-3 you gain SR 5 + your HD (no max). On a 4-6 you gain DR 2/magic (this
increases to 5 at 4 HD and 10 at 12 HD)
2- 02 Magic Item: You have a permanent magic item. (DMs choice, up to 2,000gp)
2- 03 Protector of the Weak: Each round, you can spend one or more of your attacks
of opportunity to take a hit for an adjacent ally that has less HP than you instead.
If you have not moved this round, you can spend your 5 step to switch places.
2- 04 Endurance: This is a bonus feat.
2- 05 Bad Nightmares: Each night you have a 5% chance of having horrible
nightmares. On these nights you fail to get any rest. Therefore, you dont heal,
cant replenish spells, and become fatigued until you get some rest.
2- 06 Expert Marksman: You gain a +2 to any ranged attack roll.
2- 07 Obsessive: You tend to obsess over certain things.
2- 08 Charming: You gain a +2 to any Cha based check dealing with the opposite sex.
2- 09 Bald: You are completely bald and can not grow hair on your head.
2- 10 Over Confident: You always know that you will succeed.
2- 11 Shrimp: Intimidate is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive a -3 to it.
2- 12 Intimidating: Intimidate is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 13 Phobia Type V: You have a phobia of creatures with the Magical Beast subtype.
2- 14 Avid Collector: You have a passion for collecting a certain type of item. You
gain a +2 to all skill checks dealing with items of the chosen type.
2- 15 Very Young: You start at the min starting age for your race.
2- 16 Estranged Past VIII: You Pass w/o Trace at all times.
2- 17 Neon eyes: A magical accident at a young age, left your eyes a bright neon color.
2- 18 Ambidextrous: You suffer no penalties for using your off hand. You also reduce
the penalty of two weapon fighting by one.
2- 19 Weak to Acid: You get a -2 to any saves involving acid. You also take one point
of extra damage for every die of acid damage done.
2- 20 Warming Touch: Your hands are always very warm to the touch. Could be very
useful in cold environments.
2- 21 Poor w/ Devices: Use magic device is a cross-class skill for you. You get a -3 to it
2- 22 Techno-Wizard: Use magic device is a class skill for you. You receive a +3 to it
2- 23 Phobia Type VI: Theophobia. You have a tremendous fear of the gods.
2- 24 Favored Class: Fighter is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
2- 25 Poor Marksman: You receive a -2 to any ranged attack roll.
2- 26 Bigotry III: You dislike gnomes. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are a gnome, re-roll.
2- 27 Jokester: You are always telling jokes or puns, and love a good harmless prank.
2- 28 Monkeys Uncle: Climb is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 29 Grounded: Climb is a cross-class skill for you, you receive -3 to it.
2- 30 Bonus Language: You can read, write and speak in orc.
2- 31 Bashful: You are extremely shy around members of the opposite sex.
2- 32 Lightning Reflexes: You receive this as a bonus feat.
2- 33 Sickly: You receive -1 con.
2- 34 Healthy: You gain +1 con.
2- 35 Easily Distracted: Concentration is a cross-class skill for you, you receive -3 to it
2- 36 Focused: Concentration is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.

2- 37 One Faith: You believe there is only one true god. He is often referred to as the
All Father. The other gods are just people or creatures with mighty powers.
2- 38 Fast Runner: Your based speed is increased by 10.
2- 39 Taboo Type V: You will never wear armor or use shields.
2- 40 Second Skin: You are proficient with all types of armor. You reduce the spell
failure by 10%. Furthermore, you reduce the armor check penalty by 2 for any
type of armor that your class is already proficient in.
2- 41 Slow Runner: Your base speed is decreased by 10, or 5 if small size.
2- 42 Absent Minded: You tend to space out a lot. You get a -2 to listen & spot.
2- 43 Weak Immune System: You receive a -2 on saves vs. diseases and poisons.
2- 44 Estranged Past IX: You have a spouse.
2- 45 Stands Out: Hide is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it
2- 46 Unseen: Hide is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 47 Favored Class: Monk is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
2- 48 Short Tempered: You are usually quick to anger.
2- 49 Estranged Past X: Carry on the Legacy. You come from a line Famous people.
There is a lot of pressure for you follow in their footsteps. You feel destined to
match or exceed their past deeds in life.
2- 50 Dark Vision: You have dark vision 60. If you already have it, extend it by 30.
2- 51 Distinctive Script: Forgery is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
2- 52 Forger: Forgery is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 53 Pleasant Aroma: You like to use perfumes & always smell good. Even w/o them.
2- 54 Apathetic: Decision making is not one of your strong points.
2- 55 Very Bad Allergies: Strong aromas or dusty places give you an allergy attack.
Treat an allergy attack as being nauseated.
2- 56 High Voice: You have a high pitched voice.
2- 57 Weak to Magic: You receive a -2 on saves vs. magical affects.
2- 58 Animal Affinity: You can speak with animals at all times. Just as the spell.
2- 59 Phobia Type VII: You have a fear of creatures with the Undead subtype.
2- 60 Resilient to Acid: You receive a +2 on saves against acid, and take one less
damage per die of acid damage.
2- 61 Bigotry IV: You dislike goblins. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are a goblin, re-roll.
2- 62 Tough: You gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
2- 63 Bad w/ Locks: Open Lock is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
2- 64 Good w/ Locks: Open Lock is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 65 Truthful: You are extremely truthful. You tell the truth w/o thinking about it.
2- 66 Kleptomaniac: You are compelled to steal constantly.
2- 67 Paranoid: You sometimes suffer from paranoia.
2- 68 Intelligent: You gain +1 int.
2- 69 Dim: You receive -1 int.
2- 70 Optimist: You always see the glass as half full.
2- 71 Incriminating Face: You have a naturally guilty look about you. You get a -2 to
any roll to avoid incrimination.
2- 72 Heavy Sleeper: You can sleep almost anywhere. You get -15 to listen while
sleeping. It takes another char two full rounds to wake you.

2- 73 Color blindness II: You see no colors at all. Only shades of grey.
2- 74 Favored Class: Paladin is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
2- 75 Estranged Past XI: Undead are naturally (or unnaturally) attracted to you.
Undead can sense your presence within 1000 & are twice as likely to attack you.
2- 76 Professional: Profession is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 77 Unprofessional: Profession is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
2- 78 Good Aim: You gain Point Blank Shot as a bonus feat.
2- 79 Potent Magic: You gain Spell Penetration as a bonus feat.
2- 80 Strange Hair: You have very strange hair. Maybe its the color or maybe its
the style, but either way, it is always like that.
2- 81 Poor Bluffer: Bluff is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
2- 82 Straight Faced: Bluff is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 83 Good Memory: You are always entitled to an Int check to remember things.
2- 84 Good Fighter: You gain a +2 to any melee attack roll.
2- 85 Habitual Liar: You usually lie or exaggerate about everything.
2- 86 Good Reader: Decipher Script is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 87 Poor Reader: Decipher Script is a cross-class skill for you, & you receive -3 to it.
2- 88 Favored Class: Cleric is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
2- 89 Bad Nerves: You have a shake or a twitch. It could be in your hands or your eye
or something similar. Its only a serious problem when doing something delicate.
2- 90 Chilling Touch: Your hands are always very cool to the touch. Could be very
useful in hot environments.
2- 91 Illiterate: You was never taught to read or write, and would have trouble learning
2- 92 Bigotry V: You really dislike Orcs. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are an orc, re-roll.
2- 93 Rigid: Tumble is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
2- 94 Acrobatic: Tumble is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
2- 95 Phobia Type VIII: You have a severe phobia of creatures with the Dragon
subtype. If subject to Dragon Fear, you receive -6 to the save.
2- 96 Clean Freak: You cant stand to have any dirt on you . You constantly clean stuff
2- 97 Rude: You tend to be very blunt and rude.
2- 98 Iron Will: You gain this as a bonus feat.
2- 99 Estranged Past XII: Lycanthropy. Roll a d100. 1-60 = natural. 61-100 = afflicted
(the details of this result should be discussed between the player & DM)
2- 00 Celestial Bloodline: There is some celestial blood in your ancestral past, and a
small bit of it was passed down to you. (this does not effect your alignment) You
gain resistance 2 vs. acid, cold and elec. This increases to 5 at 8 HD. Also roll a
d3. On a 1-3 you gain SR 5 + your HD (no max). On a 4-6 you gain DR 2/magic
(this increases to 5 at 4 HD and 10 at 12 HD)

3- 01 Slow Learner: You receive a -5% penalty to all experience point rewards.
3- 02 Street Fighter: You gain Uncanny Dodge. Also, you reduce the penalty for using
improvised weapons by half.
3- 03 Vengeful: You set on getting revenge for something bad that someone did to you.
3- 04 Born Merchant: When buying or selling merchandise, make an opposed
diplomacy (or related profession) check. For every point you succeed by, the

price of the item is modified by 2% in your favor. Max modification of 40%.
3- 05 Tattoo: You have a very noticeable tattoo. It must be someplace visible.
3- 06 Boxer: You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
3- 07 Fidgety: You have a hard time sitting still and tend to be impatient.
3- 08 Good at Appraise: Appraise is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 09 Bad at Appraise: Appraise is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 10 Contact: You have a good friend who is a member in a special organization.
3- 11 Worrywart: You tend to worry over most things.
3- 12 No Sense of Humor: Need I say more.
3- 13 Haunted: You have recently done something you shouldnt have, & now you are
being haunted by it. Some sort of creature is after you. The creature is normally an
undead with a CR approximately 3 higher than the PC, but doesnt have to be.
3- 14 Monster Specialist II: You get +4 to knowledge checks on Monstrous Humanoid
3- 15 Flashbacks: You suffer from dramatic flashbacks. If you are in situation that is
very intense or similar to something in your past, make a Will save (DC 14). If
you fail, you have a flashback and become confused (as the spell) for d3 rounds.
3- 16 Wealthy: You begin play with triple the standard money.
3- 17 Old: You begin at the first year of middle age for your race. (add age modifiers)
3- 18 Detective: Search is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 19 Oblivious: Search is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 20 Estranged Past XIII: Royal decent. You come from a royal bloodline.
3- 21 Phobia Type IX: You have a bad fear of a certain type of Animal. Roll a d4.
1- all felines, 2- all canines, 3- all equines (horses), 4- reptiles.
3- 22 Inquisitive: Gather Information is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 23 Always Left Out: Gather Info. a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 24 Tracker: You gain Track as a bonus feat.
3- 25 Estranged Past XIV: You have a dark aura about you. Some past event left its
taint on you. Any living creature that you kill has a 5% chance to rise as a zombie.
It could be any time between 2 rounds after death, or 2 days. Only a wish, miracle
or accomplishing a specific task can undo this curse.
3- 26 Diplomat: Diplomacy is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 27 Gives in Easily: Diplomacy is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 28 Low Self Esteem: You have very little confidence in yourself.
3- 29 Troublesome Debt: You owe 2d6 x 300gp to a crime boss.
3- 30 Favored Class: Rogue is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one.
3- 31 Estranged Past XV: You are a Slave or Indentured Servant (depends on area).
3- 32 Honorable: You never break a promise, strike an unarmed foe, cheat, etc.
3- 33 No Common Sense: You receive a -1 wis.
3- 34 Wise: You gain +1 wis.
3- 35 Phobia Type X: You have a severe phobia a certain element. Roll a d3.
1- Electricity, 2- Fire, 3- Water.
3- 36 Natural Caster: You cast all spells at +1 caster level.
3- 37 Poor Disabler: Disable Device is a cross-class skill for you, you receive -3 to it.
3- 38 Good Disabler: Disable Device is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 39 Snobbish: You think highly of yourself, and little of others.
3- 40 Quick Draw: You gain this as a bonus feat.

3- 41 Unique Birth Mark: You have a strange birth mark in the shape of something.
3- 42 Braggart: You dont mean to brag, but.
3- 43 Week Stomach: Grotesque scenes and pungent odors make you sick. Make Fort
save DC 14 or loose your lunch and be nauseated.
3- 44 Resilient to Magic: You receive a +2 on saves vs. magical affects.
3- 45 Monster Specialist III: You get +4 to any knowledge checks about Aberrations
3- 46 Entertainer: Perform is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 47 Poor Performer: Perform is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 48 Estranged Past XVI: Once per day, you can do Shocking Grasp as the spell.
Your caster lvl is equal to your char lvl. If using a metal weapon, it can be used as
part of an attack from the weapon.
3- 49 Nervous Habit: You have some sort of bad habit. Like biting nails, cracking
knuckles, playing with your hair, etc
3- 50 Animal Companion: Several years ago, you raise and befriended an animal. This
animal functions just like a druid animal companion (use your total CL to
determine abilities). This animal can not be replaced. It will never turn on you for
any reason (although your allies are fair game).
3- 51 Passionate Hobbyist: You have one particular hobby that is passion for you.
3- 52 Blind Fighting: You have been taught to fight in the dark. This is a bonus feat.
3- 53 Messy: You tend to be a very messy person.
3- 54 Escape Artist: Escape Artist is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 55 Easily Constrained: Escape Artist is a cross-class skill for you, you get a -3 to it.
3- 56 Very Polite: You always use please and thank you.
3- 57 Hopeless Romantic: You love those stories about the knight saving the princess.
3- 58 Spell-like Ability: You have a certain spell that you can use once per day for
every four levels you have. Your caster lvl is equal to your char lvl. The DC is
based on the appropriate stat. Roll a d100 to find spell type. (1-30) 1
lvl cleric,
(31-60) 1
lvl wizard, (61-80) 2
lvl cleric, (81-00) 2
lvl wizard. The spell
should be appropriate for the chars style.
3- 59 Favored Class: Sorcerer is a favored class for you in addition to your normal one
3- 60 Fates Touch: Once per day, You may re-roll any one dice roll (attack, dmg,
save, etc.) and take the better of the two results.
3- 61 Poor Trickster: Sleight of Hand is a cross-class skill for you, you receive -3 to it.
3- 62 Magician: Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 63 Weakness to Cold: You get a -2 to any saves involving cold. You also take one
point of extra damage for every die of cold damage done.
3- 64 Very Emotional: You have very overwhelming emotions.
3- 65 Light Sensitivity: In bright lights or on a sunny day, you get a -2 to hit.
3- 66 Bigotry VI: You dislike Halflings. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are a Halfling, re-roll.
3- 67 Phobia Type XI: You have a severe phobia of [Enclosed places].
3- 68 Charismatic: You gain +1 cha.
3- 69 Repulsive: You receive -1 cha.
3- 70 Estranged Past XVII: You have a Twin that you have been separated from for
many years. You recently received info on a possible location for the lost sibling.
3- 71 Squeamish: Heal is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.

3- 72 Medic: Heal is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 73 Prideful: You tend to be Very proud of yourself and everything you do.
3- 74 Bonus Language: You can read, write and speak in dwarven.
3- 75 Unskilled: You receive -1 skill point per level. (a char always gets at least 1).
3- 76 Flamboyant: You prefer flashy styles and brilliant colors.
3- 77 Arch Nemesis: You have an ex-companion that is now your biggest foe.
3- 78 Bravery: You love standing in the mouth of danger. You are immune to all fear
effects, and you also receive -2 Wis.
3- 79 Phobia Type XII: Acrophobia. You have a severe phobia of HEIGHTS.
3- 80 Resilient to Cold: You receive a +2 on saves against cold, and take one less
damage per die of cold damage.
3- 81 Noisy: Move Silently is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 82 Sneaky: Move Silently is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 83 Alcoholic: You drink a lot. A lot.
3- 84 Elusive: You gain Dodge as a bonus feat.
3- 85 Estranged Past XVIII: You some times have bad hallucinations. Each day there
is a 5% chance (rolled by DM) that you have one. It normally last d20 min. During
this time you can not tell what is real and what is not.
3- 86 Fast Healer: You heal at 2x the natural rate and heal +1 per die of magic healing.
3- 87 Bigotry III: You dislike Humans. You get -2 to all Cha based checks with them.
If you are a Human, re-roll.
3- 88 Rope Walker: Balance is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 89 Poor Balance: Balance is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 90 Cats Eyes: You have low light vision.
3- 91 Favored Class: Barbarian is a favored class for you in addition to the normal one.
3- 92 Good at What You Do: You choose either Power Attack or Spell Focus for free.
3- 93 Poor Fighter: You receive a -2 to any melee attack roll.
3- 94 Fortuned: You receive a +2 bonus to your AC vs. range attacks.
3- 95 Phobia Type XIII: Special. This phobia is to be picked by both DM & the player.
3- 96 Observant: Spot is a class skill for you, and you receive +3 to it.
3- 97 Narrow Sighted: Spot is a cross-class skill for you, and you receive -3 to it.
3- 98 Taboo VI: You will not use weapons.
3- 99 Estranged Past XIX: Dismembered. Roll a d100 to see what was lost.
(1-5)-Foot, (6-15)-Hand, (16-25)-Eye, (26-40)-part of the Ear, (41-55)- of the
teeth, (56-75)-one Toe, (76-00)-one Finger. The effects of this is up to the DM.
3- 00 Estranged Past XX: At some point in your past, you did something that really
pleased a God. When you least expect it, the favor will be returned in double.

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