Ramp Risk Analysis and Management Projects
Ramp Risk Analysis and Management Projects
Ramp Risk Analysis and Management Projects
Risk Analysis and Management for Projects
By Chris Lewin
How RAMP came about
Purpose and scope of RAMP
The RAMP process
RAMP and financial services
RAMP within ERM
How actuaries can help RAMP users
How RAMP came about
Collaboration between actuaries and civil
engineers since 1995
RAMP first published 1998
Growth of interest in RAMP
Second edition, 2005
Purpose and scope of RAMP
A framework for managing project risk
Applicable to any complex project
Analyses risk in a financial context
Facilitates an optimum response to risk
Leads to better design and control of projects
Improved decision-making
A Country Walk
Define objectives
Identify risks
Find the risk response options
Decide which options to adopt
Control residual risks
RAMP Process
The risks identify, analyse, find response
Feed into a financial model, e.g. NPV
Use scenario analysis or stochastic modelling
Determine responses leading to risk efficiency
Identify residual risks and make decision
Implement responses and control residual risks
Aspects of RAMP
A logical iterative process
Ensures steps not omitted (e.g. assumptions
Facilitates a watch on the risk tails
Not in itself mathematical
Not a substitute for judgement
Example (1)
Year Expected cashflow 000s
1 - 1,000
2 + 300
3 + 400
4 + 400
5 + 400
Total + 500
NPV (6%) + 292
Example (2)
Scenario Risk event Probability NPV
% 000
A Expected 55 + 292
B Sell know-how 10 +481
C Technical delay 15 - 64
D Does not work well 10 - 54
E C and D together 10 -391
100 +155 *
* weighted average
Example (3)
Risk Response option: contractor offers to bear
extra development costs (if there is technical
delay as in scenarios C and E) for an extra
80,000. Should the sponsor accept?
Example (4)
Scenario Probability Original NPV New NPV
% 000 000
A 55 +292 +212
B 10 +481 +401
C 15 - 64 +139
D 10 - 54 -134
E 10 -391 -188
100 +155 * +145*
* weighted average
The nature of risk
Identification of risks
Ascertain underlying causes
Risk register records detail of each risk and
possible impact
Checklists, site visits, review of plans
Upside risks, too
Analysis of risks
Risk assessment tables
Catastrophic risks
Use of an investment model to assess NPV
Risk responses downside risks
Absorb or pool
Research to reduce uncertainty
Risk responses upside risks
Increase scope
Improve design
Maximise revenues
Reduce costs
Extend life
Risk efficiency
A state achieved when the downside risks have
been sufficiently mitigated and the upside risks
optimised (depending on sponsor s utility)
Trial and error needed
Search for cheap response options
Deal with some risks simultaneously?
Secondary risks
Accidental bias
Deliberate bias
Adjustment for optimism bias government
increases estimated cost but would full risk
analysis be better?
Identify residual risks and NPV distribution
Watch the tails
Intangible factors
Decision criteria
Planning for risk control
Risk response plan
Risk custodians
Contingency plans and budgets
Crisis management
Controlling risks
Study trends (potential, expected, committed)
Meet interested parties regularly
Formal risk reviews
RAMP close down
Financial Services Organisations
Applications of RAMP:
Project finance
New products
Computer systems
Property developments
Major change initiatives
RAMP within an ERM approach
Enterprise risk = Strategic risk +
Project risk +
Operational risk
Knitting it all together
Forecasting operational risks on projects
Strategic risk of wrong projects
When do project risks become strategic?
How Actuaries can help RAMP users
Building investment models and choosing
discount rates
Scenario analysis and stochastic modelling
Achieving risk efficiency
Insurance-based risk-mitigation
Decision criteria (including real options and
shareholder value)
Project financing
Some broader issues
Experience of infrastructure projects
Use of social benefit analysis
Engineers against poverty
Cost of using RAMP
RAMP is now well established
Capable of wider application, e.g. in financial
Potential for actuarial involvement
Future development of RAMP
Website: www.RAMPrisk.com