Gayet+Marshall+Sempere 1991 MZ-PC Vertebrates of Bolivia

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*URA 11 du CNRS, Centre des Sciences de la Terre, Lyon I,2 7 4 3 boulevard du 11 novernbre. 69622 Villeurbanne, Fraice
** Itistitute of IIunian Origins, 2453 Ridge Road, Berkeley, California 94709, USA
***Convenio YPFB-Orstom (UR IH), Sanh Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Present addiess: Centre de GCologie GCnrale et Minire,
Ecole des Mines, 35 rue Saint-HonorC,77305 Fontninebleau, France


Dolivia lias a rich nnd diverse record of fossil verkbratcs for the
Mcso7.oic aiid early Ceno7,oic. The majority of h e 56 knowii fossil
localities for this time interval occur in the soutlierri Altiplano and in
thc soutlicrii piut d the Cordillera 01ieiitnl (Figs. 1-4).
I n Illis pnpcr we review thc iniddlc Triassic llirougli 1)nlcocciic
fossil vertebrote record o f Bolivia in its strntigrnphic and
palcociiviroririicntal context aiid attempt to correlate tliese rocks aid
faunas with those in, adjaccrit Argeiitina, Brazil, Chile arid Pcru. As
documented below, tlie highlights of the Bolivian vertcbrale rccord
include: the taxonomically ricliest aiid best studied faunas of late
Cretaceous age (from tlie marine anti continental El Molino
Formation) aiid the spectacularly rich and only well known land
maminal fauna of e d y , but not earliest. Paleocene age (from the
Santa Luch Forination a l Tiupninpa) ti all of South Atiierica. We
show that many or tlie late Cretaceous taxa (especially selachians)
are of clironostratigrapliic value within the Andean basin. The
problem of tlie K/?; bouiidary in the Andean basin of Bolivia is
critically evaluated and based on this siudy is believed to occur
within the upper part of tIie middle mcinber of the EI Molino
The following abbreviations are used: km, kilometers; 111, nieters;
Mil, nicgnniitiuin o r tiiillioiis of years ngo, n point in h i c ; Myr,
inillioiis of ycrus, a durntioii of tiine.

Tlic "Mesozoic" s1r:itigr:ipIiy of Nolivia cornprises two distinct

tirne intervals (Sciiipcrc, 1990): tlie lirst s p i s tlie middle Triassic most of Jurassic, and the secoiid latest Jurassic-l'aleoceiie (Fig. 1).
The fluvio-eolian middle Triassic-Jurassic scdinietitary rocks wcre
dcpositcd in wh:it is now tlic castcrn liolf of tlie Andean doinairi, the
Subandcari belt and a Iargc p:ut of tlic noliviali 1owl;iiids (Ollcr &
Seinpere, 1990); their litliologies arid depositional enviroiitneiits
show similarities with coeval rocks in tlie Pnranri basin of southeni



Brazil, eastern Paraguay, northern Uruguay aiid northeastern

Argentinn. In contrast, the latest Jurcissic-I'nlcocenc clcpositioiial arca
was mainly restricted to tile Andean doniairi aiid bcloiigctl to thc
back-atc basin of the Pacific margin (Sctnpcre et al., 1988),
although soine late Cretaceous-Paleocene uiiits are also known in
parts of the iioitlicrn and cciifrril Suhnndcnii bclt (Figs. 1, 2).
The "Coiido cvcnt" thnt scpnriilcs tlicsc two intcrvnls ciiii be
iiiterpretcd as tlic capturc of tlic Bolivian Andean doinaiil, which
until Uien liad belonged to die crotoriic area, by tlie Pacific back-wc.
This event, acconipanied by iiiiinerous synscdimentary tectonic
manifestations (Sempere, ri press), correlates with the
Kirnnieridgian age Araucaii event in wesicentral Argentina aiid
adjacent Chile (Seinpere et al., 1988).


(Serere supersequetice)
The rich Phanerozoic rccord of Bolivia was traditionally thought
to lack Jurassic deposits. However, recent studies have shown that
certain stratigraphic units from the Subaiidean belt and from the
Andean domain should be corTelalcd and assigned a middle Triassic
and Jurassic age (Fig. 1) (Oller & Sempre, 1990; Senipere, 1990).
The Serere supersequcnce consists of these units, and includes the
Eiitrc IUos Ilnsnlt, Ipngiirv..d. Tnpecun, Cnskll6ii, lclion nnil Y nntirtri
foriiintions, as well ns lhe pnrtly cquivnlciit eu, Tiquina, Seynri nnd
Ravelo fonnations (Fig. 1). The Tacur Group of the central arid
southern Subandcau belt is distinct froin the Scicrc supersequence
bccnusc it includes tlic Intcst Crctaccous Ciijoncs Fortuntion but not
tlic Ipagunz Forination (Scinpcrc, 1990). In gcnctal, scdiincntary
continuity charactcl izcs tlic Sererc superscquciice (Oller & Senipere,
1990). As will be docuinented below, its deposits to date are sparsely
The Cnstcll6ii Fortiiatioti is probably of late Triassic-cnrly Jurassic
age (Scinpcrc & Ollcr, 1987; Ollcr 2% Sernpcrc, 1990), althougli it
lias been tentatively assigned io the early Crelaceous based on four
new species of ostracods (Pinto & Sanguiilctti, 1987). It is correlated



. . ....


with the PirainboiQ Formation of Brazil and tlie lower part of

Tacuarembd Forination of Uruguay (Seinpere & Oller, 1987).
The lower boundary of the Serere superscquemce is a diachronous
unconformity except in the southern Subandean belt where,tlie oldest
and elsewhere unknown Ipaguaz Formation overlies the late
Permian-early Triassic Vitiacua Formation with only a slight, nonerosional, lithologic discontinuity (Sempere et al., 1990, 1992). In
other areas of the basin, younger units of the Serere supersequence
unconformably overlie Permian or older strata, reflecting onlapping
.deposition on an altered, eroded and/or deformed substratum. The
upper boundary of the Serere supersequence is the surface that marks
the "Condo event" (see above). This unconformity shows different
characteristics which relate to its location and position in the Iahst
Jurassic-Paleocene basin.
I n suinmary, tlie middle Triassic-Jurassic geologic evolution of
Bolivia involves: 1) an initial rifting process with deposition of red
beds in narrow troughs, locally with gypsum and halite (middle to
Iate Triassic); 2) termination of rifting and onlapping fluvio-eolian
scdinicntntion (late Triassic to earliest Jurnssic'?); and 3) extensive
erg development (early and middle Jurassic'?) (Oller & Sempre,

accoinpanied by synscdinientnry tcnsioniil tectonic nnd mngiiiolic

rnnnifestations (Sempere et al., 1988; Seinpere, is press) and is
termed the "Vilcapujio event" in Bolivia (Ctihvcz, 1987) or k3 in tile
central Aniles (Jaillard & Sempere, unpublished). Thus, the
Miraflores Formation stands as a specific "hinge" unit in the
Bolivian latest Jurassic-Paleocene stratigraphic sequence.
Mainly red mudstones with minor sandstones and evaporites
(gypsum, anhydrite, halite) were deposited between discontinuities
k 3 and k 4 in fluvial and lacustrine environments [Aroifilla
Formation and most of Chaunaca Formation (Sempere, in press); the
stratigraphically equivalent Torotoro Formation consists mainly of
red sandstones of fluvial origin]. Two greenish levels, which consist
of very fine sandy, green to black mark, black to grey laminated
limestones and yellow dolomites, occur in the Chaunaca Fonnation.
The foriner is more conspicuous, traditionally marks the base of the
unit, and is krmed the "basal limestone" of the Chaunaca Formation.
This 30 m-thick sub-unit commonly yields abundant bivalves
(Mytilidae, Brochidontes sp.) which have been interpreted to
indicate an intertidal cnvironnient (Briutisn ct al., 19GG). However, II
restricted mnrine origin for the "basal limcstonc" is now questioncd
(G.Camoin, personal coinunication). Identical Bracltidoort/es sp. are
recorded from a limestonc level in the Loinas Negras Formntion of
nortlicrn Chile (Mnrinovic & Litlisen, 1984). The "bnsitl linlcstonc"
II. I,h'l'lSS'l'
of the Chaunaca Formation yielded a palynological assemblage of
(I'ucu supersequence)
Santonian to earliest Campanian age (Prez, 1987), and may be
partly equivalent to the Snntonian age shallow-marine limestones
Classic works on the Bolivian "Cretaceous" Puca Group are by
Lohmann & Branisa (1962). Russo & Rodrigo (1965), Kriz & known from the Querque and Omoye formations of southern Peru
(Jaillard & Sempere, 1989). The Aroifilla and Chaunaca formations
Clierroni (1966). Lohmann (1970), Reyes (1972) and Cherroni
are equivalent, respectively, to the lower and middle Vilquechico
Formation of southeast Peru (Jaillard et al., in press) (Fig. 1). The
The "Cretaceous" sequence stratigraphy of Bolivia and Peru is
upper greenish level of tlie Chaunaca Formation is equivalent to the
currently being re-evaluated and synthesized (Jaillard & Seinpere,
1989; Seinpere, in press). The Puca supersequence (Scmpere, 1990) uppennost green level of the middle Vilquechico (Jailllard et al., i n
press; Sempere, in press), which has yielded the selachian
is bound below by the kO discontinuity (;.e, the Kimmeridgian
Araucan-"Condo" event at about 144 Ma; Cowie & Bassett, 1989). Schizorhiza slronieri. Thus, its age is not older than niddle
and above by tlie k5 discontinuity which records the functional onset Campanian (Jaillard el al., in press).
The EI Molino, Santa Luca and Impora formations occur between
of western Bolivia as a continental external foreland basin of the
k4 and k5 i n Bolivia (Fig. 1). The EI Molino
paleo-Andes (Sempere et al., 1989). The age of W is close to the
Fonnation is equivalent to the Lecho, Yacoraite, Tunal and Olmedo
Paleocene-Eocene boundary (53 Ma; Cowie & Bassett, 1989) and
formations of northwestcrn Argentina (Fig. 1); to the Areniscas de
could b e as young as 50-51 Ma (Senipere, 1990; Marshall &
Azcar, Vivinn and Cnchiyacu fornialions of Subnndenn Peru
Senipere, 1991).
(Sempere et al., 1987: Jnillard & Sempcrc, 1989); to thc upper
I n this pnper we, divide the Pucn supersequence into three
Vilquechico Formation of the Peruvian Altiplano (Jaillard et al., i n
megasequences. The Puca A megasequence includes the partly
press) (Fig. 1); and to the Estratos de Quebrada Blanca de Poquis,
equivalent Condo, Kosmina, La Puerta S.S., Sucre and Tarapaya
niid possibly parts of thc Loinns Negras. Pnjonalcs and Toncl
forinations (Fig. l), nnd consisLs of nzoic non-marine dcposits; the
niiuinc Miraflores Fdrntntioii constitillcs the I'ucn B nicgnscquc~icc; formations i n nortlicrn Cliile (Gordcwcg 8c l<nnilre~.1985;
Salfity e/ al., 1985; MuRoz et al., 1989; Charrier & Reutter,
and the Puca C megasequence include's the Aroifilla, Chaunaca, EI
Molino, Santa Luca and Impora formations, and their stratigraphic
The basal sandstones of the El Molino Formation are partly
and teniporal equivalents (Fig. 1). Unlike the Puca A, the Puca B and
equivalent to the Lecho and Vivian formations. The thickness of
C have yielded many marine (Puca B and C) and/or continental
these sandstones in Bolivia is higlily variable and usually decreascs
(Puca C) fossils.
basinwards. Several lines of evidence suggest h a t these sandstones
The marine Miraflores Formation consists of fossiliferous
and other associated sediinent,uy rocks are of latest Campanian age
limestones and minor mudstones, up to 28 m in total thickness; it is
(Jaillard & Sempcre, 1989). The lowest part of the EI Molino
of Cenomanian and Turonian age (Jaillard & Sempere, in press).
Formation records a major marine transgression of apparent latest
Within h e Puca supersequence, the Miraflores Formation is the only
Campanian and/or early Maasfrichtian age; coeval transgressions are
unit of undisputed marine origin because it contains ammonites and
echinoids (Branisa, 1968; Reyes, 1972). It is separated from the known in many parts of South Anierica and the world (Haq et al.,
overlying Aroifilla Formation by an erosional discontinuity which is





(Haq e l a1.,1987)


- O W
- 60 - 9 8
- 70 - 54






Cajones i~


- 80 - 90 -


- 100 -























-200 -210-










Figure 1. Clironostratigrapllic chart showing vertebrate-bearing formations (*) of middle Triassic-Paleocene age in Bolivia, and in
adjacent Argentina and Peru.




Rased on recognition of large-scale transgressive-regressive

sequences, the EI M o h o Formation is divided into lower, middle
and upper membcrs which are of stratigraphic value (Jaillard el al.,
in press; Jaillard & Sempere, unpublished; $empere, in press).
Common sedimentary facies in the El Molino Formation include:
mudstones and mark (green to black or purplish, reddish); grey to
light brown limestones (micritic to bioclastic and/or oolitic);
stromatolitic boundstones referred to as Piicaliiltus by Steinmann
(1923) and Ahlfeld & Branisa (1960); fine to medium-grained
sandstones, usually calcareous and light-colored; some yellow
dolomites, often with algal laminations; very rare evaporites
(gypsum and halite casts); and a few white altered tuffs of porcelain
aspect. Mudstones, mark and thin limestones largely predominate in
the basin; sandstones, dolomites and evaporites are more common
along its borders; and tuff levels are thicker and more frequent in the
west, i.e. in the direction of the active volcanic sources located in
present-day Chile and Peru. In the basinal localities, lime turbidites
are common and where fossiliferous the paleontological materials
were dcpositcd a stibstaiitial distance from their life environinent.
Coilcordant palcocurrciit data iiidicate that the basin deepened
toward the northwest in Bolivia (Sempere er al., 1987; Seinpere, in
press), and probably connected with a marine basin in the Peruvian
Subandcnii region. Aiiiiiioiiitcs tire reported 2 in bclow the top of the
Cachiyacu Foriiiation i n the HiinIlaga aren (7"s) of iiorthern l'cru
(Vargas, 1988). In Bolivia, several fish groups, which reputedly
indicate a marine environment (see below), are known from the
lower and basal middle El Molino. Dinoflagellate cysts are present in
at least some levels of the formation in Bolivia and in stratigraphic
equivalents in northwestern Argentina (Industry, unpublished; J.
Oller, personal communication). Ammonite embryos have been
reported from tlie lower El Molino (Sempere ef al., 1987), but their
identification needs confirmation. Foraminifera (Miliolidae,
Discorbidae) are present in many levels a i d facies (G. Tronchetti, in
Camoin et al., 1991), but no detailed study has yet been made of
their taxonomy or paleoenvironrnental implications. Molluscs are
reported from various localities (e.g. at El Molino; Pilsbry, 1939),
although the systematics of these taxa is outdated and the relevance
of described species has yet to be established. Echinoids are
apparently lacking and the proportion of brackish water ostracods is
locally high (J. F. Babinot. in Cainoin et al., 1991).
A pctrogrnphic study o f the Yacoraite Forination of northwestern
Argentina led Marquillas (1985) to interpret its depositional
environinent as a restricted carbonate basin. An oligohalirie
lacustrine environment has also been proposed (Camoin ef al.,
1991). However, paleontological d a t a d o suggest that
communication of the basin with an open marine realm was frequent
during deposition of the Ei Molino Formation, but that the basin
itself was never openly marine, at least in Bolivia and Argentina
(Gayet et al., 1992, Seinpere, i n press). For reasons discussed
below, we believe that most of the El Molino Formation was
deposited principally in a restricted marine environment which
connected with a more typically open marine realm located
northwest of Bolivia (see also Sempere, in press),
The overlying Santa Luca and Impora formations were deposited
in fluvial to lacustrine environments. No marine fossils or facies are
known from these units which consist principally of red to purplish
siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Gypsum and "gypsifred" anhydrite (J.

M. Roucliy, ,personal conimunicntion), are abundant i n the iippcr

part of Uie Santa Luca Formatioli near Potosi. Some green maris and
light-colored limestones occur in the Impora Formation of southcrii
T h e Santa Luca and Impora formations are, respectively,
stratigraphic?lly equivalent to the'Paleocene age Mealla and Maz
Gordo formations of northwestern Argentina (Marocco ef al., 1987)
(Fig. 1). The Mealla Formation c a n b e correlated with the
Tiupampian (early Paleocene) Land Mammal Age based on its
equivalence with the Sai?ta Luca Formation (see below) and the
Maiz Gordo Formation with the Riochican (late Paleocene) Land
Manimal Age based on palynology (Volkheimer ef al., 1984) and
stratigraphic position (Pascua1 et al., 1981).


Alilfcld & Brnnisa (1960) rcportcd rcinniiis of lurgc bones,
possibly of dinosaurs, from the Tacur Group in the Serrana de
Mandeyapecua. southeastern olivia. IIIthis area the Tacur Group
includes rocks of middle Triassic and Jurassic age, naiiiely tlie
Tnpccun, Cnslcll6ii aiid Ichoii forlnntiolis (Fig. 1).

Scales and bones of semionotiform fishes were found in the late
Triassic-early Jurassic age CastelMn Formation on the western flank
of the Charagua anticline in tlie Quebrada de Charagua, 7 km west of
the town of Chbagua (Wenz, in Goi & Hoffstetter, 1964). Nothing
definite can be said of these bones, although a study of the scales
with Scanning Electron Microscopy (Gayet & Meunier, 1986) dnd of
their transverse sections permits reference to the family
Semionotidae, probably Lepidofes sp. (Gayet, 1991).
The Miraflores Formation is a marine limestone unit which, based
on knowledge of ammonites, bivalves, gastropods and echinoids,
was regarded as middle to late Ccnoiiinnian in age (ranisa et al.,
19GG; Jaillard & Scmpcrc, 1089), :itthough detailed scqucncc
sthtigrapliy now suggcsts that the entire rock unit spans Cenoinaniaii
and Turonian time (Jaillard & Sempere, in press). Near the locality
of Macha. 90 kni north-northwest of I'otos, L. Branisa found minute
pharyngeal teeth which are tentatively assigned to cf.
Cyprinodontiforines or Pycnodontiforrnes (Gayet, 1991).

T h e continental Aroifilla Formation overlies the marine

Cenomanian-Turonian age Miraflores Formation and underlies the
Santonian-late Campanian age Cliaunaca Formation; it is therefore
considered Coniacian and possibly early Santonian in age (Fig:l). A
series of four footprints of a large quadrupedal dinosaur were
discovered by the Brigada 10 of YPFB at Caleras, 4 in below the
"basal limestone" of the Chaunaca Formation. The footprints were
imprinted in soft sediment and are otherwise indeterminate.












*ChuIlDa Khasa
La Cabana*Parotan
Est. Blanco Rancho
Lago Uru Uru

-Rio Moile









Salar de Uyi ni









Rancho Hovada-.
*Villa Pacheco








Figure 2. Map of Bolivia stlowine:vertebrate localities of middle Triassic-Paleocene age.





The Santonian-middle Campanian age Chaunaca Formation has

yielded microfossils (estheries, ostracods, charo hytes) and bivalves
(Mytilidae, Bracltidon/es sp.) (Branisa et al., 966). At La Palca,
about 8 km northwest of Potos, a tooth of an indeterminate
pycnodontiforrn fish (Pycnodontidae) was discovered in a red, very
fine-grained sandstone level (Gayet, 1991). At Agua Clara, about km
95 on tlie Potos-Challapata-Oruro road, Branisa reportedly found a
hypocoracoid of the clupeiform fish Gasteroclrrpea branisai,
although this needs conluination (Branisa et al., 1964).

All three members of the E l Molino Formation have yielded
diverse vertebrate faunas which were long interpreted to indicate a
late Cainpanian-Maastriclitiaii age for this entire rock unit (Cappetta
1975, 1990; Muizon c/ al., 1983; Muizon, et al., 1984a; Marshall et
al., 1985; Gnyct, i986n, 19880; Cnrrnsco et al., 1989). However.
Palcoccnc palynological asscmblagcs ore rcportcd from the Tunal
Formation of northwestcrn Argentina (Quattrochio e/ al., 1986)
which is a stratigraphic equivalent of the upper EI Molino
Forniation, and securc Cretaceous age taxa arc rccognizcd only in
thc lower rncnibcr and basal rniddlc iricrnbcr of the EI Molino (scc
below). Van Valen (1988) has argued tliat at least some, if not all, of
the faunas of the l Molino Formation are of early, but not earliest,
Paleocene age. His arguments relied in large part on the belief by
Muizon et a l . (1983) and others, that the Tiupampa vertebrates all
come from the El Molino Formation. However, recent stratigraphic
studies conclusively demonstrate that the mammal-bearing level at
Tiupampa belongs to the Santa Luca Formation (Sempere and
Marshal, in press). For reasons documented below, the EI Molino
Formation as herein defined encompasses latest Campanian-early
Paleocene time (Fig. 1).

1. Agua Clara-Potosf Region

At La Palca, about 8 km northwest of Potos, a partial crocodile
jaw identified as Doliclwcltanlpsa ntininta (Dolichochampsidae) by
Buffclaut (1987) was collcctcd froin the uppcr EI Molino. This gcnus
and spccies were named by Gasparini & Buffetaut (1980) on the
basis of specimens collected from the upper part of the late
Cretaceous-early Paleocene age Yacoraite Formation in Salta
Province, northwest Argcntina. Kcmains of Siluriformes (Ariidac,
Rhineastes sp.) wcrc rccovcrcd from thc uppcr EI Molino at the sanie
La h l c a locality (Gayet, 199 1).
From the lower El Molino, about 67 in above the base of the
formation dong the road to Cayara, about 15 km west-northwest of
Potos, disarticulated Clupeiformes (Gasreroclrrpea branisai) were
recovered froni a black shale. At Cayara in the snme lower member,
but from a different level, has come a rich selachian fauna,
including Sclerorhynchidae (Pucaprislis branisi, Ischyrhiza
harrenbergeri, Schizorhiza aff. slronieri), Dasyatidae (Dasyalis
ntolinoensis, Dasyaris schaefleri), and Rhoinbodontidae (Pucabah
hoflstel/eri) (Cappetta, 1991). The type locality of the clupeiform
fish Gasferaclupea branisai Signeux (in Branisa el al., 1964) is in
the lower member at Cerro Muyurina south of Hacienda Cayara.


Othcr poorly preserved and indctcrrninnte tclcosts wcrc rccovcrcd in

association with Gasteroclrrpea in the sanie grey-greeii shales
(Wenz, 1969). From the upper EI Molino, at Uic same locality, are

several calcareous and liard sandstone levels with siluriforin

(Ariidae) fisJies, turtles and crocodiles.
From Agua Clara, about GO kni norlhwcst of Potosi, nunicrous
marine and/or freshwater taxa were recovered from levels belonging
to the lower EI Molino. Just below the uppermost stromatolite level
at this locality (Ahlfeld & Branisa, 1 9 6 0 ) is a calcareous
conglomerate of limited extension with a rich assemblage of marine
and freshwater fishes including: selachians (Cappetta, 1991)
(Dasyatidae, Dasyalis nov. sp. 1 ; Sclerorhynchidae, Iscltyrliiza
hartenbergeri, Schizorhiza aff. slronieri; Rhotnbodon tidae,
P u c a b a h nov. sp.); "holosteans" (Gayet, 1982a, 1987a, 1991)
(Pycnodontiformes. Pycnodontidae indet.; Semionotiformes.
Semionotidae, nov. gen.; Ginglyniodi, Lepisosteidae, Lepisosteus
sp.); teleosteans (Brnnisa el al., 1964; Gayet, 1982b, 1982c, 1991;
Gayet & Meunier. 1983); Clupciforincs, Clupcidac, Gas~eroclripen
brnnisai; Ostcoglossiforincs, Ostcoglossidnc, iticcrlnc sedis;
"Salmoniforincs", Enchodontidae, Enchodus sp., falllily incertae
sedis 1,?Apaleodrts sp., family incertae sedis 2, gen. and sp. indet.;
Cyprinifornies. family incertae sedis, Molinicltrltys inopinafus;
Ch aro c i for in c s . Erythrin id ne. c f . Il op lins, C li nrncidnc,
Tctrngonoptcrinae; Siluriformes, Ariidnc, Rliineastes sp.; cf.
Cyprinodontiformes; Tetraodontiformes, Eotrigonodontidae,
Stephanodus niinintus; and teleosts indet.
Just above the same uppermost stromatolite level are two levels of
green marls with Qasrerocltipea branisai and smooth-shelled
ostracods. The recovery of a complete fish specimen testifies to die
absence of postmortem movement. About 1 m above the saine
stromatolite level are two calcareous beds with tiny fish bones
mostly concentrated in a 2 min-tliick layer on the top of each bed, in
which remains of Clupeiformes (Clupeidae, Gasterocltipea
branisai). Cyprinifornies (family incerrae sedis, Moliniclitltys
inopinarus Gayet, 1982b), Siluriformes (Ariidae, R/iineas/es sp.) and
Tetraodontiformes (Eotrigonodontidae, S/eplran'odtrs niininiris;
Gayet, 1991) were recovered.
Further along Uie "quebrada" are several calcareous levels in Uie
lower EI Molino with Siluriforines, and green shales with
Clupcirornies (Gas/eroc/trpcn branisai) generally associalcd with
ostracods and soinctiincs fragincnts Qf iiidetcrcniiiiitcipliiiits.
Following the road to Challapata nre three additional localities.
The first is nem Wila Khasa in a curve of the road at about kin 100,
northwest of I'otosf, which corresponds to the basnl scquchce of the
lowcr EI Molino. Bctwccn the Inst two stroniatolitc horizons is a
restricted level with a few srnall complete cf. cyprinodontiforni
fishes (Gayet, 198Ga. 1991).
A little further, on tlie left side of the road GOO m south of the
village of Wila Khasn, is thc locality Hotcl Cordillcra (Gayet, 1982~1,
1982c) where, in a grey limestone bed of the basal middle EI Molino
were found a few reptiles (crocodiles, indeterminate vertebrae) and
fishes. Selachians are represented by Pucaprisfis branisi, Iscliyrhiza
Irartenbergeri, Schizorhizn aff. sfronieri, Dasyah branisai and D.
scltaefleri (Cappetta, 1991). The teleosteans and holosteans are
identical to those of Uie lower El Molino at Agua Clara (see above),
while some teeth of Characiformes (Serrasalmidae, Myleinae) are
also represented. Nearly ali bones found in this level belong to a

Lama Chaqui


Cruz Khasa




Figure 3. Detailed map of tlie Torotoro area (for location, see Fig. 2) showing vertebrale localities in the CI Molino and'Santa Lucia
formations. The numbers correspond to those in Table 1. Based on Carta Nacional, Bolivia, Torotoro Quadrangle, Hoja 6439 IV,
serie 1731, 1/50,000, 1968 edition, Instituto Geogrhfico Militar, La Paz VIII-68; and San Vicente Quadrangle, Hoja 6439 I, serie
fi731, ,1/50,000, 1968 edition, Instituto Geogrhfico Militar, Ln Paz 111-68.
siluriforin (Ariidae, Rliineastes sp.) of very large size (more than 2 in
in total length). Vertebrae of Lepisosfeus sp. found in association
with the Siluriforines are also larger (more than 3 cm-long) than
those of Agua Clara (about 1cm-long). As in some levels at Agua
CI:lra, thc presence of sclaclii:ins, pycnodonti forms, tetradontiforins
and "saliiioniforins" (Enchodirs sp., ?Apateodirs sp.) testifies to some
conmunication to a sea (Gayet, 1991; Gayet et al, 1992).
Ten meters below the calcareous level just described, a restricted
conglomeratic unii was recently found with reinaius of Siluriformes
(Ariidae) and Teleostean indet. A little farher, at the crossing of the
Quebrada Saytu JoWiu with the road, are grey-green mudstones of
the upper EI Molino wilh remains of Clupeiformes (Casteroclitpea
branisai) and ostracods (Gayet, personal observation).
At Vilcapujio (=Wila Apacheta), at about hi 140 northwest of
Potosl on Uie Potosl-Challapata-Oruro road, is a bone bed probably
belonging to the basal middle EI Molino which yielded fishes


(Pycnodontiformes; Characiformes, Serrasalmidae, Myleinae;

Siluriforines, Ariidae, Rliineastes sp.) and reptiles (turtles and
crocodiles). In the vicinity have also been found several levels with
holostean Ginglyinodi (Lepisosteidne), teleostean Clupeiforrnes
(Clupeidae, Castcroclicpea Invnisai), Chnraciforines (Serrasahnidae,
Myleinae). Siluriforines (Ariidae, Rliineastes sp.), and/or reptiles
(crocodiles, turtles).
At Sevaruyo. south of Lake Poop6. about 120 kin west-norU!west
of Potos, are reported two levels with remains of Casteroclitpea sp.
(Branisa et al., 1964). The first level apparently belongs to Uie lower
EI Molino. Because of the large.(double) size of the hypocoracoids
found in the second level relative to .CasteroclupeaS holotype,
Branisa ef al. (1964) questioned the age of this level. However,
hypocoracoids of very large size have also been found at Agua Clara
where a transitional series exists that includes all sizes recorded at
otlier localities.


2. Uyuni Region

At thc locnlitics of Jay-Jay, Calnzaya and Tomave, rcspcctively

north-northwest, east and northeast of Uyuni, were found remains of
Siluriformes (Ariidae, Rlrineasres sp.; Tomave only) and
Clupeiformcs (Gasreroclupea branisai) by the$rigada 10 of YPF
(specimens in CTP, Santa Cruz). At Tambo Colorado, squtheast of
Uyuni, was found a selachian (Pucapristis sp.) associated with
gastropods (Melania potosiensis; specimens in CTP, Santa Cruz).
With the exception of Calazaya which is upper El Molino, the
stratigraphic position of fossils at the other localities have not yet
been established.
3. Southern Region

In the Ro Angosto, 9 kin south-southwest of Chocaya, holostean

Ginglymodi (Lcpisosteidae, Lepisosteus sp.), Semionotiformes
(Semionotidae, nov,. gen.), teleostean Clupeiformes (Clupcidae,
Gasteroclirpea brunisni) and Siluri formes (Ariidae, Rltineasres sp.)
wcrc recovered froni,the lower EI Molino.
In Quebrada Tcxisca, 1 km west of Rancho Hoyada along the.Ro
San Juan del Oro, 29 kin north-northeast of Tojo, were recovered
rcninins of lioloslcnii Iyciiodontiforiiics (Pycnodontidac. indct.),
Ginglyinodi (Lcpisostcidae, Lepisosrens sp.), teleostean
Osteoglossiforrnes (Osteoglossidae, indet.), Siluriformes (Ariidae,
Rhineastes sp.) and Tetraodontiformes (Eotrigonodontidae,
Sfephunodirs niinkirs) (Gayet, 1991) from the lower EI Molino. The
saine Pycnodontidac,
Osteoglossidae, Ariidae and
Eotrigonodontidae, plus two new selachians (Dusyuris nov. sp. 2 et
3; Cappetta, 1991) and a crocodile tooth were recovered from the
basal middle El Molino at the same locality.
Fish remains, including Pucaprisfis brunisi, have also been found
by J. Blanco (YPFB, Brigada 10) near Serpa about 35 km south of
Tupiza, and dinosaur trackways were observed by Leonardi (1981)
near Camargo, 100 kin north of Rancho Hoyada.

4. Cochabamba Region
At Torotoro, aboui 95 kin south-southeast of Cochabamba, several
fossil lcvcls NC known (Fig. 3).From thc iniddlc part of thc lowcr EI
Molino sonic 3 kin soulti-soutlicnst of Torotoro, Cnppctla (1975)

dcscribcd numerous sclachians [Sclerorliyncliidae, fitcapristis

brnisi, Iscliyrhiza Irnrtenbergeri; Dasyatidae, Dasyaris branisai, D.
niolinoensis, D. schnefleri; Khoinbodontidac, Pucabah Imffstelleri
(Cappetta, 1987)J and Broin - ( 1991) recorded turtles
(Podocneinididac, ?Roxoclielyssp.).
In a higher level in the same inember, on the northeast side of
Torotoro, numerous dinosaur trackways were found that have been
callcd the pista dc danzas (Fig. 3).At lcast five types of dinosnurs
are represented, including sauropods, tlieropods and ornithopods
(Branisa, 1 9 6 8 ; Leonardi, 1981); o n e trackway named
Ligabueiclrniunr bolivianrtnr represents an ankylosaur or ceratopsian
(Leonardi, 1984).
Near the base of the lower EI Molino at Unia Jalanta, close to Uic
cave entrance, about 5 kin west-northwest of Torotoro, occur some
small tridactyle (Coelurosnuria?) footprints and isolated bones of
turtles (?Roxuclre[yssp.). At Cerro Llania Chaqui, about 4.3 km east

of Torotoro. occur scvcrnl scts of trackways of a sinall theropod

dinosaur (Coclurosaurin?). The siinic typc of trnckway occurs ncar
Uic top of tlic lowcr EI Molino on thc p t l to
~ Ulna Jetanta, about 2
km west of Torotoro.
From the transgressive base of the middle El Molino in the Ro
Cuchira Waykho, 3 kin south-southeast of Torotoro, a long rostrum
of a salmohiform (family indet. 2, gen. and sp. indet.; Gayet 1991)
is assigned to the marine Cretaceous suborder Ichtliyotringoidei
(semu Goody, 1969).
From an undetermined member at Cruz Khasa. on the west side of
the cemetary south of Torotoro, remains of Prtcapristis sp.,
crocodiles and turtles (?Ro.xoclielys sp.) have been recovered (R.
CCspedes, personal communication; specimens in Museo de Historia
Natural, Cochabamba).
At Tiupampa, located about 95 kin southeast of Cochabamba, two
fossil levels are known (Fig. 4). The lowest, near Hera Mokho, is
about 9 0 m above the base of t h e Cretaceous section from a
calcareous sandstone horizon of the middle EI Molino (see Marshall
et al., 1985. Fig. 4); vcrtcbrntcs nrc rcprcscntcd only by a sclochinn
(Dasyatidae, flasyaris sc11aejJeri) and an indctcrrninatc crocodile
(Marshall et al., 1985). There a r e also abundant gastropods
(Melanidne, Melania potosicnsis) which unTortunulcly nrc not useful
for ngc rcsotulion (Ahllcld & A r i i n i s n , t960). t4iglicr i n lhc scction,
along the Rio Pucarani, is an uppcr EI Molino bone bed with
Siluriforines (Ariidae, Rhineastes sp.), indeterminate turtles and
At Vila Vila (=Villa Viscarra), about 9 0 krn southeast of
Cochabamba and 6 kin northwest from Tiupampa, a fossil level in
the lower El Molino about 100 ni above the base of the Cretaceous
section (see Marshall el al., 1985, Fig. 4) has yielded some of the
saine selachians recorded by Cappetta (1975) from t h t lower El
Molino at Torotoro (Prtcuprislis branisi, Isclryrliiza hartenbergeri,
Pircabaris hoffsfefreri);numerous actinopterygian fishes: holostean
Pycnodontiformes (Pycnodontidae, indet.), Semionotiformes
(Semionotidae. nov. gen.); teleostean Characifornies (Serrasalmidae,
Myleinae). Siluilformes (Ariidne, Rlrinensres sp.. Andinichthyidae
indet.), cf. Cyprinodontiformes; Brachiopterygii (=Cladistia),
Polyptcriforines (Polypteridae, Dnjerelln srrdmnericnnn; Gayet &
Meunier, 1991a, b. c); Dipnoi (Lepidosirenidne, Lepidosiren cf.
paradma; Schultzc, 199In); n turtlc (Iodocllciiiididrlc. ?I?o.toc/wI.ys
cf. v i l ~ ~ i l ~ t ~ fjroiii,
s i s ; 199I),und two iiidctcrniinotc ciocotlilcs
(Marshall et al., 1985).
Two new localities were discovered during the 1989 field scnson,
Estancia lnnco Rancho and Iiijcha Patii, niidwoy along the CliznAnznldo road, about 40 kin southeast of Cochabanibn. At Pajchn
Pata (lower EI Molino) were recovered reniaiils of selachians
(Pucubaris Iroffstetreri, Pucaprisfis brunisi), holostean
Pycnodontiformes (Pycnodontidac, Coelodrcs toncoensis;
Lep is o s tc id tic, Lep isosf e I I s s p. ; g II II o id li o 1os te nn sc a ICs ) ,
Clupeifornies (Gasreroclrrpea branisai), Siluriformes (Ariidae,
Rhineasfes sp.; Andinichthyidae, indet.), cf. Cyprinodontifoniies,
numerous bones belonging to as yet unidentified small teleosteans,
lungfish teeth (Lcpidosirenidae, Lepidosiren cf. L . paradoxo),
amphibian Anura, one vertebra which could be an atypical Urodela,
two other vertebrae which have the morphology of a Urodeln but are
procoelic (the vertebrae of Urodela are always ophisto- o r
amphicoelic), probably a snake, a tooth of a sninll tlieropod


Figure 4. Detailed map of tlie Tiupampa area (for location, see Fig. 2) showing localities (1-9)from the principal vertebrate level of Ille
Santa Luca Formation, a n d localities in lhe middle (A) and upper (B) El Molino Formation. Tiupampa is the local name used by
Quechua indiuns for tlie urea shown on lhe mup. Bused on Cnrln Nacionul, Ihliviu, Sun Vicenle Quudrungle (see cuption lo Fig. 3).
(Coelurosauria; Marshall,, 1989b), indeterminate turtles. various
crocodiles nnd indeterminate trackways. At Blanco Rancho (upper El
Molino) were found Clupeirormes (Gusleroclupeu brunisui).
Siluriformes (Ariidae, RltineasfPs sp.), cf. Cyprinodontilormes,
turtles and numerous ostracods.
Trackways of small bipedal dinosaurs (Coelurosauria?) are
recorded from Abpampa at Cerrito de Llamachaqui, Departrnent of
Polosi (Leonardil 1981).
Fragments of large bones, possibly of dinosaurs, and "dientes de
tipo cnico simple" were observed in a level with gastropods in tlie
El Molino Formation near La Cabaa, north of Parotani and west of
the Ro Rocha about 35 km southwest of Cochabamba (Ahlfeld &
Branisa, 1960).
Leonardi (1981: 935) reports a series of six poorly preserved
footprints of a bipedal dinosaur in the Santa Luca Fonnation along
the Cochabamba-La Paz road near Parotani in the Suticollo Syncline,

soutlieast of .Cochabamba. These are apparently the sanie foolprints

the lower EI Molino
described by Mnrshall & Molina (1990)
Formntion 4 km south-soulhenst of Satitivafiez rind 10 kin east of
Parotani: The best preserved footprints appear referable to an
ornithopod, probably of the family Hadrosauridae, while
others may represent a small theropod, possibly a
From Sayari at km 87 on the road from Cochabamba to Oruro, R.
CCspedes recovered remains of a selachian (Pucupristis brrurisi), a
siluriform (Ariidae, Rhineusles sp.) and an indeterminate turtle from
the lower EI Molino (specimens in the Museo de Historia Natural,
Chullpa Khasa, 6 km southwest of Morochata, has yielded a fish
mandible (Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae, Phareodontinae) and
remains of reptiles (turtles, crocodiles) from an undetermined EI
Molino member.

Figure 5. Stratigrapliic sections of late Cretaceous-Paleocene rock units at Tiupampa, Pajclia Pata (+ Estancia
Ulanco Rancho), Torotoro (+ Caranota),' Potosl (road to La Falca and Cayara) and, in part, Agua Clara, showing
location of main fossiliferous levels. Undecompacted thicknesses. The base of the unconformable Cayara
Formation, is held horizontal. Fm, Formation; I, lower; m, middle; u, upper; Pz,Paleozoic: 1
,erosional surface; 2,
conglomerates; 3, conglomeratic sandstones; 4, sandstones; 5, fining and/or thinning-upward; 6, siltstones and
mudstones; 7, carbonates (mostly limestones); 8, coarsening and/or thickening-upward; 9, gypsum; 10, tuffite
bed; 1
,stromatolitic level; 12, dissolution breccia; 13, channels; 14, cross-bedding; 15, oiiids; 16, calcareous
cement; 17, rooting; 18, coalescent rhizolith-rich levels; 19, bioturbation; 20, red color predominant; 21, dinosaur
trackways; 22, vertebrate-bearing levels. All sections measured by T. Sempere, except parts of TorotoroCaranota and Potos (respectively by tlie Brigadas 10 and 9 of YPFU) and of Pajclia Pata and Agua Clara (by G .
Camoin and J. M. Rouchy); all were checked by the authors.


A vertebrate fauna descrilxd originally as of possible Palcocelie

age was reported forti Uie northern flank of tlie Huarachani syncline,
just north of tlie pueblo Huarachani along the Bolivia-Peru border
north of Lake Titicaca (Argollo el al., 1987). The fauna includes a
fish (Osteoglossoitiorplia, Osteoglossidae, Phareodontinae; Gayet,
1987b, 1991) and a crocodile vertebra (Mesosuchia, Dyrosauridae,
gen. arid sp. indet.). However, these fossils come from the middle
nieinber of the El Molino Formation (called Ococoya Formation in
this area; Fig. 1), and are therefore of late Cretaceous age (Martinez,
1980: 183; Gayet, 1987b; Mourier el al., 1986, 1988: 171; see
6 . Northern Subaridean belt
About GO-70 in above the base of the late Cretaceous age EslaMn
Formation (=Flora Formation s.1. of Perry, 1963), from levels that
cnii bc correlated to the lower El Molino, nloiig the Rlo Flora, 315
kin north-northwest of La Paz, were collected rcmains of
Pucaprislis sp. (=anclioprisris), Gaslerocllrpea brunisai and
charophytes (including Peckichara compressa) (Perry, 1963; DBvila
& Ponce de Lc611, 1971). I n the saine area, Gasferoclupea branisai
was recovered froin the overlying Flora Forination S.S., an quivalent
of the upper El Molino (Vernet & Bokllo, 1975).

7. Central Subandeen belt

Sanjins-Saucedo (1982) and M p e z (1983) reported remains of
Gasteroclupea branisai from the Cajones Formation (partly or
totally equivalent to the EI Molino Formation; Fig. 1) in the Moile
Syncline along tlie Ro Moile about 95 kin west-northwest of Santa
Cruz. The level in which the fossils were foulid probably represents
the upper El Molino.


The richest vertebrate fauna, in ternis of both number and quality
of specimens, is from Tiupampa about 9 5 k m southeast of
Cochabamba (Figs. 2, 4). Two fossil levels at Tiupampa belong to
the basal iniddlc and upper EI Molino (sec nbovc). A third fossil
level is located about 130 in above the base of the Cretaceous section
(see Marshall el al., 1985, Fig. 4). Sempere & Marshall (in press)
dcinonstratc that this innin rossil level, which represents the type
fauna of the Tiupainpian Land Mammal Age (Marshall. 19890)
belongs to the Santa Luca Forniation.(see Figure 5). The following
vertebrate taxa are recorded:
a) Fishes (Gayet. 1988b. 1990, 1991; Gayet & Meunier, 1991a.
199 1b, 1992; Schultze, 1991a): teleostean Clupeiforrnes (Clupeidae.
Gasteroclupeinae, Gasreroclupea branisai), Osteoglossiformes
(Osteoglossidae, Phareodontinae, Pliareodusichfltys favernei;
Osteoglossinae. incerfae sedis) (Hiodontidae sensu Muizon el al.,
1 9 8 3 is a confusion with Osteoglossinae; Gayet, 1991),
C h a r a c i f o r m e s , (Characidae, Tetragonopterinae, indet., cf.
Rhoadsiinae; Serrasalmidae, Serrasalminae, Myleinae; Erythrinidae,
Hoplias nov. sp.). Siluriformes (Ariidae, Rhineasles sp.;
AndinichUiyidae, Aridiniclllliys bolivianensis; families incerrae sedis


1 and 2 , IfofJsfertericltrltyspucai and Incaiclirhys srrarezi),
Perciformes (Centropoinidnc), Polyptcriforines (Iolyptcridne,
Dajelella sudanicrictmn) and Dipiioi (Ccratodoiitidnc, Ccralodrts sp.
and cerntodont n. g., n. sp.; Lepidosirenidne, Lepidosiren cf.
b) Amphibians (Rage, 1986, 1991a): Anura (Leptodactylidae);
Gymnophiona (family indet.).
c) Turtles (Broin, 1988, 1991): Podocnemididae, Roxockelys cf.
d) Lizards (Rage, 1991b): Lacertilia, ?Iguanidae and family indet.
e ) Snakes (Rage, 1991b): Aniliidae n. g.; Boidae, two species
indet.; ?Maqtsoiidae; Tropidopliiidae.
f) Crocodiles (Buffetaut, 1991; Buffetaut & Marshall, 1991):
Mesosuchia, Sebecidae, Sebecris querejazus; Dyrosauridae,
Sokorosucltus aff. iwiwilsoni. .
g) Mammals (Muizon el al., 1983; Muizon, el al., 1984a, b;
Marshall el al., 1983a, 1985. 1989; Muizon & Marshall, 1985,
198711, b, c. d, 1988, 1991. in press; Marshall, 1992: Marshall &
Muizon, 1988, 1992): Dcllotlicroidn (family indel,, J a ~ k h ~ d ~ / p l
ntinufus), Peradectia (Ieradcctidae, Peradectinae, Pcradcctes
a u s ~ r i n ~ n ~ ;Caroloainegliiiiiinne,
tiariotialgeograpliica), Microbiotheria (Microbiotheriidae, Kliasin
cordi llerensis), Did e l pli i ni or p Ii ia (Did e 1pli id oc, Did el pli i ri ne,
Piicadelpltys andinris, Incudelpliys anriqrrus, Mizquedelphys
pilpinensis; Eobrasiliinae, Tirilordia floresi), Sparassodonta
(H a t h 1i ac y n id a e, A I l qo k ir 11s a us I r a 1i s ) , Pa u c i tub e r c u 1at a
(Kollpaniidae. Kollpnnia fiupanipina), order and family indet.
(Andinodelpliys cochabanibensis), Leptictida (Palaeoryctidae?, cf.
Ciniofesles sp.), Pantodonta (Pantolambdidae, Alcidedqrbignya
inopinafa), Condylarthra (Hyopsodontidae, Mioclaeninae,
Tiuclaenus niinulus, Molinodus suarezi, Pucanodus gagnieri,
Andinodus boliviensis), and Notoungulata (cf. Henricosbomiidae or
Oldfieldthomasiidae, gen, et sp. indet.).
Criadero de Loro, a new locality about 1.2 km soutii-southeast of
the quarry at Tiupampa and from the sanie horizon (Fig. 4, locality
7). was discovered in 1989. The taxa seem to be the scarne as those
from the quarry and adjacent localities (Fig. 4, localities 1-6, 9) and
include, Siluriformes (Ariidae. Rhineasles sp.), Perciformes
(Centropornidae), Polypteriformes (Polypteridae, Dajetella
sudamericana), nu iiicrous 1a rgc lu iig fis li t ce t h (includi ti g
Ceratodoiitidiic and Lepidosircnidac), snnkcs (oidac sp. indct.),
turtles (?Roxochelys vilavilensis), crocodiles and a pantodont
(Alcidedorbignya inopinafa).
At Viln Vilb, om tin u p p x lcvcl lociilcd nbout LGO ni above the
base of tlie Cretaceous section (see Marshall el al., 1985, Fig. 4),
have come a turtle (Podocnemididae, ?Roxochelys vilavilensis;
Broin, 1971) and a crocodile (Sebecosuchia, Sebecidae, Sebecus
querejazus; Buffetnut & Marshall, 1991).
At Uie two newly discovered localities of Estancia Blanco Rancho
and Pajcha Pata, south of Cliza (Fig. 2), are bone beds of the lower
and/or upper members of the EI Molino described above, which are
overlain by red sandstones of the Santa Lucia Formation similar Lo
those at Tiupampa (Montao, 1968). A brief survey of Blanco
Rancho resulted in the recovery of numerous teleostean fishes
(Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae; Siluriformes, Ariidae,
R liin ea st es sp., A n d i ni c li thy id ae , i nd e t er m i na te te leo st s),
amphibians, crocodiles (Dyrosauridae, complete skulls), turtles




1. Serrana de Mandeyapecua

31. Calazaya
32. Cayara (Cerro Muyurina)
33.* La Paka (Doliciwciranipsamininia level)
34, Pajcha Pata
35. Estancia.Blanco Rancho
36. RoFlora
37. Ro Moile
38. Tiupampa (Ro Pucnrani)

2. Quebrada de Charagua
3. Macha
4. Calerlas (dinosaur footprints)

5. Aguaclara
6. La Paka

39. Arapampa (dinosaur footprints)

40. Camargo (diiiosiiur footprints)
41, Chullpn Khasa
42. Jay-Jay
43. Serpa
44. Tambo Colorado
45. Toinave
46. Torotoro (Cruz Khasa)

7. Aguaclara
8. Cayara (Cerro Muyurina)
9. Chocaya (Ro Angosto)
10. Hotel Cordillera near Wila Khasa; Quebrada Saytu Jokhu with
11. La Palca (black shale level with Gasteroclupea, and below
12. Pajcha Pata
13. Kanclio Hoyada (Quebrada Texisca)
14. Sayari (km 87)
15. Scvaruyo
16. Torobro (Ceiro Llama Chaqui. dinosaur footprink)
17. Torotoro (Uma Jalantn cave, dinosaur Foolprints)
18. Torotoro (Uma Jalantn road, dinosaur footprints)
19. Torotoro (pista de danzas. dinosaur footprints)
20. Torotoro (selachian level)
21. Vila Vila (Piccaprisky icvel)
22. Wila Kliasa (km 100)
23. Ro Flora
24. Parotani (=Santivaez) (dinosaur footprints)


47. Chaupi Khocha
48. Maragua
49. Pajcha Pata
50. Estancia Blanco Rancho
5 1. Tiupampa (quarry and associated localilies)
52. Tiupampa (Criadero de Loro)
53. Torotoro
54. Vila Vila

55. Cliaupiuno
56. Villa Iachcco


25. Hotel Cordillera (near Wila Khasa)

26. Huaracliani

Rancho Hoyada (Quebrada Texisca)

Tiupampa (Hera Mokho)
Torotoro (Ro Cuchira Waykho)
Vilcapujio m i l a Apacheta)




Order Rajiformes
Suborder Sclerorhynchoidei
Family Sclerorhynchidae
Pucaprisris branisi Schaeffer, 1963
Iscltyrltiza Iturtenbergeri Cappetta, 1975
slronwri Cappetta, 1975
' Order Myliobatiformes
Family Dasyatidae
Dasyaris branisai Cappetta, 1975
Dagtis molinoensis Cappetb. 1975
Dasyatis scltucfleri Cnppeltn. I975
Dasyaris nov. sp. 1
Dasyatis nov. sp. 2
Dasyalis nov. sp. 3
Family Rhoinbodonlidnc
Pucabah ltoflslelteri Cnppclln. 1975
Pucabah nov. sp.


Subclass Actinopterygii
Superorder "Holostei"
Order F'ycnodontiormes
Family Pycnodontidae
Coelodus roncoensis Benedetto & Sanchez, 1972
Pycnodontidae indet.
Order Semionotiformes
Family Semionotidae
Lepidoles sp.
nov. gen.
Order Ginglymodi
Family Lepisosteidae
Lepisosteus sp.
Superorder Tclcostci
Order Clupciforincs
Family Clupeidae
Gasreroclupeo branisai Signeux in Branisa et al. 1964
Order Osteoglossiformes
Fnrnily Oskoglossidse
Subfamily Phareodontinae
Pkaerodusiclitlzys tavrnei Gayet, 1991
Subfsinily Osteoglossinae
nov. gen.
Order "Salmoniformes"
Family Enchodontidae
Emhodis sp.
Suborder ichthyotringoidei
Family incertae sedis 1
? Apdeodus sp.

Family incertae sedis 2

gen. and sp. indel.
Order Cypriniformes
Family incertae sedis
Moliniclitliys inopinatus Gayct, 1982c
Order Characiformes
Family Erythrinidae
Hoplias nov. sp.
cf. Hoplias
Family Senasalmidae
Subfamily Myleinae
gen. and sp. indel.
cf. Subfamily Serrasalminae
gen. and sp. indel.
Family Characidae
Subfamily Tetragonopterinae
gen. and sp. indel.
cf. Subfamily Rhoadsiinne
gen. and sp. indel.
Order Siluriformes
Family Ariidae

Superfamily Andiniclithyoidea
Family indef.
nov. gen.
Family Andinichthyidae
Andiniclttliys bolivianensis Gayet, 1988b
Family incertae sedis 1
Incaichfhyssuarezi Gayet, 199Ob
Family incerlae sedis 2
Hoffsfettericlitkys pucai Gayet, 19Wb
at least five gen. and sp. nov.
Superorder Atherinomorpha
cf. Order Cyprinodontiformes
gen. and sp. indel.
Superorder Acnnthopterygii
Order Perciformes
Suborder Percoidei
Family Centropomidae
gen and sp. indel.
Order Tetraodontifonnes
Family Eotrigonodontidae
Slepl~anodrrsniinintus Gayet, 1991

Subclass Sarcopterygii
Order Dipnoi
Family Ceratodontidae
Ceratodirs sp.
gen. and sp. indel.
Family Lepidosirenidae
Lepidosiren cf. paradoxa


Order Polypteriformes'
Family Polypteridae
Dajetella sudaniericana Gayet & Meunier, 1991




Order A n u a
Family Lepldactylidae
gen. and sp. indel.
Order Gymnophiona
Family indel.
gen. and sp. indet.
Order Urodela
Family indel.
gen. and sp. indet.
Order Ch,elonia
Family Podocnemididae

? Roxoclielys vilavilensis Broin, 1971

CJ vilavilcrisis
Order Squaiiintn

Suborder Lncertilia
Family ?Iguanidae
gen, and sp. indel.
Family indet.
gen. and sp. indel.
Suborder Ophidia
Family Aniliidae
gen. and sp. indet.
Family Boidae
gen. and sp. 1indel.
gen. and sp. 2 indel.
Family ?Madtsoiidae
gen. and sp. indel.
Family Tropidopheidae
gen. and sp. indel.
Order Crocdilia
Suborder Mesosuchia
Family Sebecidae
Sebecus querejazus Buffetaut & Marshall, 1991
Family Dyrosauridae
Sokotosukus aff. ianwilsoni Halstead, 1975
Suborder Eusuchia
Family Dolichochampsidae
Dolickoclmnpsa niininla Gasparini & Buffclnut, 1980
Order Saurischin
Suborder Tlieropda
Infraorder Coelurosauria
gen. and sp. indet.
Suborder Sauropodomorpha
Infraorder Souropoda
gen, and sp. indel.
Order Omithischia
Suborder Ornithopoda
gen. and sp. indel.
Suborder Ankylosauna or Ceratopsia
Ligabueiclinium bolivianum Leonardi. 1984
Order indef.
gen. and sp. indel.

Infraclass Metatheria
Order Deltatheroida
Family inder.
Jaskliadelphys niinutus Marshall & Muizon, 1988
Order Peradectia
Family Peradectidae
Subfamily Peradectinae
Peradectes austrinuni (Sig, 1971)
Sublamily Caroloamegluniinae
RobertlioffstetferianafionalgeograpliicaMarshall et al., 1983
Order Microbiotheria
Family Microbiotheriidae
Khasia cordillerensis Marshall k Muizon, 1988
7 Order 'Didelphimorphia
Family Didelphidae
Subfamily Didelphinae
Pucadelpliys andinus Marshall & Muizon, 1988
Incadelpliys untiqrrrrs M ~ ~ l i a&l lMuizon. 1988
M i z y r t e d e l ~ ~ l i y s p i l ~ ~ iM
n e~~~i sl i i &
i l lMuizoii, 1988
Subfamily Eobrasiliinae
Tiulordiafloresi Marshall & Muizon, 1988
Order Sparassodonta
Family Hathliacynidae
Aflqokirrlsaustralis Marshall & Muimn, 1988
Order Polydolopoidea
Family Polydo Iopdae
Epidolops sp.
Order Paucituberculata
Family Kollpaniidae
Kollpania fiupanipinaMarshall & Muizon, 1988
Order indef.
Family indef.

Andinodelpliys cocliabunibensis Marshall & Muizon, 1988

Infraclass Eutheria
Order Lepticrida
Family Pnlnporyctidae?
cf. Ciniolesres sp.
Order Pantodonta
Family Pantolambdidae
Alcidedorbignyn inopinafa Muizon & Marshall. 1987a
Order Condylartlua
Family Hyopsodontidae
Subfamily Mioclaeninae
Tiuclaenus niinirfus Muimn & Marsliail, 1987b
Molinodus suarezi Muizon & Marshall, 1987c
Andinodus boliviensis Muizon & Marshall, 1987c
Pucanodus gagnieri Muizon &.Marshall, 1991
Order Notoungulata
Family cf. Henricosbomiidae or Oldfieldtliomasiidae
gen. and sp. indef.




STRATIGWHIC OCCURRENCE BASED ON INFORMATION IN TABLE 1 AND TEXT. Abbreviations: Ca. Castelln Formation; Mi, Mirdores Formation;
Ar, Aroifilla Formation; Ch, Chaunaca Formation.


EI Molino Formation




Fm Fm

h s Sclachii
Order Rajiforms
Suborder Sclemrhynchoidei
Family Sdcmrhynchidae
Puraprisrir branis
lschyrhiza harrenbergen
Schizorhiza 4.srromcri
Order Myliobatifonnes
Family Dasyatidae
D q a r i s bradsat'
D q a r i s molinoemis
D q a r i s Schaeffer
D q a t i s nov. sp. 1
Dasyaris nov. sp. 2
D q a t i s nov. sp. 3
Family Rhombodontidae
Purabarir hoffsreneri
Purabatis nov. sp.

lass Ostcichthyes
;uklass Actinoptcrygii
Maclass "Holostei"
Order Pycnodontiformes
Family Pycnodontidac
Coelodur roncoqsis
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Sanionotiforma
Family Smiqnotidac
Lepidores sp.
gen. and sp. nov.
Order Ginglymodi
Family Lepisostcidac
LepisosteUr sp.

nfmclass Teleostei
Order Clupciformes
Family Qupcidae

lower member

middle mb

11.12 14.20.21



Santa Luca

upper member




















3235.36, 37



El Molino Formation



lower member

Order Osteoglossifo~es
Family Osteoglossidae
Subfamily Phareodontinac
Subfamily Ostcoglossinae
gcn. and sp.nov.
Ordcr "Sahoniformes"
Family Enchcdontidae

I, 13

Rhineasres sp.
Superfamily Andinichthyoidca
Family indet.
gen. nov.
Family Andinichthyidae
Andinichthys boiivianensis

Family incertae redis










Family inccmc sedis 1
?Apareo& sp.
Family incenac sedis 2
gen. and sp. indct.
M e r Cypriniforms
Family incenae sedis
Order Characiformes
Family Erylhrinidac
Hoplias nov. sp.
cf. Hoplias
Family Semsahidac
Subfamily Myle/e
gen. and sp. inder.
d Subfamily Senasalminac
gen. and sp. indef.
Family Characidae
gen. and sp. inder.
cf. Subfamily Rhoadsiinae
gen. and sp. indef.
Ordcr Siluriformes
Family Ariidae


upper member


middle mb

Santa Luca












7,9, 12, 13, 14.21











Superorder Athcrinomorpha
d.Order Cyprinodontiforma
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Percifoms
SuborderR a i d c i
Family Centropomidae
gen. and sp. ider.
Family Eotrigonodontidae
Srephamdus m ' m h u
'ubdas Sarwptcrygii
Order Dipnoi
Family Ccratodontidae
Cerotodur sp.
Family Lepidcsiddac
Lepidosiren cf. paraaka


El Molino Formation
lower member

middle mb




Santa Luca

upper member




I, 13





ass Cladistia (= Brachioptcrygii)

Order Polyptcrifoms
Family Polyptcridae
Dajetella sudamericana


ass Amphibia

Orderh u r a
Family Leptodactylidae
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Gymnophiom
Family inder.
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Urodcla
.Family inder.
gen. and sp. inder.

ES Reptilia
>der Chelonia
Family Podocncmididae
? Roxochelys vilavilensir
? Roxochelys cfi vilavilensis
Order Squamata
Family ?Iguanidac
gen. and sp. inder.

Family inder.
gen. and sp. inder.
Suborder Ophidia
Family Aniliidae
gen. and sp. inder.















Family Boidac
gen. and sp. inder. 1
gen. and sp. inder. 2
Family ?MvIatroiidae
gen. and sp. inder.
Family Tmpidopheidac
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Cmcodilia
Suborder Mesmuchia
Family Scbecidae
Sebeeu querejazu

lass Mammalia
Order Deltathemida
Family inder.
Jmkhadelphys minufus
Order Peradmia

Family Peradcctidae
Subfamily Pcradeainae
Peradectes aurrrinum
Subfamily Camloameghh/mae
Roberrhoffsreneria nafionalgeographica

Santa Luca

El ?olino Form:
lower member

middle mb

upper member





33, 38

48-50, 51 .


Family Dyrosauridac
S o k o i o s h off.iamviLrod
Suborder Eusuchia
Family Dolichochampsidae
Doliehochampsa minima
Order Saurischia
Infraorder Coeiumsauna
gen. and sp. inder.
&order Saumpoda
gen. and sp. inder.
Order Omirhischia
Suborder Omithopoda
gen. and sp. inder.
Suborder Ankylosauria or Ceratopsia
Ligabueichnium bolivianum
Order Inder.
gen. and sp. inder.



12,16,17. 18







lower member

EMolino For
middle mb

_ _

Order Microbiotheria
Family Microbiotheriidae
Khasia cordil!eremis
Order Didelphimorphia
Family Diddphidae
Subfamily Didclphinae
Pucadelphys andinus
Incadelphys m q m
Mizquedelphys pilpinensis
Subfamily Eobrasiliinac
Order Spalassodonta
Family Hathliacynidae
-Allqokim ausrrab
Oder Polydolopoidea
Family Polydolopidae
Epidolops sp.
Order Paucituberntlata
Family Kollpaniidae
Kollpam'a riupampina
Oder indct
Family inder.
Andinodelphys cochabambenris
Infmclass Euthcria
Oder Lcptictida
Family Palacoryctidae?
cfi Cimolesressp.
Oder Pantadonta
Family Pdntolambdidac
Alcidedorbignya inopinata
Order Condylanhra
Family Hyopsodontidac
Subfamily Moclaeninae
Tiuclaenm minurus
h d ~ d uboliviensis
Pucanadur gagnien

Order Notoungulata
Family cf. Hennmsborniidae
or Oldfieldthomasiidae
gen. and sp. indct

Santa Luca

upper member



. .











( ? R o x o c l ~ e l y sv i l a v i l e n s i s , complete shells), and mammals

(Didelphimorphia. Didelphidae, indet.; Polydolopoidea,
Polydolopidae. Epidolops sp.). Indeterminoted turtles and crocodiles
were observed at Pajcha Pata.
About 3 kin south of Torotoro, remains of lungfish
(Cerntodontidae, Ceratodus sp.; Lepidosirenidae, Lepidosiren cf.
paradoxa), turtles (?Roxochelys cf. vilavilensis), crocodiles and an
indeterminate mammal were collected from a sequence of fine to
medium grained red sands of the Santa Luca Formation (Marshall et
al., 1985; Broin 1991; Schultze, 1991a) (Fig. 3).
At Maragua (18 km west of Sucre) and Chaupi Khocha (11 km
west-northwest of San Lucas) were collected remains of silurifonns
fishes (Ariidae), turtles and crocodiles by M. Gayet and L. G .
Marshall in September 1989.

Fossil vertebrates of possible late Paleocene age were recovered
from two localities of lhe Impora Formation in the Camargo
Syncline. southern Bolivia. One is on the north side of Villa I'acheco
near the Ro San Juan del Oro, about 14 km norlh of Tojo, which has
yielded remains of siluriform fishes. Just north of this locality
rcntiiins of crocodics yid turtles were collected. The other localily is
at Chaupiuno, about 60 km norUiwest of Tarija. where indeterminate '
fish remains were found.



In northwestern Argentina, a sauropod (Titanosauridae,

Laplatasaurus sp.) and a theropod (family incerfae sedis,
Unqirillosaitrus ceibalii) are known from the Los Blanquitos
Formation (a temporal equivalent of the Chaunaca and/or Aroifilla
formations) in the upper part of the Pirgua Subgroup (Powell, 1979)
(Fig. 1). Frogs (Eokenepoidae, Eoxenepoides saltensis) are known
from the Las Curtiembres Formation, which transitionally underlies
the Los Blanquitos Formation (Parodi-Bustos, 1962).
From the Lecho Formation (a basal lower EI Molino equivalent;
Flg. 1) are reported sauropods (Titanosauridae, Salfasuirrus
loricatus), Coelurosauria (Noasauridae, Noasaurus leali) and
theropods (Carnosauria indet. and Avisauridae. Avisaurus
archibaldi) (Bonaparte et al., 1977; Bonaparte & Powell, 1980;
Brett-Surman & Paul, 1985; Bonaparte, 1986). The Yacoraite
Formation (nnothcr EI Molino equivalent; Fig.1) lias yielded a
crocodile (Dolichocliai~ipsidae,Doliclrochunipsa niininru: Gasparini
& Duffetaut, 1980) which was collected in association with a
pycnodont (Coelodits toncoensis; Benedetto & Sanchez, 1972), a
clupeid (Gasleroclirpea branisai) and turitellid gastropods (see
Gasparini & Buffetaut, 1980; Cione et al., 1985: 296). Other taxa
reported from various localities and levels of the Yacoraite
Formation include a selachian (Pucaprisfis brunisi) and a siluriform
(indet.) (Cione et al., 1985; Powell, 1979: 202); the tooth of an
indeterminate theropod (Powell, 1979: 203); and trackways of
carnosaurs (Sa~ifichnusnienfoor), ornithopods (Hadrosauridae?.

I~adrosauricliniisarisfralis, Taponiclinrrs donoftoi, 7'elosiclirt~is

saltensis), indeterminate reptiles, and birds (Yacoraifichnrrs avis)
(Alonso, 1980; Alonso & Marquillas, 1986).
The Mealla Formation (a Santa Lucia equivalent; Fig. 1) has
yielded remains of teleostean fishes (indet.), turtles (indet.) and two
no Io un gu 1a t e inn i n ni a 1s (Henri c o s bo r n i id ae , Sinip son o t u s
praecursor, S.nidjor; Pascual et al., 1978), whereas the Maz Gordo
Formation (an Impora Formation equivalent; Fig. 1) has yielded
specimens of teleostean fishes (Callichthyidae, Corydoras revelat us;
Poeciliidae, indet.), pleurodire turtles ("Podocneniis" argenfinensis;
Cattoi & Freiberg, 1958) and possibly a notoungulate mammal
(Henricosborniidae, Sinipsonofus sp.) (Pascual el al., 1981).
In northern Chile, the following vertebrates are reported from
Senonian age rock units: a selachian (Pucapristis brunisi) from the
Tonel Formation (=lower part of Purilactis Formation S.I.) (pide
Cione e / QI., 1985) and dinosaurs (sauropods indet.) from the
Estratos de Quebrada Blanca de Poquis (an EI Molino equivalent)
and the base of the Pajonnles Formation (Salinas ef al., 199la. b).
III bru, vertebrates from the Vilqucchico Formation at its type
locality near Vilquechico, include Pucaprisfis branisi and
Casteroclupeu branisai (DBvila & Ponce de Le6n, 1971; Cione CI
al., 1985: 297). A more detailed faunal list is provided by Jaillard et
01. (it1 press). From the hiisc o f llicir niidtllc Vilqucchico Forinii~ion
(a Chaunaca Formation equivalent) they report three fish
(P/ychofrygon sp., rhinobatid?, actinopterygian). Their upper
Vilquechico Formation is divided into three sequences which are
equivalent, 'respectively, to the lower, middle and upper EI Molino
members in Bolivia. From the lower sequence they report an
actinopterygian , fish and name two dinosaur trackways
(Coelurosauria, Ornithomimidae, Ornithoniiniipus jaillardi;
Ornithopda, Hadrosauridae. Nadrosaitriclinus f iticucaensis); from
the base of the middle sequence are two fish (Pucapristis brunisi and
an actinopterygian); and from the upper sequence are two fish
(Dusyafissp. and an actinopterygian) and numerous charophytes.
At Laguna Umayo, from what was called the Vilquechico
Formation and is now called the Umayo Formation (Laubaclier &
Marocco, 1990, Jaillard et al., in press) are reported charophytes,
actinopterygian fishes (Characiformes, Erythrinidae, Hoplias sp.,
Serrasalmidae, Myleinae, indet., Characidae. Tetragonopterinae,
indet.; Siluriformes iricertae sedis; Perciforiiics, family indet.),
lu n g fis li (Cer a todo n t id tie, Cera to dir s s p., Lep id os ir en id ne,
Lepidosiren cf. paradoxa), frogs (Leptodactylidae indef.), snakes
(Aniliidne), turtles (Podocnemididae, ?Roxochelys cf. vilavilemis),
crocodiles (indct.), egg shell fragments reportedly of dinosaurs,
marsupials (Pcrndcctidnc, Perudecles arrstrirrrinr; Didelphidac?;
Pedioinyidae or Microbiotheriidae), and two placentals
(Co nd y 1art lira, Dido lo don t id ae, undes c r ibed ; No to ling u Ia ta,
Perutlieriidae, Perutlterirrni alfiplanense) (Grambast cf al., 1967;
Sigf. 1968, 1971, 1972; Bonaparte & Powell, 1980; Riige. 1981;
Marshall ef al., 1983b, 1985; Kerourio & Sig& 1984; Marshall &
Muizon, 1988; Schultze, 1991a; Gayet, personal observation).



There are four important vertebrate faunas outside the Andean
basin that warrant special consideration: they are' from the Los
Alamitos Formation in Patagonia (late Cretaceous). the Adaitiantina

niid Mnrllin formations i n the Inruiil bnsin (Inle Crctaccous), tile
nnco Negro Infcrior in Pntngonin (middle Inlcocenc?), nnd ti~e

fissure fillings in the limestones of S o Jose de Itabornl near Rio de

Janeiro (middle Paleocene?).

1. Late Cretaceous
From the Los Alamitos Formation at Estancia Los Alainitos in Rlo
Negro Province, southern Argentina, numerous vertebrate fossils
were found in Ulis mainly brackish-lacustrine rock unit which was
tentatively assigned a late Campanian-early Maastrichtian age
(Bonaparte el al., 1987). The taxa include: selachians (Batoidei,
indet.), holosteans (Semionotidae, Lepidoles sp.; Lepisosteidae, cf.
Alractoslerrs sp.), teleosteans (Siluriformes, cf. Diplomystidae, cf.
Ariidae; Percifohnes, Percoidei, inder.), Neopterygii indef.
(Lepidofes or Sparidae), Dipnoi (Ptychoceratodotitidae, Cerafodirs
iheringi), amphibians (Pipidae, cf. Xenopus sp.; Leptodactylidae,
indef.),turtles (Meiolaniidae, cf. Niolamia; Chelidae, indef.),snakes
(oidnc, Mndtsoniinnc. Alaniiropliis argenfiniis, Patagoniophis
parviis, RionegropIris ntadtsoioides), dinosnurs (Titnnosauridnc,
Aelosarirus rionegrinris?: Hadrosauridac, Krilosauriis auslralis),
and innminals including Symmetrodontn (Bondesiidne. Bondesiiis
fcrox; Inm. in de^., Casaniiyiielia riomgrina: ?Spalncotlicriidac,
Brandonin interdiedia; B arbereniidnc, Barberenia araiijoae,
Qrtirogaflteriirna niajor), Dryolestoidea (Dryolestidae,
Groeberllieriunr slipanicici, G. novaci, Leonardus ciispidaliis;
Mesungulatidae, Mesiingulaluni Iioussayi; Reigitheriidae,
Reigilheriuni bunodonla), Triconodonta (Triconodontidae,
Arislrotriconodon nickennai), Multituberculata (Ferugliotheriidae,
Ferugliofheriuni wiridltauseni) and two Gondwanatheria
(Gondwanntlieriidae, Gondwanafheririnipalagoniciinr, Vucefichia
gracilis) (Albino. 1987; Baez, 1987; Bonaparte & Soria, 1983,
1985; Bonaparte, 198Ga, b, c, 1987, 1990; Bonaparte & Pascual,
1987; Bonaparte & Rougier, 1987; Broin, 1987; Cione, 1987;
Mones, 1987; Powell, 1987). In northern Patagonia, some levels of
the Los Alamitos Fonnation are probably associated with a marine
transgression from the west (Andreis, 1987). The Los Alarnitos
Formation is overlain by the transgressive marine Roca Formation of
Mnastriclitian-Daniail age (Bonnparte, 1990) which probably
corrclatcs with thc cocvnl nnd trnnsgrcssive lower EI Molino
Forniution of Bolivin. c c n u s c of their chnractcristics and
stratigraphic positions, we thus propose temporal correlation of the
Los Alarnitos Formation with the Chaunaca Formation. Hence, the
Los Alamitos Formation is likely to be of Cnmpanian age.
The vertebrate faunas from the Adainantina and Marilia
formntions (Upper Baum Group) in. the northern part of tlie Paran6
basin, southcentral Brazil, include fishes (Lepisosteiformes,
Lcpisostcidnc, Lcpisosreus coniinatoi; Osteoglossiformes,
Osteoglossidac; Characifornies; Silurifornlcs, cf. Doradidae;
Perciformes. ?Percichdiyidae), lungfish (Dipnoi, Neoceratodontidae,
Neocet afodris sp.), frogs (Lcptodactylitlac, Ba~irirbafracliiispricei).
turtles (Podocnemididae, Roxoclielys irarrisi, cf. R . elegam, aff.
Podocnentis brasiliensis), lizards (Iguanidae?, Prisligiiana
brasiliensis), snakes (inder.), crocodiles (Baurusuchidae,
Barrrrisuclius pachecoi; Peirosauridae, Peirosaurus forminni;
Goniopholidae, ?Goniopholis paulislanrts; Trematosuchidae,
Itasrichus jesuinoi; family indel.. Brasileosaurus pacltecoi,
Splragesaiirus huenei), dinosnurs (Carnosnuria, Abelisnuridae.

r I I d l y irdef.; Coclurosnurio, lnniily nov. I , nov. 2; Ssiiropd;\,

Titnnosauridnc. ?Aritarcfosnirriis brasiliensis, Iituriosnrtritscf.
australis; Ornithischia). niid mainrnals (Ilaccntalia. indct.) (Gayct 6t
rito, 1989; Bertini el al., in press). Both formations arc of
continental, mostly fluvial. origin and arc thought to bc Scnonian in
2. Middle Paleocene?

A local fauna is known from tlie Banco Negro Inferior in the base
of the Ro Chico Formation about 1km southwest of Punta Peligro
(40 km norh-northeast of Comodoro Rivadavia along the Atlantic
coast) and another at Las Flores, 60 m above the Banco Negro
Inferior in the base of the Gran Barranca south of Lago ColhuHuap. Both local faunas are in the S a n Jorge basin, Chubut
Province, southern Argentina and were discovered in January 1979
during a National Geographic Society sponsored research program
under the direction of one of tlie authors (Marshall e l al.. 1981). The
fossils from Punta Icligro includc turtles (Chelidnc, at least four
taxa; roin, 1988), crocodiles (Scbecosuchia?; Crocodylidne.
Necrosirchus ionensis Simpson. 1937; Alligntoridac, Exainian sp..
Allognatosrichris? sp.), a possiblc edentnte or niultitubcrculate
(Sudnmcricidnc, Sudrinicrica cinrcghirioi Scilleto Ynnd
1985), condylarths (Arctocyonidae and/or Mioclncnidae) and several
indeterminate bone fragments (Marshall el al., 1981, n16; Pascual &
Ortiz-Jaurcguizar, 1991). Those from Las Flores include the
polydolopoid marsupial Epidolops sp. (Iascual C Bond, 1981). and
other taxa which show affinities with Itaboraian faunas in Brazil
(Poscunl & Ortiz-Jaureguizar, 1991). Many additional fossili of
marsupials and ungulates from Las Flores were collected by L. G.
Marshall and colleagues in 1979, and numerous unpublished
specimens from both Punta Pcligro niid Las Flores are now available
(Van Valen. 1988). The Banco Negro Infcrior is predominant& a
black bentonitic mudstone (Andreis el al., 1975). The Salamanca/Ro
Chico contact records a noteworthy marine regression which,
according to associated geochronologic age constraints (Marshall el
al., 198l), probably corresponds to the major regression identified
by Haq el al. (1987) in tlie early Thanetian (about 58.0-58.5 Ma).
The Itaborai fauna comes from fissure fillings in t h early
Pnlcoccnc (?) ngc SEO Jose de ltnbornf Forinntion locntcd about 25
kin eilst of Nitcr6i. stntc of Rio de Jnnciro, Brnzil. Taxonomic lists of
this exceptionally diverse fauna are provided by Paula Couto (1970).
Palma & Brito (1976) and Marshall el al. (1983). The vertebrates
wcre recovcred from numcrous karst cavitics in a lower liniestonc
unit and predate an upper limestone unit (Brito et al., 1972). For
most specimens, their association among themselves and/or with
specific cavities was never recorded. Although sonic nianiiiials
appear referable to what has been interprcted as middle Paleocene
time (i.e. the Itaboraian Land Maniinal nge; sensu Marsliall, 1985).
others appear more progressive and may represent faunas of late
Paleocene and possibly cai ly Eoccne iigc (i.e. the Kiocliican and
Casamayoran Land Mammal Ages, respectively; see Soria. 1987;
Van Valen, 1988; A. Cione, personal comunic?tion). In the
following discussion, we regard this fauna as middle Paleocene, but
caution that it may include taxa that accumulated between middle
Paleocene nnd early Eoccne time.
Although a hydrothermal origin has been clnssically favorcd for
the SEO Jose de Itabora lncustrinc limcstones (Francisco gZ Cunlin.


1978). water level i n the tectonic iicnr-shore lake where tlie

limestones were deposited might have been controlled by the level of
the nearby Atlantic Ocean through adjustment of marine and
continental phreatic levels. In such a case, the lacustrine episode
evidenced by the lower Itabora limestones would have been coeval
with a marine highstand. Since middle (and later?, see above)
Paleocene mammals are known from the infilling of the karstic
cavities Uiat f o r m a after lake dessication, it would be possible to
correlate this highstand period with the one in the late Danian, and
the subsequent dessication with the early Thanetian regression which
is also recorded near the Salamanca/Ro Chico contact in southern
Argentina (see above). A subsequent highstand period would have
resulted in the deposition of the upper limestones of So Jose de


The Mesozoic and Ioleoccne age vertebrate fossil localities in
Bolivia (Fig. 2) are arranged in T a b l e 1 according Lo their
stratigraphic context. A systematic list of all the known fossil
vertebrates is given in Tables 2, and in Table 3 with indication of
locality and stratigraphic occurrence.
In this section we review the known occurrence of the taxa listed
in Tables 2 and 3 in order to identify their cluonostratigraphic ranges
and hence potential usefulness for calibratin8 the Bolivian rock
sequence. Of particular interest is the apparent position of the
Cretaceous/Paleocene (K/T) boundary.within the 81Molino
Formation (see below).

Chile (Schultzc. 1981). niid existed uiitil the iiiiddlc Eocene i n

marine deposits around the world (Blot, 1987). Cione (1977)
tentatively referred specimens discussed by Wenz (1969) from
Bolivia to Coelodus loncoensis which was erected by. Benedetto &
SQnchez (1972) upon material from the Yacoraite Formation of
northwest Argentina. Gayet (1991) cautions that the spccics identity
of some Bolivian pycnodontids has still to be verified, while olhers
from the lower and basal middle EI Molino Formation can be
referred with confidence to Coelodus foncoensis which was
apparently endemic LO the Andean basin.
3. Semionotiformes

In Bolivia, Lepidofes sp. was collected securely from the late

Triassic-early Jurassic. Elsewhere in South America, Lepidofes is
reported from the Tithonian (=Portlandian) of Neuqun Province,
Argentina (Aramayo, 1981). the Aptian-Albian.of Brazil (Agassiz,
1841; Roxo & Lfgrcn, 1936; Woodward, 1895, 1908) and a
possible record froin the lntc Cniiipiiiiiiiii-eiirly Munslrichtiun ngc Los
Alainitos Forination in Argentina (Cione, 1987). Elsewhere i n the
world. Lepidotes is recorded from the Rlietian of Germany to
Cretaceous/Paleocene of India (Gayet et al., 1984).
Pillow-shape scales which rcprcscnt u new gctius of thc family
Semionotidae are known only in the lower and basal iniddle
members of the EI Molino Formation in Bolivia (Gayet & Meunier,
personal observation) and in the Yacoraite Formation in Argentina
(A. L. Cione, pers. com.).

4. Cinglymodi

In Bolivia, Lepisosfeus sp. is reported from the lower and basal

middle El Molino. The earliest Lepisosteidae are reported from the
early Cretaceous of Niger (Ariunbourg & Joleaud, 1943) and Congo
(Casier, 1943). Younger fossils, including Lepisosteus, are known
In Bolivia, selachians were recovered from the lower and basal
from the late Cretaceous of India (Jain & Sahni, 1983; Gayet el al.,
middle members of the El Molino Formation. Rhombodontidae are
1984) and from the Cenozoic of Euiope, India and North America
present only in the lower member, whereas Sclerorhynchidae and
(Wiley, 1976). In South America, Lepisosteidae are known in
Dasyatidae are present in both. Sclerorhynchidae range from Albian
Argentina from the late Campanian-early .Maastrichtian age Los
to Maastriclitian (Cappetta, 1990). Schizorhiza is known only in
Alamitos Formation (cf. Atracfosferrssp.; Cione. 1987) and from the
Maaskichtian age rocks from numerous localities around tlie world
EI Abra Formation of uncertain age (A.L. Cione, pers. com.)
(Texas, Morocco, Middle-East, Niger. Nigeria and Zaire), while
Ischyrliiza ranges from the Turonian to Maastrichtian in North (Lepisosferts; M. G.. pcrs. obs.); Lepisosteris is known froin the late
America and Niger (Cappetta, 1987, 1990, 1991). Pucaprisfis Cretaceous Adainantina and Marilia formations of the Upper Bauru
(Sclerorhynchidae), Pitcubatis (Rhombodontidae) and the three Group in Brazil (Santos, 1984; Gayet & Brito, 1989; Brito & Gayet,
named species of Dusyuris (D. molinoensis, D.scltaefferi, D. in press), and the late Cretaceous of Colombin (Gayet, 1991).
Lepisosfcits cxists to Kcccnt in southenstern USA and in Cciitrul
brunisui) (Dasyatidae) are currently endemic to the Andean basin
where they are proving exceptionally useful in intra-basin correlation America,
(Cappetta, 1990). Pircuprisfis branisi is also known from a level
below another which yielded dinosaurs in the lower part of the 5. Clupeiformes
Yacoraite Formation in northwest Argentina (Powell, 1979).
Gusferoclupeu brunisui is apparently endemic to the Andean basin
Dasyalis i s known in the Cenomanian of Texas, and from
where in Bolivia it is reported from the Chaunaca (possibly),
Maastrichtian to Recent world-wide.
Cajones, all three members of the El Molino, and the Santa Luca
formations; in Argentina it is known only from the Yacoraite
2. Pycnodontiformes
Formation (Cione el al., 1985) and has never been found in
overlying Paleocene formations. The oldest known Clupeidae are
Pycnodontiformes (Pycnodontidae) were collected in Bolivia from
from the Neocoinian of northern. Kyushu, Japan (Diplonlysrus
the Chaunaca Fondation and the lower and basal middle members of
the El Molino. Colodus was reported from the lower Cretaceous of prinzofiniis, D . kokirraensis} (Uyeno, 1979).
Brazil (Santos, 1963; Wenz, 1989). Colombia (Porta, 1970) and

1. Selachians


In Bolivia, the subfamilies Osteoglossinae and Phareodontinae of

the family Osteoglossidae are recorded from the EI Molino and
Santa Lucia formations (see Table 3). The earliest record for
Ostcoglossiformes in South America is from Uie Aptian age Areado
Fonnation in Brazil (Santos, 1985) where the taxon is referred to tlie
family Arapaemidae (Laeliichtliyinae) which lias African affinities.
Phnreodontinae were reported from the Paleocene and Eocene of
Africa (Cappetta, 1972) and Europe (Woodward, 1901; Taverne,
1978), Paleocene of southeast Asia (Sanders, 1934), late Paleocene
of Turkmenia (Danil'chenko, 1968), Paleocene of Australia
(Taverne, 1975; Gayet, 1991). and middle Eocene of North America.
Thus, Lhe Phareodontinae record from the EI Molino is the earliest
known to date.
Squamules (parts of scales) of Osteoglossidae (Phareodontinae
rind Osteoglossinae) were reported in the Maastrichtian of Niger,
CrelaceouslPaleocene of India and Paleocene of Pnkistan (Gayet &
Mcunicr, 1983). Ostcoglossinae wcrc rcportcd from tlic I'aleoccnc of
Sumatra (Sanders, 1934), and range lo Rcccnt in South America,
Asia, Africa and Australia.
7. "Sulmoniformes"

In Bolivia, Enchodontidne (Enclrudus sp.) and Ichthyotringoidei

(family indet. and 7Apafeudus sp.) were collected Gom the lower
and basal middle EI Molino. Encltudus is known only from marine
Maastrichtian ake rocks in Congo (Dartevelle & Casier, 1949).
Morocco (Arambourg, 1952). Brazil ( R e h u s a s & Santos, 1956),
Europe (Goody, 1968), North America (Goody, 19691, Lebanon
(Goody, 1969) and Israel (Chalifa, 1989) to note only the most
important in both preservation and quantity.
Apafeudus is a member of the suborder Ichthyotringoidei which
ranges from early Cretaceous (?Albian) to Maastrichtian (Goody,
8. Cypriniformes
The cypriniform (Mulinichfltys inopinafus: Gayet, 1982b) from
Ihc lower and basal middlc EI Molino rcprcscnts tlic only record,
fossil or extnnt, of this ordcr in South Amcrica. Elscwlicrc in lhe
world, this group is' first known from the Eocene of North America
(Grande ef al., 1982). Gayet (1986b. c) described Raniallichfhys
from the marine Cenomanian in Israel which may be considcred an
ancestral, if not true, cypriniform.

uinnyo i n Perii (Gnyct. 199 I), Mioccnc Loyoln Formntion of

Ecuador (Roberts, 1975) arid Mioccnc of Coloiiibin (Lundbcrg et al.,
1986); Characidae (Tetragonopterinae) from the Umayo Formation
at Laguna Umayo in Peru (Gayet, 1991). Miocene of Ecuador
(Roberts, 1975) and early Mioceile of Taubat in Brazil (Schaelfcr,
1947); Characidae (indef.) from the Paleocene of Morocco (Cappeta
ef al., 1978); Serrasalmidae (Serrasalminae) and Characidae
(Rhoadsiinae) had not yet been found as fossils. The oldest known
record of characiforms outside of South America is Salniinups
ibericus from the marine late Cenomanian of Portugal (Gayet,
1985a). Characiforms range.10 Recent in Africa and in South
America. One recent genus colonized Central America.

10. Siluriformes

In Bolivia. this order is represented by members of the families

Ariidae and Andinichthyidae from both the EI Molino and Santa
Luca formations, and at lcast by two families inccrfae scdis from
thc Snntn Luch Forinntion nt Tiupempn (Gnyc~,1991).
The other known siluriforliis elsewhere in Soutli America are
represented by cf. Diplomystidae and cf. Ariidae in tlie Carnpanian
age L o s Alamitos Formation in Argentina (Cionc, 1987);
Siluriforiiics indc/. from Ilic Mnns~riclitinnrtgc Coli Toro (Cionc C
Laffite, 1980) and Yacoraite formations (Cione et al., 1985) in
Argentina; cf. Doradidae from the late Cretaceous age Adamantina
and Maria formations in the Upper Bauru Group, Brazil (Gayet &
Brito. 1989; Brito & Gayet, in press); and Ariidae from the
Maastrichtian? age Umayo Formation at Laguna Umayo in Peru
(Gayet, 1991).
The only records for Cretaceous age Siluriformes outside of South
America are a single tooth referred to Arius sp. from the latest
Cretaceous of Central India (Jain & Salini, 1983) and doubtful
otolithes from the late Cretaceous of North America (Frizzell, 1965;
Fitch, 1975).
Siluriformes are known in the Paleocene of Argentina, [Arius?
and Baclintania in Patagonia (Dolgopol d e Saez. 1941), and
Prupygidirim (Bocchino, 1964) and Coryduras (which in Recent
limes is restricted to freshwater in South America) from the Maz
Gordo Formation (ardack, 1961)J. Africa (in Congo; Dartevelle &
Casicr, 1949; Cnsicr, 1960), Europc (clgium; Leriche, 1902).
Indoncsia (Sandcrs. 1934); nnd in tlic Eoccnc of North Anicricn
(Lundberg, 1975; Grande. 1987; Grande & Lundberg, 1988), Europe
(Woodward, 1901; Casier, 1946), Africa (Peyer, 1928) and India
(Salini & Misra, 1975). Ariidae range to Recent.
11. Cyprinodontiformes

9. Characiformes
In Bolivia, this ordcr is rcprcscnlcd by the families Erytluinidac,

Serrasalmidae (including Serrasalminac and Myleinae) and

Characidae (including Tetragonopterinae and Rhoadsiinae). All these
groups have been found in the Santa Luca Formation, while
members of the Erythrinidae, Myleinae and Tetragonopterinae were
also found in tlie lower and basal middle EI Molino Formation.
The oldest previous known Erytlirinidae (Nuplias) are reported
from the Miocene of Ecuador (Roberts, 1975); Serrasalmidae
(Myleinae) from the Maastrichtian? Umnyo Formation at Laguna

In Bolivia, pharyngeal teeth from the Miraflores Forniation are

tcntatively referrcd to indelcrininate cyprinodontiforms. In the lower
member of the EI Molino Forination are known several very
primitive cf. Cyprinodontiformes (Gayet, 199 1). The earliest
previous record of this group,was from the Oligocene of France
(Gaudant. 1988). and it ranges to Recent world-wide.
12. Perciformes

In Bolivia, perciforms of lhe family Cencropomidae are known



from the Santa Ldca Formation (Gayet, 1991). Indeterminate

specimens of this order nre reported in South America from the
Campanian age Los Alamitos Formation of Argentina (Cione, 1987).
the Maastrichtian age Marlia Formation of Brazil (Gayet & Brito.
1989). and the Umayo Formation at Laguna Umayo in Peru (Gayet,
199 1). The earliest' Centropomidae were previously recorded from
the middle Eocene of Italy (Sorbin, 1970), and they range to Recent
13. Tetraodontiformes

In Bolivia, Slepltanodus (Eotrigonodontidae) is recorded from the

lower and basal middle El Molino Formation. Eotrigonodontidae
was reported from marine beds in the ?Albian-Aptian of Morocco
(Tabaste, 1964). Cenomanian of Egypt (Weiler, 1935), late
Cretaceous of Nigeria (White, 1934), Congo (Dartevelle & Casier,
1949), Niger (Tabaste, 1963; Cappetta, 1972). Morocco
(Arambourg, 1952), Israel (Raab, 1963), Upper Cretaceous of lndia
(Jain & Salmi, 1983) nnd Tertiary levels of Europe, (Leriche, 1906;
Casier, 1946), Angola (Dartevelle & Casier, 1959) and Egypt (Peyer,
1928). Eotrigonodontidae range from ?Albian-Aptian to middle
Eocene, whereas Sfeplianodus w a s reported only from the
Cretaceous (sanie rdccrcnces).

16. hmphiblans

In Bolivia, indeterminate -eptodactylidae are known only from

the Santa Luca Formation at Tiupampa. Elsewhere in South
Americn indeterminate Leptodactylidae are recorded from the
Campanian nge Los Alamitos Formation in Argentina (Baez, 1987),
and, questionably, from the Umayo Formation at Laguna Umayo in
Peru (Sig&, 1968). A probable Leptodactylidae, Bairrubafraclius
pricei has been recorded in the Maastrichtian age Marlia Formation
in Brazil (BQez, 1985; BQez & Per, 1989; Bertini et al., in press).
The oldest known Leptodactylidae are from the M a n a Formation
and the family extends to the Recent (BQez, 1987).
The oldest known Gymnophiona are represented by two vertebrae
from the Santa Luca Formation at Tiupampa (Rage, 1986, 1991b).
Previously this group was known from the middle Paleocene (at
Itabora) to the Recent.
Vertebrae of urodels are known from the lower El Molino
Formation at Pnjchn Pnta. This is the earliest record of this group in
the world (Kage, pers. com.).
17. Turtles

Dajefella sudamericana (Gayet & Meunier, 1991a, b, 1992) from

the lower El Molino and Santa Luca formations is the only record
for Polypteriformes outside of Africa, where members of this order
are known from the Senonian of In Becetem in Niger (Gayet et al.,
1988), Miocene of Tunisia and Kenya (Greenwood, 1951,,1973), and
Pleistocene of Ethiopia (Arambourg, 1948). They range to Recent in
Africa where they occur in freshwater.

Roxochelys was based on spccinicns collected [rom thc

Campaninn nge Adamnntinn Formation or the Upper Bauru Group in
Brazil (Broin, 1991; Bertini et al., in press). ?Roxoc/ielysvilavilensis
Broin, (1971), from the Santa Luca Formation is probably referable
to a genus distinct from Roxochelys (Broin, 1991). The species
vilavilensis is definitely known only from lhe Santa Luca Formation
in Bolivia and possibly frpm the Maastrichtian? Umayo Formation at
Laguna Umayo in adjacent Peru (see above), while very fragmentary
material from the lower EI Molino of Bolivia is referred to
?Roxoc/ielyscf. vilavilensis. This species was apparently endemic to
the Andean basin.

15. Lungfish

18. Lizards

In Bolivia, Ceratodontidae (Cerafodus sp. and ceratodont n. sp.)

and Lepidosirenidae (Lepidosiren cf. paradoxa) tooth plates occur
together in the early Paleocene of Tiupampa. In South America, the
first ceratodonts occur in the Upper Cretnceous of Patagonia
(Ameghino, 1906; Pascual & Bondesio, 1976; Cione, 1987) and
were also described from the Lower Cretaceous of northern Brazil
(Cunha & Ferreira, 1980). Ceratodonts were distributed world-wide
in tlie Mesozoic, still occurring during the Cretaceous in Africa,
Madagascar, Australia, North and South America, whereas the
Neoceratodontidae which occur in the early Cretaceous of Australia
persist there until today (Schultze, 1991a).
Lepidosirenidae a r e reported from the Maastrichtinn E l
Molino Formation a t Vila Vila and the Paleocene Santa Lucfa
Formation at Torotoro. Fossils are recorded from the
M a a s t r i c h t i a n ? a t L a g u n a U m a y o i n P e r u (Sig, 1968).
Eocene o f A r g e n t i n a (Fernandez et a l . , 1973; Fernandez,
1976) and Miocene of Brazil (Santos, 1987) and Colombia
(Bondesio & Pascual, 1977). Lepidosirenids occur today in
the Amazonian and Paraguayan regions of South America.

An unidentified member of what appears to be the family

Iguanidae is recorded from tlie Santa Luca Formation at Tiupampa
(Rage, 1991b). A possible iguanid (Prisfigrrattabrusiliensis; Estes &
Price, 1973) is known from the Manstrichtian agc Mnrflia Formation
of the Upper Bauru Group in Brazil, while h e earliest uncontested
members of this family are from the middle Paleocene of Brazil
(Estes, 1983) and North America (Sullivan, 1982).

14. Polypteriformes

19. Snnkes
The four faitlilies of snakes listed below are known only from the
Santa Luca Formation at Tiupampa in Bolivia.
In South Americn, Aniliidhe are first reported from the Umayo
Formation at Laguna Umayo in Peru (Rage, 1981) and middle
Paleocene at Itabora in Brazil (Rage, 1987).
The earliest Boidae are from the Maastrichtian of North America
(Estes & BBez, 1985), Europe (Rage, 1987) and India (Jain & Sahni,
1983), while in South America, previous to this work, they were first
reported in the middle Paleocene in Brazil (Rage, 1987) and early
Eocene of Argentina (Albino, 1986).


Madtsoiidne nrc first kiiown in the Suiitoiiian/Cninpnnian of

Mndngnscnr (Rage, 1984; Roiinparte. 1986) niid Campaninn age Los
Alainitos Formation in Argentina (Albino, 1986, 1987). In fact, Uie
oldest Madtsoiidae is probably from Niger (early Senonian) (Rage,
Previous to this work, Tropidoplieidae were first reported from the
middle Paleocene hi Brazil (Rage, 1987), middle Eocene in North
America (Hohnan, 1979), and Eocene-early Oligocene in Europe
(Rage, 1984).
20. Crocodiles

Three families are known in Bolivia: Dyrosauridae (basal middle

EI Molino and Santa Lucia formations), Dolichochampsidae (upper

EI Molino Formation) aiid Sebecidae (Santa Luca Formation).
Dyrosauridae are known from late Maastrichtian to late Eocene
rocks around the world (Buffetaut, 1982). In South America,
dyrosaurids are known fTom what appears to be the Mnastrichtian in
razil ,(Cope, 1886; Buffetnut, 1978), and a possible dyrosaurid is
kiiowii from tic Manstrichtinti in Argentina (Gnspnrini, per. coin.).
Sokotosuchus ianwilsoni (Halstend, 1975) is from the late
Maaskichtian Dukarnaje Forination in Nigeria.
is known
Dolichochampsidae ( D o l i ~ l i ~ ~ l t a nniininta)
elsewhere only from tlie upper p u t of the Yacornitc Forination in
northwest Argentina and the upper El Molino Formation in Bolivia
(see above). The family was apparently endemic to the Andean
Sebecidae were previously known from the middle Paleocenemiddle Miocene (Buffetaut, 1982; Gasparini, 1984); they were
endemic to South America. Sebecus querejazus from the Santa
Luca.Formation is the earliest known member of the family
(Buffetaut & Marshall, 1991).
21. Dinosaurs


Dinosaur trackways are known from four localities in the lower EI

Molino near Torotoro and at Santivaez near Parohni, and from two
localities (Arapamba, Camargo) in an indeterminate EI Molino
member. The only dinosaur fossils in Bolivia are a tooth of a
Coelurosnurin (Marshall, 1989b) from the lowcr El Molino at Pnjchn
I'ntn, and undcscribcd boiics from two localitice of tlic Cajones
Formation near Santa Cruz (R.Suhez, pers. com.).
Although a detailed study of the trackways has yet to b e
undertaken, it appears that at least four suborders (Theropoda,
Sauropoda, Ornithopoda and Ankylosauria or Ceratopsia) are
represented within the lower EI Molino at Torotoro. This
demonstrates that dinosaurs were taxonomically diverse in lower EI
Molino time.
For cluonostratigraphic purposes we follow the general mnsensus
that dinosaurs became extinct at the end of Cretaceous time and that
there is no compelling evidence (contra Van Valen, 1988) to
substantiate Uiat they may have continued into the early Paleocene.
Recent work by Lofgren el al. (1990), for example, negates a
Paleocene age for dihosaurs from the upper Hell Creek Formation in
Montana. Our position is concordabt with the biostratigraphic data in
the Andean basin summarized above and below.

22. M,unimuls

Mammals are known only from the Santa L u c h Formation in

Bolivia. Peradectes airstriniim was based on a specimen collected
from tlie Umayo Formation at Laguna Uinayo in Peru (Sig&, 1971,
1972; Crochet, 1980) and a second specimen from Uie Santa Luca
Formation at Tiupampa in Bolivia was later referred to this species
(Marshall & Muizon, 1988). The earliest known Perudecfes is from
the base of the early Paleocene in North America (Van Valen, 1988:
29) and is common thereafter in early Tertiary age rocks in North
America and Europe (Crochet, 1980).
Robert/ioflsferteriais most closely related to Procuroloanreglrinia
from the middle Paleocene of Brazil (Marshall et al., 1983a),
although other more primitive members of the subfamily
Caroloaineghiniinae are known from the Maastrichtian in Norih
America (Marshall et a l , , 1989). The genera and species o f
Mi'crobiotlieriidae, Didelphidae, Hathliacynidae and Kollpaniidae are
known only Erom the Snnta Luca Formation at Tiupampa, and they
all represent the earliest known members of these faniilies in South
Ainericri (MarslinIl & Muiimii, 1988; MiuslinIl et d.,
Cf. Cintolestes sp. is the only known member of the order
Leptictida in South America. Cintolestes is recorded froin the
Mnnskichtinn and cnrly Paleocene in North America (Marshall &
Muizon, 1988).
The pantodont Alcidedorbignya is the only known member of this
order in South America. Pantodonts are f i s t known in the middle
Paleocene of North America where Panfolambda batlrniodon
represents a potential descendant of Alcidedorbignya (Marshall &
Muizon, 1988). Among the New World pantodonts, Alcidedorbignya
is the earliest and most primitive member yet known.
The mioclaenine Hyopsodontidae are the only representatiyes of
this family in South America. In North America, members of this
group are 6rst recorded in the early Paleocene (Marshall & Muizon,
1988; Van Valen, 1988).
The earliest known notoungulates are represented by PeruUieriimt
altiplanense (Perutheriidae) from the Umayo Formation at Laguna
Umayo in Peru (Marshall et al., 1983b), Sintpsonolus
(Henricosborniidae) from the Mealla Formation in northwest
Argentina (Pascua1 ef al., 1979), and cf. Henricosborniidae or
Oldlicldtlioinnsiidnc from lhe Siintri Luchi Forinntion nt Tiupniiipn in
Bolivia (Miusha11 & Muizori, 1988).


Based 011 the above discussion of chronostratigraphic ranges, the
taxa can be grouped into five categories (see Table 3):
1. Those which presently are known only from the EI Molino
Formation and its stratigraphic equivalents in tlie Andean basin.
These are currently regarde$ as "endemics" which are potentially
useful for intra-basin correlation' although their usefulness i n
calibrating these rocks witti the geologic time scale has yet to be
firmly established. Included are Pitcapristis (Sclerorhynchidae),
Prtcabafis (Rhombodontidae), the three species of Dasyafis
(Dasyatidae), Coelodrrs toncoensis (Pycnodon tidae). and
DoliclroclIanipsa (Dolichochampsidae).


2. Taxa from the EI Molino and Santa Luch formations (and their
stratigraphic cquivalcnls) which are "endemics" in the Andean basin.
Included are Gasteroclicpea bronisai (Clupcidae). Andinichtliys
bolivianensis , (Andinichthyoidea,
Hoffsterterichtliyspucai, Incaichthys suarezi (families incertae sedis)
and ?Roxochelys vilavilensis (Podocnemididae).

migrate bctwccn fresh water and marine; nnd 4) marinc fishes.

3 . Taxa known only from the lower and basal middle EI Molino
Fonnation which are currently regarded as late Cretaceous "guide
fossils" based on their records elsewhere in the world. Included are
Schizorhiza and Ischyrhiza (Sclerorhyncliidae), apparently Lepidot es
(Semionotidae) which has only o n e dubious record in the
Cretaceous/Paleocene of India, Enclzodiis (Enchodontidae),
?Apaleodris (family indet.), Ichthyotringoidei (gen. and sp. indet.),
Sleplranodiis (Eotiigonodontidae) and dinosaurs.

1. Primary freshwater fishes

The definition of these four categories is based on living fislies

and is not always evident with fossil forms (see below). For this
reason, the identification of paleoenvironment based only on one or a
few taxa is generally of dubious value.

a. Semionotidae

4. Taxa which occur in the EI Molino and/or Sant'a Luca

formations and, which based on records from elsewhere in the world.
lransgresscd the K/T boundary arid arc of dubious or no value in
defining this boundary. These include Lepisosteus (Lepisostcidae),
Os teog I os sid ae , Cyprin i form es , Ch araci f or mes, S i lur i for ni es,
Cypriiiodoiitiforrnes. Perciformes, Polypteriformes, Dipnoi.
Leptodactylidne. Podocncniididac. Laccrtilia, Boidae, Madtsoiidae,
Dyrosauridne. and Lcptictida.
5. Taxa recorded only in the Santa Luca Formation which are the
earliest or only records for these groups in South America. They do
not occur in association with diagnostic Cretaceous taxa and
therefore are regakded as Paleocene. Included are Ceratodontidae n.
gen. and sp., Gymnophiona, Aniliidae, Tropidopheidae, Sebecidae,
Peradectidae, Caroloameghiniidae, Microbiotheriidae, Didelphidae,
Hathliacynidae, Kollpaniidae, Pantodonta, Hyopsodontidae and

As demonstrated by group 3 (above), apparent late Pretaceous

taxa occur only in tlie lower and basal middle members of the EI
Molino Formation. It therefore appears that the K/r boundary occurs
above the basal middle member, while the upper El Molino member
may be regarded as early Paleocene based on palynological study of
a stratigraphic equivalent in norlhwestern Argentina (Quattrocchio el
al., 1986) and od the absence o f diagnostic Cretaceous taxa. We
therefore suggest &hatthe K/T boundary lies somewhere in the upper
part of the middle member of the EI Molino Formation. In addition,
tlie Sanla Lucla Formation, which also lacks diagnostic Cretaceous
taxa and conformably overlies the early Paleocene upper member of
the EI Molino Formation, may be regarded as early, but no earliest,
Paleocene in age.

The fossil Semionotidae are generally considered as primary

freshwater fishes. A new genus is reported in Bolivia in the lower
and basal middle members of the EI Molino Formation. Except for
Uie questionable Cretaceous/Paleocene record from India (Gayet et
al., 19841, Semionotidae are not known to survive beyond the
Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary. Their absence at Tiupampa is
probably related to the Paleocene age of the Santa Luca Forination.
The new genus from Aguti CI:m und Hokl Cordillern, known only
by scales and referred to the Semionotidae, seems endemic to
Bolivia and northern Argentina where it is recorded in both marine
and fresh wakr environments.
b. Osleoglossidue

Living Osteoglossidae are restricted to freshwater environments in

tropical South America, Africa and Asia. Some fossil remains were
reported from fresh water (Green River basin, Wyoming, Grande
1984; Sumatra, Sanders, 1934; Australia, Taveme, 1979), some from
brackish water (middle Cretaceous of Zaire; Taverne, 1976) and
some from marine environments (Paleocene of Zaire; Dartevelle &
Casier, 1959; Turkmenistan, Danil'chenko, 1968; Niger, Cappetta,
1972, Gayet & Meunier, 1983; Eocene of Italy, Taverne, 1979;
England, Woodward, 1901; Morocco, Arambourg, 1952; and
Denmark, Bonde, 1966). In well known marine Cretaceous levels
(Lebanon, Israel, Morocco, Italy, Portugal and Yugoslavia) where
the ichthyofauna is abundant, no fossils of this order are represented.
Consequently, Osteoglossiformes are considered as primary
freshwater fishes following Nelson (1969) and Gayet (1987b). In
Bolivia, Ostcoglossinac wcrc reportcd in rill mcmbcrs of the EI
Molino and in the Santa Lucia foniiatons, wlicrcns' Phareodontinae
were reported in the Santa Luca Formation only (Tiupampa). In the
El Molino Formation, they occur in association with marine fishes.
c. Cyprinodontiformes

Nothing can be said about the paleoenvironinent of the cf.

Cyprinidontiforines in Bolivia, because this group is too poorly
know II.

d. Polypteridae

Fishes have been divided into four main categories (Myers, 1938)
based on their tolerance to fresh or salt water: 1) primary freshwater
fishes found only in fresh water; 2) secondary freshwater fishes,
found normally in fresh water, but capable of entering and surviving
in marine water; 3) peripheral freshwater fishes, diadromous, which


Living Polypteridae are Ahican freshwater fishes as are all fossils

of this group known from Senoniai to Pleistocene. In Bolivia h e y
were reported at Tiupampa (Santa Luca Formation) and occur in
association with marine fishes at Vila Vila (lower EI Molino



Ceratodonts a r e generally associated with fresh water

environments by extrapolation based on occurrence of extant forms.
NeverUieless, ceratodonts occur in undoubtedly marine deposits in
Zaire (Casier, 1961), Niger dnd Algeria (Martin, 1984), Mali
(Tabaste, 1963). Egypt (Schad, 1984) and Kansas (Schultze, 1981).
According to Uiese different authors, these faunas may be interpreted
as d e a h assemblages of marine, brackish and hesh water forms or
that they were tolerant of a wide range of salinity.
Lepidosirenids are restricted to fkesh water environments.
2. Secondary freshwater rilies

fresh water species. This family includes lhb gcnus Ccrr~roponrrrs

from the coastal waters of the New World, a species wliicli enters
Brazilian rivers (Berra, 1981). Centropomidae are present at
Tiupampa and Criadero de Loro in Bolivia.
d. Cypriniformes
Cypriniformes are living freshwater fishes and fossil remains
attest, as far as is known, to a similar environment. Only
Ranrallicfitliys from Ein Jabrud (Israel) which may be considered as
an ancestral Cypriniformes (but is not a true Cypriniformes) is
marine. Cypriniformes are reported in the lower and basal middle
members of the EI Molino Formation in association with marine

a. Lepisosteidae
e. Characiformes
Most of the living Lepisosteidae are found in fresh water, but one
species may tolerate brackish or even marine conditions and is found
along Uie coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Sutlkus, 1963). Bccouse of
their Uiick scales covered with ganoine which are more resistan1 llinn
any oflier parts of th fish, the fossil Lepisosteidae are often reported
on scaks only, which may be transported far from their biotope
without damage. In Bolivia. Lepisosteidne are always found in
association with marine fislies including selachians, pycnodonts and
eotrigonodonts in the lower and basal middle members of the El
Molino Formation, but they are always disassociated, indicating
postmortem movement. In the only locality where no true marine
fishes were found (.e.Tiupampa), Lepisosteidae are absent but Ulis
absence may e the consequence of age (Paleocene) and not of
environment. episosteidae had a nearly world-wide distribution
during Cretaceous and early Tertiary times. Subsequently, they
disappeared from all the continents except North America where
they are now restricted to the southeastern part of the USA and
Central America. I

b. Clupeidae
Gasteroclicpea branisui is a Clupeiformes endemic to the Andean
basin. Clupeiform,es are generally marine fishes with the exception
of some South American li.ving genera (RnnmoRnsrer, frisrignsrcr;
G6ry. 1969; Cionc p l'ercirii, 1985). III Uic middle Eocene of tlic
Green River Formation (Wyoming, USA), Kniglrtia and
Diploniystus which are known to be marine, are reported in strictly
fresh water environments (Grande, 19820. b). Gaslerocfupea
branisui is reported at Tiupampa (Santa Lucia Formation) where no
marine fishes are found, and in some levels of the EL Molino
Formation (at Agua Clara) in association w i h marine fishes. In some
green marl levels a t Agua Clara, Gasferoclupea is found in
association only with brackish-water ostracods. Consequently,
Gasteroclupea may be considered, with some confidence, as a
secondary Jeshwater clupeid.
e. Centropomidae


The family Centropomidae, as defined by Greenwood (1976). is

composed of marine and fresh water genera. Lares, to which the
Bolivian genus may be compared, is known to include marine and

Living Characiformes are freshwater fishes (only a few

cxccptions enter brnckisli waters) while sonic fossils werc
apparcnlly adapted to brackish water (Cappetta el al., 1972;
Gaudant, 1980). The oldest true Characiformes, Sulnrinops
( G a y e t , 1 9 8 5 ) , w a s m a r i n e ( G a y e t , 1981). I n B o l i v i a .
Characifornies are reported i n the lower and basal middle
m e m b e r s o f t h e EI M o l i n o F o r m o t i o n ( S e r r a s a l i n i d a e ,
My l e in a e ; C li ar a c i d ae, T e t r a go nop ter i n a e ) , i n t li e S a n t a
Luca Formation at Tiupampa (Serrasalmidse, Myleiiiae and
S e r r as a I m in a e ; C li a r a c i d a e , T e t r a g o no p t e r i II a e a n d c f .
R h o a d s i i n a e ) a n d in t h e E o c e n e a g e C a y a r a Formation
(Serrasalmidae, Myleinae). In the El Molino Formation they
occur in the same levels as marine fishes.

f. Siluriformes
Most S i l u r i f o r m e s o c c u r i n fresh water. However; the
Plotosidae are an advanced marine family which today occur
around Auslralia and the Ariidae live along the coast or i n t e r
e s t u a r i e s and c o a s t a l rivers. T e r t i a r y S i l u r i f o r m e s were
reported in fresh water areas and/or in brackish water (see
.Gayet, 1991). In Bolivia, Andiniclithyoidea (3 families) are
known i n the Siinln Lucln Forincilion n t Tiupiiinpn aiid Rlnnco
Kiinclw (tlic ichtliyol'iiunii ol' the liiter lociility is not yet well
enough known to provide pnleoenvironmental interpretation);
they are not reported at Agua Clara o r Hotel Cordillera where
m a r i n e f i s h e s a r e p r e s e n t a n d may b e c o n s i d e r e d as
freshwater forms. Ariidae are reported everywhere in both
formations with or without marine fishes. They are present at
Tiupampa, but are few in number. At Hotel Cordillera they
a r e v e r y numerous a n d o c c u r in a s s o c i a t i o n with a few
marine taxa.
3. Marine fislies

a. Selachians
Selachians are, considered as marine fishes. Nevertheless, one
family of American batoids (Potamobygonidae) lives exclusively in
fresh waters. One pristid fish and a shark can also enter rivers or




Inkcs, but it is iniportnnt to note thnt these elasinobranch fishes are

marine species which temporarily enter fresh water. According to
Cappetta (1991), il is highly probable that the rocks containing
selachians in Bolivia were deposited in marine environments.

b. I'ycnodontiformes
Pycnodonts, a purely fossil group, are considered to have been
marine fishes (Cione 8c Pereira, 1985). They were flat and high
rishcs that apparently swam slowly along the coast and were l i n k d
to the substratum for their alimentation. Some could probably enter
waters of lesser salinity. Wenz (1989) noted that the Brazilian lower
Cretaceous pycnodontid Ieninnja may have lived in fresh water.
Traquair (19 1O) thought that pycnodonts found at Bernissart
(Relgium) with thc rcptilc Igrrunodon were living in fresh water
without any connection with the sea. Nevertheless, these examples
are sporadic and pycnodonts are typically found in more or less open
marine environments in rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age (Hake1
and Ht1jula in Lebanon; Ein Jabrud i n Israel; Jebcl Tselfnt in
Morocco; etc.). In Bolivia. pycnodonts were reported i n the
Chaunaca Formation (only one tooth of no paleoenvironmental
significance) and in,the lower and basal middle EI Molino.

More difficult is lhe interpretation of tlic ichtliyofaunn from the EI

Molino Formation. In nearly all tlie localities. niarine and fresh water
fishes occur in association and, as noted above, bones, teeth and
scales are never found articulated. It is probable h a t the calcareous
fossiliferous levels of the lower member of tlie EI Molino Formation
at Agua Clara were deposited in or near tlie sea (lagoon or coast).
Other levels at the same locality (e.g. some green mark) were
probably deposited farther from the sea (perhaps without any
connexion with it). Gusferoclupeu,which has been found articulated
in these levels. has also been rcportcd at Tiupampa and is possibly a
freshwater genus. Nevertheless, this does not dismiss the possiblity
of a brackish water habit for this genus.
Camoin el al. (1991) concluded that tlie EI Molino rocks were
deposited in a conl~ncntalenvironment. while Gayet ef al. (1992)
and Sempere (in press) noted that marine fish taxa occur in these
sedimentary rocks and discuss their depositional environment.,

c. "Snlinoniformes"

"Salinoniforines" are a paraphyletic group present in all kinds of

environ in e nt s (B krr a, 19 8 1). Nevertheless, Encho don tid ae
(Enchodus) and Ichthyotringoidei (including ?Apareodiis) are
known only in marine rocks (Goody, 1969). In Bolivia,
"S almoniformes" were reported in the lower and basal middle
members of the EI Molino Formation.
d. Tetraodontiformes

One living family of tlie o r d e r Tetraodontiformes, the

Tetraodontidae with about 9 0 species, has a few fresh water
representatives in South America, Africa and India (Berra, 1981).
However, Eotrigonodontidae is a fossil family so far known only in
marine deposits. Sfephuriodrrs has only been fouiid in Iate
C r e t x e o u s marine scdiincnts. I n Bolivia. the cotetragonopterid
Sfephanodrts as bdcn rcportcd in the first two rneinbcrs of the EI
Molino Forination.

In conclusion, ye note that at Tiupampa and Criadero de Loro

(Santa Lucia Formation, Paleocene), no' true marine fishes
(selachians, pycnodonts, Salmoniformes and Eotrigonodontidae)
have been reported. All of the primary freshwater fishes reported in
Bolivia, with the exception of Semionotidae (Lepidofes) which do
not cross the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary, are present at these
localities. Although some Osteoglossidae may occur in marine
waters (i.e. Brychaerrrs), the subfamily Phareodontinae is known thus
far only in fresh water levels. Tiupampa is Uie only Bolivian locality
where nearly complete skulls (Osteoglossiformes, Siluriformes and
Characiformes) were found. In all other localities bones are always
separated, attesting to postmortem movement. Thus, based solely on
the ichthyofauna. we can confidently conclude that the Tiupampa
and Criadero de Loro fossiliferous sediments were deposited in a
fresh water environment.
b .


IIiglier ver1el)rules

Crocodiles of the family Dyrosauridae generally occur in siiallow

niarine near-shore deposits, but can exist i n fresh water as well
(Bufretaut, 1982). The ainpiiibians. lizards. snakes. turtles. otlicr
families of crocodiles and mammals all indicale terrestrial and/or
fresh water paleoenvironmcnts.

Numerous vertebrate grou'ps in the late Cretaceous and Paleocene
of South America are also recorded in North America, and these
faunal "links" were used by paleontologists to postulate that a transCaribbean land bridge existed during part or all of this time interval
(see Gayet el al., in press; Marshall & Sempere, in press and
references therein). These concIusions have recently been
corroborated by geodynamic data (see Pindell ef d.,1988; Stephan
el ul., 1990). It now appears that the Caribbean plate began its eastnortheastward migration in Campanian time. The now submerged
Greater Antilles and the Aves Ridge formed a subaerial volcanic arc
established 'on the northe:istern edge of the Caribbean plate during
tlic late Crctaccous and early I'aleocciic. It is likely h a t this arc was
the land bridgc that providcd the pathway for dispersal of continental
(and fresh water) vertebrates. However, the land bridge provided by
the Aves Ridge was apparently strongly dependent on tlie inaginatic
and tcctoniC activity of this arc. and on sen level changes. Maginatictectonic quiescence and/or marine high-stand periods would have
promoted relative subsidence of part of the isthmus below sea level.
In view of the probable fragility of the Aves Ridge connection,
faunal interchange is likely to have occurred i n several "pulses"
beginning in the Campnninn until the land bridge finally disappeared
in late Paleocene time as is suggested by paleontological data. This
"pulse-IiypoUiesis" would have permitted opportunities for endemic
evolution of first-wave immigrants and for subsequent dispersal
during a later "pulse". For this reason, the direction of dispersal of
most groups is not certain (Marshall & Senipere, in press).
Some vertebrate groups which participated in this interchange(s)
include dinosaurs (Avisauiidae, Ceratopsidae, Hadrosauridae,
Titanosauridae), snakes (Anilioidea, Boidea). possibly lizards
(Teiidae) and sliore-dwelling turtles (Bohremydidae) (Gayet el al.,

i n prcss; MarslisIl & Senipere, i n prcss und references thcrcili).

Aliiong fishes arc the Lepisosteidne (Lepisosteus), Osteoglossidae
(I'hareodontinae) and possibly Cypriniforines and Ariidae (Gayet el
al.,in press).
Multiple taxonomic similarities among mammals (10 examples)
"link" late Cretaceous and/or Paleocene faunas in North America
with early and middle Paleocene (Tiupampian and Itaboraian,
respectively) faunas in South America. Among marsupials,
Peradecles is known in Tiupampian faunas of Bolivia and Peru, and
is present in early Paleocene faunas of North America;
caroloameghiniids (Glnsbirts) are present in tlie late Cretaceous of
North America and Tiupampian (Robertlioffstetleria) of South
Anierica; Didelphidne are present in the early Eocene of North
Anicric:i and Tiupampian of South America; and Pediornyidae (Iate
Cretaceous of North America) are a sister-group of
Microbiotlieriidae (first recorded in the Tiupampian of South
Anierica). Among placentals, a Leptictida (cf. Ciniolesres) is known
from Tiupampa while Ciniofestes occurs in the late Cretaceous and
carly Palcoceiic of North Anicrico; I'niitodontn (Alcidedor Digt~ya)at
Tiupampa a r e first known i n the middle Paleocene in North
America; mioclaenine hyopsodontid Condylwtlua at Tiupampa are
fist recorded in early Paleocene faunas of North America; Xenarlhra
(Dasypodidae) first appear in Itnboraian faunas in South Amcrica
and in the late Paleoccne in North America; aid Dinocerata which
first appear in the late Paleocene of North America are regarded as a
sister-group of Xenun d a t a which occur in the Itaboraian of South
America (Marshall & uizon, 1988; Marshall & Seinpere, in press;
Gayet ef al., in press and references herein).
Although latest Cretaceous and Paleocene interchanges are well
docuiiiented, it is of interest to note that several terrestrial groups of
vertebrates which were often rather widely distributed either in the
Laurasirui realm or on Gondwanian continents in the late Cretaceous
and Paleocene, never crossed the Caribbean nor Tethyan areas.
Acipenserid, polyodonlid and gonorhynchoid fishes, as well as
palaeobatrachid frogs, baenid turtles, and anguimorph lizards
inhabited North America during the Cretaceous; hiodontid and
esocid fishes were present on that continent during die Paleocene.
None of these northern groups rdached South America. Conversely,
polypterid and characifonns, as well as pipid frogs and araripeniyid
turllcs of Gondwunirin origin. known i n the Crctnccous of South
Anici cil. did not rcricli Noilli Anicricli. Tlic iilx~vclisted vcrlcbrnlcu
rank aniong tlie most signiliciiiit ones that did not tuke part' in the late
Cretaceous and Paleocene interchange(s). Other groups could be
added to this list but, for the time bcing, they cannot be considered to
be very conclusive bccause their distribution is still inadcquately
The failure of various groups to cross the Caribbean area would
apparently favour the hypothesis of a discontinuous terrestrial route
or even an island hopping hypothesis. But the ascertained dispersals
of large-size animals as Titanosauridae and of freshwater fishes
(Lepisosteidae, Phareodontinae, and perhaps Ariidae) are
inconsistent with such possibilities as they require a continuous land
(fluviatile for the fishes) route. These failures could result from
climatic, faunal interactions (niches occupied by ecologically
vicarious autochthonous forms) or shortness of duration of the
unbroken nature of the land route.


This paper is the first attempt to provide a detailed overview of h e
Mesozoic and Paleocene vertebrate faunas of Bolivia within Uicir
stratigraphic context. Much of the inforination presented here is new,
and includcs data obtuiiicd as a result of IIII iiitciise palcontological
program started in 1981 (M. G., L. G. M and others) and of geologic
studies initiated in 1984 (T. S. and others). Most of the fossils are
still being described and it will be many years before monographic
publications can be completed. In addition, magnetoslratigrapliic and
isotopic (Ar/Ar, K-Ar) studies of the El Molino and Santa Luca
formations and isotopic oxygen and strontium analyses on fishes Ne
in progress, and cornpletion of this gcochronologic program will
hopefully perinil secure calibrntioii of these rock units witti tlie
geologic time scale. Synthetic overviews for the biostratigraphy of
Argentinian, Chilean and Peruvian rocks in the Andean basin are
now urgently necdcd to permit refined correlation with those in
Dcspile tlic fact tlint his is by iicccssity only ii "progrcss rclwri",
many advances in knowledge have been made 011 the Bolivian
Mesozoic-Paleocene scqucnce during the last few years, and in this
study we have been able to clarify some debated issues. The most
iinprtant of thcsc is thc apparcnt, although still ill-dcfincd, location
boundary and its position relative to Uic inanmal-bearing
of the
level at Tiupampa. Within the El Molino Formation, undoubted late
Cretaceous taxa occur only in Uie lower and basal middle members.
It therefore appears that the K/T boundary lies somewhere in the
upper part of the niiddlg member, while the upper member may be
regarded as earliest Paleocene based on the absence of diagnostic
Cretaceous taxa and on Uie palynological studies of a stratigraphic
equivalent in northwestern Argentina. The EI Molino Ihus appears to
range from latest Cainpanian to earliest Paleocene, while the
disconformably overlying Santa Luca Formation appears 'to be
early, but not earliest. Paleocene. Thus, confra Van Valen (f988),
the EI Molino dinosaurs were all late Cretaceous (apparently-early
Maastrichtian), while the land mammals from the Santa Luca
Fonnatioii at Tiupanpa were Paleocene.
~ s l ) u~
r tilis
~ ~sttltiy
W C I C su1)l")ltcd I)Y rillitis fro111 IIIC cclltlc
National de la Keclicrclie Scientifique (UKA 12, Institut de
PalCoiitologie, Paris, 1981); ari "Action Spcifique" (1983 to 1989)
from the MusCuni National d'Histoire Naturcllc, Paris; National
Geographic Society (2467-82. 2908-84, 3381-86); URlH of Orstoni;
the Gordon Barbour Fund. Department of Geological and
Geophysical Sciences, Princeton University; and the National
Science Foundation (EAR-8804423). Logistic help was given by
Orstom, YPFB and VARIG. Fossil collecting was carried out under
the auspices of the Asociacin Boliviana de Paleontologa and
stratigraphic work under the YPFB-Orstom research prcgram on
Bolivian geology. Thanks to L. Barrios, J. Blanco, F. de Broiii,
E. Buffetaut. G. Camoin, H. Cappetta, R.' Cspedes, A. L. Cione.
J. Dejax, D. Dingerkus. E. Jaillard, M. Surez, R. SuBrez,
F. J. Meunier, J. Oller, J. C. Rage, B. Sig, C. de Muizon and S.
Wenz for help in aspects of Ulis study. Figures 1 to 4 were drawn by
E. Liebmm.

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