Martial Arts Fitness Manual
Martial Arts Fitness Manual
Martial Arts Fitness Manual
You must get your physicians approval before beginning this exercise program.
These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes
only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have
any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program
is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise
training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers
advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits.
Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is wellmaintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training
and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a
substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have
been prescribed by your physician.
Dont lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Dont
perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a
certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always
ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Dont perform any exercise without
proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are
taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise
program, including BodyBasic Home Fitness Training. If you experience any
lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the
movement and consult a physician.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight ie. Have a
large gut or other body part, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all
nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician
recommends that you dont use BODY BASIC FITNESS TRAINING, please do not
use this program.
Copyright 2007-2008 IRON GUARD FITNESS, LLC.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................3
Body Basic Fitness Training for Busy Men and Women......4
Body Basic Program Equipment Requirements....................................................................4
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 1...........................................................5
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 1..........................................................7
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 2..........................................................8
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 2........................................................10
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 3..........................................................12
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 3.........................................................14
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 4..........................................................15
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 4.........................................................17
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 5..........................................................18
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 5.........................................................20
Body Basic Strength + Fitness Workouts: Weeks 6..................................21
Body Basic Cardio Conditioning Workouts: Weeks 6................................23
David SMIT, M.Sc., CSCS and the team at IRON GUARD FITNESS
Workout # 3
Warm-up: bike, jog, or row for 8 mins.
Set 1:
- jumping jacks
- burpees
- perform each exercise 30 seconds each and repeat for 6 rounds
Set 2:
- Mountain climbers
- Bootstrappers
- Perform each exercise 30 seconds each and repeat for 4 rounds
Set 3:
- Push-ups
- Dumbbell (DB) squat push press
- Perform each exercise 30 seconds each and repeat for 3 rounds.
jumping jacks
split jumps
star jumps
perform 30 seconds of each exercise and complete 4 rounds
1. Diamond push-ups
- 5 halfers
- 5 full
- 7 halfers
- 7 full
Rest 90 seconds after completing the 7 full pushups and then complete the
same sequence for regular pushups, rest 90 seconds and then complete a set
of wide push-ups.
2. Pull-ups
- Perform a total of 20 pullups broken into sets of 3-5 repetitions.
- Rest as much as needed between sets.
Workout # 2
Warm-up: Rope skipping 5 minutes (40 seconds on and 20 seconds off repeat 5 x)
1. push-ups: 4 x 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
2. Mountain climbers: 4 x 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
3. Walking lunges: 4 x 60 seconds on 30 seconds off (add weights for more
4. Pull-up ladder: Perform a 5 minute ladder in singles. Ie. Do 1 rep,rest 10
seconds, do 2 reps, rest 20 seconds, do 3 reps, rest 30 seconds and continue
until your form deteriorates. Peform ladders up to at least 3 reps. If you
cannot perform 3 reps with bodyweight, utilize a band to assist (view video
for assistance.)
Workout # 3
15 air squats
15 sit-ups
15 regular pushups
10 lying reach overs per side
Perform the above for a total of 6 minutes.
1. Pull-up ladder perform ladders for a total of 6 minutes, count the total
number of reps completed.
2. Lunges + Squat: 5 x (30 seconds lunges + 30 seconds squats), resting for 1
minute between sets.
3. Push-ups + Dips: 4 x (10 Push-ups + 10 Dips), resting for 30 seconds between
Workout # 1
10 minute jog warm-up
15 minutes of the following
- 10 second sprint/50 second jog
Repeat for 15 minutes
Workout # 2
10 minute jog warm-up
8 x 1 min hard run/bike/row, followed by 30 seconds walking.
3-4 minute cooldown.
5 x 8 count Bodybuilders
15 seconds walking lunges
10 second sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
15 seconds bunny hops
20 seconds sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
15 seconds duckwalk
30 seconds sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
Rest for 2 minutes following this medly and repeat 3 more times.
80 situps timed.
Workout # 2
Warm-up: 5 minutes of rope skipping
1. Alternate toe touches touch each toe 20 times
2. 6 inch crunches (legs off ground and straight) 40 times
a. Repeat this sequence 3 times.
Jumping jacks
Split jumps
Mountain climbers
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and complete 5 rounds
Workout # 3
Warm-up: 5 minutes of any aerobic activity(cardio)
1 x 20 chinnees
1 x 20 right side crunches
1 x 20 left side crunches
1 x 20 feet held situps
1 x 20 chinnees
Total 100 reps, repeat the circuit twice
Pushup Sequence
1. Diamond Push-ups
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
Perform the next two types of push-ups using the same rep scheme as above, rest
for 90 seconds between each sequence.
2. Regular push-ups (finger tips beneath top of shoulders)
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
3. Wide Push-ups
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
Inverted Row sequence
1. Narrow Grip
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
2. Regular grip
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
3. Wide grip
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
Finish the workout with 6 minutes of fast skipping alternated with box jumps
- 30 seconds skipping
- 30 seconds box jumping
- 30 seconds rest
- Repeat.
15 air squats
15 sit-ups
15 push-ups
1 min rope skip
10 lying reach overs per side
Repeat above again
Circuit 1:
Bootstrappers x 30 reps
Squats x 20 reps
Lunges x 10 reps per side
Rest 1 minute
repeat 4 rounds
repeat 4 rounds
Circuit 2:
Workout # 2
Warm-up: 5 minute jog/bike or rope skip
Scrappers Medley
5 x 8 count Bodybuilders
15 seconds walking lunges
10 second sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
15 seconds bunny hops
20 seconds sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
15 seconds duck walk
30 seconds sprint
5 x 8 count bodybuilders
Rest for 2 minutes following this medley and repeat 3 more times.
3 minutes front plank + 1 min side plank right and 1 min side plank left.
Workout # 3
Warm-up: 5 minutes rope skip
1. Set 1: Running in place Band Pulls
- 10 x 20 seconds running in place with band, then drop down for 20
pushups and then into 20 mountain climbers
- Rest 1 minute.
2. Set 2: Running in place band- Pulls
- 10 x (20 sec band pull, 20 reps alternating toe touches, 20 squats)
- Rest for 1 minute and repeat
Finish workout with a 2 minute plank hold
Burpees x 10
Mtn climbers x 40
Wide push-ups x 15
Rest 90 seconds
repeat 3 x
Workout # 2
Warm-up: 5 mins of your choice.
DB Squat Push Press: 21, 18, 15 reps 60 seconds rest between sets
Leg Flutters: 45 seconds on 30 seconds rest repeat for 3 sets
Swimmers: 45 seconds on 30 seconds rest repeat for 3 sets
Pull-up Ladder: Perform 6 pull-up ladders. If you require assistance, use
bands . Attempt to reach a maximum of 3 reps without use of bands,
however use bands if this is not attainable. Total the number of reps
performed. You should rest approximately 10 seconds for each rep
performed. i.e. do 1 rep, rest 10 seconds, 2 reps, rest 20 secondsetc.
5. Diamond Push-ups
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
e. 5 halfers
rest 90 seconds then into regular pushups
f. 5 full
6. Regular Push-ups
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
e. 5 halfers
f. 5 full
7. Wide Pushups
a. 5 halfers
b. 5 full
c. 7 halfers
d. 7 full
e. 5 halfers
f. 5 full
Workout # 3
Warm-up: 30 sit-ups/20 push-ups/ 10 jumping jacks and a 3 minute rope skip
2 minute plank sequence
repeat 4 x
rest 90 seconds between circuits.
Workout # 2
Dynamic Warm-up
20 mins of the following on a bike/stepper/elliptical
- 30 seconds very hard, followed by 90 seconds at a relaxed pace.
5 minutes cooldown and stretch.
Circuit 2
1. Bootstrappers x 1 minute
2. Mountain climbers x 30 seconds
3. Push-ups x 15 seconds
Workout # 2
Warm-up with 8 mins of jogging, skipping or any movement to get your core heart
rate and sweat rate up.
jumping jacks
split jumps
mountain climbers
*Left side crunches 15s
*Right side crunches15s
Once the circuit has been completed, finish the workout with 3 pull-up ladders.
Workout # 3
- 2 min rope skip
- 2 min high knee skips
- 2 min walking lunges
Workout # 1
30 min steady state run, including 4 x 15 second bursts up steep hills. Pick a hilly
route that allows this. Coast on the way down the hill. Then perform 4 x 30 second
bursts along a flat section, coasting easily for 60 seconds in between each rep, and
finish with a 2 minute interval flat out.
Cooldown with 5 minutes of easy activity.
Workout # 2
10 min warmup
5 x 1 min hard 1 min easy
10 x 15 seconds hard 15 seconds easy
3 x 1 min hard 1 min easy
5 x 30 seconds hard 30 seconds easy.
5 minute cooldown.