31 Day Dumbbell
31 Day Dumbbell
31 Day Dumbbell
(Member's Only Workout) This dumbbell workout is a 6 day per week workout with 3 on your own days (sprints, playing sports). If you want to tone it down and you're not hell bent on getting in incredible shape in 31 days, then you can eliminate the OYO days and just make this a 3 day per week workout. Some of the exercises may be foreign to you, so my best recommendation is searching on Youtube. For any exercises you don't understand. You can check out the GymJunkies Youtube channel as well that has a lot of these exercises on there already... For your diet, if you're trying to lose fat stick with the GJ fat loss diet. If you're looking to build some muscle, up your calories and eat a few more carbs such as whole wheat pasta. Workout A Dumbbell Burpees: Max reps in 12 minutes. Grab a set of dumbbells and do burpees as normal, except instead of bringing your hands overhead when you jump, keep them at your sides while you hold on to a pair of dumbbells. Be sure to use the hex style or other flat dumbbells when you do this. Do not underestimate this drill; use no more than 30 lb. dumbbells even for the most in shape. For most, 10 or 15 lb. dumbbells will be fine. Workout B Dumbbell Snatch to Turkish Get Up: Perform a dumbbell snatch. Keep the dumbbell overhead at the top of the movement and then perform a Turkish Get Up (actually a reverse Turkish Get Up since you are starting from the standing position). Ease yourself to the lying position, then stand up using proper Turkish Get Up technique. Now switch hands. Do the dumbbell Snatch. Perform the Turkish Get Up. Switch hands. Perform as many reps as possible in 15 minutes. Workout C Pull Ups, Divebombers, Bent Over Rows, and Push Ups: Perform Workout C as follows: Strict Pull Ups: max reps. 30 seconds of Tuck Jumps. Divebombers: max reps. 30 seconds of Lunge Jumps. Bent Over Dumbbell Rows: Use a weight that allows 6 12 reps. 30 seconds of Tuck Jumps.
Push Ups: max reps. 30 seconds of Lunge Jumps. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 3 5 times depending on fitness level.
Workout D Thrusters, Hang High Pull, Double Dumbbell Swing: Perform 18 reps of each movement, then 12 reps of each, and finally 6 reps of each with the goal of finishing as fast as you can while maintaining good technique. Use a stop watch to record your time. Thrusters are a combination of a front squat to a push press. Hang High Pulls are an explosive Upright Row. Double Dumbbell Swings are just like a double kettlebell swing except that dumbbells are used. Let the Hang High Pull be the exercise that determines the weight to be used. If you can complete the first 18 reps of Hang High Pulls straight without needing a rest, you selected too light of a weight. Workout E Dumbbell Bear Crawl, Flying Burpee, and Walking Lunge: Find an area that is 20 50 yards long. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bear crawl the length of the area (waling forward on your hands and feet). Put down the dumbbells and Flying Burpee back to the starting place (burpee with a jump forward instead of a jump upwards). Then Walking Lunge (bodyweight only) back to the dumbbells. Repeat this cycle 4 times. If you do not have an area that is 20 50 yards long, make this adjustment: Do Renegade Rows instead of Bear Crawls (hold dumbbells and perform push ups with alternating one arm rows from the push up position), standard Burpees, and standard bodyweight lunges. Do max reps of the renegade rows and then equal reps of burpees and lunges. Repeat 4 times. Workout F Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk, Pull Ups: Hold dumbbells and start in the hang position. Clean dumbbells and catch in the bottom of the squat. Stand up and then push the dumbbells overhead while jumping into the split position (basically a lunge position). Alternate which leg is forward with the split jerks. Use a weight that allows between 10 15 reps per set. Follow immediately with max pull ups. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 3 5 times. 31 Day Workout Schedule
1. Workout A. 2. OYO. 3. Workout B. 4. OYO 5. Workout C. 6. OYO. 7. OFF. 8. Workout D. 9. OYO. 10. Workout E. 11. OYO. 12. Workout F. 13. OYO. 14. OFF. 15. Workout A. 16. OYO. 17. Workout B. 18. OYO. 19. Workout C. 20. OYO. 21. OFF 22. Workout D. 23. OYO. 24. Workout E. 25. OYO. 26. Workout F. 27. OYO. 28. OFF. 29. Least Favorite Workout from A F. 30. OYO. 31. Most Favorite Workout From A F but different than day 29.