2RC Filter
2RC Filter
2RC Filter
Engineering surfaces are comprised of a range of spatial wavelengths. Filtering techniques are commonly adopted to separate the
different wavelength components into well-defined bandwidths. Filtering is done prior to numerical characterization and it is also essential
for extracting information needed to provide process feedback and establish functional correlation. This paper reviews commonly used
filters in surface metrology like the 2RC, Gaussian and several new ones currently under research such as the spline, morphological,
wavelets, regression filters and robust regression filters. The need for these new filters and examples illustrating the features of these filters
are also presented. 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Surface metrology; Filters; Roughness; Waviness
1. Introduction
A typical engineering surface consists of a range of spatial frequencies. The high frequency or short wavelength
components are referred to as roughness, the medium
frequencies as waviness and low frequency components
as form. Fig. 1 illustrates this. In many cases the original profile may also contain significant form such as a
radius. In the early days, different instruments and measurement techniques were adopted to capture the different
wavelength regimes. Visual assessment using microscopy
was used to identify any torn material or micro burr.
Stylus-based instruments were used to obtain roughness.
Other special instruments obtained form information. Today, with the availability of increasingly sophisticated
gages, sensors and powerful data processing capabilities
using personal computers, there is an overlap of measuring capability. A typical stylus-based instrument can
capture roughness, waviness and form. A roundness measuring instrument can also gather straightness data and
a CMM can get both dimensional information and form.
Fig. 2 shows the current metrology measurement spectrum. As the bandwidth of measurement instruments increases, it becomes essential to separate surface profile
data into meaningful wavelength regimes before numerical
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jraja@uncc.edu (J. Raja).
0141-6359/02/$ see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 1 - 6 3 5 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 0 3 - 4
xA2 xA/c
0 < x < ,
eliminated this filter from their standards. A new filter, referred to, as the Gaussian filter was developed to overcome
two primary drawbacks of the 2RC filter, nonlinear phase
and the need for simpler way to implement both a roughness and a waviness filter. The characteristics of this filter
are discussed in Section 2.2.
2.2. Gaussian filter
A = 2 3
Fig. 4. (a) Profile and 2RC mean line (not waviness profile); (b) roughness profile.
ing a series of Gaussian filters according to the approximation of Gaussian function and central limit theorem was applied by Yuan et al. [10]. The objective of this approach is
to reduce the multiplication operations in the procedure to
increase calculation efficiency.
While the Gaussian filter is an improvement over the 2RC,
there are still several issues with the use of this filter. Edge
effects prevent the use of the first and last cutoff. This filter
also performs poorly on profiles with deep valleys such as
the ones found in plateau honed surfaces. An empirical filtering method referred to as Rk filter was developed to deal
specifically with plateau honed surface profiles.
2.3. Rk filter
The Gaussian filter is not robust against outliers. Special
applications such as plateau honing require a filter whose
mean line is not distorted by the valleys. ISO 13565 [11]
recommends a two-step filtering approach using a Gaussian
phase correct filter in accordance with ISO 11562. In the
first step, the primary profile is filtered using a low pass
Gaussian filter. All points in the primary profile that lie below
the mean line are replaced by the mean line itself. Thus,
all valleys are suppressed for the second step. The modified
profile is sent through the same Gaussian low pass filter and
the new mean line obtained becomes the final mean line.
The primary profile is subtracted from this mean line to
Rk filter suffers from the same edge effect problems mentioned before. Also the two-step iteration process is not
always robust against very deep valleys. Splines, robust
splines, regression and robust regression filters offer solutions to these problems. Subsequent sections present them
in greater detail.
1 nn
4 x
= 1 + 16 sin
and is given by
= 2sin
z(i)sreg (l i)
s(l i)
sreg (l i) =
s(l i)
The robust algorithm [15] applies a regression filter iteratively to a dataset until the mean line is satisfactory. A
median statistic is used as the index to decide when to stop
the iteration. The filter can be applied to datasets with outliers that would distort a simple Gaussian mean line. While
the Rk technique applies the Gaussian window twice to the
Fig. 13. Gaussian and zero-order Gaussian regression mean line, cutoff = 0.8 mm.
Fig. 14. Gaussian and second-order Gaussian regression mean line, cutoff = 4 mm.
Chen et al. [17] and Liu and Raja [18] presented an early
study on the application of multi-resolution analysis (MRA)
for analyzing multi-scale engineering surfaces. As octave
filter banks, wavelets can be used to decompose signal into
different bands with different scales, which is also called
multi-resolution analysis of a signal [19]. In MRA, the dyadically dilated wavelets constitute a bank of octave band pass
filters and the dilated scaling functions form a low pass filter bank. The efficient implementation of discrete wavelet
transform (DWT) is to get successive approximations of a
signal by applying the low pass filter bank and successive
details of a signal by applying the band pass filter bank.
DWT appears to have a great potential for analyzing the
multi-scale features in engineering surfaces due to its properties of good time-scale localization and flexible time-scale
resolution. In order to analyze engineering surface texture,
multi-scale approximations of original texture at different
Fig. 17. MRA approximations and details of a piston pin bore surface profile.
whose widths are smaller than this scale. An opening filter will remove all peaks whose widths are smaller than the
scale of the filter. An alternating symmetrical filter [25] is a
combination of a closing and opening filter and can be used
to remove both peaks and valleys that are smaller then the
scale of the filter. A series of alternating sequence filters can
be applied to a profile, starting with a scale that is slightly
larger than the stylus tip. As the scale is graduallyincreased,
the successively smoother profiles can be plotted on a ladder structure. This ladder structure is useful in visualizing
7. Conclusions
Advances in filtering techniques enable us today to
separate the different wavelength regimes without any distortions. It is easy to specify and implement well-defined
bandwidths using digital filters. Current research emphasis is in the area of multi-resolution analysis and more
robust filters. The need to establish stable manufacturing
process and provide functional correlation for components
will require finer bandwidth analysis in the future. The