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MTH 221 Week 2 #3

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MTH 221 Week 2 Individual Selected Textbook Exercises Copy and paste this link to get the

4. A wheel of fortune has the integers from 1 to 25 placed on it in a random manner. Show that
regardless of how the numbers are positioned on the wheel, there are three adjacent numbers
whose sum is at least 39\n\n \n\n8. Determine the positive integer n for which\n\n \n\n12.\n\na)
Prove that (cos + i sin )2 _ cos 2 + i sin 2,bwhere i C and i2 _ 1.\n\nb) Using induction,
prove that for all n Z+, (cos + i sin )n _ cos n + i sin n.\n\n(This result is known as
DeMoivres Theorem.)\n\nc) Verify that 1 + i _2(cos 45 + i sin 45), and compute(1 +
i)100.\n\n \n\n12. For n 0 let Fn denote the nth Fibonacci number. Prove that\n\n \n\n13. Prove
that for any positive integer n,\n\n \n\n3. If p, q are primes, prove that p|q if and only if p _ q.
6. Let n Z+ where n 2. Prove that if a1, a2, . . . , an, b1, b2, . . . , bn Z+ and ai |bi
for all 1 i n, then (a1a2 an)|(b1b2 bn).\n\n \n\n11. If a, b Z+, and both
are odd, prove that 2|(a2 + b2) but 4_ | (a2 + b2).\n\n \n\n16. Convert each of the following
hexadecimal numbers to base 2 and base 10.\n\na) A7 b) 4C2 c) 1C2B d) A2DFE\n\n \n\n2. For
a, b Z+ and s, t Z, what can we say about gcd(a, b) if\n\na) as + bt _ 2? b) as + bt _ 3?\n\nc)
as + bt _ 4? d) as + bt _ 6?
15. After a weekend at the Mohegan Sun Casino, Gary finds that he has won $1020in $20 and
$50 chips. If he has more $50 chips than $20 chips, how many chips of each denomination could
he possibly have?\n\n \n\n6. The change machine at Cherylls laundromat contains n quarters, 2n
nickels, and 4n dimes, where n Z+. Find all values of nso that these coins total k dollars, where
k Z+.\n\n \n\n \n\n13.\n\na) Let a Z+. Prove or disprove: (i) If 10|a2, then 10|a; and (ii) If

4|a2, then 4|a.\n\nb) Generalize the true result(s) in part (a).\n\n \n\n6. The mens final at
Wimbledon is won by the first player to win three sets of the fiveset match. Let C and M denote
the players. Draw a tree diagram to show all the ways in which the match can be decided 9.
Complete the proof of Theorem 5.1.\n\n \n\n1. Determine whether or not each of the following
relations is a function. If a relation is a function, find its range.\n\na) {(x, y)|x, y Z, y _ x2 + 7},
a relation from Z to Z\n\nb) {(x, y)|x, y R, y2 _ x}, a relation from R to R\n\nc) {(x, y)|x, y
R, y _ 3x + 1}, a relation from R to R\n\nd) {(x, y)|x, y Q, x2 + y2 _ 1}, a relation from Q to
Q\n\ne) _is a relation from A to B where |A| _ 5, |B| _ 6, and |_| _ 6.\n\n \n\n4. If there are 2187
functions f : AB and |B| _ 3, what is |A|?\n\n \n\n12. For n, k Z+, prove that _n/k_ _ (n
1)/k_ + 1
26. The following exercise provides a combinatorial proof for a summation formula we have
seen in four earlier results:\n\n(1) Exercise 22 in Section 1.4; (2) Example 4.4; (3) Exercise 3 in
Section 4.1; and (4) Exercise 19 in Section 4.2.\n\n \n\n2. For each of the following functions f :
ZZ, determine whether the function is onetoone and whether it is onto. If the function is not
onto, determine the range f (Z).\n\na) f (x) _ x + 7 b) f (x) _ 2x 3\n\nc) f (x) _ x + 5 d) f (x) _
x2\n\ne) f (x) _ x2 + x f ) f (x) _ x3 10. Suppose we have seven different colored balls and four
containers numbered I, II, III, and IV. (a) In how many ways can we distribute the balls so that
no container is left empty?\n\n(b) In this collection of seven colored balls, one of them is blue. In
how many ways can we distribute the balls so that no container is empty and the blue ball is in
container II? (c) If we remove the numbers from the containers so that we can no longer
distinguish them, in how many ways can we distribute the seven colored balls among the four
identical containers, with some container(s) possibly empty?\n\n \n\n8. Let A _ {2, 4, 8, 16, 32},

and consider the closed binary operation f : A _ AA where f (a, b) _ gcd(a, b). Does f have an
identity element?
12. Let A _ B _ R. Determine A(D) and B(D) for each of the following sets D A _ B.\n\na)
D _ {(x, y)|x _ y2}\n\nb) D _ {(x, y)|y _ sin x}\n\nc) D _ {(x, y)|x2 + y2 _ 1}\n\n2. Show that if
eight people are in a room, at least two of them have birthdays that occur on the same day of the
week\n\n \n\n6. Prove that if we select 101 integers from the set S _{1, 2, 3, . . . , 200}, there
exist m, n in the selection wheregcd(m, n) _ 1

1. a) For A _ {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 7}, how many

bijective functions f : AA satisfy f (1) __ 1?\n\nb) Answer part (a) where A _ {x|x Z+, 1 x
n}, forsome fixed n Z+.\n\n \n\n4. Let g: NN be defined by g(n) _ 2n. If A _ {1, 2, 3, 4}
and f : AN is given by f _ {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7)},find g f .\n\n \n\n6. Let f, g:
RRwhere f (x) _ ax + b and g(x) _ cx + d for all x R, with a, b, c, d real constants. What
relationship(s)must be satisfied by a, b, c, d if (f g)(x) _ (g f )(x) for all x R?
1. Use the results of Table 5.11 to determine the best bigOh form for each of the following
functions f : Z+ R\n\n \n\n6. Let f, g: Z+ R be defined as follows\n\n \n\nVerify thatf /
O(g) and g / O(f ).\n\n \n\n1. In each of the following pseudocode program segments, the
integer variables i, j, n, and sum are declared earlier in the program. The value of n (a positive
integer) is supplied by the user prior to execution of the segment. In each case we define the
timecomplexity function f (n) to be the number of times the statement sum :_ sum + 1 is
executed. Determine the bestbigOh form forf .

8. Let a1, a2, a3, . . . be the integer sequence

defined recursively by\n\n1) a1 _ 0; and\n\n2) For n > 1, an _ 1 + a_n/2_.\n\nFind an explicit

formula for an and prove that your formula is correct.

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