Global Education Course
Global Education Course
Global Education Course
Info package
March 2012
1. Welcome:
Welcome to the information package of the online course: Global Education: The Intercultural
Dimension offered by the North South Centre and The Network University (TNU)
Some of the information you will find in this document has already been explained on the information
website, but other information will be new to you. So please read the whole document.
The North South Centre
The mandate of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is to provide a framework for European
co-operation designed to heighten public awareness of global interdependence issues and to promote
policies of solidarity complying with the Council of Europes aims and principles, respect for human rights,
democracy and social cohesion. The North-South Centres work is based on three principles: dialogue,
partnership and solidarity. Governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities and civil society
organisations constitute the partners in this quadrilogue approach and are involved in the Centres
activities. The Centre carries out studies and organises debates, workshops and training courses. It acts
as a catalyst by facilitating meetings between actors from different horizons and countries, working on
issues of common interest and encouraging the formation of networks.
The North-South Centres activities involve two lines of action:
raising European awareness of issues of global interdependence and solidarity through education
and youth programmes;
promoting North-South solidarity policies in conformity with the goals and principles of the Council
of Europe through dialogue between Europe, the Southern Mediterranean countries and Africa.
conviction that societal trends in the networked age stress the need for creating educational alternatives
rather than reproducing the problems inherent to the lecture hall in an electronic form. The approach is
characterised by a number of key factors:
the formulation of didactic principles which address the broader changes in education and are
reflected in the quality of the learning experience
the facilitation of a high degree of supervision and support to the learning experience
the facilitation of collaborative learning networks
the creation of critical, relevant content
the creation of a flexible organisation able to adapt and reflect the wider changes in society.
So what are these didactic principles?
Our approach has a didactic framework based on the following 9 building blocks. We dont claim to get it
right every time, but we strive to realise the following principles in our programmes.
learning by doing: The learning process is
problem and task-driven. The assignments
will require participants to ask and answer
questions, comment on ideas, summarise
arguments, look for additional information,
compare different views, put themselves into
a specific role to deal with a problem from
that perspective etc. The participants are
strongly encouraged to accept nothing as
given, to criticise the assignments, suggest
alternatives, look for additional information
and ideas, challenge their supervisors and
learning by interaction: This is not a programme based on individual reading and a final examination.
This is a programme centred on the exchange of ideas, the testing out arguments and the sharing of
opposing views. A key thread throughout the programme is the discussion that will take place amongst all
the participants and some of the external experts who are participating.
quick feedback from supervisors: Learning is more effective if participants get a quick reaction from
other participants and supervisors. During this course, the "Internet Call Centre" will usually be staffed
during office hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and often also at other times. Participants are able to get into
electronic contact with one of the supervisors quickly if they send a message through the 'call center' (this
will be explained in the next email) or if they send an email message to: (call center
message is the quickest option).
competence based learning: This course will not only be geared to provide participants with additional
information and understanding. It will explicitly try to help them develop a number of competences. The
assignments are chosen in a way that helps to acquire them.
co-responsibility for the programme: Participants share the responsibility for the further development of
the programme in different ways. The content of the programme is not fixed. Suggestions are invited to
elaborate it further and to adapt it to the concrete needs of the participants. But the co-responsibility goes
much further. People learn most when they are placed in a position that they have to teach others. Since
we want participants to learn a lot, we will put them in the position that they have to explain things to
others. This is the best check for participants to test whether they have reached a solid understanding of
the matter or not. And finally, all assignments and interactions will continuously be analysed for additional
information and ideas that could be included into the programme. In other words, the programme will be
like a living organism: it will continuously develop and adapt to incorporate earlier experiences, new
information and better insights.
Tailor-made learning: While the programme is a collective undertaking, it offers the opportunity for tailormade differentiation according to the needs of individual participants. For anybody wishing additional
explanations, further information, or a coverage of different topics, the broad range of information
available on the Internet and the support of the supervisors will make it possible to accommodate these
Non-linear learning: The possibility of individual trajectories, the open ended vast amount of information
available and the manifold ways to access this material in different ways, will give rise to processes of
non-linear learning. Different participants will have different points of departure, go through different
packages of information and read it with different ideas in mind. They may choose the sequence most
suited to their own learning trajectory. There is some "linear" order in the programme in the sense that one
specific theme forms the focus every week and all the weeks activities are structured around that theme.
Structure will further be given by the supervisors whose task it is to ensure that the individual contributions
come together in a collective learning process.
Playful learning: We want to make the programme intellectually challenging but at the same time
entertaining and full of fun. We strive to offer a variety of approaches and forms of interaction to satisfy the
"homo ludens" as much as the "homo sapiens".
Critical reflection: Participants are invited to draw our attention to any shortcomings and contradictions
that they may detect in the above points (and in the rest of the programme). Their critical reflection on all
these aspects will be highly appreciated throughout the programme.
Time Frame
The amount of time you need to complete the assignments and participate will depend on your experience
with Internet, level of participation (in discussion groups) and familiarity with the subject. We strive to
make it possible to complete every week's assignment within 10 hours of reading, email and study a
week. The course consists of 4 modules, one module equals one week.
As mentioned, a participation of minimal 10 hours per wek is acquired. However, there are no activities
planned that would require you to be online at a fixed moment. All activities are so called a-synchronous,
meaning that you can choose when you want to participate. However, since each week contains a module
we expect you to participate several times per week.
"Learning Community"
The course is not only taught top down. The coaches have a specific expertise in Global Education and
Intercultural Education, but in addition their will be also some participants that have been selected upon
their specific interest or experience with the topic. Through online debates, group-assignments and
through the use of emails you are encouraged to learn from each other.
For the running of the course it is important that you know in advance, which email address(es) you are
going to be using. The email-address you filled in when you registered will be the one we will be using to
keep in contact with you. Please try to stick to this email in order to help us to keep a clear overview of
who is who.
The address and start of the course
The web address for the course is On the right hand side of this page you will a
link leading to `register`. Please register there before Monday morning. After registration you will receive a
confirmation, but in any case please register only once. In the list of courses, please select only the course
Global Education: The Intercultural Dimension. On Monday morning you will receive an email-notification
that you can access the site. You then go to the address mentioned above again and fill in the username
and password that you choose during registration.
Technical preconditions for participation
In order to see our site you need to have a browser (Internet Explorer/Firefox). Under Internet options the
'javascript' options must be turned 'on' and you must 'accept cookies' (under Tools/Options/Security in
your browser). With almost all computers this is already the case, since it is a requirement for many
During the course we will have discussions, connected to that weeks subject, through an online discussion
platform called 'Forum'. How this works will be explained in an email called 'Tour of the Homepage' before
the course starts. The Forum is used for all our debates.
Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion. This award of this
certificate will be based on your completion of assignments, participation in the forums, and general
The evaluation form can be accessed online. You can either print it out and add comments to it during the
duration of the course, or alternatively submit it to us at the end of the programme.